PONTIAC CITY COUNCIL FORMAL MEETING October 13, 2016 6:00p.m. 153'• Session of the 9'" Council

It is this Council's mission "To serve the citizens ofPontiac by committing to help provide an enhanced quality oflife for its residents,fostering the vision ofafamily-ji'iendly community that is a great place to live, work and play."

Call to order

Moment of Silence or illvocation

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Authorization for excused absences for councilmembers

Amendments to and approval of the agenda

Approval of Minutes

1. October 6, 2016

Closed Session

2. Legal Written Opinion

Departmental Reports

Subcommittee Oral Report

Community Anuouncements

Recognition of Elected Officials

Public Hearing

3. fudustrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate (IFf) for General Motors. 4. Request for consideration of the General Motors IFf Application.

Agenda Address


5. Request for approval of schedule of the 2017 City Council Meetings. 6. Request for approval of Janitorial Contract to Kristel Cleaning.

Public Comment

Mayor Report

Clerk, City Attorney and Council Closing_ Comments

Adjournment October 6, 2016

Official Proceedings Pontiac City Council 152nd Session of the Ninth Council

A Regular Meeting of the City Council of Pontiac, Michigan was called to order in City Hall, Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 2:30p.m. by President Patrice Wate1mim.

Moment of Silence

fuvocation -Kennit Williams

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Members Present: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Wate1man, Williams and Woodward. Members Absent: Holland. Mayor Wate1man was absent. Deputy Mayor Jane Bais-Disessa was present. Clerk announced a quorum.

16-270 Excuse Councilperson Mark Holland for personal reasons. Moved by Councilperson Woodward and suppmied by Councilperson Williams.

Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Wate1man, Williams and Woodward No: None Motion Carried.

16-271 Approval of the Agenda. Moved by Councilperson Taylor-Burks and supported by Councilperson Pietila.

Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward No: None Motion Carried.

16-272 Journal of September 29,2016. Moved by Councilperson Pietila and supported by Councilperson Woodward.

Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward No: None Motion Carried.

Departmental Head Repmis- Deputy Mayor Jane Bais-Disessa

Recognition of Elected Officials- Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence

16-273 Resolution request for approval of the AT&T Franchise Renewal Agreement. Moved by Councilperson Woodward and supported by Councilperson Williams.

l October 6, 2016

Whereas, AT&T Michigan has presented to the City of Pontiac a proposed Unifonn Video Service Local Franchise Agreement; and, Whereas, after thorough review by cable attorney Michael J. Watza, the proposed agreement has been detennined "complete"; and, Whereas, the City of Pontiac desires to continue to engage the services of AT&T Michigan within the corporate limits to provide cable/U-verse services to its residents; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Pontiac City Council hereby approves the renewal of the Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreement of AT&T Michigan as presented.

Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward No: None Resolution Passed.

There were I 0 individuals who addressed the body during public comment.

City Clerk Sherikia L. Hawkins, City Attorney Travis Mihelick, Councilman Don Woodward, Councilwoman Taylor-Burks, Councilman Randy Carter, Councilman Kennit Williams, Pro-Tem Mary Pietila and President Patrice Wate1man made closing comments.

Councilman Kennit Williams left meeting at 3:51 p.m.

President Patrice Waterman adjomned the meeting at 4:10p.m.


2 City of Pontiac

Pontiac City Council

Whereas, the City attorney has presented the city a letter concerning a legal written opinion; and,

Whereas section 8 (h) to consider material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal statute.

Whereas, the Pontiac City Council believes that an open meeting would have a detrimental financial effect on the litigating or settlement position of the City:

Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Pontiac City Council recesses into closed session for the purpose of consulting with its attorney regarding a legal written opinion. CITY OF PONTIAC OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM Executive Branch

TO: Honorable Mayor, Council President and City Council Members

FROM: Jane Bais-DiSessa, Deputy Mayor

DATE: September 23, 2016

Cc: Nevrus Naz:arko, Finance Director, Travis Mihelick, City Attorney, Garland Doyle, Deputy Director for Community Development, and Sherikia Hawkins, City Clerk

RE: General Motors Application for Industrial Facilities Tax (1FT) Exemption Certificate- Request to Schedule Public Hearing.

As you are aware, General Motors has submitted a new application for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate.

The purpose for this new investment is to construct a test lab addition to the existing Pontiac lab building. The new project will support the development of future powertrain technologies and will include various land improvements such as the expansion of the parking lot. The total cost of the land and building improvements is estimated at $8,510,000 (real property costs). Also, within two years of completion, this new facility is expected to create a total of 25 new jobs. A total of 12 years plus one year for construction is requested for exemption. For your information, a copy of this application is attached. In accordance with 1FT regulations, before this application may be considered, a public hearing is required. As such, the following resolution is recommended:

Whereas, General Motors has submitted an application for an Industrial Facilities Tax (1FT) Exemption Certificate to construct a test lab addition to the existing Pontiac lab building; and

Whereas, , Application has been sent to the Office of the City Clerk for certification; and

Whereas, the Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Act (Industrial Facilities Exemption) (PA 198 of 1974, as amended) Version 4/8/2014 4 MCL 207.555(2), requires that before acting upon an application, the governing legislative body conduct a public hearing,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Pontiac City Council, direct the City Clerk to schedule a public hearing in accordance' with the Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Act (Industrial Faculties Exemption) (PA 198 of 1974, as amended).


Attachment Michigan OeP.a~rrwn! ofTrtlaSUf'Y. 1012-tRev. o4:14-), P~ 1 or4 · Application for Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate _lssueO under lj'-ltllcrlfy nf PybJic.:A~ 198 of 1974; .as amended. Filing IS Ril'!ndatO!)': ·

INSTRUCTION.S:FIIe.the otig1nal a.nd tw9 copies bfthisf0rm:and.the requ)red.attachment~·(three complete sets) with Ilia clerk of. the local government upil. The Stale Ta~ Commission (STG).requlret; two comP.Iete sets {o~e original and·ona ~opy): Q.ne <=

APPLICANT INFORMATION Air boxes must.he completed.. • ). ·fa:·.cruppany"Name·(/!lpJ)lfciailt mis~ lie Ole occupantlopera\or Qf the ;facility) ~ 1b. S!anOard ln~u&tria! ClasSirtcaUoO. (~IC} "Code:. SeC;-2(.10).{'l:o; 6 Digit Code) General Motets LLC 336111 ~. ·1c-. F~C!~ty.Md"Jiss (C!iy. Slate, -ZIP "Code) (re~ Si"idfor pers_on"al proPerty location} ~:1d. CifyrrtiwA;ShfpNiP.ag~:OndiCat"e Whlcyt) ~ ·1e.,Po~.tnty 895 joslyn, Pontiac, Ml 48342 Clty.ofPontiac: Oaklahd ~- ~·.Type. of Apprci\lol R!}Qu·~sted ) ~a. ·s~ C!iStiict whe.re f

f $8 810,000 ea: Cost:of lao~ aM bOildlng lniprth.i~~eotS {e~Ct-u~irfg GQ·sl ofla!ld} _,, ...... :,., ...... ;.,:...... -.:.. i,, .. :: .... ., .... , 1.•• 1 ....- ...... ·'·Attach fist oflmproyemenls.and assocla!e.d costs. · · Real PrOPerty t:o"siS ~-JV~O ~~~~~h .a c.opy-of ~·uitdii19·P.ermlt:l( pr.oJ~ct hf)s.il!re~py.begun. ~ ·o· ab. Co,Sfof milchrne(Y, equlptrierl~ tuml!uie-and fixtures.: ...... : ...... :...... : ...... ~ .....:-,.: ...... ··Atta

Real Property lmprriVeme'nts ~ 10/112.016 12/31/2017 ~ [g) owned 0Leased

Personal PropertY lmprqvements ·~· .~· Oownei:l Qteased

I> fl. Are Sla!e-EducaUon Taxes reduced or aba!ecfbyth~ M!cfl!g;an EcOl);omlCDavefo~fTlenl¢orpor~ori(f;\EOC)1.1f yes,.SP.!>~C-a!lt mustatlaeh fJ signed MEOC.Letter of" Con:unltmenl·tQ ·recel,V~"Jhjs exerop,'lOfl. 0 Yes· .IZJ No . . . . ) 9,"1\1¢. or exl~lfng·jobS i:l.t-t{lis·faetliiY thBl Will ~retain&cfa_s"-a 1~uK.of thls.'pwJed.;. l )>~~~ No .. or new.}QOS·at.thls.fa.C::i[i(ye.~oo {(n:.oeat~-wilhin ~ y~·of cotn'pli::'\loft.

11. ·RehabiHt.alion 3ppJicaUOns-only; CQmplele a,. band nQf.lhls S13Ctlofi.: YOtl mll51

:: ~ :~:::::~~7~~)/~~::!;~:g~~~~~;~j··:~~:.::.~·:::·.-.~... :.::::.:·:.·.·.:·.·.·:.·:.:·::.~·.-.·.-.~- ...... _~·.-.~.·.-:.:·.-.:~:.-:~·::::::.~·:.·.:·.·.~·:::·l: .. ::::·:·::::.·:::::·,\·.'.~·:::::::.:·: .. c.1.oial TV ...... _...... ;· ..... ,...... :.... ;.... ., ...· ...... :...... :...... :~ ...... " ...... :.. ., ...... :·.... ,...... ,, ......

~ 12a_;_.Check thE! Jype-of Ol~ct.tlte facili\yis located)n: !8] ln~ustrtal Developi)!Mt Dlstnct 0 Plant Rehab!titatiOn. District ., 12b. Oa!~ diStrict was' estribllshed'b,V locGI·Qov~inmenlunit (OOnj;ic:fJocal unfl) I~ '21J: ts. ltis'.app!lce.tion forlJ.!>~!JiiVe~biJitding {Sec. "3(0))1 QVes ~No APPLIG_ANT CERTIFICATION.·· com.plete·aiJ boxes-. The.liilderS!g'ri"ed, i'luiHorired.officer~iihe Company niaking ihls appllt;:ailon certifies that, to the·best Of.hfsiher koowiedge,·no.fnformallon con'talned he.rein orin t~a auach~en.l~_hereto is ~a!se:IQ·any ~14Y and."ltl?t.a!l are·t!u!y.qe~Piip}ive of.lh~ Ind-ustrial Projlerty·fo.r.~.hlcti i~is aPPIICallon iS bfiif:ig .·. submjtted,. · · ·

It I~ f•.uth~rCe"rtifted that t~e Updersigned Is fart!Uiar·v~Hh lhe provisions o(P.A. 1:9.8 of :1974, as ame'nded; b'eiiig Sections 207.551 to.2o7:st2, lndusfve, or lfle Mlchlgap Complle·d Lewsj'and·to the beSt ofhiMler knowled_ge ~nd belief, (s)he has-c_on,plletl orwnl.b~.able-to complywit~-p:ll of the · · requlrements·tryereof Wftlch '?-(e prerequi~ta to thetapproval·!)f th_e a_ppllga_tlon tiythe local unltof:govemm~ttt:a.M the.IS~l1af1c6;of-an·IJ}~I;I~.triat Facilities ExempUon Certificate by the State Tax Cammfssfon, ~3!!;, Preparer:Nam:. 1Bb. TefB:ph9~.Nutrf9er 13c.,FaxNurqber 13d. E-rTl&l Address

14a, Nap1e of:Conlacl Pers[email protected] lOCAl'GOVERNIV)ENT.ACT!ON & CERTIFICATION· ~omp!ete al\ bo11es, This seCtion must be~mpleted by (lJe·clerk ofthe-.foc:al governihQ unn before sub.mlttlmi applicatiOn to 'the.Siate Tax Commission. Check items on fiie a't the· local Unit and those Included With the submitt{ll. ' · ·· · · ··

1Sb, l'he·Stale Tax Commlsston Ee:qulres Ihe fOIJov.tng documents be ~d lot· an ~ ·1a. A,C!ion t~J

16c. W<;:l«;:ode- 1st~. $dloOic~e.

17~ Nal)1~ oll"Oeal ~Q\Ia(Mlpn\·f:lpd~ ,. ·1 8, Da\6'of Resoluli ail. Approli't,rig!Oen)'ingihls Apj)lfCaUon

Attach'ed her'eto·is an.Orlginal·af};plioa'tfon a·nt:l"cill documen~.Ustea In 16b, ., also certlry thaf all documeri.ts llste~ In 16a aro. on'Jiia at'the iocal unit-for Inspection a~ any·~~ej.a'n~ tha~~n~ l~asos show suf!Jclennax llablllty. 19a •. Signature·or C!erk r9b. Name or Clerk J19c: E,mail Address

19d. Cl~rk's Mailing Addre!ls (Streei,:Cily, S.tate, ZlP'Gode)

19~. 'felep!'ione N~r'obe( I1Sf,· f"ax Number

~at~. T~?C Con;ml~slon .Rulp. NUJ))b~r 5?:.Coll)pteie.app!ica~!9ns ~pprov~d by lh~.iocal ~riit ~.lid retflfved .bythf!:Stale n~x.Pommlsslon byQctQber31 each v.ear\'lill be acted upon bY.:Qe~mb~::-"91. :f\'ppiJc~tie:ns r,etelv:ed after OC!ober 3fmay·be ac!~d·upo·n In the· fo.Ubwirig y~ar: Locai VOn: MaJI.one.a:rl{Jinala.nd on9 cQpy l?flh~.. cpn}j)feted aJ)pllcaUon and.aR required atta.chment.s. to: Michigan Department ofTreaS\IrY State Ta~.comrrusslon PO.B~x·30471 Lanslng;.Mf 48909

(For QUaranteed re~ip\ by·t~e· sr.c; it is recommended that applicatlors are se~(by certified mail.)

