WEDNESDAY 2nd February 9.00-10.30 REGISTRATION

10.00-10.30 MORNING TEA

10.30-11.00 WELCOME

11.00-12.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Dauvit Broun (Glasgow University): ‘The Chronicle of Melrose: The Englishness of an Anglo-Norman Scottish Chronicle’

12.30-1.30 LUNCH Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 1.30-3.00 A B C D E F SESSION 1 6 12 24 48 17 The Medieval and Early Modern Scosh The Polics and Theology of John Milton Creang Female Religious Identy Lay Piety Early Pagan-Chrisan Interrelaons Monarchy

John Hale Peter Cunich Andrew Brown Carole Cusack Lorna Barrow The Presupposions of Milton's Theology Surviving the Dissoluon: The Syon Community at ‘Civic Religion’ in late medieval Europe. Indigenous Religion and World Religion as Categories Conspicuously Unstable in Her Affecons’ : Denham, 1539-50. Through Which to View the Conversion of Early Reputaon and Reality in Margaret Tudor’s Divorce Medieval Germanic Europe. from the Earl of Angus’

Sarah Entwistle Julie Hotchin Elizabeth Freeman Gretchen Hendrick Elizabeth Bonner Milton's "Paradise Lost" and the everyday. Female founders and communal identy at the Hildegard of Bingen’s trease on Laybrothers and the The Role of Chaos in Lokasenna Why was James VI so interested in resurrecng Augusnian monastery of Heiningen, c. 1500 development of the lay brother instuon in the Scotland’s ‘Auld Alliance’ with France in the 1590s? twelh century

William Walker Claire Renkin Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen Philip Petroff Michelle Smith Milton’s ‘Radicalism’ The Sponsa Chris and the Identy of Female Saviours of Pious Ladies from Notorious Fornicators - Cassiodorus' On the Soul and its dependence on the Virgins, Adulterers and Useless Kings: Gendering the Religious: The Penitent Prostute and the Virgin in or Seducers of Deranged Scandalous Women? The Lan sources. Scosh Monarchy Fra Filippo Lippi’s Coronaon of the Virgin, 1439-47. role of Friars Preachers as confessors for lay women.

3.00-3.30 AFTERNOON TEA Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 3.30-5.00 A B C D E F SESSION 2 62 66 26 25 55 47 Early Representaves of the Bishop of Paris and the Shaping of Late Medieval Early Modern Commerce Representaons of Religious Women Medieval Emoons Rome and the Development of Papal Welsh Cultural Idenes Polical Ideas Legaon

Chris Jones Karen Jillings Sarah Gador-Whyte Anya Adair Geoffrey Dunn Lindsay Henderson ‘Marsilius of Padua and his Parisian Context’ Plague and the Poor in an Early Modern City: the Female Models of Penitence and Faith in Romanos The Aesthec of Joy in Old English Religious Poetry Innocent I’s Appointment of Boniface as Humanism in Welsh Culture and Historiography Case of Aberdeen in the 1540s the Melodist to Constannople

Anna Milne Nicholas Brodie Lisa Hawes Jennifer Carpenter Stephen Lake Helen Fulton ‘Ideological or Insubstanal? Polical Prophecy in ‘Rychard Gifford iiijd jd gone’: ’s ‘Arnulf and Chrisna: a Case for Reassessing Historical Happiness in the Thirteenth Century: Some Insights Gallic Bishops and the Papacy in Late Anquity THE DEATH OF LLYWELYN AND THE WRITING OF John of Paris’ Tract on the Anchrist.’ contributors to the poor in the 1560s Categories’ from the Low Countries VERNACULAR HISTORY IN WALES

Judith Collard Patrick Ball Kerryn Olsen Lindsay Diggelmann Kriston Rennie MATTHEW PARIS AS A NATURAL PHILOSOPHER LOTS, LAUGHTER AND ELIZABETH I: THE ‘LOTTERIE Women Saints of our Contrie of England: Anglo-Saxon ‘His Body Badly Twisted and His Countenance Filled Medieval Papal Legaon: Early Categories and Uses GENERALL’ OF 1567-69 Female Saints' Lives and the Development of with Anguish’: The Physical Symptoms of Emoonal Englishness. Kingship in the Anglo-Norman Period

