A Prehistoric Enclosure at ,

B) A 13 \RCI_~\, A 13m If and C.O. Ktf\lu.

with contributions by A. BAYliS'>, C. BRO,\K Ibw,E1, T Ol RIl~,\, C. II \\ Ilf', J. ML L\ ILLf., P. ORIIIO\ f Rand E Rm

SL i\IM.\R\

Part oj fl pr,hi\lnric ",rlm,,,.,. ditch U'(l\ e;vm'llltd Imor 10 Ilu' '.\/t'Il\lOU of Iht' grm't')"nd, of tlU' r/1IlJ(lit'\ oj St. Pt'tn\ mill St, LI'fJ1wrd\ E.lJl.\IUlm, O.t/orrN,i,.". I .nlr Rrtltlu- JIK' arttlarh u'rrt' jOlmd ;'llht lIppl'r Jt/t\ oj tlw (III(h Iml "L\ pn ....HUt that II U'flj (Q1uJru{/ed fllllln. ""IWI)' mill, Xfoli/hl(. UOPl~idt thl' lair 8m"ZI Igt' Ina/rna/, arltjar(\ oj StOWhl( and Bruhn/nat) 8wIIU' tw' datI' lL'f'I" (li\l) wl'ntified I pm."bll' lOlWdlw/HI' glllly. a l1wnhn oj /,i/\ and pm/lwft'\, mlll arl'W oj grmmd HlrjlICf. aI/ oj lalt 8r01l:..I' IKl'dalr ll'err joulld malIn IIIf' rnrlO\ll1f. Si.\ radu){mluJJI d(ltt,.~ tl'l'rt' obl/lllmi till mll/fnal dfrnmzgjl"Om til,. mrlo\llrt' ditch JiI/\ ami LIII' In""i~/{Jnr Kl'tul1Id ,\/irlflu,

11\ I ROIH ClIO~

hc Oxford Archaeological Unit (O.\l) eXGI\:~Ht'd an area of approximatel)' I HOOm.2 T \vilhill the Inner Ward or COUll of l-~y nsham .\boc) during 1990~92, The eXGI\,HIOnS were 1ll~\(lc nece:-.sall b) proposed cel11eter~ extensioll'i, and were \\holl) funded b) English Iledt4tgl'. Ihe abbey excavations will be reponed on else\\ here. I The typic-,ll depth of slrallgraph, \\i:\ 2.5 m., although some clcep fealllre~ were ClillO a depth substantiillh belO\\ this. 'I'he ()('cupatioll of the site con1Jllen(cd with the (OnSlnlClion of a Large enclosure during the :\eolilhi( or Brollte .\ge, Following lhe )(llC Brollte .\ge. a hiatus in occupation off. 1500 ye~l1 s was followed b~ the establishment of a Sa\.on ..,eulel1lem characterised by sunken· featured bUildings.

LOCAl 10" . \~D GI:.OLO(,Y

I-he village of Ey Ilsham sits 011 the calcareous Sccond (,nt\'el Terrace overl)ing Oxford Cla~ belwel'n the confluences of the ri\er Evcnlocie and the Chi! brook with the ri\'er I hames. sOl11e 9 km, west and up~lream of O,Cc)rd. and 4.5 kill. CJst of \\'iLncy (Fig. I) .•\ natural fording poim of the Th~ll11cs. no\\ (xclipied by Swinfculi Bridge. lies immediate" to lht, ea..,l of the 1O\\n on the road to Oxford. Thus the to\\l1 Sils close to an Illlponam control point. a natlllal ad\'Jntf1ge which h,IS been eploitcd since ~1I least the Bronze Age.

I \ lIolrch .. \ Dodd and G D.\i1I. f.Vllt¥llImu at j':pl\lulm IbI",. 1989·1992 (Th.:une~ \


rhe to\\ 11 ht'':I in an area rich in prehistoric. Roman and pagan Saxon sClllcment.2 \ \ariel) of prehislOrit' felltures "ere excavated north of the town at Cil\, Fann,:'l and pn:\'iolls exca\'illiOIlS 011 the sile ohhe abbe~ have produ('ccl prehistoric, Roman and Saxon material. I

N t

o •

1 FolClev Farm 2 nrnlon

~ J ~IUIIIl\ , " Rod .... II . lutTIel. II/llollf /i'U'I/11I/ (h/rmJ./wJ'.' tI SlIn'l') (// til" \'t'I/' Crill/II) (1\)7'1). Il:l. llIilp I :~ IIJ c.I't', '\ Ha\ne, "'. SU:(.' ll', ( •. \\t'n .md II "'uh · lmt · I~lt· l . 'r,t.l\..I110m at ( :,,\ 1·'llm.II

Se\'eral large excavation and sa lvage projects have taken place in the Eynsham area during the last century (Fig. 1). The principal reason for this has been the continuation of gravel extrdction extending from Lhe nonhern half of Eynsham parish, eastwards into Cassington parish. . and on LOwards Kidlingtoll. i otable discoveries include the Bronze Age ring ditches at New \Vinues Farm, Eynsham,5 the Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Foxle) Farm, Eynsham,6 and the multi-period site at Yarmon.7 Evaluation and subsequent excavation along the rOllte of a Thames \Vater pipeline. located (. 0.2 km. to the south of the prehistoric enclosure (Fig. 2), was carried out b) the OAt; in February and March 1992. These excavations uncovered a palaeochannel and possible gully,. as well as a thin layer of waterlogged clay probably representing an m Stlu deposit within the original course ofLhe Chi I brook. A small assemblage of worked and burnt

N f


Fig. 2. E} nsham Abbey: plan sho .... ing excavation areas.

5 R, Kenward, 'A Neolithic Burial Enclosure at e\\ Wintles Farm, E}nsham', in IfJ. Case and A.W.R. Whinle (eds.), Si!lIftmnlt Pallerns In 'he Oxford IUgion: ExCn1ICiJOnJ allht Abmgdun Causrul(1)ed £nciostH? and OlherSl~-s (eBA Res. Rep. 44,1982),51-4. 6 O. Benson and 0, Miles, The Upper Thamts lalley: (111 Archatologiral SUrt't') of the RIlI!r Gravels (OAU Sune) 2, 1974), map 20. 7 C. Bell and G, lie)', Tilt Neolithic and BrCnJU Age Stll/emtnl and loo.lmd.~(ajN at lorn/on mlames Valle}' Landscapes, in prep,). 8 G oo D. Keevill, In Han."J's HfWSt alld In Coo's HOUff: £xrotllllimu at EJ'tl.lhI1m Abbty, J 991-3 (Thames Valle) Landscapes 6,1995), 7. IOH \ I:L\ R (. l.\' \ B 0' I." \ :-'.1) (. I) ..... I· \. 1 I. 1 I· I \ I unworkcd flint, ranging in date froTll Me~olithic to l\eolithiClBronze \ge was recovered. all or which, however. was residual in later contexts"" I he nmure of Ihe IOpography suggests that 'HI


I lit." l"'p.IIl~I(J1l C)I lhl' IIwlx', dltlnh 'me \\a~ taken o\'er for Ihe n .' mell'r" III lilt' Uhll ;tnd Hhh telllUlles. B\ the eillh 211111 ll'ntUI\ 111(' {l\'.ul"blt' ~IMce w .. , lIndl'1' (·()II~iderahlelll."~~urt', In HUn 111(' (t"nWlen w .. ~ ('"ended 10 tilt: ~OIHh. in.t 11;1110\\ ~I1IJl 1>0rd("llII).;' the "illr~q' Fielel. 1 Ihlllllg lile Jalt" 1!I:~O~ bUIJdlllg' ..... ()I k wmll1en('cd Oil Ihe Roman Couholi( dllll('h uf St. P("ll'l, I to! \ small .11 ea inullt'dialeh to Ihe north of lht" t hun h I'.d.) used 101 il .. tl'llll'lt'J'\, It hMI h('Wrnl' app.u-l"m 1)\ Ihe late 19X(h" howl"H'I. th:lltht" U'lIlt."teries 01 both SI. Peter"s and <';1. L.('onard\ \\Oldd "'Win h(' full. I Ill' thO (hurlht'" .. thel't"iclrt'

q I' Iktdh.·). The \\'(JIkt'd Flint"" 111 h.t"t'\ill, op. 01. 11111(.' H, pp. 2()·1 10""II" op. til, lHlll' H" p, 10. 11\ BOlrda)" 'P,dmlnnc Pollt'r)", III h.(T\ III. op. ( it, 11111(," Ii. p. 17 I:! II J Ca~l', "TIll' \1t'\olil hK and \;("0111111< 111 the Chlf)ullh'gum'"m (;."J . Couk .mel J. K()wl(', (l.(t..J JIlt' '1IlIwl'u/oJ.,,) {/} Ihl' Ox/oul RrK'lw (\ 9Nti), 1l{·1 ~I I , (.;1'<'"" up. nt, nolt' 12, map 2. II K. Iiolgatt.'" .\'rollililt -'l'uln/iml uJ till' 1l""IU" /111\11/ (B.\K d" xxi\'" I 9K~), ~ 11. I:; h.t"t.·, ill. (lp. (iL 1I01l." K, p. 31. I Ii B.lld.n, oJ>. nt. note II. p 4(1. Ii IL /I ()xml. xii, 1:11 11'1 1I11d I :l~. I~I h,lIualinll al f.)mham" (Oxlnrd \n.hal"lIloI{ICOlllllll , 19H~ll . \. I~ R 1: II I " lOR I ( I," ( l. 0 "d R t -\ 1 L ... " S l-L\ \I \ n Ii E, ... 11)'1 c'\t('mlon of Ihe (emeleries. This work took pl'lll' In Sld~t..... hum Januar~ 19!J() until Ft'bluan l~tt \\nh funher \\ork in Ilt."tember 199.3 ddJaeem (0. and funded b\, \t. Peter's chure h (ri~. 2), .-U3tK:iatoo sune" ,lIld c.: (,)\


IUlal eX(a\dUnn In d 'Ingle 'oea'un c,f \\orl \\a, not pra(lItdl t)("(.IU)(, oflhc for St I)ctt"r'~ to a(('" lilt> (hurdl\ard Inr \.11 IOU, e\ents_ nIt" area "a~ tht:n:forc..' pIll 1I1In t\\O cbg. ~). Ireneh 1, ",hich la\ \\It!lIn th(' nc"," t:xlended dllm:h\ard 01 Sl. Leonard"" .... a~ exca,.lted in I~~)(). Tn:nt:h 2. "hich la\ .... ilhin the ground" uf ~'- Il eter·lI. \\.1" dealt with III earl\. 199I-t"ilrh 1992.1 he cxt:.lVauon of trench I w~ dirc(tcd b, RKhard Ch.llnben;; (;1 aham Kee\'ill took. 0\ cr in 1990. In bOlh tren(he'l late po"t-I11('dIC\ai and IIIcxll'rn la\er, (Illdudlllg tnp~)lI) \\ere remO\eel mech'lIlicllh lllt'ir c1epth'\ \ill ied lIubsL.lntiaJl). Some PO\Hllt."CIle\'a) rohbcl II ('IRhe\ were also me withlll a linear fC;.IllIle. So 251 ,V.:i ... la~er number 3 \\uhin cut.\ o[ ditch 251. Simil.ui) 6:;9 -I; oS la\er 6 \\ilhin feature 659, _\Ilhough ~1II..:le­ wlllexl-recorchng \\a" adopted a5 pohe~ b) the: O.\L [01 the duration 01 Ihe e,ca\Juon, II \\a deudt:d to (Ontllluc to U~ the old s)stem lor the remaindc.'1 of the ex(a\.ltioll, in Ihe inlerc.-lIts of clan" .lIld WnSI\tt:1l0


1r;lte of pr~hi'\torie aCti\it\ Oil the site lIunl\ed belo\\ it wn"'lderable Jc(ulllulaLion 01 hlter depoits .Ind 1~.llUres, fh~ I.lter ,KUlit) on the "lIte had clear!) parti"lI)' dt'\tH,)ed und. including pall o[a ring gulh ilnd "~,,ocialed poslholes - both possibly related to a rounclhollst· - and .1 IHH11I>el of mher postholes and large I'll'!. mosth he.I"i1\ truncated by laler aCli,,1I\' (Fig_ 0.1). The ... uni\lIlg Bronn' Age soil .. and Ihe fills of the prehi lOric fe,Hul c~ were a COil istent orange-hl"Ow·n silt \\ Ilh \.11, ing proportions of gr.t"el indusiom

Prelwtol1c growul \ltrf(Jte.~

\rebsened onh in the '\Celion» 01 later robber tlen(hC'li. and Ih(·11 extent W.I,\ !l0l recorded Chronolug"ltalh Ignllicant finch . nmabh late Bronle Age pouel1. \\ere retme,,'d from 'el.d of these gmund surtdCt;S .1Ild Imm \u.uigr.lplll(,.tlly related contexts. TIle \\01 Led nint h urn the

(,round wrfaul lIrotllld gull.,; 1977 (Fig. 4): 1976 alld 3052, ami 1577. ]()5-/ 01/(/1678. \ 'ieries or preiuslom ground 'lUifaces wele conCelHrdled around gllih 1977 in (Iench 2. rhe e.lIliesl ",ere la\ers 1976, ~cen III tht" castel n edge of the trench, and 3052, \\hich wele thought 10 Inrm pan ollhe .. ame la\er. La\er 1976 con .. io;ted 01 bright ordnge-red-brow n sil" sediment. o. 10 m. thid. wlulst :1052 Wit re-forded as a thick la, er of OI ~J nge ­ red-bra\\n fint' cia, 'iilt mixed wllh a little quanllte and gr.nel .and O((asionai charcoal n~ck\. Both 1.1),('1\ (()l1lJined hue I\ron/e Age potier)': four sherds in layer 3052 ,lIlel three III 1976, Layer 3052 .liso cOIll.tined :\2 pic<:cs of worked nUll, rhe lelilli\c cllIon{)log~ of these la)('r') \\.IS fixed by 'i('\'er'll slr.ltigli.lphic relalionshlps, Ll)er 3052 merl,ud the natural grd\'e1 Sub\lr.tte and tluee fe.ltures were ("ut into it· pmthole 3082 ;:md pit'i 3079 -fmm \\hith.1 worked f1l1lt wa~ recO\ered - and 30M3 (see beIOI\, 'h'alure~ Cllt into IMlural grd\en. Llyer .3052 wa\

~n 'Oxford .\rchdf.'OlogicaJ Lnll Field ~tanu;.ll· (o.\L.199~). 110 '\ H .. \}t( 1\\ ••\ BOYII· \1'1) ( • • 1> h.Ff\ 11 . t. f r AL

Mall"t area of surviving Prehi810nC ground surtaoe

_ PrehlSlonc Matures N _ laler features ,

Standing Slone

Trench 2 Trench 1


Fig. :i oftremhc.. 'lho\\ing IIldlll jlldmtol"j( h:.Ill1IC\ and tHel dlsturballce A PR"III~TORI(. t:,.NCLO">LRI' \.1 F"!'\SlfAM \BMt.' 111

IlSell merl.un b)' la\er 3048 ~hich comamed one possible 'eolithl( .. herd and twO of late Bronle .\ge date. La\er 1976 \\as (Ul b\ roundhouse g\llh 19i7 .\ further complex ofla\crs interpreted as ground urfa(e, 1:;i7. :\054 and) 678, o\eriaidlal'ers 1976 ,lOci .1052. The traugraphic rdal10nshlps between lhe~ three I.\\er \\en: not alwa) clear. Layer 157i \\35 <;«n to the north of gulh 1977 O\erlring 3052. It fOI"med part of the ~ame la\er as 3054, seen within lhe area enclosed b) gulh 1977 again overl,.ing 3052. La\er 157i was also thought to form Pdf( oflhe same la~er .15 Itl7 . wluch O\crl.. \ la\er 1976. Howe\er. 1678 Wa!o JI\O recorded ,is ha\ing o\crlaid la)er :\OJ·1 (~belo\\. )'o'lthole :l07I'). nle incon~iSlen~ of these obsen JliUIU ')Ugg~ts that 1577. ~054 and 1678 are perhaps be 1 regarded as ha\lng formed a shghth \

I.a\el 3048 ..... as a further ground surblCe which may ha\c been rel.ned to la)ers 3054 and 15i7. It WitS all extemi\'e spread. 0.12 m. thid. of 'lilt)' cla\ mixed wah quartzite and gra\·el and occasional channal fled,ing. \Cen to the nOlth and CObI of penannuJar guth 1977. It o\erla\ ta\cr 3052 and wa!\ o\erlain I" 1.lvcr 1678.

GrrJtllld surJ(l(t~ ", othu awLS. Laver 1042. to the north of the area') dC'Kribed abme. rna, ha\e fi)rmed part of the S'lIne sulfa(e as 16i8. It consisted of aston}'. red-or,lIlge-brow n da\ loam wllh a maximum thickness of OAO Ill, It cont'.IIned IwO sherds of pOller\,. 'lne of late Bronze Age and one oflate Uront.e Age earh Iron Age date. It overta) pit 1982 (sec below, 'ShaUu\\ pits or hollow.,') and W,IS ilSClf o\erlain b\ layer I ().41, a 0.2·1 Ill. thick spread of red-grey-bro\\n loam mixed \\ith b1"J~,l\el, which (onL.d.ined fhe late Bronze-\ge ')herds, one eal h Bronze Age/late Bronze Age sherd and one intrusi\e probable Saxon or Illedie\al sherd. four worked nillls. including one retouched blade. were also recO\ ered, A Beaker sherd found III 916' I, the upper lill of ont' of the robber trenches in which Ihis layer "as obsened, won almost cerL:linly redeposited from the prehisloric ground surface. Other pos'ilble areas 01 prehistoric ground surfa(l" were .tiso ()b~ned during the exca\'3tion of robbel trenches. LI)ers 207 and 588 were seen towards thl' tenLre of Trench I La\-er 207 o ..'e l"lil) the natural substrate and consisted of iI red-brown sill loam with O(c.1sionai ~milll pebbles. 0.28 Ill. lhick. L.I)er 58M, a nalllraJ deposit 0.35 m. thick I)ing above gravel, wa~ id(-'nliGII in compOSition with the addition of a \el·, ~mall qUilntit}' of pea gr.lvel. La}cr 1963 was an oromge·brown clay loam mixcd with a large amOUIll of gravel

Fh"nrio.lllrf (Fig•. 3-8)

I he most ob\iou~ prehistoric feature uncmcred \\a~ .... hat IS IIllerpreted as ha\ing been d ~IIl1(lc. probabh continuous. end()~ure ditch. Pans of this ditch were obsened In three parts of the .. ire: t .... o segmenu (94: 7 ;1nd 250), oriented \\'.-5E., ran along the nOlthern side of the excmallon, and the Ihird (-lOi ;lnd 720). oriented 'J'\il-..-SSW., ran ,llong the eastern side. terminating JUSI shOll of the soUlhern edge of the Irench I he remaining parts of the ditch. including the corner at which lhe nOllhern and eastern segments ma\"join. and - ifthc\ ("xi t- Ihe western and southern Sides of the ent!oslll·c, he outside the exca"'ated arc.l. It i pos"lble. too. that the ditch terminal on tht" castel'll side (407 and 720) marls onh a C3U5eW'a\ or entr.mCt' and that tim ~ide also contlllUCS further. The overall ')ize of the endosure cannot, 't herefore, be estimated. The ditche~ themselves vdried in width from 3-4.5 Ill. ;md in depth from 1.6· 1.9 m. rheir profiles were very uniroml. \11 01 the pouez-y Ic(o\'ered from the enclosure ditch, Illostly oflate Brollt.c Age d .. ttc ...... as found in the upper and middle ditch rills_ '\io pOllet)' was plesent in the lo .... cl' riUs .... hic.h ranged in dcpth frUln 0.55-0.95 m SubStillllial numbers of rinds, predominalllly worked flint, \\-'erc, hO ..... c\cl', noted onl, in dnch segment 250. I 12 \ B·\ R ( I \' .. \ B () Y 1 E. " .... Il (, I) "I I- \ I I L E, I \ I r-_ r----. I / I r' '

r--' I I ) / 30820 ~018 3013~JtZ~ "n / 3053 tit"" 307' 3013 I 3081- . lOtllS / ( I f I f I I I I I I t l.. r------, I --: I I I <: __ ~ I I I I I I f "oro",,,,t I

