073-084-Chedomir Shopkich-Pogledi-Mislenja-Dilemi

073-084-Chedomir Shopkich-Pogledi-Mislenja-Dilemi

POGLEDI - MISLEWA - DILEMI pogledi - mislewa - dilemi views - opinions - dilemmas INFORMIRAWETO NA SLEPITE - INFORMING BLIND PEOPLE – ME\U REALNOTO I MO@NOTO ^I- BETWEEN REALITY AND POSSIBILITY TAM, SLU[AM I PI[UVAM-ZNA^I POSTOJAM I READ, HEAR AND WRITE – I EXHIST ^edomir B. [OPKI] Chedomir B. SHOPKIKJ Urednik i voditel na emisijata "Panta Editor and host of the program “Panta rei” rei # na Makedonsko radio, Radio Skopje on Macedonian Radio, Radio Skopje Rezime Abstract Javnoto informirawe, prakti~no, postoi Public information, actually, has ex isted since otkoga e i ~ovekot kako op{testveno bi- people became social be ings; but its methods tie; no negovite metodi i sredstva posto- jano se unapreduvani soglasno razvojnite and means have always been improved in re- tekovi na op{testvenite odnosi i tehni~- gard to the developing processes of social rela- ko-tehnolo{kiot razvoj. tions and technical and technological develop- Sovremenite demokratski opredelbi na ment. sekoe civilizirano op{testvo ja prokla- Contemporary democratic commitments of any miraat i ovozmo`uvaat slobodata na jav- noto informirawe kako su{testvena de- civilized society proclaim and enable the free- ter minanta na ~ovekovoto opstojuvawe. dom of public information as an essential de- Denes pravoto na informirawe e edno od terminant of hu man existing. Today the right to osnovnite ~ovekovi prava deklarirano vo information is one of the basic human rights brojni me|unarodni dokumenti, vo ustavi- declared in many international documents, in te na golem broj zemji vo svetot me|u koi i vo ustavot na Republika Makedonija. the constitutions of a great number of countries Informiraweto na slepite lica so celo- in the world, as well as in the Constitution of kupniot kompleks na specifi~nosti ne e the Republic of Macedonia. Informing blind mo`no da se razviva nadvor od sistemot i people about the complex of specifics is not tekovite na javnoto informirawe vo po- {irokata zaednica. Pritoa treba da se possible to develop out of the system and the ima predvid deka informiraweto na sle- processes of public in formation in the wider pite lica bara identi~en, no i svoeviden community. It has to be taken into consideration tretman kako popradi svojata eksluziv- that information to blind requires identical and nost, taka i spored soodvetni prioriteti appropriate treatment because of its exclusive- i tehniki vo socijalniot kontekst na sev- kupnata komunikacija. ness and priorities and techniques in the social Toa sekako ne mo`e da bide nadvor od context of entire communication. That can not soodvetno finansirawe na informativna- be out of the appropriate financing of informa- ta dejnost na slepite lica, osobeno na se- tion activities of blind, especially at this level of ga{niov stepen na razvoj na informacis- development of information systems and devel- kite sistemi i unapreduvaweto na ~oveko- opment of human rights. vite prava. Adresa za korespondencija: Corresponding Address: ^edomir B. [OPKI] Chedomir B. SHOPKIKJ Sojuz na slepite na Republika Makedonija Association of Blind of the Republic of Macedonia ul. "29 noemvri# 4 6, 1000 Skopje Street “29 November”, No. 46, 1000 Skopje Tel: (02) 3113-662; Faks: (02) 3112- 292 Tel.: + 389 2 3113-662; Fax: + 389 2 3112-292 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] DEFEKTOLO[KA TEORIJA I PRAKTIKA 2004; 3-4: 73-84 73 VIEWS – OPINIONS - DILEMMAS Klu~ni zborovi: javno informirawe, sle- Key words: public information, blind people, pi lica, ~ovekovi prava na informirawe, human rights to information, special informa- posebni informaciski sistemi tion systems. Koj ima o~i neka gleda, Let one who has eyes see, neka `ivee so o~ite, Let one live with the eyes, o~ite se golema radost! Eyes are a great joy! Gladnite o~i Hungry eyes bi go izele celiot svet! would eat the whole world! ^uvajte gi o~ite! Take care of the eyes! Ne gi davajte o~ite! Do not give up the eyes! Du{an Radovi} Dushan Radovikj "Crn den# “Black Day” I navistina ako ~ovekot na krajot od svo- People throughout their endless development jot beskrajno dolg razvoj do{ol do stavot: could consider “Unless I see it, I do not be - "Dodeka ne vidam, nema da veruvam#, ako lieve it”, and if this attitude is a culmination toj stav pretstavuva kulminacija na ~ove- of people’s wisdom and the greatest kovata mudrost i najgolemo dostignuvawe achievement of their reason, the world of na negoviot razum, toga{ svetot na slepi- blind is really miserable, shallow and the te e navistina beden, plitok i, {to e naj- most important – an immeasurably boring va`no, nemerlivo zdodeven svet. world. Javnoto informirawe, prakti~no, postoi Public information, practically, has existed otkoga e i ~ovekot kako op{testveno bi- since people became social beings; and its tie; no negovite metodi i sredstva posto- methods and means have always been im- jano se unapreduvani. Sekoga{, sledej}i gi proved. Following up the developing courses in razvojnite