Somethiag 1're Sweet to Tll You. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONIES! : BOOKS! BOOKS! a - MARRIAGE Xatest .Arrival over Half million of testimoni- " Bediieed! : , Price I've something sweet totsH you,- - The subscribers have just received slshave been received by the Proprietor of WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY; ' Bat the keep, s . ' v" mnl 70a nail McALlSTER'S ! . : .: ' Decidedly the Largest and Best selection of 1 THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY ;". :; 'Ad renumber, if it Isn't night,.-- . ! J upmvn rT WT ... VAUGHN'S. - - Fall ancl Winter Goods it ...'.7 I 'talking in my sltep." s... I. ft bodily , ", m MM ML 9 iviij a iroiii musicians Mast and many a wife endures years of j It is now universally admitted that BROUGHT MARKET .i. ... .i.:nr..l I a suffering and of mentRl anguish, prostrate and kelp--, IITHOOTEIPTIC KIXTUEE! For 1 know !resming, ' ;' TO THIS lam but EVER Clasicat, Medical aud School lebrated. from Counsei-- less, embittering her life, that of ber husband, and , . 1 ! t02 -- Winn think your love ia mine; J-- v Only .Dollar. ms9i Books, among which, ihe fetlowmg are a few: , - ' lors learned in the Law, hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising Bottle One j. And I know they are but Mewing, is the place to buy Good and cheap - STORE from Judges of celebrity from causes which, known, would have spared thft ' ? ' All tb hops that round m shuts. . , and a he baa opened onr of the lorpesl The writings of Gen Washington, by Jared Sparks, ' if The Proprietor of the Great Aimrican Romr, on the Bench, from Min-- ; - ,,VATJOMN' stocks brought 12 vert urn es. - v . - d suffering, the anguish to th wife, and to the has- , t VBOTAta LiTHOITTniPTIO MlXTOM," to thie mnrhwt, he 'nld say to his ' ffHg inter of the Gospel, hav- induced by the urgent solicitations of his Agents, t&roiifit' S.,KS teu "" trad-- , of , band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties ' remember, whea l , .... old customers, and all who make Fremunt a Prescolt's Conquest Pern 2 volumes; whose undeviating out the United iaies and Canada, has now ' . What 1 can longer keep, , ,. '; to call and mind do do Mexico, 3 vols, iSt7' ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and ,,.0 do ingplitce, examine, beuriugin that ity have made them ( "A r Seduced the ' ' "'. ', l '.!$ Mm . We are oone of us responsible , , 110 eHtabliehuu-n- in the .. do Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols; harassed in eonseqaence of the sickness of the com- t shining lights in the ' of his popular and well known articla ; and from this dat, f For what we say iu eieep. . V . do Miscellanies, 1 vol; his bosom. ; path 01 truth, trom en panion of henceforth, ho will put up but on visa only, hia quart . OF Allison's History of Europe, 4 vols! ? ' the causes should ' ; tvtail price-wil- be- STATE OHIO!! ? lightened acuta Merchants, and flow important that be known tool :tba My pretty secret's coming! Hildreth's United States, 3 vol; - - Prcfenrrs. firm husband, ' - shall undersell him in any one article. Hifstock name and to every wife, to every that the dreadful fes-- i. ' . v- : I from those of every stati n, degree ... ONE DOLLAR. Oh, listen with your heart, f - - r Maccaulej History of Enplsind, 2 vols; to hap- :; ; cenfiists in part of all f which, witln ut one d and harrowing consequence the health and 5 : yeu it ffltSstJ among mankind The public may rest assured that the character of the And shall hear nuoimingv - Ha!lums Works, 4 vols; Gitibou'a Rome, 4 vols. 1 is too . . C 3S this Ointment to be piness of both may be avoided Life short and strength, and curative . .' I So eloee 'twill make you start. - . 2CraBS.Bi' 3- SSi 9 Stephens Yucatan; Greece;. Egypt 2 vols each; objection, ironounca Medicine, hs properties will precious to admit any portion of Uie one to and the same care wilt be bestowed in 4 Pluiii aiid fancy Alipaco,-Thihn- t clilhdv Mu.clin de GOOD. health too maim uncharged, CoinpIele.Works of Lorenzo Dow; unobtrusively extends of the other. : preparing; it as heretofore. k Oh, aiiut your eyee ao earnest, :i Gilifrhama, 500 As day by day it its be spent without the full enjoyment pur- Iain, CashinerfS, pitreof calicoes Addison's Wurks; Burke's do. a : As this medicine, under its reduced price, will be will wildly weep; s. A k of action along the borders of our vast coun- possession of a little work entitled as hitherto made i Or laiae .....-- warranted fust colors. Broad cloth, Cassamere,, Josrephus Works 1 and 2 vols; Byron's do ; sphere The timely chased by these who have not themselves .v - ! ! throughout its extent, new the health and acquainted wiih its virtues, the proprietor would beg to j - I k you,! i adore you! but - 1 . Sattiiu'tls, Tweetis, Joans, Hed Ticking, Flnnnels, 1 COME IN, WE CALL YOU try, and is circulated follows has been the means of saving Sh.ikspeare's Works, and 2 vols; effi- intimate that his article is not to be classed with the rset . of its power and new proofs of its i am talking in my tlesp.' tj ! bleached and brow 11 tV'lton varus & bats. Roil ill's - evidences the life of thousands, as over ; " Remedies of the day it claims for itself a " Hivtory, do cacy arc continually developed. Three millions amount of ti Chamber's Information for the People, 2 vols; XEW FIRM. AEAV GOODS, AND frtmttr healing power, in ail dt teases, than any other -- e- lIAniilVAISE of Boxes, applied to disease within the last four TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND1 preparation note before the ttorld ; snd hss sustained itself American Revolution 2 vols: lor eight years by ita superior medical virtu ea, and, until ' Of ever description.' years, has established the astounding fact beyond U-- . ; copies have been sold since the first edition was ' double the price ot any ether t Taking the! Cciwns.'f " Groceries, Marshal's Washington, 2 volumes; power of cavil or contradiction, that it Is IN- this reduction, commanded Neal's Pnritans, vols; Eife of Brant, 2 the sued. " article in this line. i "Madam, I have called te take the census. 2 vIs; PEASE & ROBERTS, in cure of all Tumors, Ulcers, WKkg.tthesJ-In- f .. .'Crockery, FALLIBLE the induced to advertise by ' Notice Particularly, ihwarticleeeu Mrs Edge worth's Works 10 voIk; v Scrofula, Erysipelas, The author has been it power and certainty, upon the - senses, is it and .what like do ye call . Sores, Burns, Tetter. Piles, r The .. HAVING taken the old stand of J, R. Pease, who ha ; .."