Corpus Christi College Cambridge / PARKER-ON-THE-WEB M.R. James, Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 1912 MS 111 Stanley: Misc. G TJames: 316 The Bath Cartulary and related items. Antiquarian Transcripts of Charters

Registrum Chartarum Abbatiae Bathoniensis. Apographa Chartarum, etc. Codicology: Vellum and paper, mm 300 x 220, (12 x 8.6 in.), pp. 454. Cent. xi-xvi. Collation: 14 212 36 4 (five leaves) || 58 66 (+ a slip after 2) 78-98 104 (+ 1 paper leaf after 3). The rest of the volume is of paper. Collation: Diagram of quire 4: f. 5 (pp. 7, 8) is of cent. xi. Foliation: pp. a-f + (1-2 missing) + 3-74 + 74a-d +75-138 + 138a-b + 139-226 + 226a-d + 227-382 + 382a-b + 383-410 + 410a + 411a + 411-414 + 415-454 + g-l. Language: Latin and Old English.

Contents: 1. 4-4 Homagium factum priori Bathonensi[] pro messuagio Homagium factum priori Bathonensi[] pro messuagio, etc. in Olveston[] per Ioannem de Weston[] [Nasmith:] [manu neoterica] The paging begins with 3: p. 3 blank On p. 4, of cent. xiv (44 Edw. III)

2. 5-5 Ad parcum de Westberi[] claudendum Qui tenentur claudere parcum de Westberi[] Of cent. xii Followed by another copy of 1

3. 6-6 Relic list Reliquiae sanctorum A continuation in another hand of the list of relics 4 (1) It is in Latin, of cent. xiii (?)

4. 7-10 Anglo-Saxon relic lists and manumissions from Bath[] Folium a libro evangeliorum Saxonico, hujus bibliothecae Cod. CXL avulsum, in quo continentur Saxonice [Nasmith:] (1) Scriptum Saxonicum de reliquiis sanctorum quas in scriniis Bathoniensis ecclesiae[] reperierunt Ælsigus abbas[] et fratres ejusdem monasterii. (2) Reliquiae quas ecclesiae Bathoniensi[] acquisivit Heorstanus[]. (3) Reliquiae quas ecclesiae Bathoniensi[] dedit Wulwinus de Readington[]. (4) Testificatio ingenuitatis Leofenothi Ægelnothi filii de Korstune[], qui seipsum cum prole emit ex Ælfsigo abbate[] et conventu Bathoniensi[] 5 oris et 12 ovibus. (5) Manumissio Wilwigi[] quem ex Ælfsigo abbate[] emerat pater ejus Ægelsigus de Linncume[]. (6) Manumissio Hildesigi[], quem ex Ælfsigo abbate[] emerat pater suus Ægelsigus Byttici filius[] 60 denariis. (7) Manumissio Leofgifae cognomento Dægean de Northstoke[] cum prole sua quem ex Ælfsigo abbate[] emit Godwigus cognomento Bucca[]. (8) Manumissio Godwini cognomento Bace de Stantune[] per Ælfsigum abbatem[] pp. 7-8 are of cent. xi in at least two hands The manumissions are in Kemble, Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonice nos. 933-937[Kemble 1839- 1848]. Cameron B16.2.4 (relic-lists), B16.2.3 (manumissions)[Cameron 1973] 9 pp. 9-10 blank

5. 11-26 Gospel lections with collects Evangelia legenda in aliquot festis, et orationes dicendae 27 lines to a page, in a fine large black hand of cent. xii The Gospels (which are followed by the Collects) are those for: 1. Christmas. 2. St Stephen[]. 3. St John Evangelist[]. 4. Innocents. 5. Circumcision. 6. Epiphany. 7. Purification. 8. Easter. 9. Easter Monday. 10. Easter Tuesday. 11. Ascension. 12. Whitsunday. 13. Whitmonday. 14. Whitsun Tuesday. 15. Trinity. 16. Nativity of John Baptist[]. 17. St Peter[] and St Paul[]. 18. Assumption. 19. Nativity of Virgin. 20. Exaltation of Cross. 21. Michaelmas. 22. All Saints 26 At bottom is “Te decet laus” with musical notes

6. 27-28 Genealogy of the kings of [] Genealogia regum Angliae ab Adamo[] ad Stephanum[] regem In double columns of 27 lines. Cent. xii Title in red capitals 27 () Rubric:Incipit Regalis prosapia Anglorum descendens ab Adam[] 27 () Incipit: Adam[] primus homo genuit filium nomine Seth[] Ends 28 () Explicit:habuitque successorem Stephanum[] nepotem suum qui sex regnauit annis (added probably by the original hand)

7. 29-37 On the kingdoms of the heptarchy, from John of Worcester[] Brevis historia de septem regnis heptarchiae ex Florentio Wigorniensi[] Another hand: double columns of 42 lines 29 () Rubric:Incipit principium Regum Cantuariorum 29 () Incipit: Angli saxones imperatoris Marciani[] tempore Florence of Worcester, ed. Thorpe I 258[Thorpe 1848], cf. MS 92[CCC092] Regnum Westsaxonum[] Ends 36 Explicit:uicecomitissa andegauensium (Florence of Worcester, ed. Thorpe I 276, note 2[Thorpe 1848]) Followed by 36 Rubric:De anima karoli[] principis qui res abstulit ss. ecclesiarum ob hoc dampnata 36 Rubric:De dignitate karoli magni[] tempore adriani pape[] 37 Rubric:De annis solaribus imperante karolo magno[] 37 Rubric:De situ loci qui Candida casa[] uocatur 37 Rubric:De situ Æthelingia[] 37 () Explicit:situs est idem locus in sumersetensi[] pago