O~3E~=-~~10~ ______.. 20m I f I I ~------'

fig I PJ .Hl 01 (:ndo'lult:' ,mel .1\". \ I~RI-IIISIURI(. E'(.I()~l Rt .\, "'",,511\1\.1 \BBEY II:"

Th, mel•. ,u" dllrh,., (figs. 4-8)

Ditch 250 (hg. 5). Ditch 250 was a large dueh. wilh d \'-~haped profile. "hK":h ran 'W.- St. across the north of rrcn< h 1 rhree cumph:te seaions "ere exca\i.llro through the ditch. rhe lo\\-er fiUs of all of the '-C..."\uon consistc..'CI of redeposlled or collapsed natural gr,l\e1\ or mixed sands ..\ band of burnt material eontallllng sub,ullu.l1 quanuu~ 01 pouen. bone and burn! ~Hont:' \ seen In the upper la~en of all three set:tion (250.\13,250 B/3. 250(3). Ditch tion 250iA \\-'as located al!he cas! of Trench I, .\hove the 10\\.('1 fills was a sequence of sanel) 1.<1,"('1"''' wnwJIllIIg \ amoun15 of grd\el .. \ncfacts found 111 the~ upper la,ers included: three lale Bron/(' Age sherd~ and t\l.O \\-orled flints in 250 "\"3; and three "lie Brmlle .\ge \hclds and fi\e "orked Hinu (including one serrated hl'lde and one cortical flake) from the final fill. 250'A I SIX worked £Lnts and one burnt piece al,o found in 250 were not assigned to la)·ers. Ditch 'leCtion 2.:;0IB was seen in lhe \\-estern pari of 'I'rellch I. rhe IO\ fills were overlain b) a sequcnc~ of li\'e orilllge.brown ... ill!. (250/8/5- 25018 I). mixed with val)"ing proportions of gra\·eJ. Finds from these upper 1.l\crs indudcd: four worked Ilillls from la)"er 250 B/4 ; two I.ue Bronze Age Plam Ware .!Iherds, two \l.orked Illlus and one fragment of fired d.l) from la~er 250 B.'3; two "(Irkcd flillts from2So.B'2; and two btc Bronle Age Plam Wale sherds from the final fill 250,ll I lell late Sroll/e r\ge sherds and seven worked (111m IIldudmg one small "Ide scraper "ere al'iO recovered but \\-ere not

Dath M'ttlOPI 947 ( F/g.~. 6-7). \ further two lengths 01 the ditch (9-17= 1006) were seen acro.!tS the nonlwnl l);llt of Ircneh 2. Both \\-cle 'lligned ~w.- SE. At the westelll side (947) the ditch was 4.5 Ill. in widLh whlk' at the e.lltlern edge (1006) it \l.a5 3 Ol. wide. Grd ...·e l ~Jjp "as .lgain pre~nt at the boltom oflhe dil h. The remaining fill\. 9·17/8-1. "ere .tli red-brown loams wilh the exception of947!~t SlIlgle worked fljnts were presenl in bOlh 917/-/~ and 94;1-/2. I hree sherds 01 late Bronze "\gelf:ad) Iron Age dille "ere also I'cfo\cred though not aSSigned to a la)cr.

Dlirh Itc-t/Oll 407 (llot rUustratnl). Allhough it was not fulh excnated. the endosure ditch (457= 107) \\-as recogni\Cd emerging oblique!) from the eastern side of the centre of Irt"nch 1 The fills ob.sen·ed weI e 10711. a charcnal-f1ecked reddlsh·brown ~iln cia\' loam mix('d "ith a little gra\e1, and ·157 I, an orange-red·bn)"n .. iln tla, I()

Dztt}, I,rh/.m 720 (fig. 8). Further to the south. the cndmure ditch "ill> 'iC-en at various poll1LS throughout the southern half of Trcndl I. aligned:\1:. to S\\'o The ea~telll side of the ditch was seell in semon ;20 (=i91). lIere II measured 3.:\ m. in \l.idth at it. widest extent, allhough it n,uro\\-ed tOwards its terminUs. A -.enaled bJ..ldt' \\-.13; Iccmeled from la)er ;20- 1 itS "ell .IS ten other \\-orked flints nOI assigned to layers. rfnlurf.\ u'ithin tilt rndomre .\ range of fcatul'e - gullies. pits and postholes - were fuund in the .Irea Inside the enclosure ditch AJthough the) arc generalh concentrated in the nonh-\l.cstern pan of the exc;a\·alJon. III Illost cases there i\ little apparent order in their disu-ibution. One set ofreatures, ho\\-e\er, centred ,Iround gull)' 1977 near the middle 01 the He, may haH been related to a roundhousc. All (If the feature\ I(x:.ned within the enclosure had the same 'prehi\toric fill', a red-brown silt) cla) loam with (x'casional chaltOal flecks. 11 ·1 \ [\\R(I. \\ . \ !SO'I" "I) C. I) h.1:1-\111 1:-, -1 \L • • ... 250/A

250/8 • •

250/C • •

"1)0111 00 '"

o __ ~ ____..; 2 m --=- - __ I

Fi).t 5. I:.ndo\un'

~ Ig . 6. Settion 917 lhrough f.'ndO'lllll' dil( h, 'Ihcl\',lIlg trun(atiOIl and ()\ l'l bUl-den.

947 / A s N ... -

.IOOm 00 "

947/6 5

II oem 00

8 4 711 2 ( " -3--=--- 8- • ~ 7 O~_~=-=-=-=-______~2m

Fig. 7. Ent\U'I lIH: dll(h ~t'

.E 720 NW

720/2 72011


O'''~..or, ..__ .. ,.~ ______...2m

Fig. x. t.ndu.. mc dad, "l'( 11011'. "(:glllent 72fl.

/11t' HmuullWI/\f' Sirurlllrf '!IIi7 Ilall(11 it pu·"ihlt.· pc.·n'lllnl,I.11 roundhou"e gull, 197i \~a$ e'C diaIlH:tc:r of the PUI,Ht' eo roUllclhnll\t' would hal c: been around :1 m. Ihe .,ide .. (II the gulh "Inpcd gemh to ,I roundt:d honullI. It \'0,1\ (UO m. in \\idlh and Ih<: dq>lh \hl" '.11 i,lble, me,hut ing up In (), 1:\ m. Tht, gulh \\ a .. Iillt:d I)\ .1 1111(1·<1<11 L (II.mge-gre\ -bnm n ... h~hlh .. ih, (lil\ ICMIlI \\uh I)((..I"IIlIlal char("C);Il 11(,(1. ...111(\ .\ hult,'>(.' ~1.l\c:1 (19i; II. I"'ehe ... Ilt'rd .. of lalt' BlUll/t- \gt· !)CHlt·, \ \H'It' It·(C)\tT(·d hum u. OIlC from ",('( 11011 \, Ollt' 11'11111 "<.·(linl1 C, ,me! It'n ulld ..... lgnt·cI. I hl:It, 'H'lt' .11'0 '('\l'n \\fu1.t'd nlll1' II ".1 ... CJ\t·, 1.1111 In laH'1 !h7M IWIlI \dmh 1,ltt· IhOlll(' \~(' Plain W.lIt' .. hn(b .lIul ,\ 'lII~k. pIII!>;.!hh 1I1III1 ... i,(, "',.'011 ,IH:rd, iI" "ell ;1'" ,I ROlllilll 01 IIH.'c!lt'\,tI ... ht'ld, ,lIId thrct· racllCXilrhol1 d,lIt·., "C.:lt: ()hl,li nt'cl (,t,'l' ,II"HI\ t'. '1)1 t'hi'IIHi, gnllilHI '1111,1( t" '). (,,,11\ Hlii \\,1" UII IIUII tlu..' Uron.ll' \gt· glOulld ,,,II,\H" cll .. tu.. .. l·d ,lbOlt'. I It" \\.t' cI('.1l til lilt' (.1 .....• 01 1.1\ t·I' :H1~):! ,mel I ~li6. hUI II ... I t'iOilillmh Ip h II h I hl' 11\ t·1 h IIlg 1;1\ l'" :\W) I. :iO,,:l .lIld :\( IIX \\ a ... It· ... , (It',11 I hI.: tlmlt'" .. hlTt .1I1t1 .. l·ttlllll ,ug~nu..·d Ih.1I thl" gulh \\,1' ,"I thl()u~h 1.I\l'I' JOxt alUl JW1I, hili \\1111 ... tlml: Illlll·llailll\. 1.1\(" :Hn:\ \\iI' illl.n6 Ill, 111I(1.. dl'pmit tllll1ulllt'd gln-illtl\\!l .lIlclll'd-hnl\\ll '111\ ( 1,1\ lIII\.l'

/'''\I!",/n IIWIII '111,,1 1I,Ih ,1.,'111/, IYii I hll'I·I)fI ... thnln CUli I ,\Old .mel JOflK) " hit h mot\ h,I\(· hl'('\1 tIIllt('It1I)t11.1I \ \\llh gllih 1~lii \\nt· I"und hllhlll II.Hlm. filiI' l·dj.l(· ... (~,~ II. I hn .111' Imufli(lt'IlI0ll rht.'il m\III'1 '"~Rt"1 tilt· 1111111111 ,I '"U(tu,·l', .111<1111.1\. III 1;.1(1. h.I\l·I>l'l'1l Id,ttl·tllt) difll'llIIj.I ,lnIUUIt.;" 1'""hO\l' :lui I I \II 1.1}I" .W:; I .lItd \\." OH'll.lill h, I.'H'I \ 'liH, It h,ltl ,Il·t·p ... ieln ,lilt! ",.... filll·

\1111/1,.,1 '11/. j !'"II/J,' ,.,!.:- III

\\ 1\" I lit , 'I ''1'11'"1 "I 1\\ •• ,1(TPt'l ",.11111'1(" 1111 "1 • ,I 1111 I'll" 'I holll)\\' t'''.1\ ,lint \H'I ,. '111111,11 III 1/)1111 ,tlul ',111 hI' ,1.1"111,'11." .. h,IIiII\\ 'tlull" \1I1111111-:h Iht" \\1'11 !I,",tlh ,11111\11(1 flllt' 1111\\11 IIIt'llt" "Hit·, Iht'\ l\t·lt· 1It',,'1 1I1O\(' Ih.11I1I 111111 fin'jI tllt·1I fh'l'lh I, ~I'lIl·I.11I\ 1(· ... , IIt.1II h,11I tllt'lI \\Idlh 1' .\('11111(' t'''('P"ol1al'' 1,lIgt· I'II l'IH:! II Iii III h1\l~ In:.! ·,1111 \\1<11' dllel I 1~'111 dt'I'P' h.I' 11111\ III" '1'('1 h.dt ,I.' dl'l"p ," II \\,1' hHit- '-I'llIIl' ,I ,It,',(, k,llllI ,., 111,1\ 1'1\ 11,tl IlI,tl hl.ll, )\1' Pt'IIt.II" ,I'" II 1,11t'cl \\ II h I I IT I k.fI ,lilt I' I,ll lit·, Ih.1I1 f It-hi "'1 ,lld\ dilL: I'lt.. \1.111\ "I d\C'1I\ \\11' ,,,I It\ 1.111'1 1\'.111111', •• 1\('1110111,,·, 1IIII1ltl" "llIth '1I.1.1""n,llh 0/"1111("111111'11 111>.;111." (111111 \ I'Rl-III"'IORI(' ...... (IO ... lKI \1 ,''''' ... 11 \.\1 \1\1l .. , 117

hH) .abuttlng PII\. ~31 and ~3~, \H~n: located .appruxlm .. HC:h J ) m. 10 lilt: ..ollth uf lhe northern eudu\ul c: ditch III In:neh J PII ~HI ",,1\ ~lIh('irc.:ular 111 1»).111 ,md la, on the northern 4.'elge of pil 2:\2. It "'a3 '"Mlll'l lhuu!>{h le--~ tnq~ul.n Ihan pit 232 and mt'a~lIn'd (J.t'i:! m, III Ic:nglh. 0.3 . m, III "idlh and 0.11 m. III inglt'lill ",a') a \.m(1\ loam mixl-d "'"h .lnc! peel grd,e1. I he fill contained ,1 p()"~lble nllli "(I apt:1 ( .. I. bOI .•1 pc) ... ,ible Oilll pot 1)()ller (!

w "20...00• 231 • • " 'C: 7

( 1015 •• so. 00 ~ w -.,.,-


1100/91 00 • W 1100... 00 "00111 00 -" f----~---- ,,- "W S lllill • • ~ ~ w •

123./ 2 '23"'~9_/. UOOIII 00 "'" 1':"-\ 7'<""" 124211 1242/2

w •• ~OO •



• 30i. • 1100..,--,.- 00

o 2m ~--~----.; 11M I~\K(I .\ \ \ H()\I ,'I) (; I) "1-1 'I' I I I \1

I'll 12-12 ,...... liK,Ut'd .It [he eXIICIllt' \olllh-\\l'\' edge.' of tilt' I1TIlI h. II Ill. ~(Il1lh'\H"1 (If til(" non hem l'1ll1u\1Il1.' dudl. ,tg,IIIl'" IUbhcr llenth 1191. unh paruaJl~ "uhin tht: l'X(,l\dlioll II ('11< h. II ".'\.111 in'cgulal mal shape..' lit plan .tncllllca.. mcd 1.76 Ill. III ".dlh and O.3~ Ill. III dq)(h (Fig. ~J), rill' pllIll,ln fill. 12 12"2. wa~ it eli •.-k red ",11\ d ..n lOculi \\lth 'lome 'iand ,mel a lillie grdH'L rhe ,('(oncl.ln IiII. 12-121. hit' ,111 Ol.lllge lal1d~ .. ill, loam IIllll.t'd \\ilh RI,.\eI,mel <..OlllUlh-ea'll HI gulll- 12tH and \\.1'1 mt-d.1I1l I" 1.I\t"'1 1U4' lmm \\11I(h li\t: late BlOl1/e\gt: ,llt:I(I" UIl(' ('OIlh or I,ut'" Smilie .\ge ~herd and UII(' pIOb.lhlt: "M'\OIl ur IIw

D,',,,,, PI/I (itg. 9) • hlO d(:t.'p('1 pll'" (10:\ 1 illld 1119) \H·It.· idt.·ntlfit·d Ilonh 01 '-III UliUlt' 1~l7i, ncal Iht' nOllhl'l 11 ,11111 01 tht.' l'ndo'iiUle, PII 11)3·1 WiI\ 10(.11('11 2 m. ,nUlh of tht., t.'ndmurt.' dneh III \fl'a II It '\a~ lut 1)\ no In' Ih.lIl lOll I mblxl 1It.'ll(he~ I hl:" pll \\.I~ lIHlllar III pl.1Il ,lIld II, ",1(1t', ~Ioped ... It.:t.'ph to.1 1001IUlt'd bottolll nig-. m, I ht'lt' \\Clt' lnur fill, ,lIlei lilt' 1),I1It.'1I1 of 'Ihing 'lI~ge\l' Ihat ,II lea,l in tht., t.l ... t' of tht' prim.ln dl'pO'it~, II 1\.1' ddilx.'ratt'h lilk'd. lht, plIllIil1\ rill (1034 ~\) "ii' .II,I\t.'1 of gla\d \\ith ... onl('lo.lIl1. Iht, "'l'«mddll 1111 (1(1:\.,:\j \\.1,,, elM!.. Klt'\-hlO\\11 ,ltghlh d.l\ 'Ih\ loam m"eci \\lIh tinc gralel. lilt." thilellill (10:\121 wml\lt·d 01.1 mid gn.'\­ bl m, 11 ~hKhlh t tn \ih, luam mi".-d \\ ilh /0:) d\d. I ht' linal fill (I n:H I) \\ .1'" •• 1)l1~11I It'd-en ,1I1)(("-hl CI\\ n ... lIght" 1,1.11 'l


Ilnt.'I.' pmillfll(", III~, l:t~·1 .lIId :tW,·) 1\t'Il" foulld Itmanh tilt' nllllh"\\("lof Iht.' ~Ht' (hK' I). I'mlllllit- IIIK \\ ..... !llIllt.Ilt.,d III 11\0 I.lIt'l h'allll(". II ;Ippl"III.'c\ .llmCl'I 1(,(I,\I1KIII.11 111 pl .. n \\lIh ,Iighth rollnded l'lul, .111«1 1I1C""llIl'

(;"1/,,, /I 51 ."'/ 12M I\\c) hurt, ,h.llle)\\ 'itl etlhc:\ of guill, II jj and 121;'1. \\CIC: luund to\\dl do, Iht· north-\\t'''1 of thc: 'lie (~ig. ". Gulh II:U \\a!> IOGHed immedi •.ueh east of p,clmwlll P" III!), .u1(1 1ll<.'.lsured ~.21 m. b\ Il.ih III. I Ill' "Idt,'i ulllll' ~ulh .. loped genth al an angle 01 n· 10 a mundt'd bottom (~ig_ 10). (lnt' end of 11ll' gulh \\a, lUunded and tltt, oll1<.'r \\01, IccLlng"lJ.r. ·n1(~· "1I1~lt fill "'.1\ .1 hnghl Clr.IIl~<.'-red-bro"'n cia, 'ih In.UIl \\nh f.Kc..I\lon •.aI (h.1WMi flt"t h. a lillIe pt... gril and a rl'\\ qu.lrtJ'llt' pebblt' It \\a!> Cut b\ pll 12 U bt't: .Iho\<.·, '~h.1I1()", pll'l (If hollo\\ .. ') One ... herd of laic Broll/t' \gt' t',l1 h I ron \gt' pnttc:n and li\ C \\urkt'el 111111'1 \\t'l t' I t.'«()\(:1 c:d hom il (;1111) I~f)l mea!)U1ed '2.22 m, III Icnb'lh, {).:)(i III III \'IlClth ,11)( 1 (I.~h III III depth. I he .. ielt· .. of tht, gulh .. Inpc:d \t.'1\ gt'llth to d munded bouom (nol illu .. tratc:d). I\OIh t'nel .. of lilt· gulh ',ert' rounded I ht, '1I1/(1<.- fill \\,I'i a ,-t'{ldi.. h-bnmn 'IOIn(1\ .. Iighth d.l\ ,ill I(MIlI mixed "'lIh .111t1l<.' HHIIHlt,d'l.

nil' \(mullU/-r \(01/f (Fig\. -I and II)

\knuun mll .. t .11"'1 Ix: madt' or a la~~ h .. gmelll (lIt"" t'mt:h \\t\ltllt'rt.'d limc"«))lt', Illt'a"lII ing 1.10 III. 1/1 \\ Idlll .md O.3:l m. in lIud.llt... .,. \\h1(h "'as found hing n.1I III till' bollOIll 01 nll'dil,\;tllobber tlt'mh 1:\2 .lIlht: poilll "ht'le il lUt the eaSlCI n cnd(l'lure ditlh. II had furnlt'd the b".'o(.' 01 " IIlcdiC\;t1 hultre.. s \\ hi(h ""I'i buill \\ Ilt'rt., Iht: w,,11 it "UppOi Icd (. ro'~c..'"<1 the endChUlt· dillh. Smalkl h agllll'llI~ of ,hi .. l\ pt' of \tone ha\e been foulld \j>OI,ldi(-alh III (' mn .. tl"lluioll. I he 1

