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10-31-1866 Portland Daily Press: October 31,1866

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THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS U d NEOUS. publish niMI'I.I.A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FlRB.-The long woodshed ol the everyday, (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printers* MEXICAN AFFAIRS. PORTLAND AND FICIXITT. Kennebec V 4KIKTIKH. xcliangt Commercial Street, Portland, by N. A. LATEST NEWS & Portland Railroad, near Vaughan's bridge, Foster, Proprietor. ? Wrw A4renh«B«iii T»-D«T containing 70# cords of wood, was destroyed —Tlie Buffalo Courier learns from authority Terms : —Eight Dollars' a year in advance-. BY TELEGHATH TO THE it Muskets, Withdrawal of the Freneh fire afternoon with all its regards a that some time ME1SPS Troops. ENTKBTAINjnsNT COLUMN. by yesterday contents. reliable, ago, befote from the THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at Hie PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Theatre—Bidwell A Brown. It is supposed the fire caught sparks from strength of the Crown’s evidence in the ame place every Thursday morning at #2.00 a year, °f th<’ Territory to be Ceded to the United NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. the furnace of the steam sawing machine, tlio Fenians under arrest was known in nvariably in advance. Muskets4 ng and States. Under-Shirts—Charles Cnatis ft‘On. machine in instructions had been received from in being operation. 11 Kates of Advertising.—one inch oi space, Ulider-Sliirts 2 Special Auction Notice. orue October 31, 1866 An alarm was sounded but nobody knew Government, not to resort to ei- engtli ol column, constitutes a “square. Wednesday Morning-, Auction Sale—K. M. ratten A Co. : «5 cents per A A J A Wanted—Cook. '"ensures, even #1.50 per square daily first week $1.35. where the file and one went should a conviction be cootlnu i Nkw Yobk, Oct. 30. Auction was, only engine h ,,! week alter; three insertions, or less, #1.00; the Sale—Henry Bailev ft Co. 50 cents. 5 Times’ says Uol. House! or to the at tbe first and that was the ng every other day alter first week, Washington dispatch Sale. spot alarm, 75 one DR A U. has left For pri” °*'ered Halt three insertions or less, cents; AM) THE FENIANS. Campbell, S. Minister to Mexico, Sale—Horse. one on the em- % Mr. for the square, WERS, ih.it Brackett street, which one of , Greeley week. 80 cents per week alter. city with his credentials to the Juarez gov- Men's Gloves—Charles Custis ft Co. best grap,. has #1.00; 8000 Smooth Bore —— been awarded to the of “Amusements,” #2.00 per square Muskets i .V! and ployees of the went and told the Concord. Under head ernment, with full instructions conforming Company for, A joker at the week; three insertions or less, #1.50. American with the Boston the other per make, Percussion Locks; in perfect order, Great Excitement the tripartite arrangement already an- *BK CODBTII. firemen where the fire was. The Theatre, Special per square tor the first in- excellent In Scotch and among Machigonnc remarked that Notices,#1.25 Shooters. Just the tiling for duck shoot- Fngliiili. American. nounced between the United n.ght he observed that Ristori isertion, and 25 cents per square for each States, got up steam and went to a house on subsequent ing. Price $1 25 each. the SUPREME dwelling had at onee naertion. Republic of Mexico. JUDICIAL COURT. plunged in ifeilea', ret Military Organizations. Green street, Where a was Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State u is to commence the withdrawal of OCTOfcER TERM.—WALTON PRESIDING. chimney burning -A Lowell _ Napoleon J, paper publishes the out, and then went back to regularly the Press'* (which has a large circulation in every par- French army from Mexico next mouth and Tuesday.