8. 37-46 Sæwulf[]'s pilgrimage to Jerusalem[] 1102-1103 Sæwulfus[] de situ Hierusalem[], sive iter ejus ad terram sanctam, et descriptio ejusdem 37 Rubric:Incipit certa relatio de situ ierusalem[] 37 () Incipit: Ego sæwlfus[] licet indignus () Explicit:unde helena[] rapta fuit a paridi alexandro[] testantibus grecis Ed. D'Avezac Recueil de Voyages et de Mémoires publiés par la Société de Géographie, Paris 1839 IV 817-54[d'Avezac 1839a]. See Hardy II 95[Hardy 1865], tr. by T. Wright[Wright 1839], Early Travels in Palestine by Canon Brownlow in Palestine Pilgrims Text Society IV with facsimile[Brownlow 1892] 9. 46-52 Miracles Narrationes plurimorum miraculorum 46 Rubric:Incipit miraculum de Sancto Remigio[] gloriosum Peter[] and Paul[] serve him at mass 47 Rubric:Incipit miraculum de quodam puero diuinitus erudito 47 () Incipit: Fuit quidam comes in partibus alamannie[] diues et prepotens habens filium heremannum[] nomine Injured by a bear: preferred wisdom to health: composed music 48 Rubric:Incipit miraculum de quodam presbitero inceste uiuente 48 () Incipit: Ecclesiam Lisdisfarnensem[] (sic) Ægelrico[] presule agente The elements at the Mass change colour 48 Rubric:De situ heliensis cenobii[] et de miraculo Sancte Ætheldryde[] 48 () Incipit: Heli[] stagnensium insularum maxima A canon investigating her relics repelled 49 Rubric:De integritate corporis Sancte Withburge Virginis[] 49 () Incipit: Brihnodus[] ab Ætheluuoldo[] Wintoniensi episcopo abbas heli constitutus Erection of bishopric (9 Hen. I) From Gesta Pontificum. IV §§ 183-5[Hamilton 1870] abridged 49 Rubric:lxxii. De passione Sancti Andree apostoli[] 49 () Incipit: Andreas apostolus[] in civitate patras[] 49 () Explicit:ab achaia[] constantinopolim[] translata sunt 49 () Incipit: Quia uero post petrum[] passus sit eiusdem ex uisione datur conici (Vision of Andrew, Gregorius Turonensis Mirac. Andr. 20) 49 () Explicit:propter nomen eius quem tu predicas 49 Rubric:De quodam miraculo in ecclesia treuerensi facto 49 () Incipit: Inter hec fama uolarat per circuitum Goblin in wine-cellar at Prum[] In another hand which changes on p. 52 51 () Incipit: Beata uirgo maria[] quamuis ab uniuersis ecclesie filiis Jewish youth Jacob[] taken by robbers near Bristol[], released by the Virgin, shewn Hell and Heaven, comes to Bath[], baptized by Bishop Robert[] (1137) and called John[] Ends 52 () Explicit:eterne mortis euasit naufragium 52 () Rubric:Explicit

10. 53-53 Agreement between Bath [] and Matilda of Bathneston[], 1269 Conventio inter priorem et conventum et Matildam dominam de Bathneston[] A. D. 1269, de pasturis et communis [Nasmith:] Registrum Cartarum Abbatiae S. Petri de Bath[] Of cent. xv ?

11. 54-54 Indulgences granted by Theobald of Canterbury[] for visiting [] Indulgentiae concessae a Theobaldo Cantuariensi[] Roberto Bathonensi[] Marco Cluanensi[] et Nicholao Landavensi episcopo[] iis qui monasterium Bathonense[] visitaverint in exaltatione sanctae crucis Cent. xii

12. 54-54 Dedication of an oratory in Bath[] to S. Werburga[] Dedicatio oratorii in suburbio Bathonensi[] in honore S. Werburgae[] et S. S. Iohannis Baptistae[] et Katherinae virginis et martiris[] per Nicolaum Landavensem episcopum[] Cent. xii

13. 55-56 Old English Confraternity agreement between the abbey of Bath[] and other houses Sodalitas religiosa Saxonice scripta quae inita fuit inter Wulstanum episcopum Wigorniensem[], Ægelwigum abbatem Eofshamiensem[], Wulfwoldum abbatem de Ceortesige[], Ælfsigum abbatem Bathoniensem[], Eadmundum abbatem Perscorensem[], Rawulfum abbatem Wincelcumbiensem[], Serlonem abbatem Gleweceastrensem[] et Ælfstanum decanum Wigraceastrensem[] Single leaf. Cent. xi Cameron B16.2.2[Cameron 1973]

14. 57-58 Charter of A.D. 956. King Eadwig[] to Bath Abbey[], and to Wulfgar, []; grant of 30 hides at Tidenham, Gloucs.[], of which 3 are to belong to the abbot Donatio 30 mansarum æt dyddanhame[] monasterio S. Petri in Bathonia[] per regem A. D. 956 Begins a volume, very finely written, 27 lines to a page. Cent. xii early: hand changes but is very uniform: the last charters are of Hen. II[] Title in red 57 Rubric:De Dyddenham 57 () Initial in gold: outside it two patterned fields of green and pale pink: ground within, blue with white dots in threes. Halflength figure of bearded king, gold crown, gold borders to mantle, sleeves, gold girdle, silver sword in R. hand, L. hand extended. Mantle red, tunic white with blue lines, skirt pale brown The earlier charters are printed in Kemble, Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonice [Kemble 1839-1848] and Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum[Birch 1885-1899]: a few also in Monasticon II 264 etc.[Dugdale et al 1846b] The whole chartulary by the Rev. W. Hunt for the Somerset Record Socity 1893[Hunt 1893] The numbers in Kemble are Kemble 452[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 610[Sawyer 1968]

15. 59-59 Charter of A.D. 670 x 671 [? A.D. 681] (October). Wigheard[] to Bernguidis (Beorngyth)[]; grant of 40 hides at Slæpi (Islip, Oxon.)[] Donatio XL manentium in Slepi[] Bernguidi[] abbatissae et monasterio eius per Withardum[] Kemble 13[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 1168[Sawyer 1968]

16. 59-59 Charter of A.D. 676 (= 675, 6 Nov.). Osric, king[], to Bertana, abbess[]; grant of 100 hides at Bath, Somerset[], for the foundation of a nunnery Donatio C manentium civitati Bathon.[] adjacentium Bretanae abbatissae[] ad construendum monasterium sanctarum virginum per Osricum regem[] A. D. 676 Kemble 12[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 51[Sawyer 1968]

17. 60-61 Charter of A.D. 680 (October). Æthelmod[] to Bernguidis (Beorngyth), abbess[], and to Folcburh[], and their ; grant of 20 hides by the river Cherwell[] Donatio XX manentium juxta flumen Cervelle[] Bernguidi abbatissae[] et Folcburgi[] et monasterio suo per Æthelmodum[] Kemble, 21[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 1167[Sawyer 1968]

18. 61-65 Charter of A.D. 931. King Athelstan[] to the familia of St Peter's, Bath[]; grant of 10 hides at Priston, Somerset[], and 5 at Cold Ashton, Gloucs.[], forfeited by Alfred[] for conspiracy Donatio X mansarum in Prisctun[] et V in Æisctun[] monasterio S. Petri æt Baðum[] per Athelstanum regem[] A. D. 931 Kemble 354[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 414[Sawyer 1968]

19. 65-67 Charter of A.D. 941. King Edmund[] to Æthelnoth, minister[]; grant of 10 hides at Corston, Somerset[] Donatio X mansarum æt corsantune[] cuidam fideli ministro vocitato Æthelnotho[] per Edmundum regem[] A. D. 941 Kemble 388[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 476[Sawyer 1968] 20. 67-70 Charter of A.D. 946. King Edmund[] to Æthelhere[], his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides at Weston near Bath, Somerset[], on condition of loyalty to Edmund[] Donatio V mansarum æt Westune[] cuidam fideli ministro nomine Æthelere[] per Edmundum regem[] A. D. 946 Kemble 408[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 508[Sawyer 1968]

21. 70-71 Charter of A.D. 956. King Eadwig[] to Ælfswith[], the faithful woman; grant of 10 hides at Corston, Somerset[] Donatio X mansarum æt corsantune[] cuidam fideli feminae nomine Ælfswydae[] per Eadwigum regem[] A. D. 956 Kemble 457[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 593[Sawyer 1968]