\ lIumbel Oll'illl} featlllCS - pus or pu .. tho\es - hhi{h do !lot 101 In an) {ohercm Hrll(turc \\t'I"l' UII LIllO Iht, 11;JIUIi.l1 gr.l\t'! .. ubstrate. The natural gr.I\e! \\<1\ I('J(heci ill .11c:,,'1 of 1):1.27 Ill_ 0.0_ in the llC)rth·t·.I'i1 (ornt'l of Ihe (re1l( h, 11~lIlg <;Ii~hl" to the sollth--ea51 (tl~).:l7 Ill. O.D.) dlld to tht, ,>uulh-\\f'Sl (65. IS 111. o.D.). \ m •• 11 I)O'olhule 3067 ..... \5 located to the \'t'\1 of pit :l(Jl'U_ It wa\ tirnalar in plan and hetel ... tt'l'P, nC:

'21 (,. 1.• 1mh, i{ k. 1111' Rollnghl _\ll"''' . .'\lrK"lltlH, .\lwlIIlIlnlh "1/(/ \1'1l/nll"'" m thr PI,h,\ilJ1lr /.fllul\w/R' (HI~MCF \nli.ll'ol Repollil, 198~) , 8:;. 2'2 \ B.ud.I), \1 Gr.l\ 'illd G. Lambrick. F\lIliwt/llIl\"t /11/' OI'l"I" Quo,h, ,\tnll/ull /I(l1(lIIl1t, O\/mcMIIII, /972-J ami JIJ!J8 (rhame' \"alle\ L;Jnd\(".lpe'i ~. I !lH3). I:.!ll \ 1\ \K( I \\ \ RO'l11 ,'I) (. () h.11-\lll 1-1 \l

"00,"" 00 1100lIl 00 SW 3079 3082 w ~ ~ •• •

1118 S 3067 S • 1153 • .. 00- 00 • _ 157$",00 • ., "I'll 00 ,~ V~ -~---U ~

O~-==-~~~0~.5~~~~~==' m

"ig. 10. \t'c,llom tllIOIll(h PI"', pmthnlt·., .lIld gull,,: ... \ "R I, If I ... I () lot I( ...... ( 1 0., l R 1 \ I I,'''''" II \" \ n 1\ I, , 111

I lIE HJ'\ I \SSI:.\IB L-\GI:. b, TESS DLRLJ,"

,\ 1UI,II ,I"'t:mhtl!o:t; ul ')!on piech 01 flint mmlh probahh 01 I.m'l 't.'ullthlc. ur C.1I h BIIIIlTt" \~t' d.tlc.' "'.1' rt"u'\t'rc."(J frum a \cUlt:l\ of mO'lh ""'MtO or lalt.'1 It.-altllt.... and h'H'r, \ppro,uu.ltch d (funt nl Iht IIlhll,: matl'ri.11. hC)\~t"\{"r, \\ .... (ullC'C.leci fmlll pn:hi'torillnllfc.', I', "'h"h Inllll Illl: f.'.lrlibi .. truclur,11 t'\l(!t.-nu' on Iht, ... ltl'. \lIoml .111 "llhe (011lt',[3 frum "'hith Ihm \\a .. Il'('U\t:It:cI (HIII.lint:

Rllw ""l/PrlIlt

I hc' IImt "',I" Kt:IlCI.tlh Iramiliceni 01 Illolded (1IMtjllC.' hlel" II or d.1I L J.tlt'\ in tulmll. hlllhcr (1IIoU! '.III.ttlUIl O(ullit'd illmu).;h ((lItlt.lIlOn, r.U1ging Imlll Ult'iplt'lll hili(; "hUl' '1)t,t.Lln f() CIIOlpl(-ld, "hlle tOlllt,lIlOIl \\ IWlt, pi ('''Clll, UHIt" i ... Ihin and W()I n, ilnd bl'()\\11 in n.I(IlIl, ()tt.I"'loll.11 dark. fhm "ilh .t ,,'Ilel, Ihin (1IIIl'" Ill.l\ ht.'(h"lk l1illl dl'li\ed from

I Hflllh/llJ,ff rmll/lOulum f-I.tLn dt.·,lIh dOlnllli.u,' Ihe lithiC a",ultllI.lJ:;t" \\ilh 11.11111\\, .tIIt! hl.ldc .. PIC,,'lJ( in muth \1II.11It.'1 pn'I)I'lIllnn ... ( I ahil- I), 1 ht: m<1JOIII\ nl tilt" Il.1Lc m.IIt'rl,11 j 1I.ILc" hl.ldn .llId hl.ldl'-Iile,) tlm~I't' 1,1 ilillt.'1 n,ll.n (iW ), \\lIh 'Ide ,lIld


RCIUUlhed Olh(,1 101.11 110 20 2 1 10

!.\BU 2. (ORI· I \ Pl- . ~

SlIIglt' Bipola, Other l eo,led Single \Iull! Di .. coidill hagmenl lol.Ii 1'1.11 r011ll blade: h l"de nod u It· pbtl()1 III 1'1.11 fOlIll Inalloi., 1I1ltlao,<;ilied bla(It' fI

SOIllt.' (01 t.' I ejU\c:n.Hioll .mel pl-ep'Ili.lIiulI \\d' cal I It,cI OUI Oil I,lIe' Ihl t.·c' «(II e lilbleh ilnd till ('t.. COl (' 1.1«(' c'dJ:;t., It'jll\('IIaIIOI1\ \\I;'r,.. found ..." \\ell.rll( •• 1 hUll., ciuOlln.II'- 1)Il Il.lLt:, .\ fel' jluntUh"llI .llId 11.1110\\ -hllllt'(;('11 1<'l1Io\('d, often \\jlh.1 high r.ut: III hill~(' h.ltlUIIn).; (he Ihrt'e hl.ute core, aho gave the imprl'"iull 01 ht.'IIlH wmidt'rahh \\ml..t.'d d(mn, \\ilh Ih,' t.. \ttplioll ofthl' bl.ult' (Olt'" the gtnt.' impll'"ion ... Ih,1I !tult" wllIrul mn the .,h.lpe (If thc teIllO\.d, " .... t'xelti\(·d,

11011-10(.',1 lIulI \\a .. u .. l·d in pi t"h:1CIUt' and 5U lHIl~ "t:n' \\111 "{'ihk '\'c~dult: "Ill "III .11 .. 0 C)1)\1c)II~h dt:u.:nlllllt: ,Ii{' ~1/t: of ton:\, IlIt·1t .tlt:, hO"l'H·I. 1.11).;l· OakC:!I \\,lllIn tht, (01lt'01l1l1. ~onlt: HI "hlc h 111.1) he I('\alloi\">, I Ill: prq>al alioll ulln.,lIoi, cmn j.;l·nt·l.lih rl'(luirt'!. a rt'.I .. ol1.lhh lilrJ.:l' Pll,( (' III 111111, '>II "C11Ill'I,ll"gl'l Ilc)(lulc.· .. IllU,1 al ...o hall' oct'n J\.lllablt: II I1M\ 1>\· tht: (ase that 1.II)o!;t:1 {C'It:~ wt:le '11Utk .111« PIt·'ci On-~I({" pt'rh.lp"11 Iht' i1l1ll <,(IUIU'

Rt'lfllu II,.d IIlIIlt'l1ul \ Itll.1I III ~I I I t.'lolldlt'd 1Il1plt:IIICIlI' of '(.1 "1)l'l ~ on 1II IIII~ III lilt" l.tlJotl· ... 1 1l1111l1}('.-.. (('.J.::. hK. I~U;,i),\ fe" pwu'" .lIt·InOIt' di.IKllll\lil of p.\lticul,tI pell0(h Ihilll mht·, ... _ Om' 01 Ih{' ,.1 I CI\\ ht',l(b .... b,uh('d illld wng{'d. 1I1di(illillJ(.1 Ikakt'l t:

I \IlU :1 RI 10l UI U) f I " I

\1!o\,Iu:.ld "'UiJpt:1 \wl Plercel .")t·, I alt.. d ,,),1\\ "\01<11 llen I }{""ltllIlhl'(1 101.11 \allOU~ 11"", 11,I"e

~ 17 ~ ,; ~ ~ HI ~d

C1l1a1oK1I1' 0/ ,1Imlralt't! j1ill/1 (Ft/:. J2}

1 m.ull' ((11(', ~I- Hi:U. o ... ::?:lt) I~:l :? Hlkt'(I)Il·"'F:~)I)I.(:[,I:-;:\ \1 :~ 1), .. wi(.I.IP"'·I lIlilllufa... tulcd Oil a (0111(.1111,1""- t',hihllil1)o!; .. h.lllm\ 111\ 1 ("l-Ill 011 IIll' Idl .1Il1l 'ilo:hl-hand "(\(...... ilit,1 ).tIm ... I" pi t·~(·tU 011 Iht" Idt-h,lIld H' O;Ud.H.l', I hl' pro'"11al t'nel 01 tilt' I.. blCl"C'Il, ~~ ~7/, 0,-i20 1 I:! B.lllwcl .1IIe! tangt·(\ ,II 1()\\h(·,!C1. slight d.lI11,lgt· 10 I lit· lip and flnl' hillh i ... Illl,,>ing, .... , I~) 1, (.,,::.!~) I


I hl' hul\;' 01 lilhit milll·li.11 hum Lht., 'II(' \\fluiel .lppe.1I 10 Ix' 01 lIulclt'l'Ill1lli.lll" 1.1It."! '\l'01,,11I( (·.It h l:\lOlln' \gt.' cLue:, rht.· IX'I tt·l1Iagt· of black, ,\lui hlade'-IIJ...t, 1I.11..c· ... tOluhltll·d ( I ~(l) 1\ lfIlI'l ... tt:1ll "II h \\ h,1I OIll' might t.·\PC'OIO find 1Il;l later "\l'ollllll( .I\,{·mblilge', .1IIe1 tht.· PIt:''''''IlCe 01 1I,,\;.c, \\lIh dOl .. 1."lt, ... t,Il' 1\ "'1I"u.~e·"li\e of it Sl1li111e;II"t" '\t'oll11ii( t'lt·II1t.'111111 th ..· ,I\"'l·llIbl\ lilt· pll'\l'll({' {If ... omt: flilJ...t·!\ \\ilh narnl\\ 01 P"II(lill)1111 hllll' ,I!lei ... oll·h

'l.i Il Il'lIlllllg", lilt' "'m.11I l'il1<1,', III J \ICICIIC' .mel 1>_ .I ('11 11111J.::", Urllllml!. H,NIII'I\ Huk /I H'!)JI~ ' .I.l:t' /fII/i/\W/1t' (I h.ulII·, \allt.·\ 1..1IIc1\lOlI>e .. : IIll' ).,t'lIlll·1 \ ·.llIt·, I. 1~lq:!l. ~J:\-7 11 .... hmt. '(:JlIollo\uL:i(;t1 and ~lI1ltllClI1,d \"l'nt .. lll ~hlH \~'l·lI1hl.t~t' .. ·.1Il \ (, !\tcl\\I1.U1d \1 N. '-_

• 6 5 •

o o •

o 10 50 mm ""-=~~~~- -h 12

eoge glOIl t leHaltOna • poailion 01 bulb

o POlitlon 01 bulb (abaenll

cor Iell

Fig. 12. \\"01 ~l"d flUlI. 1:!1 \ U\R( 1\\. \ H()\I i' \'1) (. I) "'i'i'\ 1111,1 \1

"cH'I,1I ,11It'lIlOIl' (hI-{. I:!,:» m,l\ hl' Ihl' prlKluli 01 lurtOl"l' (OIe' ••1 Il'Val!ol .... I\Pl· UHe u'l'd III Ihl" P<.'liIKI I'o" ... ihle lollOl"l' <:o)"t· lIa~l'\ well" n'l'()\c:lt'(1 110m :UI:,2 .•1 prehi\tom: I-{rtlund \Urlh 1.llt:1 l-hun/c'· ,\gl' {'(nllt'X(' i\ oj 1,lIt'l '\kolithiol'(:c"11 the (it'ol' .11 tilt' 1.1l1' I\lIl11/t· \g-l' l'lldmurc.' ill Raith lIiIL:!~ II. hOWt·H'I . lht, c,·lIt l"'Ull' " of 'c"Cllilhic, date: (,t·t: 1ll'10\\ 'I he 101 III .lIul Chllc" 01 lilt' chtl h'). '>Olllc" of Ihi ... IlMll'lliIl lII,n h,IH' Il·m.unc,·d rll I/u .

Iii' \"1' R \'ill f. \RU IlRO,\/I' \(.E 1'0 I I FR\ I" \U, I \lR B.-\RLL\\

I Itl' l'",I''llillll''' pllwhuc"cl I ~, ,Iwnt.. (I :\1'\ ~.l CIt t·,lIlIl·' 1\1II1l/l' \~c,' POIl<"1 \ indudlllJ..: 'lllIlle: Ikalc," lII.tll'II.,1 ( f1HI-1II1pll·"<."cI ,IWIlt.. fl'(o,dt·c.! in Iht- ,1'~l''''''IlH'nl .... IOIllIllJ..: hllm (nlHl'" :U~ 1\ hOi\(' nol hc.:t'll ,(·t·n I" thl­ \\Itlt·l'· .'''UIllt'(\ III ht'c"11 111 .. 1 I hl' .c~..,c.·lIIhl'l~l' I' ,-h"la{ll'n~l'd In ,IIt,III. oltc,'n hl)lll, It'.ltllldt·~, horh ,1ll'lck Wilh Ihc"!"t('Pllflllllf IlIlt' ,hl'1ci It'lC!H'U''' tmlll ,I pll. ,III 01 lilt' malt·lial, .. Ulll"lcI~"Il'cI In ht' 11"1(\11,11 \\ilhin I.llt'l nIlHl'Xl",

" It'lh(J(lolll}..')'

(.Ihll· I WH· .. l' (\ :!()) ;tnc! hc"It' :!(rT

"'''/1 If' "" 1.111111 ... h,l\t' hc'"C'1l lcit'lltili<."d ,lIIeI,llI 01 thC,"l' 111II1.IIl1l'lIhc"1 nwclium 1,1 cuar-'e ~ro~ it, ,I Illillll 1c"lI1pc'·IIIIJ..: .I/o:t·1I1 ,I' \\l'1I ii' t·ulll'1 "mel, ,hdlill IllIallllll'_ \lIollhl' ,hc,·,d, h,I\(' .1 hl',l\'I1\ o\idi ... t,d CllIU:r tnill};in. nlu.·n ,dllml ... h.hnmn IlItolOIil ,lnd.1ll tIIllIllIpklC,'" 11\1(11'('11 mlll'IIlI.U..:IIl. ullc'-n grc.·,I,h·hlatL CIT bl.u~ in (uloUI

:..! ,", l\tlKJ.:', (Oll~ .1IIe! Rmde:\, "j1 , 01 IIIlIt· I:!, mOlp":! ,mel I :.!li Ihid. 1II,Ip J .!i (,;.1'<,", op. til. nOlt' I:!, pp. :t!·~\. :..! ... '" 't'c,·clh.1I11 .tlle! J \mbe:I'. Rt·d,illllJ..: Ram .... 11I1I.tllcin·colI'lcll'IlIlJ,( SHIIl/C,' \J..:l' .lIdo\ult,' /'111( j'rrhl\! 'Of h. II ~Iq I,. :! IU. \ I' R I HI.., I () R I ( .. , ( I (' ~ l R ~ \ I I"'" II \ \1 .\ n Ii .. , I:.!:'

"'0IllC:(1I111; lilt: II1l1l" Hulalt: is •• , hell I h~ ,lll'ld .. haH'.1 ", •• 11 thid.. nes, range oJ i>etht'cn ;,1:\ 111111. \II 01 the labnl" .lIl'(o!l .. i.. leni "uh (:lIhel .1 Beall'l III e.lIlrt'l Bnllllt"' \Kt' dale ..\ fahol ... mila)" to ('Q:\ UHUI at '.I(nwn '" ht"f"t'" II I ....1"\(Klatro h IIh the manUfa(tllll' 411 BllclIlltal Lin ... _~I

I \BU t \RLlER BR()Vt A(.t '>IIfRIl'I'INI- 'l \IBER()I ,III RD'>I

COIllt''' F.lhlil 'OSII \\"l"ighL Dt'C"4I1.l1lflil Ln'lloguc no. Date :\!)J II H (.\2 9g. I)") mil I (;2 4 g. Impre",t'd IIU11h 1'1 Beal..el, ~ \\ \IR J11J1 ( ..\~ :~ g. til \

I I l!l II I G.\~ 7 g. 11I1J>1(· .... l·(\ 01 lIlu .. t·d P2 Bt:i1kl"' . 16;i (. \2 :1 g. \t:n \\urn .mprc,""cd (omb P:I Beaker (;\S2 S g.

JI;i~ (. \:\ :1 g. FR.\ GQ2 :\ 10 g. <'B.\ (SI I ; g. F B.\

IH~I.\I G.\~ I g.

191i . I (,.W 4 g. IIlCl ..e(1 lint.· 1'4 Beakel :iO:12 GQ:I 2 :l.j g. EB.\ 303:1 GS:l 12 g. EB.\ lot •• 1 I:) 13M g.

(;mg-INII/JflNL jflilllfl:

G.\~: Soft I.\bril \\1111 IlHxlerate medium .. "bangtllal Jl;log .tnd r,lIl'lJ",lIlt s

29 \. I~ilrda\ , . I ht' Plehi5tori<: POllen', III Bt'll ;lnd Iley, op. lit. nnle i, :\1) D.L. Clal kt" SMA", Potu,) of (;",,11 Bn/am o/lfllulmu/ (19iU), ~tl. 31 (t. He\. 'Yarnwn: Recent \\"orl'. Pr II, Ii (l9!'.f). M. I:!t> \ 1\ \K( I \, \. Ii (n 1 I \ -'.I) (, I) h. t I" \ J I I. l I \ I

(omh imjlll·"iu!l 1):1 hd .. d .. impk dlld ~hull impli: .... t·d 01 IIl(i,t'ci hilt· .111(1 P4 11.1'1 \\hal (uule! IX'd nllmllt'l of 1.. 11111 1I1(I'I:d lillt'" '-,illliial deO)).lwlIl (Kllll\ (111 Ilt'Aller IX){I(.·I', in panitul

?..... ==== ~.. .c ==~.. ~ ~mm

Catalogllt' of /t'(fllHfd ,111'1(1.\ 1'1 91f) I (Fig. 1:i) lit'akel b()d~ .. hnd H ~.). I.olln 01 impn.·,,,l.."cI WllIb. Llblic (" Colour. (,XI: d.u" It.'dd"h­ l)lI)\\II: tOi e: bl.1el, 1111: d.u\... rec:lch.,h-hro\\ fl. OUlt'1 ,ull.lll· I., IIl~h" bill ni~ht:d, I)oJ II HI B I. (1101 IIIU'olr.ned) BeaJ...eT I)(Kh .. herd Ii ~.). Imprt·.... t'd UI IIlti .. eclline F.,I)li( C• .\:! . ColoU! exl .. dIO\\I .. h-bm\\n; (OIt': bla!..\...; int: bl.ll" 1):\ Ilin. (nO! ilhl\lr.llt'dl Heakel ho(h .,h"lei (:\ ),{.). \l"I\ W(JIII 11II1)ft.· .. ~l"(llOlllb. Llblll (,.\2 Culotll: (',(: \dltmi .. ll -h,·()\\n: ('(11'(': bl'I("\...; illl: hllmn. PI 1917/· 1. (not IlhL\llitledl Bt'''''t'l both .. helel (I ~.). Ilf{i~l'd lillt'. 1,Ihill G,\2. ColoUT"' ('XI: \ ('I\U\\i,h-hw .... II: Wit· k; IIll: "hI( l. I'~l :HlI II H. (not IIILI\lI,IIt"d) Ba~t' .. 1H.'lCll'l.lin. I'ahlll C,.\:! C()iolll t"1 ,t'lItl\\i .. h-bul\\ll,ltlll· grt".II1L ),{It·,.