—The case of Orin B. v the house. The * Thompson Ip- names of the to off the for tbr first insertion 3000 \'ew Carbines f it lnotobable the parties whom the clerk State) tl.00 per square Charles Custis &Co. Difficulty Apprehended between whole army will he withdrawn habitants of the Town of bells had then stopped city 50 Bridgtoo, after the testftnp- ringing. has issued certificates of and cents per square for each subsequent inser- 31 by the am of January next Of-course Max- marriage intentions iuck Barrel, Black Walaat Stack, was all was contlnuod on A second alarm was sounded tion. Upper and Lower Canada. imilian leaves also. uy out, report. some 40 min- —At Mme. Ristori’s last D. Hale. utes and the matinee in New For boat Bright and new having never Our government will extend to the J uarez T. Harmon. after, bright light of the flames shooting. York, on Saturday, the tragedienne was been in service, at Mdrton it I government a protectorate, to be operative only Stront ft Gage.. told where the fire waa, and all the called ENTERTAINMENTS. Block, m ease of engines before the curtain at the end of the on emergency. In order to accomplish No. 344.—Samuel B. Brown v Moeea CaU. Tri t- hastened to the but sleep-walk- Recruiting Going Rapidly. this a spot; they could do noth- * * officer of rank will scene in “Macbeth” and made a 83-35 Each ! * military high go with pass in taking a lot of swine to be the propi r- ing little *****4§i®AlfiN NTBKET. CoL and alleged ing towards saving the property. Campbell, both Lieut Oen. Sherman in flavored witli a Hall. lOAVl.l ty of the plaintiff. The defense was that the swibe speech English, piquant Ital- Theatre, Peering $Jbw York, Oot. 30J Gen. Hancock are spoken of In this con- We hope, after one or two more alarms such XOOO Prussian uct aidjt A nection. T were attached and taken as the of F. 1 f. ian accent. Sfg^ said:— Smooth Toronto special says great excitement ek- 3| property as we have had recently, our city authorities BMwell 1 by case, Judge j tion denouncing those who show the white norma, together with Sonora and Chihua- where to astonishment is and Oct. 31st, took the papers and reserved his decision. go. profound, my gratitude Wednesday Evening, -AT- Furniture, Piano, Beds, Plate, feather at the bidding of William H. Seward. boundless. New York will bo a souvenir for &cu, Evaaa ft Putnam. Davis ft Drummond. life. The Serio-tJomlc Drama entitled At Auction. An Ottawa special says the threats of ven- tin Washtooton, Oct 30. No. 989.—Albert W. H. WALKER & the should be Mexican Stimpson, libellant, v Roxana thmtate. CO.’S, SATURDAY, Nov. 3, at 10' A. M., wlM ie geance by Fenians, Lynch exe- Jghe L—~*n received to-day oifi A new breastplate has been invented in is Stimpson. Libel for divorce. A was ♦ ■ 1 ON »“<* Cottage chamber cuted, creating great excitement there. The “8t’ bearing com- D**— Vc Don Caesar dc ■sow §**•> find *** Lyons, consisting of from four to seven Bazau, No. 6 Fanenil Hall Hair, llnlk and Palm Mattresses: Feather volunteers at demand the death of menced before the Jndge, bat not finished. —The of the little town North cork, Squar.i, Boatou, Mist. Ridgeway farmers pi centimetres Reds, QnUts, the J Evans ft covered on a for a All orders Uomforlers, Blankets, Sheets, Plat*d raiders, while others oppose it, believing President uarez issued a decree on the 20il> Putnam for libellant. No appearance for will from their thick, one side with Or, A Match King! by Express promptly filled. rab|o Table i Jay feed depot between 4000 Cutlery, Linen, clocks, M»0 that war with the United would follow uflfese, repealing a decree dated llbellee. sheet of metal and on the other Oct 30* d2w Rolls Room 2 Chests 2nd States, Monterey, and 0000 barrels of with the cloth Farce called Paper, hand Clothing, <0 the in certain | apples—the most of them to To conclude with the roaring the new Over execution. Ang. 11,1«64, which inducemeiia The case of the uniform. It is Coats, one case Fancy Uoods, 2H0 yds now Colbgan will is assigned for to-day, is very light, and said to be A Montreal special says the Roman Catho- ottered to foreignera who would an<( go to Boston. Carpeting, every style Shirts and Drawers, tt emigrate expected to be taken this efficacious as a defence OMNIBUS, VINELAND. 