22. 71-74 Charter of A.D. 955 x 959. King Eadwig[] to the church of St Peter, Bath[]; restoration of 5 hides at Olveston[], and 5 at Cold Ashton, Gloucs.[], granted to the by King Athelstan[]; Bounds and customs of Tidenham, Gloucs.[] Redditio V mansarum aet alvestune[] et aliarum V æt Æstune[] quas Æthelstanus rex[] obtulerat ecclesiae B. Petri in Bathonis[] civitate nuper tyrannide abstractarum per Eadwigum regem[] Kemble 461[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 664[Sawyer 1968], S 1555[Sawyer 1968]

23. 74-74a Charter of A.D. 1061 x 1065. Ælfwig, abbot[], and the community at Bath[], to Stigand, archbishop[]; lease, for life, of 30 hides at Tidenham, Gloucs.[] Conventio inter Stigandum archiepiscopum[] et conventum Bathae[] de dimissione XXX hidarum terrae aet dyddanhame[], Saxonice Kemble 822[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 1426[Sawyer 1968]

24. 74a-74b Charter of A.D. 961 for 956. King Eadwig[] to the church of St Peter, Bath[]; restitution of 5 hides at Weston, near Bath, Somerset[] Restitutio V hidarum aet Westune[] ecclesiae S. Petri in Bathonia[] per regem Eadwigum[] A. D. 961 Kemble 485[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 661[Sawyer 1968]

25. 74b-75 Charter of A.D. 957. King Eadwig[] to St Peter's Abbey, Bath[]; grant, at the request of his sacerdos Wulfgar[], of 10 hides at Bathford, Somerset[] Donatio V mansarum Hamtun[] nomine cuidam familiarissimo nomine Hethelm[] per Eadwigum regem[] A. D. 956 Kemble 440[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 643[Sawyer 1968]

26. 75-77 Charter of A.D. 956. King Eadwig[] to Hehelm[], his fidelis; grant of 5 hides at Bathampton, Somerset[], with a note that Hehelm[] promised the land to Bath Abbey[] after his death Donatio X mansarum aet forda[] coenobitis deo servientibus in monasterio S. Petri in Bathonia[] per Eadwigum regem[] A. D. 957 Kemble 463[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 627[Sawyer 1968]

27. 77-78 Charter of A.D. 808 for 757 x 758. Cynewulf[], king of the Saxons, to the brethren of St Peter's Minster, Bath[]; grant of 5 hides at North Stoke, Somerset[] Donatio V mansionum in Northstoc[] fratribus in monasterio S. Petri Bathon[]. per Cynulfum regem[] A. D. 808 Kemble 193[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 265[Sawyer 1968]

28. 78-79 Charter of A.D. 961. King Edgar[] to the church of St Peter, Bath[]; restoration of 5 hides at South Stoke, Somerset[] Restitutio V mansarum in Tottanstoc[] ecclesiae S. Petri in Bathonia[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. D. 961 Kemble 486[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 694[Sawyer 1968]

29. 79-81 Charter of A.D. 961. King Edgar[] to Æthelwold[], his faithful minister; grant of one hide at Evesty (lost)[] on the river Camelar (Cam Brook), Somerset[] Donatio unius cassae æt Geofanstige[] cuidam fideli ac devoto ministro nomine Æthelwoldo[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. C. 961 Kemble 484[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 692[Sawyer 1968]

30. 81-82 Charter of A.D. 963. King Edgar[] to Ælfsige[], his faithful decurio; grant of 2.5 hides at Stanton Prior, Somerset[] Donatio duarum mansarum atque dimidiae set Stantune[] cuidam fideli decurioni nomine Ælfsigo[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. C. 963 Kemble 502[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 711[Sawyer 1968]

31. 82-84 Charter of A.D. 965. King Edgar[] to Æscwig, abbot of St Peter's, Bath[]; grant of 7.5 hides at Stanton Prior, Somerset[] Donatio bis quaternarum praeter semissem mansiuncularum in Stantun[] Æscwig[] abbati ad ecclesiam S. Petri in urbe Achumanensi[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. C. 965 S 735[Sawyer 1968]

32. 84-85 Charter of A.D. 972. King Edgar[] to Bath Abbey[]; grant of 10 hides at Corston, Somerset[] Donatio decem mansiuncularum in Corsantun[] Deo et S. Petro in civitate Aquamania[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. C. 972 Kemble 573[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 785[Sawyer 1968]

33. 85-87 Charter of A.D. 970. King Edgar[] to the church of St Peter, Bath[]; grant of 10 hides at Clifton, near Bath[], in exchange for 100 mancuses of gold and 10 hides at Cumtun[] Venditio X cassatorum æt Cliftune[] ecclesiae S. Petri æt hatum Bathum[] per Eadgarum regem[], Æcswigo[] abbate et monachis regi dantibus C auri mancusas ac X terrae mansas in Cumtun[] A. D. 970 Kemble 566[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 777[Sawyer 1968]

34. 87-88 Charter of A.D. 984. King Æthelred[] to the church of Bath[]; grant of 3.5 hides at Radstock, Somerset[] Donatio trium mansarum atque dimidiae æt Welewestoce[] ecclesiae S. Petri in Bathonia[] per Æthelredum regem[] Kemble 643[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 854[Sawyer 1968]

35. 88-90 Charter of A.D. 984 x 1016 (probably 984 x 1001). Will of Wulfwaru[], including bequests of land to Ælfhere, abbot of Bath[] Testamentum Wulfwarii[], Saxonice Kemble 694[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 1538[Sawyer 1968]

36. 90-92 Charter of A.D. 1061. King Edward[] to Wulfwold, abbot[]; grant of land at Ashwick, Somerset[] Donatio terrarum in Æscwica[] Wlfwoldo[] abbati per Eadweardum regem[] A. C. 1061 Kemble 811[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 1034[Sawyer 1968]

37. 92-92 Charter of A.D. 1061 x 1082, possibly 1061 x 1066. Writ of Abbot Wulfwold[] announcing that he has given to St Peter's minster at Bath[] land at Evesty[] and Ashwick, Somerset[] Donatio earundem terrarum monasterio Bathonensi per eundem Wlfwoldum[], Saxonice S 1427[Sawyer 1968]

38. 93-93 Lands of Bath[] from Domesday De terris Bathae[] pertinentibus

39. 94-94 Writs of William I[] granting land at Charlcombe[] to Bath Abbey[] Donatio terrarum in Cheorlecumba[] monasterio S. Petri Bathon[]. per Willelmum regem[], Saxonice

40. 94-95 Bounds of Charlcombe, Somerset[] Confirmatio ejusdem donationis per eundem regem, Saxonice S 1569a[Sawyer 1968]

