ND/ P^Tr L"+3 07 Itt2-646()0I Airport Dircctor & Vinav Tamarliar, 07 Ltl2-?Lli L Lit ( Lrax) -Tlo- Apcgondiar Rtaai

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ND/ P^Tr L CTrfu KMqtTIr{ gTDTq.tUT IAIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA t*rn qwrrrq. qBIc Sr TREGIONAL HEADQUARTERS. wESTERN REGION rd/rrul,rs,u fuiq'lDated : o t.07.202 I Effir 6T oTftrfiR 3TRfiqc, z00s *' sttr.ft wc {ffl{ eT&mrft qd e?rtT 3rffiq srftrq, fr # wft Lisr of Puhlic Inlbrmation Olticcrs (PlOs) antl First ADtlcllatc Authority(I AA)undcrntlcr RTIR'l'l Act,2fi)5.Act' N'mc' Dcsign.ti,n' Name & Designation Telephone, Mobile Juristliction 0f area Email of PIOs Tclcphonc' Mobilc No' No. of PIOs of uork of PlOs & Enrail of FAA J. T. Radhakrishna, 022-201{t()64() Regional Esccutilc 1'l clctirx ) Shobhl', PIO, RHQ, WR, Director, WR, K K 022- 292175'lO plQluiglaqi.4erQ GM (Ops.-TM), WR Mumbai 1122 2ll3llll60(t No. Mobile 0222t1300609 (Far.1 9445392e56 Mob. No. 900{09-1500 rctlrr r a. uai. ae ro ()79-22lt6t)21 I GM(ATM), Anil Kumar Vcrma, 079-22U(r.156I(Irar) Ahnrcdabatl Airport -tlo- alxlahnr?aar.aero GM(ATM) Mohilc No & PIO 9-l l4l6(,522 0240- Airport Director & 217 6t 47 D. G. Sah'e, PlO, Aurangabad -tlo- 024()-24lt5.i;l{ lFar I apd_r aartlnraai.acrrr Airport Director A irpo tt Mobilc No.(,)4222 I ()l 5l 02tt32- 297049 Navneet Kumar 02trI2- Airport Dircctor & -do_ Gupta, 297t)4tt1trax) aPd bhuj rli)aai.aer<: PIO, Airport Director Mobile No. Bhuj Airport 98242rJ.142i ( )755-2(r:lad)() I (( )) Airpurt Director & K. L. Aggartral, 07 55-26460()2 (l'la\) _rl.- apdbhopali?)aai. acro PIO, Bhopal Airport Airport Dircctor Mobilc No. 9 jl25(X)1t255 o278-2212e71(()) Airport Dircctor & Smt. Sudha R. ()27lt-220.19!)t lrar ) PlO, Bhavnagnr -tlo- Murali, apdbr,;lllaai.aoro Mohilc Airport Airport Director No.9 t7667()236 02,175-275365 Md. Shaliquc U. Airport Director & Mobilc -do- Shrh, apd_diu0aai.aero PIO, No.7l 221t0751 I Airport Dircctor Diu Airport ( )8.12-2 5-lot{()6 Airport Dircctor & Gagan Malik, 0832-254 l6l() (l;'a\) -drt- apdgoar?aai.aero Pto, Airport Director Mobilc Goa Airport No 7722049997 i ND/ P^tr l"+3 07 Itt2-646()0I Airport Dircctor & Vinav Tamarliar, 07 ltl2-?lli l liT ( lrax) -tlo- apcgondiar rtaai. acro PIO, Airport Dircctor Mobilc Gontlia Airport No.975251 7999 0731-2(r29-155 Airport Director & Smt. Ar1'ama Sanl'al, ()731-2620278 (lra\) -do- alxli ndorcrriraai . aero PIO, Airport Dircctor Mobilc Indorc Airport No 9t{932ti9.155 0761-260t341 Srnt. Kusum Das, Airpurt Dircctor & 0761-26().145lr I:ar ) -rl r r- Arrport Lrrrector aP(l_\'aJ bi( aal.aer(') PI(J, Mohile Jahalpur Airport No.75(16229(X)6 02titt-27 t 2l tr7 Airport Director & Sachin B