20 lic Irish will not allow the McMahondo to Mexico to the Mexican up morning. against shot and Muskets, casks Nails* G Harnesses, 700 yards priest join army. How the —The Androscoggin railroad has been sabre, A HU* AN Ik Crash. be Mexican oblig- PAT BOOBEY’8 ! FRUIT liAN Ikfi.in a mild 90 Umbrellas, with a great variety of othfer executed and it is feared this will lead to government reserves to itself the bayonet. Or, BLUNDERS right MUNICIPAL ed to on an extra train to accommo- 17 healthfhl climate. Thirty miles south of goods. At U one Piano serious difficulties between the terms on COURT. put freight Pbf o’clock, Forte, asuneribr Protestant Upper offlxmg which it will accept the —It is said that the for adclph a, by Railroad, in New on the saia instrument, Poston make. No JUDGE KINGSBURY PRESIDING. date its business. among applicants 00 cts 35cts. Orchestra Chairs 75 Jersey, pos'ponement—the Canada and Catholic Lower Canada. sqttvices of foreigners In every increasing Parquette Gallery cts line oi latitude as Baltimore, Md. must be sold. case, accordingT Commissioner of goods Oct31. (fid' General West has to circumstances. Tuesday.— Another docket this Patents, (not yet declared va- JGF*Offloe opened from 11 to I P. M. anil 3 to 5 M P. The soil is rich and Attorney been threatened big —The Bangor Times says the once notorious productive, varying from a cla morning— are to a saudv suitable tor with assassination if he allows the execution of official of the Mexican Patrick drunkenness and cant,) Edmund Burke of New loam, wheat, iiratw, Coir’ _#he paper Govern- Ganning, disturbance. slave trader Wanderer is now Hampshire, Fenians take aHnt loading at that Tobacco, Frulf and vegetables. This is a qreat fi 'lit the to place. publishes Gen. Martinez’s report of seVe- Finod $5 and costs. and Judge Mason, (each of whom has Five with for a Southern occupied WANTED. (Juwury. hundred Vineyards and orchards H. r*l successes obtained by the Liberal forces in port potatoes market. the have been Buffalo, Y., Oct 30. Miguel Conley, drunkenness and disturbance.— position in time and Mr. G. M. Wes- planted out by experienced fruit growers of Sonora the —On the of Oct. a past,) Men’s In spite of the rain a was during month of Fined and costs. night 24th, dark sorrel (irapes. Peaches, Pears . M., We participated in the expedition were present.— “Sc ha?e anticipated. Thomas McCormick, search and seizure. Fibed honey, squirrels have got in large stocks of in shall sell a *8® United States steamer from than its oc30dtf CHARLES CUSTLS & CO. than any 1 callty,nonhog ON valuable lot of land on l’carl Strefct. Head Centre Fitzgerald has mustered into the Bienville, and costs. Paid. corn husks proutl course during the late war.” o$^r Mori$l*gYa.Im- between St. is at $20 acorns, and furs are very thick and proved places tor sale Middle and Fite. It iK about 66 feet on Fenian service four full of men.— Thomas, lying quarantine with eight- which reminds wl companies of the Bangor Jeffersonian of the openings luralllllnds of Lumber Pearl, VJ on Vino and about 7! 1-2 leet een the crew sick with and intennit- heavy, and the rats as usual are Wanted. business. Yards, Street, Arrangements have been completed for uni- yellow The “travelling Stoics and Oil Ashland avenue and contains about 5,.