41. 95-95 Agreement between Bath Abbey[] and William Hoset of Charlcombe[] Cyrographum inter conventum Bathae[] et Willelmum Hoset de Ceorlecumba[] [Nasmith:] In chartis precedentibus divisiones terrarum (þa land gemæra) semper annotantur Saxonice Monasticon II 264 etc.[Dugdale et al 1846b]

42. 95-96 Grants of land to Bath Abbey[] by William de Mojone[] Donatio ecclesiae S. Georgii de Dunestorra [] et decimae ejusdem villae, et totius villae Alcuine[] cum pertinentiis, scilicet I hida terrae, et dimidiae partis decimae de Maneheafe[], et totius decimae de Bradeuude[], et omnis decimae de Carentuna[] sibi pertinentis, et totius decimae de Niwetuna[], et dimidiae decimae de Brunfield[], et totius decimae de Stokelande[], et totius de Kilvestune[], et duorum piscatoriorum, et totius decimae equarum suarum de Moris[], monasterio Bathonensi[] ad construendam ecclesiam B. Georgii[] per Willelmum de Mojone[]

43. 96-97 Grants of land to Bath Abbey[] by Walcinus and his family Testificatio donationis ecclesiae de Bathentuna[] cum dimidia hida terrae et cum omnibus illis rebus, quas tenebat Goscelinus presbiter[], et cum omnibus decimis illius manerii per Walcinum de Duaio[]; et unius hidae quae appellatur Foxcume[] per Raimarum Walcini fratrem[] et Girardum[] ejusdem dapiferum; et ecclesiae de Broctuna[] cum una virgula terrae et omnibus decimis et consuetudinibus per eundem Girardum[]; et medietatis decimae de Careio[] et ecclesiae de Brigga[] cum omnibus decimis et consuetudinibus per Walcini[] uxorem

44. 97-98 Confirmation of grant of land to Bath Abbey[] by William, bishop of Exeter[] Confirmatio precedentis donationis per Willelmum Exoniensem episcopum[]

45. 98-100 Charter of William II[] to the bishopric of Somerset[], 1088 Donatio omnium possessionum monasterii Bathonensis[] in augmentationem Summersetensis[] episcopatus (eo tenus ut ibi institueret presul eam sedem) per Willelmum II[]. regem A. D. 1088

46. 100-101 Charter of William II[] to the bishopric of Somerset[] Donatio totius civitatis Bathoniae[] in augmentationem ejusdem episcopatus per eundem regem

47. 101-101 Grant of free warren to the bishop of Bath[] Licentia faciendi warennam concessa episcopo Bathonensi per eundem regem

48. 101-104 Confirmation of grant to the bishopric of Somerset[] by Henry I[], 1101 Confirmatio precedentis donationis civitatis Bathoniae[] per Henricum I.[] regem A. D. 1101

49. 104-105 Grant by Patricius[] to the bishop and church of Bath[], 1100 Donatio V hidarum terrae de Westona[] episcopo et ecclesiae Bathonensi[] per Patricium[] A. D. 1100

50. 105-105 Confirmation of grant to the bishop and church of Bath[] by Henry I[], 1100 Confirmatio ejusdem donationis per Henricum I.[] regem A. D. 1100

51. 105-106 Confirmation of donation of Bath[] and removal there of the episcopal see by Henry I[], 1111 Confirmatio donationis civitatis Bathoniae[] et transpositionis sedis episcopalis in eandem per Henricum I[]. A. D. 1111

52. 106-107 Confirmation of donation of Bath[] by Robert, Duke of [] Confirmatio ejusdem per Robertum ducem Normanniae []

53. 107-108 Charter of Henry I[] to the bishop of Bath[] Donatio civitatis Bathoniae[] in augmentationem sedis episcopalis per Henricum I[]

54. 108-108 Two charters of Henry I[] confirming the possessions of the monks of Bath Abbey[] Duae cartae Henrici regis[] ut monachi Bathonenses sint quieti ab omni telonio, etc. in rebus emendis

55. 108-108 Charter of Henry I[] 'ut sint ... manu regis' Carta ejusdem regis ut sint quieti de omnibus placitis et querelis dum fuerint in manu regis

56. 108-111 Agreement between Bath Abbey[] and Modbert[], 1121 Placitum inter conventum Bathoniae[] et Modbertum[] de terra Grantae in Stocha North[], in curia episcopi A. D. 1121

57. 111-111 Writ of Henry I[] Breve regis Henrici[] confirmans possessionem illius terrae dictis monachis Monasticon II 264 etc.[Dugdale et al 1846b]

58. 111-112 Agreement between John of Tours, Bishop of Bath[] and Hubert Hosatum[], 1123 Cyrographum inter Iohannem episcopum[] et Hubertum Hosatum[] de 11 hidis terrae in Esctona eidem Huberto in foedum ab episcopo concessis A. D. 1123 Monasticon II 264[Dugdale et al 1846b] etc.

59. 112-112 Agreement between Bath Abbey[] and W. Hosatum[], 1123 Concordia inter conventum Bathoniae[] et W. Hosatum[] A. D. 1123

60. 112-114 Grant by John of Tours, Bishop of Bath[], to Bath Abbey[], 1106 Donatio Iohannis primi episcopi Bathonensis[] monachis ibidem A. D. 1106

61. 114-114 Grant of land to Bath Abbey[] by Henry I[] Carta donationis et redditionis terrae de Dochemare[] ecclesiae Bathoniensi per Henricum regem[]

62. 115-115 Agreement between Bath Abbey[] and Roger de S. Laudo[] Conventio inter monachos Bathonenses et Rogerum de S. Laudo[] de commutatione terrarum in Stantono[] et Nivetono[]

63. 115-116 Charter of Henry I[] concerning Calveston[] and Mere[] Carta concessionis ut manerium de Calvestona[], abbatiae S. Edmundi[] pertinens, sit in hundredo Bathoniae[], et in justitia episcopi, et confirmationis de terra de Mere[] ecclesiae Bathoniensi[] per Henricum regem[]

64. 116-116 Charter of Bishop Godefrid[] to Bath Abbey[], 1136 Donatio vel restitutio villae de Cumba[] monachis Bathonensibus per Godefridum episcopum[] A. D. 1136

65. 116-117 Confirmation of grant of land to Bath Abbey[] by King Stephen[] Confirmatio donationis Patricii de Caurcis[] de V hidis Westonae[] monachis Bathonensibus[] per Stephanum regem[], anno regni Imo

66. 117-117 Charter of Stephen[] for Bath abbey[] Carta ejusdem regis ut monachi Bathonenses[] sint quieti ab omni telonio

67. 117-118 Charter of Stephen[] for Robert , Bishop of Bath[] Carta ejusdem regis, de possessionibus episcopatus Bathonensis Roberto episcopo electo[] restituendis

68. 119-120 Charter of Robert, Bishop of Bath[] for Bath Abbey[], 1135 Donatio vel restitutio Roberti episcopi[] monachis Bathonensibus[] A. D. 1135

69. 120-120 Writ of Stephen[] confirming grant of land to Bath Abbey[] Breve Stephani regis[] de terra de Stocha[] monachis confirmanda