5.30-8.30 RECEPTION: Special Collections, University of Otago Central Library THURSDAY 3rd FEB 8.30-9.00 REGISTRATION Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 Castle A 9.00-10.00 A B C D E F G

SESSION 3a 75 13 64 69 72 76 49 Knowledge and Learning in Medieval Europe and Medieval Travel Arthurian Literatures The Animal World Early Modern Images The Medieval in Modern Protest Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene Women's Convents Kim Phillips Eva Schlotheuber Amy Brown Deborah Brown Calvin Normore Estelle Alma Mare Pamela O'Neill Kathryn Walls Other Bodies Before Race, On and Off the Silk Leers of friendship – leers of compassion. Submission to whom: love and consent in Descartes and Animal Souls The myscal visions of El Greco’s backturned Medieval Irish troscad: hunger strike, ritual Una and the satyrs: a reinterpretaon of The Route The wrings of the Benedicne nuns in Lüne Cliges figures fast, or both? Faerie Queene between daily life, amor Dei and polics in the 15th–16th century

Margaret Kim Julie Ann Smith Hilary Carey Jennifer Clement Adelina Modes Louise D'Arcens Gillian Hubbard Beyond the West: “Atheism” in Late Medieval ‘The Hours that They Ought to Direct to the Prince Arthur's Book of Astrology? Prophecy Prosopopoeia, Thomas SUSANNA AND THE ELDERS (1652): ARTEMISIA Medievalist Farce as An-totalitarian Weapon: The Journey to the Bower of Bliss and to Early Modern Travel Wrings Study of Leers’:Learning in the Instuones and Context of an English Royal Manuscript Tryon, and Reading for the Birds GENTILESCHI’S “ENDPIECE” REDISCOVERED Dario Fo’s Mistero Buffo Augusnian exegesis of Genesis for Dominican Nuns

10.00-11.00 MORNING TEA ANZAMEMS Annual General Meeting

11.00-12.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Michael Hunter (Birkbeck College): The 'Decline of Magic': Confrontations between Sceptics and Believers in early Eighteenth-century England

12.30-1.30 LUNCH Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 Castle A Castle 1 1.30-3.00 A B C D E F G H

SESSION 3 19 14 63 16 42 41 15 11 Experiencing Childhood: Emoon and Thinking beyond the thesis: Aspects of crusades and crusading: Byzanne Piety in Pracce: Secular Violence in Later Medieval English Influences of the Medieval in the Age in Medieval and Early Modern Shakespeare Contextualised Interpretaons of Piers Plowman Planning your career in medieval emoons, conflict and identy and Religious Expressions Literature Modern World Drama studies

Karl Borchardt Amelia Brown Ailish McKeown Philippa Maddern Glyn Parry Biruta Flood Rosanne Gasse Alastair Minnis Medieval Pilgrimage to Corinth and Southern “And I now will bapze thee”: Violence and Playing emoons: associaons of emoons and Madness, Murder and Shakespeare's Medievalism in the Balc: a strategy toward Hunger: Man's Best Friend in _Piers Plowman_ Hans Prutz Revisited: On the Causes for the Greece Conversion in Medieval Cornish Saint Plays childhood in late-medieval English plays and Catholicism: the Arden Somerville Case modernisaon Dauvit Broun Suppression of the Templars processions Reconsidered

Sophia Menache Lynda Garland Diana Jefferies Ursula Poer Charles Pigden Kim Wilkins Gail Blick Elizabeth Freeman Love of God or Hatred of your Enemy? 'Till Death do us Part?': Family Life in the Purposeful Violence: Bors’ Road to Martyrdom Caring for pubertal daughters in early modern The Mirror of all Chrisan Kings? Shakespeare's What do Vikings Mean? Biblical Waymarks: Following Langland’s Emoons from the Holy Land in the First Byzanne Cloister in Malory’s Sangreal drama Henry V and the Machiavellian Ideal Guidance in Piers Kim Phillips Crusader Period A roundtable for those entering into an Adrian Boas Bronwen Neil Sarah Crawford Edel Lamb Lyn Tribble Sarah Randles Andrew Atkin Anne Sco academic career. Sponsored by the New Archaeological Evidence for the Crisis and Wealth in the Early Byzanne Period Community intervenon in domesc disputes: Playing girls on the early modern stage Shakespeare and skill Medievalism in Antarcca: the sledging Need, old age and Will’s reacon to Anchrist. Medieval Academy of America Graduate headquarters of the Teutonic Order at Acre and Evidence from the King's Bench, 1350-1500 pennants of the early Antarcc explorers Student Commiee Monort Castle