~ LUCIC6d6 Instruction for Cornplating Fo.rm 1012, Industria./ Fa(:i/itif!S Tax Exemption (1FT) Appli~ation The completed original app!ica(iqn.f\lrm .l b 12 an.d ill 4, Complete· CoPY of lease agreementas.. execute(i, if J'equlred a!tacliments, MUST be· filed with the clerk of applicable, vefizyiilg lessee (applicant) has direCt ad the local unit0fg0:yernment wbe•'e the faci.lity is or will ·val()rem real anlease note, th~t ~ttachments listed on the app(iqation ·the local ~nftofgovemment Tnx liability fat lease(! hmumbel' 1.6a ill:e to be reiained by the local·unit of proper\)' should be determined before sertding•to·the STC. . government and altaohm·ent~ listed in number 16b are to be.hicl~ded With ilurapplicationw)len fo;warding The followi.ng informationls required ·oftli~ local tl1.1it ·to ·the State Tax Commission (STC). {)f governmetit: [,Please note lliiit dn!y iteins·2,4, 5, 6, (B!!fore c.on:~mencemel]t ofa:projeat tlie.lqcal unit Qf & ?.b.elow are.fmw~rded to t~e State Ta~ :go\1ernment must establislt a dfstrict, or the applicant Commission witlvth:e.application,.along witli itenis i rnu?t reque!;t in writirig a d.isfrict be established, in &3:fronl. ~bove.The origin~fisrequir~~ by the STC, order t!'ovbtg_the property· appl.lcations m.\lst:·haveattached a .c~rtified apJJ]ica(ion~ 'the resolution m.ust include t)1e statenieiitlaffi_dayit as proof ofthe beginning date. nillitber .of yeiu·s.the local lin it is granting the of installation (see.sainple). · · libatemcnt:imd..thcstatcmen.t '!tlie granthig of 3. Real.Property Requiremeots: Proof{)fdate the theludustrlal Fadli.tics Exemption Certificate. construetkm statted (gi'ouridbreaking). Applicant shall not h~ve·tbe cffcctofsnbstnutially musti.nClude qrle ofihe follow!ng if.th.e:P.rojeqt.has lmpedlngtli~.Qperatlo.u of (gov.cr.nmcntal unit), a!t~aily begun;·buiiding permit, foothig$.inspec.tion or,impnlrilig. th~ tliun1cial son!ldncss·o:r.a ·taxing repo1.t;. otcet1ified staieiiientlaffidavit fi'om u.nit 'vhi'c!t levies ad·v:ilorem property taxes .in contractor indicating el(act dateofcommencement.. (governmental unii- see,.sanrple).; 1012, Page 4 of 4

5. Le.ft~r !lf.4,greem.e.nt (sign ell by the iocai !lnit of governincnt.iuid tlic·a·pplicantjlcr.P.A. 334 ofl993 (see sample); .6. Affidayit of Fees {sigl)cd by the.Jo~al unit of government and !lie :applicoinl),. (Bulletin 3, Jimuaty i6; 1:9'98). 'rhis stat.e!ltent mny b~ incprpqratcd i.n~o flte Letter o'l'~greemen.t (see sampie). . ·1 •. Treasiu'y Form 3222 {if applicable-.Fiscal Statement f9rTax..A,batclllent.Requcst The following informatio:n is. rci].liircd·r6r rehabi.Iitaiioit ajjplicntibl).s in iuiditi(lu to tlicab,ovc r~quirements: !. A lisiin·g of existihgmachinety;equipment, fumiiure.and. fixt~res. \Vhic)twill be replace~ QJ renov~t(Od .. This.1istil)g shouid include de·scription, lleginnJrtg date of installatiim iit' expected installation by month/daYfye·ar, and costs or ewected ~ost~.. ,2. Arehabilitation·applicationmitst include it stateineiltfroiri tli~ Ass~s~9r showing 11w taxable v~lurttiou of the plai1\ reha6iiiiation distrJct, separa(Qly stated for:real property {EXCLUDING LAND) and personalptov.erty; Attach a statement fr.om the asses~0 r ln.diQating the· obsolescence of the propert¥ btiill$rehabiiitated . .Tlte following information iH'equired for. speculative bullding appl.icntio.ns in m!dition io the ·ibovc requirements: '!.A c~rtifil;d copy of the resplution to establi~ll a speculative build in£\: 2. AS:tateinent. ofnon-oci;upancy from ioe ·owner andthe assess.or:Please re(er to::tl\e following Web site for P.A. 198 of 1974: Please refer to the fqllowing Web ..she for P.A. 198. of 1974; www.Iegislature.mi.gov/. For more·information and. Ft:e(j!Je:ntly Asked Questions,. visit ou·r Web cSite.at www;michif:an·;goi'/ptopcrtytaxexetilptions; For- guatitnt~ei:heceip~ by the StateTax Commission,·iU~ re;;ommend¢d that ·applications and .attachments are sent. by cert.ified·maiL Att~ci)mentNo, 1 " City Application fot fndustrial Faciliti.es Tal( Exemption Certifi~ate by Generall'viotors LLC . Pontiac

Notice tioncemiilg establishment of the District

To De furnished.:ey the City Attachnierit No. 1 "Applicil,nt Appliqation for Tridustr!al Facilities Tax Bxemption Cettificate'by Geheral Motors LLC - Ponifac

See City Atti10hment #2 . ' ~­. ' ~ .'i

~t·.jtit+'li ·~Y~tX'~{~!~~~~ ~~~'t~-T:4 »~ ~,;.P"il"~>.~.V~ ifi~.-"=~Pi'-"' •


~.' :

I 'i Attachment A - Site Drawin~ ~

.l .'1·1.?-'!' '1-:;~·.. ;..:'.... ' l .. \ .. .. .:...,...,_,...;., .~.:. ....

...(,t,.-.orp... .. ':(:E.::g7·:;~:~::r;r.: ~:...... >:'"·~" .. ~.~,.., ...... ~~.,.,..._ ...... ,,_

[ [ -· [ [ '""" .[

...... •·~~ ...... o.. I.<_I.>';...... ,.H"- ( Attachment A-le~--- Description Atu!cfunentNo. 1 . . . ·.- General Motors Corporation

Legal Description 9fRea!Property Locateil1n the Industrial Development Distric_t Poiitiac, Michig8.l.l AttacbriJent No. 2 &. J-Applicant Application: for Ihdustrial Facilities Tax Exemption-Certificate by · · General Motors LLC - Pontiac

Real Property

List of Improvements below:

Totnl Cost Sumnmry Cost Lab Expansion aulid_ing (P~~-Approved iil;il.spending) $1,710,000 Lab Expansion ·Buiiding (2016'Spending $J,ooo;ooo Filtered .Insttument.Ai.r Compressor. $500,000 Steam ·oenerator $2-50,000. D1 WaterSlM $20.0,000 ·Chi!ier Water $200,000 'Electrical Substation and 'iDisti'ibution $900,000 PipinJ!-'lnfrastructure $100,000 Bulk:Oxygen Tank $150,000 Lobby Expansion $1,200,000 Parki~g_L

Ptcrof of Date. Of Coilstrilction Attadinient No. 4 "A;ppljcant Appllcation for Industria[F'acilities Tax Exemption Certificate by · General MotorsLLC-Pmitiac

GopYofLease Agreement

Not Applic~ble Attadunei:lt No. 3 " City. Applicatioll for industrial Facilities Tair Exempt! on Ce1tificate by· General Motors LLC- Pontiac

Noti'ce to.General Public. Certified notice to property owners concemingcestablislunent of the disti'ict Letters. to Taidhg Authorities Attachment No.2.- City Applk:afiqn fodjJ.d!Jslti;tl Facili.ti.es Tax..Exemption. C{ll'tificate·hy Geilerai MototsLLC - Pontiac

Estahlishnietit ofindustrial Dev"elobinent District

See Attached Attachment No: 4., City. Appl.icatipn for Ind.ustrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate by General Motors LLC • Pontiac ·

Certified Copy ofResolutimi Approving the Application

To be fumishedBythe Cii)" Attachment No. 5 & 6 - City Appliaati011 fer Industtial Facilities Tax Exemptiqn Certificate by General Motors LLC - Pontiac

Letter of. Agreement & Affidavit" ofFee's

See attached ,A.ttl:lci)ljtent No, 7 - Clty Application for .Industrial FacilitieS. Tax ExemptiOn Certificat(< by · General Motors LLC.- Pontiac

Treasury Form 3222

To be fw:11i~hed By the City Attaci_unentNo. 1 - Cii;y · Application for Ili.dus.trial·FJlci!iti(ls Tax Exemption .Certifi~at(l, by General Motors LLC - Pontiac

Notice conceni.ing eiitablishmerit ofihe District

To b(') fumish_ed Byth!l City

·~ ..... Pontiac City Council Resolution

Be it Further Resolved that the gth City Council will meet the following dates in the 2017 Calendar Year. The Pontiac City Council



To comply with the Michigan Open Meeting Act (MCL 15.265)

The Pontiac City Council will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday evenings at 5:30p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall47450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, Michigan 48342 unless otherwise noted.

Intemet website where meetings are posted www.pontiac.mi.us

The dates are as follows:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017 5:30p.m. Fmmal Meeting Tuesday, January 10,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, January 17,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, January 31,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, February 7, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, February 14, 2017 5:30 p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, March 7, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, March 14, 2017 5:30p.m. Fotmal Meeting Tuesday, March 21, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, March 28, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, Apri14, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, April!!, 2017 5:30p.m. Fmma1 Meeting Tuesday, Aprill8, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, April25, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, May 2, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, May 9, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, May 16,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, May 23,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, May 30, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, June 6, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, June 13,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, June 20,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, June 27,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Monday, July 3, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Tuesday, July 11,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday July 18, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, July 25, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Monday, August 7, 2017 Noon Agenda Review Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, August 22, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, August 29,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, September 5, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, September 12,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, September 19, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, October 3, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, October 10, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, October 17,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, October 24, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Noon Agenda Review Tuesday, November 7, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, November 14,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, November 21, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, December 5, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, December 12, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Noon Agenda Review

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, Michigan 48342 248-758-3200 The Pontiac City Council



To comply with the Michigan Open Meeting Act (MCL 15.265)

The Pontiac City Council will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Ha1147450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, Michigan 48342 unless otherwise noted.

Internet website where meetings are posted www.pontiac.mi.us

The dates are as follows:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017 6:00p.m. Fmmal Meeting Tuesday, January 10, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, January 17,2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 2017 6:00 p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, January 31,2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, February 7, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, Febmary 14, 2017 6:00p.m. Fmmal Meeting Tuesday, February 21,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, Febmary 28, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, March 7, 2017 6:00 p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, March 14, 2017 6:00 p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, March 21,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, March 28, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, April4, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, April!!, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, Aprill8, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, April25, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, May 2, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, May 9, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, May 16,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, May 23,2017 6:00p.m. Fmmal Meeting Tuesday, May 30,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, June 6, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, June 13,2017 6:00 p.m.AgendaReview Tuesday, June 20,2017 6:00p.m. Fmmal Meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Monday, July 3, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Tuesday, July 11,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday July 18,2017 6:00p.m. Fotmal Meeting Tuesday, July 25, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, August 1, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Monday, August 7, 2017 Noon Agenda Review Tuesday, August 15, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:00 p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, August 29, 2017 6:00p.m. Fotmal Meeting Tuesday, September 5, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, September 12, 2017 6:00 p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, September 19, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, October 3, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, October 10, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, October 17,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, October 24,2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Noon Agenda Review Tuesday, November 7, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:00 p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, November 21, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Tuesday, November 28, 2017 6:00 p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, December 5, 2017 6:00 p.m. Formal Meeting Tuesday, December 12, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Noon Agenda Review

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, Michigan 48342 248-758-3200 The Pontiac City Council



To comply with the Michigan Open Meeting Act (MCL 15.265)

The Pontiac City Council will hold its regular meeting on Thursday evenings at 5:30p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall47450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, Michigan 48342 unless otherwise noted.

Internet website where meetings are posted www. pontiac.mi. us

The dates are as follows:

Thursday, January 5, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, January 12, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, January 19,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, February· 2, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, Februaty 16,2017 5:30p.m. F01mal Meeting Thursday, February 23, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, March 2, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, March 9, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, March 16, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, March 23, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, April6, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, April13, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, April20, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, April27, 2017 5:30p.m. Fotmal Meeting Thursday, May 4, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, May 11, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, May 18,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, May 25, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, June 1, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, June 8, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, June 15,2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, June 22, 2017 5:30p.m; Formal Meeting Thtu'sday, June 29, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thtll'sday, July 6, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, July 13, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thtu'sday, July 27, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thtll'sday, August 3, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thtll'sday, August 10, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, August 17, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thtu'sday, August 24,2017 5:30 p.m. Agenda Review Thtll'sday, August 31, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, September 7, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thtll'sday, September 14, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, September 21, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:30p.m. Foimal Meeting Thursday, October 5, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, October 12,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thlll'sday, October 19, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, October 26,2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, November 9, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:30 p:m. Agenda Review Monday, November 23, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, November 30, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, December 7, 2017 5:30p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, December 14, 2017 5:30p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, December 21, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thtll'sday, December 28, 2017 Noon Agenda Review

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, Michigan 48342 248-758-3200 The Pontiac City Council



To comply with the Michigan Open Meeting Act (MCL 15.265)

The Pontiac City Council will hold its regular meeting on Thursday evenings at 6:00p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Ha1147450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, Michigan 48342 unless otherwise noted.

Internet website where meetings are posted www.pontiac.mi.us

The dates are as follows:

Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, January 12,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, January 19,2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, February 2, 2017 6:00p.m. F01mal Meeting Thursday, Februaty 9, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, February 16, 2017 6:00p.m. F01mal Meeting Thursday, Februaty 23, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, March 2, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, March 9, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, March 23, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, April6, 201-7 6:00p.m .. Agenda Review Thursday, Aprill3, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, April20, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, April27, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, May 4, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, May 11, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, May 18,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, May 25, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, June 1, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, June 8, 2017 6:00p.m. F01mal Meeting Thursday, June 15, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, June 22, 2017 6:00p.m. Fotmal Meeting Thursday, June 29; 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, July 6, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, July 13,2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, July 20, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, August 3, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, August 10, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, August 17, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, August 24, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, August 31, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, September 7, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, September 14, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, September 21, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, September 28, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, October 5, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, October 12, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, October 26, 2017 6:00p.m. Formal Meeting Thursday, November 2, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, November 9, 2017 6:00p.m. Fmmal Meeting Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Monday, November 20, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, November 30, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review . Thursday, December 7, 2017 6:00p.m. Forinal Meeting Thursday, December 14, 2017 6:00p.m. Agenda Review Thursday, December 21, 2017 Noon Formal Meeting Thursday, December 28, 2017 Noon Agenda Review

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, Michigan 48342 248-758-3200 CITY OF PONTIAC OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM

TO: Honorable Mayor, Council President and City Council Members

FROM: Jane Bais-DiSessa, Deputy Mayor, at the request of Terrence King, Director

DATE: September 30, 2016

RE: Janitorial Contract

The City advertised for bids for Janitorial and Custodial Services for the City of Pontiac City Hall, Sheriff Substation, 1 Senior Centers and 50 h District Court. There were seven {7) bidders for this contract and the most qualified bid has been recommended by the purchasing agent and accepted by the Department of Public Works.

A contract, for Janitorial and Custodial Services will be Issued for one {1) year, with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional years In one {1) year increments to Krlstel Group, Inc. The figures fall within budgeted amounts. The price breakdown Is as follows:

As lowest qualified bidder, the Issuance of a contract to Kristel is recommended by the Director of Public Works. If Council approves, please pass the following resolution:

WHEREAS, tile City of Pontiac Is In need of o contractor to perform Janitorial and Custodio! Services throughout the City; and,

WHEREAS, tile City solicited bids for tills project; and,

WHEREAS, the lowest qualified and responsive bidder is being recommended for a contract; and,

WHEREAS, tile contract will be granted for a one (1} year, with an option of extending tile contract for two additional years, In one year Increments, following the bid prices for 2016;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pontiac City Counci~ ojterrevlew by the Purchasing Agent and the Finance Director, and upon the recommendation of the Mayor, approVes the Janitorial and custodial contract to Krlstel Group Inc. For the tenns listed, Financial Services- Purchasing Division

NOTICE Thank you for your inquiry regarding the City of Pontiac project listed below:


If your firm plans to bid on this project, please send an e-mail response to [email protected] with the following information:

Firm Name: ______Project Name: ______Firm's Contact Person: ------Telephone Number: ______Fax Number:------E-Mail Address: ------Postal Address: ______

The City ofpontiac Purchasing Division will use this information to communicate with you in the event an addendum or change to this project is issued. If you do not send this information to the City of Pontiac, you will not receive any follow-up notification of any changes to the project.