-- ' Boots and Shoes, Spark's American Biography 10 vols; tiie argent and pressing request of those - s and purchased the stock of Chilblains, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Croup, . Blood, Itiver, Kidneya, Liuigm, th samet". .... i Hats and Caps, Memoirs and Administrations of the Presidents; H entire Pease & Ague in the Face, been, indebted to its publication for all they bold dear Roberts, are now having it Rheumatism, Broken Breast, , and all ether organs, upon the proper action of which life , 'I wish to send a return to Washington of Cooper's Naval History; Brand's Encyclopedia; replenished with the aU an opportunity of obtaining it), and . Sole and Upper leather. Paints and Oils, Uj e stuff. and most desirable Corns, &c. It completely restores the INSEN- (that may have , and health depend, - . History latest patterns of high the numberof your family.- ..: of the Girondists; Life of Franklin; SIBLE PERSPIRATION, and by this means opens who have favored him with thousands of letters of This medicine has e justly repute as a remedy for . - IROX, KAILS AND GLASS, rfc, bc. Mrs. Breinier's Novels, complete iu one vol;, . to adver- Gre-Tel-, 'Shure, now, it's joking ye are. Is it Con COOK, HALL, PARLOR, those avennes by which Nature intended to expel encomium, some of which are annexed the , Dropsy and In would say his is Harper's Family Library, 34 volumes; Air-Tig- "'' of that nature. It may be relied upon wheit short, he that assortment ht, Six-Pla- te morbid of the body thus is the system 'tisement. and all diseases yon uv us 1 1 Box the matter his , gressmen vouiu mate complete, and that he is prepared 10 pirp those who do School District Library, 50 volumes; and Stores. and re- the intelligent physician has abandoned paiienu end cleansed, the blood purified, the health tor these distressing diseases, more especial fy 1ropst, live . "Oh, no, it is ouly to find out how many a a heiit-fit- . do Clascal Library, 20 volumes ever offered in this market, which will be will favor him witli call grund sold at stored. . would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At ou!s in Union. Alikiuds of produce taken ia exchange for poods. Swan's Treatise; Swan's Miscellany; to cause all Sores, THE MARRIED WOMAN'S firoprietor price it easily obtained by ail, and toe trial ; there are the Vlioleale or Itetails ' It has the power external : is and , D. BETTS. Webster's Dictionary, unabridged Scrofulous Humors, Skin Diseases, and Poisonous will prove the article to be tbe "Well, thin, ax me the questions, if to suit purchasers, and for which we will take your Private Medieal Companion. ' ' Fremont, Oct. 56, 1830. do do Large, revised; Wounds, to discharge their putrid matter, and Cheapest Kedicine In the World! dacent,Us meself as will answer. fiiaes, aume, ttags, Beeswax, &c. A. M. MAUBICBAU, they're do do . University edition; Tallow, are ashamed of th BY DR. ffZr Flease ask for pamphlets the agents gin them then heal them. We not pages receipts, (in 'Begin witb the eldest, and inform me their do do School edition; Old Stoves bought and sold, or exchanged ' ' 'rteriiiot or or womiw. away: they contain over sixteen of for names of , siimli addition to full medical matter,) valuable for household J ,1 - ,'. United States Dispensatory, late ediion; Ttctntklh Edition. pp. 259. Prtor, 1.0ft . names and occupations." : 7 Liivcry New Okes. , im., purposes, and which will save many dollars per year te k Stable. All-Healin- g: I First, tbere's Teddy and a fine broth uv a Eberlee's Practice; Eberlee's Therapeutics; Give us a call. Don't forget the place, Pease's Ointment ' THIS WORK 18 INTENDED ESPECIAL..: practical housekeepers. Smith's Hand Surgery; Watson's Practice; MARRIED, or those contempla- - These receipts are introduced to mare the book of great He Brick Block. iVo. at the sign or the Stove. LY FOR THE advertising medium boy is he's forty fire years old, and is an IRA SMITH, Hooper's Dictionary; li Or the ting marriage, as it disckises important secrets which Value, aside from ita character as an notice to the citizens of Fremont, and the N. B. For particulars call at our eslablishmeatr for the medicine, the testimony in favor of watch, in the elevator and discinderby thrade." ; '"'." GIVES ihoold be known to them particularly. from ail pane of the country, may be relied - he car- Advice, gratis. ! form of letters . I J T . I . 1 generally, that still continues to SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Salve r . Here, every female the wife, the mother the - . : A UVJJ .Femout, , World's upon. , K wunt uituaiu UUl umuvisuiiiu. ry on the above business in alt its branches aud Sept. 29, 1849. - one budding into womanhood, or tbe one in MGuSeys Eclectic series of Readers; .1 has applied to this either Ky Vaughn's Vegetable Lilhontriptic Mixwre "the Malusian : to which a discerning public die in whom nature contemplates 'It's Inglish I'm epaking: pure forms. He has made additions his stock of Ray's, Adams', Smith's, Davis', Dabol's and Per- - decline of years, : Great American Remedy, now for sale in quart bottles at ' " ' medicine ; for there is scarcely a disease, exter- n important change can discover the causes, symp- 60 smalt bouiee Inglish. : ? .5 kin's Arithmetic; , lupwards of 10,000 Cnres! each, small bottles at cts. each. No Horses, Carriages, Buggies, &c; nal or internal, that it will not benefit. I have toms, and tbe most efficient remedies and most cer- ,lwill be iisued after the present stock is disposed of. r " ; Clark's, Smith's, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED!!! v do pot apprehend ri and is now prepared to accommodate all who muy Well's, Burritt's andKirkam's used it for the last fourteen years for all diseases tain mode of core, in every complaint to which her Principal Office. Buffalo, N. Y. 307 Main Street ' . G. C. Vaushn, favor bim a Horses and . Grammar; involving sex is sabject " Apprehend me, is it,T dirty' loon?"1 It's .with call. carriages DR. RODGEUS' of the Chest, Consumption, and Liver, McKESSON As. Smith's, Oloney's Morse's and Parley's Geogra- I declare The revelations contained in its pages have proved Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT . more likes uv you can do same. For or Compound Syrnp & the utmost danger and responsibility, and CO., 127 Maiden Lane, New York City. than the that Parties Funerals phy, &C, 4&C of Liverwort Tar. not in one single a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable tetters can he had at any moment. Covered