Spoils of War International Newsletter. No. 5. June 1998 Imprint: Editorial board: István Fodor, Ekaterina Genieva, Wojciech Kowalski, Josefine Leistra, Doris Lemmermeier, Nicolas Vanhove. Editing: Doris Lemmermeier, Christiane Kienle. Technical assistance: Jost Hansen, Svea Janner, Yvonne Sommermeyer. Translations: Will Firth, Ingo Redlingshöfer. Editorial address: Koordinierungsstelle der Länder für die Rückführung von Kulturgütern beim Kultusministerium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Turmschanzenstr. 32, 39114 Magdeburg. Phone: 0049 - 391 - 567 38 59/ 567 38 57 Fax: 0049 - 391 - 567 38 56 E-mail:
[email protected] or ISSN 1435-6325 Addresses of the members of the editorial board: István Fodor, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Múzeum körni 14-16, 1088 Budapest, Hungary, phone: 36/1/3382 220, fax: 36/1/3382/673 Ekaterina Genieva, All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Nikolojamskaja Street 1, 109 189 Moscow, Russia, phone: 7/095/915 3621, fax: 7/095/915 3637, E-mail:
[email protected] Wojciech Kowalski, University of Silesia, Department of Intellectual and Cultural Property Law, ul. Bankowa 8, 40 007 Katowice, Poland, phone/fax: 48/32/517104, phone: 48/32/588211, fax: 48/32/599188 Josefine Leistra, Inspectorate of Cultural Heritage, Prinsessegracht 31, 2514 AP The Hague, The Netherlands, phone: 31/70/302 8120, fax: 31/70/365 1914, E-mail:
[email protected] Nicolas Vanhove, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Directorate Economic Relations, Rue Gen. Leman 60, 1040 Brussels, Belgium, phone: 32/2/206 5862, fax: 32/2/514 0389 If you have proposals or questions concerning special sections of the newsletter, please contact the following members of the board: Special Reports: Josefine Leistra Legal Issues: Wojciech Kowalski Country Reports: Editorial Center, Nicolas Vanhove Archival Reports: Ekaterina Genieva Restitutions: István Fodor Latest News: Editorial Center Bibliography: Josefine Leistra, Ekaterina Genieva Contents: Editorial ................................................................................................