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, l'vll48342 NOTICE TO BIDDERS

The City of Pontiac will open sealed bids on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. prevailing local time in the City Hall Lion's Den Conference Room at 47450 Woodward Ave for:


You are invited to submit a bid for this project, Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered to the err! OF PONTIAC, CITY CLERK, 47450 Woodward Ave, Pontiac, Ml 48342 by 2:00p.m., Monday, September 19, 2016. Envelopes should include the name and mailing address of the vendor on the outside and be plainly marked: JANITORIAL & CUSTODIAL SERVICES . The successful Proponent shall supply all of the necessary equipment, personnel, and supplies needed to perform the specified work at the following locations:

City-of P·ontiac, City Hall, 47450 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48342 Oakland County Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pike Street, Pontiac, Michigan 48432 c. Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac, MI 48341 d. Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341 e. 50th District Court, 70 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI 48342 ·

General specifications, description and conditions upon which the bid proposal is to be based are available at the City of Pontiac website: Purchasing: http:Uwww.pontiac.mi.us/departments/finance/purchasing,php

Please refer to the website for any addenda that may be issued. Bidders who submit bids before the deadline are advised to continue to monitor the website for any addenda that may be issued. Bid packages will also be mailed upon request.

The City reserves the _right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities, and further reserves the right to accept any bid or parts of bids that it deems to best serve the interest of the City. "~-~g~~J!t~~~f\J~cit~i¥1~ie,~~~~x~~~h~:ii~~·[l§2~i~!i,~!~,~J.f'~~H~.~.~i~-~~jr§.lt)~~s~. 9 Malitied bid a_nd d ete~fn[nedJq'l:Je.jrqh~l>estlnterest qftbe _Clty.:a.nd jn cppfo rm~nce with the :•' ~-·-:,:.: · -. ·. -~,_,;•:l_.,,·:····•-:,.c>p:-,-=-=·-s-r -+'-~-- -,;-. __:_:-'-...,=' -~·: • -. '-,~•'' :'"'o,·; .... -:.' ·. '- ··~: ,·-:- -.-.. "l_'"· ~, • ,. •·._:: ·•'-'': · -::_,.,_ ·· ·. \; .. : -·-: ::' ·..: ·~- ;. '· · -· ., ,~. ·' ciinditions.ofthis hiv)f.ltio'n to')Jfd aricnhe Purcliasing Ordlmillce oHheCity.

If you have any questions regarding this RFP, please contact the Purchasing Agent at {248) 758- 3120 or send an email to [email protected]

If you have questions regarding the specifications, contact Terry King, DPW Administrator at (248) 758-3600.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 2 of39 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS

1.1 Bids to be Received Sealed bids for the Janitorial and Custodial Services for the Cltyof Pontiac will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pontiac, Michigan unti12:00 p.m .. Monday, September 19, 2016, and immediately thereafter will be publicly opened and read.

Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Pontiac. Each sealed envelope containing a bid must be plainly marked on the outside as "JANITORIAL AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES", and the envelope should bear on the outside the name of the bidder, his address, and the name of the project for which the bid is submitted. If forwarded by mali, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another envelope addressed to the City Clerk, City of Pontiac at 47450 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, Mi 48342. Bidders MUST submit an original and one copv.

Bids will be received during regular business hours at the place and up to the time stated in the advertisement. Any extension in time will be by official notification. Bids may be delivered in person or mailed, but their delivery is the bidder's entire responsibility. Any bid received after the stated hour, even through the mail, will be returned unopened to the bidder.

Janitorial services will be performed at the following facility in the City of Pontiac:

a. City of Pontiac, City Hall, 47450 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48342 b. Oaldand County Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pil'e Street, Pontiac, Michigan 48432 c. Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac, MI 48341 d. Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341 e.. soth District Court, 70 N. Saginaw, PoiJ,tiac, MI 48342 ~ ·Recommeneieilwaik. rhralliili )'!)li.~e ~i)8,ila ~ie aiJ Frlctav:s~,Jielt11le.r9: 2oi6. il.~i.wee,~'t~~)?ui~o\ i:Oo.p.m:'and '4:00 j:i:m: fQ.r ai!Jh~b~il.di ngsi .if interested; piease cohtiicttarr;FR.obirisoiii.Btilldlng Supt. i.fi4$,7s~~~f~'l3ia':scheduiean ailfiii;r\tment.

1.2 Examination of Bid Documents

Before submitting a proposal, bidders shall carefully examine the specifications and shall fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations and shall indicate in the proposal the sum to cover the cost of all items Included on the bid form.

1.3 Withdrawal of Bids

Any bidder may withdraw his proposal, in writing, at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals. No bidder may withdraw a bid within ninety (90) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be a reason why a contract cannot be awarded within the specified period; the time may be extended by mutual agreement between. the City of Pontiac, herein after also referred to as the City, and the bidder.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 3 of39 1.4 Bid Form

Each bid shall be made on the form provided, and shall be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the title of work and the name of the bidder, and shall be signed by an individual authorized to execute the proposal on behalf of the bidder. Alternate written proposals will not be accepted.

Proposers shall thoroughly inspect the buildings listed herein and submit, within their Proposal, an "Operating Plan". This Plan shall include your company's proposed table of organization for the services rendered. This Plan shall also include proposed staffing levels (by classification) for each building.listed herein. Include a description of the methods to be used for dally routine cleaning, ahd Include the age and a description of the equipment to be utilized. This Plan should demonstrate the Contractor's proposed method of operation and its understanding of the requirements of the "housekeeping'' role.

1.5 Basls.of Award

The intention of the City is to award the contract for the task of Janitorial and Custodial Services. The cleaning of the City buildings Is an extremely complex and demanding operation. It requires the availability of qualified workers and capable supervision on a dally basis. Proper cleaning on a timely basis is essential to the successful operations of the City buildings, for the comfort of employees and the general public. The failure to attain the proper levels of cleaning on a consistent basis would be extremely damaging to the reputation of the City of Pontiac. ·

Because of these factors, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements: 1. Sufficient size and depth of management to support the City buildings.

2. Sufficient financial resources to meet payrolL

3. Equipment and supply requirements for the buildings. 30 days' worth of supplies to be delivered on the first day of the service period.

4. Documented history of successful and stable company operation.

5. History of successful and stable company operation for a period of at least 5 (five) years.

AWard wnthe made)oa}esponsive and·re~ponsible bidd~r.whosehid isthe low.e~tqualified ~~K~a~J.~t~hri(~

A maximum of one award of contract will be made on a lowest qualified bid. Bidders shall quote on all requirements of the bid document, leave no blanks, and state "No Charge" where applicable. Any Blank spaces are considered to be no offer. The City of Pontiac reserves the right to delete any item{s) from the award and reject any and all bids.

Janitorial and CUstodial Services City of PonUac Page 4 of39 1.6 Bid Bond

Afive thou's~rrd 'dolf~ti$'5~000:iJO)'b'M bond or tertifled theck Is required. The Bid Bond will be released when all bids are rejected, or the City enters a contract with the lowest qualified bidder.

1. 7 Pre-Bid Walk Through


2.1 Laws and Municipal Ordinances, P.ermits

The Bidder shall be fully informed of all laws and municipal ordinances and regulations in any manner affecting those engaged or employed In the work, or equipment and materials used In the work, and all others and any decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. The Bidder shall at all items observe and comply with all such existing laws, codes, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees. In particular, all work shall be in compliance with the laws of the State of Michigan, City ordinances, as well as all other bodies having jurisdictional authority.

The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and paying for any and all permits that may be required for this project and shall be responsible for arranging all required inspections if needed.

2.2 Non-Discrimination

The Bidder agrees to comply with the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1991 as amended; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended; the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, Article 2, Act no. 453, Public Act of 1976 as amended; the Michigan Handicapper's Civil Rights Act, Article 2, Act no. 220, Public Act of 1976, as amended and all other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Specifically, Bidders and subcontractors are required not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment with respect to such person's hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of such person's height, weight, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, sex or disability, as defined by law. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material.breach of the contract.

Jan!torfal and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 5 of39 2.3 Indemnification

To the fullest extent permitted by laws and regulations, the Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and consultants from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (Including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) caused by, arising out of, or resulting from the performance of the work or from the failure to comply with any covenant or term of the contract, provided that any such claim, cost, loss, or damage: (i) Is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to Injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itself), including the loss of use resulting there from; or, (II) is caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of the Bidder, any subcontractor, aiw supplier, any person or organization directly orIndirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not caused in part by any act or omission of a person or entity Indemnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed upon such indemnified party by laws and regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person or entity.

In any and all claims against the City or any consultants, agents, officers, directors, or employees of the City by any employee (or the survivor or personal representative of such employee) of the Bidder, any subcontractor, any supplier, any person or organ·ization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation above shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for the Bidder or any such subcontractor, supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. Insurance coverage required of the Bidder constitutes the minimum requirements and those requirements shall in no way lessen or limit the liability of the Bidder under the terms of the contract. The Bidder shall procure and maintain at Bidder's own cost and expense any additional claims or amounts of insurance that, in the judgment of the City, may be necessary for Bidder's proper protection in the prosecution of the work.

2.4 Jurisdictional Authorltv

This contract shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Michigan and the successful Bidder consents to the jurisdiction and venue of the courts in Oakland County, Michigan and of the United States District Court for the Eastern District, Southern Division.

2.5 Severabllltv

The successful Bidder will agree that the Contract is the completed and exclusive statement of the Contract between the parties. A judicial or administrative declaration on the invalidity of any one or more of the provisions of the Contract shall not Invalidate the remaining provisions of this agreement.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of PonUac Page 6 of39 2.6 Income Taxes ·

Contractor agrees to contact City of Pontiac Income Tax Division, Audit and Compliance Section, 47450 Woodward, Pontiac, Michigan, 48342, telephone (248) 758-3236, to establish reporting and withholding obligations under the City of Pontiac income tax ordinance. Contractor will require the same of all subcontractors employing labor under this contract. ·cb'nlrili:'toFis req~@!f1~~WliH9Jirt1iYoli~iiic income}a)ttro.m'wag·es .iiaiii .to: ~~i~~t~fi~!~1-~%~1~!J~f.1::~~,tr;-~~~r~tit~~J2~~1:ork•for.the.·~·;n·player: ·and ~{,Fllf:~~~r~~;~~~-~;~1!'f~~~-~~~~f~~~iWi~~~it~~j~~l~E~f~~~fiort~~;;~··llav{o~a-me·

Web pageu:Rt;: http://www.pontiac.mi.us/departments/income tax/index.php T~x l'onns'URL: http://www.pontiac.mi.us/departments/income tax/ta.'\: fonns.php

Contractor Is not eligible for the award if they have not filed or paid corporate and employee income tax to the City of Pontiac. Contractor needs to be 100% current, prior to this bid; otherwise the bid will be immediately disqualified.

2.7 Com~ensatlon and Payment

All invoices submitted against the contract must identify the work performed in detail. Items not properly invoiced will not be paid. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure delivery of invoice(s) to the City. Invoices must meet the following conditions for payment:

a. Price on invoice must correspond to the pricing listed on purchase order and/or contract. b. Contractor must submit price lists In accordance with bid requirements. c. All invoices will be original. d. Invoices will prominently display the requisition or purchase order number, If applicable. e. Invoices will be signed by the Individual responsible for authorizing contract payments for the City of Pontiac.

Original invoice must be submitted to the City of Pontiac, Attn: Accounts Payable. Payment Terms- Net 30

2.8 General Conditions

It is the responsibility of the Bidder to review General Conditions as specified.

In the quotation, a distinction between dollars and cents must be made. Also, illegible bids may be grounds for rejection of your bid. White out may be grounds for rejection. All changes made

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 7 of39 to the bid form altering price, terms, quotes, and/or conditions MUST be crossed out and initialed. Failure to initial any changes may be grounds for rejection of your bid.

All funds must be quoted in US dollars

2.9 Quotations/Proposals

Bidders MUST submit an original and one copy, of the bid quotation/proposal. Additionally, duplicate copies ·of ali descriptive literature and/or samples must be provided as requested.

Proposers shall submit, within their Proposal, an "Operating. Plan". This Pian shall include your company's proposed table of organization for the services rendered. This Plan shall also include proposed staffing levels (by classification) for each building listed herein. include a description of the methods to be used for dally routine cleaning, and include the age and a description of the equipment to be utilized. This Plan should demonstrate the Contractor's proposed method of operation and its understanding of the requirements of the "housekeeping" role.

2.10 Minor Deviations

Specifications referred to herein are used to indicate desired type, and/or construction, and/or operation or services rendered. Other products and/or services may be offered if deviations from specifications are minor and if all deviations are properly outlined and stated In the bid document. Failure to outline ali deviations may be grounds for rejection of your bid,

The decision of the City of Pontiac, acting through the Purchasing Agent, shall be final as to what constitutes acceptable deviations from specifications.

2.11 Bonds and insurance

Receipt of bonds and/or insurance is part of the process of determining which bidder may be recommended for award to the City Administrator. If cause is found to change the recommendation that your company be awarded the contract, or if the City Administrator does not approve the recommendation, the City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by you in the bid process, including the cost of acquiring bonds and/or insurance.

The contractor, and any and all of their subcontractors, shall not commence work under this contract until they have obtained the insurance required under this paragraph: All coverage shall be with insurance companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Michigan. Ali coverages shall be with insurance carriers acceptable to City of Pontiac, The limits required below do not limit the liability of the Contractor. Ali deductibles and SIRs are the responsibility of the Contractor.

Workers' Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the life of this contract, Workers' Compensation Insurance, Including Employers' Liability Coverage, in accordance with all applicable statutes of the State Qf Michigan. ·

Janltor1al and Custodial Setvlces City of Pontiac Page 8 of39 Commercial General Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall procure and maintain said insurance during the life of this contract, for: Commercial General Liability Insurance on an "Occurrence Basis" with limits of liability not less th~-n $ i,omi,()r)() per occurrence and aggregate. Coverage shall include the following extensions: (A) Contractual Liability; (B) Products and Completed Operations; (C) Independent Contractors Coverage; (D) Broad Form General Liability Extensions or equivalent, if not already included.

Motor Vehicle Liability: The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the life of this contract Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, including Michigan No-Fault Coverages, with limits of liability not less f~'ai'l'si;Go6fooo per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury, and Property Damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles, and all hired vehicles.

Additional Insured: Commercial General Liability and Motor Vehicle Liability, as described above, shall include an endorsement stating the following shall be Add/tiona/Insureds: The City of Pontiac, all elected and appointed officials. all employees and volunteers. all boards. commissions, and/or authorities and board members, Including employees and volunteers thereof. It is understood and agreed by naming the City of Pontiac as additional insured, coverage afforded Is considered to be primary and any other Insurance the City of Pontiac may have in effect shall be considered secondary and/or excess.

Cancellation Notice: Workers' Compensation Insurance, Commercial General Liability Insurance, and Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, as described above, shall be endorsed to state the following: "It is understood and agreed Thirty (30) days, Ten (10) days for non-payment of premium, Advance Written Notice of Cancellation, Non-Renewal, Reduction, and/or Material Change shall be sent to: Risk Manager. City of Pontiac, 47450 Woodward Avenue. Pontiac, Ml 48342·.

Proof of Insurance Coverage: The Contractor shall provide the City of Pontiac, at the time the contracts are returned by him/her for execution, a Certificate of Insurance as well as the required endorsements. In lieu of required endorsements, if applicable, a copy of the policy sections where coverage is provided for additional insured and cancellation notice would be acceptable. Copies or certified copies of all policies mentioned above shall be furnished, If so requested.

2.12 Performance Bond

A one i-Jliiiilreci i'llousahCibollarl$ioo.ooo.ool performance band is required.

2.13 Payment Bond

No payment bond shall be required unless the City agrees to subcontract.

