Eloisa Capezzuto Maelle Dagnogo Teaching staff: CRI Sciences Po Rob Lue Alain Viel Jessica Liu Adam Tanaka

William Flanagan Audrey Maghiro Our warm thanks: Harvard College Harvard College Victor Massip, Uritrottoir Jérôme Pacaud, Mairie de Paris Georges Salines, Mairie de Paris Nina Varchavsky, CRI Chapters Pages Framing and Background 6

Previous Approaches 21

Proposed Solution 24

Business Plan 36

Assessment Plan 46

Works Cited 53 Executive Summary One of the distinct smells along The City of Paris has realized Our project aims to solve the the Seine, Canal Saint-Martin, that public is a critical issue of public urination on the and other Parisian nightlife areas problem and has come up with Seine and Canal Saint-Martin is that of urine. Paris, like many several innovative solutions to and the lack of accessible cities with vibrant nightlife, deal with the issue. However, for everyone (regardless of struggles with the issue of public their solutions have been gender or disabilities), by urination. Partly due to a lack of primarily skewed towards designing and implementing available toilets, some people — solving the problem for men, inclusive, convenient, reliably mostly men — relieve themselves while women and disabled effective, eco-friendly, and in streets, Métro, bushes, or people still face a lack of cost-effective toilets — along waterways. available facilities. Equalettes.

4 The length of a minute depends on which side of the door you’re on. Framing and Background Parisian Nightlife With thousands of bars, Indeed, the nightlife districts restaurants, clubs, theaters, create jobs and social cinemas, and cultural centers interactions. Today the one of opened at night, Paris is the five “pôles d’excellence internationally known for its touristique” aims to make nightlife districts, which Parisian nightlife more together comprise one of the attractive to tourists (“La vie major driving forces behind its nocturne parisienne,” 2018). economy, its reputation, and its Improving accessibility vitality. could benefit this campaign.

Nightlife has grown in importance to the City of Paris, and it should be accessible to all. 7 Our Challenge Public urination has become a However, today, only 150 out of major issue in Paris, especially these 400 are open in areas that are highly 24 hours a day, whereas the frequented at night. This issue others are typically not stems from a lack of access to accessible between 22:00 and facilities. Hence, the City of 6:00 (“Les Sanisettes.” Retour à Paris has proposed several L'accueil - Paris). To make solutions aiming to provide matters worse, Sanisettes are more toilet facilities. Since the often out of order or far from 1980’s, the city has bars or populated areas. As implemented roughly 400 such, women are left to find the Sanisettes, the only permanent Sanisettes on their own, asking public toilets accessible by bartenders to use their women (Hotels Paris Rive restrooms for free or relieving A in Paris, by night. Gauche Blog). themselves in unsafe areas. 8 I have

This chart indicates the number of Sanisettes per arrondissement in Paris and their operating hours. The neighborhoods with a significant number of 24h Sanisettes (in red) are often associated with high nighttime attendance and would benefit from additional sanitary installation — even relatively well-served areas cannot adequately meet toilet demand today. 9 The figure to the right shows that our first targeted area (highlighted in yellow), the Left Bank of the Seine. The region has a lack of accessible Sanisettes, even though it is often frequented at night.

10 The figure to the left shows the sanitary installations along Canal Saint-Martin, our second targeted area. Most of the Sanisettes are closed at night, and the 24h ones are concentrated in Buttes Chaumont and Gare de l’Est areas, a 10-minute walking distance from the Canal.

11 Portable Chemical Toilets Another solution commonly This causes the porta potties to implemented is that of porta take on a foul smell (Kneiszel, potties. They are used mostly Making Porta-Potties More during events such as festivals Appealing to The Public). and are not permanent infrastructures. Moreover, many Sanisettes and portable toilets stay away from porta potties are two different approaches; because they tend to be however, both of them are not unappealing to the user. One can efficient because there are not see the waste from all the other enough functional facilities and previous users mixed with the general public associates Deodorizer (blue chemical public toilets with bad odor and liquid). uncleanliness.