%00 ent lever aboard. Fourteen Rtoni. unsophisticated damsel who “had the itch and as a Manuiactories, Foundries, the lik, ; aid square and as men as others died on the eastward in numbers.” SITUATION N»r*o. Address E. E. Steam leet. It is one of forming arming many may be great H., Power with room can he rented. the most desirable lots in the The rain which was A Box 1616, Me. oo3U2w* mark- mustered into the service in this passage. commenced here proud to own it.” Biddeford, For persons who desire mild et, well located tor three stores. Milk Street city. Monday —The jury in a breach of case winters, a healthful large The Hood caused by the rain this promise which climate, and in a count) running from Exchange, wll in front oi C. morning evening, culminated about in a vio- —The Mammoth with the is to ngood soil, beautllnlly itn- open ijhe Cornwall, W., Oct. 30. was so great in that midnight has been on trial at failed to Cave, hotel, Wanted. prov in Pearl Street stores. There is a cellar wall- The Assizes Jersey City nearly every lent Machias, agree, d, abounuiug iruits, and po.; sensing all other good dug, commenced yesterday. Triie south-east storm. forenoon let. The cave would make a usual ed up since the “Fire” Its location basement cellar was filled with water. The Tuesday Mic eleven for and nue pleasant country GOOD Hair Dresser at WESCOTT’S Hair Drcss- privileges, In the heart of civilization, it is will viways hills of indictment were found Fenian standing plaintiff for de- a make it a desirable against was flooded so that the wind was a seat for fat of for- A mg rooms,cor. Fore am! India street*. ocSOdlw worthy 91 visit* property. here. city prison prisoners blowing gale accompanied by tor- fendant. The that “a any gentleman independent We shall alstrsoil a lot of prisoners had to be moved. Republican says verdict .Utters answered, and tl.e Vineland Rural a papti Building Material, such rents of rain. Fears were tune. as Window expressed that for five giving full information, and oi So- Frames and Sills, Stone Caps. &c„ to- Oct. An ocean race for takes thousand dollars for the would containing reports Philadelphia, 30. yaoht *90,000 place of the walls of the plaintiff —The Ottawa BOOK-KEEPER! lon Rob nson, sent to applicants. 5® ^ h* Lumber of dlfFereuf dimensions At a of thu Fenian in many new buildings, now Union publishes the for meeting Brotherhood of early December. Three yachts, the Floet- have been receivod by the community with ac- following wantod by a yonng man who has a Address CM AS K. Vlneldnd P. 0*, building purposes. HENRY BAILEY A CO* this held at in of erection would be lines": LANDIS, Oct city, Logan Hall this evening, to winfe, Vesta and Henrietta arc process prostrated. But “touching SITUATIONthorough knowledge of single Inaudis Township, New Auctioned s. agreed. They clamation.” book-kecpiiij^botli Jersey. 31^ dtd^ express their sentiments on the conviction Hook and to the Isle the the There is aealm for those who and double entry; has had four years’ is From Report of Solon Edi- and, fflygam Sandy go of damage during forenoon was very —The weep experience; Robinson, Agricultural sentence of CoL and Rev. John McMa- publishers ot the Riverside Echo—de- A rest for Coppcr-.lotmsons well acquainted in Portland. Good reference given. tor of the Tribune; *‘lt is one of the most extensive For Sale Lynch slight. found, to W. H. Immediately. and characteristic resolutions were voted to the cause of They softly lie and sweetly Apply .TERRIS, under Lancaster Hall. fertile tracts, man almost level position and suitable SUPERIOR han, strong xfjf. steamer Bienville arrived at quaran- temperance,—announce sleop, oct27d1w condition Family Horse. Considered the offered Jaincs Ona of the chimnies on the United Kowod by Salt River’s rippling sound. for peasant farming that we know of this A best in the by Gibbons, Chairman of the tine to-day from St. Thomas, having lost three States that on the first of that will lie side of the Western Piairies.” city. and January paper —It is that Also a Kimball11 Seat** Committee, unanimously adopted. men from yellow fever, between St. Thomas Hotel, which, during the great fire of 4th reported Columbns Delano will 37 Jump Carriage—not much July converted from a monthly to a Wanted. sepclod&wti worn. be seen and Port au and at the weekly. contest the seat May at the stable of Prince, latter place.