pogledi - mislewa - dilemi views - opinions - dilemmas


^edomir B. [OPKI] Chedomir B. SHOPKIKJ Urednik i voditel na emisijata "Panta Editor and host of the program “Panta rei” rei # na Makedonsko radio, Radio Skopje on Macedonian Radio, Radio Skopje

Rezime Abstract Javnoto informirawe, prakti~no, postoi Public information, actually, has ex isted since otkoga e i ~ovekot kako op{testveno bi- people became social be ings; but its methods tie; no negovite metodi i sredstva posto- jano se unapreduvani soglasno razvojnite and means have always been improved in re- tekovi na op{testvenite odnosi i tehni~- gard to the developing processes of social rela- ko-tehnolo{kiot razvoj. tions and technical and technological develop- Sovremenite demokratski opredelbi na ment. sekoe civilizirano op{testvo ja prokla- Contemporary democratic commitments of any miraat i ovozmo`uvaat slobodata na jav- noto informirawe kako su{testvena de- civilized society proclaim and enable the free- ter minanta na ~ovekovoto opstojuvawe. dom of public information as an essential de- Denes pravoto na informirawe e edno od terminant of hu man existing. Today the right to osnovnite ~ovekovi prava deklarirano vo information is one of the basic human rights brojni me|unarodni dokumenti, vo ustavi- declared in many international documents, in te na golem broj zemji vo svetot me|u koi i vo ustavot na Republika Makedonija. the constitutions of a great number of countries Informiraweto na slepite lica so celo- in the world, as well as in the Constitution of kupniot kompleks na specifi~nosti ne e the Republic of Macedonia. Informing blind mo`no da se razviva nadvor od sistemot i people about the complex of specifics is not tekovite na javnoto informirawe vo po- {irokata zaednica. Pritoa treba da se possible to develop out of the system and the ima predvid deka informiraweto na sle- processes of public in formation in the wider pite lica bara identi~en, no i svoeviden community. It has to be taken into consideration tretman kako popradi svojata eksluziv- that information to blind requires identical and nost, taka i spored soodvetni prioriteti appropriate treatment because of its exclusive- i tehniki vo socijalniot kontekst na sev- kupnata komunikacija. ness and priorities and techniques in the social Toa sekako ne mo`e da bide nadvor od context of entire communication. That can not soodvetno finansirawe na informativna- be out of the appropriate financing of informa- ta dejnost na slepite lica, osobeno na se- tion activities of blind, especially at this level of ga{niov stepen na razvoj na informacis- development of information systems and devel- kite sistemi i unapreduvaweto na ~oveko- vite prava. opment of human rights.

Adresa za korespondencija: Corresponding Address: ^edomir B. [OPKI] Chedomir B. SHOPKIKJ Sojuz na slepite na Republika Makedonija Association of Blind of the Republic of Macedonia ul. "29 noemvri# 4 6, 1000 Skopje Street “29 November”, No. 46, 1000 Skopje Tel: (02) 3113-662; Faks: (02) 3112- 292 Tel.: + 389 2 3113-662; Fax: + 389 2 3112-292 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


Klu~ni zborovi: javno informirawe, sle- Key words: public information, blind people, pi lica, ~ovekovi prava na informirawe, human rights to information, special informa- posebni informaciski sistemi tion systems.

Koj ima o~i neka gleda, Let one who has eyes see, neka `ivee so o~ite, Let one live with the eyes, o~ite se golema radost! Eyes are a great joy! Gladnite o~i Hungry eyes bi go izele celiot svet! would eat the whole world! ^uvajte gi o~ite! Take care of the eyes! Ne gi davajte o~ite! Do not give up the eyes!

Du{an Radovi} Dushan Radovikj "Crn den# “Black Day”

I navistina ako ~ovekot na krajot od svo- People throughout their endless development jot beskrajno dolg razvoj do{ol do stavot: could consider “Unless I see it, I do not be - "Dodeka ne vidam, nema da veruvam#, ako lieve it”, and if this attitude is a culmination toj stav pretstavuva kulminacija na ~ove- of people’s wisdom and the greatest kovata mudrost i najgolemo dostignuvawe achievement of their reason, the world of na negoviot razum, toga{ svetot na slepi- blind is really miserable, shallow and the te e navistina beden, plitok i, {to e naj- most important – an immeasurably boring va`no, nemerlivo zdodeven svet. world.