2.14 Maintenance and Guarantee Bond

A maintenance and guarantee bond is not required.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 9 of39 2.15 Subcontracting

The service provided for under the Contract shall not be sub-contracted, assigned or transferred by the Contractor without prior written consent of the City. (i.e. Exterior window cleaning)


3.1. GENERAL . The City of Pontiac Is looking for a company to provide Janitorial and Custodial Services for five (5) locations. The Contractor shall provide all cleaning and custodial services and supplies necessary for the cleaning of the five (5), Including but not limited to, the items listed in the Scope of Services. The Contractor shall also supply all toiletry supplies such as hand soap, tissue and hand towels and appropriate dispensers. The contractor will be responsible for refilling toiletry dispensers as needed.

The Contractor shall maintain high standards of cleanliness ln·performance of the Contract and it Is specifically understood that the cleaning specifications will. not be construed as complete, but all cleaning services necessary to maintain the building in a "good housekeeping manner" to the City's complete satisfaction shall be included.

Contractor shall comply with all applicable O.S.H.A and M.I.O.S.H.A. laws and regulations. The Contractor shall furnish the necessary personnel, training, and certification for the services to be provided he~eunder, such personnel are to be employees of Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the services hereunder as an independent contractor, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to be inconsistent with this relationship or status.

Background Check: All employees will need a full background check. The background check will require a Driver's License or State identification Card and a Social Security Number. Due to the classified nature of business at City Hall, so'h District Court, Sheriffs Substation and Senior Centers, anyone with a criminal felony will not be allowed to work. A $50.00 fee shall be paid by the Contractor to the City of Pontiac for each background clearance check for the issue of an identification card.

Uniform: Contractor shall require all its employees to wear uniform clothing, of a type to be approved by the City's representative, as a means of Identification while on the City premises. Management and all Contractor employees shall wear a City of Pontiac provided Identification badge (showing picture of employee) in a prominent position on the front of the uniform. The identification badges remain the property of the City of Pontiac and will be surrendered Immediately to the City of Pontiac upon termination of the employee by the contractor or upon termination of the contract Uniforms shall be provided and cleaned at the Contractors expense. Issuing of uniforms shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. A $50.00 fee shall be paid by the Contractor to the City of Pontiac for each replacement of any lost/stolen/damaged identification card.

Janitorial and Custodial Services Clly of Pontiac Page 10 of 39 · Equipment Requirements: Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary to accomplish the specified work. The Contractor shall absorb all costs of equipment including expenses for routine maintenance and any necessary repairs. Contractor must have sufficient back up equipment to assure continuity of cleaning activities in the event of equipment breakdowns.


inspections: Contractor's Supervisor shall conduct and provide daily a thorough inspection tour of the Sheriff Substation building and provide weekly a written inspection report of each day by e-mail or fax to the City's representative for approval. These inspection reports shall be a basis for processing all cleaning invoices. Monthly invoices must Include a narrative of work accomplished for the month, include a copy of certified payroll for the month, and include staff hours worked for the month.

Equipment and Supplies:

3.2.1 Contractor shall furnish all cleaning equipment and supplies necessary for the perfonnance of its work;\ ContraCtor will heed to 'deliitka -30 ·aays''.wortli of si.ulplles io each facilitY on the first 11'\l aayhfthe service periiid; Examples of these Items are, but not limited to: floor and bathroom cleansers; window, trim and/or glass cleansers; wax and/or polish for floors; paper products, cleaning towels, commercial vacuum, mops, brooms, cleaning carts and all applicable equipment and back up equipment to perform the thorough cleaning of buildings. The Contractor shall also furnish all other items, such as paper goods, hand soap, sanitarv napkins, plastic bags, air fresheners, trash container liners, etc. and appropriate dispensers, and shall maintain an adequate supply In designated storage closets within each facility.

Approximate Paper Product Usage -Sheriff Dept. C-Fold Towels 208 cases Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue 104 cases Regular Toilet Tissue 60 cases

Approximate Paper Product Usage - City Hall C-Fold Towels 300 cases Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue 144 cases Regular Toilet Tissue 24 cases

Approximate Paper. Product Usage -50~ District Court C-Fold Towels 104 cases Jumbo Roll Toile!Tissue 104 cases Regular Toilet Tissue 52 cases

Special Note: The Senior Centers will furnish and maintain bathroom toiletrv supplies, such as parer goods, hand soap, sanltarv napkins, plastic bags, air fresheners, trash container liners, etc.

3.2.2 The Contractor shall furnish a written applicable stock of equipment to clean adequately the assigned buildings.

Janitorial and Custodial SeiVIces City of Pontiac Page 11 of39 3.2.3 All equipment and supplies used in City buildings shall be subject to the prior approval by.the City's designated representative. All material, supplies and equipment furnished by the Contractor shall meet or exceed the requirements of applicable city, state and federal codes, ordinances, laws and regulations. If the Contractor shall furnish any supplies or equipment contrary to such codes, ordinances, laws and regulations, it shall assume full responsibility therefore and shall bear all costs attributable thereto.

3.2.4 Storage area(s) for the Contractor's cleaning and janitorial supplies Will be provided by the City's representative to assist the Contractor to fulfill the contractual obligations herein. ·

3.2.5 Contractor shall provide the Grounds Superintendent a copy of Material Safety Data Sheets for every supply used by the Contractor and the Contractor shall maintain a copy in each location.

Supervision: The Contractor shall employ, at all times, the quantity and quality of supervision necessary for the effective and efficient management of the housekeeping system at the Sheriff Substation. All supervisors shall have an Intimate knowledge of.the various tasks, equipment and materials to be able to direct the employees in their individual tasks and to maintain and control an effective inspection and follow-up program.

Hours of Service:

Sheriff Substation: The Contractor shall provide a full time day porter (s) who must be present from 7:30a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Friday, 52 weeks per year. The contractor is responsible for unlocking the doors in the morning and locking the doors in the evening. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to furnish necessary supervision and labor to complete all work during these hours. Any additional hours requested by the owner will be billed on an hourly rate.

Senior Centers: The Contractor shall be responsible for a thorough cleaning of the assigned facility three days per week, (Ruth Peterson Center), or otherwise directed, five days per week (Bowens Center). It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to furnish necessary supervision and manpower to complete all work within a reasonable time on that assigned day. Additional cleaning may be required after the conclusion of an event and prior to the next scheduled event. Note - In some cases this may allow eight {8) hours or less cleaning time and may occur on any shift or day of the week. Centers hours of operations 9:00 AM to

City Hall: A full time day porter(s) must be present from 7:30AM until 5:00 PM on a dally basis, Monday through Friday. The contractor Is responsible for unlocking the doors In the morning and lgck[llg tl')~_ qoors .in tl}.e evening, An •~veoing ere 'A,' i'\lus(p.e jjyailable,{Mi:!iJJ!i)it~jgughf'rjga)iaqd weekeiias; iojhorot,lghly., clean .·buildhig alla.to provldediss.ista-nce; as.•teqiifred; fo~?riy;evenlng meeifrigs i:u'id/or spedal events. On Monday mornings, Supervisor must be present to evaluate building to ensure adequate staffing Is scheduled and available to thoroughly clean building resulting from any weekend meetings, and special events.

1 50 h District Court: A full time day porter(s) must be present from 7:30 AM until 5:00 PM on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. The contractor is responsible for unlocking the doors in the morning and locking the doors in the evening. On Monday mornings, Supervisor must be present to evaluate building to ensure adequate staffing is scheduled and available to thoroughly clean building resulting from any weekend meetings, and special events.

Janltorlal and Custodial Services C!ty of Ponllac Page 12 of39 Performance Requirements

Floor Maintenance: 3.2.6 General: For all operations where furniture and equipment must be moved, no chairs, wastepaper baskets, or other similar items, shall tie stacked on desks, tables, counters, etc. Upon completion of work, all furniture and equipment must be returned to its original position.

Baseboards, walls, stair risers, furniture and equipment shall in no way be splashed, disfigured or damaged during these operations.

Proper precautions shall be taken to advise City of Pontiac occupants of wet and/or slippery floor conditions; this applies during cleaning operations. Contractor shall obtain and use a stock of "Caution Wet Floor" signs. All tools and equipment shall be maintained in Clean condition at all times and neatly stored each night in an assigned storage area.

3.2. 7 Sweeping and Wet Mopping: After sweeping and wet mopping operations, all floors shall be clean and free of dirt streaks. No dirt or litter shall be left In corners, under furniture, behind doors, on stair landings or treads. Likewise, sidewalks, entrances, and other assigned areas shall be swept clean of all dirt and trash. No dirt shall be left where sweepings were picked up.

3.2.8 Wet Mopping and Scrubbing: The floors shall be thoroughly swept to remove visible · dirt and debris; removal ofwads of gum, tar and similar substances from the floor surface shall be included. On completion of the mopping and scrubbing, the floors shall be clean and free of dirt, water streaks, mop marks, string, etc., properly rinsed and dry mopped to present an overall appearance of cleanliness. Wash water shall be changed frequently enough to avoid streaking of floors and other surfaces. All surfaces shall be dry, corners and cracks clean, after the wet mopping or scrubbing. When scrubbing is designated, it shall be performed by machine or by hand with a brush.

3.2.9 Waxing and Buffing: Apply proper wax removers, stripping agent or synthetic detergents to the floor. Scrub with a floor-scrubbing machine or agitate with a mop to remove all dead wax, soap film, dirt and stains. Pick up dirty squeeze mop or wet vacuum and thoroughly rinse with clean water and dry. Wax shall be applied In a thin even coat and machine buffed immediately after drying. The number of coats applied will depend on the type and condition of the floor.

3.2.1 0 Vacuuming: Rugs, Carpeting (as necessarv): After each vacuuming, all rugs shall be clean, free from dust balls, dirt and other debris. All rugs shall be vacuumed at least once per week and high traffic areas shall be addressed as needed. Vacuums shall have attachments for cleaning cracks and crevices and to pick-up paperclips and other metallic Items.

Jan!torfal and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 13 of39 3.2.11 Shampooing: Rugs. Caroeting: (shall be performed once in the spring and once in the autumn). Thoroughly clean all rugs and carpeting. The cleaning process must leave the rugs and carpet as free of moisture as possible and completely dry before the next occupancy of the area cleaned. This cleaning will be performed in evenings or weekends whenever possible.

3.2.12 : Special attention shall be given to floors about and for elimination of odors ·and stains, so as to provide a uniformly clean appearance.

3.2.13 Dusting: Dust shall not be moved from spot to spot, but removed directly from the area In which it lies by the most effective means with appropriately treated dusting cloths, vacuum tools, etc.

a. There shall be no dust streaks. b. Comers, crevices, molding and ledges shall be free of all dust. c. There shall be no oil spots or smudges on dusted surfaces caused by dusting tools. d. There shall be no visible dust on any walls, doors, base boards, e. Employee desktops should not be dusted unless so requested by the employee. f. Computer and electronic equipment shall only be dusted with electronic cleaning supplies. 3.2.14 Spot Cleaning: This task consists of using a clean damp cloth or sponge to remove all· dirt, spots, streaks, smudges from walls, glass and other specified surfaces and then drying to produce a uniform clean appearance. The wetting solution shall come in an appropriate cleaning agent. When damp wiping In toilet areas, a multi-purpose agent disinfectant deodorizer cleaner shall be used. Following this operation, all smudges, marks or spots shall have been removed without causing unsightly discoloration.

3.2.15 Bright Metal Polishing: Bright metal polishing may be performed by damp wiping and drying with a suitable cloth to obtain a polished appearance. However, if a polished appearance cannot be produced, the City's representative shall be contacted for direction as to the use of an appropriate polish.

3.2.16 Trash: Pickup and removal from areas all paper, trash, rubbish, empty bottles and other discarded materials and emptying waste receptacles as required. Also pickup and remove debris on the grass surrounding the building and the walkway leading to the door.

3.2.17 Glass Spot Cleaning: After spot cleaning operation, all glass shall be free of streaks, marks and smudges. Window sash and sills woodwork about interior glass and other such surroundings shall be thoroughly wiped free of dripping and other water marks.

3.2.18 Porcelain Ware Cleaning: Porcelain fixtures (drinking fountains, wash basins, urinals, toilets, etc.) shall be clean and bright; there shall be no dust, soap film, dirt,

Janitorial and Custodial Services Oily of Pontiac Page 14 of39 spots, stains, green mold, encrustation or excess moisture. Walls and floor Drinking fountains shall be kept free of trash, etc., and nozzles free of paper, vandalism, or encrustation.·

3.2.19 Windows, window sills, shelving and furniture Use proper technique and methods to type of material being cleaned. Inside windows, wash and clean as needed. Exterior windows clean twice a year.

If exterior window cleaning Is subcontracted, Sub-Contractor must follow the same guidelines as outlined in the RFP. Any equipment used will need to be certified by the Department of Public Works

3.2.20 Runners: The Contractor shall be responsible for procuring and maintaining runners in the area of the back door, treasurer's office, and in such other high traffic areas that the situation may require.

3.2.21 Break rooms: The Contractor shall sanitize the counter tops daily and clean the microwave weekly.

3.2.22 Holding Cells: Thoroughly clean holding cells daily or as _required. Protective wear must be provided for employee, protecting from blood borne pathogens. Clean benches with a bleach solution, clean sinks with appropriate cream cleanser and/or bleach solution, clean toilets and floors with a bleach solution.

3.2.23 Inclement Weather: The Contractor shall keep the walkway from the door to the sidewalk clear of grass, leaves, blowing debris, snow and ice as necessary.


3.2.24 Exterior Grounds: Contractor shall provide litter control of the area Immediately . surrounding buildings.

3.2.25 Sweeping, Mopping, Vacuuming Caroets, Litter Control and Window cleaning at the following locations:

City of Pontiac, City Hall, 47450 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48342 Oaldand County Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pike Street, Pontiac, Michigan 48432 Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac, MI 48341 Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341 50th District Court, 70 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI 48342

3.2.26 Restrooms

A Completely clean and sanitize all toilets, urinals, sink fixtures and any other miscellaneous fixtures.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 15 of39 B. Remove gum from floor.

C. Empty barrels; wash, clean, and replace liners; and wash barrel tops.

D. Mop floor with germicidal detergent and rinse, giving special concern to edges and base of walls.

E. Scrub and wash partitions with germicidal detergent and rinse.

F. Scrub and wash walls, hand marks, foot prints, spills, from walls, floors, ceilings.

G. Clean mirrors and chrome trim.

H. Re-stock towels, tissue, and soap dispensers.

I. Clean and dust overhead louvers.

J. Report any damage to room or fixtures to the City's representative.

K. Maintain closets located In each restroom In a clean, neat and orderly fashion.

L. Clean slop sinks located in the closets.

M. Sanitize door handles and push plates

3.2.27 Stairwells

A Thoroughly sweep and remove all trash.

B. Wash walls and railings.

C. Remove gum from floors and steps.

D. Mop floors, steps, and stair risers.

E. Empty and wash all trash containers and tops and replace liners

F. Dust windowsills

G. Sanitize door handles

3.2.28 Appurtenances and Miscellaneous throughout the Building

Common areas: Thoroughly clean, wash and dust the following: 1. Coin telephone units. 2. Drinking fountains. 3. Fire extinguisher cabinets. 4. Dust & clean light fixture covers 5. Air returns, registers and heating & cooling vents.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 16 of39 Elevators: Thoroughly clean, wash, scrub walls, floor, doors, covers over light fixtures, car/hatchway door sills, polish Inside of car doors, etc.

Entrance Doors: Thoroughly wash, clean all entrance doors, glass windows on all levels. Clean and polish all metal trim, such as revolving door shells.

