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//\' , Pree"• 493 Sherllro oke St,Weet.,

Page Eight THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS , October 5, 1950 treasurer, Mrs. Evelyn Raymond; New College Begins. telephone, Mrs, Fay Micny; educa­ TO SUD-LET U.N.Armistice Group tional, Mrs, Goldie Singer; social, Mrs. Goldie Adelman; council re­ Fully furnished 4•room 1ulto on i presentatives, Mesdames Fay Micay moln floor for 5 or 6 . I Avallablo botwcon Novembor 1-15. Classes Here Oct. 16 Backs Move and Rebecca Zalik; membership, Graduates of Jewish schools in the Winnipeg area will now be able l Mrs. Dolly, Turner. Phone 501 242 Tel , (JTA)-lsroell action against Bedouin tribesmen, to continue their studies in advanced at the newly estab• The chapter will hold its next lished college, it was announced this . President of the whose alleged expulsion from the Auja area into Egyptian terri­ ' '-:i' meeting at the home of Mrs. Evelyn A, I, SHUMIATCHER, K.C. college is Dr. A. Kravetz, and Rabbi Arthur A. Chic! and Rabbi ., tory is the subject of a complaint by Egypt now pending before the M. C. SHUMIATCHER, B.A., LLB., U.N. Security Council, was supported here this week by the findings Raymond, 16 Noble avenue, on LL.M,, JUR.D. Milton Aron are dean and administrative committ.ee chairman respectively. THE W;ES'l''S GREATEST JEWISH NEWSPAPER Also of tho British Columblo Dor The new college will confer a of the Egyptian-Israeli Mixed Armistice Commission. , Oct, 16, at 8.30 p.m • and Harry Stein, Ph.D., cha_irmnn, The commission, meeting at El diploma upon students who coin~ Shumiatcher & Shumiatcher department of Education, U. of M., For Every Jewish Family and Every Member of the Family-Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia Auja under the chairmanship of Col. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS plete one hundred of academic lecturer education. Heads Chapter P. Boissnvy, French member of the PHONE M1717 work, divided into two semesters of in Groin Exchartge Dldg, Calgary~ Alto. Courses will be given Monday U.N. truce mission, placed on re­ 2 Adults desire suite five - ~ n - week courses. The Vol. XXV, Na. 41 WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1950 Sc Per Copy through Thursday beginning Oct. 16, cord the fact that the expelled Be­ courses arc designed to fill n long­ from 5 to 7 p.m., and Sundays from douins· were members of the Aznz­ with stave. Phone felt need here for adequate Jewish l to 3 p.m. at the . meh tribe nnd had infiltrated into evenings, 58 850. Edward ff. Crawtord K.C. studies for graduate youth who wish Israel territory from Sinai, which is M.A., B.C.L (OXON) to prepare themselves for careers in Members of the administrative com­ Egyptian. Supporting evidence was BARRISTER. SOLICITOR and teaching. or youth leadership, Those mittee include R_abbi Aron, chair­ NOTARY PUBLIC At man; Rabbi Ch~el and Rabbi Kra• Roosevelt Dinner Monday collected from the Bedouins them­ PHONE 924 303 vetz. selves by U.N. observers, FOR RENT 614-16-17 Avenue Bldg. Winnipeg Col. Boissavy ratified these find­ ings as weU as Israeli c]aims that Larto furnl1h•d da11blo ar 1lngl• raam, Ught ho111111keaplrtg Or kltch•n prl¥1• the tribesmen were not in Is:rael 11eg.. or l rooms on bothraom floor Dr. David J. Shapiro Alpha Epsilon Pi Expect Record Crowd when the Egyptian-Israel armistice with u1e of kitchen downlfalu, DENTIST Presents Hillel Show · was concluded and that the tribes­ P.HONE 53 334 man did not possess the: Israel iden­ The Moll Medical Bldg. presentAlpha anEpsilon informal Pi socialfraternity featuring will To ·uear Congressman tification cards issued then to nll Mem1:1rlol Blvd. a floor show, refreshments, and tribesmen residing on Israel terri­ Phone 721 660 dancing at the