PONTIAC CITY COUNCIL FORMAL MEETING October 13, 2016 6:00p.m. 153'• Session of the 9'" Council It is this Council's mission "To serve the citizens ofPontiac by committing to help provide an enhanced quality oflife for its residents,fostering the vision ofafamily-ji'iendly community that is a great place to live, work and play." Call to order Moment of Silence or illvocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Authorization for excused absences for councilmembers Amendments to and approval of the agenda Approval of Minutes 1. October 6, 2016 Closed Session 2. Legal Written Opinion Departmental Head Reports Subcommittee Oral Report Community Anuouncements Recognition of Elected Officials Public Hearing 3. fudustrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate (IFf) for General Motors. 4. Request for consideration of the General Motors IFf Application. Agenda Address AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERSATION 5. Request for approval of schedule of the 2017 City Council Meetings. 6. Request for approval of Janitorial Contract to Kristel Cleaning. Public Comment Mayor Report Clerk, City Attorney and Council Closing_ Comments Adjournment October 6, 2016 Official Proceedings Pontiac City Council 152nd Session of the Ninth Council A Regular Meeting of the City Council of Pontiac, Michigan was called to order in City Hall, Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 2:30p.m. by President Patrice Wate1mim. Moment of Silence fuvocation -Kennit Williams Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Members Present: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Wate1man, Williams and Woodward. Members Absent: Holland. Mayor Wate1man was absent. Deputy Mayor Jane Bais-Disessa was present. Clerk announced a quorum. 16-270 Excuse Councilperson Mark Holland for personal reasons. Moved by Councilperson Woodward and suppmied by Councilperson Williams. Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Wate1man, Williams and Woodward No: None Motion Carried. 16-271 Approval of the Agenda. Moved by Councilperson Taylor-Burks and supported by Councilperson Pietila. Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward No: None Motion Carried. 16-272 Journal of September 29,2016. Moved by Councilperson Pietila and supported by Councilperson Woodward. Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward No: None Motion Carried. Departmental Head Repmis- Deputy Mayor Jane Bais-Disessa Recognition of Elected Officials- Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence 16-273 Resolution request for approval of the AT&T Franchise Renewal Agreement. Moved by Councilperson Woodward and supported by Councilperson Williams. l October 6, 2016 Whereas, AT&T Michigan has presented to the City of Pontiac a proposed Unifonn Video Service Local Franchise Agreement; and, Whereas, after thorough review by cable attorney Michael J. Watza, the proposed agreement has been detennined "complete"; and, Whereas, the City of Pontiac desires to continue to engage the services of AT&T Michigan within the corporate limits to provide cable/U-verse services to its residents; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Pontiac City Council hereby approves the renewal of the Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreement of AT&T Michigan as presented. Ayes: Carter, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward No: None Resolution Passed. There were I 0 individuals who addressed the body during public comment. City Clerk Sherikia L. Hawkins, City Attorney Travis Mihelick, Councilman Don Woodward, Councilwoman Taylor-Burks, Councilman Randy Carter, Councilman Kennit Williams, Pro-Tem Mary Pietila and President Patrice Wate1man made closing comments. Councilman Kennit Williams left meeting at 3:51 p.m. President Patrice Waterman adjomned the meeting at 4:10p.m. SHERIKIA L. HAWKINS CITY CLERK 2 City of Pontiac Pontiac City Council Whereas, the City attorney has presented the city a letter concerning a legal written opinion; and, Whereas section 8 (h) to consider material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal statute. Whereas, the Pontiac City Council believes that an open meeting would have a detrimental financial effect on the litigating or settlement position of the City: Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Pontiac City Council recesses into closed session for the purpose of consulting with its attorney regarding a legal written opinion. CITY OF PONTIAC OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM Executive Branch TO: Honorable Mayor, Council President and City Council Members FROM: Jane Bais-DiSessa, Deputy Mayor DATE: September 23, 2016 Cc: Nevrus Naz:arko, Finance Director, Travis Mihelick, City Attorney, Garland Doyle, Deputy Director for Community Development, and Sherikia Hawkins, City Clerk RE: General Motors Application for Industrial Facilities Tax (1FT) Exemption Certificate- Request to Schedule Public Hearing. As you are aware, General Motors has submitted a new application for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate. The purpose for this new investment is to construct a test lab addition to the existing Pontiac lab building. The new project will support the development of