If snow Is present; shovel entrance and sidewalk and apply Ice melt as required. Provide adequate supply of ice melt and shovels and snow blower to ensure safety of employees and citizens. This task must be completed by 7:30AM, Monday through Friday. If inclement weather is present throughout hours of operation, special attention must be given to repeating this task to ensure the safety of employees and citizens.

In addition to the cleaning tasks outlined In this document, the Contractor shall be responsible for Insuring that lights in the public areas are restrooms of the facility are properly turned on and off.

3.2.29 Staffing At least one person must be on staff during the hours specified, for each location, to complete the cleaning of the facilities as required. A Supervisor must be on site at least one day per week to evaluate the conditions of the facilities.

3.2.30 Special Events flddi.tic?f1alw~rk :O{

1. Setting up, cleaning, and taking down folding chairs.

2. Provide special litter control and staff support, as agreed, during event meetings and/or any building special events.

3. Other related cleaning or cleaning prior to events as directed by City of Pontiac's representative.


The service provided for under the Contract shall not be sub-contracted, assigned or transferred by the Contractor without prior written consent of the City.


Employees of the Contractor shall comply with all instructions, and building regulations issued by representative of the City of Pontiac.

3.4.1 Contractor and its employees will immediately report hazardous conditions and

Janitorial and Custodial SeJVlces City of Pontlac Page 17 of 39 items in need of repair such as dead lights, leaks, damaged facilities, toilet stoppage, slippery areas, etc. to the Grounds Maintenance Superintendent or a specified City employee.

3.4.2 The City of Pontiac shall have the right to require the Contractor to dismiss any employee deemed incompetent, careless, or otherwise objectionable, or any personnel whose actions or appearance are deemed inconsistent with the best Interests of the City. However, In this regard, the City of Pontiac shall not require the Contractor to take any action that would be In violation of State or Federal laws or applicable union contracts.

3.4.3 It Is assumed that all employees brought Into the City buildings by the Contractor will have the requisite skills to perform their designated tasks. Necessary training shall be performed at the Contractor's expense and untrained individuals shall not be brought onto the premises for so called "on the job training".

3.4.4 Employees of the Contractor shall eat and take work breaks In designated areas and will not be allowed to eat In offices, private suites, lobbies, corridors or other locations. Employees of Contractor shall not use telephones other than their own private cell phones.'

3.4.5 Contractor shall interview and screen all employees prior to bringing them on City premises. A criminal background check will also be performed by the Oaldand County Sheriffs' Department plior to employment. Employees of the Contractor hired to work in the Substation or 50th District Court shall receive the proper clearance from the Sheliffs' Department plior to starting work for the City. Those with a criminal record, particularly a felony record, will not be authorized to work in the facility. Further, an em'ployee may be restricted from worldng or entering specific areas of the facility, at the sole discretion of the Oaldand County Sheriffs' Department and 50th District Court.

3.4.6 Contractor shall provide a General Supervisor, acceptable to the City of Pontiac's representative, to direct the cleaning operations, and to coordinate and review procedures with the City's representative. Said General Supervisor shall be available full time to the City when required for City operatiGns.

3.4.7 Contractor agrees that the services covered under this proposal shall be performed by qualified, competent, careful and efficient employees, In the strictest conformity with the best practices and standards generally prevailing for the specific service being rendered, and in the strictest conformity with such practices and standards as may be prescribed by the City from time to time.

3.4.8 Contractor agrees to provide General Manager/Supervisor with the essential operating elements of this Contract.

Janftorfal and Custodial Services City of Ponllac Page 18 of39 3.5 TERM OF CONTRACT

The term of the Contract Is for one year, after a sixty (60) day probationary period/ evaluation. At that time it will be decided to extend the probation, extend the contract or terminate the contract. The City shall have the option of extending the contract for years two and/or three, upon the approval and signature of the parties hereto.


The Contractor shall keep all records that may be requested by the City of Pontiac for six (6) years and make such records available when requested by City for whatever reason. The Contractor shall maintain and preserve within the Detroit metropolitan area such books and records pertaining to Its performance so as to enable the City of Pontiac to audit such books and records to determine the accuracy and propriety of payments being made by the City of Pontiac to the Contractor. The Contractor further agrees that the City, or its designated representative, shall have the right to reasonable access to the books and records for the purposes of inspection and audit at any time during the term of the proposed Contract and for six (6) years after termination.


Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 19 of39 FORM OF PROPOSAL

To: City of Pontiac, Michigan ______, 2016

To All Here Present:

Having carefully examined the bid for the proposed work, and being fully informed in regard to the conditions to be met in the prosecution and completion of the work, and having read and examined the Instructions to Bidders, Agreement, Bonds, General Conditions, Plans and Specifications pertaining to this work and agreeing to be bound accordingly, the undersigned proposes to furnish all the materials, labor, and other equipment as necessary in full accordance with and conformity to the plans and specifications for this work now on file in the office of the City's at and for the following named prices, to wit: ·

NOTE: Monthly:and Hourly rates $hall be the ~ole enumerai:or\tO the Contraetorand.~hail -- .. ' ~ · -·· · ;, .:._ · :- · .·, ·: · · ··. ·· -.,.:,-·. -._ · '<•·. · :_._ ':-'' · ·: '=\·. ·.' · -· -. : · ·· ·-. · -~--- .; ·' ·-.:·- ·: ·'''" ·-- -.-_' '-' ':,::1 . :_. ,_-.. _ - ,-. c>'·'·' ·_ · -~ ·. ·, ._., ;~--;: ···'-. ''1·"-\ '' ·J,:~c,.--:_"-· ~: -lab\>r,·fringe supplies, inCl~.tde·•;. · -..:• .:- ail.·;, · - ....cost~ ,,..;,., ·····' ·of -, \.,"·. •: ·-.. -. :c:, ,c) b~~efits,._.·.-.--·.·_ ;;•.-1- --·.'•.i. .,,"·· eqijipO,eiit,-,.,.-- ·-r: .. - .·.•·. and··.· .. -, -.-. any.other.~psts71le-cess~rl·.-'·-·L · • -.-:.-•- .. o-:,·; ,; ,, .. ._... _.,,lr'c:.C.•-.·: ,,._.. f()rth~ performance pf thew()rk •.'Consider the Quarterly and Bi:Annual cleanh1g specifications In the"i:alc-lllati~nol vollrilrlc~s~


Janitorial and Custodial SeJVIces Clly of Pontiac Page 20 of39 Custodial and Janitorial Proposed Rate Sheet

Building CosUmonth

City Hall 34,210 sq. ft. $

Pollee Building 49,920 sq. ft. $

District Court 32,102 sq. ft. $

Robert Bowens Center 10,110 sq. ft. $

Ruth Peterson Center 10,987 sq. ft. $

Grand Total- All Buildings $


Supervisor $, ______,er/hr.

Labor $______per/hr.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 21 of39 Related Project Experience:

Provide descriptions of current and completed projects your firm has performed that are similar to this project In size, scope and complexity. Information for these projects, limited to the last five (5) years:

1) Project Title:------

Project Location:------'------

Client's name:------

Contact name, title, and telephone number:------

2) Project Title: ______~------

Project Location:------

Client's name:------

Contact name, title, and telephone number:------

3) Project Title:------

Project Location:------

Client's name:------

Contact name, title, and telephone number:------

If you require more room, please submit information on another sheet.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Ponllac Page 22 of39 CITY OF PONTIAC- BID PROPOSAL I, the undersigned, propose to provide services proposed in this contract as per specifications supplied by the City of Pontiac. No contract is active until a purchase order is issued to the successful bidder. I further propose to deliver the above-described services for the City of Pontiac in first class operating manner in accordance wltli all specifications contained herein subject to purchaser's inspection of services performed.

I attest that the bid includes all information necessary for the City of Pontiac to accept bid.


Dated and signed at ______, Ml on ------(City) (Date)

Signature of Bidder:------

Print Name and Title: ______

Address of Bidder: ______

Office#______Ceii!J_# ______

FAX# ______


Janitorial and Custodial Services Clly of Pontiac Page 23 of39 CONTRACT FOR [TYPE OF SERVICE]

1) Parties. The parties to this contract are the City of Pontiac, Michigan hereinafter referred to as the "City", and [NAME OF CONTRACTOR] hereinafter called the "Contractor".

2) Purpose. The purpose of this contract Is for the City to engage the Contractor to provide [TYPE OF SERVICE] to the City (see Scope of Services below).

3) Scope of Services. The Contractor will provide all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and supervision to perform [TYPE OF SERVICE] in the City. The Contractor Is to perform all work in accordance with generally accepted standards and practices.

4) General Terms and Conditions. This contract is hereby made subject to the terms and conditions Included in the Scope of Services (see Exhibit "A" below) and Additional Terms anil Conditions (see Exhibit "B" below).

5) Consideration. As consideration for the performance of the services referenced in the Scope of Services (see Exhibits "A" & "B" below), the City agrees to compensate the Contractor as follows:


6) 'Period of Performance. This contract will become effective for the period beginning [TIME PERIOD), with [ANY RENEWAL OPTIONS] upon the approval and signature of the parties hereto.

7) Method of Payment. Contractor will be paid 30 days after completion of work as outlined in the Scope of Services after submission of a valid invoice.

8) Applicable Law. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the City of Pontiac, State of Michigan and applicable federal laws.

9) Compliance with Laws. The Contractor understands that the City is an equal opportunity employer and, therefore, maintains a policy which prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, physical handicap, disability, genetic Information, or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state, or local laws. All such discrimination is unlawful and the Contractor agrees during the term of the agreement that the Contractor will strictly adhere to this policy In its employment practices and provision of services. The Contractor shall comply with, and all activities under this agreement shall be subject to, all applicable federal, State of Michigan, and City of Pontiac laws and regulations, as now existing and as may be amended or modified.

Janitorial and Custodial SeiV/ces City of Pontiac Page 24 of39 The Contractor is responsible for instructing and training their employees In appropriate safety measures. Employees will be responsible for maintaining a safe work environment while completing their tasks.

a) The Contractor shall comply with the Michigan Right to Know law (Amendments to Act 154), which requires that all employers within the State comply with federal Hazard Communications Standards (C.F.R. 1910.1200) and certain additional guidelines as of February 25, 1987. These Standards specify that employers develop a written hazard communication program, which Is to be made available for workers or their designated representatives.

b) The Contractor will comply with all federal, state and local regulations, Including but not limited to all applicable OSHA/MIOSHA requirements and the Americans with Disabilities Act c) The Contractor Is responsible for all applicable state and federal social security benefits and unemployment taxes and agrees to indemnify and protect the City against such liability.

10) Requirements contract. During the period of the contract, the Contractor shall provide all the services described In the contract. The Contractor understands and agrees that this Is a requirements contract and that the City shall have no obligation to the Contractor if no services are required.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 25of39 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES

The Contractor shall provide [TYPE OF SERVICE],

Except as otherwise provided herein, Contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision and services necessary to properly execute and complete the work.


Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 26 of39 EXHIBIT "B"


1) Attorneys' fees and expenses. Subject to other terms a'nd conditions of this contract, in the event the Contractor defaults in any obligation under this contract, the Contractor shall pay to the City all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, investigative fees, court costs, and attorneys' fees) Incurred by the City In enforcing this contract or otherwise ·reasonably related thereto. Contractor agrees that under no circumstances shall the City be obligated to pay any attorn·eys' fees or costs of legal action to the Contractor.

2) Authority to contract. The Contractor warrants: (a) that It is a validly organized business with valid authority to enter Into this contract; (b) that it Is qualified to do business and in good standing in the State of Michigan; (c) that entry into and performance under this contract Is not restricted or prohibited by any loan, security,· financing, contractual, or other contract of any kind; and, (d) notwithstanding any other provision of this contract to the contrary, that there are no existing legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, either voluntary or otherwise, which may adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations under this contract.

3) Confidential information·. Disclosure of any confidential Information by the Contractor or its subcontractor without the express written approval of the City shall result In the immediate termination of this contract.

4) Confidentiality. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, it is recognized that the City of Pontiac is a public City of the State of Michigan and is subject to the laws regarding confidentiality. If a public records request is made for any information provided to the City pursuant to the contract, the City shall promptly notify the disclosing party of such request and will respond to the request only in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in applicable law. The disclosing party shall promptly institute appropriate legal proceedings to protect its information. No party to the contract shall be liable to the other party for disclosures of information required by court order or required by law.

5) Contractor personnel. The City shall, throughout the life of the contract, have the right of reasonable rejection and approval of staff or subcontractors assigned to the work by the Contractor. If the City reasonably rejects staff or subcontractors, the Contractor shall provide replacement staff or subcontractors satisfactory to the City In a timely manner and at no additional cost to the City. The day-to-day supervision and control of the

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 27 of39 Contractor's employees and subcontractors is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor personnel are subject to background checks by the Oakland County Sheriff Department and shall comply with all requirements as outlined hi the Request for Quote.

6) Insurance. The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until it has obtalried the required insurance under this paragraph. All coverage shall be with . insurance companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Michigan. All coverage shall be with carriers acceptable to the City of Pontiac:

a) Workers' Compensation Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the life of this contract, Workers' Insurance, including Employers Liability Coverage, in accordance with all applicable statutes of the State of Michigan with a minimum limit of $100,000 each accident for any employee.

b) Commercial General Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the life of this contract, Commercial General Liablllty Insurance on an "Occurrence Basis" with limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limit. Personal Injury, Bodily Injury and Property Damage, coverage shall include the following extensions: (A) Contractual Liability; (B) Products and Completed Operations; (C) Independent Contractors Coverage; (D) Broad Form General Liability Extensions or equivalent: (E) Deletion of all Explosion, Collapse and Underground (XCU) Exclusions, if applicable; (F) Per project aggregate.

c) Motor Vehicle Liability. The Contractor shall procure and maintain during th-e life of this contract Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, including Michigan No-Fault Coverage, with limits of liability of not Jess than $2,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles, and all hired vehicles.

d) Additional Insured: Commercial General Liability and Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, as described above, shall include an.endorsement stating the following shall be Additionally Insured: The Citv of Pontiac. all elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers. all boards, commissions, and/or authorities and board members, Including employees and volunteers.

e) Cancellation Notice: All policies described above shall Include an endorsement stating the following: "It is understood and agreed that Thirty (30) days Advance Written Notice of Cancellation, Non-Renewal, Reduction and/or Material Change shall be sent to City Administrator for the City of Pontiac.

f) Proof of Insurance Coverage: The Contractor shall provide the City of Pontiac, at the time the contracts are returned for execution, certificates for all coverage listed above.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 28 of39 g) Expiration of Policies: If any of the above coverage lapses during term of this contract, the Contractor shall deliver renewal certificates and/or policies to the City of Pontiac at least ten (10) days prior to the expiration date.

h) Indemnification: To the extent permitted by law, the towing Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless of and from all claims, losses, liability, demands, costs, loss of service, expense, and compensation on account of or In any way growing out of any damage, including, but not limited "to; ·bodily injury or property damage which may result from the towing Contractor's towing services, In addition, the towing Contractor shall cover all costs incurred by the City in defense of any litigation covered under this letter of contract, including attorney fees and court costs.

i) Insurance companies, named insureds and policy forms shall be subject to the approval of the Pontiac Department of Public Works. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Insurance policies shall not contain endorsements or policy conditions, which reduce coverage provided to the City of Pontiac. Contractor shall be ·responsible to the City of Pontiac or insurance companies insuring the City of Pontiac for all costs resulting from both financially unsound Insurance companies selected by Contractor and their inadequate insurance coverage. Contractor shall furnish the Pontiac Finance Department with satisfactory certificates of insurance or a certified copy of the policy, if requested by the Finance Department. -

j) No payments will be made to the Contractor until the current certificates of insurance have been received and approved by the Finance Department. If the insurance as evidenced by the certificates furnished by the Contractor expires or is canceled during the term of the contract, services and related payments will be suspended. Contractor shall furnish the Finance Department with certification of insurance evidencing such coverage and endorsements at least ten (10) working days prior to commencement of services under this contract. Certificates shall be addressed to the Pontiac Finance Department, and shall provide for 30 day written notice to the Certificate holder of cancellation of coverage.

