Appendix D ADDENDA to the CTSA DIRECTORY —1992—

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Appendix D ADDENDA to the CTSA DIRECTORY —1992— Appendix D ADDENDA TO THE CTSA DIRECTORY —1992— CORRECTIONS James H. Ebner, 807 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 Joseph T. Nguyen, OFM, 100 Arch St., Boston, MA 02110 ASSOCIATE, NOW ACTIVE MEMBERS Gregory Banazak Marcellino D'Ambrosio Edward Shirley Carol Jean Vale Patricia Walter NEW ACTIVE MEMBERS: 1992 AQUINO, Maria Pilar, Mount St. Mary's College, 10 Chester Place, Los Angeles, CA 90007. STD 1990 Salamanca. Diss: Latin American Feminist Liberation Theology. Latin American Liberation Theology, Feminist Theology. BANAZAK, Gregory A., Saints Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake, MI 48324. STD 1991 Gregorian. Diss: The Ecclesiology of Vasco de Quiroga (1531-1565). Systematic Theology, Liberation Theology. BAUR, Francis G„ OFM, Franciscan School of Theology, 1712 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709. PhD 1976 Graduate Theological Union. Diss: The Implications of the Whiteheadian Notions of Value-Experience and the Episodal Self for a Christian Anthropology. Process Thought, Spirituality. BAYER, Richard C„ 18 Price St., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. PhD 1990 Graduate Theological Union. Diss: Economic Justice for All: the Goal of Full Employment. Theological and Philosophical Ethics. REES, Michael A., Franciscan University, 920 Longford Dr., Steubenville, OH 43952. PhD 1992 Duquesne. Diss: The Promise of Existential Phenomenology for Theology: The Husserlian Concept of the Life-world and Theological Method. Existential Phenomenology, Theological Method. Appendix D. Addenda to the CTSA Directory 207 BRETZKE, James T., SJ, Gregorian University, Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Rome, Italy. STD 1989 Gregorian. Diss: The Notion of Moral Community in the "Analects " of Confucius and Matthew's Sermon on the Mount. Fundamental Moral, Scripture and Ethics, Inculturation. BROWN, Joseph A., SJ, 4916 Howard Ave., New Orleans, LA 70125. PhD 1984 Yale. Diss: Harmonic Circles: Afro-American Religious Heritage and American Aesthetics. African American Theology and Religious History, Aesthetics. CARR, Elizabeth E., Smith College, Northampton, MA 01061. PhD 1987 Graduate Theological Union. Diss: Harmonious Folly: Art and the Interior Life in the Works of Max Jacob. Spirituality, Women's Studies, World Religions. CASARELLA, Peter J., Department of Theology, University of Dallas, Irving, TX 75062. PhD 1992 Yale. Diss: Nicholas of Cusa's Theology of the Word. Contemporary Systematics, Medieval Theology, Fundamental Theology. CONNOR, James L., SJ, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057. STD 1964 Gregorian. Diss: Gratia Capitis Christi in St. Thomas Aquinas. Fundamental Moral, Theological Method, Ignatian Spirituality. CUSTER, John S„ Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church, 2310 S. 24th St., Philadelphia, PA 19145. STD 1987 Gregorian. Diss: The Poetics of Complaint at the Limits of Theology. Old Testament Literary Criticism, Byzantine, Hymnography, Byzantine Hermeneutics. D'AMBROSIO, Marcellino G., 307 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore, MD 21229. PhD 1991 Catholic University of America. Diss: Henri de Lubac and the Recovery of the Traditional Hermeneutic. Hermeneutics, 20th Century European Catholic Theology. DEL COLLE, Ralph G„ Barry University, 11300 NE 2nd Ave., Miami Shores, FL 33161. PhD 1991 Union Theological. Diss: Christ and the Spirit: Spirit-Christology in Trinitarian Perspective. Theology of Grace, Christology, God and Temporality. ESSELMAN, Thomas E., CM, St. Thomas Theological Seminary, 1300 S. Steele St., Denver CO 80210. PhD 1992 St. Michael's College, Toronto. Diss: The Principle of Functionality in Ecclesiology. Ecclesiology, Systematics. EVANS, Jeanne, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. PhD 1989 St. Michael's College, Toronto. Diss: Paul Ricoeur 's Hermeneutics: The Imagination as the Creative Element of Religious Literacy. Hermeneutics. GAILLARDETZ, Richard R., University of St. Thomas School of Theology, 9845 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77024. PhD 1992 Notre Dame. Diss: The Development of Theologies of the Ordinary Magisterium from 1840 to 1990. Ecclesiology, Theological Anthropology, Fundamental Moral. GENDRON, Lionel J., Newman Theological College, 15611 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 4H8 Canada. STD 1975 Gregorian. Diss: Mystère de la Trinité et Symbolique familiale (Approche historique). Patristic Theology. GERRITS EN, Maria L„ SCSL, Newman Theological College, 15611 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 4H8 Canada. STD 1981 Gregorian. Diss: "Self-Abandon- ment" in the Spiritual Writings of Madame Mole (1763-1825). Ecclesiology, Spirituality, Theology of Religious Life. GRIG ASSY, Daniel P. OFM, Washington Theological Union, 9001 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20903. PhD 1985 Catholic University of America. Diss: J.D. Crichton's Significance for Pastoral Liturgy in England. Liturgy, Sacraments. 