Officia^.^ /*/*• • l"I Journa"V l"I cISS N16 0378-69866 Volume 25 of the European Communities 3 J-*1982

English edition Information and Notices

Contents I Information



State aids (Articles 92 to 94 of the EEC Treaty) Notice given in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 93 (2) of the EEC Treaty to parties concerned other than Member States regarding an alternative aid scheme in favour of the textile and clothing industries in Belgium 2

Commission communication under Article 9 (9) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3286/80 of 4 December 1980 3

Commission communications under Article 115 of the EEC Treaty 3

II Preparatory Acts


Proposal for a Council Regulation on an interim common measure for restucturing the inshore fishing industry and aquaculture 4

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 370/82 of 15 February 1982 concerning the management and control of certain catch quotas for 1982 for vessels flying the flag of a Member State and fishing in the Regulatory Area defined in the NAFO Convention 7

III Notices


Notice of standing invitation to tender for the sale of skimmed-milk powder for feeding to pigs and poultry 9 3. 7. 82 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 166/1



ECU (•)

2 July 1982

Currency amount for one unit:

Belgian and United States dollar 0 958191 Luxembourg franc con. 45 • 1500 Swiss franc 2 00789 Belgian and Spanish peseta 106 647 Luxembourg franc fin. 49-2750 Swedish krona 5 86269 German mark 2 • 36098 Norwegian krone 6 05385 Dutch guilder 2-61011 Canadian dollar 1 23367 Pound sterling 0-552271 Portuguese escudo 80 2964 Danish krone 8 • 16618 Austrian schilling 16 6270 French franc 6-55211 Finnish markka 4 53033

Italian lira 1326-86 Japanese yen 244 914

Irish pound 0-685303 Australian dollar 0 939219

Greek drachma 66-2834 New Zealand dollar 1 29136

The Commission has installed a telex with an automatic answering device which gives the conversion rates in a number of currencies. This service is available every day from 3.30 p.m. until 1 p.m. the following day. Users of the service should do as follows: — call telex number Brussels 23789; — give their own telex code; — type the code 'cccc' which puts the automatic system into operation resulting in the transmission or the conversion rates of the EUA; — the transmission should not be interrupted until the end of the message, which is marked by the code 'ffff. Note: The Commission also has an automatic telex answering service (No 21791) providing daily data on calculation of monetary compensatory amounts for the purposes of the common agricultural policy.

(') Council Regulation (EEC) No 3180/78 of 18 December 1978 (OJ No L 379, 30. 12. 1978, p. 1). Council Decision 80/1184/EEC of 18 December 1980 (Convention of Lome) (OJ No L 349, 23. 12. 1980, p. 34). Commission Decision No 3334/80/ECSC of 19 December 1980 (OJ No L 349, 23. 12. 1980, p. 27). Financial Regulation of 16 December 1980 concerning the general budget of the European Communities (OJ No L 345, 20. 12. 1980, p. 23). Council Regulation (EEC) No 3308/80 of 16 December 1980 (OJ No L 345, 20. 12. 1980, p. 1). Decision of the Council of Governors of the European Investment Bank of 13 May 1981 (OJ No L 311, 30. 10. 1981, p. 1). No C 166/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 3. 7. 82

STATE AIDS (Articles 92 to 94 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community)

Notice given in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 93 (2) of the EEC Treaty to parties concerned other than Member States regarding an alternative aid scheme in favour of the textile and clothing industries in Belgium

1. Having initiated the procedure provided for in the first subparagraph of Article 93 (2) in respect of the above aid, the Commission hereby gives notice to all parties concerned other than Member States to submit their comments within six weeks of the date of this notice to: Commission of the European Communities, 200, rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels.

2. The aid would be introduced alternatively to the existing aid scheme in favour of the textile and clothing industries in Belgium. The differences of the existing aid scheme and the proposed alternative plan are tabu­ lated as follows:

Existing aid scheme Proposed alternative plan Form of aid: of the investment cost — minimum 30 % should be loans amounting to 50 °/o of the covered by private partici­ investment with an interest relief pation of up to seven percentage points — maximum 45 % should be for up to five years covered by State participation or in the share capital of the capital prime of equivalent value if enterprise an enterprise is totally self- — maximum 30 °/o should be financing the investment covered by loans at the market rate of interest with an interest relief of seven percentage points for up to five years,

Prior notification for the sub- in all cases, if the enterprise only if sectors : employs more than 50 persons. — the amount of investment is (i) — ready-to-wear for men, larger than Bfrs 200 million, — women's tights and stock­ or ings, — if the enterprise employs more — combed wool spinning; than 500 persons. (ii) — carpets, — woven pile fabrics, — woven cotton terry fabrics and toilet and kitchen linen.