70. 120-121 Charter of Theobald of Canterbury[] for Bath Abbey[] Confirmatio donationis Roberti episcopi[] monachis Bathonensibus per Theobaldum Cantuariae archiepiscopum[]

71. 121-121 Charter of Theobald of Canterbury[] for Bath Abbey[] Alia confirmatio eorundem per eundem

72. 122-122 Confirmation of the donation of the church of Dunestorra[] to Bath abbey[] Confirmatio donationis ecclesiae de Dunestorra[] monachis Bathonensibus in liberam elemosinam per eundem

73. 122-123 Testimony of Robert, Bishop of Bath[] concerning salmon renders Testificatio Roberti episcopi[] Bathonensis de L salmonibus annuatim reddendis monachis ibidem per heredes Atselmi Hosati[] pro terra de Ceorlecumba[]

74. 123-124 Charter concerning the sale of Cameleia[] to Bath Abbey[] Carta comitis Glocestriae[] de venditione manerii de Cameleia[] monachis Bathonensibus[] per Alexandrum de Alno[] et suos fratres, et Beatricem[] eorum matrem pro LXX marcis auri eis solutis, et quibusdam servitiis et pensione annua II marcarum reservatis

75. 124-125 Confirmation of the sale of Cameleia[] to Bath Abbey[] by Henry, Duke of Normandy[] Confirmatio ejusdem venditionis per Henricum ducem Normanniae[]

76. 125-125 Confirmation of the sale of Cameleia[] to Bath Abbey[] by Henry I[] Alia confirmatio ejusdem venditionis per eundem Henricum regem Anglorum[]

77. 126-126 Agreement between Bath Abbey[] and Richard de Hanum[] Conventio inter conventum Bathoniae[] et Richardum de Hanum[] de una virgata terrae de Beche[]

78. 126-127 Letter of Rodbertus, Bishop of Exeter[] to Bath Abbey[] Epistola Rodberti episcopi Exon.[] ad conventum Bathonensem[] ut confirmarent Waltero clerico[] dimissionem ecclesiae de Baantona[]

79. 127-127 Charter of A.D. 1061. King Edward[] to Wulfwold, abbot[]; grant of land at Ashwick, Somerset[] Donatio cujusdam terrae Wlwodo abbati[] per Eadwardum regem[] A. D. 1061 is inserted in a xiiith cent. hand in double columns S 1034[Sawyer 1968]

80. 128-129 Domesday satellite survey of Bath Abbey[], 1165 Terrae Bathonensis abbatiae A. D. 1165 In the original hand

81. 130-130 Bull of Adrian[] Bulla de confirmatione episcopatus Bathonensis per Adrianum papam[] Double columns, xiii

82. 130-130 Charter of the prior of Bath Abbey[] Recognitio juris Willelmi fratris[] ad unam hidam terrae apud Weston[] per conventum Bathonensem[] xiii, another hand. Part of a column

83. 131-131 Agreement between Bath Abbey[] and Elias Cotel[] Conventio facta inter conventum Bathonensem[] et Eliam Cotel[] de pastura ex occidentali parte de Southewode[] A. D. 1258 xiv ?

84. 132-134 List of the Bishops of Bath[] Nomina episcoporum Bathonensium 132 () [Nasmith:] finis registri Bathonensis xv-xvi 132 A note is added by Parker[] pp. 133-134 blank 85. 135-136 Letter of Galfrid, archdeacon of Worcester[], to Pope Alexander III[] concerning the Pershore[] charter Epistola Galfridi ecclesiae Wigorniensis archidiaconi[] (Henrici II[]. nothi) ad Alexandrum papam III[]. de carta Edgari regis[] ecclesiae Parshorensi[] concessa [Nasmith:] “Hoc scriptum appensum fuit magnae chartae de coenobio Parshorensi in testimonium ejus chartae.” Si cartae, de quarum testimonio in hac epistola agitur, non fuerunt supposititiae, usus sigillorum cartis appensorum praevaluit inter Saxones, mentio enim hic fit sigillorum Eadgari regis[], Dunstani archiepiscopi[] et Alferi regis Merciorum[]: sed dubiae prorsus fidei videntur quaecunque usui recepto signorum, quae in omnibus cartis Saxonicis conspiciuntur, ita contradicunt In Joscelin[]'s hand

86. 137-138 Charter of A.D. 836 (Croft, Leics.[]). Grant by Wiglaf, king of Mercia[], to the minster at Hanbury, Worcs.[] Carta confirmationis monasterii in Heanbyrg[] per Wiglafum regem Merciorum[] On a paper leaf S 190[Sawyer 1968]

87. 138b-138b Goods and chattels of Simon of Mepham[] Bona et catalla Simonis de Mepham[] nuper archiepiscopi Cantuariensis defuncti in indentura inter custodes temporalium archiepiscopatus loci illius et executores testamenti ipsius defuncti contenta A vellum document pasted on vellum leaf

88. 139-142 Charter of c. A.D. 935 x 938 (? 937). King Athelstan[] to Ælfheah[], minister; grant of 10 hides at Farnborough, Berks.[] Þis ys þara x hida boc æt Fearnbeorgan[] þe Æþelstan[] cing gebocode Ælfeahe[] his þegne on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Sequuntur apographa quarundam cartarum cum terminis Saxonice, quae ex autographis (ut videtur) descripsit D. Henricus [Robertas] Talbot [] ecclesiae Norwicensis prebendarius, quarum titulos Saxonicos apposui cum notitia Latina ex Wanlei catalogo[Wanley 1697] desumpta [Nasmith:] Donatio x manentium in Fearnbebeorgan[] fideli ministro Ælfeahe[] per Æthelstanum regem[] The charters which follow are on paper At top is the note 139 () “Manus mri Talbot[] q(uondam) prebendarii in eccl. Norwic.[]” This is Robert (not Henry) Talbot[] The Abingdon[] charters are printed in Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon (Rolls Series), Introduction p. viii[Stevenson 1858d]. Also many by Kemble[Kemble 1839-1848] and Birch[Birch 1885-1899]. Kemble 356[Kemble 1839-1848]; S 411[Sawyer 1968]

89. 143-144 Charter of A.D. 949. King Eadred[] to Æthelmær[], praeses; grant of 20 hides at Chetwode[] and Hillesden, Bucks[]. With note, in English, referring to Chadshunt, Warwicks.[] Æþelmæres[] booc æt cetƿuda[] and hildes dune tƿuentig hida on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Donatio xx decem manentium ad Cetwuda[] et æt hildes Æthelmeri[] praesidi per Eadredum regem[] A. D. 949, anno regni 3o Kemble 424[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 544[Sawyer 1968]

90. 145-146 Charter of A.D. 952 (for 953 x 955). King Eadred[] to Ælfwine[], vassalus; grant of 3 hides at Barkham, Berks.[] Þis is þara þreora hida land boc æt beorchamma þe Eadred[] cyning ge bocode Ælfƿine[] his þegene on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Donatio 3 cassatorum in Beorthan[] cuidam vasallo nomine Ælfwine[] per Eadredum regem[] A. D. 952 Kemble 431[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 559[Sawyer 1968]