208 CTSA Proceedings 47 / 1992 HAUGHEY, John C., SJ, Loyola University, Chicago, IL 60626. STD 1967 Catholic University of America. Diss: The Ecclesiology of F.D. Maurice. Ethics, Spirituality of Work, Eschatology and Ethics. HEANEY-HUNTER, JoAnn C., St. John's University, Grand Central and Utopia Pkwys., Jamaica, NY 11439. PhD 1988 Fordham. Diss: The Links Between Sexuality and Original Sin in the Writings of John Chrysostom and Augustine. Historical Theology, History of Christian Marriage, Contemporary Marriage. HUGHSON, D. Thomas, SJ, 1037 S. 10th St., Milwaukee, WI 53204. PhD 1981 St. Michael's College, Toronto. Diss: A Critical Study of the Analogy Central to the Pneumatology of Herbert Miihlen. Christology, Ecclesiology, Theology of Grace. JOHNSTONE, Brian V. CSsR, Accademia Alfonsiana, C.P. 2458, 1-00100 Rome Italy. STD 1976 Louvain. Diss: Eschatology and Social Ethics. Moral Theology, Biomedical Ethics, Peace-War. JONCAS, Jan Michael, University of St. Thomas, 2115 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105. SLD 1991 Sant' Anselmo. Diss: "Hymnum Tuae Gloriae Canimus." Toward An Analysis of the Vocal and Musical Expression of the Eucharistic Prayer in the Roman Rite: Tradition, Principles, Method. Ancient and Medieval Western Liturgy, Liturgical Music. KAVENY, M. Cathleen, 260 Bay St. #317, San Francisco, CA 94133. JD 1990 Yale Law School; PhD 1991 Yale. Diss: Neutrality about the Good Life v. the Common Good: Maclntyre, the Supreme Court, and Liberalism as a Living Tradition. Theological and Philosophical Ethics, Legal Philosophy. KERINS, M. Roberta, SC, Washington Theological Union, 9001 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20903. DMin 1985 Catholic University of America. Diss: The Spiritual Development of the Older Adult as Related to the Life Review Process. Pastoral Studies, Spirituality. KOPERSKI, Veronica, SFCC, SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake, MI 48324. STD (PhD) 1991 Catholic University of Louvain. Diss: The Knowledge of Christ Jesus My Lord: A Study of Philippians 3:8-11. New Testament, Dogma. KOPFENSTEINER, Thomas R., Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, 5200 Glennon, St. Louis, MO 63119. STD 1988 Gregorian. Diss: Paradigms and Hermeneutics: The Essential Tension Between Person and Nature in the Principle of Totality. Fundamental Moral Theology, Hermeneutics, Medical Ethics. KRISAK, Anthony F„ SS, 618 E St., NE #8, Washington, DC 20002. STD 1989 Catholic University of America. Diss: Baldwin of Forde's "Sacrament of the Altar": Its Contribution to a Medieval Understanding of the Eucharist as Sacrifice. Liturgy, Worship and Ethics, Theological Method. MARTIN, R. Francis, Mother of God Community, 20501 Goshen Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20879. SSD 1978 Biblicum. Diss: Encounter Story: A Characteristic Gospel Narrative Form. Narratology, Hermeneutics, Spirituality. MASSINGALE, Bryan N„ St. Francis Seminary, 3257 S. Lake Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53207. STD 1991 Alfonsiana, Diss: The Social Dimensions of Sin and Reconciliation in the Theologies of James H. Cone and Gustavo Gutiérrez: A Critical Comparative Examination. Ethical Implications of Liberation Theologies, Theology and Racism. McDONOUGH, William C., St. Paul Seminary, 2260 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105. STD 1990 Alponsianum. Diss: The Nature of Moral Truth According to Domenico Capone. Moral Epistemology, Social Ethics, Sexual Ethics. Appendix D. Addenda to the CTSA Directory 209 McGLONE, Mary M., CSJ, Avila College 11901 Wornall Rd„ Kansas City, MO 64145. PhD 1991 St. Louis University. Diss: The Lost Option: Toribio ofMogrovijo and the Beginnings of the Church in Peru. Sacraments, Liberation Theology, Latin America Church History. McINTYRE, Moni, IHM, 507 Shady Ave., #A6, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. PhD 1990 St. Michael's College, Toronto. Diss Social Ethics and the Return to Cosmology: A Study of Gibson Winter. Social Ethics, Feminist Ethics, Moral Theology. MILLER, Michael J., St. Patrick's Church, 721 Main St., Watsonville, CA 95076. PhD 1982 Graduate Theological Union. Diss: The Pastoral Usefulness of Kierkegaard's Theory of Human Development. Systematics. MUELLER, Joan L., OSF, St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, WI 53235. PhD 1992 Duquesne. Diss: The Lucan Prayer of Forgiveness and Selected Pastoral Theologies of Forgiveness: A Critical Dialogue. Spirituality, Systematic Theology. NAUGHTON, Michael J., University of St. Thomas, 2115 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105. PhD 1991 Marquette. Dissen Organizational Ethic of Work in Papal Social Teachings. Catholic Social Teaching, Organizational Ethics. OUELLET, Marc, SS, Grand Séminaire de Montreal, 2065 Sherbrooke-Ouest, Montreal, P.Q., H3H 1G6 Canada. STD 1983 Gregorian. Diss: L'existence comme Mission: L'anthropologie théologique de Hans Urs von Balthasar. Fundamental Theology, Balthasar,
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