Hillel House, 67 Ed- A · tory. The U.N. observers also estab­ FOR RENT monton street, at B.30 p.m. record turnout is expected to be in ottenda.nce to lished the fact that the seat of the -Photo Courtc$y Tho Winnipeg Tribune. Willing to shoro my bungalow, In• Proceeds will go to the Hillel foun- hear Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., American congressman. Azazmeh tribe was in Kusseima, in the Egyptian part of the Sinai pen­ . CORNERSTONE LAID: Mrs. Witliam Keller is shawn laying the corn­ tludlng unfurnished bedroom, with Dr. Leonard L. Portnoy dation. and son of the late president, when presents the fea- ~ 2 adults. insula, where the tribesmen regu­ erstone far the new Peretz-Folk school building at Palson and Aikins at the DENTIST Hillel freshmen will sponsor a tu red speech at the men's Youth Aliyah dinner at the Royal MRS. ALAN NOZICK larly bought their supplies. official opening and dedication ceremcmy . The schaol, housing an 374 social program at the Hillel House Alexandro hotel Monday at 6.30 p.m. • Phone 401 Phone 926 032 at 8.30 p.m. Sunday, and have in- The traditional $10 minimum will __;______estimated 400 pupils, will offer instruction in Hebrew and ­ vited all Hillel members. is new president of Aliyah chapter 411 Boyd __ Building prevail at this 's dinner, said charge of arrangements; Mrs. F. of Hadassah, which will hold its Libby Bookhalter ish and literature, as well as the regular publi~ school ~curses. Hillel's United Students' Drive, A. M. Shinbane1 K.C., who js chair- Schachter, publicityj Mrs. L. S. annual and opening meeting in the under the leadership of Stan Min- man for the affair, but an effort will Hershfield, entertainment; and Mrs. Heods Hogyarah Chapter 11 11 form of -a dessert luncheon at the 200 scores were registered by R. movement of from Harbin to FOR RENT dess, Joe Gelman, and Yude Hentel- be made to encourage umaximum" S. J. Oreck, hosts. Hudson's Bay store, Tuesday, Oct. Libby Bookhalter was elected Gordon, I. Wagner, and H. Perles. president of Hagvarah chapter of Movement From Israel. Jewish proi>erty owners in 2 furnished or unfurnis~ed rooms DR. JOSEPH RIC'E eff, will get under Way shortly, it giving, Active]y engaged in prepar- Musical ~nterteinment will be 10 at 1.30 p.m. Ali members and Art Smith's team scored 2,397 for Harbin are selling their property for on bathroom floor.· RABBI DR.A.KRAVETZ wns announced. The drive, an amal- ations for the affair is Mark H. Danz- provided by vocalist Dave Borodit- prospective members have been in­ B'nai B'rith · Young Women at its the high .three without handicap, Manchuria DENTIST gamated appeal, is the only one k opening meeting of the at one.fifth of its value, which is the not working for a diploma may re- scheduled to be iyonducted among er, who served as dinner chnirmnn sky and Jascha Resnitsky, who will vited to attend. breaking a record. Phone 55723 Phone 925 074 the Jewish Youth Centre, Thursday, Continues price paid by government authori­ Rn. 33 800 gister for one or more courses, and for the two , conduct the orchestra. ties. 401 BOYD BLDG. Jewish students this year. ,------~1sept. 28. WINNIPEG at a later the general public I Among active workers for the Head table guests will include the Hong Kong, (JTA) - The move­ Meanwhile, it was rep0rted here will be welcomed into the student FIRST TICKET: Nathan Sures is shown purchasing the first ticket to Monday's dinner are Mrs._ D. P. G~tlieb, Cana- lieutenant-governor, premier, mayor, Ask Your Grocer For Other officers arc: first vice­ ment of Jews from Manchuria to that the recent order by Communist president, Freda Schwartz; Ft. William Teacher, body. men's Youth Aliyah dinner from Mrs. C. Swartz and Mrs. Phil Jacobson respective- drnn Youth Aliyah chamnan; Mrs. American consul and