91. 147-148 Charter of A.D. 955 or 956. King Eadwig[] to Æthelwold, abbot[], and his abbey at Abingdon[]; grant of 20 hides at Abingdon[] Þis is þæra xx hyda boc æt abbandune þe Eadƿig[] cyning gebecze on ece yrfe in to sca marian cyricean [Nasmith:] Restitutio xx mansiuncularum Æthelwaldo abbati[] et monasterio S. Mariae de Abbandune[] per Eadwigum regem[] A. D. 956. Indict 14 Kemble 441[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 605[Sawyer 1968] Item continues on pp. 153-154

92. 149-150 Charter of A.D. 956. King Eadwig[] to St Mary's Abbey, Abingdon[]; grant of 20 hides at Tadmarton, Oxon.[] Donatio xx hidarum æt tadmaerton[] S. Mariae et cenobio Abbendunensi [] per Eadwigum regem[] A. D. 956. Indict 14 Kemble 442[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 584[Sawyer 1968]

93. 151-154 Charter of Empress Matilda[] and Henry, Duke of Normandy[] Carta donationis totius terrae extra portam de Sud et prebendarum ecclesiae S. Nicholai[] post decessum vel spontaneam demissionem canonicorum magistro Benedicto[] ad aedificandam ecclesiam canonicorum regularium per Matildam imperatricem[] et Henricum ducem Normanniae []

94. 155-158 Charter of A.D. 951. King Eadred[] to Wulfric[], his faithful minister; grant of 25 hides at Chieveley, Berks.[] Þis is þara fif and tƿentiga hida æt cifanlea[] þe eadred[] cing gebocode ƿulfrice[] his þegne on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Concessio 25 mansarum æt Cifanlea[] cuidam fideli ministro nomine Wulfrico[] per Eadredum regem[] A. D. 951. Indict 9 Kemble 430[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 558[Sawyer 1968]

95. 159-160 Charter of A.D. 956. King Eadwig[] to Brihthelm[], his kinsman, bishop-elect; grant of 5 hides at (Church) Stowe, Northants.[] Þis is þara v hida boc æt stoƿe[] þe Eadƿige[] cing gebocode byrtelme[] his mæge on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Donatio v mansarum aet Stowe[] ... Byrhtelmo[] per Eadwigum regem[] A.D. 956. Indict 14 Kemble 449[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 615[Sawyer 1968]

96. 161-162 Charter of A.D. 956. King Eadwig[] to Beorhtnoth[], his faithful princeps; grant of 5 hides at Tadmarton, Oxon.[] Þis is þara v hida boc æt tadmertune[] þe eadƿig[] cing gebocode beornoþa[] ealderman on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Donatio v mansarum in Tadmertune[] cuidam fideli nomine Beornoth[] per Eadwigum regem[] A. D. 956. Indict 14 Kemble 448[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 611[Sawyer 1968] 97. 163-166 Inspeximus of Edward II[] for the church of Worcester[], containing Edgar[]'s charter of A.D. 963 Carta confirmationis ecclesiae Wigornensis[], in qua recitatur per inspeximus carta Edgari regis[], per Edwardum II[] 165 () In another hand “had oute of the cathedrall church of Worcester[]” S 731[Sawyer 1968]

98. 167-168 Charter of A.D. 968. King Edgar[] to St Mary's Abbey, Abingdon[]; grant of 25 hides at Fyfield, Berks.[] Þis is þara xxv hida landboc æt fifhidan[] pe eadgar[] cyng gebocede gode and sca marian in to abbandune[] on ece yrfe [Nasmith:] Donatio xxv cassatorum æt Fifhidan[] ecclesiae B. Mariae æt Abbendune[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. D. 968 Kemble 546[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 758[Sawyer 1968]

99. 169-170 Charter of A.D. 999. King Æthelred[] to St Mary's Abbey, Abingdon[]; grant of 15 hides at South Cerney, Gloucs.[] Donatio v cassatorum æt cyrne[] ecclesiae B. Mariae æt Abbendune [] per Æthelredum regem[] A. D. 929. Indict 14 Kemble 703[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 896[Sawyer 1968]

100. 171-174 Charter of A.D. 930. King Athelstan[] to Cynath, abbot[]; grant of 10 hides at Dumbleton, Gloucs.[], with 2 hides at Aston Somerville, Worcs.[]; with a Latin note recording King Edgar[]'s confirmation of the land to Osulf, bishop of Ramsbury[] (A.D. 959 x 970) Carta Æthelstani regis[] de terris in Dumoltan[] ecclesiae Abbendunensi[] restitutis per Eadgarum regem[] Kemble 346[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 404[Sawyer 1968]

101. 175-180 Charter of A.D. 995. King Æthelred[] to Wulfric (Spot)[], grant of 2.5 hides in the common land at Dumbleton, Gloucs.[] Þis is dumaltan[] boc [Nasmith:] Donatio duarum mansarum et dimid. æt Dumaltan[] cuidam ministro nomine Wlfric[] per Æthelredum regem[] A. D. 995. Indict 8, annoque regni 7o Kemble 692[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 886[Sawyer 1968] [Nasmith:] Harum cartarum autographa D. Hen. Talboto [] describenda exhibuit D. Owenus[], qui ea omnia (ut videtur) collegerat post monasterii Abbendunensis[] destructionem ad quod pertinebant At the end of 101 is the note 178 () “I had ys copye here off off mr doctor Owen phisicyan[]” 179-180 blank

102. 181-186 Index of . Charter of Stephen[] making Henry[] his successor Carta regis Stephani[], qua constituit Henricum ducem Normanniae [] post eum successorem regni Angliae et heredem 181 An alphabetical index of names of monasteries occurring in the charters which follow

103. 187-222 Accounts of the foundations of English cathedrals and monasteries An account of the foundation of most of the cathedrals and monasteries in England[] Items 103-142 have a separate paging running from 1 to 132, now superseded 104. 223-223 Charter founding West Dereham[] Carta fundationis monasterii de [West] Dereham[] per Hubertum ecclesiae Eboracensis decanum[] Items 104-133 are all either printed in the Monasticon [Dugdale et al 1846a] or noted by Tanner[Tanner 1748]

105. 223-223 Grant to West Dereham[] by Hubert Walter, Bishop of Salisbury[] Carta donationis tenementi eidem monasterio per eundem Hubertum [tunc] episcopum Sarisbur.[]

106. 224-225 Charter of Henry II[] for [] Carta confirmationis possessionum monasterii de Glastonbury[] data per Henricum II[]. quando posuit fundamentum ecclesiae Glaston.[] quae dum in manu ejus fuerat, incendio perierat

107. 226-226 Charter of A.D. 714. Statement by Ecgwine, bishop of the Hwicce[], of the lands he acquired for the minster at [] Testificatio donationum Ergwini Wiciorum[] episcopi monasterio quod fundavit apud Egnisham[] Item continues p. 227 S 1250[Sawyer 1968]

