
Portrait Photographer: Annie Leibovitz Born 1949 Portrait Photographer: Annie Leibovitz Portrait Photographer: Annie Leibovitz

Formal: emphasizes only the person who is the subject of the photo.

Annie Leibovitz photo for Vanity Fair of Kate Winslet and husband/director Sam Mendes. Portrait Photographer: Annie Leibovitz Candid: captures the person going about their everyday activities.

Photograph by Annie Leibovitz: Barack and during the inagural parade. Photos from Vanity Fair, March 2009 Portrait Photographer: Annie Leibovitz Environmental: places the person in a setting that says something about him/her.

Photo by Annie Leibovitz: BERRY GORDY JR. AND SMOKEY ROBINSON; The Soul Men What considerations does Leibovitz make to create successful portraits?

Annie Leibovitz, Vanity Fair: “AND BABY MAKES THREE Tom Cruise, 44, and Katie Holmes, 27, show off their new daughter, Suri, born April 18, weighing seven pounds seven ounces.” Portraiture 1. setting and style of portraiture: Formal? Candid? Environmental? What are you trying to emphasize about your person? Are you going to have him/her pose? Are there props? What’s happening in the background? 2. lighting: What type of emotional reaction are your trying to achieve? How does lighting relate to that? Do you want a high contrast or low contrast photo in terms of value? What would severe highlights and shadows infer? What would softer lighting and less contrast infer? How are you going to obtain the lighting you want? Are you using sunlight, studio lights, multiple light sources? 3. composition: Are you showing the person’s entire body? Just the face? Just a portion of the face? How much of the background will you see? Is the person going to be centered? To the side? 4. color: what colors would add to the emotional effect of the photo? Are you having the person wear certain clothing or colors to emphasize something? How do the colors work with your background and lighting? 5. working with people: What kind of subject do you think your person is? How will you find out more about them? What part of their personality will you focus on? Will your person look at the camera or look away? Are you going to direct him/her? How will you help him/her to relax and feel comfortable rather than looking awkward or embarrassed? What do you do if your person doesn’t want to do what you ask of him/her? How do you decide on hair, makeup, facial expressions, etc? http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2009/03/behind-the-scenes-video200903

Portrait of Penelope Cruz and Woody Allen

Rihanna, in Havana (2015). Annie Leibovitz/Trunk Archive