
REPORTS A Prehistoric Enclosure at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire B) A 13 \RCI_~\, A 13m If and C.O. Ktf\lu. with contributions by A. BAYliS'>, C. BRO,\K Ibw,E1, T Ol RIl~,\, C. II \\ Ilf', J. ML L\ ILLf., P. ORIIIO\ f Rand E Rm SL i\IM.\R\ Part oj fl pr,hi\lnric ",rlm,,,.,. ditch U'(l\ e;vm'llltd Imor 10 Ilu' '.\/t'Il\lOU of Iht' grm't')"nd, of tlU' r/1IlJ(lit'\ oj St. Pt'tn\ mill St, LI'fJ1wrd\ E.lJl.\IUlm, O.t/orrN,i,.". I .nlr Rrtltlu- JIK' arttlarh u'rrt' jOlmd ;'llht lIppl'r Jt/t\ oj tlw (III(h Iml "L\ pn ....HUt that II U'flj (Q1uJru{/ed fllllln. ""IWI)' mill, Xfoli/hl(. UOPl~idt thl' lair 8m"ZI Igt' Ina/rna/, arltjar(\ oj StOWhl( and Bruhn/nat) 8wIIU' tw' datI' lL'f'I" (li\l) wl'ntified I pm."bll' lOlWdlw/HI' glllly. a l1wnhn oj /,i/\ and pm/lwft'\, mlll arl'W oj grmmd HlrjlICf. aI/ oj lalt 8r01l:..I' IKl'dalr ll'err joulld malIn IIIf' rnrlO\ll1f. Si.\ radu){mluJJI d(ltt,.~ tl'l'rt' obl/lllmi till mll/fnal dfrnmzgjl"Om til,. mrlo\llrt' ditch JiI/\ ami LIII' In""i~/{Jnr Kl'tul1Id ,\/irlflu, 11\ I ROIH ClIO~ hc Oxford Archaeological Unit (O.\l) eXGI\:~Ht'd an area of approximatel)' I HOOm.2 T \vilhill the Inner Ward or COUll of l-~y nsham .\boc) during 1990~92, The eXGI\,HIOnS were 1ll~\(lc nece:-.sall b) proposed cel11eter~ extensioll'i, and were \\holl) funded b) English Iledt4tgl'. Ihe abbey excavations will be reponed on else\\ here. I The typic-,ll depth of slrallgraph, \\i:\ 2.5 m., although some clcep fealllre~ were ClillO a depth substantiillh belO\\ this. 'I'he ()('cupatioll of the site con1Jllen(cd with the (OnSlnlClion of a Large enclosure during the :\eolilhi( or Brollte .\ge, Following lhe )(llC Brollte .\ge. a hiatus in occupation off. 1500 ye~l1 s was followed b~ the establishment of a Sa\.on ..,eulel1lem characterised by sunken· featured bUildings. LOCAl 10" . \~D GI:.OLO(,Y I-he village of Ey Ilsham sits 011 the calcareous Sccond (,nt\'el Terrace overl)ing Oxford Cla~ belwel'n the confluences of the ri\er Evcnlocie and the Chi! brook with the ri\'er I hames. sOl11e 9 km, west and up~lream of O,Cc)rd. and 4.5 kill. CJst of \\'iLncy (Fig. I) .•\ natural fording poim of the Th~ll11cs. no\\ (xclipied by Swinfculi Bridge. lies immediate" to lht, ea..,l of the 1O\\n on the road to Oxford. Thus the to\\l1 Sils close to an Illlponam control point. a natlllal ad\'Jntf1ge which h,IS been eploitcd since ~1I least the Bronze Age. I \ lIolrch .. \ Dodd and G D. h.ee\i1I. f.Vllt¥llImu at j':pl\lulm IbI",. 1989·1992 (Th.:une~ \<lllt,\ Llnd".lpt." \fullogr.tph. Innhuunlng). 1()6 \ I~ \ R (: 1 \ \ \ 1\ ()" I 1 \ .... 