3.00-3.30 AFTERNOON TEA Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 Castle A Castle 1 3.30-5.00 A B C D E F G H

SESSION 4 23 7 21 61 37 18 28 74 Interpreng Magister Vincenus. Developing your Career: Bishops, , and Laity in Late Medieval Influences on Contemporary Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Crusades Words, Images and Meaning in the Representaons of Dispossession Early Modern Drama Publicaons and Major Funding for Anquity Culture Criseyde Chronica Polonorum Collaborave Research Projects

Mohamed El-Moctar Malcolm Choat Darius von Guener Megan Cassidy-Welch Dan Blank Andrew Lynch Peter Whiteford Simon Forde The Crusades’ Impact on the Sunni-Shi’a A new monasc selement on the Dr Abu el- The Chronica Polonorum by Magister Images of loss in medieval refugee narraves The Idenficaon of an Anonymous Dramac 'Nostalgia and crique: Walter Sco's "secret “Chaucer’s unlikely courtly lover” (i) An introducon to publishing with Relaons Naga, Thebes Vincenus - Issues of translaon and Fragment and What It Tells Us About the Need power"' academic publishers, and careers in interpretaon for Scholarly Revisitaon publishing

Sarah Lambert Jusn Pigo Edward Skibiński Michael Benne Edwina Chrise Oliver Chadwick Stephanie Trigg Sleeping with the enemy: populist views on Ecclesiascal currency: pilgrimage in the fih Morals and Polics in the Chronicle of Magister Britain's boat people: the German Palane Scribal Culture in the Eighteenth Century: A “I braved the circles of Hell for you!”: Faces that Talk: Chaucer, Nature and Female (ii) Becoming part of internaonal crusading pracce. century and the polics of sacred space Vincenus refugee crisis of 1709 Case Study of the Eumenes Manuscripts Masculinity and the Medieval Lover in EA’s Beauty research projects, forming research Dante’s Inferno consora, and gaining major grants

David Traill Jessica Tearney-Pearce Przemysław Wiszewski Andreas Berg Bronwyn Johnston Helen Dell Anne McKendry “Crucifigat omnes (CB 47): Philip the Why flies are born from vegetables and other Power and Society on the Verge of the 12th- VOICES FROM THE PERIPHERY: TRANSLATIO Is the Devil really an Ass? Kingly Excess and Parliamentary Restraint: the Chancellor and the ” tales: uning communies against evil in 13th. Mulple Approaches in Interpreng the IMPERII AND RUSSIAN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS Voice of the People in Troilus and Criseyde Vandal North Africa Chronicle of Magister Vincenus OF THE FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE

5.30-8.30 RECEPTION: Dunedin Public Art Gallery FRIDAY 4th February 8.30-9.00 REGISTRATION ACTIVITIES Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 9.00-10.30 A B C D E F Cargill's Castle Excursion 9am- 12.30pm SESSION 5 27 40 36 50 43 65 The Concept of Friendship in Medieval and Medieval to Early Modern: Religious Early Modern Female Virtue, Vanity, and Gender and Posions of Power Mercanlism in Sixteenth Century Europe Early Modern Pedagogy Early Modern Thought Reformaons Vice Brandon Chua Marcus Harmes Robyn Amendola Catherine Dewhirst Elizabeth Reid Marea Mitchell Roger Boyle's Henry V and the Polics of Friendship English Bishops and the Salvaon of Protestansm Penelope: The ideal wife in an-marriage literature Two Men and a Baby, Some Silkworms and Mulberry The Creatures of Vanity in Early Modern Europe A “Friday Knight” in Arcadia: Hain Friswell’s 1867 1660-1700 Trees: Assessing the Forced Monachisaon of edion of Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia Daughters of a Flemish-Veronese Family