Javnoto informirawe, prakti~no, postoi Public information, practically, has existed otkoga e i ~ovekot kako op{testveno bi- since people became social beings; and its tie; no negovite metodi i sredstva posto- methods and means have always been im- jano se unapreduvani. Sekoga{, sledej}i gi proved. Following up the developing courses in razvojnite tekovi na op{testvenite od- social relations and technologies, it has reached nosi i tehnologiite, toa denes dostignalo ne samo neo~ekuvano nivo, tuku i vlijanie. not only an unexpected level but influence, as Kako retko kade i so osoben inte res vo well. Outstanding achievements in science and nego se vgradeni vrvni dostignuvawa od technology are built up in information as no- naukata i tehnikata, taka {to na negoviot where else and with special interest, so there are razvoen pat re~isi nema ve}e nikakvi ob- almost no objective barriers and limitations on jektivni barieri i ograni~uvawa. its path of development. Sovremenite, razvienite i demokratskite Contemporary, developed and democratic opredelbi na edno op{testvo ja proklami- commitments of a society proclaim and enable raat i ja ovozmo`uvaat slobodata na javno- the freedom of public information and make to informirawe i za toa sozdavaat neop- necessary assumptions and conditions. That has hodni pretpostavki i uslovi. Toa prido- contributed to a creation of a complete system neslo da se sozdade celosen sistem {to vo that includes the three essential segments of in - sebe gi vklu~uva site tri bitni segmenti na informiraweto -izvorite, tekovite i formation – sources, courses and users, which korisnicite, {to mu dava osobena kohe- give it a special cohesive power, truth, impres - ziona mo}, verodostojnost i vpe~atlivost. sion.


Toa prakti~no stana op{tonarodno dobro, Information has become common social postojano prisutno i dostapno za site so good, always present and accessible to every- neograni~eni mo`nosti na selekcija, pro- body with unlimited possibilities for selec- cenka i poimawe. Otvoren e {irok prostor za site sprema tion, evaluation and understanding. svoite mo`nosti, sposobnosti i afinite- Large space has been opened for people ac - ti da u~estvuvaat vo procesite na toj sis- cording to their possibilities, abilities and af - tem i taka da ostvaruvaat {irok spektar na dejstvuvawe i vlijanie, i da si gi obez- finities to participate in the processes of that beduvaat op{tite i psoebnite interesi i system, to implement a wide range of activities potrebi vo ovaa oblast. and inputs and to provide common and special Pravoto na informirawe e edno od os- interest and needs. novnite ~ovekovi prava deklarirano vo site me|unarodni dokumenti, no i vo usta- The right to information is one of the basic hu- vite na najgolemiot broj zemji na svetot, man rights declared in all international docu- me|u koi i vo na{iot ustav. ments, in the constitutions of many countries in No vo Makedonija Zakonot za pristap do the world, as well as in our Constitution. informacii u{te e vo faza na podgotov- ka. Spored rezultatite od istra`uvaweto In the Republic of Macedonia, the law of access na javnoto mislewe, sprovedeno od gra|an- to information is still in preparatory phase. Ac- skata organizacija "Transparentnost Ma- cording to the results of a research on public kedonija# za pristap do informaciite, duri 41% od ispitanite gra|ani u{te ne opinion, carried out by the NGO “Transpar- znaat deka nivnoto pravo do informacii- ency Macedonia” for an access to information, te e zagarantirano so Ustavot, odnsno de- 41% of the interviewed people do not know that ka imaat zagarantirano pravo na pristap their right to information is guaranteed by the do informacii, odnosno deka bezmalku Constitution, i.e. almost every second person in sekoj vtor ~ovek vo Makedonija ne znae deka ima pravo na takov pristap. Od druga Macedonia. On the other hand, the number of strana, porazitelen e brojot na gra|ani people who have not asked for any information koi ne pobarale informacii od dr`av- from the state administration is enormous and it nata administracija, a se o~ekuva nivniot is even expected to enhance. The fact, 74% of broj, navistina, da bide pogolem. Najmnogu e porazitelen podatokot deka 74% od those interviewed people who have not received ispitanicite koi ne do bile informacii, any information, have not done anything fur- ne napravile ni{to ponatamu. Re~isi ne- ther. There is almost no government in the ma vlast na zemjite vo tranzi cija {to e countries of transition, which is ready immedi- gotovna vedna{ i vo sekoe da gi do- nese zakonite {to }e í ja naru{at komo- ately or at any time to pass laws and to disturb cijata vo vladeeweto. the commodity of governing. Toga{, ako vo zemja, kako na{ava, vo koja In our country, without an organized system of nedostiga organiziran sistem za komuni- communication with the public; without any kacija so gra|anite, nema lice {to kako pretstavnik na instituciite, na primer real representatives of institutions (relevant na ministerstvata, bi im gi davale bara- ministries) to provide public with necessary in - nite informacii na gra|anite, ako ima formation; without efficient registering of in - neefikasno vodewe evidencija za infor- formation, i.e. without a mechanism for giving maciite, odnosno nema mehanizam za dava- we i sublimirawe na potrebnata infor- or sublimating necessary information; employ- macija, ako ima samocenzura na vraboteni- ees in institutions provide public with censured