1) (~I) "to. to \ I I I .. I \ I ,\RCII \E(lLOGICAL BACh.GROL '\D rhe to\\ 11 ht'':I in an area rich in prehistoric. Roman and pagan Saxon sClllcment.2 \ \ariel) of prehislOrit' felltures "ere excavated north of the town at Cil\, Fann,:'l and pn:\'iolls exca\'illiOIlS 011 the sile ohhe abbe~ have produ('ccl prehistoric, Roman and Saxon material. I N t o • 1 FolClev Farm 2 nrnlon ~ J ~IUIIIl\ , " Rod .... e1I.md II . lutTIel. II/llollf /i'U'I/11I/ (h/rmJ./wJ'.' tI SlIn'l') (// til" \'t'I/' Crill/II) (1\)7'1). Il:l. llIilp I :~ IIJ c.I't', '\ Ha\ne, "'. SU:(.' ll', ( •. \\t'n .md II "'uh · lmt · I~lt· l . 'r,t.l\..I110m at ( :,,\ 1·'llm.II<lIlh()roll~h , (holl' O\tI1""'\/(I, ,xi,·", ( )9().! -.;), 1-9X. ~ \1 (;,," ilnd '\ Cla\lOn. F,X( .I\;lIlon ... olllht, "lIt' 01 hn .. h.un \bht"\ . IlJil . 0'((1,,,,,,1\111. Y\.\.IU (HI7K), IOO-:?:!. APR E II I S r 0 R J C E r.; L LOS L REA I E \ N S 1-1 M A B BE" 107 Se\'eral large excavation and sa lvage projects have taken place in the Eynsham area during the last century (Fig. 1). The principal reason for this has been the continuation of gravel extrdction extending from Lhe nonhern half of Eynsham parish, eastwards into Cassington parish. Yarnton. and on LOwards Kidlingtoll. i otable discoveries include the Bronze Age ring ditches at New \Vinues Farm, Eynsham,5 the Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Foxle) Farm, Eynsham,6 and the multi-period site at Yarmon.7 Evaluation and subsequent excavation along the rOllte of a Thames \Vater pipeline. located (. 0.2 km. to the south of the prehistoric enclosure (Fig. 2), was carried out b) the OAt; in February and March 1992. These excavations uncovered a palaeochannel and possible gully,. as well as a thin layer of waterlogged clay probably representing an m Stlu deposit within the original course ofLhe Chi I brook. A small assemblage of worked and burnt N f m Fig. 2. E} nsham Abbey: plan sho .... ing excavation areas. 5 R, Kenward, 'A Neolithic Burial Enclosure at e\\ Wintles Farm, E}nsham', in IfJ. Case and A.W.R. Whinle (eds.), Si!lIftmnlt Pallerns In 'he Oxford IUgion: ExCn1ICiJOnJ allht Abmgdun Causrul(1)ed £nciostH? and OlherSl~-s (eBA Res. Rep. 44,1982),51-4. 6 O. Benson and 0, Miles, The Upper Thamts lalley: (111 Archatologiral SUrt't') of the RIlI!r Gravels (OAU Sune) 2, 1974), map 20. 7 C. Bell and G, lie)', Tilt Neolithic and BrCnJU Age Stll/emtnl and loo.lmd.~(ajN at lorn/on mlames Valle}' Landscapes, in prep,). 8 G oo D. Keevill, In Han."J's HfWSt alld In Coo's HOUff: £xrotllllimu at EJ'tl.lhI1m Abbty, J 991-3 (Thames Valle) Landscapes 6,1995), 7. IOH \ I:L\ R (. l.\' \ B 0' I." \ :-'.1) (. I) ..... I· \. 1 I. 1 I· I \ I unworkcd flint, ranging in date froTll Me~olithic to l\eolithiClBronze \ge was recovered. all or which, however. was residual in later contexts"" I he nmure of Ihe IOpography suggests that 'HI<h material is unlikel)' to have travelled far b) n ..Hural processes, but the only deposits which mighll-eprcsent In ,~ilu prehistol"lc material wcn." layers of mottled sand)' cia\- o\crh-ing the natural substrate which \\CIC Cut by se\eral Roman fcalures. These la\-cr!