Ryszard Groń Irena Larking Sally Fisher Catherine Kovesi Carolanne Selway Patricia Patrick Aelred of Rievaulx – the doctor of friendship. In what 'The Symbolic Ties That Bind: Objects and Faith within Gendering ambion in fieenth-century England: Wealth and Wisdom: Pinturicchio’s Pavement Panel in “Thieving had been her trade from infancy and her Right Compassion in Lucy Hutchinson’s Memoirs way? the English Parish Church, c. 1450-1700'. Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester (c. 1400- Siena’s Cathedral. Mother oen Condemn’d”: The and Motherhood in 1452). Seventeenth Century England.

Brian McGuire Elizabeth Murray Amanda McViy Una McIlvenna Fiona Kao Laura Ruch Bernard, Friendship and Scandinavia: the Case of The Fate of Church Plate during the English “The impulse of his will”: Gendering tyranny in the Shaming the ‘Cabal of Cuckoldry’: the Parlement de Towards a Model of Evangelical Female Martyrdom in Shades of Solidarity and Tools of Ficon: Archbishop Eskil of Lund Reformaon deposion of Richard II Paris and Catherine de Medici’s ladies-in-waing Foxe’s Acts and Monuments Sociohistorical Linguisc Perspecves on T/V Pronoun Use in Fourteen Epistolary Novels by Women

10.30-11.00 MORNING TEA 11.00-12.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Emeritus Professor Peter Matheson (University of Otago): ‘Let the muck give out a good old stink’. Encountering Early Modern Writers. Larnach Castle Excursion 1.30pm- 12.30-1.30 LUNCH 4.30pm Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 1.30-3.00 A B C D E F G Marama Hall SESSION 6 2 29 10 33 53 30 73 Early Modern Arsts and Travel Medieval and Early Modern Church Objects Medieval Women's Leers Italian Culture Early Modern Poetry Medieval and Early Modern Pedagogy Performance Simona Albanese David Cressy Diana Jeske Louis Gerdelan Rosalind Smith Wilfrid Prest Ron Brendel ‘The Fleeing Caravaggio’ The re-decking of the altars: church fabric and parish Women and the Opportunies of Epistolary Exchange: ‘Ancient Rome risen again in her beloved daughter Her painted wordis": women, complaint and the STUDENT NUMBERS AT THE EARLY MODERN INNS OF A performance of Benjamin Brien's Seven conflict in early modern England An Examinaon of Late Eleventh- and Early Twelh- Florence’: symbolism and spirituality in early modern canon COURT Sonnets of Michelangelo century Lan Love Leers Florenne spectacles

Victoria Bladen Lisa Bailey Kathleen Neal Sue Court Patricia Pender Alan Ross Accompanied by Terence Dennis ‘Imagining the Space of Elsewhere: Monsters, Maps The strange case of the portable altar: rites and Women’s Words: How did women’s leers come to be From allusion to illusion: the referenal dilemma of “A worme most abjecte:” Sermo Humilis as The perpetual scholar: masculinity and learning at a and Borders’ wrongs in early medieval Gaul wrien in 13th-century England? Alfonso Parigi’s etchings for Salvadori’s and Gagliano’s Reformaon Strategy in Katherine Parr’s Prayers or 17th century Protestant Lan school La Flora (1628). Medytacions

Georgina Hooper Anne Simon Zita Rohr Valerio Cappozzo Sarah Ross Anne Holloway ‘Spreading the Word’ of Chinese Aesthecs: Jesuit Nuremberg: the Making and Markeng of an Icon Yolandian Epistolary Discourse: For the Good of the Islamic Dream Sciences and Catholic Censorship in Did Hester Pulter read Jane Cavendish (who read Verbo et exemplo: Humbert of Romans’ Liber de Missionaries and Their Role in Insgang the ‘Firm’ Medieval and Humanisc Italian Miscellanies. George Herbert)? Royalist women’s poetry and Erudione Praedicatorum and the Order of Preachers. Influence of Chinese Arstry in Europe communies in the 1640s.