future powertrain technologies and will include various land improvements such as the expansion of the parking lot. The total cost of the land and building improvements is estimated at $8,510,000 (real property costs). Also, within two years of completion, this new facility is expected to create a total of 25 new jobs. A total of 12 years plus one year for construction is requested for exemption. For your information, a copy of this application is attached. In accordance with 1FT regulations, before this application may be considered, a public hearing is required. As such, the following resolution is recommended: Whereas, General Motors has submitted an application for an Industrial Facilities Tax (1FT) Exemption Certificate to construct a test lab addition to the existing Pontiac lab building; and Whereas, , Application has been sent to the Office of the City Clerk for certification; and Whereas, the Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Act (Industrial Facilities Exemption) (PA 198 of 1974, as amended) Version 4/8/2014 4 MCL 207.555(2), requires that before acting upon an application, the governing legislative body conduct a public hearing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Pontiac City Council, direct the City Clerk to schedule a public hearing in accordance' with the Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Act (Industrial Faculties Exemption) (PA 198 of 1974, as amended). JBD Attachment Michigan OeP.a~rrwn! ofTrtlaSUf'Y. 1012-tRev. o4:14-), P~ 1 or4 · Application for Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate _lssueO under lj'-ltllcrlfy nf PybJic.:A~ 198 of 1974; .as amended. Filing IS Ril'!ndatO!)': · INSTRUCTION.S:FIIe.the otig1nal a.nd tw9 copies bfthisf0rm:and.the requ)red.attachment~·(three complete sets) with Ilia clerk of. the local government upil. The Stale Ta~ Commission (STG).requlret; two comP.Iete sets {o~e original and·ona ~opy): Q.ne <=<lPY inetaln.ed by the clerk. lfyou have any cj~estions regarding the completion oflhls form, call (517) 373,3302. APPLICANT INFORMATION Air boxes must.he completed.. • ). ·fa:·.cruppany"Name·(/!lpJ)lfciailt mis~ lie Ole occupantlopera\or Qf the ;facility) ~ 1b. S!anOard ln~u&tria! ClasSirtcaUoO. (~IC} "Code:. SeC;-2(.10).{'l:o; 6 Digit Code) General Motets LLC 336111 ~. ·1c-. F~C!~ty.Md"Jiss (C!iy. Slate, -ZIP "Code) (re~ Si"idfor pers_on"al proPerty location} ~:1d. CifyrrtiwA;ShfpNiP.ag~:OndiCat"e Whlcyt) ~ ·1e.,Po~.tnty 895 joslyn, Pontiac, Ml 48342 Clty.ofPontiac: Oaklahd ~- ~·.Type. of Apprci\lol R!}Qu·~sted ) ~a. ·s~ C!iStiict whe.re f<JCiOtY ls f~ted· ) 3b. S:~ {!O<Ie ~New. (Sec; 2(5)). ffiansfer Pontiac 6;f030 sp;culatiVeliulldlng (sec ..3(8)) . Rehabtulliuon (Sei:..\1(6)) .4, Amoun!.CJI" yaars reque!led-for.ex-emption (1-12:Year.o) Research and Developmenr(sec,. 2(1Q)). ln<;rease[f\mendmen\. i 2 years plus·1 year for consttuctlon S. Pet iectlon 5,Jhe·:ipplleillfoo shOO! contain ot tx:_~:compan/ed by it g~neral f{estliption of thef!i.ciDty·an.ti a gene{ a! delfMP.!fOh 01 thUftopOSed use' of the.facllity, I he gttneral nature Sn~ ·fiden!~h~.testor;t!l(:n. ~epla¢:emE!'11, O,t cp11Structrori to be."?Jl~e.rtilken, <file.scriJ?UVe tfsl;of 1JW equipment Ill at )YIQ oo·p:irf lha fa<:ili1y, Allar:h a?ditirv;tal "jlpge{s) _11 more room t: nee • · · The proposed investmentis for the·consfructioll of a test. tab additkin to the existing. Pontiac Lab building and villi incluoe·various land Improvements (parking lilt explmsloh, etc .. )'lh support ofthis addition. The e:Xpabslon will support developm~nt·of future powertrain. technologies. f $8 810,000 ea: Cost:of lao~ aM bOildlng lniprth.i~~eotS {e~Ct-u~irfg GQ·sl ofla!ld} _,, ...... :,., .......... ;.,:...... .-.:.. i,, .. :: .... ., .... , 1.•• 1 ....- ........ ·'·Attach fist oflmproyemenls.and assocla!e.d costs. · · Real PrOPerty t:o"siS ~-JV~O ~~~~~h .a c.opy-of ~·uitdii19·P.ermlt:l( pr.oJ~ct hf)s.il!re~py.begun. ~ ·o· ab. Co,Sfof milchrne(Y, equlptrierl~ tuml!uie-and fixtures.: .............................: ........................ .... :....... : ...... ~ .....:-,.: ........ .. ··Atta<!h·it~mized II~Vnrrwll!i month_, day:ap~_yea_r.of"beginnJng oflnstairatlon, plus total ·Petsonaf P.tope~·Cosls- 6c. T-otal P[ojaCr.cosl$ ... - ..... :........................................................................................................ ~.-.... ::, .................. ,..... :.... ·,: ..... ~ 8,810;000 ·1' Round COOls to Nea(e.st-Dol_lar TOtal of Rea! &·Personal Cosfs 1: lridlaate the-lfrrio s~liedUie fot il!lrl and finish Of cons~ ali ai"l.tl"ilquipirlim(i_O.stclllaHcin,PrOje:cts mu.si bi.Cohlpfete·d Within a 'two )'e~!" penoo ofltte.eri~clive <late.of the tertlli~le.unle$s.oQlerv.;se ~{ipro~OO ~ythe- S~£ ·.aeQJn.Oat6.(MiDCQ En·d Oale"(MfDlY) Real Property lmprriVeme'nts ~ 10/112.016 12/31/2017 ~ [g) owned 0Leased Personal PropertY lmprqvements ·~· .~· Oownei:l Qteased I> fl. Are Sla!e-EducaUon Taxes reduced or aba!ecfbyth~ M!cfl!g;an EcOl);omlCDavefo~fTlenl¢orpor~ori(f;\EOC)1.1f yes,.SP.!>~C-a!lt mustatlaeh fJ signed MEOC.Letter of" Con:unltmenl·tQ ·recel,V~"Jhjs exerop,'lOfl. 0 Yes· .IZJ No . ) 9,"1\1¢. or exl~lfng·jobS i:l.t-t{lis·faetliiY thBl Will ~retain&cfa_s"-a 1~uK.of thls.'pwJed.;.
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