A . 12 The Toilet Infrastructure Gap Since the creation of the The installation of is We have seen the run of the “La Sanisettes and the deployment cheaper and more convenient Nuit Est à Tous” campaign of portable toilets, innovations than that of actual toilet cabins, (above) to caution men against in toilet design have almost especially of cabins linked to the urinating in the streets but not exclusively targeted men. Yet city’s water and electricity the effort to improve access to there is a need for an increase in networks (the Sanisettes are an available toilets for women or efficient, gender-neutral example of this). We have seen disabled people. . Women are the installation of the Uritrottoir routinely discriminated against (an eco-friendly that when it comes to produces compost as fertilizer, access, despite making up half see the next slide for an image of the population. Moreover, of this) but not the unisex urinal. disabled people are often excluded from public spaces and infrastructure. A “La Nuit est à Tous” panel. 13 Male-Exclusive Solutions

Urinals are significantly lower in physical footprint and in cost than Sanisettes (5.000€/unit vs. 200.000€/unit). For these reasons, the City of Paris has installed them in an increasing number of locations and adopted a variety of models.

These infrastructure elements appear to be well-used along Canal Saint-Martin, but are effectively only available for non-disabled men to use.

A urinal along Canal Saint-Martin. An Uritrottoir in Paris. 14 Heard Along the Canal Saint-Martin We interviewed some groups of people along the Canal on 18 July 2018. They said the following:

“In Paris, it is never easy to pee “I usually hide behind cars, and “I only use the public toilets when you are a woman! I ask for a friend to come with when there is not a line. And usually hold it for the entire me, to feel more secure. It is a honestly, I would rather go in a night. I am so jealous that men constant struggle, but I always bush. The smell [of the toilets] is have urinals!” end up finding a spot disgusting.” somewhere.”

15 A vandalised panel along the Canal Saint-Martin, as seen on 25 June 2018.

The original black text reads: “Yesss. You have used one of the toilets at your disposal.”

The graffiti reads: “And for the girls? Do they not pee?”

16 Bridging the Gap The City of Paris has mainly focused on infrastructure solutions for men, whereas the few gender-neutral solutions that have been implemented, such as the Sanisettes, seem to be inefficient (Stone, 2017).

The Equalettes tackle the challenge of providing efficient, low-cost public toilets for all.

People queuing for toilets at the Paris Lollapalooza Festival, July 2017. 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) At a United Nations Summit in The broad Goals are meant to September 2015, world leaders apply to all humans in all adopted 17 Goals for countries. Under each Goal, sustainable development the United Nations provides globally, which were detailed targets to help tackle implemented in January 2016. the challenges, in addition to The goals aim to “end all forms indicators for measuring of poverty, fight inequalities progress. In the following and tackle climate change, section, we detail the four while ensuring that no one is Sustainable Development left behind” (The Sustainable Goals targeted by Equalettes, as Development Agenda). well as a specific target for each of the Goals.

18 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being Target 5.1: One of the key objectives of the Equalettes is End all forms of to ensure that people in Paris can have a discrimination healthy night. An indicator of progress against all women toward this SDG is a reduction in the bladder and girls pain that results from a lack of toilet access. everywhere.

Target 3.9: SDG 5: Gender Equality By 2030, Our project aims to augment access to substantially reduce public toilet infrastructure, which currently the number of tends to heavily favor non-disabled men — deaths and illnesses especially in nightlife districts. from contamination.

19 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Target 6.2: SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities By 2030, achieve Whereas most toilets are effectively wet access to adequate dumpsters, the Equalettes will aim to be dry and equitable recycling facilities. By using the potential of and human waste for agriculture, we will further hygiene for all. sustainability and green thinking.

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation Target 11.6: Our project aims to make progress toward By 2030, reduce this SDG in a nuanced manner — by the adverse per providing sanitation while conserving water. capita We will use dry soap and dry flush to lessen environmental water consumption in Paris. impact of cities.