consul-general, Israel is continuing at an unabated authorities that all foreigners leave FOR RENT 230 Freshmen 0. vice-president, Edith Fireman; coun­ pace and persons in a position to buy DR. H. A. GALE The faculty will include: Rabbi A B d U ly vice-chairman and chairman of the women's committee for the affair.' M S P. Jacobson, women's committee Rabbi Milton Aron, the sponsor of M. J. Schacter Tsingtao - a port city iri ·Shantung Milton Aron, B.A., lecturer. in r. ures, chairman; Mrs. C. O. Swartz, co• the annual Youth Aliyah luncheon, cillor, Doreen Cohen; recording sec­ air passage from Hong Kong to province - has resulted in appre­ In Scotia district, 3-room suite t ran eis . REX CLEANER, DENTIST ; Mrs. Kinneret Chiel, MA., Waltham, Mass, (JTA) _ The who toured Israel last year, hopes to return there next year, chairman; Mrs. w. M. Bloom, In (Continued on Page 6) retary, Rosetta Dash; corresponding Drowns in Accident Lydda airl)ort are receiving Hong hension on the part of Jews there sultoble for 2 students, lndis~nsoble in the Home secretary; Pat _Mednickj treasurer, Kong transit yisas, it was reported lecturer in Bible and Jewish educa- third year of Brandeis. University------:-~------....;.------,,------....;.______;_ ___ _,, ______for. their property. Most of the Jews Phone 54997 Suite 4 - 522 ·Moln Street Selma Morris; financial secretary, here this week. still remaining in Tsingtao - a large tion; Norman ·. Cantor, lecturer in the only non-sectarian Jewish- S' 7_ v' ..J k D ..]_ • • Blanche Sair; sentinel, Estelle Yorn• One Jewish woman who stopped number were transferred to Israel RES. 89 216 PHONE 21666 ;· Aaron Klein, instru- sponsored institution. of higher naa.rey ~.Ieae 'eat. cation stock; trustees, Miriam Freedman off here on her way to Israel from last year - ore businessmen and tor in Talmtid; Ephraim Malamut, learning in the United States - WE NOW SERVE and Becky Kaminsky. Manchuria said that 200 Jews were property owners. VISIT OUR NEW lecturer in ; Jack opened this week with a freshman DELICIOUS Silverberg, B.A., instructor in youth class of 230 students, The new Spans ·.60 ' u,•stor,·c tTear.'S Cultural, Claire Zamicki social, included in the total of 6,000 persons WANTED DRUG STORE £1. ~ I ( FISH AND CHIPS Becky Kaminsky; sports, Molly reportedly abducted by Soviet au­ 1)0"-IER'S l)ll.UG STORE worki and. M. Fenson, B.A., lecturer students come from 25 states and Yaffe; bulletil;i, Miriam Freedman'j thorities during the last few years Mrs. Moscovitch 1 or 2 JBWlsh people to drive cor in Jewish history, two foreign countries. Sixty years of Jewish history in was Dr. Max Arzt, of the Jewish ORDERS PUT UP TO to Vancouver, free of chorge, SAM DONER, Prop. fireside chats, Janet Stoller; mem­ in Harbin. The fear of abduction, she Heods Myerson Chapter MODERNIZED ._ LUNCH COUNTER Visiting lecturers will include A total of 113: ci:>U~e~2 of them the Winnipeg community were Theological Seminary in New York. TAKE OUT bershii>, Estelle Yomstockj publicity, said, is the reason for the large•scale Mrs, Irene Moscovitch has been Phone 59~ 754 1669 MAIN ST, Dr. E. BoycC, ProVincial school ex- new subjects - will be offered this spanned Monday evening with the Rabbi Milton Ax:on of the Shaarey Corinne Segel. elected president of Goldie Myerson PHONE 593 367 aminer; Ann Dumillan, M.A., Uni- by 41 facuJty members. Among dedication of the new Shaarey Zedek Zedek introduced the guests, and YANK'S The group will meet at the Jewish chapter of Pioneer Women, it was versity of Manitoba school of social the professors assuming z;iew teach- syitagogue at Academy road and greetings and congratulations were Youth Centre, 'Tuesday, Oct. 10 at announced. Other officers are: vlce-1 ..