LOGISTICAL INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS The WMO/WWRP Monsoon Heavy Rainfall Workshop (Beijing, China, 12-14 October 2011) The WMO/WWRP Monsoon Heavy Rainfall Workshop (12-14 October 2011) will be held in Beijing, China at the China Meteorological Organization (CMA). The workshop is organized by the Monsoon Panel of the WMO/CAS Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research.The host organizations is the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences of CMA. The aim of the Workshop is to present and discuss recent research results on the observation, modelling and prediction of heavy rainfall in the monsoon region and to provide training to heavy rainfall NMHS forecasters in the monsoon region. The oral session will include invited lectures and selected contributed papers. In addition, during the workshop a proposed international field and modelling project on summer monsoon heavy rainfall in southern China will be discussed and evaluated. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research results, operational observations, and/or forecast experience. Monsoon region NMHS staff will also benefit from the training aspect of the workshop. Participants who wish to give a presentation please send the title and a short abstract to Professor C. P. Chang, Naval Postgraduate School, email:
[email protected]. The deadline for submission is 16 September, 2011. NMHS staffs who wish to participate please contact their agency or Ms. Nanette Lomarda, Senior Scientific Officer, WMO, email:
[email protected] Further information on the workshop, will be available online later at: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/wwrp/new/tropical_meteorology.html 1 Venue 1. The MHR workshop will be held at the Multi-Functional Hall of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) Science and Technology Building.