and open before heaven and man, that received by die author (which be is permitted by tbe N. B. AH letters (excepting from agents and dealers , For two pays I'd skin ye as I irould a "pruitie. For the Cure Consumption, and all Dis- the patient was transacts business) must be post paid, or ne buggiea fur men of business or pleasure, ou the STATIONARY. of case has it failed to benefit when writers to publish) will attest. ,.. with whom he ' 'Don't get into passiens .you misconceive eases of the Lungs and Breast within the reach of mortal means. attention will be given te them,. ' " shortest notice. Any quantity of Fools Cap, and Letter Paper 141 AND IWIIAPPY WIVES. me. merely wished to say I do not under- ' Wholesale and retail at the Grand Depot, SICKLY I Kidiu? Horses of the 1est bottom, plain and ruled. Gilt Edged and Embossed; r Great Remedy has not only made almost S. BUCKLAND, & CO., Fremont; , - - - THIS FUXTON ST., New York, and by all Druggists a Gentleman in Dayton, O. " 1 stand your husband's- trade.' always on" hand. The strictest attention paid, so Latter Envellopes, of all kiads and styles. cures of Consumption, but it breaks Extract of a Letterfrom Charles Powers, Woodville, United States. , May 1, 1847. -- 1 up the most throughout the ' "DaTTOS, r- 'Why don't ye spake Inglish, thin Teddy tbatall who call shall be accommodated without distressing Cough, Cold, Pain in the - W. Ayenr, Upper Sandupkr, I At J. McALISTER, Sole Proprietor, A. M. Maoriceau My Dear Sir.- 'The i" delay. Teams for CALL AND SEE! Bieast, and Asthma; in a few hours time. We au- Dr. .. T L' I. . I o carries up brick for new . houses,' and brings src 141 Fulton St. N. T. Harried Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for - S thorize our agents, in all cases where it does not ... . Currying Passengers or Movers w 9 ' which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came ., R. Perry, McCntchenville. v. . , them down from old ones.' , -- ' " give immediate relief, and the bottle is returned, to S. BUCKLAND & AO, safely to I wonld not have troubled yon with . G. W Patterson, Rome, into any part of the conntry, alwavs on hand. Bnckland's Brick Block. hand. ' ''' "I perceive he's a laborer, cheerfully refund the money. these few lines, but that I am impelled by a sense " .' hit & Co., Tiffin city," Those wishing anv thing in the above line, will S. BlCRLAJfD Ac CO. 19 Only Agents for Fremont. - 1..L.S f the same, vulgarly spaking. ' We wil now ask the afflicted candidly to exam- of gratitude, for myself and wife, to give utterance ' D. W. A -, Bellvue. "j, do well to give him a trial, as he feels conndcut they Fremont, July, 1850 17 emotions. ine the facts below, which substantiate merits to our sincere and heartfelt ' ; ' what was he the - Zeigler & nook, Fort Seneca. 'In county born?' will be satisfied, both as to teams and prices, the of this incoatroverti-ble- , " My wife has been perceptibly sinking for soma great remedy; facts which are .; , , , Ire- former to desti- Shaker Sarsaparilla, more, in consequence of her great , ? . Wm. Fisk & Co., Cleveland, , , Balinalee, County Langford, in ould warranted carry their and cannot be denied. We refer von to the three years or ' in IN QUART BOTTLES, AS and suffering some months before end daring ( Whole Sale and Hetail. land, nation the shortest possible time, and the latter New of PREPARED BT ' " ' and may divil spalpeens Drug Store. statements well known Physicians and Profes- " - the burn the successive one more and more Fremont, Nov 23, 1850 ly , to be as reasonable as possible. By strict attention sors, who confinement; every druv us from his grane sod," have come forward and substantiated these DR. S. D. . HOWE, debilitated and prostrated ber, putting her life in im- to business, he hopes to merit a liberal share of 1 mind, I noold willingly lacts. he most incredulous cannot but be con- Needs but one trial to establish its merit as the minent danger, and which was, on tbe last occasion, THE BRITISH PERIODICALS "Never madam: public patronage. S. BUCKLAND & CO.: vinced that it has made cures I supposed that this atata of things was whereeverything else despaired ot ,.''- hear your grivances, but my time is precious. Stables Ncarlr opposite Norton's Foundry. DEALERS IU has failed. BEST SARSAPARILLAt inevitable, and resigned myself to meet tbe worst. : - ASD TUB . . have months Fremont, Nov. 2d, 1850. discovered for At this time (now about two months) I beard your I but sir to complete my return Dye-stuff- s, the cure of the numerous Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass-war- e, Extracts from Certificates which can seen of. as containing some matters FA RMER'S GUI DE. Now name if le EVER arising from a debilitated and derang- book highly spoken your next, you please. f-- d-c-. On receipt and perusal, I can Aew Toledo, Xom nlk & Cleveland Phosgene Gas and Lamps, infull by calling on the Agents. ed state of the system. reaching my case. its . Liberal offers to Subscribers!! . .. ile name's Biddy... Be the same token as Hail not express to you the relief it afTorded my distressed lload Company. subseribers have just opened a larpe stock V letter from John A. Collins, Esq., Editor and female complaints, Liver complaints, Scrofula, mind and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, on i LEONARD SCOTT & CO. I was blest by be the name uv - the prast a meeting of the Dirf ctors of the Toledo, THE the above articles, which with their former Proprietor of the 'Temperance Organ;' also A- - Biles, Pimples or pustules on the face, chronic sore learning that the great discovery of M. M. Deso- No. 54 Gold Street, New York, Bridget' - " - AT & Cleveland Rail Road Companv, stock completes the largest and best ussbrtmeutever gent and Lecturer for the Grand Division of sons Eyes Ringworm, or tetter, scald head, rheumatism, meaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to ' held Norwalk I.1, 50, of pains the bones or and all diseases me which I little conceived was possible. No pecu-- to publish the four leading British Now, your'age?" ;('' "." V atlheiroffiee cf Ore, If It brought to r remont or vicinity Temperance of Ohio: in joints, arising ' CONTINUE was reso'.ved, sums subscribed to the cap- from an injudicious use of niary consideration can eveT repay the obligations I and BUckwood's Magazine; is that the Cincinnati, November 29, 1848. mercury. meana of im "The divil roast ye; and it a lady's age ital stock of this Company to be expended on the ALL OF WHICH ARE WARRANTED. am