Khangar, ()21{8-27 I 0 I 7(r( lrar ) -tlo- apc_r,aj m(a;aai . aero PIO, Airport Director Mobile Jamnagar Airport No 98.1622-1244 0257 -227 4t I 4 Airport Dircctur & Sunil Maggirrvar, 0257 -22711 I (r( I-'ar) -do- alxl jalgaon(riaai.aero PIO, Airport Dircctor Mohilc Jalgaon Airpurt No.9-10.12097:18 022-266 t 673tt Ashok Kumar 022-2661 32(X)1lrax ) Airport Dircctor & -do- Verma, Mohilc apd_j ul.rur.araai. acro PIO, Airport Director No.7045(r5950t1 Juhu Airport 02836-257247 (O) Airport Director & Sanjeev Menghal, 02834,-257.1 I 8 (Ii'a\) -do- Alxl_r'ake rl aai. acrr Pto, Airport Dircctor Mohilc Kanrlla Airport No 9lt252.l5()79 02871 - 2i 1 007/213le l Airport Director & P. L. Prasanna -do- 02871-231412i|ar) apd_r'aks,o,aai acrr'r Pto, Airport Director Mobile Kcshod Airport No.94296ti6790 o23t-2617352 Kamal Kumar Airpurt Dircctor & 02j l -2677355(tia\) altdkolhapLtrit aiti.aerrrr Kataria, Pto, -do- Mobikr Airport Dircctor Kolhupu r Airport No.95408() 1999 071 2-2ti07501 GM (ATM) & PrO, A. Venimadhavan, 07I 2-2288007(l|as I Nrgpur and Akola -do- apdnagpurTl'aai. aero GM (ATM) Mobile Station No 9823071t942 02162- 22:l:10() Manager (ATM) & Santosh. Kumur, 02462-22.34( )(X l.'ax ) -rlo- atc_nanded,?:aai. acro Managcr (ATM) Mobilc PlO, Nandctl Airport No.lt9 199021 i2 ( )2()-26683 2.12( ( )) Airport Dircctor & Kuldecp Singh Rishi, 02()-2(16tt5 5 9() -do- apdpunei?)aai. acro Pto, Airport Director Pune Airport P^"t - Z"+'. ^lro/ Mobrlc No liltltttlt29625 0286-222223{ Airport Dircctrlr & Y. S. Tomar, 0286-222203 I (liax ) a pdporbandaria'aai.a PIO, Porhandar -tlo- Airport Dircctor Mobile cr0 Airport No.992501 26(18 0281-2-15 1849 Airport Director & 02lt I -245.3()()9 t lrar) -do- Diganta Borah. npd_r,arklAraal. aer(, PIO, Mobilc Airport Dircctor Rajkot Airport No 1)4272074.19 026t-2721)l09 Smt. Aman Saini, Airport Dircctor & 02(r I -2700 I {)5( liar ) -(lo- Airport Director apdsr"rat?'aai acro Pto, Mohilc Surat Airport No 9.129892()2() \:)2t7-2607011172 Airport In-Chargc & Himanshu Verma, ()2 I 7-26t)2544 (l:ax) -tlo- aplic_r,asl ir.t)aai. aero PIO, Sol:rpur Airport Airport In-Chargc Mobilc No lt4()061 9560 02621-2?2t)52 Oflicer In-Chargc Deep Singh Yad:rr', ()262:1-222()i2(lf a\ ) (cNs) & PIO, -do- Ofl'icer ln-Ch:trge cnsicvasgiii taai . acro Mrrbile No. Songarh Airport (cNs) 995t+r66219 0265-24tr5.156 Airport Director & Tc'j Kumar Gupta, 0265-24(>4249 1l.'ar) PlO, Vadodara -do- apdvadodaraia)aai. aero Airport Director Motrile Airport No.9It25020061) $\r*r",, (K.K.Shobhy) General Manager. (Ops.-TM) & PIO, WR ?