— was exposed to a terrific heat was blown down. of Morgan in the Ohio Thir- A SMART honest who is a JOHN There are now cases —The Times learns that a first class intelligent young man, .1 a ^ RYAN, St. eighteen of intermittent Bangor Congress From A small of the rear teenth District. It is said that one xjl good and of a Portland, Oct 31,1866.—dlw WaahiiigtoH. portion wall of the store township penman capable keeping books for TO THE LADIES! and remittent fever on board, but no yellow billard tournament will take place in that oity small manufactory. Good recommendations requir- Washington, Oct 29. fever. of Mr. John E. Donnell, corner of Middle tnd gave Morgan more votes than there were voters ed. Address Box 15 Portland P. O. oc27dtf House lor Sale. Commander Colvocoressets shortly. A Boston thief calling himself Hairy YOUR ATTENTION IS PARTICULARLY IN- and Lieut. Corn- Silver Streets was blown down. The Republican General Committee are man ier The Baltimore Police has been arrested in taking STORY and a half house, situated on “C” Rowland have been detached from U. Commissioners. Jones, Bangor for steal- TO street, Several chimnies left on Wanted VITED THE S. St. and on or- standing the ri|ins testimony. Immediately. A Kniglitville, Cape Elizabeth, about fifty rods ship Marys placed waiting Baltimore, Oct. 30. ing $20 from the store of Smith & Campbell as from the bridge. For. particular s enquire oi ders. The trial of the great fire were and old —The Now York Journal of Commerce ad- ■4 Good American, Nova Scotia ami Irish of the Police Commissioners was prostrated many we fearn from the -A. W. IV. The Whig. v/U Girls todo housework, cook, A-c., in LARGEST ASSORTMENT lOIJVfi, President has direct the pardon of Eras- continued Witnesses brick walls were tumbled over. vises all Democrats in the Fifth pri- oc31dlw* Near the to-day. summoned for —Ice formed District to cast vate families ami hotels in this city and premise^. tus O. Parker, convicted at the October term the defence in the river at Lewiston Sun- country. were present in large number^.— In the afternoon the wind in their votes “at whatever John Situations sure. The best wages paid. of of the U. S. increased Vio- cost,” against OF HOST 1862, Circuit Court of Massa- The trial continued up to three day night. Also 50 Girls to work in Factories. | o’clock, when and whistled with the Democratic ! Special Auction Notice chusetts, of and the court until five lence, great fury Morrisey, regular nominee for others men receiving concealing money adjourned o’clock, with the through —The Brunswick calls for a £aJmer8..ant* wanting for any work known to have been the Telegraph pub- will do well to call on as stolen, and sentenced to intention of a session. It is ex- blocks of in of Congress. us, we will supply them free BY E.. IW. PATTEN & CO. holding night buildings process erection. lic to a “—*- **-- ”-• five meeting inaugurate movement to set of charge. Address or tgoncy Elegant Materials years imprisonment. pected that the examination will be brought It was a severe test but the walls stood hand- —The Hon. John L. Thomas, Representative 351 The has received a a off Brunswiok from Cumberland to Employment Office, stairs. Bay stand, adjourned to Navy Department dis- to close to-morrow night. The evidence went Sagadahoc in J^ac*lt from somely, althouth the rain had beat in so Vio- Congress from the Second Dis- l SATU14DAY.dsitv. M, at j p«*t 12 o’clock at patch Commander Simpson, command- to prove that the boxes used at the late election County. Maryland sept26dU late WHITNEY" — FOR— the S. as to __ and a candidate & CO. place formerly advertised. oct31dtd ing U. steamer Mohican, announcing were some that have been used for several lently soften the mortar that had bjeen trict, for re-election, had a re- the arrival of that vessel on the 1st instant at years past. That the boxes for rejected votes receutly laid. A small of the Rouvi>-tobd cent conversation with Gen. in New | Wanted. Barbadoes. portion upper Shobs.