DEFEKTOLO[KA TEORIJA I PRAKTIKA 2004; 3-4: 73-84 75 VIEWS – OPINIONS - DILEMMAS te vo instituciite i na gra|anite im gi information, everything functions through davaat samo onie informacii {to mora da nepotism. We ask ourselves whether blind peo- im gi dadat i ako na sevo ova se dodadat navikite da se funkcionira preku vrski, ple can have any access to information, pre- toga{ se pra{uvame: mo`e li i slepite pared in appropriate techniques for them. Cer - gra|ani da imaat kakov-takov pristap do tainly not, although they, as other people, are informacii, gotovni vo soodvetni tehni- interested really in regulated access to informa- ki za niv. Sekako deka ne; iako i tie, kako tion – free but regulated by law. i drugite gra|ani, navistina se zaintere- sirani da se regulira pristapot do infor- The draft law of access to information has been maciite-sloboden, no reguliran so zakon. considered as a good law text, which has to be Predlog-zakonot za pristap do informa- worked out and accepted. It has to be defined: ciite e ocenet kako soliden zakonski what is access to information, who has access tekst, koj treba da se doraboti i kako ta- to information, what are the exceptions, what kov bi bil prifatliv. Potrebno e da se is secret proclaimed by law, through which definira: {to sé e pristap do informa- procedures must the requirements pass, who cii, koj ima pristap do niv, koi se isklu- ~ocite, {to e tajna proglasena so zakon, has to reply to them, what is the institution’s niz koi proceduri mora da mine baraweto, responsibility, which institution will imple - koj treba da odgovori, koja e odgovornosta ment the law? na institucijata i koja institucija }e go On the other hand, as one of the constitutional sproveduva zakonot. rights and obligations of people, the public in - Od druga strana, kako edno od ustavnite prava i dol`nosti na gra|anite, javnoto formation is an activity of common social im- informirawe e dejnost od posebno op- portance. In absence of state authorized pro- {testveno zna~ewe. Vo otsustvo na vr{e- vider of this activity, the Association of blind we na ovaa dejnost od dr`avata, Sojuzot na of the Republic of Macedonia, has to set up slepite na Republika Makedonija e pri- the needs in this filed, in accordance with its nuden sam da gi utvrdi potrebite vo ovaa possibilities and conditions, to establish, im- oblast i, vo soglasnost so mo`nosti te i uslovite, da go ustanovuva, unapreduva i prove and assist the development of the in - pomaga, razvojot na informativniot sis- formation system of blind, to provide friend- tem na slepite, da obezbeduva popovolni lier material, personnel and other possibili- materijalni, kadrovski i drugi mo`nosti. ties. i vo taa smisla da gi pottiknuva nadle`- It has to stimulate the authorized social factors nite op{testveni faktori soodvetno da to participate accordingly in this specific activ - u~estvuvaat vo ovaa specifi~na dejnost koja-so sevkupniot razvoj, organizirawe i ity, which in the whole development, organiza- sodr`ina-treba da gi sledi promenite vo tion and content, has to follow up the changes op{testvoto i polo`bata na slepiot ~o- in the society and the position of blind as citi- vek kako gra|anin. zens. Jasno im e na site deka ~ovekot znae onol- It is clear to everyone that one knows as much ku kolku {to e informiran. Toa mu e jas- no i na slepiot ~ovek. A dali im e jasno na as one is informed. This is also clear to blind drugite za toa kolkava e negovata "`ed i people. Is it clear to others how big is one’s glad za informacii #? “thirst and hunger for information ”?


Informiraweto na slepite kako Information of blind as a segment segment na informaciskite sistemi of information systems in the na op{testvoto society Informiraweto na slepite lica ne mo`e Information of blind cannot exist and develop da nastane i da se razviva nadvor od sis- out of the system and courses of the system for temot i tekovite na sistemot za javnoto informirawe vo po{irokata zaednica. public information of the community. In this Vo taa smisla, toa e del od sistemot i vo sense, it is a part of the system and it requires in sé bara identi~en tretman poradi svojata everything an identical treatment because of its ekskluzivnost i poradi soodvetnite pri- oriteti. exclusiveness and appropriate priorities. Toa, vo prv red, se odnesuva i na finan- That, firstly, refers to financing of the informa- siraweto na informativnata dejnost za tion activities for blind, which has not been slepite, koja dosega voop{to ne e uredena regulated by law so far, i.e. by the Law of Pub- vo zakonskite propisi, pred sé, so Zako- not za javno informirawe. Do pred dve lic Information. The Ministry of Culture pro- godini soodvetni sredstva za ovaa namena vided funds allocated for this purpose until 2 se dobivaa od Ministerstvoto za kultura, years ago, w hich were not sufficient, and a large {to ni pribli`no ne bea dovolni, ta vo number of magazines were alimented by the golem del spisanijata se alimentiraat od avtohtonite sredstva na Sojuzot ili preku autochthonous funds of the Association through proekti. projects. Sozdadeni se tehni~ki i drugi pretpos- Technical and other assumptions have been tav ki za nepre~ena podgotovka, produkci- ja i distribucija na informativnite gla- created for undisturbed preparation, produc- sila za slepite so Brajovoto pismo i so tion and distribution of informative media zvu~na tehnika. Sosema e sé edno dali in- for blind with Braille alphabet and sound formativnata dejnost na slepite }e bide technique. It is not essential whether the infor- del od dejnosta na Sojuzot na slepite ili }e bide vo ramkite na izdava~ko-infor- mation activity of blind will be a part of the ac - mativniot centar, osnovan vo ramkite na tivities of the Association of Blind or within the Francusko - makedonskiot makroproekt publishing and information center, founded "Fare-Braj#, {to vo Sojuzot na slepite na by French-Macedonian Macro Project RM se sprovede od 2000 do 2002 godina kako zasebna institucija so status na “Phare-Braille”, implemented by the Associa - samostojna ustanova. Pritoa, sekako, bit- tion of Blind of the Republic of Macedonia no e da se postigne celosna informira- from 2000 to 2002 with the status of independ- nost na slepite lica, za op{tite i poseb- nite pra{awa na slepite i toa da se ost- ent institution. It is very important to provide vari vo soglasnost so soodvetnite stan- information to blind on common and special dardi i na visoko kvalitativno nivo. issues of blind and to implement it according to Vo sekoj slu~aj sredstvata za infor- appropriate standards and high quality level. mirawe za slepite mora da bidat vo cen- tarot na vnimanieto na Sojuzot na slepite In any case, information means for blind must i predmet na negovo osobeno vnimanie i be attention-centered of the Association of gri`a, za da dojde do celosen izraz niv- Blind in order to provide didactic and informa- nata didakti~ka i informativna uloga, kako i da bidat vo celost realizi rani tion role of it, as well as to implement all their nivnite zada~i; tasks;