108. 226a-226c Charter of A.D. 1005. King Æthelred[] to []; confirmation of the foundation by Æthelmær[] Carta regis Æthelredi[] de fundatione monasterii de Egnesham[], ex veteri libro cartarum abbatiae de Egnisham[] S 911[Sawyer 1968]

109. 227-229 Charter of A.D. 1061. King Edward[] to St Mary's, Rouen[]; grant of Ottery St Mary, Devon[] Donatio cujusdam villae nomine Otregiae (Ottery)[] ecclesiae B. Mariae civitatis Rothomagensis[] per Eadwardum regem[] A. D. 1061 Kemble, 810[Kemble 1839-1848] ; S 1033[Sawyer 1968]

110. 229-229 Charter for Dearnehalle Abbey[] Carta fundationis monasterii de Dearnehalle[] per Edwardum principem [vulgo dict. nigrum][] 55 Edw. III

111. 230-233 Charter founding the cathedral church of Norwich[] Carta fundationis ecclesiae cathedralis Norwicensis[] per Herbertum episcopum[]

112. 234-236 Charter of A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward[] to Ely Abbey[]; grant of land at Lakenheath[] and confirmation of privileges and land Carta confirmationis ecclesiae Eliensis[] per Edwardum [confessorem][] S 1051[Sawyer 1968] 113. 237-240 Charter of A.D. 970 (Woolmer, Hants.[]). King Edgar[] to Ely Abbey[]; confirmation of privileges and land Carta fundationis cenobii Eliensis[] per Eadgarum regem[] S 779[Sawyer 1968]

114. 241-243 Charter concerning Mullicourt Priory[] Carta incorporationis vel appropriationis prioratus de Mullicourt[] conventui Eliensi[] per Henricum regem[] anno regni 24

115. 244-244 Charter concerning the Abbey of St Mary, Leicester[] Carta fundationis cenobii S. Mariae de Leycestria[] per Robertum comitem Leicestriae[]

116. 245-249 Charter founding the collegiate church of Higham Ferrers[] Carta fundationis ecclesiae collegiatae de Higham Ferrers[] per Henricum archiepiscopum Cantuar.[]

117. 250-260 Confirmation and Inspeximus for the cathedral of Exeter[], including charters of Æthelred[], Cnut[] and Edward the Confessor[] Carta confirmationis ecclesiae cathedralis Exon. [] [in qua citantur per inspeximus cartae Athelredi[] Cnuti[] et beati Edwardi[] (et Johannis[]) regum] per Hen. III[]. anno 55 S 880 (Æthelred), S 954 (Cnut), and S 1021 (Edward the Confessor)[Sawyer 1968]

118. 261-262 Charter founding the monastery of St Mary's, Butley[] Carta fundationis monasterii S. Mariae de Butleia[] per Ranulphum de Glanvilla[]

119. 263-270 Charter founding [] Carta fundationis monasterii de Bello[] per Willelmum I[]

120. 271-271 Charter for Edington Abbey[] Carta Roberti episcopi Sarisburiensis[] de erectione monasterii de Edynton[] per Willelmum episcopum Winton.[] fundati

121. 272-272 Charter for Holme Abbey[] Carta donationis Holmcoltriae[] monasterio de Hulmo[] per Henricum filium Davidis regis Scotiae[]

122. 273-273 Charter founding Ashridge Abbey[] Carta fundationis monasterii de Esseruge (Ashridge)[] per Ricardum regis Alemaniae filium et comitem Cornubiae[]

123. 274-275 Charter founding [] Carta fundationis monasterii de Redynge[] per Henricum I[]

124. 275-275 Charter for Castle Acre Priory[] Donatio ecclesiarum de Acra[], Mothelwolde[], Roinges[], quae vocatur Ledenchirche[], Wekemere[] et Trunchet[], et duarum partium decimarum in villa de Ermister[], monasterio de Acra[] per Willelmum comitem de Suthreia[]

125. 276-277 Charter founding Abbey[] Carta fundationis monasterii de Wymondeham[] per Willelmum de Albeneio[]

126. 278-279 Charter of A.D. 1004. King Æthelred[] to []; confirmation of privileges and lands granted by Wulfric[] in his will Carta Athelstani regis[] de fundatione monasterii de Burton[] S 906[Sawyer 1968]

127. 280-280 Charter founding Abbey[] Carta fundationis abbathiae de Faveresham[] per Stephanum regem[]

128. 281-283 Charter of A.D. 973. King Edgar[] to []; grant of privileges and confirmation of land Carta fundationis monasterii de Thorney[] per Eadgarum regem[] A. D. 973 S 792[Sawyer 1968]

129. 284-285 Charter of A.D. 1021 x 1023. King Cnut[] to []; grant of privileges and renders of fish Carta Cnuti regis[] de confirmatione monasterii S. Edmundi[] S 980[Sawyer 1968]

130. 286-288 Charter of A.D. 1038 x 1039. King Harthacnut[] to Bury St Edmunds Abbey[]; grant of privileges Carta Hardeknuti regis[] de immunitatibus ejusdem monasterii S 995[Sawyer 1968]

131. 289-291 Charter for Lewes[]; Charter of A.D. 1044 x 1047. King Edward[] to the church of St Benedict (of Holme)[]; confirmation of land Carta fundationis monasterii de Lewes[] per Willelmum de Warenna[] et Gundradam[] uxorem ejus S 1055 on p. 291[Sawyer 1968]

132. 292-294 Charter for [] Donatio ecclesiae de Bermondeseia[] fratribus de caritate per Willelmum II[] 133. 295-298 Charter of A.D. 964 (963) (Gloucester[], 28 December). King Edgar[] to St Mary's Abbey, Worcester[]; grant of privileges Carta regis Edgari[] facta ecclesiae Wigorniensis[] A. D. 964 S 731[Sawyer 1968]

134. 299-299 Synod of Winchester[] under Lanfranc[], 1076 Synodus Wintoniensis sub Lanfranco episcopo[] Ex vetusto libro e bibliotheca Wigorniensis ecclesie[] = MS 190. 16[CCC190]

135. 300-301 Synod of London[] under Lanfranc[], 1075 Synodus Londinensis sub eodem

136. 302-304 Synod of London[] under Anselm[], 1102 Synodus Londinensis sub Anselmo[]

137. 304-306 Letter of Gerard, archbishop of York[], to Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury[] Epistola Gerardi archiepiscopi Ebor.[] ad Anselmum[] From MS 135[CCC135] Epistulae ad Anselm, no. 255

138. 307-309 On churches founded before the coming of the Normans De ecclesiis fundatis ante adventum Normannorum in Anglia Hardy I 674[Hardy 1862b]