\ were lem,"ivl'ly tdCnllfied a, a (possibly laler) prehistoric subsoil or ploughsoiLIO A small number of Iron Age sheT'ds and one flint-tempered ~herd believed to be lale Bronze Age in dale were also rc('()\'cl-ed. 11 It b conceivable that features 01 MC"iolithic andJor Neolithic date were dcstrop:d In later OlniviL}. The prehiswric lopogr.lphical situation would not have been ullauratli\'e, c.:onsiMing of small saneI\- islands merl)ing gravel, close {Q a minor Mream nO\\ ing into the ·Ihames about I km, to lhe east. Case noted the apparent significdlKe of the distllbuuon ortatel MesoliLhic material associated \\ ilh lhe river F\'enlode,12 and Mesolilhic corcs have.' been found 10 the north of E~llsham"l~ Mon? recently a scalter oflaler Mesolilhic flinl has been found at Mead Lane. 11 In advance of a proposed eXlension LO the WC~I end of St. Pelcr's church. funhcl exca\dtions LOok place in 1993 whi<:h unco\'cred limited prehistoric evidence in the \'icinil~ of the ahbey.15 A la\cr of sandy silt. equi\'alem to the prehistol-ic layer found in Ihe main cx(avallon~ descnbed below, was Ic)(:alcd, Five shercl"i 01 earl\. Saxon pottel-~ \\el'e rec.:o\cred {i'om thIS c.:ontext which could. hO\\'(·\<.'I", be intrll''1ivt'" .\3 well as IwO undiagn():,ti( v,:orked nint~, one in it Saxon dark earth laycl', and the Olhcl in a post-medieval robber trench. fOUl shercl!\ 01 prehistoric. pOlleT! werc ~tho found. two in a quan/itewlempered hlbnt almoM n'rtal1ll~ middle to laiC' Bronze Age in dale. and i.l third in a soft dnd oxidi3ed fabric (S:l) whic-h could also be Bronze Age_ It) BACKGROLND \0 111EEXCAVAll0NS I lit." l"'p.IIl~I(J1l C)I lhl' IIw<iIt.'\dl chul't1n.trd 01 S(' l.eonald\ \\,I~ ~t'H'reh con"lli.llned by the ("xi'lI("IlU' ul tht' ,Ibhe, 10 Ihe ~()lllh. I h("lallcr\ di\!;ohnion, andlhe gr<ldlMIIt'mm<t1 of all tr<lCt"~ 01 its buj\ding~. op('ned up mon° land 101 burial. "-lost (If Iht" prt"ullu \\;t~ n:t.lilled III »1 1\ ,lie hands" howe\el'. and it <;('('m~ that onh tht, ;ll>lx', dltlnh 'me \\a~ taken o\'er for Ihe n .' mell'r" III lilt' Uhll ;tnd Hhh telllUlles. B\ the eillh 211111 ll'ntUI\ 111(' {l\'.ul"blt' ~IMce w .. , lIndl'1' (·()II~iderahlelll."~~urt', In HUn 111(' (t"nWlen w .. ~ ('"ended 10 tilt: ~OIHh. in.t 11;1110\\ ~I1IJl 1>0rd("llII).;' the "illr~q' Fielel. 1 Ihlllllg lile Jalt" 1!I:~O~ bUIJdlllg' ..... ()I k wmll1en('cd Oil Ihe Roman Couholi( dllll('h uf St. P("ll'l, I to! \ small .11 ea inullt'dialeh to Ihe north of lht" t hun h I'.d.) used 101 il .. tl'llll'lt'J'\, It hMI h('Wrnl' app.u-l"m 1)\ Ihe late 19X(h" howl"H'I. th:lltht" U'lIlt."teries 01 both SI. Peter"s and <';1. L.('onard\ \\Oldd "'Win h(' full.
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