WEDNESDAY 2nd February 9.00-10.30 REGISTRATION 10.00-10.30 MORNING TEA 10.30-11.00 WELCOME 11.00-12.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Dauvit Broun (Glasgow University): ‘The Chronicle of Melrose: The Englishness of an Anglo-Norman Scottish Chronicle’ 12.30-1.30 LUNCH Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 1.30-3.00 A B C D E F SESSION 1 6 12 24 48 17 The Medieval and Early Modern SCoDsh The Poli0Cs and Theology of John Milton Creang Female Religious Identy Lay Piety Early Pagan-Chris0an Interrela0ons MonarChy John Hale Peter Cunich Andrew Brown Carole Cusack Lorna Barrow The PresupposiPons of Milton's Theology Surviving the DissoluPon: The Syon Community at ‘Civic Religion’ in late medieval Europe. Indigenous Religion and World Religion as Categories Conspicuously Unstable in Her AffecPons’ : Denham, 1539-50. Through Which to View the Conversion of Early Reputaon and Reality in Margaret Tudor’s Divorce Medieval Germanic Europe. from the Earl of Angus’ Sarah Entwistle Julie Hotchin Elizabeth Freeman Gretchen Hendrick Elizabeth Bonner Milton's "Paradise Lost" and the everyday. Female founders and communal idenPty at the Hildegard of Bingen’s trease on Laybrothers and the The Role of Chaos in Lokasenna Why was James VI so interested in resurrecPng AugusPnian monastery of Heiningen, c. 1500 development of the lay brother insPtuPon in the Scotland’s ‘Auld Alliance’ with France in the 1590s? twelih century William Walker Claire Renkin Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen Philip Petroff Michelle Smith Milton’s ‘Radicalism’ The Sponsa ChrisP and the IdenPty of Female Saviours of Pious Ladies from Notorious Fornicators - Cassiodorus' On the Soul and its dependence on the Virgins, Adulterers and Useless Kings: Gendering the Religious: The Penitent ProsPtute and the Virgin in or Seducers of Deranged Scandalous Women? The Lan sources. Scosh Monarchy Fra Filippo Lippi’s Coronaon of the Virgin, 1439-47. role of Friars Preachers as confessors for lay women. 3.00-3.30 AFTERNOON TEA Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 3.30-5.00 A B C D E F SESSION 2 62 66 26 25 55 47 Early Representa0ves of the Bishop of Paris and the Shaping of Late Medieval Early Modern CommerCe Representa0ons of Religious Women Medieval Emo0ons Rome and the Development of Papal Welsh Cultural Iden00es Poli0Cal Ideas Legaon Chris Jones Karen Jillings Sarah Gador-Whyte Anya Adair Geoffrey Dunn Lindsay Henderson ‘Marsilius of Padua and his Parisian Context’ Plague and the Poor in an Early Modern City: the Female Models of Penitence and Faith in Romanos The AesthePc of Joy in Old English Religious Poetry Innocent I’s Appointment of Boniface as Papal Legate Humanism in Welsh Culture and Historiography Case of Aberdeen in the 1540s the Melodist to ConstanPnople Anna Milne Nicholas Brodie Lisa Hawes Jennifer Carpenter Stephen Lake Helen Fulton ‘Ideological or InsubstanPal? PoliPcal Prophecy in ‘Rychard Gifford iiijd jd gone’: Exeter’s ‘Arnulf and ChrisPna: a Case for Reassessing Historical Happiness in the Thirteenth Century: Some Insights Gallic Bishops and the Papacy in Late AnPquity THE DEATH OF LLYWELYN AND THE WRITING OF John of Paris’ Tract on the AnPchrist.’ contributors to the poor in the 1560s Categories’ from the Low Countries VERNACULAR HISTORY IN WALES Judith Collard Patrick Ball Kerryn Olsen Lindsay Diggelmann Kriston Rennie MATTHEW PARIS AS A NATURAL PHILOSOPHER LOTS, LAUGHTER AND ELIZABETH I: THE ‘LOTTERIE Women Saints of our Contrie of England: Anglo-Saxon ‘His Body Badly Twisted and His Countenance Filled Medieval Papal Legaon: Early Categories and Uses GENERALL’ OF 1567-69 Female Saints' Lives and the Development of with Anguish’: The Physical Symptoms of EmoPonal Englishness. Kingship in the Anglo-Norman Period 5.30-8.30 RECEPTION: Special Collections, University of Otago Central Library THURSDAY 3rd FEB 8.30-9.00 REGISTRATION Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 Castle A 9.00-10.00 A B C D E F G SESSION 3a 75 13 64 69 72 76 49 Knowledge and Learning in Medieval Europe and Medieval Travel Arthurian Literatures The Animal World Early Modern Images The Medieval in Modern Protest Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene Women's Convents Kim Phillips Eva Schlotheuber Amy Brown Deborah Brown Calvin Normore Estelle Alma Mare Pamela O'Neill Kathryn Walls Other Bodies Before Race, On and Off the Silk Lejers of friendship – lejers of compassion. Submission to whom: love and consent in Descartes and Animal Souls The mysPcal visions of El Greco’s backturned Medieval Irish troscad: hunger strike, ritual Una and the satyrs: a reinterpretaon of The Route The wriPngs of the BenedicPne nuns in Lüne Cliges figures fast, or both? Faerie Queene I.vi between daily life, amor Dei and poliPcs in the 15th–16th century Margaret Kim Julie Ann Smith Hilary Carey Jennifer Clement Adelina ModesP Louise D'Arcens Gillian Hubbard Beyond the West: “Atheism” in Late Medieval ‘The Hours that They Ought to Direct to the Prince Arthur's Book of Astrology? Prophecy Prosopopoeia, Thomas SUSANNA AND THE ELDERS (1652): ARTEMISIA Medievalist Farce as AnP-totalitarian Weapon: The Journey to the Bower of Bliss and to Early Modern Travel WriPngs Study of Lejers’:Learning in the InsPtuPones and Context of an English Royal Manuscript Tryon, and Reading for the Birds GENTILESCHI’S “ENDPIECE” REDISCOVERED Dario Fo’s Mistero Buffo AugusPnian exegesis of Genesis for Dominican Nuns 10.00-11.00 MORNING TEA ANZAMEMS Annual General Meeting 11.00-12.