T R O P E R L A U N JJeeeeeef<f<ee&k&keeÀÀ ÒÒeeeeflfleeJJeesosovvee N ANNUAL REPORT A 2010-2011 M YegJevesMJej W Directorate of Water Management (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India D Printed by : Capital Business Service & Consultancy, Bhubaneswar - 751007
[email protected] Jeeef<e&keÀ ÒeefleJesove ANNUAL REPORT 2010-11 peue ÒeyebOeve efveosMeeue³e (Yeejleer³e ke=Àef<e DevegmebOeeve Heefj<eo) YegJevesMJej, Dees[ermee, Yeejle Directorate of Water Management (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India Annual Report 2010-11 Published by Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Director Directorate of Water Management Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751 023, Orissa Editorial Board Dr. Gouranga Kar, Principal Scientist and Chairman, Publication Committee Dr. A.K. Thakur, Member D Dr. S. Ghosh, Member Layout, Graphics and Cover Design Dr. Gouranga Kar, Principal Scientist W Hindi translation by Mr. B.S. Parswal M Printed by Capital Business Service & Consultancy Bhubaneswar, e-mail :
[email protected] Suggested citation DWM Annual Report 2010-11 Directorate of Water Management Bhubaneswar - 751 023, Orissa PP RR EE FF AA CC EE It is my pleasure to present the Annual Report of Directorate of Water Management 2010-11 covering the research findings of the institute under different research programmes, viz, rain water management, canal water management, groundwater management, waterlogged area management and on-farm research & demonstration and other related information for the year under report. During the year, significant scientific achievement occurred both through on-station and on-farm research, particularly on multiple use of water, rainwater harvesting through rubber dam technology, conjunctive use of water, water management in light textured acid soils, waterlogged area management, rainwater harvesting, micro-water resources development, SRI technique of rice cultivation etc.