7) Ineligibility and suspension. The Contractor certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it: (a) Is not presently ineligible, suspended, proposed for Ineligibility, declared Ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transaction by any federal department or the City or any political subdivision of the City or the State of Michigan; (b) has not, within a three year period preceding this proposal, been convicted of or had civil judgment rendered against it for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; (c) has not, within a three year period preceding this proposal, been convicted of or had civil judgment rendered against it for a violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 29 of39 embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (d) Is not presently Indicted for or ·otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of these offenses enumerated In paragraphs (b) and (c) of this certification; and, (e) has not, within a three year period preceding this proposal, had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default.

8) Disclosure of confidential information. In the event that either party to this contract receives notice that a third party requests divulgence of confidential or otherwise protected information and/or has served upon it subpoena or other validly Issued administrative or judicial process ordering divulgence of confidential or otherwise protected Information that party shall promptly Inform the other party and thereafter respond In conformity with such subpoena to the extent mandated by law. This section shall survive the termination or completion of this contract.

9) Exceptions to confidential information. The Contractor and the City shall not be obligated to treat as confidential and proprietary any Information disclosed by the other party ("disclosing party'') which: (a) is rightfully known to the recipient prior to negotiations leading to this contract, other than information obtained in confidence under prior engagements; (b) is generally known or easily ascertainable by nonparties of ordinary skill in the business of the customer; (c) is released by the disclosing party to any other person, firm, or entity (including governmental agencies or bureaus) without restriction; (d) is independently developed by the recipient without any reliance on confidential Information; (e) is or later becomes part of the public domain or may be lawfully obtained by the City or the Contractor from any nonparty; or, (f) is disclosed with the disclosing party's prior written consent.

10) Default. If the Contractor:

a) Fails to supply complete labor and supervision in sufficient time and quantity to meet the City's progress schedule, as it may be modified:

b) Causes stoppage or delay of, or interference with, the project;

c) Fails to promptly pay its employees for work on the project;

d) Fails to pay worker's compensation or other employee benefits, withholding or any other taxes;

e) Falls to comply with the safety provisions of the Contract or with any safety order, regulation or requirement of any governing authority having jurisdiction over this project;

f) Makes unauthorized changes in supervisory personnel;

Janitorial and Custodial SeiVices City of PonUac Page 30 of39 g) Fails in performance or observance of any of the provisions of the contract;

h) Files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or is adjudicated insolvent;

i) Obtains an order for relief under Section 301 of the Bankruptcy Code;

j) Files any petition or falls to contest any petition filed seeking any reorganization or similar relief under any laws relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief of debtors;

k) Or seeks or consents to or Is acquiescent In the appointment of a trustee, receiver or liquidator of any of Its assets or property;

I) Makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or

m) Makes.an admission, in writing, of its inability to pay Its debts as they became due;

Then City, after giving Contractor written or oral {subsequently confirmed in writing) notice of such default and forty-eight {48) hours within which to cure such default, shall have the right to exercise any one or more of the following remedies:

a) Require that Contractor utilize, at its own expense, additional labor, overtime labor {including Saturday and Sunday work) and additional shifts as necessary to overcome the consequences of any delay attributable to Contractor's default.

b) Remedy the default by whatever means City may deem necessary or appropriate, including, but not limited to, correcting, furnishing, performing or otherwise completing the work, or any part thereof, by itself or through others {utilizing where appropriate any materials and equipment previously purchased for that purpose by Contractor) and deducting the cost thereof from any monies due or to become due to Contractor hereunder;

I) After giving Contractor an additional forty-eight {48) hours written {or oral,. subsequently confirmed in writing) notice, terminate this Contract, without thereby waiving or releasing any rights or remedies against Contractor or its sureties, and, by itself or through others, take possession of the work, and all materials, equipment facilities, tools, scaffolds and appliances of Contractor relating to the work, for the purposes of costs and other damages under the contract and for the breach thereof; and

II) Recover all reasonable attorneys' fees suffered or incurred by City by reason of, or as a result of, Contractor's default.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 31 of39 11) Failure to enforce. Failure by the City at any time to enforce the provisions of the contract shall not be construed as a waiver of any such provisions. Such failure to enforce shall not affect the validity of the contract or any part thereof or the right of the City to enforce any provision at any time in accordance with its terms.

12) Final payment. Upon satisfactory completion of the work performed under this contract, as a condition before final payment under this contract, or·as a termination settlement under this contract, the Contractor shall execute and deliver to the City a release of all claims against the City arising under, or by virtue of, the contract, except claims which are specifically exempted by the Contractor to be set forth therein. Unless otherwise provided in this contract, by state law, or otherwise expressly agreed to by the parties In this contract, final payment under the contract or settlement upon termination of this contract shall not constitute waiver of the City's claims against the Contractor under this contract.

13) Force majeure. Each party shall be excused from performance for any period and to the extent that It Is prevented from performing any obligation or service; In whole or in part, as a result of causes beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of such party and/or its subcontractors. Such acts shall Include without limitation acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, and acts of war, epidemics, governmental regulations superimposed after the fact, fire, earthquakes, floods, or other natural disasters (the "force majeure events"). When such a cause arises, the Contractor shall notify the City immediately in writing of the cause of Its Inability to perform, how it affects its performance, and the anticipated duration of the inability to perform. Delays in delivery or in meeting completion dates due to force majeure events shall automatically extend such dates for a period equal to the duration of the delay caused by such events, unless the City determines It to be in its best interest to terminate the contract.

14) Indemnification. To the fullest extent allowed by law, the Contractor shall indemnify, defend, save ·and. hold harmless, protect, and exonerate the City, Its commission12rs, board members, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and the State of Michigan from and against all claims, demands, liabilities, suits, actions, damages, losses, and costs of every kind and nature whatsoever including, without limitation, court costs, investigative fees and expenses, and attorneys' fees, arising out of or caused by the Contractor and/cir Its partners, principals, agents, employees and/or subcontractors in the performance of or failure to perform this contract. In the City's sole discretion, the Contractor may be allowed to control the defense of any such claim, suit, etc. in the event the Contractor defends said claim, suit, etc., the Contractor shall use legal counsel acceptable to the City. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all costs and/or expenses associated with such defense, and the City shall be entitled to participate in said defense. The Contractor shall not settle any claim, suit, etc., without the City's concurrence, which the City shall not unreasonably withhold.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 32 of39 15) Independent contractor status.· The Contractor shall, at all times, be regarded as and shall be legally considered an Independent contractor and shall at no time act as an agent for the City. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed by the City, the Contractor, or any third party as creating the relationship of principal and agent, master and servant, partners, joint ventures, employer and employee, or any similar such relationship between the City and the Contractor. Neither the method of computation of fees or other charges, nor any other provision contained herein, nor any acts of the City or the Contractor hereunder creates, or shall be deemed to create, a relationship other than the independent relationship of the City and the Contractor. The Contractor's personnel shall not be deemed In any way, directly or indirectly, expressly or by implication, to be employees of tlie City or the State of Michigan. Neither the Contractor nor its employees shall, under any circumstances be considered servants, agents, or employees of the City ~md the City shall be at no time legally responsible for· any negligence or other wrongdoing by the Contractor, its servants, agents, or employees. The City shall not withhold from the contract payments to the Contractor any federal or state unemployment taxes, federal or state income taxes, social security tax, or any other amounts for benefits to the Contractor. Further, the City shall not provide to the Contractor any Insurance coverage or other benefits, including worker's compensation, normally provided by the City for its employees.

16) No limitation of liability. Nothing in this contract shall be interpreted as excluding or limiting any tort liability of the Contractor for harm caused by the intentional or reckless conduct of the Contractor or for damages incurred through the negligent performance of duties by the Contractor or the delivery of products that are defective due to negligent construction.

17) Notices. All notices required or permitted to be given under this contract shall be in writing and personally delivered or sent by certified United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the Pontiac City Clerk's Office to whom the notice should be given at the address set forth below. Notice shall be deemed given when actually received or when refused. The parties agree to promptly notify each other in writing of any change of address.

For the Contractor: [INSERT ADDRESS]


18) Oral statements. No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise affect the terms, conditions, or specifications stated in this contract. All modifications to the contract shall be made In writing by the City and agreed to by the Contractor.

19) Ownership of documents and work papers. The City shall own all documents, files, reports, work papers and working documentation, electronic or otherwise, created In

Janitorial and CUstodial Services City of Pontlac Page 33 of39 connection with the project which is the subject of this contract, except for the Contractor's Internal administrative and quality assurance files and Internal project correspondence. The Contractor shall deliver such documents and work papers to the City upon termination or completion of the contract. The foregoing notwithstanding, the Contractor shall be entitled to retain a set of such work papers for its files. The Contractor shall be entitled to use such work papers only after receiving written permission from the City and subject to any copyright protections.

20} Priority. The contract consists of this contract with exhibits. Any ambiguities, conflicts or questions of interpretation of this contract shall be resolved by first, reference to this contract with exhibits and, if still unresolved, by reference to the bid. Omission of any term or obligation from this contract shall not be deemed an omission from this contract If such term or obligation is provided for elsewhere in this contract.

21} Quality control. The Contractor shall institute and maintain throughout the contract period a properly documented quality control program designed to ensure that the services are provided at all times and in ail respects in accordance with the contract. The program shall include providing daily supervision and conducting frequent inspections of the Contractor's staff and ensuring that accurate records are. maintained describing the disposition of all complaints. The records so created shall be open to Inspection by the City.

22} Record retention and access to records. Provided the Contractor is given reasonable advance written notice and such inspection is made during normal business hours of the Contractor, the City or any duly authorized representatives shall have unimpeded, prompt access to any of the Contractor's books, documents, papers, and/or records which are maintained or produced as a result of the project for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. All records related to this contract shall be retained by the Contractor for three years after final payment is made under this contract and all pending matters are closed; however, if any audit, litigation or other action arising out of or related in any way to this project is commenced before the end of the three year period, the records shall be retained for one year ·after all Issues arising out of the action are finally resolved or until the end of the three year period, whichever Is later.

23} Recovery of money. Whenever, under the contract, any sum of money shall be recoverable from or payable by the Contractor to the City, the same amount may be deducted from any sum due to the Contractor under the contract or under any other contract between the Contractor and the City. The rights of the City are In addition and without prejudice to any other right the City may have to claim the amount of any loss or damage suffered by the City on account of the acts or omissions of the Contractor.

24} Right to audit. The Contractor shall maintain such financial records and other records as may be prescribed by the City or by applicable federal and state laws, rules, and

Janitorial and CUstodial Services City of Pontiac Page 34 of39 regulations. The Contractor shall retain these records for a period of three years after final payment, or until they are audited by the City, whichever event occurs first. These records shall be made available during the term of the contract and the subsequent three-year period for examination, transcription, and audit by the Michigan Office of the State Auditor, its designees, or other authorized bodies.

25) Right to inspect facility. The City may, at reasonable times, inspect the place of business of the Contractor or any subcontractor, which is related to the performance of any contract awarded by the City.

26) Severability. If any. part of this contract is declared to be Invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of the contract that can be given effect without the invalid or unenforceable provision, and to this end the provisions hereof are severable. In such event, the parties shall amend the contract as necessary to reflect the original intent of the parties and to bring any invalid or unenforceable provisions In compliance with applicable law.

27) City property. The Contractor will be responsible for the proper custody and care of any City-owned property furnished for the Contractor's use in connection with the performance of this contract. The Contractor will reimburse the City for any loss or damage, normal wear and tear excepted.

28) Termination for convenience clause.

a) The City reserves the absolute right to terminate the contract in whole or in part, for the convenience of the City at its sole discretion on thirty (30) days written notice to the Contractor. The City has the right, upon its sole discretion only, to terminate the contract with cause by giving notice to the Contractor of such termination, specifying the effective date thereof, at least fourteen (14) days before the effective date of such termination, and the Contract shall terminate in all respects as if such date were the date originally given for the expiration of the Contract.

b) The Contractor shall be liable to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of the Contract by the Contractor, and any costs the City might Incur enforcing or attempting to enforce the Contract, and the City may pursue legal remedies in the collection of fees to compensate for the damages sustained by the City.

c) Contractor's Obligations. The Contractor shall incur no further obligations in connection with the terminated work and on the date set in the notice of termination the Contractor will stop work to the extent specified. The Contractor shall also terminate outstanding orders and subcontracts as they relate to the terminated work. The Contractor shall settle the liabilities and claims arising out of the termination of subcontracts and orders connected with the terminated work.

Janitorial and Custodial Services Clly of Pontiac Page 35 of39 The City may direct the Contractor to assign the Contractor's right, title, and interest under terminated orders or subcontracts to the State of Michigan. The Contractor shall still complete the work not terminated by the notice of termination and may Incur obligations as are necessary to do so.

29) Termination for default clause.

a) Default. If the Contractor refuses or falls to perform any of the provisions of this contract with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specified in this contract or any extension thereof, or otherwise falls to timely satisfy the contract provisions, or commits any other substantial breach of this contract, the City may notify the Contractor _In writing of the delay or nonperformance and if not cured In ten days or any longer time specified in writing by the City, the City may terminate the Contractor's right to proceed with the contract or such part of the . · contract as to which there has been delay or a failure to properly perform. In the event of termination in whole or in part, the City may procure similar supplies or services in a manner and. upon terms deemed appropriate by the City. The Contractor shall continue performance of the contract to the extent it is not terminated and shall be liable for excess costs incurred in procuring similar goods or services.

b) Contractor's Duties. Notwithstanding termination of the contract and subject to any directions from the City, the Contractor shall take timely, reasonable, and necessary action to protect and preserve property in the possession o( the Contractor in which the City has an interest.

c) Compensation. Payment for completed services delivered and accepted by the City shall be at the contract price. The City may withhold from amounts due the Contractor such sums as the City deems to be necessary to protect the City against loss because of outstanding liens or claims of former lien holders and to reimburse the City for the excess costs incurred in procuring similar goods and services.

d) Excuse for Nonperformance or Delayed Performance. Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, the Contractor shall not be in default by reason of any failure in performance of this contract In accordance with its terms (including any failure by the Contractor to make progress in the prosecution of the work hereunder which endangers such performance) if the Contractor has notified the City within 15 days after the cause of the delay and the failure arises out of causes such as: acts of God; acts of the public enemy; acts of the State of Michigan and any other governmental entity in its sovereign or contractual capacity; fires; floods; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; strikes or other labor disputes; freight embargoes; or unusually severe weather. If the· failure to perform caused by the failure of a subcontractor to perform or to make progress, and if such failure arises out of causes similar to those set forth above, the Contractor shall not be deemed to be In

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pon!lac Page 36of39 default, unless the services to be furnished by the subcontractor were reasonably obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit the Contractor to meet the contract requirements. Upon request of the Contractor, the City shall ascertain the facts and extent of such failure, and, if such officer determines that any failure to perform was occasioned by any one or more of the excusable causes, and that, but for the excusable cause, the Contractor's progr.ess and performance would have met the terms of the contract, the delivery schedule shall be revised accordingly, subject to the rights of the City under the clause entitled "Termination for Convenience." (As used in this paragraph, the term "subcontractor" means subcontractor at any tier).

e) Erroneous Termination for Default. If, after notice of termination of the Contractor's right to proceed under the provisions of this clause, it is determined for any reason that the contract was not in default under the provisions of this clause, or that the delay was excusable under the provisions of Paragraph (d) (Excuse for N6nperformance or Delayed Performance) of this clause, the rights and obligations of the parties shall, if the contract contains a clause providing for termination for convenience by the City, be the same as if the notice of termination had been issued pursuant to such clause.

f) Additional Rights and Remedies. The rights and remedies provided In this clause are In addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract.