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Michael Hunter (Birkbeck College): The 'Decline of Magic': Confrontations between Sceptics and Believers in early Eighteenth-century England 12.30-1.30 LUNCH Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 Castle A Castle 1 1.30-3.00 A B C D E F G H SESSION 3 19 14 63 16 42 41 15 11 Experiencing Childhood: Emoon and Thinking beyond the thesis: AspeCts of Crusades and Crusading: ByZan0ne Piety in PraC0Ce: SeCular ViolenCe in Later Medieval English InfluenCes of the Medieval in the Age in Medieval and Early Modern Shakespeare Contextualised Interpretaons of Piers Plowman Planning your career in medieval emoons, conflict and identy and Religious Expressions Literature Modern World Drama studies Karl Borchardt Amelia Brown Ailish McKeown Philippa Maddern Glyn Parry Biruta Flood Rosanne Gasse Alastair Minnis Medieval Pilgrimage to Corinth and Southern “And I now will bapPze thee”: Violence and Playing emoPons: associaons of emoPons and Madness, Murder and Shakespeare's Medievalism in the BalPc: a strategy toward Hunger: Man's Best Friend in _Piers Plowman_ Hans Prutz Revisited: On the Causes for the Greece Conversion in Medieval Cornish Saint Plays childhood in late-medieval English plays and Catholicism: the Arden Somerville Case modernisaon Dauvit Broun Suppression of the Templars processions Reconsidered Sophia Menache Lynda Garland Diana Jefferies Ursula Pojer Charles Pigden Kim Wilkins Gail Blick Elizabeth Freeman Love of God or Hatred of your Enemy? 'Till Death do us Part?': Family Life in the Purposeful Violence: Bors’ Road to Martyrdom Caring for pubertal daughters in early modern The Mirror of all ChrisPan Kings? Shakespeare's What do Vikings Mean? Biblical Waymarks: Following Langland’s EmoPons from the Holy Land in the First ByzanPne Cloister in Malory’s Sangreal drama Henry V and the Machiavellian Ideal Guidance in Piers Kim Phillips Crusader Period A roundtable for those entering into an Adrian Boas Bronwen Neil Sarah Crawford Edel Lamb Lyn Tribble Sarah Randles Andrew Atkin Anne Scoj academic career. Sponsored by the New Archaeological Evidence for the Crisis and Wealth in the Early ByzanPne Period Community intervenPon in domesPc disputes: Playing girls on the early modern stage Shakespeare and skill Medievalism in AntarcPca: the sledging Need, old age and Will’s reacPon to AnPchrist. Medieval Academy of America Graduate headquarters of the Teutonic Order at Acre and Evidence from the King's Bench, 1350-1500 pennants of the early AntarcPc explorers Student Commijee Monyort Castle 3.00-3.30 AFTERNOON TEA Te Riu RGS2 Te Pakokori RGS3 Castle C Castle D Burns 4 Burns 2 Castle A Castle 1 3.30-5.00 A B C D E F G H SESSION 4 23 7 21 61 37 18 28 74 Interpre0ng Magister VinCen0us. Developing your Career: Bishops, Monks, and Laity in Late Medieval InfluenCes on Contemporary Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Crusades Words, Images and Meaning in the Representa0ons of Dispossession Early Modern Drama PubliCa0ons and Major Funding for An0quity Culture Criseyde ChroniCa Polonorum Collaborave Research Projects Mohamed El-Moctar Malcolm Choat Darius von Guejner Megan Cassidy-Welch Dan Blank Andrew Lynch Peter Whiteford Simon Forde The Crusades’ Impact on the Sunni-Shi’a A new monasPc sejlement on the Dr Abu el- The Chronica Polonorum by Magister Images of loss in medieval refugee narraves The IdenPficaon of an Anonymous Dramac 'Nostalgia and criPque: Walter Scoj's "secret “Chaucer’s unlikely courtly lover” (i) An introducPon to publishing with Relaons Naga, Thebes VincenPus - Issues of translaon and Fragment and What It Tells Us About the Need power"' academic publishers, and careers in interpretaon for Scholarly Revisitaon publishing Sarah Lambert Jusn Pigoj Edward Skibiński Michael Bennej Edwina ChrisPe Oliver Chadwick Stephanie Trigg Sleeping with the enemy: populist views on EcclesiasPcal currency: pilgrimage in the fiih Morals and PoliPcs in the Chronicle of Magister Britain's boat people: the German Palane Scribal Culture in the Eighteenth Century: A “I braved the circles
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