under to you for having been the in addition to which they have recently cummeiiced A. Scosii.l Dear Sir: For the past eight Purify the Blood and u I is parting to us tne mnners comaiueu m .. the publication or a valuable Agricultural work call ye would be either asking her to her own Western Section of the Road, ling between- Fre- '' Physicians are respectfully requested to call l. well. Companion. Bnt or ten months, I have felt inclined to say some- A REMARKABLE CURE. Woman's Private Medical to edthe , : - y face? mont and Toledo, be paid iulo the Treasury of this aud examine onr articles of Drugs and Chemicals, - year would have passed over my '. thing in relation to the extraordinary healing quali- ' this, ere another Guide to ' ' Company at this office, iu enetalments of ten as we are determined thnt Fremont Columbns, Indiana, 1850. . my wife would have "Farmer's Scientific and Practical 'Madam, it' riot my' intention to insult per shall be thk fies of your preparation of Compound June 5th, head, in all human probability cent, every sixty days from this date; and that no- Towy to buy Goons CHEAP. Dr. Rodeers' Messrs. S. D. Hoyt& Co. Gentlemen: About been in her grave, and my children left rattherleas. Agriculture,' you but these questions must be asked,, and syrup of Liverwort and Tar, foryour own, but more tice be published of said call in some paper at Fre- All our merchants sav they are selling Goods six months since I was attacked with what my fam- a Letter. especially for the benefit of those unfortunate per- Extract from By FIk.vrt Stevens, F. R, f Edinborg, author mont or Toledo, or both, for the period of thirty CHEAPER than they can be bought in Sandusky, ily physician culled Bilious Pneumonia, which be- or sons who ure threatened orafflicted with Pulmona Health. .' tlie''i?oot nf the Farm,' itc. &c; assiaied by who refuse to ansewr, which can be recover- days, prior to the date of payments of the same. 1 ilhu, or any where else in these 'Diggins' aud are came seated deeply on my lungs, and after my phy- Competence and New ry Consumption, and who, like myself, Pa., 24, J847. , Johs P: Norths, M. A. Haven, Professor ; 5 is given instal- - have a great brokeu np seem- "Lancaster, Oct ed bylaw; ' Notice therefore hereby that an Determined not to be outdone sician had the lever my lungs still kind- - ol Scientific Agriculture in Tale College, ice. . on aversion to quabks, to their specifics and catholi-con- " Kx Dear Sir : I know you will have the ment of tfii percent, the Capital Slock of the by them in ed to be seriously alfected. I had aoappelit what- ' .. . 'Is it the law would be afther threaten- the way of LOW prices. . but a ness to bear with me in encrosching upon your time, highly' valuable work will comprise two- ye Toledo, Norwrlk. Cleveland Rail Read Com- combination of circumstances has pre- ever; my skiu seemed to have lost its action and This it Bj Codxtbt Dealers, will find it to their ad- vented until now. while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife) large royal octavo: volumes, containing over 1400 ing me wid, and me son Pat, one of the Pol ace, pany, subscribed to be expeuded on the Western function, there was no perspiration, aud in fact my- obligations feel ourselves to you in hav- vantage to buy of us any articles in our line, as In 3846, the we under IV or too? Do ye think it's his blissid muther Section of said Road, ia required to be paid to the we November, my wife took a severe cold, self as well as my friends had given me np as incur- ing made known certain matters, contained in yoor pnges, with splendid steel engravings, and are sure we can save them the which settled upon her langs. A violent cough was Medical niyre than bUU engravings on wood, in the highest would be staying ia limbo, when - it's only a Treasurer on or befoie the 10th day of Febiaary transportation able in consequence of my complexion of disease, moat invaloable Married Woman's Private 1851, and a further instalment of ten per cent, at least. the consequence, which increased in severity dur- and age, which is about sixty years, until one of my Companion.' It bas been worth iu weight in gold style of the art, illustrating almost every implement word he'd have to spake to the Mare to. get ing the winter, and reduced her to almost a skele- tome. If I express myself rather warmly, yoa will " ol husbandry, .now in use by the best farmers, the every sixty days thereafter until the full amonnl is PAINTERS and MECHANICS, neighbors called to see me, who some four months do so too I inform -. - - ton. It was nearly incessaut, and with see that I can not warmly, when bt'st methods of plowing, planting, haying, har- her out?' ':v; paid. W. F. KITTR!DGE. Sec'y. using Paints of any kind who wish Goon attended since was afflicted similarly to myself, and had pur- which have, through it, been Articles seuere pain in the side and breast, accompanied yon of the extent to I vesting, cc. the various domestic animals in their "Am I to understand, then, yoa refuse to! Office of T N. &C. R. R. Coni'v. ) can bo supplied at the smallest possible advance chased a couple of bottles of Dk. S D- - Howe's benefited. I will state my situation when I obtained " with fever and cold uight sweats. expectorated ' highest perfection; ia short, the piebtrial feature of orwalk Dec, 16, 1850. 1 from cost. White Lead pnre Extra", No. 1, She Compound op and it gave your book through the merest curiosity I look upon give your age? ..;t,- ''.- dry of Extract oarsaparilla, the book is unique and will render it of incalcula- nndground in oil. Chrome Yellow, Chrome Greeu, more than a pint matter daily. Ulcers gathered her such speedy relief, she prevailed on me to pur- it as one of tbe most fortunate events of mv life. 1 the same; and defy ye find it upon her lungs aud discharged. hands and some ten years, snd was the father ble value tolhe student of agriculture. . .'Jist I : L- " Paris Green, Red Lead, Lampblack, Her chase a bottle and try it. 1 done so more to gratify had been married t KENTUCKY MUTUA- Litharge, ' . i, t. ' : ? ? ' feet were cold and clammy as death, and a purplo of seven children. I was kmg struggling unceasingly, I he work is being published in iut .''