
The bulk modulus of C6,, molecules and crystals: A molecular mechanics approach Rodney S. Ruoff IBM ResearchDivision, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 Arthur L. Ruoff Materials Scienceand Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 (Received 28 May 1991; accepted for publication 19 July 1991) In this letter, the bulk modulus of an individual C, molecule is calculated in terms of the C,C bond force constant. A range of values for the bulk modulus is obtained with literature values for the force constant. The values obtained all exceed the bulk modulus (441 GPa) of . With a C,C bond force constant equal to that between adjacent atoms in graphite, 7.08 mdyn/A, a bulk modulus of 903 GPa is obtained. On the basis of a simple composite model it is calculated that single closest-packed C,o crystals of C6c will have a bulk modulus of roughly 668 GPa under hydrostatic . The calculated bulk modulus for a single C, “buckyball” therefore suggests the possibility that a C,, crystal could be the most incompressible material known, at a above about 50 GPa.

The truncated icosahedral CM molecule has been pro- normal to the pentagon and hexagon, respectively, along duced in macroscopic amounts,’ and its structure the line connecting the carbon atom to the center of mass proven.‘.” of the C,c. If F, is the force along a bond, Its equation of state has been studied to 1.2 GPa (Ref. 3 (I;;/2 ) Ax = F,Ar, and 4) with an ethanol-methanol medium and to 20 GPa under nonhydrostatic conditions and also with an ethanol-meth- (3) anol medium.5 In addition a pair-potential method has been used to compute the equation of state of C,c crystals.6 Since x=cr, where c is a constant, Finally, a macroscopic elastic continuum approach has been used to estimate the stiffness of C, molecules.’ In the Ax/Ar=c=x/r, (4) present letter an atomic bonding model is used to compute and since F, = khx and A V/V = 3Ax/x we have their bulk modulus in terms of the C,C stretching force constant k and the known geometry of Cbo, an approach P=0.449(k/r) (AV/VJ (5) that is likely to be considered more acceptable to chemists and and physicists than the macroscopic approach used earlier. This equation is used with literature values for k to B. = 0.449 ( k/r). (6) obtain a range of values for the bulk modulus of a single C, and these values are compared with the bulk modulus Equation (6) is appropriate for a regular truncated icosa- of diamond, the least compressible substance presently hedron, with all 90 edge lengths equal. Equation (6) can known. easily be extended to the case where there are two different The equation relating the fractional change in bond lengths, and two different C,C stretching force con- AV/V to applied pressure p is stants. An alternative method can be used to derive Eq. (6), and involves equating the stored elastic potential en- p=BolAV/VI, (1) ergy in the 90 bonds to the work done in compressing C,. where B0 is the bulk modulus. We use r=3.52 A, corresponding to x = 1.433 A. The Each of the 60 C’s in C, is equidistant from the center force balance is carried out at r = 3.52 b; where the pres- of mass of C,. Let the radius r equal this distance. If sure P equals the applied pressure P. Since we consider the hydrostatic pressure is applied, the radial inward force F molecule to be a homogeneous elastic solid with a bulk on each C is the same. modulus Be, the pressure throughout is P. We take values Let x be the bond length and A, = 1.7205x2the area of for k from the literature, and with Eq. (6) calculate &. a regular pentagon and AH = 2.5981x2 the area of a regular The values are collected in Table I. hexagon. Then a force balance gives There are a range of k values quoted in Table I. One can derive a k for a bond connecting carbon atoms in the F,=P[ (A/5)0.9375 + $4&9125]; hexagonal planar array in graphite from the known com- pliances, and k= 7.08 mdyn/A.8 Scuseria has obtained pre- F,= 1.1 128x2P. (2) liminary results from ab initio calculations at the TZP SCF The i arises because each carbon is connected to one pen- level (electron correlation not included) that yield a tagon and the $ because each carbon is connected to two “weighted” k of 6.72 mdyn/&’ The weighting we use is hexagons.The factors 0.9375 and 0.9125 resolve the force Sk, + fk,, where k, representsthe force constant of the