------, r------, work, lecturer in group work; W. C. · Wellington Crescent." Founded in conveyed by T :ieutenant•Governor PHONE 57993 · · KOSH Hove You Any Furnlture1 Graham' Ph.'D.·, Pr,·n·c,·pal· of Un,·tcd jng posts t_his semes_ter _are Alb_ert 1890 , the or1gmal. . S haarey Zedek R. F. McWilliaffiS...,. and Mayor Garnet 8 p.m. pres1dent1 Mrs. Rebecca Zalik· ER BUTCHER Highest cash prke1 for Sravn, Rangn, college,_ lecturer in archeology; Sol ~uerru;d, htery~ · histo_rian; IrvJJJg wns · the_ first · structure in Coulter. 1426 MAIN STREET The unveiling of secretary, Mrs. Inez Rosenstock; SHOP' FOR SALE Sewing Machl:i'ver~:.no1, Anylhlng ,..I :, .Sincle,ir.. M,A., Dept.-.of Economicst- Fine, comp~er·_an_4-· ~ond~ctor, and 'W,~sterp Cs,nat;Ia; .. - . - Greetings w~r~ also brought by ! a tombstone In \ Vl1lt our 1how,oom1 for e,rcepllonol .. '.,.-, .... v:, .,, WANT~D FULLY EQUIPPED, DOING buy, In 1•••11•" ••• anliqon. ., - tFoiM.;~~•cftirii?ln":i,fo~ist. thought: 'Miirie·}:;yfiilii;1iutJµii- nrtdiiedtuier:'· CFfintuied;,pealteF-a'Fthe·. cefemony s. B. Nitiknian, '""Jewish' Welfare B.B. Bowling memory of the MA1..._ BUS. 924 06l - Rel. 53 241 ' late GOOD BUSINESS, SELLING MAX STEIMAN & SONS ------,'---'------c...... ----'---~'------Fund president; Mrs.. F. B. Dubin­ For Quality Furniture 'th k I d f R, F ouT BECAus~ oF ILL cARTER's AucT1ON RooMs Results Announced WI now e ge o .ow ur -=- 30'1 Corltart st. (Opp. Fr•• p1111) sky, president of the Shaarey Zedek At Reasonable Prices No sweeps were registered for' the JOSEPH Grading. Good position. HEALTH, ANY REASON- sisterhood; Irwin Dorfman, Shaarey ' ABLE OFFER ACCEPTED. Zedek Brotherhood president; an week ending Sept. 28, the B'nai KOSLOFSKY B'rith Ten-Pin Bowling league has Apply: , Apply: 513--21 AVE. WEST Dr. A. Kravetz, Talmud Torah prin­ DOMINION FUR AUCTION EYES· cipal. MRS. ELISHEVA ESHKOL · MRS. ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN MRS. CHAYA SURCHIN announced. Two games each were M. 1. SCHACTER who poised owoy May 31, 1949 won by Bernstein, Galpem, Perles, SALES LTD. CALGARY, ALTA. Leon A. Brown, building commit­ Fort Wllliam. - A popular high (Engli~h calendan, 3 days in S!von EXAMINED tee chairman, presented ,the key to Smith, Stoffman, Vineberg, Warhaft, (Hebrew ), will take place· 171 JAMES ST. school teacher of this city, Maxwell congregation president M. Genser. and Weidman. Single game winners ot the ' were Baker, Colish, Gershfield, J. Schacter, was the victim of Rev, Aaron Cohen, for 50 years drowning when a fishing boat cap­ SHAAREY ZEDEK CEMETERY ~======~!------N·oted Celebrities Here For Goldenberg, Jacobson, Rosenblat, FOR RENT Guaranteed Plumbing reader of the Shaarey Zedek, read SUNDAY, OCT, 8. at II A.M. 11 Starr, and Wagner. sized Sept. 17 at Shebandowan Lake, from Gepesis: And the Lord said, AND FURNITURE CO. 65 miles west of Fort William. He 4•room suite with modern kitchen and Heating Supplies High scores for the evening were The children, Jock Koy, Mrs. stove ond refrigerator on Bonne,.. 'Let there be light!" Phone 926 4S l was ~6 years of age. • Kitchen l!llnlr:1 • Pipe and PH• registered by Mainster, Colish, Bern• Levi and Mrs. Harry mon, e W.Hh BHln1 Un•• Hillel Foundation director Rabbi 423 PORTAGE AVE. e Cla•d Combl-• e lleav7 Dot PHONE 926 032 Pioneer Women's His companions in the fishing trip Asowitch, rectuest all relatives and Ill! stein1 Frankel, Stoffman, and Senens. 