Public Hearings on Proposed Fy2016 Fare Changes, Service Changes, and Capital Improvement Program
PRESENTED AND ADOPTED: February 26, 2015 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED FY2016 FARE CHANGES, SERVICE CHANGES, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2015-11 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) provides Metrobus, Metrorail, and MetroAccess services to the residents of the region; and WHEREAS, These services combine to provide over 340 million passenger trips per year; and WHEREAS, The operating cost of Metrobus, Metrorail, and MetroAccess services is funded in part by passenger and other operating revenues and in part by subsidies provided by the District of Columbia, the State of Maryland, local jurisdictions in Virginia, and the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, The Interim General Manager/Chief Executive Officer's (GM/CEO) current proposed Fiscal Year (FY)2016 budget forecasts operating expense growth in an amount greater than the growth in passenger and other operating revenues, leading to a substantial increase in proposed local jurisdictional subsidy compared to FY2015; and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors has considered a range of options for reducing the required local jurisdictional subsidy in the FY2016 budget, including administrative expense reductions, one-time funding sources, fare increases, and major service changes, but has determined that fare increases and major service changes are not required in FY2016; and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors has determined that other minor changes to WMATA's fare structure and parking fees in FY2016, as well as a limited set of Metrobus service changes in Maryland, are appropriate for public consideration; WHEREAS, The proposed changes to fares and fees and the proposed changes in bus service require a public hearing pursuant to the WMATA Compact; and WHEREAS, In order to meet Board-established deadlines for public hearing and public participation, staff must begin work immediately following adoption of this Resolution; and Motioned by Mr.
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