20 Previous Approaches Previous Approaches in Paris : A Danish company created the Pollee to provide public urinals for women; however, they do not offer a safety for women. Its deployment was voted for in the Paris 2015 budget participatif, but was Sanisettes: never implemented. Chemical porta potties: Sanisettes are free for users These toilets, located on the but cost the city roughly Banks of the Seine (such as 200.000€/unit because they near the Musée d'Orsay), are are linked to the sewage free to use and contain many system. Their self-cleaning single-gender units. Because cycles lead to malfunctions of their strong odor, many and long wait times. Most people do not opt to use close at 22:00. them. 22 Previous Approaches Abroad Urilift (Amsterdam): GARV (India): The Urilift is an expensive, The GARV toilet is the Indian retractable urinal that rises version of the Sanisette, from the ground during the offering a gender-neutral, night; however, there is self-cleaning public toilet. It currently only one Urilift does not reuse human waste available for women to use and lends itself to frequent out of the 16 installed. breakdowns. Ecosan (Benin): The Ecosan is tackling the issue of poor access to toilet facilities in rural parts of Benin by implementing dry toilets that separate liquid and solid waste, with each to be used as organic fertilizer.

23 Proposed Solution Our Proposal We aim to implement inclusive, appealing, Equalettes eco-friendly, and cost-effective toilets along the Canal Saint-Martin and the Left Bank of the Seine — two areas of Paris that are highly frequented at night — and signage to guide users to them, in order to increase accessibility to toilet facilities for all during nighttime.

The Equalettes will only be in place during spring and summer, when the outdoor nightlife is intense, and access to toilet facilities is potentially harder for people to find. The Cost-Effective Gender-Neutral Equalettes will be easy for the City of Paris to Ecological install and maintain, and we hope that they will Appealing change public opinion regarding public toilets. 25 Ecological Appealing Cost-Effective The will be The toilet and cabin will be The Equalette will have a lower independent of the city’s made from recycled plastic that price point than the expensive sewage system. resembles wood. Sanisette.

Dry soap will eliminate the use Fresh bamboos integrated with The electrical features will be of water entirely. the exterior and the regular battery-operated, independent cleaning process will reduce of the city’s power grid. Waste will be mixed with wood odor. chips, composted for 1-2 years, The unit be movable but and sold to farmers for local, An emergency button inside the seasonally permanent (in one non-alimentary agriculture. cabin will heighten safety. location for eight months).

26 Design of the Toilets

The Equalette is cylindrically shaped to optimize its space. Each cabin includes two toilet units, a storage unit to hold waste and a battery to power the units. Bamboo plants are fixed on the outside walls, to improve smell and the aesthetics of the Equalette. The Equalette is also wheelchair accessible.

27 Technology of the Toilets The Equalettes will use the The Crapper is also waste disposal technology of equipped with a ventilation “The Crapper,” made by fan to aid in odor reduction. Toilets for People, a The Crapper is currently sold Vermont-based company for less than 1.000€ far as a that specializes in creating private home facility, but we dry, composting toilets. The believe that it may be liquid and solid waste are scalable. The use of a similar disposed into two different or identical technology containers. Both containers would likely allow us to are easily removable in build Equalettes for far less order to facilitate than 25.000€, Uritrottoir’s maintenance, transport, and estimate for a dry toilet compost processes. cabin.

The Crapper and its components. 28 Potential Locations: Quais de Seine, Left Bank

The Left Bank of the Quais de Seine, a highly populated nightlife area, does not have any public toilets from Pont Neuf to the Tino Rossi gardens (Université Pierre et Marie Curie). Most of the existing toilets are placed at street level or on the Right Banks of the Seine, limiting their access by nightlifers. This area would be equipped with six Equalettes of equidistant spacing.