{to poefikasno da se supstituiraat za to substitute unreachable media for blind and to slepite nedostapnite mediumi i da se obezbedat {to poadekvatni uslovi za provide equal conditions for information with celosno informirawe vo soodvetni appropriate and available techniques. tehniki, dostapni za niv. Besides that, there is a need of decisive attempt Pokraj toa, treba re{itelno da se nasto- juva {to pobrgu da se osvojat i primenat for faster implementation of new technical novite tehni~ki dostignuvawa vo elek- achievements in electronic technology, exclu - tronskata tehnologija, ekskluzivni ili sive or compatible to ways and methods of in - kompatibilni so pati{tata i metodite na informirawe za slepite. formation of blind.

Specifi~nosti na informativnata Specifics of information activity for dejnost za slepite i bitnite blind and essential assumptions for pretpostavki za realizirawe its implementtaion Informativnata dejnost, spored priro- Information activity, according to its nature, is data na rabotite, e edna od prioritenite one of the priority tasks of Organizations of zada~i vo rabotata na organizaciite na Blind. slepite. Information activity of the Association of Blind Informativnata dejnost na Sojuzot na slepite na Makedonija, vo soglasnost so of the Republic of Macedonia, according to the celnata grupa na korisnici, mo`e da se target group of users, can be divided in internal podeli na vnatre{na, t.e. interna, i nad- and external; and according to the techniques to vore{na, odnosno eksterna; a vo soglas- Braille and sound. Black print and application nost so tehnikite vo koi se proizveduva- of electronic (digital) technology is missing. na Brajova i na zvu~na. Izostanuva crniot pe~at i primenata na elektronskata (di- Still, the crucial position in information of blind gitalna) tehnika. Sepak, krucijalno mesto belongs to Braille and sound magazines issued vo informiraweto na slepite im pripa|a by the Association of Blind of the Republic of na Brajovite i zvu~nite spisanija {to gi Macedonia. izdava Sojuzot na slepite na Makedonija. They are specific media with conventional Toa se tipi~ni glasila so konvencional- ni karakteristiki, specijalni samo po characteristics, with special technique and pur- teh nikata i namenata, specifi~ni po pre- poses and specific for presented exclusive zen tiranata ekskluzivna problematika. problems. Ona {to gi pravi nenadomestlivi i mnogu The richness of their themes, different approach zna~ajni vo sferata na informiraweto na and kind of journalistic expression, professional slepite, toa e bogatstvoto na nivnata and popular processing, ingenuity and current tematika, razli~niot pristap i vid na novinarski izraz, stru~na ili popularna event make them indispensable and very im- obrabotka, originalnost i aktuelnost. portant in the sphere of information of blind. Brajoviot pe~at e po`elen i osobeno ko- The Braille print is desirable and useful, but it is risen, ama go nema dovolno, kako {to i very scarce. The number of readers who use it is brojot na ~itatelite {to go koristi e proportionally small (about 300 readers) in re- proporcionalno mal (okolu 300 ~itateli) vo odnos na brojnosta na drugite katego- lation to the number of other categories of read- rii ~itateli. ers.