1553 Appl. Phys. Lett. 59 (13), 23 September 1991 0003-6951/91/381553-03$02.00 0 1991 American Institute of Physics 1553 Downloaded 18 Mar 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/aplo/aplcr.jsp TABLE I. & of C, for some choices of P. 60 as touching spheres) is 26% empty volume. Multiplying the Boysin Table I by 0.74 provides a first-order estimate of k Bo the bulk modulus of a single crystal (composite of C,c and Ref. (mdyn/A.) (GPa) empty space) ” subjected to a sufficient hydrostatic pres- 7.62 972 b sure (such that the soft spheres are compressed so that 7.08 903 hard-sphere contact occurs). The range of values obtained 6.35 810 i is 623-720 GPa. To estimate the pressure at which hard- 6.60 842 e 6.72 826 f sphere contact might occur, we make an analogy between the compression of graphite and Cbo single crystals. (In our ‘I& obtained from Eq. (6). See discussion in text about choices of k. earlier ’ we based this estimate on unpublished re- “k from benzene, Ref. 10. sults in which it was found that graphite becomes very stiff ‘k from graphite. dk for C,, by extrapolating from benzene and graphite. at 20 GPa; however this is associated with an unknown ‘k scaled from k for graphite; see text. transition.16) We expect the bonds between the different ‘k from preliminary theoretical results, Ref. 9. buckyballs to behave in approximately the same manner as the bonds between the layers of graphite. Initially graphite pentagon edge bond, and k2 represents the force constant is quite compressible but as its volume decreases (almost of the bond shared by two hexagons. The k value obtained entirely due to the layers getting closer) its bulk modulus from a force field fit to the measured frequencies of benzene increases rapidly with pressure. Measured experimental is a bit higher, equal to 7.62 mdyn/&*’ Wu, Jelski, and values” give B (GPa) = 34 + 8.9P (GPa). We expect George obtained values of k, and k2 that provide a that approximately the same pressure would be needed to weighted average of 10.3 mdyn/A for k in their treatment compress C!,, crystals so that hard-sphere contact occurs. of Cr, vibrational frequencies.‘* The vibrational frequen- This suggests the possibility that Cbo crystals at pressures above about 50 GPa will have a larger bulk modulus than cies were, however, obtained by Stanton from a MINDO calculation,12 and the C,, geometry employed by Wu and diamond at atmospheric pressure. However we note that co-workers’* was significantly larger than the experimen- the diamond bulk modulus also is increasing with pressure according to B (GPa) = 441 + 4P (GPa).‘* tally determined3 geometry. Finally, Cyvin et al. have used The pressure dependence of the bulk modulus of crys- a value of 4.7 mdyn/A in a force constant treatment of C, talline materials in general can be described sufficiently vibrational frequencies.13 well for the present needs by a linear relation for PC Bo/2. The formal bond order of bonds in C, is equivalent to However in the case of graphite (which we are using as an that of graphite, 1.33 (assigning benzene a value of 1.5). approximation for crystalline C&) we will be involved with The bond distance in graphite is 1.412 A, similar to the P> Be, so we use a Lennard-Jones potential to describe the weighted bond length of 1.433 for Co This suggests to us compression of graphite planes in the c direction (normal that k for C, will likely be close to that of k for graphite. In fact, if one uses the C,C bond distances for benzene and to the layers) with the result that graphite, and plots k vs X, the extrapolated value of k for C, (weighted x = 1.43 A) is 6.35 mdyn/A. It is also in- p2g ($’ - ($1 (7) teresting to scale the force constant of graphite, 7.08 mdyn/A by the number of bonds per unit area, assuming and equal bond lengths in C, and graphite. The scaling factor is 0.932, and this yields 6.60 mdyn/& f&q il($” - 5Q5]. (8) The reader should note that the k values from the literature are used here only for the regular Cm with edge Here L = c/2,(r = co = 3.3504, and B,, is the response of length x = 1.433 .