3.00-3.30 AFTERNOON TEA Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 3.30-5.00 A B C D E F SESSION 7 57 9 38 54 52 Transforming Monasc Tradion: Guy of St Brian Tierney's Scholarship Medieval and Early Modern Medicine Early Modern Women and Drama Authority in Medieval Religious Instuons Denis, Music and Learning in Paris c.1300

Constant Mews Thomas Turley Terry Doyle Sophie Tomlinson Sabina Flanagan Guy of St-Denis and his reading of the ancients, the Interpreng Medieval Papal Infallibility ‘Henry’s sore leg and anatomical knowledge in Tudor The Actress and the Sectary in Lording Barry’s The Rock, paper , scissors: Conflicng authories in the and the Fathers England’ Family of Love (1608). dispute between Baldwin of Forde and the monks of Christ Church, .

Catherine Jeffreys Takashi Shogimen Ian Moulton Paul Salzman John Martyn Guy of St-Denis and Aristotelian tradion Tierney, Ockham, and Origins of Papal Infallibility Erotomania and its Remedies: Love and Medicine in Love’s Victory, Pastoral, Gender, and As You Like It. Pope Gregory, the only Pope who did all he could to Early Modern Europe. help women.

Carol Williams Jason Taliadoros Mark Dawson James MacGregor Guy of St-Denis and the transformaon of monasc Subjecve Rights: The Role of Religion in Tierney’s Typifying Difference: Human Variaon and “Wanted” Saint Alban vs. Saint George: Challenging the status musical theory Account of Permissive Natural Rights’ Adversements in Early Modern England quo of Patron Sainthood in Late Medieval England

6.30-10.30 DINNER: Savoy Reception Centre SATURDAY 5th FEBRUARY 8.30-9.00 REGISTRATION Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2

9.00-10.30 A B C D E F SESSION 8 1 22 60 3 56 67 Science and the Supernatural in Europe and Early Modern Natural Philosophy and Uncovering Franciscana: From Manuscripts to Anglo Saxon Literature Military in Service of the Religious Anpodean Connecons the Brish Isles Theology New Technologies Mark Amsler Maria Griffiths Aaron Mitchell Peter Wilkin Jacques Dalarun Anders Ahlqvist Bede’s Literacy Casebook: Historia ecclesiasca, IV Love service and bale scars: Jesus the lover-knight in Science and Witchcra in the work of George Sinclair Francis Bacon and the ‘Old Quarrel between Philosophy The oldest manuscript witness of the First Life of Blessed Some Otago Place Names of Celc Origin Julian of Norwich and Poetry’ Francis wrien by Thomas of Celano Greg Waite Wojciech Iwanczak Michael Pickering Peter Anstey Tomas Zahora Alexandra Barra Mercian texts and West Saxon scribes in the reign of The "miles Chris" and "milia Chris" Deadly Sympathies: The ulizaon of occult forces in the The development of Baconian natural history Uncovering Franciscan voices in the ps-Vincenan What Shall We Pack? Immigrants and their Medieval Edward of the Elder: the case of Bodleian Manuscripts construcon of the vampire as senent corpse during the Speculum morale Manuscripts Tanner 10 and Junius 27. vampire debate of the 1730s.

Hollie Thomas Armelle Leclercq Julie Davies Larissa Aldridge David Squire Dmitri Nikulin Donald Kerr The omission of Claudius’ war in Britain in the Old English The BN fr 12569 manuscript, a descripon of the crusade Vehicles and Vapours: Joseph Glanvill and concepons of APOLOGETIC NATURAL THEOLOGY: THE BOYLE LECTURES Using text-recognion soware to expose new layers of Incunables at the University of Otago Orosius Spirit in seventeenth-century England ONCE MORE meaning in medieval wring

10.30-11.00 MORNING TEA Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 11.00-12.30 A B C D E F SESSION 9 4 31 77 71 58 39