!. Varnish, Linseed Oil, warranted to dry Turpen- my friends than that I had any expectation of being . tint settled upon her lips. The skill and varie.. ef- to the end that 1 might gain a moderate competency, numbers, of 64 pages exclusive ef the steel not so very .material, so shall IXSCRAKCE COMPAN Y, tine, &.. Brushes of all Sizes benefited by the medicine, but nelore 1 had tafcen ' ' It's I put &c, and kinds, at forts of our family physician were completely but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left engravings, and, when not taken in connection with ; AT COVINGTON, KY. - bafled. bottle my and appetite . you down at fifty years.', . -- 20 per cent, cheaper than ever. the whole of one strength me about where I waaatthebegianingof each year; Blackwood, is each On the 1st of May, 1847, he informed me that he suff- the Reviews or sold at 25 cents - i began to improve rapidly as well as my skin, began and that only, with the most stinted ecooomy, 'Murther! a lie is it would be afther Guarranty Fund, $100,000 00. nothing re- ' or lor tne worx in oumuers, ot wnicnr and ye GIVE US A CALL. , . could do mere than grant her temporary to perform its proper function. 1 purchased the icing with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, Uiis $d entire will be twenty two- - sinding to the President? when he can say W. B. ROBBINS, Pbksidkst. ' lief, that her case was hopeless, and that she could second bottle, aud by the time it was all taken I constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon there at least : capable to its continu- British Periodicals are.asfol-'ow- s, -- A. L. GRF.ER. Vick Prksidekt. Vo.3, Bitcklatt rick Block, not survive more than a fortnight at the furtherest. my health I felt less endure The I'm only forty two, if he but tuk the trouble 'sit was resored to as good health as I have enjoyed fur perseverance.. 1. R. PAYSON, Sbcbb , 1 immediately called upon Dr. R. S. of ance, while I felt the necessity of viz: , . 1 fKA rriclAP in InGpnmmnn bt. Sign of the Big Mortar. Newton, last twenty years. Mrs. L.. M'KijN JNIy . it ntimins nnricli I so the " This constant, unceasing struggle on my part was BOARD OF DIRECTfTRS. Fremont, Sandusky co. July 6, 4850 17 this city, (who hud beon skillful in the treatment condi- - The London Quarterly Review, Conterv'e) . - Dr. S. Jackson a distinguished physician of Indi imperative, in consequence of the prostrated wliare' . . s . of concers,) and stated her case to him. He rec- ana certifies lo the above cure, and uses Dr. Howe's tton of my wife fwith occasional intermission) for six The Edinburg JSeview, (WAiy) - Madam, now wo will W. B Rolbins, J. S. Morgan, ommended Dr. Rodgers. Liverwort and Tar; as- confined to bed, and of 'Thank you, and pro- OIil ... Shakkr Sarsaharilla in his private practice and years, much of the dme ber The Review, church) ,. sured me there was nothing of quackery ubout it, of the charge and manage-- . North British (Free ceed with the rest:: : A. L. Greer, J. B. Casey use for all diseases course incapable taking , ." but purely ascientific preperation; and gave me the recommends its arising from a roent of household affairs. Her condition arose from The. Westminister Review, (Liberal) j.y ' But ye haven'axed all the questions about C. A; Witheri, S. E. Mack, Dr. Jacob Townsend's vitiated state of the blood and system. . buuli testi- causes of which I was ignorant Oh! what would history of several cases, all considered hopeless, Blackwood's Magazine (Tory) , , , mony is more real value of ordinary I to live over again ! Edinbnrg y ineself yet.5 t ; - R. M. Withers, S. J. Walker. where this preparation restored to health. A bottle of than pages I have given had the six yean SARSAPAIMLLA. advertisements. What would my wife have given to have been spared Although these works are distinguished by the . T. Morchead, Solicitor. was procured, and in one week the expectoration nights on a ' 'I have your name, age, and place of birth.' j J. VEG-ETABL- the long days and still longer prostrate political shades above indicated, yet bnt a smal Medicine is made up E The great success which has attended the use of raiHlS wholly of wOs nearly conquered. She continued gradually to bed of sickness! all of which would have been subj- ."Tbrue for ye, so ye have, ye cunning divil; ;:s R. Pretlow, M. 1)., Physician. ' Dr. S. D. Howe's Shaker Sarsapanlla since its in- portion ol their contents is devoted t political substances, improve, her appetile returned, her cough few a copy of ' . : contains no mineral in A avoided, had I then seen The Married is their literary which gives Ihpm nd don't ye want to know my trade ?' . J. B. Casey, CA'm Com on Finance. monthB ceased. 9he recovered her strength, and to troduction in the western states, has established its W omah's Mkdical Companion.' " ects-. It character substance of any kind, and is perfectly safe in this section of country. Private their chief value, aud in that they stand confessedly: alljf have husband's. The Terms upon which this Company infure a very great degree her health, and is now a roost character Pliytieian. 'Not at I your in From a class. . Black- Life are peculiarly and certain in its action all persons, young extraordinary trophy of virtues This is the only Sarsaprilta that acts on far above all other Journals of their - it's meself that thinks ye ought to put favorable to the lusured; much the healing of Dr. DANGEROUS DELIVERIES, wood, still under masterly guidance, of Christo-- . 'But more so, it is believed, or o!tl. It is a most efficient article in effect- Rodgers' Preparation of Liverwort and Tar. the Kidneys and Blood at the same time, the a char, iv or any than the terms of auy other Liver, OBSTRUCTIONS,. IRREGULARITIES, tC. pher JVbrlh, mafnt:iins its aucieut celebrity, and is it down. I'm. and yourself fe insurance Company, to '' ing following 1 can also say that I have derived very great ben-f- it wit: the purposes: and hence its singular efficacy and success. Be suffering from obstruction or irreg-- at this unusually attractive; from the serial uv yer friends have any job in me line, going The groat security afTorded Guaranty from this preparation, for hoarseness, sore How many are time, in a Fund 1st, It PURIFIES THE BLOOD, and cleans- throat get S. D. Hozce's Shaker Sarsa- - clarities peculiar to the female sj stem, wbich works of Bolwer and oilier literary notables, writteir of $100,1100, "paid and strienre across the breast. 