Kasetnata tehnika i natamu so lidno go The cassette technique still solidly works out its odrabotuva svojot del i koleblivo ~ekori part and uncertainly ranges between two limita- me|u dve ograni~enosti. Iako e najmasov- tions. Although it is the most mass-technique na vo opslu`uvaweto na slepite lica, taa that serves the blind people, it is out of date and ve}e e nadminata i, prakti~no, odumira; practically dies out while its indispensable sov- dodeka nejzinata nezamenliva suverenost ereignty, in our region, is the last at tempt to na na{ite prostori pretstavuvaat posled- nite usilbi so koi se oglasuva vo Evropa. harmonize with Europe. Without no doubt, Koga stanuva zbor za zvu~nata tehnika, when sound technique is in question, the future idninata, bez somnenie, mu pripa|a na lies in compact discs. kompakt-diskot. The electronic, i.e. digital form of magazines in Elektronskata, odnosno digitalnata for- the organizations for blind in Macedonia, un- ma na spisanijata vo organizaciite na sle- fortunately and as a signal for real alarm is still pite vo Makedonija, za `al, a i kako sig- real unknown value for a great number of peo- nal za vistinska uzbuna, za pove}eto u{te ple and for a very small number of “privileged” e vistinska nepoznata, a za sosema retkite people means access to future. i "povlastenite# e vlez vo idninata. There are a great number of magazines in Sé pove}e ima spisanija {to vo Evropa se snimaat na CD-a, a del od niv mo`e da gi Europe that are recorded on CDs and a part of preslu{ate i preku internet, ili od mre- them one can listen to on the Internet or to `ata da gi vmetnete vo kompjuterot. download them from web sites.

Uloga na mediumite The role of media Vo Francija i vo Anglija nadvladuva in- The interest for improving the range of infor- teresot za usovr{uvawe na dostrelot na mation technique prevails in France and Eng- informati~kata tehnologija. Kaj niv e vo tek izrabotka i ostvaruvawe raznovidni land. Various projects are under production proekti. Vo vrska so pre~kite vo prista- there. In relation to the obstacles for approach- pot do informaciite i kulturata Stiven ing the information and culture, Stephen King King od Kralskiot nacionalen institut from Royal National Institute for Blind in Great za slepite vo Velika Britanija go navedu- va primerot na pristapot na biblioteki- Britain quotes the example of approach to li- te preku telefon. Vrz toj princip rabo- braries through phone. The libraries in Jerusa- tat bibliotekite vo Erusalim i Tel lem and Tel Aviv utilize this principle. It is a Aviv. Toa e slo`ena stru~na tema koja complex professional topic, which can simply najednostavno mo`e da se svede na sled- noto: ~itatelite so ovie biblioteki se be described that the readers are connected povrzani vo mre`a i so niv mo`e da komu- through nets to libraries and they can communi- niciraat preku telefonskata linija. Na cate with them through telephone lines. Thus, toj na~in tie imaat direkten uvid vo sodr`inata na fondovite i mo`e potreb- they have direct insight in the content of funds nata kniga da ja prezemat na hard-disk, and can download the required book on hard mo`e da ja iskopiraat na soodveten elek- disc. They can copy it on appropriate electronic tronski nositel na informacii i trajno information carrier and keep it in their library da ja zadr`at vo li~nata biblioteka, ili da ja izbri{at ako za niv nema trajna forever or erase it if the book does not have vrednost. permanent value in their opinion.


Slepoto lice }e ja koristi so pomo{ na The blind person will use the book assisted by zvu~niot izlez ili so Brajov displej, a po sound output or Braille display and, if needed, potreba mo`e da ja otpe~ati na Brajovo ili stan dardno pismo, odnosno da ja they can print it in Braille or standard letters, iskopira na disketa. Sevo ova mo`e da se i.e. copy on diskette. This can be done with a sraboti so pomo{ na mal kompjuterski small computer system if it is availab le to the sistem, no pod uslov da im e dostapen na mnozina slepi lica. majority of blind people. Takviot na~in na komunikacija od osnova Such way of communication essentially changes gi menuva tradicionalnite oblici za rabota i na bibliotekarstvoto voop{to. the traditional forms for work and the library Nema ve}e potreba za voobi~aena dis- activity in general. There is no need of usual tribucija preku po{ta; nema duri ni pot- distribution by mail; there is no need for tradi- reba za tradiconalnata pe~atena ili zvu~- tional printed or sound book we used to know. na kniga, na kakva {to sme naviknale. Za nas toa u{te e mnogu daleku, no so brzi It is still far away for us, but the progress will ili so bavni ~ekori progresot eden den reach us with fast or slow steps, for sure. The sigurno }e stasa i do nas. Pretpostavkite assumptions for implementation of these inno- za ostvaruvawe na ovie inovacii podraz- biraat visoko nivo na tehni~ka opreme- vations require high level of technical equip - nost i na bibliotekite i na nivnite ko- ment of both, libraries and their users, as well as risnici, a isto taka i soodvetno stru~no appropriate professional knowledge that is re- znaewe, bez {to site sovremeni uredi quired for utilization of all modern devices. ostanuvaat nadvor od upotreba. Od druga strana, internet-spisanijata se On the other hand, the Internet magazines ap- javuvaat vo tekstualen oblik. Stanuva pear in text forms. It is a case with certain pub- zbor za elektronski magazini {to poodel- ni izdava~i gi ispra}aat kako privrzok vo lishers, that send attachments in E-mails and in elektronskata poraka, taka {to za samo a few minutes, one can have the new magazine nekolku minuti na kompjuterot go imate issue in the computer. Their editing and ar - noviot broj na spisanieto. Nivnata ure- rangement are on high level because one can denost i preglednost e na visoko nivo, bidej}i lesno i brgu mo`e da go otvorite open easily and fast the desired item, prepared posakuvaniot prilog, podgotven vo sood- in appropriate text editor. veten editor na tekst. I na Zapad se retki celosni izda nija na Complete issues of certain daily newspaper in soodveten dneven vesnik vo bilo koja teh- any technique for blind are utterly rare in the nika za slepite lica, ta naj~esto se pri- west. Most frequently, a selective reading has begnuvalo kon selektivno ~itawe, preku radioto ili telefonot, a vo ponovo vreme been applied, through radio or telephone and i vo elektronska forma, odnosno so po- nowadays in electronic form, i.e. with com- mo{ na kompjuterot. puters. Kompjuterskata tehnologija ovozmo`uva slepiot ~ovek da ima pred sebe mo`nost The computer technology allows the blind per - za celosna informiranost, bidej}i orga- son to have the possibility for complete infor- nizaciite na slepite se obidele ovoj pro- mation. Thus, the organizations for blind tried blem da go re{at preku Brajovi ili zvu~- to solve that problem successfully through ni publikacii. Sepak, kolku da se tie uspe{ni, ostanuva prazninata vo infor- Braille or sound publications. Nevertheless, miranosta na slepite lica. there is a gap in information for the blind.