1 CALL EVENINGS tlon1 Waler 'rink• Arthur Chiel opened the service with Murray Stitt, Sam Blumenthal, and friends to attend. e L1u11d17 T11h1 e Pre11ure 111• the invocation. The synagogue adult Far the first in its history, Winnipeg Pioneer Women will be presenting three distinguished '------' Phone 597 646 • IIHlhar Famacee tem1 411 BOYD BLDG. guests simultaneously when Mrs. Elisheva Kaplan Eshkal, Mrs. Israel Goldstein, and Mrs. Chaya Irving Schacter, brother of the de• • Redlaton • Relnforchar and junior choirs sang, directed by ceased, all of Fort William, and Dr. e Coal Cb11t.. Iron. choirmaster Jack Garland. Rabbi Surchin appear in the city at the $25 dinner at the Marlborough hotel Thursday, Oct. 19, at 6.30 LET'S GET ACQUAINTED! J. N. Schwartz, Cornwall, Ont., A young, attractive girl Acents for Furoasman Stoker Aron's benediction closed the ser­ p.m. The dinner is in celebration of Pioneer Women's silver jubilee, which is being observed inter­ formed a human chain in a fruitless desires to meet young man, vice, nationally. Hove your loundry ond dry cleaning ret.urncd to yo11 the cleanest ond SCHWARTZ of Israeli children's homes built by Goldstein, former Jewish Agency attempt to save him. 2B-35. Object matrimony. The silver jubilee committee is brightest you've ~e_nr seon-<1nd ot corry ond aove prices, 'rlldl!emm, arranging a program suitable to Moatzot Hapoalot with the aid of treasurer. A well-known and respected mem­ moN & METAL co. LTD. Write to: OPTOMETRISTS DEDICATION CEREMONY: .Highlight of the dedication of the new NAMED ME~mER ber of the Fort Wi111am community, 299 Jarvis Ave. Phone 57 361 such an occasion. Featured will be Pioneer Women. Mrs. Eshkol is a member of Moat-­ P.O,DOX 901, and Shaarey Zedek synagogue Monday was the placing of the Scrolls of the Law London, (JTA) - Ian Mlkardo, the ceremony of lighting the birth- Mrs. Goldstein, New York, is na­ zot Hapoalot and is recognized as Mr. Schacter was active in the Zion­ OPTICIANS SHIRT SPECIAL! ist organization, a member of B'nai WINNIPEG, MAN. in the Ark. Left to right are P. Silver, pornos of the congregation; M.P. and member of the national day candles, in observance of the tional president of the Pioneer one of the foremost women leaders in Israel. Born in Russia, she emi­ ; B'rith Lake Cities lodge and Shaarey Weidman and E. A. Frankfurter, two of the oldest living members; past presi­ executive of the Poale Zion of Brit­ organization's 25th anniversary, Women's organization in the United who PCISlod CIWG)' OctabH 2.7, 1948 grated to Israel as a young woman. Shomayim congregation. Past presi­ (Engllsh Calen,Jar) one day attar Sim• ..IJ:aflUMd, Witman· is in charge of the States, Canada, South America, and ! Approv~d dents Hyman Kay, J. D. Lyone, N. J. Weidman, S. Hart Green, K.C., and ain, has been named a member of In 1925 she served on the Moatzot · dent of the Fort William local of the chath Torah (11cibrew Calendar). 2nd Floor, Keqslngton Bldg, musical program. An orchestra will As we loved hor, '° we mi5s her, FOR RENT Maurice Halter; treasurer Joseph Wokh; vice-president A. E. Cantor, and the new· British Labor Party execu• provide specially selected music Europe. In the past two years she Hapoalot with Golda Myerson and Ontario Secondary School Teachers' In our loving memory she Is near, CONTRACTORS 275 Portage Ave. Loved, romembercdl longed for always, Nicely furni1hed raom in good president M. Genser. Cantor J. Lev headed the procession, and the scrolls tive. Mikardo is the representative during the dinner. Proceeds of the has made four visits to Israel, two the late Bat-Shcva Haikin. She later 19CEACH federation, he was a member of the Bringing mony o si ont tear. for Fort William Ski club. She hod o noturo you could not help resldentlol dl•trlct. were received by W. I. Krisman and Ex-Alderman A. Skaletar. for Reading. dinner will go toward maintenance of them with her husband, Dr. Israel (Continued on Page 6) In respect to the memory of Mr. lovlng, • ROOFING MINIMUM 4 FOR 79c A heart that WO$ purer thon gold Schacter, students of the Fort Wil• And to those who knew and loved her, P~one 591 038 Her memory will never grow cold. • SIDING Phone linm Vocational school, where he -Sadly