Sudan: T Conflict and Minorities LICT and MINORITIES F CON AN: D SU • 95/3 T TIONAL REPOR an MRG INTERNA
Minority Rights Group International R E P O R Sudan: T Conflict and minorities LICT AND MINORITIES F CON AN: D SU • 95/3 T TIONAL REPOR AN MRG INTERNA G R M by PETER VERNEY et al SUDAN: CONFLICT AND MINORITIES © Minority Rights Group 1995 Acknowledgements British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Minority Rights Group gratefully acknowledges all organi- A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library zations and individuals who gave financial and other assis- ISBN 1 897693 65 6 tance for this report, including: CAFOD, Christian Aid, ISSN 0305 6252 Church Missionary Society, Danchurchaid, Dutch Published August 1995 Interchurchaid, Methodist Church Overseas Division, Typeset by Brixton Graphics OXFAM, Save the Children, SCIAF, Trocaire. Printed in the UK on bleach-free paper by MFP Design and Print THE AUTHORS PETER VERNEY acted as the coordinating editor on this is author of The Listening Ebony: Moral knowledge, religion report, also contributing several chapters. Peter Verney is and power among the Uduk of Sudan, Clarendon, 1988. the editor of Sudan Update Newsletter – a UK-based inde- Dr M.A. Mohamed Salih – Professor of Social pendent information service on current affairs and human Anthropology, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, rights in Sudan. He is a former staff writer at Sudanow Netherlands – wrote the Southern Korodofan chapter. magazine, Khartoum, and has worked in Sudan for 12 years in education, environment, famine relief and journalism. Dr Abdel Salaam Sidahmed – Visiting Fellow, Middle East Major contributors to the report include: Studies Centre, University of Cambridge – wrote the Beja chapter.
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