tekovi na op{testvenite od- social relations and technologies, it has reached nosi i tehnologiite, toa denes dostignalo ne samo neo~ekuvano nivo, tuku i vlijanie. not only an unexpected level but influence, as Kako retko kade i so osoben inte res vo well. Outstanding achievements in science and nego se vgradeni vrvni dostignuvawa od technology are built up in information as no- naukata i tehnikata, taka {to na negoviot where else and with special interest, so there are razvoen pat re~isi nema ve}e nikakvi ob- almost no objective barriers and limitations on jektivni barieri i ograni~uvawa. its path of development. Sovremenite, razvienite i demokratskite Contemporary, developed and democratic opredelbi na edno op{testvo ja proklami- commitments of a society proclaim and enable raat i ja ovozmo`uvaat slobodata na javno- the freedom of public information and make to informirawe i za toa sozdavaat neop- necessary assumptions and conditions. That has hodni pretpostavki i uslovi. Toa prido- contributed to a creation of a complete system neslo da se sozdade celosen sistem {to vo that includes the three essential segments of in - sebe gi vklu~uva site tri bitni segmenti na informiraweto -izvorite, tekovite i formation – sources, courses and users, which korisnicite, {to mu dava osobena kohe- give it a special cohesive power, truth, impres - ziona mo}, verodostojnost i vpe~atlivost. sion. 74 JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATION 2004; 3-4: 73- 84 POGLEDI - MISLEWA - DILEMI Toa prakti~no stana op{tonarodno dobro, Information has become common social postojano prisutno i dostapno za site so good, always present and accessible to every- neograni~eni mo`nosti na selekcija, pro- body with unlimited possibilities for selec- cenka i poimawe. Otvoren e {irok prostor za site sprema tion, evaluation and understanding. svoite mo`nosti, sposobnosti i afinite- Large space has been opened for people ac - ti da u~estvuvaat vo procesite na toj sis- cording to their possibilities, abilities and af - tem i taka da ostvaruvaat {irok spektar na dejstvuvawe i vlijanie, i da si gi obez- finities to participate in the processes of that beduvaat op{tite i psoebnite interesi i system, to implement a wide range of activities potrebi vo ovaa oblast. and inputs and to provide common and special Pravoto na informirawe e edno od os- interest and needs. novnite ~ovekovi prava deklarirano vo site me|unarodni dokumenti, no i vo usta- The right to information is one of the basic hu- vite na najgolemiot broj zemji na svetot, man rights declared in all international docu- me|u koi i vo na{iot ustav. ments, in the constitutions of many countries in No vo Makedonija Zakonot za pristap do the world, as well as in our Constitution. informacii u{te e vo faza na podgotov- ka. Spored rezultatite od istra`uvaweto In the Republic of Macedonia, the law of access na javnoto mislewe, sprovedeno od gra|an- to information is still in preparatory phase. Ac- skata organizacija "Transparentnost Ma- cording to the results of a research on public kedonija# za pristap do informaciite, duri 41% od ispitanite gra|ani u{te ne opinion, carried out by the NGO “Transpar- znaat deka nivnoto pravo do informacii- ency Macedonia” for an access to information, te e zagarantirano so Ustavot, odnsno de- 41% of the interviewed people do not know that ka imaat zagarantirano pravo na pristap their right to information is guaranteed by the do informacii, odnosno deka bezmalku Constitution, i.e. almost every second person in sekoj vtor ~ovek vo Makedonija ne znae deka ima pravo na takov pristap. Od druga Macedonia. On the other hand, the number of strana, porazitelen e brojot na gra|ani people who have not asked for any information koi ne pobarale informacii od dr`av- from the state administration is enormous and it nata administracija, a se o~ekuva nivniot is even expected to enhance. The fact, 74% of broj, navistina, da bide pogolem. Najmnogu e porazitelen podatokot deka 74% od those interviewed people who have not received ispitanicite koi ne do bile informacii, any information, have not done anything fur- ne napravile ni{to ponatamu. Re~isi ne- ther. There is almost no government in the ma vlast na zemjite vo tranzi cija {to e countries of transition, which is ready immedi- gotovna vedna{ i vo sekoe vreme da gi do- nese zakonite {to }e í ja naru{at komo- ately or at any time to pass laws and to disturb cijata vo vladeeweto. the commodity of governing. Toga{, ako vo zemja, kako na{ava, vo koja In our country, without an organized system of nedostiga organiziran sistem za komuni- communication with the public; without any kacija so gra|anite, nema lice {to kako pretstavnik na instituciite, na primer real representatives of institutions (relevant na ministerstvata, bi im gi davale bara- ministries) to provide public with necessary in - nite informacii na gra|anite, ako ima formation; without efficient registering of in - neefikasno vodewe evidencija za infor- formation, i.e.

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