1 have been enabled sure and Dr. out to days work or the lines, ye can jist spake $2(1,000 of which has been in es the whole system of acid, slime, worms a;:d bile. their health, the effects of wbich they are ; for that niagnzine, nd first appearing iu its columns Cash, and $S(1, 000 secured in the while suffering from severe cold and hoarseness, to parilla and tale no other. for their delicacy forbids seeking good word for decent, body?' safest manner, 2d. It is a sovereign remedy in all cases of ignorant, and which ' both in Britain aud in the Uuiled states. a a i i per or or ! Great by Bond and Mortgage of Real Estate; Chills and Fever, and equally speak with comparative ease for two hours. It has tuart Deities uoitie d Domes tor medical advice How many suffer from prolapxvt and New Novf1 ... you! is good inordinary ' - ; Such works ss flexions' 'My 'I shall certainly always remember my case, . (falling of the womb), or fromKOriAw (weak- 'The Rates of Premium greatly reduced from the rates one advantage, in own over other expec- FOR SALE BY uteri b- - ' cases of Rheumatism, especially in those called ! (boih Bulwer, ) My Peninsular Merial," M he Now for the next oldest .of other Companies, and more equally graduated; torants it does not derange the digestive functions ness, debility, c, c ) How many are in constant ?' acute or iuflitnimaiory. is valuable medi- S. BUCKLAND & CO., ! . G-e- , " This a agony for many months preceding confinement How Hand, and other serial of which numerous "That's Pat, and he's twenty three,baring a insurance for the benefit of Married Women Ague producing headache, or nervous inability deliveries, and ' cine in Fever and Countries, particularly in Fremont, Sandusky county. many have difficult if not dangerous rival editions are issued by. the leading publishers : - L secure from the creditors of their husbands; I regard it as admirably adapted for the use of such will find few months, ; . . , . ... the South and West." Used iu the Spring "and Whelden & Rhodes, Sandusky city, whose lives are jeoparded daring time, n this country, have to be reprinted hy those pub The insured not liable to assessments for losses; it will public speakers. KespEclfuMy yours. in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration, said he is Policemen t :: Fall, effectually cleans the Blood aud system George Ebert, Tiffin, And by lishers from the pages of Blackwood, after it has I think you a ?, No extreme hazards taken by this Company; JUU11 A t.ULL.lHS. and relief! him- - of bilioas and other morbid matter, and thus pre- & CO., been issued by Messrs. Seolt & Co., so that . ..'Yes, shure, but can't ye put down a An annnal dividend to all policy holders, payable ; DR. S. D. HOWE Proprietors, Extract Jrom a Letter. vent a hoet of Acute and Chronic Diseases.' ti io the Reprint of that Magazinemny always himself? in Caso; also, additions made to Life Policies every From Dr. Hiram Cox, late Professor to No. I, College Hall, Cincinnati, O. Public Funkshunary, as he call It .3d. To those just Married. " Had I known!" rely ou having the earliest reading of these fascina- It is a proat remedy for Liver Comp'aints, be 47 : five years; Eclectic Medical Colledge. Te whom all orders must addresied. IT sounds more illigant and should me , frinda in Nov. 29, 1847. ting talcs. ' Notes taken in part for premiums: Disease of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. t "PmiAnEtrHiA, book in Mr. A. L. scovtll. However reluctant I nave .v Dr-- A. M. Madriceau: Had I known of the im the ouli country iver happen to saelhe '' Policies issued ndon application without delay, 4ih. It acts with remarkable efficacy cases of FREEMAN, IIODGFS & CO. TERMS AXD PREMIUMS. Dyspepsia, Sick Head- been to permit my name to be attached to patent matters treated of in 'The Married Woman's ye ore writing, its proud they will be." causing no loss of Insurance to the parlies. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, AND JOBBERS, Medical Companion' some years ago. how medicine, I consider it a duly to the community to IMPORTERS Private r Volumes - aches, Flatulence, or Wind, and creates a good ap- ! " See list of Premium below. v - - - v ;iii C; Lives either sex insured between the ages of much misery I might have escaped I have suffered 'l ''Who comes next?'- of state that in three ceses of incipient consumption, LIBERTY NEW YORK. Per annum. fonrteen and sixty, five petite, by giving tone and strength to the stomach, 58 STREET, years from causes which you point out in your book, will be Dennie. He is twenty-on- e. iuctusive, for one year, for viz: Miss Bell, Miss Barger, and Mr. R. H. Cox, For any I of the Reviews aud t Vol 110 The next years, or for life. and other digest! ve"trgan. Betweon Brordway and Nassau. without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, and 4 Preni $3 ; one of our City Council, that Dr. Rogers' Liver- of. I trust every female For anV ' do - 2 S (Ml . 'K , ... ,. ,. f ii,t - 5th. It is equally good for Colds, Coughs, found my case treated wil 8 r The Pamphlets and Tracts published by the now receiving a rich and beautiful n"v r . ? Bronchitis, and other diseases of the Lungs and wort and Tar operated more like a specific than any avaU herselfof the information contained in ita pages.". For 3 do-- 2 ,' f 7 00 . "What is his occupation t-- Company will be found to contain much valuable 1 ARE of Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods, to r if Chest, Pleurisy, Palpitation of the Heart, &c. other remedy that ever usfd. One of the eases, for all four of the Reviews ; 2 of he waiting information respecting the nature, principles, ap- attention of received of this character, unne- " 'Divil the Uirade he's got Isn't is in Dys- viz: Miss Belle pronounced by several physicians to which we would particularly invite the Letters are daily For Blackwood's Magazine 1 3 00 and 6th. It inestimable cases of Diarrhoea, " for vakincy in some of the departments? plication, benefits of Life Insurance. Also, an be laboring under the Inst stage of scrofulous Con- all Cash purchasers, and will make it an objeei lor cessary to present . For Blackwood & 3 Reviews 3 9 W a examination of the plans the Com- entery, and Summer Complaints, in Men, Women To those yet unmarried, out contemplating saar- - in- of other Mutual sumption, she is now iu good from the use them to give us a call, as we are determined to sell - . 10 Oft it, for was a mighty and Children. . health hesitating as to the propriety of For Blackwood & 4 Reviews 3 and he will get too, he panies of this country, aud a foil explanation of the our assortment, for Cash, lower than ever before of- riage, or perhaps 7ih It is a very excellent remedy far NERV- of u few bottles of the above syrup. incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, the fluence at the Powk He runs with the fire plan proposed by this Company, together with va- fered in this market. OUS DISEASED, ms Tic Doloreux, or Neuralgia, rtlKAM CUa, M. D. importance of being possessed of the revelations con- For Farmer's Guide 23 Nos. 1 ; wherr they will let him pull rope; rious tables, one showing the rates of premium for 25, 1S47. Millinors can supply themselves with every ar- so involving their Ingins .the and Nervous Dt bility. Cincinnati January tained in these pages, intimately do I Black. 