New Voices in Old English Late Middle English Litertaure Scosh Cultural Identy Early Modern Philosophy and Literature Semanc, Stylisc, and Virtual Early Modern Travel to the New World

Anna Wallace Megan Leitch Juan Gomez Conal Condren Toby Burrows John Crossley Bede, Bryherth, and the Borders of Time ‘Alas! Who may truste thys worlde?’: Treason, Truth, and Scosh Philosophical Sociees and the Experimental The Philosopher Hobbes and the poet Homer. Applying Semanc Web Technologies to Medieval Communicaon costs: Spain and the Philippines c.1600. Pragmasm in Malory’s Morte Darthur Method Manuscript Research.

Helen Appleton Roger Nicholson Anne McKim Rara Li Ross Coleman Roberto González-Casanovas Blossoms from Blood: Enriching the land in the Old Billing and Killing: Treason Texts in Mid-fieenth Century Coming on to Bannockburn, and looking back Gender Compeon: More objecons to Hobbes's Digizaon Projects at the University of Sydney and ‘The Jesuits’Double Mission in Colonial Brazil from English Andreas England Social Contract Theory Beyond Nóbrega to Vieira: Postcolonial Criques of Spiritual Conquest as Colonial Utopia/Dystopia’

Tahlia Birnbaum Kylee Nicholls Alberto Vanzo Simon Forde Katherine Hermes Gis that Keep on Giving: An Interpretaon of Grave Watched by Woodwoses and Deeply Confused: Gawain's Experimental Philosophy in Eighteenth Century Germany The Polics and Economics of Electronic Publishing “Moses, Jesus and Indians in the Early Modern Atlanc Goods in Beowulf Objecficaon in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. World, 1610-1690.”

12.30-1.30 LUNCH Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 1.30-3.00 A B C D E F SESSION 10 5 46 51 45 59 34 Placing Texts in Anglo-Saxon and Norse The Development of Science in Early Modern Medieval English and French Romance Early Modern Literary Prinng Electronic Edions of Renaissance Drama Early Modern Alchemy and Witchcra Manuscripts Europe Emily Baynham David Sco-McNab Greg Dawes Tania Colwell Helen Ostovich Judith Bonzol The Charms of Cambridge, Corpus Chris College Chaucer’s Tale of Sir Thopas and the Mystery of Thopas’s Galileo as Forerunner: Experimental Natural Philosophy Mélusine of Lusignan in the Upton House Bearsted Queen’s Men Edions: Texts and Performances An English Remedy for Witchcra Manuscript 41: Pragmac Texts for Pragmac Concerns Lancegay before Boyle Collecon: lile-known fragments of the prose romance

Mariusz Beclawski Glynnis Cropp Hannah Burgess Danijela Kambaskovic-Sawers Mark Houlahan Charloe Millar Of gleemen and their successors: the Anglo-Saxon and PERSPECTIVES ON POVERTY IN SOME MEDIEVAL FRENCH The Art/Nature Debate in Anatomical History and Early prinng pracces and the influence of the sonnet Robert Greene's Selimus: or Why Eding is the new Cool The Witch’s Familiar in Sixteenth-Century England Norman approaches to musical entertainment in LITERARY WORKS Illustraon sequence on the development of narrave ficon in Renaissance Studies Medieval Britain

Hannah Burrows Robert Rouse Kirsten Walsh Simone Marshall Hugh Craig Sienna Latham Educaonal and Fun: Old Norse Riddles in Literary and ‘Trading Places: Mercanle Readership and the Wring of Hypotheses and Newton’s First Opcal Papers Samuel Bagster's 1807 Chaucer and its Early Modern THOMAS NASHE AND DIDO QUEENE OF CARTHAGE Lady Alchymia: Elizabethan Gentlewomen and the Popular Tradions the World in Medieval Romance’ Predecessors Pracce of Chymistry

Bre Hirsch Book, Bard, and Canon; or, Why We Need Electronic Edions of Renaissance Drama


3.30-5.00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Alastair Minnis (Yale Unviersity): The trouble with theology: Ethical poetics and the ends of Scripture

5.00-6.00 DRINKS