Slepilo i problemi so internet Blindness and p roblems with the Internet Ima mnogu ograni~uvawa postaveni pred There are many limitations for blind users of the slepite korisnici na internetot. I pri Internet. There are certain difficulties in re- pra}aweto i pri prezemaweto na elek- tronskata po{ta, isto taka postojat sood- ceiving and sending electronic mail and a solu - vetni te{kotii, za ~ie otstranuvawe se tion for their elimination is required. The bara re{enie. Prebaruvaweto e soo~eno searching is faced with many troubles because so mnogu te{kotii, bidej}i internetot e the Internet is full of pictures. The text cannot celiot vo sliki. Tekstot ne e najva`en; i koga go ima pristapot mu e mnogu slo`en, be considered the most important part and the bidej}i te{ko mo`e da se izdvoi od drugi approach to it is very complex because it can be vizuelni elementi. A spisanijata i pub- hardly separated from other visual ele ments. likaciite, prezentirani na internet, The magazines and publications presented on mnogu ~esto ne se dadeni za slepoto lice da mo`e vedna{ da gi upotrebi. Najgolema the Internet are not often fit for blind person’s pre~ka se vizuelnite ilustracii, bidej}i immediate use. Visual illustrations are the zvu~nite ~ita~i na ekranot ne se vo greatest obstacle because screen sound readers sostojba brgu da se prefrluvaat od ilus- are not able quickly to transfer from illustration traciite na tekstot, taka {to vo toa prefrluvawe }e se spletkaat i pravat zas- to text and so they confuse and create delays in toj vo rabotata. Poradi toa formirawe na their performance. Establishment of a virtual eden virtuelen informativen centar bi information center would be real possibility the bil vistinska mo`nost za spisanijata, pu- magazines, publications, books and others to be blikaciite, knigite i sl. da se podgotvat i da se dovedat vo oblik za brzo i efi- prepared and shaped for quick and efficient use kasno koristewe na soodvetniot sajt. of the appropriate site. Virtuelniot informativen centar bi mo- The virtual information center might greatly `el da dade golem pridones vo zapoznava- contribute to information on political culture weto so politi~kata kultura i za namalu- vawe propustite vo informiraweto. Toj and to the reduction of failures in information. It ovozmo`uva najvisoko nivo na ramnoprav- enables the highest level of equality between nost me|u licata so vid i slepite lica. people with good vision and blind ones. Licata so vid }e se soo~uvaat so dilemata: Taa ramnopravnost zasega uspealo da ja The radio only has achieved that equality. Thus, postigne edinstveno radioto. Taka po~nu- the first step, the real act will be the beginning a vawe so eden proben proekt bi bil prv trial project. ~ekor, vistinski poteg. Different comments, analysis, books, reviews, Za slepite korisnici na virtuelniot in- formativen centar od golemo zna~ewe se interesting items, sport reviews, radio and TV razli~nite komentari, an alizi, knigi, programs, fashion trends are of great impor- prikazi, zanimlivosti, sportski pregle- tance for the blind users of virtual information di, radio i televiziskite programi, tren- dovite vo modata; so eden zbor, sé {to gi center; i.e. the same that interest people with interesira i lu|eto so vid. Vo Velika vision. Britanija, Francija i SAD razli~ni or- Various organizations for blind in Great Britain, ganizacii na slepite i za slepite se zani- France and USA deal with preparations for mavaat so podgotovka na elek tronski izda- nija na razli~ni dnevni ves nici i perio- electronic issues of various daily newspapers dika. and periodicals.