The Commission considers that the alternative aid is incompatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 92 of the Treaty. 3.7.82 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 166/3

Commission communication under Article 9 (9) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3286/80 of 4 December 1980

By virtue of Article 9 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3286/80 of 4 December 1980 on import arrangements in respect of State-trading countries ('), the Commission has adopted the following changes to the import arrangements applied in Italy with regard to Czechoslovakia and Romania with effect from 1 July 1982: — exceptional opening, for 1982, of quotas for the import of: Czechoslovakia: — aluminium alloy waste recast into ingots containing less than 97 • 5 % aluminium (Common Customs Tariff subheading 76.01 ex A): 1 000 tonnes, Romania: — insulators of porcelain (type CA 125) (Common Customs Tariff subheading 85.25 ex A): Lit 280 million.

(') OJ No L 353, 29. 12. 1980, p. 1.

Commission communications under Article 115 of the EEC Treaty

By Decision dated 1 July 1982 the Commission has authorized the French Republic not to apply Community treatment to woven fabrics of cotton, falling within heading No 55.09 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in South Korea and Pakistan and in free circulation in the other Member States. The said Decision is applicable from 1 July 1982 to 30 November 1982.

By Decision dated 1 July 1982 the Commission has authorized the French Republic not to apply Community tratment to woven fabrics of man-made fibres (discontinuous or waste), falling within subheading 56.07 A of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in South Korea and the People's Republic of China and in free circulation in the other Member States. The said Decision is applicable from 1 July 1982 to 31 October 1982. No C 166/4 Official Journal of the European Communities 3. 7. 82

II (Preparatory Acts)


Proposal for a Council Regulation on an interim common measure for restructuring the inshore fishing industry and aquaculture

(Submitted by the Commission to the Council on 11 June 1982)

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 1852/78 of COMMUNITIES, 25 July 1978 on an interim common measure for restructuring the inshore fishing industry (6), as last 7 Having regard to the Treaty establishing the amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2992/81 ( ), has European Economic Community, and in particular ensured the financing by the Fund, until 31 December Article 43 thereof, 1981, of investment projects designed to develop inshore fishing or aquaculture; whereas this measure was intended, first and foremost, to help regions Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, experiencing particular difficulties in developing production structures in the sectors in question; Having regard to the opinion of the European Par­ liament ('), Whereas, pending a decision on the structural measures to be implemented as a whole as part of a Whereas Article 9 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) common fisheries policy, such a measure should be No 101/76 of 19 January 1976 laying down a continued during 1982; common structural policy for the fishing industry (2) provides that common measures may be decided Whereas a contribution from the Fund in the form of upon, for the attainment of the objectives mentioned a capital subsidy not exceeding 25 % of the total in paragraph 1 of that Article in so far as they relate investment is an appropriate contribution to this to the objectives set out in Article 39 (1) (a) of the investment; Treaty; whereas these common measures may be financed by the Guidance Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, herein­ Whereas some regions of the Community find after referred to as 'the Fund', under Article 1 (3) of themselves at a disadvantage from the point of view Council Regulation (EEC) No 729/70 of 21 April of revenues and under-employment both in the 1970 on the financing of the common agricultural fishing industry and elsewhere; whereas structural policy (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) development measures in these regions should be No 3509/80 (4); strenghtened;