1 the term of life, of several Companies, compared ticle in line, about the cost of Importation can not be appreciated. Rev'wor when why ho jist hnyvee - their at future happiness, and they, won't - 6th It is one or the best medicines for all cases Sale by do any 2 priu'8 2 with the- rates of this Company, and another giving For are manu- is, of course, impracticable to convey more fully ' is ' Dennis sys- or Auction prices. Many of our goods It '" ' stones at them, Iudepiodenl the rates of this Company for all ages and of Scrofula which arises from overheating the S. BUCKLAND & Co. canuot be various subjects treated of, ss they are of a na- do any 3 do terms liv- factured expressly for our own sale, and the - t - ' . , tem followed by sudden cooling, from bad diet, married, or those con- . do : do ; inighty indppindent a- . i at which .Insurance is made, surpassed for beauty of low prices. ture strictly intended for the anv 4 3 ing working places; from humors left in Fremont Jan. 18, 1851. ia it necessary, since - -- in Pamphlets and and ap- or in damp ' templating marriage; neither do and all 5 do ... 3 - V Who next? Please give them tome Tracts furnished gratis, Rich Hat and Cap Ribbons, a large variety. to become possessed of knowl- plications rebeived and forwarded by the syFtein which heve been produced by measles, it is every one's duly Paymanta to be mad- - in all eases in Advance. rotation.' - scarlet fever, small pox, itch, and the like. Hence CHKAPER Y E T! t Silks and Satins for Bonnets. edge whereby the offerings to which a wife, a moth- CHESTER F.DGERTON.' Crape Lisses, Tarletous and Illusion be obviated. should bo "Nixt comes Maggy ; she's nineteen. Thin it cures Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Fe- Crapes, er, or a sister, may be subject can rCTRemittences and communications Agent Fremont, O. post-pai- d at Diseases. Laces. Copies will be seat by Mall free fPostasa always addressed, or franked, to the Tim and Miles, they are seventeen next lady's JAMES W WILSON, Medical Examiner. ver Sores, and various Eruptive Stoves! Stoves!! Caps and Dresses. 9th It ts also the very best NURSERY MED- Trimmines fnr Hats, te the Purchaser. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., day. Yis, shure, they were all thray uf thim Fremont Uec. 7, lf'SO. Jenny Lind Caps, Parly and Opera Head dresses. One Dollar, " MAR- . ' 79 Eulton street. New Tark,': ICINE for C'ii1irtn. great in Measles, Scarlet Fe- On the receipt of THE ' Collars, Cuffs, and Cheim-sett- s. tW COM- born twines; and thin there's Kate.she's four- ver, S nihil Pi'X, Kine Pox, Rashes and Eruptions Embroidered Capes, RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL Entrance 54 Gold street. - NFP-VV- aent (mailed free) to any part of the twilve; and Dan NEW'STOCK! ICES'! of all nud especially good those Fevers ' PANION" is teen; and Biddy, she's kind; fr Embroidered Edgings and Insertings, Swiss and United States. AU letters must be post-pai- (except . and Diurrl.a: or Bo we 11 complaints which arise Agency Dr. S. S. Fitch, . ; he's thin ; thin comes Sukey, she's jr. II &TE I'EJVSOwV, if, Muslin. those containing a remittance), and addressed to Dr. H from Tepii-ii'j- York City.,-- , inform the lie has Silk and Lisle A. M. MAURICE AU, Box 1224, New ;707 Broadway N . eigb;and Luke, he's four; tbin Jim, he's two; pnbliethat resumed Thread, Brussels, Valenciene, New ork- - frk, It i very good producing Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty st. n cs A 1 1 1 : T) . U I .. . .1 I'- - WOULD at his old stand, on Croghan St., 10ih a DIURETIC, Laces. r ii . o.i 1 AU-...... n- - all .-t-. " Fhread by lMAU. ii.o I a... muci taiov andthat'a at present p oportuuity of seeing a free and ifv of urine. It is also an ex- Cambric Over aO.OOO Ceplea fcnve beaa seat iiiun - and having had the aud getting fF88re Embroidered, Reveire and Plain Linen witbin three months with perfect safety and ce. JJ inel Supporter, Patent steel spring shoulder have family .and cellent DIAPHORETIC, promoting gentle Con-- "Why madam, you a large West, Handkerchiefs. tainty brace, Silver Inhaling Tube, and Lectures on a All the Latest Fashions from East and and thus cures many cases of Dropsy. Kid, Thread and yoa are forluaate to have them all living, for I Gloves and Mitts, Silk, Lisle in snmpuon w.c . - and lihviug brought on an assortment of the Ii in Silk. and Dress Hkfs. Booksellers and agents engaged its presume you had no death in your fami- Hth iPjjre..t FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Seiinir Scarfs. Cravats Also-- his Celebrated Medicines as prepared snd have defi- and Bishop competencies - FINEST WOODS, VENEERING8, C, especially in rases of irregular, suppressed, or Swiss, Jaconelte. Book Muslins, Lawns sale, are making handsome - : ' ' ' : used by him, with or, without the. instruments, iu. ly circle, . J. A. bus, and all Embroidered, - Damask and Plain Cantoe Crape demand he is prepared to furnish his old customers, and as cient fn'! nation, common Fluor from the ready and extraordinary the treatment of . . t ; 'And is it the gfaif me heart ye would the ditTicuIiit-- aribing from Pregnancy in all its Shawls. A Full Assortment of Straw Goods.. of- ( ut many new ones can croud into nis ware rooms, for it, and the extremely liberal terms Pulnaonnry Consumption Asthma- - .., ','" rakin me childer that is dead a' stages. New Store Store in Fremont, Ohio! French and American Artificial Flowers. With a be cow up about with the most splendid lot of ' .' Rheumatism, I .Mh It never fails to cure and Piles larire variety not mentioned above. All wishing to fered them. Heart Disease, , in ould ? Haven't Costiveness is receiving his shoo on " ,'' waked and buried Ireland Rosewood mllE subscriber iusf at Agents, thro-o- ut ' Mahogony, and Blacktralnut which are not of the bleeding kind, and acts gently avoid paying long prices wilf make money by calling Active local or traveling Scrofula, ,. 