30) Termination upon bankruptcy. This contract may be terminated in whole or in part by the City upon written notice to the Contractor, if the Contractor should become the subject of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, whether voluntary or involuntary, or upon the execution by the Contractor of an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to recover just and equitable compensation for satisfactory work performed under this contract, but in no case shall said compensation exceed the total contract price.

31) Third party action notification. The Contractor shall give the City prompt notice in writing of any action or suit filed, and prompt notice of any claim made against the Contractor by any entity that may result In litigation related in any way to this contract.

32) .Unsatisfactory work. If, at any time during the contract term, the service performed or work done by the Contractor is considered by the City to create a condition that threatens the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens and/or employees of the City of Pontiac, the Contractor shall, on being notified by the City, immediately correct such deficient service or work. In the event the Contractor falls, after notice, to correct the deficient service or work immediately, the City shall have the right to order the correction of the deficiency by separate contract 0r with its own resources at the expense of the Contractor.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 37 of39 33} Waiver. No delay or omission by either party to this contract in exercising any right, power, or remedy hereunder br otherwise afforded by contract, at law, or in equity shall constitute an acquiescence therein, Impair any other right, power or remedy hereunder or otherwise afforded by any means, or operate as a waiver of such right, power, or remedy. No waiver by either party to this contract shall be valid unless set forth in writing by the party making said waiver. No waiver of or modification to any term or condition of this contract will void, waive, or change any other term or condition. No waiver by one party to this contract of a default by the other party will imply, be construed as, or require waiver of future or other defaults.

34} Taxes and Contributions. The Contractor hereby accepts and assumes exclusive liability for and shall indemnify, protect and save harmless the City from and against the payment of:

a} Contractor agrees to contact the City of Pontiac Income Tax Division, Audit and Compliance Section, 47450 Woodward, Pontiac, Michigan 48342, to establish reporting and withholding obligations under the City of Pontiac Income Tax Ordinance. Contractors will require the same of all subcontractors employed to perform any work in the City of Pontiac.

b) All contributions, taxes or premiums (Including interest and penalties thereon} which may be payable under the Unemployment Insurance Law of any State, the Federal Social Security Act, Federal, State, County and/or Municipal Tax Withholding Act, Federal, State, County and/or Municipal Tax Withholding Laws, or any other law, measured upon the payroll of or required to be withheld from employees by whomsoever employed or engaged in the work to be performed and furnished under this contract.

c) All sales, use, personal property and other taxes (including Interest and penalties thereon) required by any Federal, State, County, Municipal or other law to be paid or collected by the Contractor or any of its vendors or any other person or persons acting for, through or under it or any of them, by reason of the performance of this work or the acquisition, furnishing, or use of any materials, equipment, supplies, labor, services or other items for or In connection with the work.

d) All pension, welfare, vacation, annuity and other union benefit contributions payable, under or in connection with respect, to all persons; by whomsoever employed or engaged In the work to be performed and furnished under this Contract.

35} Bonds. The Contractor is required to execute bonds, with sureties acceptable to the City, as identified In the specifications, all of which are incorporated into this agreement.

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 38 of39 In witness whereof, the parties hereto have affixed, on duplicate originals, their signatures on the date indicated below, after first being authorized so to do,


Sign:. ______~ DATE

Print: ______

Title: ______

City of Pontiac

Sign: ______DATE

Print: ______

Title: ______

Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 39 of39 WALK THROUGH SIGN-IN SHEET


Ml44444 Doe

"'~'~ 1 'l " ../.'1 n ' \ , L> ur-I] 1~ v 11- 1"'-r u <; 1o i\ ~""' -., :J 10:. 7bf-]ll5 Janitorial & c£toctial Services Rebid Date: o'-'-j 0 · 9/09/16 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Present: Michelle McKenzie

Present: Larry Robinson

v~V4 ..

" ,.

. .. ·:'

. '

' ' ' " ' Giant Janitorial Service, Inc. 1 .! Peter J. HuthWaite VIce-President

.Tel: 313.886.7797 Fax: 313.886.0559 [email protected]


Prestige Property lnvesbnents and Management Co., IJ..C Re.buildmg neighborhood~ and orea&g dren.ms

~-J;~~·~f>Q~·~l _~· ,- · ~ - ---. :248-329-0157 '·l1l~on~ -- OwiH:l' · '- ·- 448-706-61241, fa.'i ~ :~• .', ', , . _l:'n:cst~gepr':JllCrlyinvc~Ln;[email protected]~m- . ~ .

~ """'----.. The Professional a BUFQR(•t com~ny Group Elizabeth Martin Account Manager 719 Griswold Street Cell: 313-268-0327 Suite 2100 Office: 313-496-3500 Detroit, MI 48226 [email protected]

GL~ MAINTENANCE 'lfflW.g!pmatn!anallC6.CQm

Lorenc Prlfti President

CeU {248) 261).2693 33126 Oequ!ndra Rd [email protected] Slerttng Heights, MI4B310 Roh5, Cl/!llh;Jl( C 2 /j f}- /b0 ~ J Do j ronaJdlac.P({·;;?· 7~r



From: Customer Service Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 2:24 PM To: Michelle McKenzie Subject: Notice of· bid

Good Aftemo9n,

Per the directive on the City ofPontiac RFQ for janitorial and custodial services, this email serves as notification that Americlean, Inc. will be providing a bid submission for the above mentioned services.

Firm Name: Americlean, Inc. Project Name: Janitorial & Custodial Services for City of Pontiac Firm's Contact Name: Jeffrey Ludeman Telephone Number: 888-393-0002 Fax Number: 586-749-5270 Email Address: [email protected] Postal Address: 29600 26 Mile Road, Chesterfield Twp., MI 48051

Kind regards,

Jeffrey A. Ludeman President 888-393-0002

DA tradition of cleallillg e.\·ceflence 29600 26 Mile Road Chesterfield Township, MI 48051

This E/ec{Jonfc message contains Information, which may be privileged, proprietary and/or aonfldenffal The Information Is In/ended to be for the usa of the addressee only. If you are not/he addressee, note /hat any dlsc/osure, copy, dfslr/butlon or use of the contents of the message Is proh/Med. If you are not /he Intended rec/pfanl, please conlaof our office at f888) 393·0002. . NOTlCH. Thank you for your inquiry regarding the City of Pontiac project listed below:


If your firm plans to bid on this project, please send an e-mail response to MMcl

Firm Name:\)LA· A-LL CL!:}\1\)\l\)tb ,::t'f\.)t Project Name:ji'ftl) ffDtlAL ·'< C..U$Tbl)!'AL ~ff.o iCES Firm's Contact Person:Nbi\YSt 1o..tl\\ Telephone Number: ~'6u ~ ID9 -%Tl Fax Number: ______E-Mail Address: ('v\Cfit>I 0Yb\J.\\ll t\t~'i\\l\~. to,'Y\ Postal Address:?:,SLIIY 1'-\oU.. t\)1\ 3\'eQ.L\r\)& ~B"l~l-f1:s, 01 L!&'-SlD

The City of Pontiac Purchasing Division will use this information to communicate with you in the event an addendum or change to this project is issued. If you do n?t send· this information to the City of Pontiac, you will not receive any follow-up notification of ~my changes to the project.

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, MI 48342 Michelle McKenzie

From: Dustie8 Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 9:53 AM To: Michelle McKenzie Subject: Re: Walk through September 9, 2016


Walk through September 9, 2016@ 1:oo PM

Firm Name:Dustie Janitorial & Building Maintenance LLC Project Name:RFP-Janitorial I Custodial Services Rebid Firm's Contact Person: George Washington Telephone Number:(313) 565-6970 Fax Number: E-Mail Address:[email protected] Postal Address:16512 Vanburen Box 273, Detroit, Ml 48228

From: "City of Pontiac" to: "George Washington" Sent: Thursday, September 1, 201612:50:10 PM Subject: Message from City of Pontiac

George Washington:

You are receiving this message because the codes oh your account matched the codes assigned to this new RFP.

The notice below only contains brief Information. More Information can be found online. All responses must be received by 9/19/2016 prior to 2:00PM E.D.T.

This solicitation requires your company to respond by hardcopy . All responses must be received before the deadline specified. Michelle McKenzie

From: Info· GLP Maintenance Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:36 AM To: Michelle McKenzie Subject: Janitorial and Custodial Services Plan to Bid


We're Interested in bidding on this project and below we are Including our company Information:

. FIRM NAME: GLP Maintenance LLC

PROJECT NAME: Janitorial and Custodial Services for the City of Pontiac City Hall, Sheriff Substation, Senior Centers and so•h District court


TELEPHONE NUMBER: 248·250·2593

EMAIL: [email protected]

POSTAL ADDRESS: 37481 Rosebush St, Sterling Heights, M/48310

Thank you,

Lorenc Prifti President GLP MAINTENANCE LLC www.glpmaintenance.com


1 bid Lf1 cj Michelle McKenzie

From: David Burnley jr. Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 10:44· AM To: Michelle McKenzie Subject: bid package

Per our discussion can you please send me a copy of the bid package Thank you.

(3&0. V

1 {)-{p/{0 I :;J: SDpM Cbtd~ ?tc._k.Qc/ up .CL- ~f-tvy,cJ 6i.d Prestige Property Investments and Management Co,, LLC Rebuilding noighbodtoods and oteating d.l'Mrns' 9cckck' Michelle McKenzie

From: Adrianna Seltz Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 1:03PM To: Michelle McKenzie Cc: · 'Debbieh Hebel' Subject: INTENT TO BID· JANITORIAL & CUSTODIAL SERVICE BID· CITY OF PONTIAC

Categories: Reference KEEP

This em ails serves as our intent to bid of the City of Pontiac City Hall, Sheriff Substation, Senior Centers & 50th District Ct janitorial bid

Firm Name· Road Runr Maintenance Inc Project Name- Janitorial & Custodial Services for the City of Pontiac City Hall, Sheriff Substation, Senior Centers & so" District Ct · Firm's Contact Person- Adrlanna Seltz and Debbie Hebel Telephone- 248·332·4242 Fax- 248-332·0006 Email- [email protected]. [email protected] Postal Address -747 Orchard lake Rd., Pontiac Ml48341

Thank you

.Jld'rianna Seitz Txe~LUve .Jld'ministrator 2Wad'~R:unr Jvtaintenance Inc 747 Orchard'iafie 'Rd' Pontiac, J\11 48341 Office (248) 332·4242 Ce{{(63o) 207·5137 :fax (248) 332·ooo6

1 Michelle McKenzie

From: Jherrod Thomas Sent:. Friday, September 9, 2016 3:46 PM To: Michelle McKen;de Subject: JANITORIAL AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF PONTIAC CITY HALL

To whom this may concern,

My firm plans to bid on the contract for janitorial services In the city of Pontiac.

Firm Name: Tomeo Service Group Project Name: N/A . Firm's Contact Person: Jherrod Thomas Telephone Number: 734 655 0403 Fax Number: N/A E-Mail Address: [email protected] Postal Address: 9913 Auburn St Detroit Ml 48228 Michelle J\(!cKenzie

·From: Sent: To: Subject:

Ms. Michelle McKenzie:

You are receiving this message because the codes on your account matched the codes assigned to this new RFP.

The notice below only contains brief information. More information can be found online. All responses must be received by 9/19/2016 prior to 2:00PM E.D.T. ·

This solicitation requires your company to respond by hardcopy . All responses must be received before the deadline specified. ·


Department Clerks Office, 1st Floor, 47450 Woodward Ave.,

: w/ option to renew year two and three

to 2:00PM E.D.T.

& Custodial Services t»eEtteabids for the Janitorial and Custodial Services for the of Pontiac will be received at the office of the City Clerk the City ofPontiac, Michigan unti12:00 p.m., Monday, )September 19, 2016, and immediately thereafter will be 1Pt1tbhclyopened and read. A Recommended Walk Through be available on Friday, September 9, 2016 between the of 1:00 p.m. and 4:00p.m. for all the buildings: If Jintereste<1,please contact Larry Robinson, Building Supt. at 124!~- 7:58-3613 to schedule an appointment. City of Pontiac Hall,47fl50 Woodward Ave.,Pontiac,MI 48342 Oakland /Cc,unt:y Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pike Street, Pontiac, !Mlchl:gan 48432 Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac. MI 48341 Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac. MI 48341 50th District Court, 70 N. Saginaw, Pon1tiac. MI 48342 Contractor shall furnish all cleaning and for the performance of its

1 Contractor will to deliver a 30 days' worth of isu~>plicos to each facility on the first (1st) day of the service IPer:toa .. ·All employees will need a full background check. Due the classified nature of business at City Hall, 50th District 1c-oun, Sheriff's Substation and Senior Centers, anyone with a felony will not .be allowed to work. or None Award Bond Required jEn:tplo·yee Background Checks Required Insurance Required Lic(mse Required Material Safety Data Sheets Required PerJforn1anc~e Bond·Required IISe•ourity Badges Visit Recommended: 09/09/2016 01:00PM E.D.T. City ofPontiac City Ha1147450 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, 48342

Click here to review more in:formation.

If this RFP does not match your product or service line, please also click here to check I modify the NIGP codes shown on your account .

DO NOT FORWARD this message to any unauthorized user or another person outside of your company. This information is only intended for the recipient shown at Buyer's Copy.

If you have any questions regarding this solicitation, I can be reached at (248) 758. 3120. Thank you for your continued patticipation.


Ms. Michelle McKenzie Purchasing Agent

This message may contain information which is privileged or confidential. If you are not the named addressee of this message please destroy it without reading, using, copying or disclosing its contents to any other person.

2 Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network http://www.mitn.info/ Admin!Issue!LumpSum/LumpSum7 .asp? KI...

Sending Messages to Vendors for RFP·Jen!tilrla/ I Custodial Sarvrcas Reb!d

Please~ your computer until all fuw;llons show 'pro<:ess comp!o!e" below. II any em11s should occur, p!aase print !his page and fax II to IPT by 8!dNet et{800) 721-6985. Then ca11ha Technical SUpport Department at (800) 835-46031o ensure your fax was received and thai any rama!nlng messages wm be :~en!.

Counl of OilOllfl1ents Up!oadad:.