Whereas action in restructuring inshore fishing is Whereas deadlines should be laid down for necessary in order to promote the national resources submission of aid applications to the Commission; and the best use of production factors and to ensure Whereas aid applications submitted for the first time under Regulation (EEC) No 1852/78 and not aided an equitable standard of living for those who depend from the Fund for lack of appropriations should be on fishing for their livelihood; whereas, for this entertained under this Regulation; purpose, the Commission proposed to the Council a common measure to restructure, modernize and develop the fishing industry and develop aquaculture Whereas, in order to ensure that beneficiaries observe (5); whereas this proposal has not yet been approved the conditions laid down when aid is granted from by the Council; the Fund, an effective control procedure should be provided for together with the possibility of suspending, reducing or discontinuing aid from the (') OJ No C 131, 5. 6. 1978, p. 86. Fund, O OJ No L 20, 28. 1. 1976, p. 19. O OJ No L 94, 28. 4. 1970, p. 13. (4) OJ No L 367, 31. 12. 1980, p. 87. (') OJ No L 211, 1. 8. 1978, p. 30. (') OJ No C 243, 22. 9. 1980, p. 5. O OJ No L 299, 20. 10. 1981; p. 24. 3.7.82 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 166/5

HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: economic improvement in the structures of the industry in question.

2. Priority for support from the Fund shall be TITLE I given to projects which bring benefit to regions which Provisions concerning the projects have particular difficulties in developing satisfactory production structures and which also fulfil one or more of the following criteria: Article 1 — they are consistent with a rational production 1. The Fund may participate in the financing of policy and serve to improve the market supply investment projects for: situation, — the development of inshore fishing in regions where fishing potential makes this possible, — they permit a diversification of fishing activity, in — the development of aquaculture in regions which particular through the use of several methods of are particularly suited to this activity. fishing in keeping with the resources available in the fishing zones concerned, 2. The measures provided for by this Regulation shall constitute common measures within the meaning — they contribute to the adaptation of existing of Article 6 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70. fishing capacity in relation to the requirements for the conservation of marine biological resources,

— they improve employment prospects in the inshore Article 2 fishing industry or in aquaculture, For the purposes of this Regulation 'project' means any investment project for: — they improve the working conditions and, in particular, the safety of the workers concerned. (a) the construction or purchase of new fishing vessels and the modernization or conversion of existing fishing vessels; Article 5 (b) the construction, equipping or modernization of establishments for rearing fish, crustaceans and The Member State concerned shall submit to the molluscs in salt or brackish water. Commission a document confirming for each project:

(a) for fishing vessels: Article 3 1. In order to qualify for assistance from the Fund, — that the person operating the vessel in the projects referred to in Article 2 (a) should involve question has sufficient training to make the fishing vessels of between 12 and 24 metres in length, best use of the vessel's gear; measured between perpendiculars. This lower limit may be reduced from 12 metres to 6 metres for (b) for aquaculture: vessels fishing otherwise than by trawl or purse seine and operated by persons whose main activity is — that the species to which the projects relate fishing. have already been bred commercially. In addition, the modernization or conversion work on existing fishing vessels referred to in Article 2 (a) Article 6 must be carried out on a large scale for the purpose of rationalizing fishing operations, better preserving catches or saving energy and total a minimum of 1. Aid from the Fund shall consist of a capital 65 000 ECU per project. subsidy paid in one or more instalments.

2. In order to qualify for aid from the Fund, the 2. For each project: aquaculture projects referred to in Article 2 (b) must involve the breeding or rearing of fish, crustaceans or (a) the beneficiary must finance at least 50 % of the molluscs for commercial purposes. total investment;

(b) the Member State must finance at least 5 % of Article 4 the total investment; 1. The projects shall provide an adequate (c) the subsidy granted by the Fund shall not exceed guarantee of profitability and contribute to a lasting 25 % of the total investment. NoC 166/6 Official Journal of the European Communities 3. 7. 82

3. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, in Payments in respect of aid from the Fund shall be Greece, Greenland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the made by agencies designated for this purpose by the Mezzogiorno and the French Overseas departments: Member State concerned. (a) the beneficiary shall finance at least 25 % of the 2. The department or agency designated for this total investment; purpose by the Member State shall send to the Commission on request all supporting documents and (b) the Member State shall finance at least 5 % of all documents showing that the financial or other the total investment; conditions imposed for each project are fulfilled. The (c) the subsidy granted by the Fund shall not exceed Commission may, if necessary, make inspection visits. 50 % of the total investment. After consulting the Fund Committee on the financial aspects, the Commission may decide to suspend, reduce or discontinue aid from the Fund, in TITLE II accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 12: General and financial provisions — if the project is not carried out as planned, or — if some of the conditions imposed are not Article 7 complied with, or 1. This common measure shall not extend beyond — if the beneficiary, contrary to the particulars given 31 December 1982. in his application and repeated in the decision granting aid, has not, within two years of 2. The estimated total cost to the Fund of the notification of that decision, begun work and if he common measure is 30 million European units of has not, before the end of this period, supplied account. This figure shall be referred to for guidance adequate assurances that the project will be only. carried out.