Podgotovkata se izvr{uva na toj na~in The preparation is carried out in a way that the {to zainteresiraniot vesnik ja dostavuva newspaper delivers its elec tronic version and elektronskata verzija, a stru~wacite vo the professionals from the organizations edit it organizaciite ja ureduvaat na toj na~in {to slepoto lice mo`e bez te{kotii da in a way that the blind can be able to use the go koristi tekstualniot del. text part without any difficulty. Pred pojavata na kompjuterskata thenolo- Before the computer technique was born, the gija slepite gi koristele i u{te gi koris- blind had used and still use radio and TV sta- tat radio i televiziskite stanici za da tions for information. However, written infor- dostignat soodvetno nivo na informira- mation is out of their reach, although they are a nost. No pi{anite informacii ne im se dostapni, a se zna~aen faktor za izves tu- significant part for information on common vawe vo op{tokulturnata oblast. culture. Internata informativna dejnst na Soju- The internal information activity of the Asso- zot po priroda na rabotite e svrtena is- ciation is directed, naturally, towards the Asso- klu~itelno kon ~lenstvoto na Sojuzot na ciation of blind members and its task is prompt slepite i ima prvenstvena zada~a navreme i objektivno da go informira za nastani- and objective information for the events that te vo zdru`enijata na slepite lica za ak- happen in the associations for blind, current tuelnite problemi, sostojbata i aktuel- problems, situation and current events of the nostite na site poliwa od rabotata i Association activities and the organizations for dejstvuvaweto na Sojuzot i organizaciite blind. Here in Macedonia, the only internal na slepite. Vo Makedonija kako edinstve- newspapers are the Braille magazine “Nash ni interni spisanija se pe~atat mese~- nicite: Brajovoto spisanie "Na{ Zbor# i zbor (Our Word)” and the sound magazine zvu~noto spisanie "Panorama#, kako ofi- “Panorama” as official gazettes of the cijalni glasila na Sojuzot na slepite na Associa tion for blind of Macedonia, which, af - Makedonija, {to po pove}egodi{nata pau- ter a long break, started again at the beginning za po~naa kontunirano da se izdavaat od of 1997. po~etokot na 1997 godina. Od druga strana, eksterniot pe~at, t.e. The external , i.e. the one for broader pub- onoj koj se izleguva vo po{irokata javnost lic, is especially a sensible issue, which, as soon osobeno e ~uvstvitelno pra{awe na koe as possible, should be paid special attention be- {to pobrgu treba da mu se posveti posebno cause such media have additional obligations vnimanie bidej}i stanuva zbor za mediumi {to imaat dopolnitelni obvrski i zada- and tasks. In the recent years, this function has ~i. Vo poslednive nekolku godini taa been performed with the radio program funkcija ja vr{i radioemisijata "Panta “Panta rei” which is broadcasted on Macedo - rei # {to sekoj ponedelnik, od 14 do 15 nian Radio, Radio Skopje from 14:00 to 15:00 ~asot, se emituva na branovite na Make- o’clock on Mondays. The editor and the host of donskoto radio, Radio Skopje, ~ij urednik i voditel e avtorot na ovoj trud. Emisi- that radio program is the author of this paper. jata po~na da se emituva na 28 oktomvri This radio program started its broadcast on 2000 godina. Ima odvreme-navreme i drugi 28 October 2000. From time to time, there are emisii {to treba da se poddr`at, zaed ni~- other programs, which have to be supported, ki da se osmisluvaat i da se un apreduvaat i toa vo sorabotka so {irok krug aktivis- created and improved in cooperation with many ti. activists.


Radioemisiite se vistinski most odnosno The radio programs are a real bridge, i.e. fine ubav na~in da se premosti jazot me|u sle- way to overcome the gap between the blind and pite i licata so vid; toa e i realna mo`- nost za uspe{na integracija vo op{tes- people with vision; it is a real possibility for tve nata sredina, t.e. vo vidnoto opkru- successful integration in social environment, i.e. `uvawe. Preku niv imame otvoren premin visual environment. The radio programs provide do site segmenti na op{testvenata zaedni- open pass to all segments of social community ca, pa i do soodvetnite slu`bi {to re- {avaat sé do pra{awata od interes za and relevant services, as well as the issues of populacijata so o{teten vid. interest for the population with impaired vision. Sovremenite streme`i na dene{niot raz- The contemporary objectives of the present de- voj odat kon zadovoluvawe na site spe- velopment satisfy all specific needs for equal cifi~ni potrebi za ramnopraven razvoj i na slepite lica, taka {to osnovaweto na development of blind, thus the establishment of virtuelniot informativen centar, siste- virtual information center and the systems for mite za potrebite na slepite lica, bi bil the needs of blind will be a step forward for ~ekor napred vo ovozmo`uvawe ramno- equal participation of blind in social develop- pravno u~estvo na slepite lica vo op{tes- tveniot razvoj. ment.

