Unit 9, Periods 8 & 9

Continuity/Change over Time, Policies; 1945-1989 – Truman through Reagan

From the 2015 Revised Framework: ANALYZE PATTERNS OF CONTINUTY AND CHANGE OVER TIME… 1. Identify patterns of continuity and change over time and explain the significance of such patterns. 2. Explain how patterns of continuity and change over time relate to larger historical processes or themes.

Prompt: To what extent did President Richard Nixon’s foreign policies maintain continuity and foster change in America’s role in the world? In your analysis, consider the foreign policies from 1945-1989.

Define your parameters, consider what came before and what came after Nixon, and plan your essay using your formula and strategies. Review the notes on pages two and three and select your evidence for your essay. Include a list of evidence, categorized thematically, in your planning… “Visible Thinking!”

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Extension: On a separate sheet of paper, write your thesis / introduction.

Historical Analysis Activity written by Rebecca Richardson, Allen High School using the 2015 Revised College Board APUSH Framework, images from whitehouse.gov Continuity/Change over Time, 1945-1989 – Truman through Reagan Cold War Era Presidential Policies Review , United Nations, & Support for Israel - ALL of them

Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953, Democrat Fair Deal John F. , 1961-1963, Democrat Wanted Civil Rights legislation, against lynching and poll taxes Fear of – Alger Hiss/Rosenbergs , HUAC McCarthy Era Civil Rights Bill Wanted federal funds for public education March on Washington Taft Hartley Act Acceleration Atomic Bombs United Nations founded Test Ban Treaty Cold War with begins Advisors to Vietnam U.S. policy of containment Kennedy Doctrine and Airlift Berlin Crisis Occupation of Germany and Japan Green Berets Formation of NATO Assassination Point Four Plans Moon Landing (1950-1953) U.S. support of Israel Economic and military assistance to French in Vietnam when China began supplying arms to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1969, Democrat rebels (1945-1953) Great Society Civil Rights Act, 1964 War on Poverty Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1961, Republican Economic Opportunities Act McCarthy Era/Army-McCarthy hearings - McCarthy Censored Job Corps Montgomery Bus Boycott t Community Action Programs National Guard to Little Rock Central High Head Start Continuation of containment Medicare/Medicaid Dulles – liberation Elementary and Secondary School Act in Immigration Act of 1965 Containment in Southeast Asia Student protest - Civil Rights and Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) Massive foreign aid Americanization of the War Ends Korean War Tet Offensive Continued support South Vietnam Operation Rolling Thunder New Look/Massive Retaliation Johnson Corollary to the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Dominican Republic Organization) Voting Rights Act, 1965 becomes communist Housing Act, 1968 U2 Affair Gun Control Act

Unit 8, Period 8

Historical Analysis Activity written by Rebecca Richardson, Allen High School using the 2015 Revised College Board APUSH Framework, images from whitehouse.gov Continuity/Change over Time, 1945-1989 – Truman through Reagan Cold War Era Presidential Policies Review Continued Containment , United Nations, & Support for Israel - ALL of them

James Carter, 1977-1981, Democrat Richard M. Nixon, 1969-1974, Republican Détente Fuel Shortage Curtails domestic spending Human Rights Increased bombing to No. Vietnam Inflation/Malaise/Stagflation Watergate and impeachment hearings Panama Treaty War Powers Resolution Official recognition Communist China New lottery draft system SALT II (failed) Vietnamization Camp David Accords Iranian Crisis 26th Amendment Tries to reduce Imperial presidency Extends war to Cambodia Conserving energy (response to OPEC) Pentagon Papers Pardoned all Vietnam draft evaders SALT I Treaty Kissinger/Shuttle Soviets invade (grain embargo and boycott of Olympics in Moscow) Diplomacy Armistice in Vietnam (1973) Arab Oil Embargo (OPEC) , 1981-1989, Republican Gerald R. Ford, 1974-1977, Republican Tax cuts and reduction social programs Pardoned Nixon "evil empire" Struggles with inflation (WIN) and unemployment War on Drugs Fall of Vietnam INF Treaty Helsinki Accords Invasion of Grenada Trade imbalance Iran- hostages returned Lebanon hostage crisis Star Wars / SDI Iran Contra Affair End of Cold War START I Assassination attempt Brady Bill Immigration Reform and Control Act Diplomacy with Mikhail Gorbechev

Historical Analysis Activity written by Rebecca Richardson, Allen High School using the 2015 Revised College Board APUSH Framework, images from whitehouse.gov