UpdaUng Database:

Sendng E-m all Messages.: started S/112016 12:50:10 PM Al.RIIeOfflhaTop [email protected] Successful A.F.'BaHisa®.,lno. [email protected]! Successful Able SaJVIces [email protected] Suooassful ABM Qns!taSeiV(ces [email protected] Suooassfu! Advanoa Securlty & !nves!lgalive so.'uUons [email protected] Sucoassful Advanaad Bulldlng Group, LLC [email protected] successful Advanoed Bul!d:ng Sarl.cas, Inc. jrtadck)n!o@advancedb!dgseNicas.~orn Succassfuf Nexantfw Transport, /no, [email protected] Sucoassful an stele food servlc&s ameOOanexporl@comoasLnet succassful Allied Building Serv!ce Cftoservl«s.ca;rn Sucaessful ALD:.Illo !no sa!berts@aux£/oservlcss.com Successful Bam's JanRorfal Services LLC [email protected] Successful Baaoonsfiald Services, loo. a!hornpson@beaconsfte!dse!Ykles.com Sucoassful Bamco,lno.. [email protected] SUeoessful Best Pfaotlcas consulting Servfws laura.chapman@yourpn;cHcescoaoh.com Successful Beverly's Jenllorlal & Meld SeNfoes, !no. [email protected] · Sueaessful Blue Water Errvfrorunental, !no jl:lmal@b!uewarerenv!tonmen!etcom Sll¢oessful BOWllns Compsanle , LLO !amon!@bowenscompan!es.oom SUcoassfu/ Brantley Deve!clpmenl [email protected] SUcoessfu! Brooke Slrlpl.ng, Inc. st-brooks@comoasLnal Successful CAild W Assoc!atas, Inc, lnfl>@spande)anl.com &Jccessful CadlHao Jennorta! !no [email protected] SUccassful CIT! Bulldl119 Services lno [email protected] SUccessful Clean Masters LLC [email protected] sucoasslul C!ean1ew Bulii:J!ng Ma!ntenanc:e [email protected] Suooessful CMS sourolng So~ons, !no. [email protected] SUc~essful Concord Clllan!ng systems, LLC [email protected] Successful ConfluBnca Sclutlons scotl@con!luenoo·solul!ons.com Success rut ConServ FLAG COMPANY kenny®Goruervllag.oom SUcoessful Copeland Cleaning SaNices copalandc!ean!og.cope!and@gmel!.nom SUooessM' Crystal Bright Jan!torlal saiVlcas, !no. bcell

l of3 9/1/2016 12:50 PM Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network http://www.mitn.info/Admin/Issue/LumpSum!LumpSum7 .asp? AT...

Ena(l)y Selences Resource Partners [email protected] SU~<:essful En!a~h S!affing [email protected] Su¢oessful Envlro-CI'San Serllcas, !no. [email protected] SUccessful Envisloo Cons!Nctlon Management LLC. !born@en.,isloneo.com SUct:essM Ever-G!o JaniTorial [email protected] sucoessful FacH!y Rescurces esvl.oka[@yahoo.«~m successful Anlsh Una floors M!nnesota, llC g!adell@lln!shllne!!oors.com su~essful FIRST ClASS BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC, k:[email protected]! Successful l'ontenot landscape services na [email protected] Successful FORD MOTOR lAND DEVELOPMEtff [email protected] Successful Front Une cu80y !no kt.-

2of3 911/2016 12:50 PM Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network http://www.mltn.info/Admin!Issue/LumpSum!LumpSum7.asp?AT...

Pritchard Sports&. E!ntarta!runijnt Group [email protected] SUcaassful Professional SUUdlng Malnlenanaa ssleph~ns@lpg:llsa.com SUccassM Proresslonal Bu~

SourceSuite SourcewJ!e Pr()C!J~m~nl S¢!ut:OM

3 of3 9/1/2016 12:50 PM Michelle McKenzie

From: Michelle McKenzie Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 1:01 PM To: Ken Martin Subject: Please post on website Janitorial rebid Attachments: RFP Janitorial Custodial 09 19 2016.pdf


I have an RFP for Janitorial Services (Rebid) walk through Friday, September 9, 2016 from lpm to 4pm Bid opening is Monday, September 19, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Thank you,

Michelle L. McKenzie Purchasing.Agent/Fisca I Analyst City of Pontiac [email protected] Direct Dial (248) 758-3120 Fax (248) 758-3197 Purchasing http://www.pontiac,mi,us/departments/finance/purchasing.php

Home }> Departments » Anance » Purchasing Purchasing

The Purchasing Division /.s the centralized purchasing arm of the City. This division Is responsible for coordinating the acqu/sltlori of"g~ods and services for all City departments. The Purchasing Division assists departments In developing bid packages to be forwarded to potential vendors and Is responsible for awarding purchase orders and contracts to the lowest responsible bidder, In accordance with City Ordinances and policies. Here you can download forms, applications and other documents from Purchasing's library. ' Purchasing Forms & Requests for Proposals (RFP)

~All documents are formatted with the Adobe PDF format, and are best viewed I using Acrobat 9.0 Click here to download ,<\dobe to view forms, Prebld MeetlniJ Date and Time &· Current Requests for Proposals Deadline to Submit Bid Date Request for proposals to provide Janltor/Custodlalservlces for multiple Reauest for Praoosals -Janitor/Custodial Services buildings for the City of Pontiac. Bid Opening Date: Sep. 19, 2016 @2:00p.m.

Forms Description

All vendors are required to nle a W-9 with the city purchasing amce before W-9 Farm IPDF\ they can be entered Into the city's finance system Bids Tabulations

. Acceptance of Proposals


Accounting Services Additional Zoolog Erojects Assessing Contract AT&T Managed Internet Services I Audit Agreement - Rehmann Blue Crt?ss G/ldepath Contract Bulldlog and Safety Contrqct Collier Road Laodftll Consent Agreement ~oilier &oad Landtlll t1onltor!ng and Bepottlng Setyfces Collier Road Landfill Closure Services Comcast Settlement Agreement E![e Ptotect!on and Medical Resgonse Services lawn Care Services Lot 1A Parking Lease Benefit Consultation Cemeterv Comguter Room Fire Alatm Monitoring Service -;- Downtown Parking Management A.d Election Services "~~ Emergency Dispatch Services EMS Services 2/z.

I of2 9/1/2016 2:41PM Michelle McKenzie

From: Michelle McKenzie Sent: Thursday, September 1, 201612:56 PM To: Sherikia Hawkins; Clarissa Cayton-Grigsby- Subject: Pieas·e post notice for Janitorial rebid Attachments: NOTICE TO POST Janitorial open 09 "19 2016.do~x


I would appreciate this notice being posted,

Thank you,




The City of Pontiac will ope~ sealed bids on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 2:00p.m. prevailing local time In the City Hall lion's Den Conference Room at 47450 Woodward Ave for:


You are Invited to submit a bid for this project. Sealed bids ·may be mailed or delivered to the CITY OF PONTIAC, CITY CLERK, 47450 Woodward Ave, Pontiac, Ml 48342 by 2:00 p.m., Monday, September 19, 2016. ·Envelopes should Include the name and mailing address of the vendor on the outside and be plainly marked: JANITORIAL & CUSTODIAL SERVICES The successful Proponent shall supply all of the necessary equipment, personnel, and supplies needed to perform the speclfie'd work at the following locations:

City of Pontiac, City Hall, Woodward Ave., Pontiac, Ml48342 b. Oaldand County Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pike Street, Pontiac, Michigan 48432 c. Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac, MI 48341 d. Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341 1 . e. 50 h District Com·t, 70 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI 48342

General specifications, description and conditions upon which the bid proposal Is to .be based are available at the City of Pontiac website: . Purchasing: http://www.pontlac.ml.us/departments/flnance/purchaslng,php

Please refer to the website for any addenda that may be Issued. Bidders who submit bids before the deadline are advised to continue to monitor the website for any addenda that may be Issued. Bid packages will also be mailed upon request.

The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any Irregularities, and further reserves the right to accept any bid or parts of bids that It deems to best serve the Interest of the City.

If you have any questions regarding this RFP, please contact the Purchasing Agent at (248) 758- 3120 or send an email to [email protected]

If you have questions regarding the specifications, contact Terry King, DPW Administrator at (248) 758-3600. Oakland Integrated Hobbi1 Toy, Sagano Motel StopAndlookfatnlly Insurance Agencies labor Unions HealthcareNetwnrk Game Stores 44784 1NoodwardAve. Setvlce and Brokerages and Similar Labor Organizations 461W.HurooSt~ste.107 PonUac,MI48341 16BE.HutonSl Pontiac,. Ml48341 Gnm!!Stop984 (248) 334·2592 Pontiac. M148342 EugeneHawldnsAwmq (248) 857-7432 370 N. Telegraph Rd. (248) 830-6248 577£. Walton Blvd. hbt~rerslotal1076 Pontiac:, Ml48341 Household Ponl!ac, M\48340 760 Joslyn Ave. Oakland Orlhopad!c (248) 334·2948 Appliance Stores lheBaldwlnCenter (248) 377-1776 Ponllac, M148340 (248) 334·0509 Partners 212 Bald-Mn Ave. 44555 VVoodward Ave. Toys 11 R11 Us ABCAppf!antes Pon\lac, Ml48342 Great Rates Insurant& Te~tnslets lotal614 Ste.407 220 N. Telegraph Rd. 1 Sllverdome lncllst Pask (248}332-6101 Agency 2SON.Pell)'Sl Pontiac, MI4B341 PonUac,.M14834l Pont!ac, M! 48342 4BOOrchardtake Rd. Pontiac. M148342 (248)~34-0524 (248) 333-1705 (248) 335-4222 Tho House Of PonUac, Ml48341 Hope For Men (248) 230-1800 (248) 334·4573 Peny MLK Medkal Home and Garden HarrlsAppltances 101 W. South Blvd. United At~lo Workers of CenlerPC 556 Auburn Ave. Ponllac, Ml48341 JnsutanceStore Agency Equl£rent Repair America 653 6!3 N. Martin lulhef King ani:l ai.ntenance Pon_Hac, M148342 (248) 338-6211 784CesarE. Chavez Ave. kllhd (248)335-7018 Pontiac, Ml 48342 670 E. Walton Blvd Me Nabb Saw Setvke Tumlng Point Completion (248)451-1100 Pontiac, N\148340 PonHa~:MI48342 (248) 373-7774 (248)338-2793 1345 Saldwtn Ave. Hanls Fumlture House#2 Pontiac, M148342 540 Auburn Ave. 123 Univetslly Dr. LA lnsurancaAgenty94 Pontlae Cotnmunlty Based (248) 332·6382 Pontiac, Ml48342 Ponllac, M! 4834t 1614N.Penyst. Landscape (248)335·7018 (248)338.0702 Pontiac, M\48340 Architectw·e outpatlentcl!nle. SeryJces 44200 \A/oodward Ave.. Home Centers ! (248) 340-0555 Household Voluntter.s Of Amerka Q•208 Duncan's lawn Savkes Ponttac, Ml48341 Clarkston Window &.Door ~pllances and ! 618 E. Walton Blvd. Premier Insurance Agency 1583 G!dd!rtgs Rd (248)332·4540 1st CesarE, Chavez Ave. ruwuer Electronics . Pontiac,. M148340 809 8aldvl.nAve. J>onl!ac, Ml48342 Menoh.ant\Xiholesalers _{248)373-9000 Pontiac, M148340 Pontiac, M148340 (248) 377-6989 Qamru!HodaMD (248) 338·67~1 (248} 977·4631 35 Johnson st. Bussard Appliance Parts Indmtria!Madrlnery s. SanMatfnoOutdoor Ponltac,. Ml48341 HomeDepotUSA#2101 240 W. Watton 81\>d, and~t Interior Design (248)332·9294 545S. TelegraphRd Pontiac, M148340 MaWimt olesalers Services Servkes PonUac,Ml48340 (248) 332·6445 1160 Cesar E. Chave1..Ave. Pontf;;c, M148340 Sa fa S, K1mab MD PC (248) 253-8900 AmedcanM~terlal Oakland Off! co lnterlol'S (248)335·0219 44555Woodward Ave., Radios, Knobs, Speakers HandRng 375 fr<~okJn Rd. Ste.lOS Mr. Bid Services &.Thln&s 1711 E. Hlghvrood Blvd. . Pontlac,M! 48341 Shemln Nur.se.rlu Pontiac,MI48341 900 Orchard lake Rd. 314 W. Walton Bivd. Pontlac;Ml4!B40 (248)431·3394 900 FeathatstoneRd. (248}335·2977 Pontiac; Ml48341 Pontiac; Ml48340 (248)857-8888 {248) 738-3700 (248)334·2519 lron/Stee!Pipdfube Pontiac, M\48342 {248) 333-1090 Surgeons of Michigan PC Concord Machinery Mfrg. 44555\t\\::Jocl-m;dAve.,201 Pontiac Plywood Company Independent 1651 E. Htghwnod Blvd. Pont!ac,Ml48341 15018a!dwln Ave. ArtiSts, Wclters} PonUac, Ml48340 TransThbe Landscaping (248) 335-9449 Pontiac; Ml48340 and Performers (248) 335-Q300 34 W. Sheffield Ave. Services (248} 332-2543 Pontiac, Ml48340 Thomas MathewMDPllC Neighborhood Service Gllnner'~;Motera &Parts. (248)332-9151 A!plnoAtborCare 1 28 N. Saginaw st., Ste. SOl 35 S, Johnson SL Home Health Organization 454 N. CassAva. Ponti

147 S. Te!eg~aph Rd. Saleh's Place Wendy's Restaurant 1220 SaktMn Ave. RooBng, Sldlng, Ponllat, Ml 48341 137 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. 596E. Walton8lvd. Pontlac, M/48340 und Inslllatlon · (24-8) 334-66•10 Ponl!ac,M/48342. PonUac, M/48340 (704}847·6961 Mnterlol Mcrclumt (248) 335-3635 (248) 370-9151 \Vho1es;Uers 453 N. Pen-y SL ·j 635 N. Milrtin luther King Pontlac-, M/48342 Skinny's Sports Bar &Grill l700 S. Opdyke Rd. Jr. Blvd. Banson's Building (248) 334-6640 78 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, Ml 48341 PonUac, M/48340 Supply Inc. Puntlac,MI48342 (248)620-6655 (248)454-0855 556 N. Silglnaw S!. Luckyltmll.!!Cafe (248} 481-9986 Pootfac, M/48342 161 S.. Te/egr<~ph Rd. Wh[tnCastln#47 7~ Auburn Ave. (248) 335-9413 G'nfl'sAfrlt:an Pontlac,M/48341 Snowball lea Cream 335 N.Ma!fulutherl

~35 Royal services http://www.rsicleaning.comiRequest-an-assessment


City of Pontiac

Michelle l, McKenzie



jANITORIAl AND CUSTODIAL SEIMCES FOR CllY OF PONTIAC CITY HALl, SHERIFF SUBSTATION, SENIOR CENTERS AND SOTH DISTRICT COURT. I am In the process of posting a bid on the dty's website. (Either today or tomorrow,) http:/Jwww.pontlac,ml.us/departtnents/fltlance /pmchas/ng.php Vn11 .. ~"., j..,,..,l-llv""' tuh" I,,..,.,,.,"" H,,. l.,_,.,..~.,..,f


1 of 1 9/1/2016 2:00 PM Second

Bond Requirement Bid Bond Bid Bond Cashiers Check

!Income Tax Requirement 1 In Compliance I In Compliance Not in Compliance with part of the Ordinance

Related Project Experience similar to this project size, YES I NO I YES I scope & complexity

Name/Work Activity of RFP: Janitorial and Custodial Srvcs

Witness: Michelle McKenzie Witness:

·ned by City Cl~rk: Sherikia Hawkins

•• I_ )

Business Check Bid Bond or Cashiers Check Cashiers Check • Cashiers Check No Bid Bond or Cashiers Check

In Compliance I In Compliance Not in Compliance with part Not in Compliance with part of the Ordinance of the Ordinance

------~N~O~------~------~Y~ES~------~--~----~YE=S~ ______L ______~NO~------'·

City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, Ml 48342

Date/Time: 9/19/2016 @2:00PM

• 1._