Article 8 The decision shall be notified to the Member State concerned and to the beneficiary. 1. Applications for aid from the Fund shall be submitted to the Commission before 1 October 1982. The Commission shall recover any sums not paid or The Commission shall take a decision by 31 March unduly paid. 1983. 3. Without prejudice to Article 108 (3) of the 2. Applications for aid from the Fund shall be Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977 applicable made through the Member State concerned and shall to the general budget of the European Communities have been approved by the said Member State. ('), as amended by Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1252/79 (2), the appropriations made 3. Applications for aid first submitted under Regu­ available by a decision taken in accordance with the lation (EEC) No 1852/78 which could not, owing to second subparagraph of paragraph 2 or because the lack of available appropriations, receive aid from the beneficiary abandons the project or reduces the Fund, may be taken into consideration under this investments laid down in the decision to grant aid Regulation and the conditions laid down herein. may be used for the financing of other projects.

Article 9 1. A decision shall be taken on aid from the Fund in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article Article 11 12, after the Fund Committee has been consulted on the financial aspects. The particulars which applications for aid from the Fund referred to in Article 8 must contain are those 2. The decision on aid shall be notified to the set out in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1898/80 Member State concerned and to the beneficiaries. of 9 July 1980 (')•

Article 10 1. Aid from the Fund shall be granted to natural or (') OJ No L 356, 31. 12. 1977, p. 1. legal persons or groups thereof bearing the ultimate O OJ No L 160, 28. 6. 1979, p. 1. financial responsibility for the project. (3) OJNoL 187,21.7. 1980, p. 1. 3.7.82 Official Journal of the European Communities NoC 166/7

Article 12 not in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee for the Fishing Industry, the Commission 1. Where the procedure laid down in this Article is shall forthwith communicate them to the Council; in to be followed, the matter shall be referred to the that event the Commission may defer their Standing Committee for the Fishing Industry, either application for not more than one month from the on the initiative of its chairman or at the request of date of such communication. The Council, acting by the representative of a Member State. a qualified majority, may adopt different measures 2. The representative of the Commission shall within one month. submit a draft of the measures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion within a time limit to be set by the chairman according to the urgency of Article 13 the matter. Opinions shall be adopted by a majority of 41 votes, the votes of Member States being This Regulation shall enter into force on the third weighted in accordance with Article 148 (2) of the day following its publication in the Official Journal of Treaty. The chairman shall not vote. the European Communities. 3. The Commission shall adopt the measures, This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and which shall apply immediately. However, if they are directly applicable in all Member States.

Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) 370/82 of 15 February 1982 concerning the management and control of certain catch quotas for 1982 for vessels flying the flag of a Member State and fishing in the Regulatory Area defined in the NAFO Convention

(Submitted by the Commission to the Council on 11 June 1982)

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 370/82 provides for COMMUNITIES, an allocation among Member States of cod quotas in NAFO division 3 M; Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Whereas the catch quotas for squid in NAFO Article 43 thereof, divisions 3 + 4 include catches taken in parts of these Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, divisions under the jurisdiction of coastal States Having regard to the opinion of the European Par­ liament, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: Whereas the Council, by Regulation (EEC) No 370/82 of 15 February 1982 adopted certain measures concerning the management and control of certain catch quotas for 1982 for vessels flying the Sole Article flag of a Member State and fishings in the Regulatory Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 370/82 is Area defined in the NAFO Convention ('); replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.

Whereas, in order to ensure an equitable allocation of It shall apply from 1 January to 31 December 1982. available fishing possibilities among Community fishermen the quotas provided for in the said Regu­ This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and lation should be allocated among Member States; directly applicable in all Member States.