29 Potential Locations: Canal Saint-Martin

The Canal Saint-Martin, spanning from the Métro station Jaurès to the Pont d’Amélie, would be equipped with four Equalettes, two on each bank. Though the Canal has a vibrant nightlife, the available Sanisettes are often inaccessible because there are not many bridges linking the two sides, which also include too many stairs.

30 Biological Inspiration: The Lysosome

1 Waste 2 Waste 3 Vesicle formation


Upon detecting extracellular waste, the cell extrudes a portion of the cell membrane (1) to surround and engulf the waste (2), bringing it into the cell. A membrane-bound compartment called a vesicle is formed around the waste in a process is called endocytosis (3).

31 Biological Inspiration: The Lysosome

This vesicle is then sent to the lysosome (4). The lysosome is a specific compartment in cells responsible for breaking down cellular waste and recycling the components (5). Here, the vesicle contents are broken down into needed materials for the cell (6).

4 5 6

32 The Lysosome-Inspired Equalette

A similar dance occurs when night lifers need to use a toilet. A person leaves the group in search for our Equalette to relieve themselves and the Equalette is left to break down the waste. Once the person flushes the Equalette, the waste goes through a filtration system that sends urine to a separate location and feces to a box to be collected for use as a fertilizer for farmers.

33 Comparative Table: Current Solutions vs. Equalettes

Sanisettes Uritrottoir Porta Potty Ecosan Pollee Urilift Equalettes

Gender-Neutral X X X X X

Ecological X X X X X

Appealing X X

Cost-Effective X X X X X

34 The Equalettes are open to all, reducing public urination in Paris and improving the experiences of citizens and tourists alike.

35 Business Plan Value Proposition

1 2 3

The Equalettes create accessible and gender-neutral toilets for the city of Paris to implement in nightlife districts. Unlike the 24h Sanisettes, we offer a cost-effective, ecological, and appealing public toilet option.

37 Potential Partners

The City of Paris would confirm We will need Toilets for People to the locations of the Equalettes and create a macroscale of the dry rent them, in addition to paying for toilet that they currently make for structure maintenance (regular homes to be used in a nightlife and irregular). district.

After 1-2 years of composting and We will need Uritrottoir to create treating the human waste, farmers the straw formula that allows would purchase our fertilizer for human waste to be converted into non-alimentary agriculture. fertilizer.

Malaysia Edotco would consult us Berner would provide the dry on the integration of bamboo with foam soap to be used in our toilets. the Equalette’s exterior structure. 38 Implementation Timeline Jan - June 2020: Discuss with city of Paris about where June - July 2018: Jan - June 2019: the Equalettes should be implemented Create virtual prototype Gather funding through along Canal Saint-Martin and the Left of Equalette. grants and donations. Bank of the Seine. Present the design to Acquire needed licenses and Fix any issues found in the physical the Biopolis. permits for public spaces. prototype of Equalette.

Aug - Dec 2018: June - Dec 2019: June - Aug 2020: Assemble a team of Design and build 10 Equalettes engineers, urban designers, physical prototype implemented along and finance chairs. of Equalette. Canal Saint-Martin Create partnerships with and the Left Bank of potential partners. the Seine. 39 Integrating the Toilet Network: Digital Map Before installing the Equalettes, the City of Paris should create a digital platform linking all of its public toilets, allowing users to find the nearest preferred facility.

Australia’s National Public Toilet Database is the best example of this: a functional app allowing users to locate nearby toilets after selecting from 23 “Prefs” (preferences).

Left: The Prefs as seen on the Database. Right: A Map resulting from chosen Prefs. 40 Integrating the Toilet Network: Signage Bloeme, Randy, et al. found that In addition to the Equalette, we signage effectively dealt with will be implementing physical the problem of nighttime public signages, such as arrows on the urination by positively ground, to indicate the nearest impacting people’s behavior, toilet. They will glow in the dark orienting them toward available so that people will be able to public toilets (Persuasive see them at night. These arrows Technology Against Public will be placed during the time Nuisance–Public Urination in that the Equalettes will be the Urban Nightlife District, placed: 1 March to 31 October. 2017).