J)/\( UHum

i ht· .. ht·,d, all' ;t\l qUilt· .. mall and IIIml

:\1 (:I.ull..". 01'. tit, nOlI: :~O. \'\ I "innt· .... \ (;ib"ClIl. J \mlx·,,,. \ 1\1J\\lII,tIl, \1 I.(·l·,t· and R Ilo;t~1. 'Radiocarbon f),l1inK .lIlei 1 ~IIII .. h Hl'alel': till' l-i\l PlOgr,lInnw·. Volt/,Ii IlIhnrf'!. Url'It'II', nii (1991). :m: n.l 1001I"hn . '\IIIlOlllilll \.' .. t' ...1 \""0 .tnd thell ()n:unt:l1u'lIl '-,oulht:11l BIIl,tllI', Proe IJ, ,,/I/It \11•. !iii (I9S~).liK. fi. I I I '--I (.,l"l', I he I.dllllxmm 'teH.:n Bal m\\ .. ·, Unln Irrlldt'f)/. Jill h (19.'l6-il. 1 ~)-:i 1 \ I'Rt 111"'1 ORI( (.1 ()"'t N.J. \1 1\ "II.-\\{ \1.\"'. \ I:!i

nOllh .t( 'C\\ WIIlIIl", hllrn (ullpub!.), (:.1',"111 ""'lin ,mel Y.!Tnton'" ,lIIeI to Ihe ~()lIlh It h." I)(:(:n round .11 lilt· nt.·\ il\, QUUI" Ilt'ngc .lIlei from Ill« "IIITolillclmg 1.lIlcl\t.tpt.· <11 "t.tIlton HilrC()lIrl.~7 Biu)oll.tI Lilt , .. Ic .. ~ \\1..·1!1t.·PIC:"{·lltccl \\ilhilt the (ounl\, .tllhough Ihi, n.'I,ullic " ...... oc.ialecl willl dOllle"li( le.Hurt' ... IIlliudlllg.1 pO,I.built hc)U-.(: itt Yarnton.'K


I Ill" «·\.l.I\.II(·d a ... 't.·lI1hl.t~t.· l(Hm~I" of a wt.1I 01 111,111: 1(1, ul h.lIldm.ldt.'jHehi'lOri<. POIlt:r' \\t·I~llInJ.; ( ILg Olthi .. 1n1.1!. :CI~ .. ht·1 d .. \\CIT rC()\l.·rcd Imlll 1.11<"1 pi dmlUl It. runll"h, '" IlIl{' 62 ~herch \\L'I e: 1<.'( 0\ ("u:d lrum ",I '\CHI .1IIt! 1,1It.·1 rUllle'I,. rhc pout'n i ...1 PI.1I11 "'.11 (.' .'~'I..·lIlhlilgL' 011.111..' Broll/l..' .\ge date: .mel I.. (. h,II,I((t:1 i .. ('d I" Illo,th UIICi<.'t.CIlilll..'(l ,,".Iight OJ b'ln eI-~h.'pt·d \( ...... (.1\ .mel 100Illd-.. ht)ulcit.:rcd ,.ITS 1\ Ilh l'\('1 t(:cil'im .. 111.11 ." (. 1lI.lIIuL.IlIIlI't.·ci fwm .t 1.II1~e 01 qU

\1t 'hodo/IIK)

I hL' .1 .... t.·lI1hlag(· I.. qu.lI1lt1i(·eI 1)\ sh('rel Illllnhl'l ,lilt! "('i~hl ('l·t.· (.Ihk~ .')-6), Refilling 'rl·,h hll',ll~ .1'(' I..·'lhult-t! hum Iht· ... h(·ld (OUIlI. ·Iht: pOlll..·l\ I' th,lr.ltIL· ... 't.·eI In 1.lbril, fOl1ll ... urface 1J"t·,ltnH..·IH. cit:(01.H1UII .111c1lulmn, Onh lilt, nultt· dl{·d to dt.·IHHt· 1I1

"I..·\l·ntt·ell 'abri< .. w<:rc.' ic!(:llIilied ancllh<: (·(.tIl h( di\idL'd 11110 \I\. 1.lbll( KIOUP.,.

hdu/(', \wlIl-IIIIIJ"'Il'(J \(, I FUI(.' (11Ig. \Q~ hilI..'

{ ,(lit al't"oIlHt"ltIjNrt'tl: C! FinC:-Illt'dium (,IIl.II(·OU., lilllcs{()ne. "OI11L' \1I(·I(j." .ll~t) ((Hltalll r,IIt.· CIU.Il"s(' lin('-IIl('dIUI1l .ll1l{ular qual"l7.ilc .tnel "p.,,')c

f/1fl/-t, ,/wrnf' F:\ \If"ll'' .He ('O.II'C: .IIl).l:ul<1f (ak1l1e:d IIml

(,rDK·It"'J~rrd: (;1 \lcMlt-ral(' llll'dlUI11 greig. Some sherd .. al .. n (HIlI.tin (Iu.lrll ,Ind .Iltct (II line .. hell. GQ:! \luci('Iclllll' ~hcl d .. al .. " (ont.lllt cilher qum II "'lI1d. J.t'UJ.:: ... hdl 01 1('1 rllglllOU'i pellet\. Q3 \I CXkl.uc-Cnll1llloll {(),IIW ' qll.III/Ilt'. "OIllL' ~1H.'l"d~ .II~() «(lIII.lin (. .Ilrart·()u .. mattcl. Q"(,I':\ "Ip""e {Ital""(' tIU.Hl/itt'. ral'e "ihell pl,lId(·!\. 1,lrc (al(drcou .. lirnl..·\lOl1c: anci rolfe dal- 1'(."\1('1\.

:l~, Lt\e: t'I .11.. up. (it nule 3. pp. 59-6:1. '\ti H.uda\, in Hdl ,mel lie" op. cit, note 2!I 17 n<1lda\ el .11. op. (ii, nOle 22. 3M B.lTtI.t\, in Bd! and Ile\. op. eil. nC)I(' :!!I I:..!M n \Rel\' \ 1\0' I .. \'.t) C. D hoi' I \ II I I I \L.

1.\1111 ",. Ql \, IIFI( \110' ,'>IIERD 'l \1111 R. \I fI(.1I1) m 1'01"ll.R\ FR()\l1. \II BRO"f \(.f.(O' II'"'' 11\ f\BRIC (.ROl I'

"'illlel ( .• II( an:flU., Hint GIOJ.{ QUOIn/III.: Shell IOI.d

:!:lO.\ I I. 214 I . 3g. ~. i'g

2:-10 \:\ H. 27J.{ 2. x~ Itl. :13g 2.'lO B I. Xg. H. 77g. :1. 2g. 1'2. Hig

~:-IO 1\""2 :1. 11K :I. 11g.

~:lOH':l I . I ~1~, I . Ilg. 2. 199.

~:-l() 1\ 1 I. 21g. I . 21g.

~:'l() ( I. HK 2. I:;${. :1. '2~~g.

:!:lO ( :~ 2:t :!()~g. :lH. 3:;2/{. Ii:l. jHOg. 2:10 ( I. Ilg. I. :I:'g. 2, Ilg. :\(ill 1. Bg. 5, .Wg-. Ii, (jIg. 1111 I. Hg I. Hg

I. ~I~ I, Hg

9~7 \ 1 I Xg. I. IK '2. 12g.

~Jli' B.l 2. :-,g. 9. -1 514. II jllg

IIII~ I. Ig. 2~, HF.g. i. 11g. :Ui. :;2ig. II ';:1.\1 I. Ig. I. Ig. 12 1:\ I. 214· I. 2g. I. 2g. J. jig. lIi7X I. Hg .1. '20}.\ . '2. 19/{. 71. :Illig. ·G. :l'2:\g. 1'2'2. ilOg. 1976 2. Hg. '2. Kg. 1977 I. :\g, :;, :l lg. 6. :ng. 1'2. 70g.

:IIIIH :lg. I~ , I. 2g. :l. 9g.

:lO:-.:,? ~. 6g. 2, fig. :lO:l:\ '2. :llg :-•. I 5g-. i. tlig. :\11:-. I I. '21 g :1. I :Ig. :I. 20g. i. .-IIg. :H19h I. lig. I. lig. :l:-II i \ 1 1:l, '2ti 1g. :Vili \'2 :n 1i' 1\ I ------I ~I. I (i~g. 1'1. 161g. 101,11 I. :?Hg. i h·Ig-. 2. 16g. " •.;Ilig. 11):-•. 1'291g \ I' K 1 II' .... )ORJ( , , ( , () .. l 1<, \ , f \ ' .... 11 \\1 \HUl' I:.'"

1.\81 ~_ fi. Ql ,:\ Ilf I( \ 110' lSI H I{D :\ l \IIH R, \\ tl<.1I1 ) OF PO n .. R\ f RO\l 0' ·PRl-III" I ORI( CO" f '\"

(.411111: , S.II1c1 ( lIcarenu, Hlln (.IU){ Quart/Itt: ,>hell 10t.11

1:,4 • I I I.ig. I. :;g. 2. 2()~

Ifi.i I. 7~. I. i~.

:!.~) J (. I. 1fI~ I. 109. :!i~ . 2 I. 'g. I. Ig. :\1)0 I. 9Jr.1. :it :ltg. Ii. lil~

:l!1I . I 2. IIg. 2. II~

.1iO I. :lg. I . ~IK' ~UJ I. 12g. I I:!g 1010 I. 4g I. Ig

1011 :1. I :I~. i. :t\g. 2. ;'g. 12. jig W<1i 11 I I. lig I. Ill{

1J:l~ \~ I. 2g_ I. 2g

IIHI I. 19~ I. 19K·

I :!:!~) \2 I . Ilg. I. Jg. ~. IH~ 12:'",6 HI 2. 1:\g. 2. J:lg IY,2 · I I. ilK· I f)g. 11i71 :! . 11g. 2. Ilg. lun I. iK- 6, 12g. 4. 22/{. II. ill{

IHHI I . !)g. I. ~Ig &\1 IHH6·2' I. 26g. I . 2111{.

I H901l 2. I:Jg. ~. 1:11{. I H!lO (. I. 19. I. IK ' 1n w' I I. Ig. Ig

If) 17 · I I. I~ Ig 1962 I. Ig. I. 109 :! . II~ 199,·" I I. 51-{. .il{ 111H I. hg I. Ilg. :1O:l1 I. :Ig I. Jg. :11;nO 1. 3g I. JI{. IUI,,1 5. T.g. :1. 12g. I. 2g. 2. ''""'g, 2H. 1~IOg . 23. 1·llg. 62. 123g. 1 _W \ I" \ R ( 1 \, \ IH)\II "1)(,1) .... It\111 FI \l

,III "'/f'lIIjlt'lI'd S~ (.(IIl1I1H11l lilll -111("( Iillm ,hell pl~lldt·I"'. SUllle ,lit·.

ON /ll\/III/ III I"/u/( I LIllie' 7 KIH" .1 hlt·,ll..d'l\\n 01 Ihl 1.11111( f!:IOUjI'i h .. I.IIC·I I'ldli,tllll( .Ind I1cln-pll"lli,tOlll fllllte·" .... lilt' ljll.lll1l1t'!('mp(·Il·d 1.1hlll ~roup I'" dllllllll.lnt ,mel .HtIlUIlI, lUI 1)('1\\1."("11 1.)-HYf ollht" tUI," a"I.'mbl,lj,tl I hl· ,lit·11. ,lIlri ,hdl.lIld (llI.ln/lll' f,ll)) jt ){IOUP' ,1«1111111 101 ,\ Ie" .1I1e1 I ~.I V olllll' 101<11 " .... t·lllhlagt.·. n, .. pt·({I\(·h ("lIl'cli,d\ Iht, It'llI,lillin).{ Jour lal)ll( ~1(HlP' (,.. tlltl. (,li(,lIt'CII"', IlItI! .ll1d RICIK) .1UOUllll"d 1(11 onh !Y{ olllw 101al,I"l'mlllagt'. QII,III/ilt'lt:mpt:1 j, u",'d t',tl'II\I\d\- IIllht" tll;\III1I.UIUI(· o/I.lle Ih C-lIlIt' \){t' POUt'l\

I \nll 7 I)R()I'ORI10'" 01 I\URI( (.ROlI'S I'RO\! \1.1 I'IU.III"'ORJ( \'1) 'O'-llRH liS I ORI( CO, I ~:\ I S

L,hll( group 1,.IIl'1 prChhlotl( tOlllt'xt, 'flll-II I c:ln ... tol \( (tlllll"\.l' \\1 collln,ls , '\0.'>11 ~ \\'1. " '0'>11 " \\'t. " '\0,11 '., \\'1. " ".IIHI ~ 109 " :?flg <) Ii ~ :lOg. ( .• tlt.lll'OU ... 7 :I htg I ~ lilg ~ !l .I ~()g.

I· Ii 111 ~ I Wg I ~ IfiR·

(,lOR Ii 2 .~dg 'I Ii ~ :) I g. :1

(20.11 II 11 t' I·n 10 XII:?g. 1\ 17 n IllXg 11 1:11 19 ~H Og. I~) ~hdl ,,-, , :t? ,'lWlg. J:? If' ~fi IIg I ~J ~17 .II H:!hg II J.p) "hl'll .II 12 :!7ig ~, J:\ :?Iig. I:! :{9 I:? :lItlg. I ~) .md '111.111/11(."

I ClI.tI '1-·_ 1,1 If)(1 I SW'g, 100 IX I flO :!lIg 1fI0 :1 J:\ 100 20J()g 100

\'I \,11 mOll, tlllptlhi .IIC hi\(, Iqlllll 10 \l I. I ht I.l1t'l pll'hl'ICI1ll polll'l \ hum ',tl ilion h.I'i h«.:t'll .I,'it""t·d I" lilt" .nuho! .mel "iJlICIIIl1 1""1 (II .111 IIIj.{h,h I klltilgt' IUI1<1t'd pO'I-t"t,\\dll(1I1 pm){I

hH'IlI\-"'l'\l'n 11111' \\Cl1: Il'(01dl'd. lilt.' ll1~jl)lU' 01 ",hidl \\l'll' ul ... illlplt.'!cnm and eilhel upright ur l"elll'd I hl 111m h.l\l' hl'l'l1 ell\ lcicci IIlIn 1111 ee h.l .. ic I' Pl'" R 1':\. 'Ir.ti~hl, illt un ing ~nd t"ent'd. ShOllldl:1 c'(l ,hl'l C\, \\l'll' I ,lit.' .IUlllng'l lilt' a'''l'mblil~t· and "'c-re .. h·.. l\\ wlInlkd <"heu!... from al Ica~1 1 ~ 1M\(" \\('Il' Il"(01<1l,d 1 ht-..t· \\t'l t· (1...... ilit·c!1I110 lhn:c l\ pt.... B 1-2. ('uht·, n,1I hOllmnt·d \\ Ilh .... It·t·p I ounded or .. qll.ucc! ha .... 11 .tIIl-{lt: 01 IH, l1.u b"tlOIlll'd "'Ilh .tn I:"panticd .mel pLmh(:d 'Iooa' hUll IUIIo.ld \ l' ,d 1\ p(." (\ l-Il all' dt'line."(i. \111,1 tIll' 1111 Ill .. I (·t 01 ell·d.1I ~,II,h .II11.11 t· ,h,ll .Klt·n .. litdlh 1'1I~; 1\IUllIt· \~l' .111(1 «IIIII11(,n dllllllll-{,1 lhl' I1Ull1l'I(ItI" tlllllt'IIII)(I1.II\ ,...... embl.IRc .. (rom Ihe I h.lltw, \,lllt,\ I. 1.lhle: tc ,llu"r.lll" Iht, (1lITd.lIion hel\\cc:n lim ;Ind \t· ...... 1 I'PC:'" .11UI 1.lhlll' and dt'11l0n .. ll.IIt' ... lh.1I Ilwlt· i, 1111 ,j){llili(,IIH 11111 d.uiull l>e:I\\'('·t'11 1m Ill" .ulCll"hlln

HUfII; RI '1I.lighl ('1111('1 rounded 01 'icilian'd. llldt'«()1.IIe.·c! Llhl1t': \\. .\Q:! Q:!, Q~LI):l. S:!. ",Q~-:t (.onlnl\· :!:,I) 1\ J, :r)() ( :\, WI!, Ih77. 167M. K2: inUII \ II1):{ t'ithl" 'Ollllcit'd. b(:\('IIe.'d or 'ljU.11 t,cI <"Ol11l' lint ... ,lie: "nO! '-11(:<1 \\ nh eill\('1 IIhliqll(' lIH"l·d linn III lill):{t·r-ll,ullllll)1e.· ..... um'. 1·"1,, it .. : LJ, (;1. Q:!-:\, ",:! (.Olllc'''''': 1:iO ( :~. IlliH, :l()4i'··, 3n.) 1-- R:l: nt'1tt'd l'U ht'l rtltLncit'd ()1 ... qllilreci I-.Ihl in: Q 1. Q:!. \:!. SQ2. (:ollll'xt\: 2.-,0 \. I. 2:'0 I~ -, :no B ~, 2.-IO( :L .,ml··

Fonl1 ".mel Fhm (;IO~ QU.llt/lt(.' Shell 100ai RO


:1 ~ i R:I J 2 :; 10 10 21

II ~ :1 \ '2 J .I ":\ 2 2 2 " I 100ai 2 6 :1 J~

I, "k \"II: indt'ICII1lIO,Ul- \"1 "'II.ti~hl IIlt'd. ~,ml' \l· ... \t.·" \\llh fll(111.11 Inli( SQ.t CUlllnl: HiiX \ ' I. HlUIHI· ... hnuldC:1 t'ct 1,11 Kiln f(ll m,: R I. R:J. LliJlit ,:\Q:!, (.Q:!, QI CUIlIt'\.I' 1Il41 •.• 0",,1 H(I Indt:tt'l min,II(' UI SlIllpk 11.11 \Hlit .. tel'!> b.I .... t1.lIlf.;k· F.\!)lIt,: Q~. S:!, SQ:\. (.onle'I"': ~3() B·, Ill/H. B:.! ~')il1lplt· fI.H .... Iight" rnunded .... ilh ~1t'Cp b.".II.ln~k LIIHi(\: Q:l, S:!, Cuntnl. Wit{, 1\:' H.II .mel npandt:clluol ",nit OJ "u,'(.'P h.I ... ,1I .lIlgk ~ .l llIi{ .. : Q:\, S:4, ClIllll',l<;,: 2,-)n ( I. It)iH. lelii

I:! J ItUIC:II. I he.' LUt'1 f'olll'n' "Pt'''', \lJinnit· .... (hwllol0t-p .md Sl~nifi('ance', ill R. BI

CalflloK"#-' o} /mlllJnl \hnrl\ (Fig\. /1·/6)

I ~.')n\ 1. Rim ... h(:ld. lU. Fahll( S1. hllng (oloUI n.l: 1('ddi ... h-llI()hll~ (OIt.', dad.. g-It.'\ IIlI: d.u1.. j.{1t:\ (.flndilioll I.lil-\\Orll. 1 ~no B - Iho ha ... t.' ... hn<\.... IH Fahli( Q~. Filing ((lImit t..,,: hrm\ni ... h'gl(:'~ core: gIn; 1I1l. gn:\, <.ondHion LII1 :\ 2.,0 B· Rim ,ht·arl. RI "ahri( Q~ rililtj.{ (flIOlU t.'xl: gr("\i ... h·lulI .... n; COI(" grn. illl l;"1t.'\ (:oll(lilion I~til I ~.~.() B 2. Rlln ... ht.'ld. lU. "abli( SQ:!. I'ilillg (t.loLiI t."I: Ic:cldi ... h-hnmn; (01(" tc.:-cldi\h·!)1"()\\II; int I (·clcll ... h-hlcl\\ II. (.Cll1dlllonl,1i1 ,'I 1.-.() n :1. Rim ... IH:\(I RI F.lhll( Q:!. Filing WIOIlI t',1: d.lI1.. j.{1(',; ({lit.' cI'lI1.. ~n'\; int. <1.111.. glt·', Conciiliol\ fail II ~."".() <- :1. RIlIl ... hl"l(1. BWlmill'd ,"iI.tH'\. R:\' \ I I- .. hlic QI liling (fIlollr' ('" blad.. -gll·\i .. h-blf/\\lI; con" Ctll I... gH',. 1111: d.lI I... gH'). CondlllClIl lall i 2.-.11 ( :i. Sliouldl'l ,herd. I~tlrnl n:,iduc' 011 ililcric)\ \\11 Lic t· SlIloclllwd 'UI tarc.... \ I, Fablic (;Q2 Fillll).{ (OhHII- ("1- hlOwn: (()It:: bla(k; im: blacl.... (:olldllioIlIOlil H 1.-.0 ( TRim ,11('rcL R:l. \'2, l'a11ll1 Q:~. 1 Iring- (010111 n!: gll'd\h-hro\\II:lcdd;\\n; mrl': gll'\hh-hLtc1..; 1111: g-H·\lsh-hlac.:J.... (:nmli!il)ll 1.lil, ~I 2."".0 ( :t RUll ~htT(t.... BUlIH r(,.,iduc on imidl' (It \ (· ... M:1. Yl'llit

(.(lIutili()1l I.til . ~~. Iliii'i. Rim ,herel R1 F,-!.hlit Q:!. Firing- (1110111 ('" ,dlllhl,h-lml\\lt; (:O1l" \ 1.'110\\ i,h-hl"ll\\11: 1111 Il'(I

, -~ " ~1 _I-\} ,-F0 ~/I ~5


o 50 mm \-0, I-a : ~~~~.... : , ..