Kako, koga i kade }e se urbanizira How, When and Where the Information informaciskiot sistem za slepite System for Blind Will Be Developed Vo zemjava se pe~atat pove}e iljadi regis- Thousands of registered magazines (from daily trirani spisanija-od dnevni do godi{ni. to annual) circulate in our country. How can we Kako vo toa more da se snajdete i na sle- provide the blind with their constitutionally pite da im go ovozmo`ite so ustav zaga- rantiranoto pravo za informirawe na guaranteed right on information and with free- gra|anite, kako i za sloboda na javniot dom of public word? zbor? There is neither need of details about the theory Ne mora da se vpu{tame vo detali za te o- of communication nor analyze the code channel, rijata na komunikacijata, ni da ras~lenu- code noise and so on. The people with vision vame za kodniot kanal, kodniot {um i sl. will face the dilemma of how to deal with abun- kako da se spravat so izobilstvoto infor- macii, bidej}i kolku i da ni se nam dragi dance of information because no matter the in - i potrebni, i kolku i da gi konsumirame, formation is valuable, required and consumable, ne samo {to ne }e mo`e i fizi~ki (bio- we are not able physically and biologically to lo{ki) site da gi primime i zapomnime, accept and remember it. This abundance will tuku tokmu toa izobilstvo }e ja iskrivi give a wrong impression of the events and will na{ata slika za nastanite i nepovolno }e vlijae vrz ~ekorite {to }e gi prezememe. influence undesirably on the actions we under - Nasproti niv, sé pogolem e brojot na sle- take. pite {to se osameni, ili i toa kako `elni Contrary to this, the number of blind, who are za, vistinski za niv, prijatno dru{tvo, lonely, constantly increases, even when they are duri i koga se so potesnoto semejstvo. Za- with friends or close family. Therefore, when toa za niv e vistinski mal praznik koga po{tarot }e im zayvoni na vratata. Ne the postman rings, it is a real holyday for them. zaradi toa {to toj e nivnoto vistinsko It is not because the postman is their real com- dru{tvo, po koe kopneat (iako bi mo`el pany or one they long for (although he might be

DEFEKTOLO[KA TEORIJA I PRAKTIKA 2004; 3-4: 73-84 83 VIEWS – OPINIONS - DILEMMAS da bide gotoven za ~a{ka razgovor) tuku za da mu zablagodarat {to im gi nosi te{ki- ready for conversation with them), but to thank te knigi i spisanija na Brajovo pismo ili vo zvu~na tehnika nameneti za niv. Ved- him for delivering them heavy books and maga- na{ gi otvoraat obvivkite na zvu~nite spisa nija i re~isi, nikoga{ ne mo`e da zines in Braille letters or in sound technique. popu{tat pred isku{enieto za vedna{ da gi otvorat Brajovite spisanija i knigi, ta They are eager to open, read and listen to the da ja pro~itaat sodr`inata i po nekoj prilog. deliv ered post immediately.

Namesto zaklu~ok Instead of Conclusion Osobeno se ~uvstvuva potrebata za siste- There is a specific need for information system mot na informirawe na slepite i odnosi- for blind. The relations in that field have to be te vo taa oblast kone~no da se reguliraat i da se uredat vrz osnovite {to obezbedu- regulated finally on the basis that provide per - vaat traen razvoj na ovaa specijalna dej- manent development of this specific activity, as nost, kako aktiven op{testven faktor vo an active social factor in the process of further procesot na natamo{nata afirmacija i affirmation and social existenc e of the Associa - ostvaruvawe na op{testvenoto bitie na tion of blind where every blind person will ap- Sojuzot na slepite, vo koj sekoj slep ~ovek }e bide blagodaren za objektivnata, navre- preciate the objectiveness, prompt and complete mena, celosna i razbirliva informacija. and understandable information. Informiraweto na slepite ne e edinstve- The information of blind is not the only purpose na zada~a na spisanijata. Nivnata funkci- of the magazines. Their function is also to de- ja e i vo podignuvaweto na kulturnoto i velop the cult ural and education level of blind obrazovnoto nivo na slepite lica i niv- and their training for everyday work in the noto osposobuvawe za sekojdnevna rabota working environment. vo organizaciite. Samo neka imaat {to pove}e informacii Let them have as much information in Braille, vo Brajova, zvu~nata ili vo elektronskata sound or electronic form, general or specialized forma, op{ti ili specijalizirani spisa- magazines, even they cannot or need not read nija, ta i da ne moraat, a i ne mo`at od niv them out. They agree in one thing – that enables se da is~itaat. Vo edno se soglasuvaat: br- time pass quickly for them and at least they gu im minuva vremeto, a ne{to i nau~u- learn something. vaat.