A commissioned sign indicates a Sanisette near the Canal Saint-Martin. 41 Overview of the Cost Structure & the Revenue Stream

Apply for various grants and Lease the affordable 2-unit Charge the city for cabin programs to pay for the upfront cabin to the City of Paris to be maintenance, which includes costs of designing and implemented in 10 locations changing the waste containers manufacturing the Equalettes, along the Left Bank of the Seine and restoring the infrastructure estimated to cost 9.000€ per and Canal Saint-Martin, with from alcohol-induced damage unit. payments occurring yearly. or vandalism.

42 Breakdown of the Cost Structure


Adapted version of the “Crapper”: 2.000 Weekly cleaning and compost shipping: €/unit 500€/unit-month (4.000€/unit-year)

Cabin walls, roof and floor: 4.000€/unit Batteries and light bulbs: 500 €/unit-month (4.000€/unit-year)

Signage and emergency button (linking to Bamboo decoration: 200€/unit-year a call centre): 1.500€/unit

Disabled access ramp & installations: 1.500 Vandalism and breakdown contingency €/unit costs: 1.000€/unit-year


43 Breakdown of the Revenue Stream We will enter competitions We will lease the Equalette to Though we will be in charge of such as Budget Participatif and City of Paris for eight months maintaining the infrastructure, Talents Paris 2024 for a chance (Mar-Oct) at 20.000€. The cost during the eight months that the to win money to begin the to lease the Equalette will City of Paris has the Equalettes production of the Equalette. We include the price of the object placed in the two locations, it will work with DG Vie nocturne and maintenance, such as will be in charge of cleaning the et économie culturelle to apply repairs to the cabin or objects facility. This would likely occur to grants to upfront the costs of within the cabin, changing the through the Direction de la building the Equalette. waste containers, and adding Propreté et de l’Eau. signage that lead to the object.

44 The Left Bank of the Seine, a popular spot for summer nightlife.

45 Assessment Plan Summary of the Assessment Plan

After 1 Year After 2 Years & Beyond

Data Analysis: Cost Efficiency: Data about the number of public urination The Equalettes would be considered efficient if fines issued would be collected and analyzed to each unit’s initial costs and yearly maintenance estimate the potential correlation or causality costs are each lower than the ones proposed by links. competitors.

Public Consultation: Long Term: An online and a paper survey would be open to If data and public opinion confirm the users of the infrastructure and all Parisian usefulness of the toilets and if local farmers citizens to express their thoughts about the affirm the fertilizer, we would consider the Equalettes. Equalettes a sustainable and scalable project.

47 Assessment Via Data Analysis At the end of the first A significant reduction in these eight-month season in place fines in our target areas could (March-October), we plan to represent a beneficial collect data from the City of correlation with the presence of Paris about the number of fines the Equalettes. issued for public urination in the areas where the Equalettes A stagnation or an increase, have been installed. In however, would not necessarily partnership with Atelier indicate complete failure — parisien d'urbanisme (APUR), public urination fines cannot Similar data are used to map the we will compare these figures measure the potential impacts distribution of public drunkenness fines. with those of previous years, of the Equalettes in the realms and of other areas of the city. of ecology or accessibility.

48 Assessment Via Public Consultation To assess whether the Available as both a paper installation of the Equalettes in version distributed in the target the nightlife districts of the Left areas and an online version, the Bank of the Seine and the Canal survey would assess the public Saint-Martin is effective, we perception of Equalettes plan on having a public survey (design, comfort, cleanliness) addressed to nightlife users, as and role they had in the well as to bar owners and evolution of their outdoor employees. This would aim to urination practices. evaluate the effectiveness of both the physical toilets and the The Paris Night Council could signage that would accompany be a valuable partner in this them. survey process.