'j 'Piles, Prolapsus, lost four as swete babes as iver was born?" L Main street, one door south of O. L. Nim's I B Ji I D R ou the bowellp, but neve as a harsh cathartic. and satisfying themselves. . States and Canadas, will Complaints, F li T E, store, any quantity of . , the United Debility, Female me, but In enummerating your . . ' 'Excuse Ofevery kind from the Cradle to the Coffin. One per Feb. 8,'le5l be supplied on the same terms. Commu- Spinal Weetnoss, Coughs, Colds, CaUrb,' forgot to ask you howr many were Price loIIar Bottle. PREMIUM NIAGARA, HOT-AI- family I As to prices, he is determined tCTSix Bottles for Five Dollars, nications are required to be yost-pai- d and and all - country?' ' " jq Hathaway's improved Ten Plate and Box Stoves, - of kind born in this NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. Office for Land for Sale. as above. The instruments are the best their snd e coma Principal the Western States at and better than all, Wiluson's & to.'s addressed all defect. The medicines are "Jis non at all! Didn't we over the He is bold to say that he can offer yon BETTER rp"FIE following lands belonging to the De Forest public are cau- warranted against 109 Main street, Cincinnati, between 4th and CAUTION. The carefully prepared by Dr. Fitch, and all, whether twilve month Inst.Easter ?" and WORK than you can I De , mc catch-penni- deep say jist BARGAINS BETTER heirs will sola nLnr tioned against various inten- -' will west of Buffalo; he has on rand, and is making 5th. owners anxious to dispose of them. They are need together or each article separately, bear How came it then that your son get are . 'Indeed! G. W. CALHOUN, General Agent. Kitchen ! ded to be. palmed off upon them, imitating comparison with, and be found i . " - situated near Sandusky Bay on Big Pickerel Creek, is a public officer? ; All kinds of BEDSTEADS, Principal Patents in 1837, 38,'42, '47,&'49. the title work as "The Married La- " For sa'e lv in a well settled neighborhood. of the Superior to any similar article, 'Why, did'n he fight and vote at the powls on New and Improved Plans; S & Co. proprietors of this Cooking Stove, with en oth- Bale. BUCKLAND Fremont. The R'ge. Tp. Sec. Description. Acres dies' Medical Companion," snd various being made for use and Dot merely for v last election, and what for shouldn't he be such as Lewis' Patent, Fowler's Patent, &c. , &c. Dec. 4, 1850. lire confidence, claim for it the merit of being the Full directions in .. - . the 17 5 6 westh'fsouth-westqua- r 80 er titles. The title of the work is "The 1 - Do not fail to give him a call. very best in the world, either as to economy, con ve awarded for his patriotism?' 17 6 north-ea- quar 160 DR. He has got up a good Hearse, and will attend nience, or durability. Call and examine it, and sat 5 Married WOMANS' Private Medical FITCH'S GUIDE TO INVALIDS. there any who cannot read and write T liT JPletsterT 17 5 6 north-we- quar . .. 160 'Are I'lastcrf isfr Yourselves. A. M. Mauriceau. which is given away, a f 48 pag-es- . funerals in town or country. south-ea- 90 Companion," by Dr. valuable treatise why we do that same, when BARRELS Common, Witeh and Fine Gray a 16 6 36 fraction "Any should Fremont, August lt I85p. 1 offer the above lot of Stoves at small advance 120 AH to be had of the n!v duly authorized ? DO Plaster, just received, and for sale by every of 16 6 36 south-we- quar Bellevne, the blissed praste can do it for us No, divil above cost, and with variety Private Sale. , : nfent for J. W. Goodson; Tiffiu, Geo. S. BUCKLAND & CO. acres ef Ecbert. Forsale in Fremont, bv : a one barring Pat and he has learned to write WOOD WANTED! Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Also 10,000 Land, subscriber offers the following Fremont, Octohe 19, Ic50. embracing every variety of soil, THE . .. ; & his name to be able to sign the dociments. good Hickory and Ash Wood in Ottawa county, at private sale at a BAR- h,. STEPH. BUCKLAND CO. jist NT quantity of and will furnish on reasonable terms, timber and prairie., Settlerscan bo accommodated tract of Land L will bs su subscription at the GAIN, described os follow, to wil: takeu "White "Wood liHirabcr, Eave-troug- Gutter and Conductor Pipe, with such tracts as thev may wish, nud the prices iillli The south-eas- t quarter of the north Frekhak Ofticb. F all hinds and clear stuff for sale hy will be not more half such lands would sell for in my line warranted to be what I than No. thirty-si- x, township RAYER BOOKS snd Church Service. A Feb. 9. O. H. FUSSELMAN. and all articles U. east quarter of section in 'Task KB Natiohs. At .the Burns Supper Oil at o in Illinois or Wisconsin GEO. SMITH. Splendid asaortmeaU'from 31c to $3,&t AMP and Tanner's represent them. 29, No. five, nortn oi range rto. tourteen, insanausxy and are invited to Sandusky City, June 185016:3 r M"f - & in Boston, the following teas complimentary HVIKS. Oil A first article for Farmers, Merchants others county, containing forty acres. BUCKLAND CO'. PERM and Lamp rate as 1 am deter- otherwise to the ladies, was received with ce, call before purchasing elsewhere, This land is about three and a half miles west o. or sale at s. - OUNG Hyson Tea of superior quality at s hdcklakd mined to make it an object for them to do so. I TO PAINTERS Fremont, in Washington township, and is excel of superior quality at w Wives - great applause. Good They are J IJAYNKS . e Brushes, Varnish do, Striping do., Oil & CODFISH Y Tricopherone, for restoring will also pay a fair price for all kinds ot mercnanta-bl- )AINT lently situated and calculated for fanning purposes. J Hathes CniAr Stork. pretty much like good limes never exact- Barnee'8 Lead, Copel Varnish etc. at 1LKS, satins, alpaccas, lawns, ginghams, &c. PROF. Phalon's Chemical Hair Inviforator Produce. rersons wisning to purcnase win enquire oi tne ly on hand; but always WOOSTER'S. WOOSTER'S Editor of the Freeman, or address the subscriber at A large lot of Family Bibles from S1 and at rlAVNUs. a beautiful article, at CASH PAID BIBLES.1 a little longer. all qualities prices Hagerstown, Washington countv, Maryland, post- $6. Also. Pocket, Clasp, Tuck, and. "Coming boys, wait any quantitv of Sheep Pelts." COD 1,IVE OIL. Polyglot! For H. T the Bottle or Gallon, warranted pure at paid. GEORGE DE111L. Bibles and Testaments at We "ask, would not the girls make better "lOLLARS, Gloves, llosc, Neck and Pocket Brushes, Hair Do. Hat do.Clothes Do O. FUSSELMAN. " I .. . f T , v TOOTH 13, B WOOSTER'S. Fremont, Jul? 13, 1850 18 . LSUCKLAKD s. ...ii - WOOSTER'S.: October longer. i.:r.. - ... wives if the boys would wait a little V' llanuacrwiiiOB at n i ""Wr