&. The reason that other force constants the fractional changes in the lattice parameter c with pres- are not needed in our derivation of the bulk modulus is sure, that we are implicitly making the assumption that only the At/co= - (ss3 -t- ~.s,~)P= - P/& C,C bond lengths change, that is, all angles are invariant (9) with applied F,. This must be true when one hydrostati- The sij are elastic compliances at zero pressure. Using the cally presses on the regular Cm For the case when one sij of Kelly,” Bat = 37.3 GPa. To a first approximation we starts with two unequal bond lengths xi and x2, the ratio ignore the change in the area of the graphite layers that are x,/x2 will likely change as pressure is applied. Because elastically very stiff in tension (or compression). In this x1 and x2 are so close, 1.45 and 1.40 .&,3 the expression for way we find that at 50 GPa, the bulk modulus of graphite the bulk modulus of our somewhat idealized CGois easily exceeds that of diamond (661 GPa). While diamond is extended for two slightly dissimilar bond lengths. known to be stable to 416 GPa,” it is possible that C,, One should take the k’s in Table I as values that can be (which we modeled as graphite) will have a phase transi- used to provide an estimated range of values of B. for one tion prior to 50 GPa (the balls could buckle) and the C@ Better values for k will become available when exper- above conclusion would need reconsideration. A similar imental data such as measured vibrational frequenciesI value, 78 GPa, was found by Wang and co-workers’ by a and volume changes with very high applied pressure are fit. different technique. This to the possible use of C,, The fee closest-packed CM crystal (considering the C- crystals as an intensifier in a diamond-anvil cell in the

1554 Appt. Phys. Lett., Vol. 59, No. 13, 23 September 1991 R. S, Ruoff and A. L. Ruoff 1554 Downloaded 18 Mar 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/aplo/aplcr.jsp multimegabar regime, and may make possible reaching the ‘S. J. Duclos, K. E. Brister, R. C. Haddon, A. R. Kortan, and F. A. terapascal range.2’ Recent results obtained on Cm in a di- Thiel, Nature 351, 380, 1991. amond-anvil cell with no pressure medium shows that at ‘Y. Wang, D. Tomanek, and G. F. Bertsch, Phys. Rev. Rapid Commun. (accepted for publication). pressures of about 20 GPa, crystalline C,c becomes quite ‘R. S. Ruoff and A. L. Ruoff, Nature 350, 663 (1991). stiff, but not as stiff as diamond, while with a pressure *R. S. Ruoff and A. L. Ruoff, MSC Report No. 7 159, Cornell University, medium of methanol-ethanol it stiffens less rapidly.’ This 1991. different behavior is not understood. ‘G. Scuseria (private communication) Chem. Phys. Lett. 176, 423 A.L.R. acknowledges the support of his research by (1991). “B. L. Crawford and F. A. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 249 (1949). the Department of Energy through Grant No. DOE- “Z C. Wu, D. A. Jelski, and T. F. George, Chem. Phys. Lett. 137, 291 FG02-87ER-45320 and discussions with E. J. Kramer, M. (i987). H. E. Martin, S. J. Duclos, K. E. Brister, and R. Hoff- “R. E. Stanton and M. Newton, J. Phys. Chem. 92, 2141 (1988). mann. R.S.R. appreciates conversations with Thomas “S. J. Cyvin, E. Brendsdal, B. N. Cyvin, and J. Brunvoll, Chem. Phys. Lett. 143, 377 (1988). Jackman, Sam LaPlaca, Milton Cole, and discussions and 14D. S. Bethune, C. Meijer, W. C. Tang, and H. J. Rosen, Chem. Phys. communication of preliminary results by Gustav0 Scuseria Lett. 174, 219 (1990). and Marco Haser. “K. K. Chawla, Composite Materials (Springer, New York, 1987), p. 178. ’ W’. Kraetschmer, L. D. Lamb, K. Fostiropolous, and D. Huffman, 16Y. K. Vohra and A. L. Ruoff (unpublished). Nature 347. 354 ( 1990). “M. Hanfland, H. Beister, and K. Syassen, Phys. Rev. 39,23 598 (1989). ‘R. Taylor. J. P. Hare, A. K. Abdul-Sada, and H. W. Kroto, J. Chem. ‘sH. J. McSkimin and P. Andreatch, J. Appl. Phys. 43, 2944 ( 1972). Sot. Chem. Commun. 1423 (1990). “B. T. Kelly, Physics of Graphite (Applied Science, Englewood, NJ, ‘C. S. Yannoni, P. P. Bernier, D. S. Bethune, G. Meijer, and J. R. Salem, 1981). J. Am. Chem. Sot. 113, 3190 (1991). “A . L Ruoff, H. Xia, H. Luo, and Y. K. Vohra, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, ‘J. E. Fischer, P. A. Heiney, A. R. McGhie, W. J. Romanov, A. M. 3830 (1990). Denenstein, and J. P. McCauley, Jr., Science 252, 1288 (1991). “A. L. Ruoff and H. Luo, J. Appl. Phys. 70, 2066 ( 199 1).

1555 Appt. Phys. Lett., Vol. 59, No. 13, 23 September 1991 R. S. Ruoff and A. L. Ruoff 1555 Downloaded 18 Mar 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/aplo/aplcr.jsp