55 . Bar~Ier Re~F
INDEX Names of contribllfors are set in small capitals. A million years on the D a rling Downs, 232 Tindale, N. B., and Lindsay, H. A.: Ranga- Aboriginal exh!bits at the Museum, new, 279 tira (The High One) , J 32 Aboriginal rehcs of the H awkesbury sand- Boomerangs, 20, 343 stone, 3151 Borers, timber, marine, 211 Aboriginal rock shelters, survey of, 348 Botany Bay, bird habitats of, 173 Aborigines, the st ~~nci l s of the, 25 BOWEN, K. G.: Victorian goldfields, 406 A n:tspides, 63 BRERF.TON, J. LE GAY: The way of life of the Ancestor worship among the Melanesians, 147 slater, 99 Andamooka opal field , 389 Brimstone, fire and, 87 Animal!, central Austra lia, 84; New Zealand. BROWNE, W. R .: The geology of the Sydney 21; unique south-western Australian, 152 district, 262 "Animals with Backbonl!s'' exhibit, 127, 199 Brush-tailed Possum, 235 Anseranas semipalmara ( Latham), 314 CALAJlY, J. H.: The numbat of south-western Ant-eater, Banded, 143 Anthony Musgrave, obituary, 101 Australia, 143 Cape York Peninsula, expedition to, 362 Ascodipteron, 183 CARNF., P. B.: Life and habits of the sawfly, Australia: Char!e.s Darwin in, 120; gemstones 65 ol, 275; recent trends in oil exploration Carnivorous plants, 59 in, 400 CAROLJN, R.: Colourful Plant Life on Sand Australia n barnacles, 116 stone and Shale, 258; Pollination of the Australian ~ird-banding scheme ( l953-60) , Proteaceae, 37 l 222 Carpet Snakes, beat conservation in, 313 Australian Goannas, 71 CARRICK, ROBERT: The Australian Bird-band- Australian native plants. cultivation of, 13 ing Scheme, 153-60, 222 Caterpillar, " double-headed'', 231 "Backbones, Animals with,'' (exhibit), 127 Cetaceans, 42 BAILEY, S.
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