^f- ? of s AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA WESTERN REGION DETAILS OF THE FIRST APPELLATE AUTHORITY(FAA) & PIO’s IN WESTERN REGION AIRPORTS OF AAI SL STATION NAME of FAA & PIO JURISDICTION DESIGNATION STD OFFICE TEL. NO. E MAIL ADDRESS CODE First Appellate Authority for Western G. Chandramouli Western Region Regional Executive 28300606 1 Region & Nodal Officer Director , WR 022 28300609 (Fax) [email protected] 2 RHQ, Mumbai G. W.Ghanmode PIO GM (CNS), Mumbai 022 26828000 (Telefax) [email protected] 26819334 3 Ahmedabad Manoj Gangal PIO Airport Director 079 22869211(o) [email protected] 4 Aurangabad D. G. Salve PIO Airport Director 0240 2476147 [email protected] 2485344 (Fax) 5 Bhuj Nawnit Kumar Gupta PIO Airport Director 02832 297049 [email protected] (Fax) 6 Bhopal Anil Vikram PIO Airport Director 0755 2646001 (o) [email protected] 2646002 (Fax) 7 Bhavnagar Smt. Sudha .R. Murali PIO Airport Director 0278 2212971(o) [email protected] 220399(Fax) 8 Diu A. Ansari PIO Airport Director 02875 275365 [email protected] 9 Goa Gagan Malik PIO Airport Director 0832 2540806 [email protected] 2541610 (Fax) 10 Gondia Sachin B.Kanghar PIO Airport Director 07182 646001 [email protected] 283187 (Fax) 11 Indore Smt. Aryama Sanyal PIO Airport Director 0731 2629455 [email protected] 26220278 (Fax) 12 Jabalpur Manoj Kumar Singh PIO Airport Director 0761 2601341 [email protected] 2603451(Fax) 13 Jamnagar Anoop .K. Gupta PIO Airport Director 0288 2712187 [email protected] 2710176(Fax) 14 Jalgaon Sunil Maggirwar PIO Airport Director 0257 2274114 [email protected] 15 Juhu Ashok Kumar Verma PIO Airport Director 022 26616738 [email protected] 26613200(Fax) 16 Kandla Sanjeev Menghal PIO Airport Director 02836 257247 (O) [email protected] 257418 (Fax) 17 Keshod Ms. Ahilya S. K PIO Airport Director 02871 231007 [email protected] 231412(Fax) 18 Kolhapur Kamal Kataria PIO Airport Director 0231 2677351/52 [email protected] 2677355(Fax) 19 Latur Hanuman Ghodke PIO Manager 02382 267553 267553(fax) [email protected] 20 Nagpur Yudhisthir Sahoo PIO GM [ATM] 0712 2807501 (o) [email protected] 2288007(Fax) 21 Nanded Santosh .Kr PIO Manager 02462 223400 [email protected] 223400(Fax) 22 Pune Ajay Kumar PIO Airport Director 020 26683232(O) [email protected] 26625599 23 Porbandar P.K. Sharma PIO Airport Director 0286 2222234 apd [email protected] 24 Rajkot A,N,Sharma PIO Airport Director 0281 2451849 [email protected] 2453009 (Fax) 25 Surat Sanjay Panigrahi PIO Airport Director 0261 2720109 [email protected] 2700195(Fax) 26 Solapur Ranjithkumar Chanda PIO Airport Director 0217 2607071/72 [email protected] 27 Songadh Pradeep Singhal PIO OIC (CNS) 02624 222052 222052(Fax) 28 Vadodara Charan Singh PIO Airport Director 0265 2485356 [email protected] 2464249 (Fax) .
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