139. 310-310 Charter of A.D. 605 (Canterbury[]). Æthelberht, king of Kent[], to St Peter[]; grant of land to the east of Canterbury[] for the foundation of a minster Carta fundationis monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis[] per Ethelbertum regem Cantiae [] A. D. 605 Ex libro veteri ecclesie Cantuariensis fol. 156 cuius principium est Incipit registrum Willi prioris, i.e. MS. Tanner 165[OBL991] S 2[Sawyer 1968]

140. 310-311 Charter of A.D. 605 (Canterbury[]). Æthelberht, king of Kent[], to St Augustine[] for the minster of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine's), Canterbury[]; grant of land to the east of Canterbury[] Carta donationis alicujus terrae eidem monasterio per eundem A. D. 605 S 3[Sawyer 1968]

141. 312-316 Arms of the English nobility Arms of the English nobility

142. 317-318 Letter of [] to Henry II[] Epistolae Thomas [Beckett] archiepiscopi Cantuariensis[] ad Henricum regem[]

143. 319-333 Catalogue of English monasteries, noting their value and size Catalogus monasteriorum in Anglia[], ubi notatur eorum valor, cujus fuerunt ordinis, et numerus eorum, qui in eis sustentabantur

144. 334-334 Dates of the building of several abbeys in England[] Dates of the building of several abbeys in England[]

145. 335-336 Catalogue of the abbeys of regular canons in England[] Catalogue of all the abbeys of regular canons in England[]

146. 337-338 Catalogue of Premonstratensian abbeys from William of Worcester[] Catalogus abbatiarum ordinis Premonstrensis ex Willelmo de Worcester[] From MS 210[CCC210]

147. 339-350 Catalogue of monasteries Nomina monasteriorum, cujusve sint ordinis, numerus monachorum in singulis, et nomina fundatorum ut comperta sunt coram commissariis in diversis dioecesibus The names of the commissioners are given

148. 351-355 Foundations of Winchester Cathedral[] A copie of the first, second, thirde and fourthe foundation of the cathedrall church of Winchester[]

149. 355-358 Inventory of Winchester Cathedral[] Inventory of the cathedrall church of St. Swythens in Winchester[] Strype, Parker, Appendix XVI[Strype 1711]

150. 359-368 Entry of the Emperor Charles V [] into Augsburg[], June 1530 The entry of the moste sacred majestic imperiall, done in the cittie of Ausboura [Augsburg][] the xv daie of June, in the yere of oure Lorde 1530: withe the godly and devoute procession made on the morowe, beinge the xvi daie of the same moneth, in the which the emperours majestic being bareheded did cary a torche of white waxe Printed for Parker[] (H. P. S.)

151. 368-370 Baptism of Queen Mary[] at Greenwich[], 1515 Baptizatio reginae Mariae[] apud Grenwich[] A. D. 1515. 7 Hen. VIII. Anglice

152.1. 371-374 Declaration of the state of the new hospitals in London[], 1553 A true and shorte declaration of the state and charge of the newe erectede hospitalles [St. Thomas[] and Christs[]] in the citie of London[] A. D. 1553 152.2. 374-374 Account of a Lord Mayor's banquet, 1529/30 Account of a Lord Mayor's banquet 21 Hen. VIII

153. 375-379 The copie of the greate miserie and subjection that the countrye of Naples[] ys broughte unto The copie of the greate miserie and subjection that the countrye of Naples[] ys broughte unto, and taxes that every man dothe paye, whiche was free and excedinge plentifull of all thinges and nowe broughte unto this myserie by the meanes and craftie fayned friendshipp of the Spanyardes, a spectakle for Englande[] and all othere countreyes yf men be not blynde and lack their wittes

154. 380-382 Baptism of Queen Elizabeth[] Baptizatio Elizabethae reginae Angliae[]

155. 382a-382a Declaration for popery and liberty of the earls of Northumberland[] and Westmoreland[], 1569 The declaration for popery and liberty of the earls of Northumberland[] and Westmoreland[], when they raised arms, 1569

156. 383-398 Account of Cardinal Wolsey[]'s embassy to the emperor, 1521 An account of cardinal Wolsey[]'s embassy to the emperor A. D. 1521

157. 399-410 Letter of John Bradforthe[] against the Spaniards A letter sent by John Bradforthe[] to the right honourable lordes, the erles of Arundel[] and Shrowsburie[], Darbie[] and Pembroke[], declaring the nature of the Spaniards, and discovering the most detestable treasons, which they have pretended against our most noble kingdom of England[]

158. 410a-410a Printed papal bull giving thanks for the return of England[] to Roman Catholicism, 1554 Bulla plenariae indulgentiae per S. D. N. Julium divina providentia papam III[]. concessae omnibus Christi fidelibus, qui Deo optimo pro unione regni Angliae sanctae matri ecclesiae jam facta gratias egerint, ac pro ceteris qui adhuc in errore remanent, nec non pro pace inter principes christianos obtinenda humiliter supplicaverint A. D. 1554, typis Iohannis Cawode[] impressa

159. 411-414 Printed papal bull in English giving thanks for the return of England[] to Roman Catholicism The transsumpt of the Jubile in Latine, of late come forthe by a bull of our most holy father the pope Paulus the forth[] of that name, set forthe and declared in Englishe, for the better understanding of the people, by the comaundement of the bushop of Elye[] and subscribed with his hande

160. 415-415 Printed declaration of the Bishop of London[] to his diocese The declaration of the byshop of London[] to be published to the laye people of his diocesse concernynge theyr reconciliation, printed Printed by Cawood[] 161. 416-416 Printed decree from Cardinal Pole to the bishops of England concerning the resumption of Catholic practices Decretum legantinum cardinalis Poli, typis impressum cujus in fronte legitur hic titulus. The trew copy of the transumpt or writynge of late sente to the byshoppe of London[], by the mooste reverend father in God, the lorde cardinal Pole[], legate de latere, under his graces seale, to be published and sente unto the byshops of this realme of England[], concerning the due use of confessionals faculties and licences, specially in the chosing of ghostly fathers, having aulters portatif, in eating or using of white meate or fleshe in tymes by the law forbidden Printed by Cawood[]

162. 417-432 Charge of the justices of the forests The charge of the justices of the forests MS 105. 45[CCC105]

163. 433-444 Old English Dictionary Expositio antiquorum vocabulorum Saxonicorum MS 105. 46[CCC105] 163 ends as the other copy

164. 445-450 Foundation of monasteries in Normandy[] Fundatio quorundam cenobiorum in Normannia[] Hec ex historia continuationis Sigisberti Gemblacensis[] per Rob. de Torineio Abb. S. Mich. de monte in Normannia[] quondam prior(is) Cenobii Beccensis. Is this Domitian VIII ?[LBLCD8]

165. 451-453 Council of London[] concerning reconciliation with the apostolic see, 1554 Concilium magnum habitum Londoniae[] Nov. 29, 1554, de reconciliatione hujus regni ad sedem apostolicam, imperfect [This newes came owte of the emperors cowrte to the cowncell here in hollande[]]

166. 454-454 Conditions of the peace made in France Conditiones pacis factae in Gallia


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