, ' - 1 -~11 ,1-(7: t , ,I , ,. Fig. II '-011<:1 IHc:hi'lowri( pOllt-°" 1·1" I ~~ I \ B \ K ( 1 \ \ . \ n () \ I. 1 .\, I) (. I) K 1 1 \ 1 I 1 I, 1 \ I

• • " • • t (-~ 15 , 16

..;- ...... -~" . :.. :~. '-

1-'0 .~' , -~ ' -C(J) " ~2 23 l-Q , .. ' -0 ,-~ I , 25 26

,/" ,.., -' ',{.t,1 ,~. jI. j;~,-. 28

27 \ _u" \ I' K • II J ".; J () R I ( (I()".;lu'. \1 """.;11\'1 \BU. .. ' I :n

• • _-~32 ./'

, -~ . ,, ' --0 * _r<:1 33 , 3, -r-r--t'( ,, - ~ - ,

, ,

:" ~ -

-~y ~~ '38 ,I ,

o . , ' -:.-

o• __c==- __== ~.. . omm .2 Uh .\, H \HoCI .\\ \ 130\1 ~ \'1> (. D ..... 1,1-\ ILl ~ I \1

:,:\ Hlii· I B, •.,l' .,11(:nl. B:\. Fabrit Q:l. hlin~ tOIOlil nl: le:ddl",h-bIO\\/l: lOle:· gll'\, Ill(: gn.',i"h-humn. COllciillOIl fail. :l·' ,Hl'~ - -. Rim ... herd .... ilh oblique inci .. ed d(:(ClI1 i,,\ I n,,~(' Irom a minialure \l'",d. 1)I

/)l\ffl.\\/011 oj form,

I Ill" )101('1\ i, th

/)l'(omlum find 'llI./aa trf(ltment lh-n)l"t'lt'd lahlH "I hi ... 1t"'ISei abo hOi') lt'",iol1\ belc)\\ Ih(' rim. P$£i from ("011lt',;1 :H1~)1 ''I cll'cOI,l1ed \\ilh oblique fingernail impre, ... iollS .1I1d I' lIlanu!;u 11Ir('d Irol11 Ihe nu ... ll(.'d limntolll· lab I K (::1. .\lthollgh lilt' blult I' u/lmual. dh: 101 III e)f lil" \C",eI i, lalt' Ihon/(, \ge. h,,) lurther lim., (p:\H-m 110111 (Onlt·'1 :\rdi .tlt' 'll1l1bl, although hOlh llIg on-ulTeel Oil some H·<;'eI .... mdlldin~ PH , Onl, IWO t·xample, olhurni,hing wert' n'(CHdt,(1, ,ht, tI1l1 ha/{IIIt"1l1 Ph whtth \\a, burni~hed . 11I-oH·1 anel.1 hOlh ,hnd hOIll tOI1lt''' 12·t:\, Should('1 ,11t"1(\ Pi had htTIl "lIlootlwd 1011 her Ihan burnished, Cll"{ uLu indl'Ilt.(lliolh and pnfol

1:\ lnj>uhli ... hcc! ponel\ tmlll Mead Lam'. 1·'ll"iilam, held In o'\l II B;II

Om' nt'(l.. \il('rd h,HI.ln applied and dl't:orau.'d (melun Ihg. II III ,u1(1 another had an appilc.'d bo .... Ih~. II 121. I ht, I.lIt'l h in lilt' rog-ll"mptc'll.'d I.lbm: 1(, \2) alld (!)lIlt! ht· 01 Illlcldlf: Bron/e \~ datt:o I ht, lit·, t.. .. hud ",ilh .Ipplll'd (oldoll i'!llild III (oint' Inun .... hlltlldt·u.. ·d jdT,

frWt/loll, 11\1' lIIU/ 't"lrillt'S Rt·"ldllt· .. t(lmj"lill~ 01 hl.1(1.. CarbOll.lll.'(1U\ mdtt'nal. .lllIIml .1".. ,1\ .. Oil Iht, 111Ielior 'Uddn.·, ht'1"1.' I C((II(It-d un ,I l1umhl'l 01 ... 111.;1

lIB I f" I II fR BROVf 1(;1'. ""'RIlS 111111 III R' I ((lOld'(' RlSIIlL r,> 0' 1'1 fRIOR,' Rl\(1

(:C)flle.'XI ( .• It.III.j.{Ut' De .. ( riptlon Llhm R.ldio< .nlxm "'lInpl(.· &; COIllIllt'nt \;0. 1I11l.1L d

~~)() H 3 Bc)(h ,held (:2 :nu ( .I 7 Shoulder <,Q2

:! ~)() ( .I 9 Rlln '-,2 o .\ ·i92H: 292.;:!::t-,

2~)() ( 10 H,,~e S:I () \-7H2~) ; 291';:!::;l:-) .l(;() Rim S2 i(lii Bo(h .,11<.'1'(1 ... QG2

16iH Bod~ ... herd., Q2 Ifl7H :11 B.hC Q:I

«i7~ 29 B

:1,; 17 1\ I Bod) .,hcld ('9'-


n". \11t' \I()~l of Iht' 1.1It' Bronlt.' \~t' ,t,,"cmbl,lgt.· \\.1' rt'U)\Cll'd l'uhel 110m Ihe l'n

hllrial. "-::.I\l' ,I \t'r\ '111111<11 d,lIt' of I:l~O·IO-W (,II B( {93r( (olllid,'nu.' (hA-iH3X; ~9(;():t 10 BPj. Olhe:1 POUt'l' 11'0111 the diu h, \OI1U' of which i ... fWIll Itig-ill'r lill-, (f)ulet pt" hap., be "'CI.'I1 a., .. hg-ilih lalt"1 (t·.~. h~ 11.1. ~~· I and (.). ,'onl' of lhi ... pouen j ..

KI R:? lotOlI \ I \':1 \ I 101.11 7 :\(i() 11111 1012 !Ii7i

)(i7~ ;, -; III

:I(H~ I :\0:-, I :Gli :1 'I :1 :1 II i ,,­_I :1 Ii Ifi

I hc..' group oj plain J.u .. J't'«)\l'led lrom I01H'1 j()iX" blO,.dh (IIntl'mpO),u\ \\llh ,hi ... pouen 111I1't: dale:, wt''I(' oblamed Oil .. hl'rd ... \\ilh burnt Il·... uhlt: ... 111(:'(' ~a\l' the following n: ... ul,,: UlO·910 c.IIB(' (9;)(', (ollii(kn(t' O'-.\·i~t\o; :!t'l9.'l:t60 131'). t:\:!O·IO:l0 liil BC (9~) It wnlidt'I1((' O:\..\·i~UI; :!9.-IO .... 1O BPI. 1:\00·920 cal BC (9Ilt;} (onficle.·IHt.: (h.\-i~U2; 2900:t;"13 BI)), Ihi.' 1(:0;1111,

UI'Kw,wl flmt/'\1. I hl' a""e..'mblilgt I" (hal ",(·I1L from Ih,,' ,l ..... uublag-e uncln d"t lI ..... ml1 1t('ll' \ I' K 1: II I ... I () R I ( t- .... ( I () ... 1 R to \ I ~. \- ...... II .\ '1 \ H L\ I:.. .., 1:\'1

111(' (t'ranllt group flom 1i.I\er 16iR (hM.I( tCII .. ed In .. huulderle!!", \e ...."eI ... could Ix: <:.11 h \\Uhll1 Iht: l'I.lin Wart" tradition Iperhap!> 1130-930 (al B(). .1 (fllldu"J()Il \Upported I" Ihe r.ldi.K-.uhon dt:tt."1 rnlllillinn \n unpubli\heci ,,"sembl.IKl· oj ""mlal dl.lI.llter.• llung \\ith a ':>Ill.lIlt.'1 qU.lllUI\ uf Ik\("'<:I-Rimbul) potten. \\il.!> ret:()\C'red ()pf:n "l"'tkmcill ill \It:i.ld Lant', t\l1\ham. IK Ihc.:re .11(" ." .. 0 ... Imilal KlOuP'" of Ill

.. impk l'u". "'Oll1e ()f "hich h;" t· delOrated I-ilm, applied hCh'l'\ .mel fingcl -lip impl t:."ed "l(le, .1' bemg Ililll"luional ,mel "ugge'led a dilte \\11)1111 Ihe 11th U'llIun BC. ·-) t I he reelating of Iht:" R,tlm Ilill t.'lIdO"llilC In Ihe mid 13th celHlIn. »m.,ihh. hut 1101 (("I"I,-lInh a'i'iOCiall'd \,ith ... implte" Plain Wdlt' J,lr., \\ould ,upport lhe." gc.:lwral .. equt'llce SUggl"It:d lu're,·-'·-' \t E~ mham the Uppel fills of dil(h ~:;() wnt.lint·d .1 group 01 po"en 01 .. Iighth dlflert:llt ter from th.u ret:O\ ered from la, er I (}iH .mcl it I.. \ugge .. lCd Ih.1I .,OIllC' of lhi ... m.ueri.II i, Oft.IU..'1 d.llt', I hi ... group IIIduded \e"l\<.'h ,,(th C\,t'll('d mm and roundeel .,houlders lhtlt (ti and among .. t the " ...... l·mblage al Whill't.TOo;", 1-.11 m. \\allin){ion:P; It i\ 1)O,~iblt.' that lhe Ulottt:II.lflrom ~50 Ix'iong'!! 10 it .. t·(ondan phao,e of aui,il, I hi, m.Ilt:liill I 11100t" Jil..c the a, .. <.'mblage le(UH"t(:d from th(' ollUpaUOI1 dC)>o,it, .tl Whilec-rC>.'!I\ hnn. W.llIlIlgford. \1 \\.lIlinbr'ford there i~ a .. t:qm'nlf: frum pl.un 10 de(:or,ned, \lost of the a .. semblage i .. ch'.II'.llteri!'led b, ,houlden:d \C's!'Ieb indudll1J.": t.'x'llIlplt· .. '\ IIh fingenipped (·ordoll'>. rim ....lOd \hould<.'r.,.~)K\1 W.tlllIIgford Ihe Dcwrared \\'ill(' ."o;clllbl


.Ill" ullcici half a q ,llIIdnc.:alloOIll\\eighl (!'I,I, i-l~) wl'ighing 2X 1 g, \1<1, It'(;O\erl'd fr{JIlI di!dl Wl1lexl 2;)0 H (I'lg. 17. 1) . I he IO()lllweighl i .. manllJ.lclllrecl from pille (1;.1\ \1 nh 110 niH IOU' .Idded indu,iclIl, ,Ind ha~ Ix'ell m;.idl'e."d rt'ddi,h-hl()\11l on bOlh the ('xlenOl ,ull.lCl'~ .Ind !ht" '1III.1(e of Ihe hreak, Il i!'l in a \\orn (1)l1tiiIIOII \llth I ()uncled l'dgt,~ .mel, gi\t.'1l it... ()xidi*d .lppe"lr.IIH,C', i! 111,1) wdl hale lx-en reused as a he.lllh ~(one. I hi .. l\ pte" ulloom\\t::lghl 11iI ... a middle IU late Brunn." \Kt" ddle: r.tngc.' "!lei i .. f()ulld III ,Is .. oc.iation \\ ith e:ither f)eH'1 d­ Rlll1blll\ 01 »ml-Dt:\erel-Rimblln a ... ~embtlgl'\' It"'1 \Ieighl" OI .. lllulal "Pt' h.1\e been IUlind in the Lpper I h,lInc.·~ \-,llIe\ ahhough eXi1l11ple~ are .... n h ".Ill a selic, of 1.ller HrOllle \ge sitt'':> ill Hlad:.bird Lq ... Ox lim!. Waillngfmd and Cres'iwell held, YdIllIOI\,fi(i

IK ';l'e nOl(, I~. l!l R.Ir(i;1\-. III Bdl ,md He\, op. ell, flOI(' 29, ',0 R.lrH:II.1I1 HI.ldle\ .md Ellison. 0». (II !lult" 12. r,l Barda,. III ClUlIlarl\ ('1.11., op. tit. nOll" :\q r,~ Ihid_, .md Wl' IIme-tJ, -,:\ 1,_ \Iorri .. ,· I he Prehi~tCIJ ic Pollen ., in ,\ Bw"lcl .mel R. LII h. f.\I(H'fltWJI' oj (III Fat/\ Prf'blltlJnr J.wu/\Wp, lit Rl'fldml{ BIf,itlt'n HUH. Phmt 2 (I h.lIlw\ \ 'a )l<.') I.and..c.apes, in prcp,), rll Ihadle\, III BI.ldle" Cl al.. 01" (1(. 1I01e." 17 . pp. 27-8, ~I~I 1\cedham ,lIId \mbcn, up. cil. nOle :lX, 51i B,11 rell, 111 Ih •• dle\ and I:Jlhun. op. cit. nOll.' 12 . :./ B.II da\. ill (.Iolllall\ et •• 1.. up, ell, no!e.' 39. r,K Ihid ')q Ibid (j(1 .\. 1\.lrl-(.'xca\. a..... t: "llent and puhlit.llion \\111)1>'1', 1996): \ Bald.I,. I he fired el;n '. in Cromarh t'! .11, op, cil. IHlt(· 39, A. Billd,H, 'Thl' ha"d CI,n', ill (" 11t:\. ) mdu",CIIH/I'r;:/IJI! (in pr~p,). I II) \ n \ I< ( 1 \'. \ It ()' 1. 1 \ ..... () (. I) ... I, ~ \ I J I I I \ J

o 10 50 IMI 'i..,;"==_ t=J...... '

2 ,

")!.:. Ii l_f)(IIIl\\l·l~hl.Uld ,It,Iit- hl.ltl·!t-. 11.1).\l11l-lIl.

1111 IIORI-Ell SIO\F In nO\.\ ROL

I litH' .11(' Il11l't· pit'H" "I \\1/1 kt:cI 'lfllll- ,I 1Il,I

( ,afaloj.fw'

I II.III-pl-'I II.. lIliltc.:lU·,ld (tonlt."t JO,·,1, ,I I:UI): illllllllpl!.:I!.', onh "ullT end 'lIl\I\t."_ hlokt'n ,\tIll, .. ,h.dthfllt" \t'l ~ h(',ltlWI('d hUI \\ IIh II ''It'' 01 iI poli,lu'cI 'til f.IH', il-n),l:lh "i0 111111 .. hn:adth j!l.~} 111111 .• dq>th Ill.:) 11111\, 1'lOl>alll, 0 1 I h,lllln \'\lit",. (,lOtiP I ~I('t'mlnlll' hom (.0111\\.,11 Implt'menl 11t'llf)log\ 'no (hun ~u (hg, I~,ll, ~ "u"ihlt, 'Will' .I'l' Ir.lglllt'nl {t(lnll',1 .·,~r.I. ,.I Ifi.',q),'lIt lit pOlpll\nlit "Holilt', lin lit'.11 11.\(,,01 \\01, 19, t I , l:l mill. 'Will hl.1t I.. lint"gTOIint'd roc. I.. \\llh ,m.1I1. \\ hilt, inciu,inn', 1mplt'nwlII )'C.'II ClIIIK' '0. (hUll, ~h 11101 illu'll.ltt'dl. :i \\hl't'WIlt' (c.onti..''' -107. ,.1. 1:\ I): Ililolllp1t-Ic.-. holt, 101 'U'Pt'Il'11I1I (Ii ,lIt'd Ill',l1 bn·.ll... \\l'.tI UII 1\\11 "tin. ~)() , :! I ... 1u ..·, 1II1ll. D.II 1.., 11(:.11 hl.lll... fim'-gl.ulll'd ~t:dllllt'lll.tI' 11)( L. \\ II h .1 hlllt, miCl. wmp.1I t· ... \\ II h (h elm I{ 1.1Il ,h.lln 0 1 \\,lIn .1111 1 \\'(:I,h bordt,t:-. (I. I).!;. IH.~). \ J> K ~, II I ., I () It I ( l""'" ( I ()., l It I \ I t \ ...... , II \" \ B B 1: \ I 11


I h~ lIl.luoht=.ld fr .IHment (fig 1~ol ). \\ hilh (:arne hom prt°hlo,toru J.,rround 'iurfact" :\O!)~. con"'l ... t ... 01 the "ickl h.tlf of the IInpleml'lll. brulcn ano"'i the h.llthole. and 1\ flU\\ H:n "l"'.Hhele.-d. It can. hm\t:\cr. pWb.lhh be ,' ...... Ignc"ti to Ihe Thamt: ... PC\lIc groupo h.ll II1g .1 dl ... tll1O"'l' lor whith these ma(chcad ... "'nt' lII.tde h'l\ <11\\,,,'1 remained enigmatic. J «m('n'r. It Ill." 11m\- tem,lInch be suggested lhilt lhe\- would have been mcluJ for flax processing. to beat .mel ~Cpal

hi l-. Roe. ·!llon ..: \1.llchead .... .and Ihe Lale<.t '\cohlhk CUhUH.·' ulthc Brimh 1"It's'o ill J \1. Cole .. anel Iln,.\. Simpsun (C("'.). )/lIdl~.~ In A"m'nl F"m/H' (19flK). I.·,~ 61 Ihid, 155. 111 f, R(I(". hpt)lug~ of Stone Impl~l1lc.-nl'" , .. ilh o,hdlthuln'. in 1I1.\lt.h.. Clough .md \\". \ Cummiu... (t'