mined by her h111band, ·"BLOWN" WANTED - ANY BUSINESS Carry & Save taught mathematics and British his­ da119hten ond 1an1, DA.VS YOU A DUflJHEIIS TO IELLf Agent at OR 21 374 tory, were released from school for • HOME INSULATION Cath D11y•n Are Avallabl• Haw HEBREW TEACHER CASH FOR YOUR HOUSEi CWorking ':Jor i?ioneer CWomen S [jubilee fJelebration 693 Selkirk Ave. For Pick•up Service the afternoon of the funeral, Sept. • • • 18, Funeral services were held from E,rperlenccd Hebrew Teacher wHI We have ca,h buyers for houH1 anywhHe WESTERN ASBESTOS . In Wlnnlpe11, For q11lck 1al1, ltlt yo11r the family home, 114 Dease street, give Hobrew lo11on1 to children CO, LTD. ho111• with Ill, to the Shaarey Shomaylm syna­ and odulh, gogue, where Rabbi W. Wollson offi­ 121 Smith St. FOUR PROVINCES PHONE 595 114 9221147 Phon.. : 9221148 INVESTMENT CO, ciated. The cortege then proceeded GRANT or KALESKY to the B'nai B'rith hnJl, where Rev, 300 MAIN ST. A. H. Johnston, minister of St. PHONE 925 266 Andrew's Presbyterian church and WANTED DRY CLEANERS - LAUNDERERS a member of the board of education, Young man, fully oxperlenc·ed, for largo Grocery Store, Good aalory, good delivered the eulogy. Interment was · hours and app~rtunlty for advoncoment. FUR STORAGE • DYEING made in the Shaarcy ShomayJm APPLY TO: FoRT RouGE cemetery. Surviving arc his parents, Mr, and CLEANERS Mrs. Jacob N. Schacter; four broth­ A LITTLE ers, Abe, Fort William, Ben, Long FOR THE PAST • Drive In today •• • you'll be ama:a:ed at the Branch, N,J:, Frank, Forest HiUs, 40 YEARS N.Y., nnd Irving, at home; and two UNIVERSAL i low co,c of equlppiog i,, DOWN your car with braod sisters, Rose and Claire, both at ARE STILL THE new Goodyear· Tires. home, ALL STEEL \ SETS YOU You'll_ be amazed, too, et the convenient easy FURNACES BEST TOPS terms that can be ar• ranged to suit your ~S. II, SIILAIN MRS. 1. FREEDMAN MRS. LO'.ITIE SIIEREBRIN MRS. MAX NATCH MRS, I. PARR MRS, J. LINHART MRS, M. BEYER budget. Don't delay ••• ®bituari.e.n Priced as Law as $200 and up. IN IN UP get Goodycars now •• • MARCUS ROSEN DRY DRY . Actively preparing for the Pioneer Women's $25 dinner at lee committee. The group includes all past presidents of the man, Lottie Sherebrin, Max Natch, I. Parr, J. Linhart, and M. · and pay as you ride in FURNACES ·GUARANTEED WITH Marcus Rosen, of 3 11N' Balfourio the Marlborough hotel Thursday, part of the international Pioneer Women's council, who are: Mrs. H. Sh lain (now regional Beyer. On the committee is Mrs. J. Mindess, Pioneer Women's ufoty, FOR 10 YEARS CLEANING CLEANING apartments, passed nwoy Wednes• In memory or our donr and beloved Pioneer Women's 25th anniversary celebration, is the silver jubi- htu1hn11d and fnU1i,r ' THE FASTEST chairman for central-western Canada), and Mesdames J. Freed- council social chairman, and all chapter presidents. BIG-MILEAGE day, Sept. 27, at the Winnipeg Gen­ INSTALLED BY eral Hospital. He was eighty yenrs CHAIM SURFS PHONE who rin111ed 11wny October 8, IOU (En&• Royal GOOD),fvEAR TIRES of age. Born In Russin, Mr, Rosen ll~h Cnlendnr), Rubin Sheet Metal -FORT R.OUGE M'NDAY came to this country 20 years o~o. Dcnr lo our lienrttl Ari!! tho. memorte11 Surviving nro o aon, Isadore; n Of ono WO lovffi IO well. Manufacture. CLEANERS Alexandra Annual Youth Aliyah Men's Dinner OCT.: 16 North End Tire Co. -Ever remembered by ht• /. ~. H. MEDVED, Prop. daughter, ; n brother; two JoYlnt wile and children, 784 SELKIRK AVE, PHONE 51 631 Phone 42 368 159 MAIN ST. (at Dufferln Ave.) PHONE B7331 sisters, and two grandchildren. Hotel Proudly presents as its Guest Speaker HON. FRANKLIN D. _ROOSEVELT; JR. 6.JO p.lil~

/ ,' ··1~-- __ ,•,· . , ._~---- ... _.~~----·-, ... --.,.. ,, _·,., ·,;;,_· . :· ·.. ,.,_, •~ C , ... ' ,. -~:tt.,~;.LJ~\~~t;}i;:,)J;, :-;\};: :;·