49 Assessment Via Cost-Efficiency One of the aims of the In terms of yearly maintenance, Equalettes is to provide to the we would need to account for City of Paris a more sustainable both regular and irregular costs and cost-effective solution to (with the latter encompassing the problem of public urination vandalism and unexpected for all. We would consider our malfunctions). If, on average, product efficient and scalable if these costs significantly exceed each Equalette’s initial costs and our contingency estimate of yearly maintenance costs are 9.200€/unit-year — especially lower than those of one unit of after one season — then we each main competitor would question the (Uritrottoirs, Parisettes). sustainability of the Equalettes.

50 Assessment in the Long Term After two or more seasons of This assessment will be activity, we will distribute accomplished through another another survey to assess survey, also to be distributed in whether the Equalettes have both online and physical form been received favorability by in nightlife regions of Paris. members of the public and Additionally, after a few seasons nightlife professionals, as well we will assess through our as whether women and agricultural association partners disabled people have seen them whether the fertilizer produced as a factor for improving the from the waste of the Equalettes quality of their night outdoors. is known and appreciated by local farmers.

51 A Positive Outcome If the general assessment of the Although Equalettes originate impact of Equalettes is positive from an insufficiency in and the costs are sustainable, we nighttime infrastructure, they will consider extending the will be fully accessible 24h. Our deployment of our dry toilets to surveys will ask users if they find other Parisian nightlife areas, Equalettes helpful during the such as Oberkampf or day. If they appear to be a Butte-aux-Cailles. popular daytime option, we will look into deploying them to The exact locations of the new neighborhoods in Paris lacking units will be based on public adequate public toilets, such as consultation through the official Porte de la Chapelle or Porte de website of the City of Paris. Clignancourt.

Dry, gender-neutral, sustainable toilets for Paris are on their way! 52 Works Cited Works Cited

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Page 1: https://bit.ly/2AfOHzl Page 22, bottom-middle: https://bit.ly/2KXfUM8 Page 37, right: https://bit.ly/2Oc3iyt

Page 4: https://bit.ly/2Ndpib2 Page 22, top-right: Photo taken by Eloisa Capezzuto June Page 38, top-left: https://bit.ly/2Jl07AL 25, 2018 Page 7: https://bit.ly/2v8MRuj Page 38, middle-left: https://bit.ly/2LdjcqB Page 23, bottom-left: https://goo.gl/images/LRHHoi Page 8: https://bit.ly/2Ndpib2 Page 38, bottom-left: https://bit.ly/2zxgieY Page 23, top-middle: https://bit.ly/2L6WeEE Page 9: https://bit.ly/2JMQ085 Page 38, top-right: https://bit.ly/2mbV8JM Page 23, bottom-right: http://www.garvtoilets.com Pages 10-11: Maps from https://www.paris.fr/equipement Page 38, middle-right: https://bit.ly/2L8bv88 Page 27: Free Logo Maker. Logomakr.com. Page 12: https://bit.ly/2zygdrb Page 38, middle-right: https://bit.ly/2LJ5V9n https://logomakr.com/ Page 13: https://bit.ly/2uvlSsb Page 40: Screenshots from Australian National Public Page 28: https://www.toiletsforpeople.com/ Toilet Database, iPhone application Page 14, left: Photo taken by Eloisa Capezzuto June 25, 2018 Pages 29-30: Maps edited from Page 41: https://bit.ly/2NJimCS Page 14, right: https://bit.ly/2LKAiw0 https://www.google.fr/maps Page 44: https://bit.ly/2LinjWm Page 16: Photo taken by Eloisa Capezzuto June 25, 2018 Pages 31-33: Images edited on https://canva.com Page 45: https://bit.ly/2L9yT5k Page 17: https://bit.ly/2zBoBGz Page 35: https://bit.ly/2L6tE69 Page 48: https://bit.ly/2zhlyTI Pages 18-20: https://bit.ly/2v1wz6c, https://bit.ly/1Qk5cqI Page 37, left: https://bit.ly/2AfOHzl

55 The End