(l) OJ No L 47, 19. 2. 1982, p. 3. No C 166/8 Official Journal of the European Communities 3. 7. 82


Catch quotas for the period 1 January to 31 December 1982

Species NAFO Division Quotas (tonnes)

Atlantic cod 3 NO France 210

3 M 700

France 300

United Kingdom 1 405

American plaice 3 LNO France 700 (2)

3 M EEC 500 (')

Yellowtail flounder 3 LNO France 430 (2)

Redfish 3 M Germany 200

United Kingdom 1 000

3 LN EEC 150 O

Witch 3 NO France 50(')

Squid (Illex) 3 + 4 Germany 3 900 (2)

France 3 650 O

Italy 2 200 (2)

Capelin 3 LNO 0

(') This quota has not been allocated exclusively to Community vessels but to all Contracting Parties to NAFO having no specific allocation, including the Community. Fishing by Community vessels shall thus be suspended once the Community has been informed that the total quota has been exhausted. (') Less any quantity taken by Community vessels in the parts of NAFO sub-areas falling within areas of national fisheries jurisdiction. 3.7.82 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 166/9

III (Notices)


Office beige de l'economie et de 1'agriculture (OBEA), Bruxelles Direktoratet for Markedsordningerne, Kobenhavn Bundesanstalt fur landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung (BALM), Frankfurt am Main Service for the Management of Agricultural Products (UDAGEP), Athens Fonds d'orientation et de regularisation des marches agricoles (FORMA), Paris Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Dublin Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo (AIMA), Roma Service d'economie rurale (SER), Luxembourg Voedselvoorzienings In- en Verkoopbureau (VIB), Hoensbroek Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce (IBAP), Reading, Berks

Notice of standing invitation to tender for the sale of skimmed-milk powder for feeding to pigs and poultry

In accordance with Commission Regulation (EEC) — Direktoratet for Markedsordningerne, Frederiks- No 368/77 of 23 February 1977 on the sale by tender borggade 18, DK-1360 Copenhagen. Telex 15137 of skimmed-milk powder for use in feed for pigs and EFDIR-DK; poultry ('), the intervention agencies mentioned above issue a standing invitation to tender for the sale of — Bundesanstalt ftir landwirtschaftliche Markt­ skimmed-milk powder under the conditions laid ordnung (BALM), D-6000 Frankfurt am Main, down below. Adieckesallee 40. Telex 04-11-727. Tenders delivered by hand should be delivered to: BALM, The list of cold stores and their addresses and the Block B, Zimmer 056; quantities offered for sale by the intervention agencies which have skimmed-milk powder of the required age — Service for the Management of Agricultural is given in the Annex. Products (UDAGEP), 5 Aharnon street, Athens; The abovementioned list shall be kept up to date by — Societe Interlait: for tenders delivered by hand each of the intervention agencies and published on and for tenders sent by registered letter: 7, rue their premises. Scribe, Paris 9e, using the form obtainable on Tenderers may also obtain full information on the request. No tender by telex; said quantities and examine at their own expense — Department of Agriculture, Dairying (trade) samples of the skimmed-milk powder offered for sale Division, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, IRL- if they make a request to that effect by letter or by Dublin 2; telephone, at least 48 hours in advance, to the addresses listed below. — Azienda interventi mercati agricoli, Via Palestro The time limit for the submission of tenders for the 81, I-Rome; first individual award procedure shall be 12 July 1982 — Service d'economie rurale, Section de Peconomie at 12 noon. The detailed conditions for this laitiere, 113-115 rue de Hollerich, Luxembourg; procedure and the other rules in particular for the telex 2537 agrim Lu; lodging of the securities have been fixed by the intervention agencies in question to whom the — Voedselvoorzienings In- en Verkoopbureau, interested parties within the Community may address Kouvenderstraat 229, NL-Hoensbroek, using the further queries concerning these matters at one of the form obtainable on request. Telex 56396; following addresses: — Internal Market Division, Intervention Board for — Office beige de l'economie et de l'agriculture, Agricultural Produce, Fountain House, 2 West secteur produits agricoles et alimentaires, rue de Mall, UK-Reading, Berks RGl 7QW. Telex Treves 82, B-1040 Brussels; no tender by telex; 848 302.

