Kitchen Witchery

3 Recipes for the Kitchen A brief disclosure of Kitchen Craft by Summer Song Author at

As time passes and I become a bit more aware of the world around me, I realize how labels play such an important role in our Identity. We struggle to label everything around us and to even label ourselves. We search for the right label to identify with. At one time or another, we all ask ourselves, "Who am I and where do I belong?". We all do it. It is how we relate and communicate. In this ebook, I want to discuss magick as a Kitchen Witch. "Kitchen Witchery" is often associated to a Hedge Witch or a Green Witch and of course, we all have a bit of the kitchen in our nature. What kind of Witch am I? What kind of Witch are you? These questions are some of the most common. There are many resources available in the Marketplace today that can help us determine what kind of we want to practice, what label we identify with the most and most of all we want to fit in with the right group. There is nothing wrong with that. We are human beings and it is natural to want to find our place where we fit in. We often seek out resources that help us use our skills in the kitchen. Most of us can cook and most of us can use herbs and spells to manifest a desire. A useful book I started out with that many may find helpful is the book titled "Kitchen Witch's Cookbook" by Patricia Telesco. She gives helpful tips and it is loaded with lots of interesting Recipes. I still have it on my shelf, it's a little stained and tattered but I still have it. It is one of my favorite cookbooks. I am sure you will agree that with practice we improve with anything we do. Of course the more we like what we do, the more we do it. "Practice Makes Perfect"

To give an example of how a Kitchen Witch might work a little magick, the easiest thing I could think of is my Relax Me Tea recipe. Everyone is with Tea. Tea is an infusion generally made with herbs and spices. I like to keep things simple when I'm tired which makes my Relax Me Tea a perfect example here. I currently live in a place that does not accommodate any kind of personal garden especially not edibles like fruit or vegetables. That leaves me with the need to find another resource for my herbal needs. I usually get my herbs from a local health food store. I will give you my recipe so that I can use it to show how a simple recipe can be used for a magickal purpose. This recipe is especially good when anxiety is high, I'm really in need of some stress relief. It is a good way to prepare for meditation and healing work or even to help relax around a big job interview to relieve anxiety and worry and to attract success. I will try to keep my explanation of ingredients as brief as possible. Keep in mind that any herb or spice can have a reaction either allergy or otherwise. RELAX ME TEA

5 Tablespoons Chamomile 3 Teaspoons Rose Petals 3 Teaspoons Mugwort 9 Whole Allspice Crushed lightly 1 Stick Cinnamon Crushed lightly

There are at least 5 basic numbers you will see in most of my recipes. 3-5-9-7-13 . the number 1 shows up as well.

The first 3 numbers are numbers that are consistent in the universe and throughout many traditions of Witchcraft including . 3-5-9 to me often represents the Universe, the spirit realms, physical existence, The Inner places of existence as well as everything in this linear existence that we are capable of comprehending. That is what those numbers mean to me.

7 is, of course, the number of Heaven and 13 is the number commonly associated with the witch considering there are 13 full moons in a year representing any magick that is intended to complete within its own cycle. Herbs and spices have both medicinal and magickal purposes along with associated flavors. I will try to explain from here. Chamomile is known best for its relaxing qualities. It has a mild flavor with larger flowers that take up more space when using whole. It makes a great base for tea, therefore, it is the first ingredient and has the largest portion. The five elements, Earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. The magickal properties of Chamomile that makes it great for this tea are that it's great for grounding prior to meditation, it's good to help with centering one's self, and it is often used in healing.

Rose Petals are a good source of Vitamins such as A and E and minerals too. That makes it good for our body. It has a mild and subtle flavor and is Rose water is perfect to even use in Soup Recipes. It is very good for grounding which is very Earth-centered. To me, the Rose is symbolic of the three phases of life and the goddess, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. therefore, 3 teaspoons are great for this ingredient.

Mugwort is commonly known for its relaxing and anti-anxiety properties. It is associated with dream prophesies, intuition, and . It is the 3rd ingredient and in my opinion has a pungent flavor and naturally gets the number 3 for its portion.

Allspice is flavorful and for the purpose for it to be used in tea, I don't use it powdered. With my kitchen mortar and pestle, I break it up a little so that it can be evenly distributed. I use 9 whole pieces to flavor this tea. It has a nice aromatic flavor that brings pleasure to my senses and brings pleasant thoughts and feelings to the surface. It is associated with good , success and because it is a spice to spice it up, it also boosts spell power.

Cinnamon is the final ingredient. It brings a sweet aromatic taste but is also very strong. I use one stick that I crush up a bit to help its distribution through the tea. I use one stick not only for flavor balance but because 1 represents the combination of each ingredient although separate and individual, mixed together it is complete and therefore is whole. 1 is the number for the all and represents the self. It is also associated with new beginnings, prosperity, success, good luck, and spirituality.

As you can see, there is a reason for the ingredients and the amounts used besides just the flavor. A kitchen Witch may create a little magick by saying a spell or affirmations of intent while adding each ingredient. What you say would depend on the purpose of the recipe. I like to consider this part a little prayer and best if from the heart and not memorized. When I am ready to drink the tea I may say something like: In every sip Blessing Be, With every swallow it relaxes me.

I can change it up or add to it to suit my intentions.

To make a cup of tea, I use a Tea Ball. I add about 1 Teaspoon of the blend and then pour hot water over it. I let this one steep for about 20 minutes to get all the tasty and relaxing qualities into my cup. I don't usually have to sweeten this tea but if you do, go ahead and sweeten to taste.

This is one example of how a Kitchen Witch may work her/his in the kitchen. Most Witches have no need to hex or harm others, especially the experienced witch. Be aware when using herbs that there are some that are toxic and should never be consumed. Some herbs are naturally poisonous and some can have adverse reactions with medications. Always know the herbs you are using especially when it is going to be ingested.

As the winter holidays are slammed upon us, it may be necessary to use something to help us relax during the busy holiday schedules. Coffee and Hot Chocolate are packed full of caffeine and although we may feel that we need a pick me up, all we really need is a little rest. ElderBerry Tea

To lift spirits during cold or allergy season

3 Teaspoon ElderBerries 3 Teaspoon Black Tea leaves 3 Teaspoons Rose Petals

Blend Well.

1 Teaspoon full of blended herbs in tea ball. Pour boiling water over tea ball and dip 9 times and steep for 5 minutes. Sweeten to taste

Inhale three times. Affirmation

Elder be the lady’s tree, With every breath and every sip It heals me Mint Water

For refreshing the spirit with Love and Joy and to attract good health.

Harvest fresh Peppermint or spearmint leaves.

About ½ cup fresh leaves. 2 quarts Fresh Drinking Water

Wash Mint and remove any icky or damaged leaves and stems. It is ok to leave the good parts in tact with the good stems.

Allow to sit in direct sunlight for 5 hours.

Refrigerate for five days. Allowing to charge for three hours a night in the moonlight for three days of the full moon phase. (The night before, the night of, and the night following.) The next following two days simply refrigerate... Drink cold.

Prayer Oh Great Mother, Heavenly Father, I open myself up to the blessings of love, light, joy, and peace that the darkness may be washed away. Heal my thoughts, my body, and my spirit so that happiness and joy may grow within me. I prepare myself to allow inner light shine outward to help ease the pain of darkness in the world. A Little Something Extra

Mint Apple Juice

Great for Rituals or other ceremonies and events in place of wine.

Prepare mint water. Add organic unsweetened apple concentrate to the water and mix well.

Strain Mint leaves out of the juice. Keep refrigerated until ready to drink. Watch for expiration on the apple juice.

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