Culture Fair

My project for

By: Jasmin Naim from 6a Population,size and capital

China is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.437 billion in 2020.Covering around 9,600,000 square kilometers ,China is the world's third-largest country in the world.

It's capital is Beijing also known as Peking. Symbols of the country- a flag and anthem


The national flag of the People's Republic of China was designed by Zeng Liansong.It has a red field charged with five golden stars in the canton. The color red represents the Communist Revolution, the four smaller stars represents the four social classes in Chinese society, and the largest star represents Chinese unity under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. One corner of each of the four smaller stars points towards the center of the bigger star, representing the principle that unity should go around the center. This flag is flown in the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau. Click the video to Give a look at the national anthem of THE ANTHEM China!

The "March of the Volunteers" is the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, including its special administrative regions of Hong Kong an d Macau. Unlike most previous Chinese state anthems, it is written entirely in the vernacular, rather than in Classical Chinese. Climate

• In the west of China, there are two types of climate, temperate continental climate and plateau climate and highland climate. Most regions are cold and dry in winter and have a warm and rainy climate in summer. My favourite famous composer Biography

• My favourite composer from China is . • Ding was born in Kunshan, . He studied music with teachers including Tzu at the Conservatory of Music. Ding taught at the Shanghai Conservatory in the late 1930s. From 1947 to 1949, he studied composition in the Paris Conservatoire with Noël Gallon, Tony Aubin, and Nadia Boulanger. He also attended the courses of Arthur Honegger. From 1949, he taught at the Shanghai Conservatory again and became a vice president of the conservatory later. He died in Shanghai in 1995. • Ding's influential composition includes the Long March Symphony, symphonic suite New China, and the children's piano suite Happy Festival. He has also written theoretical works. • Renowned conductor is Ding's grandson. My favourite creation from my favourite composer

• My favourite creation from Ding Shande is ,,Long March''.It is a symphony.

Take a look at my favourite symphony by clicking this video! Enjoy the beautiful sound of this creation! Traditional dish of China • Dumplings are the most famous traditional Chinese food, which were invented by medical sage Zhang Zhongjing more than 1,800 years ago. At that time, Chinese herbal medicine was stuffed in with mutton to prevent cold and cure pernio in winter. Soon, dumplings became popular around China, and people filled them in a bowl with the soup to eat them together. Later after, dumplings started to be eaten without soup.

• I once tasted dumplings in a chinese restaurant and they were so yummy! Recipe for dumplings

• 2 tablespoons soy sauce • 2 tablespoons sesame oil • Ingredients • ½ lb ground pork(225 g) • for 24 dumplings • ½ teaspoon pepper • 4 cups all-purpose flour(500 g) • ¾ cup mushroom(55 g), diced • DIPPING SAUCE • 2 teaspoons salt, divided • ¼ cup soy sauce(60 mL) • 1 ¼ cups warm water(300 mL) • ¾ cup carrot(90 g), diced • ¼ cup rice wine vinegar(60 mL) • 2 cups red cabbage(200 ML) • ½ lb shrimp(225 g), peeled AND deveined • • 2 cups green onion(300 g), sliced • ¾ cup mushroom(55 g), diced 1 teaspoon sesame oil • • 6 cloves garlic, minced • ¾ cup carrot(90 g), diced 1 teaspoon crushed red • • 4 tablespoons ginger, minced • ½ lb shrimp(225 g), peeled and deveined pepper flake Thank you Mrs. Teneva for watching my presentation!

• I hope you enjoy.