(') OJ No L 52, 24. 2. 1977, p. 19. No C 166/10 Official Journal of the European Communities 3. 7. 82


Quantities of skimmed-milk powder-entered into storage in 1979

Place of storage kg Place of storage kg Schleswig-Holstein Stade 1 447 075 Flensburg Steinhudc 465 000 — Jarplund 1 990 950 Steinhude 575 000 — Walzenmiihle 325 000 Wohlde 475 000 — Zur Bleiche 125 000 Varrelbusch I 130 000 Hademarschen 50 000 Varrelbusch II 50 000 Hamburg Marschk. Deich 15 000 Westerstede 800 000 675 000 18 462 825 606 000 Nordrhein-Westfalen Hohenwestedt 33 000 Diiren Hohenwestedt 2 000 Geldern-Opheis Meezen 100 000 Hildenbach-Liitzel 150 000 Neumiinster 207 775 Obergartzem 260 000 Nordhackstedt 143 000 Rheda- Pixelerstrafie 401 000 Pahlen 307 000 Rimbeck 20 000 Rendsburg 284 800 St. Arnold 4 051025 Siethwende 303 000 Wiedenbriick 6 000 Todesfelde 327 750 4 888 025 Wesselburen 465 000 Hessen Wesselburen 903 000 Bebra 200 000 6 863 275 Bebra 702 000 Bremen Echzell 320 000 Bremer-Industriehof 233 350 Hungen II 2 680 000 — Kap-Horn-Strafle 145 000 3 902 000 — Krages Gelande 310 000 Rhcinland-Pfalz 688 350 Kommen I 209 825 Niedersachsen Nimshuscheider Miihle 6 275 Bad Nenndorf 75 000 Stadtkyll 10 000 BremervSrde 24 950 226 100 Cadenberge 38 000 Delmenhorst 1014 750 Saarland Fallingbostel 100 000 Freisen 1 110 000 Han-Hansastrafie 1 030 000 Turkismiihle 2 400 000 Han-Linden 600 000 3 510 000 Han-Nordhafen 675 000 Baden-Wurttemberg Ihren 1 050 000 Herbertingen 747 625 Logabirum I 350 000 Karlsruhe 287 000 Logabirum II 3 890 450 Offenburg 127 000 Luerte 940 000 Stuttgart 76 000 Markhausen 1 300 000 1 237 625 Norden 332 600 Otterndorf 225 000 Berlin Peheim 650 000 Berlin Rechterfeld 195 000 — Innungsstrafie 1 023 475 Reekenfeld 1 260 000 — Lengeder Strafie 1 132 950 Sogel 770 000 — Neuendorfer Strafie 1 678 600 3.7.82 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 166/11

Place of storage kg Place of storage kg — Sudhafen 1 71 250 — Cunystrafie 949 700 — Sudhafen 250 000 — Eiswerder Strafie 574 350 — Westhafen 250 000 — Zeugamt 941 450 — Sickinger Strafie 285 475 — Haselhorst 190 650 — Thyssenstrafie 303 000 — Naumannstrafie 1 066 750 — Rhenaniastrafie 583 525 — Siegfriedstrafie 874 450 10 175 625 HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY A HANDBOOK FOR STUDENTS 1981 Edition

This handbook for students has been prepared, for the assistance of students and their advisers to bring together in all Community languages the basic information needed by those considering a period of higher education in another Member State.

The Handbook contains an entry for each of the Member States of the Community. Each entry consists of two main sections, a descriptive text and an appendix. The text gives general information on the structure of the higher education system, its institutions and the types of qualifications obtainable, on admission conditions and application pro­ cedures, and on fees, language requirements and grants, as well as an indication of important social elements such as social security counselling, accommodation, etc. The appendix to each country entry contains a list of addresses of organizations and institutions from which further information and/or application forms may be obtained, a bibliography of national information material, in most cases a table of subjects taught at each institution, and a glossary per national entry for the explanation of terms that have not been translated.

In addition to the national entries, the Handbook contains separate entries for the College of Europe at Bruges and the European University Institute at Florence.

Published in: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian.

Price (excluding VAT) in Luxembourg: ECU 4-35, Bfrs 180, £ Irl 3, £ 2-80, US $ 6-15 ± 350 pages.

Publication No CB-32-81-253-EN-C ISBN 92-825-2432-9