2 \ I' K fill S I () K t ( t " ( I () .... l R f \ I .. ,' S II \ 'I "B B f , 111 of am k.ind un Slont' 01 antler mau:hc.tds, btll J '!opt"<.l.lh'l('d u .. e IU h.lmmer flax fibles mightle'1\c no del("tt.lhl(' e\ldence. exc-ept JUSl po .... lbh in the (n!"lll of organic. re')idu~ , Both aJ1ller <1I1d 'Itone mau:hcdd .. appear to ha\e been relau\eh high 'H~ltll

PtJ\\Ihh ,[mit (1..',' /ral{Ulflll rhin '('Uloni11g of the hagment, found )(_'dt:pmUl'fllll mecllt"\h1l Ih"l1 the \\llIlt, Oed" .Ire: pht'nonyst .. oj alkali feldsp.Jr .. et in iI en ptOt, \ ,t(lIl1('!llIIl''!o u"t'd ,... "Wnc .Ixe m,ue,ia)", although .. lith ;rxcs all' nOI p'lrticulalh tOllllllOIl 'n IUl1hC:1 t'X;lmplt's IMH"I>ee1l rcwnled from (hlord .. hirc. although the, alt' known /mm adpn,'nl wunlle.,7; II is Iell Ihal th ... h','gmen! ,., IllfHt' likeh to 11


lhe ",1lt't'lwIIC C

n Ibld_ 199. 76 G. fo.f)g.m and 11 Rl(hardson, T\\o 'I ... cehedd~ troll!\,th, Counn \leatlt',jlll RI1'ift/ Soc, 1111111" Irtfflml, (xii (19M2), 123':18. 77 1.I1.~1( K. Clough and \\'.A. Cllmllllll~ (eds.). Sir"" 1\1" .~tudlt\ 2: tht' Pdrolog) of 1~,dlt~l(Jri( Stant' Impinl/(tl/\ fmm lilt Hnll,II I\I,~ (CB. \ ReM"alCh Repoll tl7, 19KM). 7~ I· R.oc, 'Stone _\rteldcu from (jra\(~ 4013', in G L.llnb, iLl.. el <11. . (~Illi'fll)' Gil). Strwltm Harcourt: Ih,. Dn'tlopmnll (If a P"llI\llln( (lml Ro,IIO"o-8nll\!i I.mu1lwp,. (I h;,tlllc~ "aile) I,alld~apes, rOrLhwllling). 79 \, (,eJlull, 711t t:(/r/) Brollu Agt IJ<'Jr/{,n III Crellt 8rdlUtJ {wd a RrrcmwltroJwtJ oj tht U,,,(\: CII/tllll' (I1r;ilU'i(()lidl(, Brolllefunde 6/2, 1975), 101 t(o I).n, II.trden and R.C. rrewcd.s, 'FXG'hltiOns ,II Sl,llIlUIi Ilarcc)Urt, (hon. 19-10', Owmitllllll, x (l945),2(i. HI (.elioll. op. w. note 79. p. 105. t'\:.! Ibid. 101 3 F_~ ..\ and D,D ..'\' Simp«m, (;,lIIlt CaJaI()~ oj tIll' SroW"" (wd Branzt .-Igr CrJll'ftlom III [ktl:.ts \/uuum (HKJ.I). III \ 1\ \K( 1\', \ BOYI, \'1) (. Il hoI J- \'11 I I I \1

,oUlhl:lll 1\lit.III1.l'4' J hi, 1\ pc: 01' WhChIOI1(' appl',i1' to h.IH' 1.1"Ill"d Ulllllllu.·i.1I1' BWII/I' \J.t(: ••1' 101 1Il"l1.IIIU· .Il ( .• 11 ,h.liton. ~Ullt'\ )\~I ilnd 'oltlllghalll I !III. (.lome"ltcr,hilc.1'ih I heldnn: it ,., Ilot pU"lblc 10 (1.ILl' Lhlo h ",h.lln \\ IIt.'hLOIII' more do.. eh th.lI1 10 Lhl' Ihollll' \~l" I Itlll' mfOl 111,11 ion i, I lit Il'nth ii' i.ul.lble on I ht." lllillt:Tial .. u .. t.·d lor UI onn· •\gl· .... ht.",11 1111", . I Ill' dou L ~Il'\ ,h.llt: II 11m "hu h IIJII. c:\.lInpk, ."1 thoughl 10 bt, IIMdl' OIMII' un. til , .... iekh in \\.Ik') alld Ihl" \\t·hh HOIdt"I' JICI\\('\I'I , illli1l' "'illl'hl' ,11t"a of "\hlop,hlre Ihl'llo .llt·IIIIL, "llh.1 (ham 01 a"oc.l.lIl,d ohJt:tl"l \\hllh 'lIK~l·"I1 \\lll'h'(Hle 1lI,lIenal ilia' .11'0 hil\C h(:cll .1«ltlill'd hl"lt'. Ballk,axe... 01 "'iOlllhl"llI \,111.1111 1\ pt' \\t'll· ,lllell lIliJdt, hom Croup ,\11 PI( 1111·, h IIh .1 Lllo\\ 11 'Clur<.e al <:\\ m \l.u\ 1o II, "lIIKtoll, III lilt' "'iIH:hl' .111',1,"; '''HI(h ballll'-.I"w, \\ell' in IUI'Il olu:n ,h"KI.IlI'd with C:'II1II'lloll·"ino\\,hill d.I~~I'T', .Inel I Ill'\(' .tI C· t It.-.II" IlIllt'd \\ II h pt'llorall'cI "h('I~lnnl". ()t dOl I( iall ,h.• le. \, hidl III h,IIHf 'PI't illll'l1 Il"t"lI1hll" Lht, '1011(' ll",('d 1m Ihl' hn .. h.i.l1ll "hlo,.,IOIll·, (.1Il Iw found 111 lilt" \Iunit) ollhc (,TOlIp XII pitt lit· 11t1l{llIp.KK II lIli~ht IIlt'l'l'Iiue h

IH R1\ I S I O,~. I" ILI<; L\IR B.\RCL\\

lilt' 1',\(,1\.1111111' l)lc)c1utl·d.1 '11101J1 quant",. 1,:127 LJ.I;. of Inllill 'tlllll· mml 01 hhi(1! tall bt, clt·,( Tlhl·d .1' lill'­ tl.l" Lt·d pdlhll·" 01 qu,lIl1i,,,' ,me! quall/ili( ,.md'lOlll', ,.hhou).:h ",llll· ilml·~tnllt' \\;" ,tI'li Il'( orcll'« Ih,,' ~ll·illt."1 «III( l·nl 1,IIium ("nil" It om I ~li7 I (~IO ~.) ilnd q. 7 \:\ nnll g, I \\ IIh '"MlIl'l qualllllllo" n'wnll,d "11111 :\ i II ~ I I I:.!~ ).t.) ilild .I77Q (~lq g.), I·hlo h·.IKllll·nt.11 \ n.HlIl c· Cli 11m IlJ.lII·II.IIIIlCl!c ,lllO' hUI nin~ t.°hlO\\ Itl'It.· h{·lfllt· (llvcI'lIlon.

IIiF ~II \U HR.\U.U.I h, \"\C.H.\ BOYU.

\ 1I,.gnu.· 1I1 01.1 "Ih.lll' hract'lt'l wa ... It'C()\I'r{'eI from (Onll·\.1 :.?-,O ( :l. Ihi, h .....1 I'l\t:t 01 hU11li m.Hl·II,1111K.!lt.'d hllhill lilt' ('IUI"'UH' {hldl. "hidl (olll.linl'd .lpplOxim.ul'h :,() ,hnch oll.ilt,' \gl' 1'1,1111 \\.111' pOll I·" I hI· hl.tldl·1 I~ lIndl'ullillnl ,mel h.

~I \ \\ I'IIHHIt()ot, 'j{q)HII on Ihe EXCa\.ltion 01.1 Bl'Il 1\,11111\\ IlIlhl' Pilll,h of r.dlllt)n,ham, Dlllwi. 1·1I~l.llId 1~1;1!),.I}m( , P'r/Hl/, .\O( xxi\. (l!)(;:l). :lH:1-I:'?oj, -, I \dLIII~ iI.IL (,.I1~h .. h()n· • .''IIHlt1Irdw/'ll1. Coli 1\.'\\1 (19~7)). Ill. b \1 Il.tll ;tncl ( ', (;IIlj.{l'II, "\olllll~h

BRO:\ZE 1'1\ I R.-\G~II:.!\T b\ 1'1:.1 f R ",ORI HO\ I:.R

-\ h.IKllll· bronlC: pin "'d'i n_'CO\erc:d hom iI prohabll" di'ilurhl'd plch'''WIIC ~round loud.lte ",hlCh "'.1' \('l'n in .1 mblK'r II cne. h -.ettlon f Fig. 19) . .\'ml-hl'odrd pm /w(,'ml'/I/llOJltexl liti; J. 113): Ihe..· he..·MI "in III(: lorm (II a lhlCl.., bun-like di.)( "Ilh roull(k·d l'd~l" .1 hnllo .... l·d lOp .... lIh .. m.11I central ho~~. and ,I "'1."'u)Ilc!al' IllUlilding lIndel the head: 111<.' sun 1\ II1K 'l'(liun ollhl' \hank I'" m.11 in no"'-"'e<.tion and do(' not 1.11'('1. rill' patina, .lher con"en3tion, i'i r.llher rough and

- .

" o- - - 50mm Fig. 19. Bron/(' pin tragnl('111.

I he nbjl"ll i\ t \ poillgic.llh cll'ar" identifiable .1'1 a nail·headed pin; in O'Connor's definition it is dislingui.~hed hom lht· dll,( -hc.lded plll~ b\ the head being le!t!ulclIll'nt 01 \Oll\l'tnl1lt·\.l'

'amp/m.1{ and lInll/)\I'

A .. mg-It" ....lffipll·.I,lbelled Ox li2. \\d.'i (h-illed hnm tht: '1han!.. rill' \.<1mI'll' \\i1\ hOl-mountrolll;t car!xm-fillt"d Ihel IlUht.' tlillK I c_ In. ground and poli~hed In a I ~m. lini\h .. \na" .. 1\ ..... l.-. h' eictlron probe miuo.'lnah ~is u<;ing .... a\dc.·I1K'h cll"pt·r<•• \C 'pc.:t:tr

~I:, n. (n:nnIlOl, C/nu-UIIIIWi'( CmlrlutionJ /PI tJ"'/'(lln Bnm:.r 1,!:-t (H.\R Internal. Ser. Ixx"O.i , 19HO). 200. 1... 1 I ~(). lIlap 6:t Ilh Buth thc\C pim ha\(: been anah..ed and .In.· in cellllS(' (If pubh<.:.Ulun b\ J I' 'onh()\er; .\Ia"h /..hllr l.a\l. o.\lJ \lcmogTaph. Wallingford. 111 Cromarn CI aI., 01'. 01 nOle ~9. I IIi \ I\.\I{C 1.\\ •.\. no) 1 1 \'0 C. I) .... ~ I \ II I 1'1 \1 limit-. \H'll' I ()(},'.!OO p.p.m lor fUml t:kml't1t-.. (' 'l"I)1 .lou !,_p_Ol fOI ) 0.20'1& fm dr"~llIl, I1wl .... t h bt'l.IU\l' of Ih~ tllmpromi\t.' .. m.ule to dH)I(llhe: \\dl,lno\\n inLerit:IC.'ncl" he:t'H't'1l Ihe." '1IUn~f:'1 JIIlt: .. III lhe I~,t(l and ,U't'lII( "Pt,,(-lI •• , tht' lead La and ar'enit h.uline .. n1C~' r<:latl\eh "uullK le.. d \I{,( lint' (fIule! be u,,('d. hut II \\01'> n(·(t· ...... ln IU U\t" tht "eal ar't:ni( "P line, tWill(: tht' dcgl.ld.ulC)O III pt:rfnml,an((". I1lf; <;IHII1).;t'1 La 11I1t' ",.1 ... umulI.,hlt, becau,e uf Ihe high d(t'k-I.lung \Clh"Kt" It i.. jl("o;;ihlt, In mall".1 OIore "(:no;;itiH" anah ,,101 ,1I"C'nlt hUI It "

1.\111 I II ".\1.\ SI, 01 1m. BR()!'.:/l- 1'1:\ S;lllll>I,.' "t' Co ,\i ell III \, '>b Sn \g 1\1 I'b \u S

O',ln I 0,00 O.IH o. 16 R6.62 IUI2 0,00 CUi!) 11.2M O.~:-\ 0,110 ().9~ 0,11:1 lUll 0:\ I n2 0,00 0,00 0.21 8:),20 II.IJO IUIO 1I.7M 12,HH 0,29 11.02 11.1'1 11.011 (J,n:.? 0:\ 1;2 0.110 11.02 0,19 H:'.H I 11.111 11.1)1) O.i2 12.1 :~ 0_2h 11.0 I 11.71 IJ.lII 11.11:1 n" olin) I ht· 1lH'1 •• 1 u,,:clllI malt' lhe pill "" alo\\·lt'.ul 11111ll/t· hllh.1 I1lt· .. ,urt·d 1:l,U( ( Ull and n,71 'A: 1(:.ld. -\hhough it "'.. ·l'lI\" u·li.lin Ih(' pin "'.-L' 1101 hca\'ih lc:.tdc.·d .lOIIIKIUII 1M" plObabh llIodlfit'd hu!lllht,-.t.' \.tlUt'~ ' lilt: pnll(lp,,1 1I1lIHllillt·, in tht., 1Ilf:ta1 "re 0, H)I'{ nillcl. O,7:!'i .llIlilll()Il\, and f).21)/r '11H'1. .lr-.c.'lli( \\a.. not cil'finil<'h dl'll"(l(,(\ 1111 tht· a'.l\om Ult'd ,tbmC' bUI "a, pn)habh ,lIound O_:!U' .f, rhl'lt' alt' ,11 .. 0 \n\ \lIlilllllit.lI of Ihe \\'ilhuII()1l j>t.'liod.1I Iht' lX'gl1lllillg of the: lalt' Bmll/t'\ge,CJi although Ih('I(' WUllll' (OIlUIlUali()ll into the (',11 h ~ ,\\;III Park Ikl-i(KI. J he p~lllc:rn lif',1 ;\Pl>t';II .. ;.Iong lilt' I h.IIllI:" 1)('I01t' the full dt:\e!opmcm of \\,1hu11011 1l1l'1.lllllllO \Iilh 'tmgl'-hiltcd ,word .. hom hpe LinwhOlI .. t' qS CHI"drth. ~()Illl' of the .. c s\\-onh .1Ie .110;;() ~ Ililld(lt!'II"l·d In I alher I()\\ 1t'() thJ.I il I~ (,,,til ch Ix"~ihlc lhal Ihi .. pin ((1111(1 be 01 this early" datt:, J>t'rhap .. tilt' 1!!lh n'ntlll 't- 1\( lilt" (1()"l'l, .. imilal pill fmlll \1.II,h ' "ll1l' E

( :m,tIIlWUl\

I Itt' pill h (1111 h mham \bl)('\ I,

11I1 ',, \:\I~"\L 1l0,\,E b) JACQL I ~IL L\ ILU,

I Ill' ,IIUIII,II bOlll' ",as allit'lmen:d In h.lIlt! ,mel "' .... n"wlc!t·d u .. llIg tlll'lOnillu'(OIciing "'\ll'm dl'''(nbc:ti In "il'lll'

117 .I.P :\ortho\er, I he \1t'I

1 \BLE 12. \"I\IAI. ~I'f( I~~ B\ (0" I~" I yPt

SP('"" Dlt(h Culh L.ner Pit Surfact' i()lal

Lllli{' 27 0 :; :; 1 :IH

(:0\\ \l/t' :11 3 !I ~ 0 17 Sht"l'P 0 II II 0

Shccp \11(' ():; 17 2 2 ~7 Shl'ep J(Oitt 1:1 0 7 II 0 20

Pig 21 IJ ~, II 0 26 1100 ... e,l.... 0 IJ IJ 0 Dog 1:1 IJ II tJ U 1:1 Rt'ci cll'I." 2 0 II II II 2 Fj,h II 0 1 II 0 llllciclllllil.'d 16 0 2 2 21

Cland lol.d 1!IO ~ Hl 1~ 5 ~57

I he: .1),clI1bl.I,.W \\,1\ dnmin.ut"d b\ the 1l1i.lin d()nH:~tl{' .. ,)CU(· ... - l.11I1(." \heep ilnd pig - \\ ilh ",111,111 ,UlIounts of hm 'e ..Iilel dill{ ( 1.lhle 1:!). Du(" If) the "mall .. in:, of the a .... embhl!{t' ne) In/("Tel1(('3 C".don be drah n lrom lhe relative ,lbund.lIlu· of the ,ptUt". \\',Id ... peoe'i \\ere onh It:PI(:·"t.·nll.."d In 1\\0 iragmen13 of red deer (Ct'Jl'IH rlnp/lln) and ;t \lIlgle II agment 01 li~h \\ hith could !lOI be definiteh-' idC:l1Iified 10 spt.'<:ies. r he identification 01 'heep \\.I"I)()~"lble from a \lI1gle hOlOcol"e. '0 goat "il" id(.."lllified, Ihu\ dlllhe remaim recorded as either sheep or geM! .1Ie.' di\cm\cd <\\ "het'p, (;.1111e.', \heep .lIld pig W(,It' all repre'ielllt'd b) tI I1lIXllll t' of me.1l


Onh 'Ii, 1Il.lIIdible\ wllt.lining ageable teeth were rt'(.merecl. Dt'lilll .. uf the looth wear and age ~lage of the 1lI0It' t()l1Iplt,te lIlilnebhle\ drt' Ibled in 1 ~lble 11. ()nh onc pig 1lI.IIHilblc could he sexed from Ihe (.Hunes,

1.IUll 13. 'l IISt.ROt Im.'IIII.IUU ,1'1\1.11 110". SPEUIIL 'S ('IWI

Cattle ~h(:t.'p Pig Ol)g J lo....,e Rc::d

/\golU,lIl( II II () () ()

:-'Lull II .1).:l1U:l1t II () () II () II

1111111 (Oil' () () () II () \Lllullhk '. :; () II II 1,0\\'('1 lilt "OJ II II II () II 1,"'H'1 l'Il'IIU,I,11 I II II II I ()

1 ,0\\(") 1l1U1'1I ;\ :\ () () II l Pllt') 1ll0lal ~ :\ () II () loolh 1I.lg () () () () II \il.,\ () () II () () h ..... () () () II II '-;( aplIl., t II II II I(umnu, 2 II ,\ II () () K.ulll!'. :\ :\ I) I) () I) l 111;1 I) () 2 () () () Pl'h" 2 II II II () h,:1lI111 :\ 2 () () II 1 ihlil I :i II 0 II hhlll.! () () 0 0 " () () \,Iou! II II () I)

\It'I,II.11 ... ,11 :\ " 2 II II 1.<11 \1('1.11'0<11,,1 II " "2 II II 0 I ... ,;tln. 0 "2 II II :\, d I'h.II.I1I:\' 0 " () II II (.I,lI1d lotal :\~ ~l ~fl 1:\ 2

1.1111 I' II 10011111, II{ SUe.'S

COllln.1 "pt'(It" S,dt I)J'I I' I III \I~ \1:\

lOi· I PIg" J)

~.-,() (, :1 Pig

:1:",() 1\ I Pig (' .1 Illi - I '-Iltt'ep gO"1 \ Wi 2 Shct:p goa, It " ~.-,O 1\ I Shct'p ~o.\( g I \111 I 13 \11 I RI( \II \\l RI \If" ',()I "1\1 \1 110" '> (:f)lIh:.1 ")p{"(ies l-.It.·llll'llt "Ide I I 1.2 I\P ,I) III) 1)1) UP\ 1\ I). \ \11:\ \11 1 \11'-1

~'-I() n - ( :.1111(' \"Itfilgalu"l I 51 HU) :U.2

7~n ' -12 Lillie \"III

7~n / -2 ( .• }tlie \"III'.'" 6·17 '-,7.() I~Ui ~ 2:111 \ :1 Dog \ktat.I1..... ,1 R ~ 1117 - I I).~ Ilutnt'tu" L 11.11 : ~(}.:! "~ :![iO, n 1 Pig Molal I U.!l 9.2 I Illl = 250 ( 1:1 Pig Motu 2 I. 20.:1 1:1.7 I 1.:1 ~ 2.-11l B I Pig \lul.1I 2 I. 2(L1 I :1.1l 11.1 : ~.-,() Sht.'t."p gCMI Rilfl!u" R II!).:) 2X,:l 113X 2:i.N " ~ 1071-12 SIll'l"p g-Oi.lI lib.,.

