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For 1 know !resming, ' ;' TO THIS lam but EVER Clasicat, Medical aud School lebrated. from Counsei-- less, embittering her life, that of ber husband, and , . 1 ! t02 -- Winn think your love ia mine; J-- v Only .Dollar. ms9i Books, among which, ihe fetlowmg are a few: , - ' lors learned in the Law, hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising Bottle One j. And I know they are but Mewing, is the place to buy Good and cheap - STORE from Judges of celebrity from causes which, known, would have spared thft ' ? ' All tb hops that round m shuts. , and a he baa opened onr of the lorpesl The writings of Gen Washington, by Jared Sparks, ' if The Proprietor of the Great Aimrican Romr, on the Bench, from Min-- ; - ,,VATJOMN' stocks brought 12 vert urn es. - v . - d suffering, the anguish to th wife, and to the has- , t VBOTAta LiTHOITTniPTIO MlXTOM," to thie mnrhwt, he 'nld say to his ' ffHg inter of the Gospel, hav- induced by the urgent solicitations of his Agents, t&roiifit' S.,KS teu "" trad-- , of , band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties ' remember, whea l , .... old customers, and all who make Fremunt a Prescolt's Conquest Pern 2 volumes; whose undeviating out the United iaies and Canada, has now ' . What 1 can longer keep, , ,. '; to call and mind do do Mexico, 3 vols, iSt7' ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and ,,.0 do ingplitce, examine, beuriugin that ity have made them ( "A r Seduced the ' ' "'. ', l '.!$ Mm . We are oone of us responsible , , 110 eHtabliehuu-n- in the .. do Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols; harassed in eonseqaence of the sickness of the com- t shining lights in the ' of his popular and well known articla ; and from this dat, f For what we say iu eieep. V . do Miscellanies, 1 vol; his bosom. ; path 01 truth, trom en panion of henceforth, ho will put up but on visa only, hia quart . OF Allison's History of Europe, 4 vols! ? ' the causes should ' ; tvtail price-wil- be- STATE OHIO!! ? lightened acuta Merchants, and flow important that be known tool :tba My pretty secret's coming! Hildreth's United States, 3 vol; - - Prcfenrrs. firm husband, ' - shall undersell him in any one article. Hifstock name and to every wife, to every that the dreadful fes-- i. ' . v- : I from those of every stati n, degree ... ONE DOLLAR. Oh, listen with your heart, f - - r Maccaulej History of Enplsind, 2 vols; to hap- :; ; cenfiists in part of all f which, witln ut one d and harrowing consequence the health and 5 : yeu it ffltSstJ among mankind The public may rest assured that the character of the And shall hear nuoimingv - Ha!lums Works, 4 vols; Gitibou'a Rome, 4 vols. 1 is too . C 3S this Ointment to be piness of both may be avoided Life short and strength, and curative . .' I So eloee 'twill make you start. - . 2CraBS.Bi' 3- SSi 9 Stephens Yucatan; Greece;. 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Broad cloth, Cassamere,, Josrephus Works 1 and 2 vols; Byron's do ; sphere The timely chased by these who have not themselves .v - ! ! throughout its extent, new the health and acquainted wiih its virtues, the proprietor would beg to j - I k you,! i adore you! but - 1 . Sattiiu'tls, Tweetis, Joans, Hed Ticking, Flnnnels, 1 COME IN, WE CALL YOU try, and is circulated follows has been the means of saving Sh.ikspeare's Works, and 2 vols; effi- intimate that his article is not to be classed with the rset . of its power and new proofs of its i am talking in my tlesp.' tj ! bleached and brow 11 tV'lton varus & bats. Roil ill's - evidences the life of thousands, as over ; " Remedies of the day it claims for itself a " Hivtory, do cacy arc continually developed. Three millions amount of ti Chamber's Information for the People, 2 vols; XEW FIRM. AEAV GOODS, AND frtmttr healing power, in ail dt teases, than any other -- e- lIAniilVAISE of Boxes, applied to disease within the last four TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND1 preparation note before the ttorld ; snd hss sustained itself American Revolution 2 vols: lor eight years by ita superior medical virtu ea, and, until ' Of ever description.' years, has established the astounding fact beyond U-- . ; copies have been sold since the first edition was ' double the price ot any ether t Taking the! Cciwns.'f " Groceries, Marshal's Washington, 2 volumes; power of cavil or contradiction, that it Is IN- this reduction, commanded Neal's Pnritans, vols; Eife of Brant, 2 the sued. " article in this line. i "Madam, I have called te take the census. 2 vIs; PEASE & ROBERTS, in cure of all Tumors, Ulcers, WKkg.tthesJ-In- f .. .'Crockery, FALLIBLE the induced to advertise by ' Notice Particularly, ihwarticleeeu Mrs Edge worth's Works 10 voIk; v Scrofula, Erysipelas, The author has been it power and certainty, upon the - senses, is it and .what like do ye call . Sores, Burns, Tetter. Piles, r The .. HAVING taken the old stand of J, R. Pease, who ha ; .."-- ' Boots and Shoes, Spark's American Biography 10 vols; tiie argent and pressing request of those - s and purchased the stock of Chilblains, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Croup, . Blood, Itiver, Kidneya, Liuigm, th samet". .... i Hats and Caps, Memoirs and Administrations of the Presidents; H entire Pease & Ague in the Face, been, indebted to its publication for all they bold dear Roberts, are now having it Rheumatism, Broken Breast, , and all ether organs, upon the proper action of which life , 'I wish to send a return to Washington of Cooper's Naval History; Brand's Encyclopedia; replenished with the aU an opportunity of obtaining it), and . Sole and Upper leather. Paints and Oils, Uj e stuff. and most desirable Corns, &c. It completely restores the INSEN- (that may have , and health depend, - . History latest patterns of high the numberof your family.- ..: of the Girondists; Life of Franklin; SIBLE PERSPIRATION, and by this means opens who have favored him with thousands of letters of This medicine has e justly repute as a remedy for . - IROX, KAILS AND GLASS, rfc, bc. Mrs. Breinier's Novels, complete iu one vol;, . to adver- Gre-Tel-, 'Shure, now, it's joking ye are. Is it Con COOK, HALL, PARLOR, those avennes by which Nature intended to expel encomium, some of which are annexed the , Dropsy and In would say his is Harper's Family Library, 34 volumes; Air-Tig- "'' of that nature. It may be relied upon wheit short, he that assortment ht, Six-Pla- te morbid of the body thus is the system 'tisement. and all diseases yon uv us 1 1 Box the matter his , gressmen vouiu mate complete, and that he is prepared 10 pirp those who do School District Library, 50 volumes; and Stores. and re- the intelligent physician has abandoned paiienu end cleansed, the blood purified, the health tor these distressing diseases, more especial fy 1ropst, live . "Oh, no, it is ouly to find out how many a a heiit-fit- . do Clascal Library, 20 volumes ever offered in this market, which will be will favor him witli call grund sold at stored. would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At ou!s in Union. Alikiuds of produce taken ia exchange for poods. Swan's Treatise; Swan's Miscellany; to cause all Sores, THE MARRIED WOMAN'S firoprietor price it easily obtained by ail, and toe trial ; there are the Vlioleale or Itetails ' It has the power external : is and , D. BETTS. Webster's Dictionary, unabridged Scrofulous Humors, Skin Diseases, and Poisonous will prove the article to be tbe "Well, thin, ax me the questions, if to suit purchasers, and for which we will take your Private Medieal Companion. ' ' Fremont, Oct. 56, 1830. do do Large, revised; Wounds, to discharge their putrid matter, and Cheapest Kedicine In the World! dacent,Us meself as will answer. fiiaes, aume, ttags, Beeswax, &c. A. M. MAUBICBAU, they're do do . University edition; Tallow, are ashamed of th BY DR.
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