~ /

: J "



~ / ~

~= ~

~ '" '"~ ~ - 'I'")() \ n \K(' \, no", \"<'I(.D KI-I\III II \L.

,\Ie/riwl data

Few bUIl('" wultt be: IIIl·,t,urt.'d. bUI II \\01\ pu\~ihte to ('lleul,Hc: Lht' \\uht.·1 'j height for it \lI1Kle «()mpl('lt~ sheep radius (table 1.:1). t .. il1K 1Ill' 'altOl\ of ki(hl·1l 11l1 it ".I!! (ill


\.hhuuJ.":h tl1I' ....lIl1plt.- i .... mal! Ihl' l.tI1~l· .mel pI upoiliun .. old\(: till n' 111.1111 dOIllt"uc ~Pt't Ic) lit Iholl ollhe l\ thi .. ulllt· Ihe ... pt.'t.I('~ W.IS "Idt'h found "'·hllt.- Iht· Itlll~l· nl 'pl·tiC ...met .In,lIl1llli(.lll'It·nH·nt~ i\ lh.II".I{It.:l\ .. ti( of a dome\u( "lie, IIll' hluial ollhe panialh ;1I11(lIlal('

I HE R.\1)I0( \RBO" 0.\11"(.1,, \U.X B.n I ISS. (IIRIS I OI'H~R BRO"!,. R.~\I"E\. ~L1S·1 \IR B.\RCL\\

')1'- ladiOlalbon IIlt',I"Ull'Ill('nl'i \\ ('1 t· (lhIJlm·d nil \'ltlIplc\ Irolll ,hl' 1)1 dll~lnl it ground 'lUI l' .mel ('ntio\urt' dil(h .. \11 \\f·It· (t.iIl'c!ln lilt' Oxford R.IIC.);:I'IIJ1lllt'" 01 (lll.llil' a)'lIIalltt.· pnM.CciUl"l'''. III .Idclllion lO pilltidp.ttion In Illll" n,lUUlMI illl('r< Omp;!l i\flJl\ 10; I Ill'\{' lC~I" mdil.lll· no 1.lhoralol\ C.f1"l'l' •• nel dl'mOll\ll"illC lhe \ahdil\ ullht: plt'U'IUIl quotcd. The I·e~ult .. till' glH·n III 1,lbll' Ii>, OIml'lIt,

1111 \ 'Oil fltoJl !lllt·xh .lIldJ Uot'\\lll·,l.., 1\.1111\<111: \lIll1t·ll..lIIIKl·!l lur \\"idenisthi)h~nbc:lt'lhnlln~ JU.') Lin~ennl.llk·n \"01- unci truh~t''o(hidllh( hl'l J il·ll..nolhcll·.~(mJ{/ /Ir/hlltlll/lth, \hllnbwj.:nl, I ( I ~t71). :\2:J-H~ iTI:! ·.'vllmal BOlle \ll·llltdl\rdmt· 1)lllll·(1. DI,til Rl'pCHI on Ihl· PlUjt't1 P!t;t\(' 101 l-.nKI"h Ilt'lnagc' {(:cntlc 101 Ilulllolll hoIH~n, Lkpl. 01 \1(h,ll·oIUK\. llll\. 01 ~uulh,llllplOn. lHH5). 10:\ ( •. Dunl', rill' .\nimJI Bont.··.1II Ill.ollgll·\. UIIIIII.lllln!t- UnrlJ{f' /476. '·.V(lTVltllll/ of (11.011' /hfmu-AI{I" .\('lfit'II/III' (K('\l',lIlh \'0101 Sunn _\nlt.lm!. ""0(_ \i. 19~O), 7·1,9. \04 \_ (.Ij{J"illll 10 Mliltgl ,UIl', .\'11/ Inll /1/1/1111//1'/1/1 (111(/\11'111/1//1 /1/ 1'11)"1// \ Rnnmli B. 123 ( 1(97). :1:\!),·1;1. 101 E.\! SWII. \_ ,,,lid R_""_ 1\.r.1 «' U(/(I/11("(/rll,,", ,-"il (i~)qO) 2;);\-:197; " ROlilllSl..l. W. SII(hler. R. (;onliJllIini, I- \1 ')(011. R.P Ikul..l·ll\. n I\.lOlIIl·r [)_ 11.111..11(· ...... C_ I Cool... B 1- \lllIt'I, I- Ii Bcg~ and I 1I01t0n. lilt' flRI l'ml('(1 ,I "'i(,ltll' Rq>OIt". /(1II11O'.1 \1 "'iIUl'l'l .Iud II. \ PIII.I(h. ·Rq)llIllng nlll( I).lta' UW[U)f (/I 110" , ,-i, (19ii). ;\;.;.,h:\. 11 1.• lbor-.II()I\ -.,.lInple ~l.lIeri .. 1 Radl()(.lll)()11 C5 ( Lllibl-'lle1gc (UP) (q() (95Cf ("()lIfiden((~) (9;!ff ((mfirlt'lul') (95~ omfidour)

0,.\-i929 2 2:l0 (' ~ ,harco;.11 29l3±:tj ·26.M ,alll<: 12[><>-'1000 ",1m 1170· /lHIf/ III IlG 1211f/· /() /IJ

(h..\·nGH 2:;0 «:1 pig bone 2'l60" I() ·20.9 lal Be 13H!>-' 1040

~ (h... \ . i9:!M I: 2:;0 (. :1 (h'lr(oal ~92!l±"~\:> 21l.6 lid BC 1270-1010 w/ll(. 12]0· IIJOII m/II(" 1220- /()6(J ~ 0," \ ·7!1:10 :1: (lIi7H) (h-'!1I 0 wI IJ( I J20· /lNO (91', J ((1/ Be 1260·· 1090 " '" !h.\ ·7!J:1I I ( IliiS) charcoal 295U:t 10 -2().6 ,al BC 1:120-1O:11l ml JU 1120-11/0(91'0 wi 8(" 12711--1IJ90 = ~ Ox... \-i9:i2 5, (l(ii8) charco,,11 29()():t5rJ 2().O ".1 BC 1:10(1--920 {(II /J( I J2(, 111911 fill Be 1260- IIJXII

~ ~ "


/ J' =

-' I ~12 1\ \ R (. 1 ". \ l\ 0 .... I I' \:'\, I) (; I) h. 1- 1- \ I I I t I \I

III(: (,.,Ihbl.luun ... ollh(· ... (· u:,uh~, \\hu.-h ,dale Ihe rdtiio(adJflfl 1Il(,,·a... urements duetth tn thC" (al("·nlin(.11 IlIllt' ....:.a1t.', ,Ut.· K1\(:n III Iilblt.- 16 and 1-lg :W . •\lIll.1H' lx:t'n (,llc lilait'd u'lI1g tht: dilLa ... el'. pubh,ht'd h, Pt'al!>(1Il .1Ilt! 'lUi\("'1 1111 .mel tht" WmpUl('1 prugl,Ull 0 Cal (\1.1 HI, III I h(,., talibr.uM date lan~t'''' ntt"(illl till' It'xC 411(" Ihe.,(,.· lelr 9:;'; confiel(,.,nt(,.,.- I h(,." ha\(: Ix:t'll {-.II( lllalct'I"'i 1)\ Bu{k ,md (Jlh(",!"'i. I l11e aigOlllhm, u'I(.·(1 III Ih(' IIHKld, d~ribed bdtm (.111 Ix' cI(,.·II\(,.,rI ("·ullt.·1 from th(,., .. tllltlllH' .. hown in Fig'_ 2() and 21 CIT from Ila' h~tlllg ... ollhe ()xCillIllIHII lilt" \\11I(h ,11(· (OllliUIU,d III Iht.' PIOJt'tl ;tr(hiH', alld ,Iwillet alll)\\ tilt' 1 O).{I.IIII. In 1111\ C-i.l3C ,,(,.' IMH' \ltaliglaplm infOlIll .. uioll "hidl "11m,, U\ to {1t.·Il'nnille tht.''l' dll01l0\Ug, of "1111(· of Iht' ,al1lple~. lht.' ,IU'ld~ hom IniH (h.. \ ,7~UI""':!) IlIII't he ("·.IIIi("" thiln the dil(h Iii" "lI(.t· ditch 1.-,0 (lit Ihmugh lilt.' land "'U";I(t.' "'\.lInpl(,.' ~nCl ( I(h \,i9:?9) I... horn .1

1111 (.W Pei.ll\o(lIl.lIId \1. ~luiH'l. ·lligh-Plt·(i,iun (.lhh,.IWIII "I lite Raclio(cm ( .• llil)l.uioll allel \".11"1' 111 "(I ,tli~'T.lph,·, Rll(htN.II/~)II", \11 (11j~nl, I:?:l-JO II ~ \I. )1\li\t'1 ,1I1i1 PJ R(·illlt'l.' \ (.CUllpUlt·r l)lII~lolm 101 R.ldHKiUlxJn \ge Calculatiun', /(lUlwwrlIOII. "'III (19M!», \O:?2-:\() 11:\ W(,_ 'Ioo!... -Bu,illl''' 'Il'l'tlllg: K('(OIllIllCllCLtlielll' RnolulltHl' \dopled In Ihl: 1:!lh Inll'I II.lllol1.11 Ra(htK'1I hon COllfert'II{t', J(a'/I/J{llIblJll, )\.X \ iii ( I ~U-t(i), i~I~' III \1_ Slui"':1 .mel 1'1 Reimt.'l. 'Fxl("'n(\('d II( 1>.11,1 1\.,,(, .11Ir1 Kl'\i'l'd <".\I.IB :\.(1 II( \gt· <:'1111)).111011 I'IUj,{I!UIl '.llalimullhflll, ""XI (19!I:H,:!I.~I-:\(). Ii.J .\_ 1- (.elfancl ,md \ L \1. Slllllh, ·' .tlnplill~ \pplO.l( lil'''' 10 (:.II( tll.tllll~ \lal"!{lIlill Ill-mit it·, • ./111 11111'1 )/ul. I\\IN 1,,",\ (I!J!)Ol, .\!IX, H19 I Iii Ihonk R,lIme', 01'. nl. nOll' III 117 CE·. But!... JB K.t·n\\41I1II\. ( n Litton anel \ 1- \1 'Illlth, ·ClIllIhlUill,::\rdlilC;'ologi(,II.IIHI K.ulul(,lIb4l11 InICIIIII;tllon: '-I BaH',i.1I1 \ppro.Hh 10 Lllrht.IIICII1'. '"/U{III'.),I" (19901, ~()X-~L ( ~. I\ud.. , ( .1)_ 1.lIl(1n RtIIIS IORI( ( I _ 0 '" l R t \ It' , '" 1-1 \ " \ Ii Ii 1 , I."U

SEQ Eynsharn Abbey [A: 79.3'k(A'c: 6O.0~)} PHASE Layer 250/C/3 OtA-7929 103.7% [ o.(A-7858 66.6% o.xA-7928 115.4% PHASE Prehiqoric land surface o.xA-7930 81.0% o.,A-7931 106.3% ___ .....iiiiI ;:;::,=___ _ [ o.xA-7932 82.5%

l800cal BC l600cal Be l400cal BC I200cal BC lOOOcal BC 800cal Be Calibrated date

hg :,.!(I, Prob.lbilil' cli'itlihUliOlls ofdate~ lI-oIH hn .. h.lIll\hlX'\ c.'.I<.h di!oll"ibutioll reprt',elll\ Ihc.'ldaUH.' pmhabilm Ihal an t;\t:1lI unur\ al some Jlilrtinll.1I IInw. FOI l'

SEQ Eynsharn Abbey [A:l 10.6%(A'c: 60.0%)} Bo.UND elld ...... _ ___ PHASE, Layer 250/C/3

o.'A-79_9 113.4~ tV? [ o.,A-7858 86.3% o.'A-7928 115. l'lc PHASE Prehistoric land surface 0.(A-7930 98.3%

o.tA-7931 1J7.2~ __.d ~.IIiio::::::.. ___ [ 0. ..A-7932 98.7% ____-oIi ... lliliiO.:: ::::~""-__

Bo.UND lIart •

2000cal BC l500cal BC lOOOcal Be Calendar date

Fig- ~I \lternati\e nllKlei (01 Ihe prt'hi!oIIHK d.lll" hUIll bmh

SEQ Eyn,ham Abbey


-200 0 200 400 600 800 Calendar yea"

~IJ{ 11 P'nIMhih" di~lnbutllln .. hfl .... in).{ Ih(' numhc.·1 01 \c.'.1' , 'll.IlIllt'd In lilt" d.uc.'d .llUlU\ Ih~ ICIIIIl.lIlo, ult·l1u( •• llfIlhat 1m Fig- 20. !lit· mudd i .. th.u .. llImn III fig, 21.

II ...... ('\l'I, \\ nh Ih,\ lllodt'L Iht' illt'\ itablt' .. tati ... lit~t1 .. t.lUl·1 Oil I Itt.' ,.lIlIcK.1I hOIl I11t·,.o,UI ('lIll'IlI .\ likt'h III o,lI~Kt'o,l Ih.1I Ihe .Itli\it\ on Ih{' 'Ut.' nmlillllt:d 101 longel th.1Il ..... 1... 1(111.111\ tilt: l .... t" .. \11 ... ix l.uli(K"llhol1 1t· .. lIlt.... 11l· .. t.II"tll,tlh lOn ..... tt·nt ( 1 ~. I.ll ; J'CY,) = II I; U:::I:;) , IIM .... tllth {()tIld "lIg~t'''1 that ,.11 the 1Il.lh.· rial \-'0 a .. 01 {,,..Itlh tht· o,alllC talt-nd.1I d.ut:' \-'ot're II not fen the i1n:h;u~()logi(;11 t'"identl' "hi(h pm\l" th.1I ,hi .. canncH he the' (a,t'. 1 ht· (CJlI ..... lt·lIt\ elf Iht· Il',ulb dot· ... \uggt,.,I, hO .... t·\l·l. Ih,1I Iht· pt'lind of illli,II' It·pll·,,·nlt.'d In Ihl· .. l· I1It'.I"IIt·ll1t·nt, 111<1\ \\(·11 lx' Idilli\eh .. /ton !St'l' al'>t, hg 22). \ Ill·ttt·, l1lodd fen till'. group of 1Ill',t~lIlt:melll\ i .... 11111\1\ III I'I~, 21 In 1111 .. l.I"It·. '\t: hinc.· .1",ull1t,d Ih.1I tht· .It II\il' Oil Ihl' .. ill' \\.1 .. rt:lali\(·I\' (ClilUllllOtl\ .mel (Ol\\lilnl. lrom tht, .Iltl\", 011111(' ~1'(Jllncl \lllldlt' thlOlI).Ih to Ih(' clt-pmlliOIl 01 WIllt'xl 250{ :\ in Iht" di((h fillill~. ,\hhollgh ht' do lUll haH' am ,., icit'll(t' wnu'IlIlI1g ,''It·,ht·1 ,ht, .1(lI\ln .Itlllal" 1111.:1 Iht' a'Nllllplion .. of Iht' modd. tim appro.ldl h;I''' tht· .1<1\.III1<1).1l· th,lt it lllllll[t·I.I(I .. Ih(' dlt'(1 of lilt· ,t

,-,,/' (In IIfIt'o(oKlwi ,i~mJi((lIl(f' oj flu reHt!t, 1 h(' \l'qucnn' 01 ["dlcK.nholl dctt'nnin.1l10m lonlilll1 till' cI,lIt· 01 tht· dt·pmll .. \\ tthin tht· Illld-upP(:1 p.1l I til lilt' limh .Inel tht' IKtulMllon "pH'ad on Iht' ~mllllcl '"It.ltl· .1' hdClIl~IIl).l ICllht·I.Itt' 211d nulknlllllllll,IJ IH lilt' d.II(·' ohl.lined hom Iht' .. t.' 1\\ f) ,tH';!", 011 t· \ illll.II" illcli"111l,l.\'lli .. h.lhk I1Idl( .lIin~ th,H Iltl' 1\\11 .IIt·.I" III .It 11\ il\ (11111d Ix' {11I1 .. illc.'ll'd til IliI\t·IX't'1i bluMII\ (1)IIll'lIlj>OI.II\

DI~( l S~I()' In \LlS I \IR B.\RCL\\ and \".~I \ SO\ I I'

/-.mlt, J l"rll/\tfH/( mtn'lll 1 hl' eiulic.·" ~lf1i\lI\ 011 the ~ilc IS n:prescl1tt'd In a .. (allt'l 01 matl'n~11 of 'sl'olithil 'lIHIl'~lrh I~r()n/l'\g-l' date. I111s scatter (onsist, 111() th or flil1l\\01 k blll al ... o includes a pO""lble sLOne axe frilgml'llI and .1 broken mJ>l'<1I Ih

11:0. (, i\. ",lIeI.lud .... R. \\il\OIl. i'IOll·ciUl't· .. lol ( .()l11 p.l1lll~ ,II\(\ ( .llIllhll lln~ R,ulit)(;)Ij,on \).Il' lklt·IIIlIIl.IIICln,:.1 (.lilltlllC.... 1,I},mf/llltlt1. 'x (197l'\), IH--.\\ 11'111.1 (.1'(-, Iltl,Plt"lli"lOllC I'nllt'l\ ,in \I. (.I.I\.uul , <1.1'11111. ~,\(.I\.IIJ()mUlllh( .... lIt·ol ~\ll\h,lllI \bllt·,, Plil ,{)'OIIl""Ill, ",,"i (1~lii'i). 11I1,li~ ~I_ '\ I'R" II I .., I () H. I ( ...... ( 1. ().., l R I \ I 1:,""", II .\ \I \ B nt' 1"",:-.

\lthough It\ date remains uncenain, it i argued belo\\ thal the enclo\ure ditch umld belong to ~I ccremonlal monument of earlier '\eolithic date. Ifthi~ \\ere the case it could Ix' contempor.ll\ "ith the earliest Oinl\\OIk. rile rcnncn of flint work and potten mosth as redeposited find\ IIldicatt.'\ po, ... ible dome tic aoi\il\ \\lthin the general area of the prehistoric ditch. Among'll the l1im. tlw range or retouched forms. dominated b~ scrapers. indicate dome tic aoi\'il) bee al)()\ c. 'The flUll as\emblagc'). Some rine objects were recorded. although all were in an all cad\ broken "tale. I hcse include a .!otherd of Beaker p()tter) that possibh come" from d cla\sic \\·e~<.,cxJ 'liddlt' Rhine I:\caker. a broken macche~ld. a Group VI stone axe flake ~lI1d ~l hrok('n barbcd dnd t~lnged arrowhead. :\one of these finds need be i.lt1~lhing other Ihan dome\ti(' refu~e . llolgate 1M" noted that within Ihe Lpper Th~lll1es lithic SGHLers tend 10 be of a general, mixed (haJ~Kter with the persistent use of sites in bmh the Neolithic and BIOIl/C Age .1211 . \l E ~ l1~ham the presen'ation of the prehistoric ground surface meant I hal 01 hl'! more fragilt· finds, such as earlier prehi.'tLoric pOller}'. had suni\ed, allhough 111<\11\ bccctllU' redeposited ;,J<., the surface was di'SLurbed b} pOM-Roman features. Suth presen-atiol1 is rarel} found on lowland sites and the surface scalter call be compared \\ith only a small number of sites in the Lppcl Thame!'! .. \t \01lnlOn IC((,'1l1 eXGI\atiom, identified ,Ill m ,iill sUlface scaner containing 'eolithic and earh Bron/c .\ge millwork and potter} as well as animal bone. 121 and a similar s('aLLer \\as found presen'cd on a land ')tII f~\((" III one end or the Dra) ton cunus.l~:! Ilowevcr, both these sites were on the 100\cI first gra\e1 Lenace where the} had been sealed b) later tllIlI\'ium. while at E)llsham part of the hJ"HHll1d surface had been prc")en-ed within the enclosure.

Til, Jonn ami dfllf oj the dllrh I he similarities bel\\cen the ditch profiles and (jlh fOI-the three lengths of J:.:SL- \\'\ \\'. ditch (250/917) dnd the '-'1\E.-SSII'. dilCh (720) indicate lhallhe, arc probabl) conlemporal') ,lIld directh rel.ned. fhis L-shaped ditch could r01111 pan 01' .. 1 l11uch larger enclosure.. \ lerminal to ditch 720 Wec' found to the sOlllh, and although this was planned iL was not excavated. II is not knO\\ n \, hethcr thi ... featurc defined one o;;ide of an east facing entrance or the end 01 the ditd1. :\0 features were round to suggest a gate structure. Similarl)" nothing is known of the western extent of the northern section of the ditch. If the ditch i!) indeed Bron/e ,\ ge then we (an ,peculate that it defined either a rectilincar enclosure which \\Cl. open 10 one side or had a substantial C~lSlern entrance. AJternati\,ely. the L·shaped ditch could bc' jusl pall of a more <.,ui>slarllial to.axiali) ilrranged ... )stem or endo... ures. Lale BrOll/t' .\ge finds induding pOllen. animal bone. and 1I shale bracelet were rc(o\cred Irom the upper and middle mh, \\ hill' nothmg was rc«()\cred from the primal) fills.fhis could be taken to suggeslthat the ditch's origin predates the late BrOlllc\ge, but could jUM as well indicate that domestic refuse and other deposits were only pl

120 R. lIolIYue . .\'fll/llhl( Sdllrmnll (If lilt l7U1mt'\ Ba.lm (8.\R dxxxxi\, 19KK). I~I Bell and 11«:\, op. en. note 7 I')' B,ud.l\ t"l al.. up. (il. note 6/$. 123 I \dLim .lUd ,,:! , '(:('dh.1m, op. tit. nme 85. 1:!4 I), l~ol1d . I:.xc.nauun itllhe :\onh RinK. \lue kmg. h-.ex·. f.a'J '"glum Ire/uuul. ·U II~IHOI. 1.')1) \ B \I{( 1\\, BOYI ~ \SO (~n h.1·1- \ III ~ 1 . \1

N ! t "

" 17 -. -~- " .. , , Eyns 1m , " " ' '" " , .. -'

.- -, " " " --.. , .. '-. , .' '.:

, "

Thames floodplain o 5 10 km - Thames gravel terraces --~-=~~=-=------1COm contour

FiK. 2:\. l.o{n.'hi<;IOIK l'ndO\uH'

Inlrnwl Jf(lillre.~

I r the ditch doe~ indecd belong to a Bronze Age enclosure. then it is interesting LO note that it lacks man) of the other features that characterise later BronLe Age enclosures (although it must be remembered that the sile was heavily disturbed and truncated during the P05t­ Roman period). Other enclosures tend to contain ~l variet~ or features thaL normall) include sub..,tantial post-built palisades and gatcwapi as, for eX::lmple, at Rams Hill, t\'onh Ring, ~Iucking, and Lofts Fann.IJO The enclosed space tends LO contain a range of buildings and call be subdivided b} fencelines, with areas set aside as yards and for pits. Ponds or waterholes m,,}' also occur. At Eynsham there is rather little cvidence for internal features and no cvidence for a timber palisade or elaborate gate structurc. Part ofa penannular gully, an arc of postholes, further postholes and a slight hollow were, however, idcntified within the enclosurc.• \t least some of the:;e fealllres rna) belong 1.0 domestic settlement of late Bronze Age date. I ntcrestingl) they intercut one anothel suggesting more (han one phase of acti,,·it). The cuning gull) which has been identified as a possible roundhou~e gully W ..1S incompleteh rc\·ealcd due to lruncation and the fact that pan of it lay beyond the limits of eXGl\i.llion. The possibilit) that the gully belonged to a natural feature such as a lrec-thro'\ hole was con:;idered and thought unlikely by the excavator. It is, however, unusual, both for the region and southern England, for a hOllse to be associated with a penannular ring in this

12:; Gilllle~ per~. culllm,;;\. Whillie. H. .j.C ..\ ~o ll . R. Ch'Jml:>er, and i\. Thomas. 'Exca\alions In the \icolilhi<; .md Hnlluc Age C{)mplex at D()n.:he' ler-()I1 ~ l hames, Oxford~hire'. PrOf. Prl'hut. Soc. hill (1992), 159. fig. 5. 126 "G. lIey. 'Ya rntoll-Cassington Project: Yp. ot. n Ote 126. 130 Bra(lie\ and EIIi.!t«lO. op. cit. note 12 ; Bond. up. dt. nOle 121,' 13m"n.:\ Late Brome Age lnd()~urt'.H Loh~ Farm. Esse,', Proc Prrhl\l. Sf/(" Ii\ (l9M~). 2·19-:lU2 158 A. BARCLAY. A. BOYLE AND G.D. KEEV1LL ET AL. period, although a few examples from the Upper Thames gravels have been recognised. 131 Most houses of this date lend to be defined by postholes rauler than gullies, although the relatively small size, 4.5 m. in diameter, would be consistent with known houses of this date from YarnLOI1. 132 Gullies to define household areas have been found at the middle Bronze Age seLtlement at Corporation Farm, Abingdon,I33 where an arc of gully partially enclosed a pOSl-buill SlrUClure. At Eighl Acre Field, Radley, a ring gully of probable [ate Bronze Age date was found within a complex of ditches. 1M Further afield at Thwing in Yorkshire lhe central house within a ringwork was enclosed by a gully-like feature that is interpreted by the excavator as a bedding trench.135 At Mucking. Essex, the so-called South Ring contained a cemral gully. 136 Other, mostly pit-like features within Lhe enclosure could predate the late Bronze Age occupation. Most of these features can be interpreted as probably natural hollows, perhaps associated with the disturbance caused by tree clearance (e.g. 1982). Some, however, could be deliberately dug pits, although these are rare and of uncertain dare.

The date of the l.aler Bronze Age activity The sequence of six radiocarbon determinations obtained on animal burials and charred residues adhering to pottery sherds indicates a phase of activity estimated to have taken place at between 1270-1040 cal BC. This date range would be consistent with the suggestion that the site was established at the beginning oCthe late Bronze Age, perhaps around the late 13th/early 12th centuries. 137 Barclay has argued above that the pottery belongs to a \vider date bracket extending down to around the 9th century (see pottery discussion). However. all dated sherds are from typologically early vessel forms that would be consistent with a late 2nd millennium date. The ceramic evidence indicates that the late Bronze Age activity at the sire continued until perhaps the 9th or 8th centuries. Also [rorn the site, but from a later context, is a bronze nail-headed pin that could date from as early as the 12th century BC (see Northover above). In addition, the cylindricallool11weight fragment [rol11 ditch context 250/B/4 is likely 1.0 be mid ro [ate Bronze Age in dale. Olher finds of Bronze Age date include a, which is not more closely, and a fragment of shale bracelet of probable late Bronze Age date. The radiocarbon sequence can be compared with two other important sites within the region, the eyot at Whitecross Farm, \t\'allingford and the Rams Hill enclosure. 138 Of the (WO siles the Rams Hill enclosure has the earlier beginnings. As Needham and Ambers suggest. the phase I eartlHvork was constructed within the late 13th century, broadly contemporary with the establishment of late Bronze Age activity at Eynsham. There are a number of similarities between these [\\0'0 sites: both involved enclosure, formal animal burials and both

131 A. Mudd, 'Excavations at Eight Acre field, Radlev", Oxollleruia, lx (1995), 57. 1:12 Gill Hey pers. comm. 13 :~ p. Shand, E. Henderson and R. Henderson, 'Corporation Fann, Wi Isham Road, Abingdon: a Summary orthe Earlier Prehistoric Excavations', in A. Barclay et aI., op. cit. note 68. 1;S·1 Mudd, op. cit. note 131. pp. 23-5. 1 ~i5 TG. Manby, 'Bronze Age Setrlemenr in Eastcm Yorkshire', in Barrelt and Bradley. op. tiL. note 91. fig. 9. 136 M.U. J oncs and D. Bond, ' Later Bronze Age SeltlemclIl at 1-lucking, Essex', in Barreu. and BI"adley, op. cil. note 91, lig. 2. 1;17 S.I~ Needham, 'Chronology and PeriodiS<-ltion in lhe British l\ronze Age',Acto Arr!wl'ologica, 67 (1996), J2HO. 13R A. Bayliss el. al. The Radiocarbon Dating'. in CrornarlY el al.. op. cit. note 39; Needham and Ambers. op. (it. nOle 28. \ I) R f IllS T () R I ( ,- .... ( l () ... l R f \ I t . '\ , S II \" .\ B n f " I !'.9 had ac;')emblages of Plain \\'are ceramic~. Ihe ceramit' t'\idellce from l:.Yllsham sugge)tc; that oc(upaoon continued imo the c~lrh I st millennium at i.' time \\ hen the earthwork!t at Rams llillundcr'wem thO phases of remodelling. -nlC ... imilarit) in. equcncc is imponam bt'GIUSe Ramo;; Hill is an upland ite located on the edge of the Chalk. 00\\11\. \\'hile EYll\ham l!t a Imdand ~ite lora ted 011 the second gra\"elterr~ln' I he recorded ,equencc at ,,'hllf'<.TO!ol'" Farm. \\"allingford, cOntrasLS with the~e 1\\'0 !tites. "his \Jle ha!t its origin ... within the earh 1st millennium Gil Be and is of \'ery dinerent chalaClcr from l:.~n ... ha111 and Rams 11111. :\ serie~ of (ollr radiocarbon daleS were obtLlined on deposits of wood (some of",hich \\'a.o;; structural) \'"hich "ere sealed by channel silt.., and a .mdden. Calibrated. the,e dates rail within the range 1000-800 lIe.. \llIch or the ,""lemen< offupauon wa ... H:'co\cred from a midden and octupalion deposits that post-dated this pha ... e.I:i9 ColleCli\"el, the three raclicKarbon dated ~ite~ provide a <.:hronological framework for lale Bron/c Ag-c de\'elopmems wilhin the LppcI Ihilmcs region.

TI" tHi' oj Iht l'tu/o.Hm: Reg-dldles.., of the true character and OIlgins of the ditch. dome..,ti<.: refuse and bUt-jab \\.-ere sub ... e

1:19 nJ\Ii,'i t:( al. . op. cu. nOle 13M. 110 Shand Cl al. . op. til. lIote 133. 111 Ik.ldley and f.IIi'loll. 01'. ciL. nOle 12. 112 Ibid -12. fig. 2_11- I J:~ Ibid 15. 111 Ibid. Ii.lig. 2.16. 11,0 \ 1'$ \R( 1\\ \ BOYL.1. ,"I) C. I) .... 1 I'll L I· I \L the dilchc"t hee ~tuhille above). "-Hel animal, \\t'Tt' I'eprc"tt'med b\ two fragment, 01 It,d deer ilnd a single li"th bone. ~o 'ample~ (or chalTt'd pl h,1\'e been excavatcd.I.-,(J I he enclosure at l) nshalll mighl h('11 bdong 10 placed. Such late Bronlt.' Age cndoslll t...... 1lI()~l of \\ hich arc described a" 1 ingi{Jlts. all' a more common feature 01 Ihe middle I hClwcen 1000-700 cal B( .n:!

11."i <.ill lil'\ pC')~. wllun.; \\'hittle l'1 ,IL op. (It nOll' I :.n, p. PIO. till "'hand el al.. oJ>. «II. nol(, I:H 117 \tudd. 01'. tit. nOll' 1:\1 11K (~illlln p<'I\, WIIIIll; n. 'lilt·... 'Confliu ,\lid COlllp1l"11\ til(" Lim:1 Plchi!>LOn ullhl' (hlmci Rq{ioll', ()\.ImlrT/llII. Ixii (1997). H. '11'1 BI.uU{'\ and Elh"oll. up. tit. nott,' I~~ '\ct'dh.lI11 dnel \mht.",,, tip. <"it nOll;' 2tt FlU ( (;ingell. rill' ,\I(J1/htmmglll)Jm'IL\ __ ' I.fli/'l 1I11111u' lKt' I.IUII/I/a/II" mull!' Origml (Wilt ... ,\Ilh.u.'ol :\.11 11.\1 .• \(K \1ollogl"aph 1. I ~'91). 1:;:-,·1). I.d \dl..ilh 11U( l\1ll' III Sl'tllc'lllc.:nt .lllci Rllll.1111l ,hl' 1.<11<: Brol~iC .\ge 01 "'inlllh-l,I" HIII.

L mil rdaliH:I) recentl) lillie \,as kocH, n of lhe Imer Bronle .\ge settlement pattern in the Oxf()1d n:giOJl.n3 lIu\\c\er. mam ne\, and imponant disco\crie~ hayc been made mer the hl!)t ten \ea,\ . .Ju t to the north of E)llsham. in the Cassmgton-Yarnton area, a numbel of mid LO late Bn)llle .\ge seltlernCnb h'.l\"e been ilH"CSligated. EXG.\\"iltions on lhe noodplain at "anllon haye rc\eaJcd it pattern of disper~ed open ... eulement comisling of single or paired po~t-built rOllndhou ... es and other fcalllf'·., such a~ \\"'llcrhole~. burnt spread~, fcncelincs. pit., and occasional dltches.l~.,:\ possible continuation 01 this settlement pattern has been f()Und at \teacl L 'me, Eynsham. The enclosuH' at E) nsham .\bbc) IS located within a wider al'ca of gcneralh open settlement. and in this respect il is unll!maL It could, like other ringwOlks. represent ~I high status settlement. a conclll~ion that could be supported b~ some of the anchlflual e\·idcnce, \\'hatevcr the true dale of the cndosure. its lise would ha\·c marked the ,culcmcnl out a~ a place of special importance. Its dme. centred on the end of the 2nd millennium Gil Be, would n1

/.aln ll(IIW/.\' ami S(l\(m n'IHt'

IfLhe origin' of the endosure lie within the ~('olithi( r~llher than the latcr Bronle .-\ge then it can be ~lIggested that other monuments ~lIch as round barrows ma\ well also have existed. !\io barrow~ are known from the \'ilJage itself. although an extensi\e balTow cemctcr) (an be f()und le~s Ihan 2 km. to the south-\\est at Foxlc\ Farm. and a di.spersed group ofbaIT()\\s han' been recorded a!) crop marks and eXGI\<1led at '\ew \\'intles Farm just to the north. \\ hile a large b~IITo\\ cemeteq ha'!l been recorded al Ca~sington \lill. l ,j6 ~1an) of· the so-called long Illollllary enclosure~ that have been identilicd on the L pper Thames gra\'c1s bCfame foci lor hiler lIlonumcnt building. \Iorlllar) enclosures arc knm\ n as cropmarh from Foxle\ Farm and from Stanton Harcollrt. ","hile at Varnum the excavated enclosure became a fOcuo;; I()! later bllrial~ and pit deposits and was reused in the later BrOll.le Age lor seLLJemcnt. 1:i7 ~I·hcre is good c\ idcnce from the Lpper Thames and other pans of lowland England for Ihe rellse of prehistoric.: enclosures. especially disc barrows. in later periods. Saxon settlements an' ,omctimes sited next to barrO\\ cemeteries and the barrows themselves are sometimes reuscd,l~H .\ good example of reuse «nnes from lhe excc.l\ ated ringwork at Springfield Lyons III Essex. \\ here the inside of the laiC Brollte .\ge cndo~urc was rCll~cd for blll'ial in lhe earh Saxon period and a eulement dc\·eloped outside during the late Saxon pcriod. I:'9 Ihere i ... liule c\ldence to suggesllhat till' cndo~un:' sllni\ed as an earthwork bc)ond the Roman period. Its ditches had cer{(linl~ silted up b) this time as one ofthe sunken-featured buildlllg~ (ulthe line of the silled up ditth, and \\a~ positioned so thaI it would have CUllhc line of ~1Il\ IIllcriOl bank. -nlC lavout of the Saxon ,cnlemelll not on" cuts the line of the

I.):l \Iilt'~. op. (It. nole II~. Dl Clilllt'~ pl:l'I. wmm. D3 \ Bard.. " R Bladle\, G. lIe~ and (; i..lInbmk. I ht .....afher I)ft·hi,t(u-~ of the Oxford Rt'gu)Il in Llu-I.:ig-IH of Rt'c:'('1ll R(:~.uch ·, O"l:lmlfm;a, (i1 (IH96), 1:\. fig. I; Shand t'l ;11., op. lil. note 1:\3. I.I/) Bl'no.t)Jl and \1I1l"', up. cit. noll" (" map ... ~o c.ued to be obli,iou ... to the line of the ("ur~u~ ditches.t(j(J At this sile it ... eems probable thin the building of Brontc .\ge bano" ... around the cursus, which then sunived a.., carthwOJ h. influenccd the siting of the settlement. EI..,e\\hele it similar GI')e can be made lor the sClllemel1l at Harrow Hills. Radle), where son1(.' of the prehistoric barro\'~:s were ,1ho lellsed f(n Saxon burial. ltil It secms likely thilt the position of the enclosure was nothing more than I()ltuitou.., and that the seulemelll \\as placed at a site that was perhaps used in pn'histon lot ritual and ceremony.

,\C"NOWLlDG I::~I EI\'TS lhe excavation of the prehislOric ... ite [olllpri..,cd a relativeh-' small pan of a Illuch large! projctt directed at the A.. nglo-Saxon and medit'\"al Illona~ti[ complex in E) nl,h~llt1. \laln more people were in\"ol\'cd at all stages of the projcfl Ihan GIn be indi\"iduall} afl..nO\\ Icdged hert'. Ihe authors' gralitude is extended to all \dw nmLributcci to the project in whalCH'! Glp'UII). I he pn)Ject was entire" funded b\ Jo.ngli..,h Ileritage, and the c()n~t(lnt support and CI1("(HIt "gemelli of ollken Andre" Flt-ming. ~tl'\"e I lOW.

Iltr \"o("il'l) i.\ gmtljul 10 Eugli.\h HentaKe jor tl grallt I01I'al"(/' Ihe publimllOll of Ihi.\ rf/JOrl

ItiH Hi.lnl'l\ l'I