—The man who came Grant, Wanted ! were sent to all wards, and that were re- wall of the in which the latter Agents they Savings Bank block in near to a tree the York, explicitly and volun- Fall and Winter 1 and Steward for Steamship “General Mc- H. B. Denman of Kansas was to-day ap- turned with rejected votas. Exchange being hung up by Feniant at -FOE- COOKLellan.” of street blew over on to a tarily took ground in favor of the Constitu- Saques pointed Superintendent Indian Affairs for shanty adjoining, Jones’s Wood, New York, on Sunday, was Apply at Steamer laying at Grand Trunk the Northern Wharf Licm. Brains Iodic Id for Murder and in about half of the roof and tional amendment, and declared it would be For Frank EVER VS or of this week Superintendency. crushing filling suspected of being a British because he Moore’s New INTRODUCED INTO THIS CITY. eduesday Thursday oc31d2t There have been several cases of cholera spy Work, Piracy. the with brick. There were fatal to the South if refused to it. the week. One victim building three wore ronnd-toed shoes. It happened thns: they adopt “ during past was Jacob In all a York. Oct. 30. a woman and the speeches of Mr. Thomas he the Women the Lowonthalf, claim agent, who it is said con- ,H*w persons, man, child in the shan- Four yonng men were on the gives of War CITY NOTICES. Lieut. Braine who claims to have standing quietly tracted the disease in New York. held a com- neither of whom hillside when some behind particulars of this in mission in the ty, were injured. person them men- conversation, which the will find thin a Tbe Bank of the ex-confederate navy, and who Agents l>n<.k of real merit and in- State of Missouri, in St. On Carleton tioned that one of the number had round-toed General gave him this trinsic seized the steamer the late street, at the Brainhall eleva- unqualified assurance. value—subject NEW- intensely interesting The assortment comprises Louis, has been changed into a National Bank, Chesapeake during shoes. It was and in- and exciting. No work ever attracted and rebellion, has been indicted the Grand Ju- the fiercest was immediately sensibly —Colwell Coville, the Democratic candidate engaged with the title of “National Bank of Missouri by tion, gust experienced at a; lit- ferred that wearing round-toed shoes in this tbe public mind like Ibis. Everybody wants it, and ry, for murder and on the seas. He for in in St. Louis.” No circulation will be issued to piracy high tle before three o’clock, at which time two tall free republic was an act intensely and Congress the Second District of Minne- thousands will purchase It as soon as an opportunity will be tried at the next session of the United English, is aftbrded them. 1866 this bank. therefore repugnant to most dear sota, has declared that he is Doeskins, States Circuit Court. chimnies of the mansion of Granville M. every feeling in favor of the Chinchillas, There is no truth in the rumor to a true Intelligent, active Males or Females will lind tile that the Mex- Fenian. One person said, “He, is an constitutional Chase, were blown off even with the amendment and of negrs suf- sale of this work a pleasant and literal ive ican Consul at New Orleans had to Esq., roof, Englishman;” then another, “He is a and employ- Arc. applied spy;” The ment. This book has no conies new BBAVERN, Gen. Sheridan for a a “He Is an frage. New York Poet it competitor—it The time allowed by Ordinance of the ler permission for Gen. Ortega From Fortress Monroe. throwing up mound of bricks and mortar in third, English thereby es- Evening says to tbe The is clean and City, to to spy;” auddresh people. territory pass Mexico. The Mexican Consul sent the tablishing the connection. Tne ran like knows that several of the Democratic candi- clear. understand tbe Fortress yard adjoining. We also witnessed the cry Agents advantages in this par- to-day a dispatch to Minister Monroe, Oct. .'(0. wildfire amongst the the ticular. Which are intended lor Romero, denying Ex-rebel Gen. mad freaks of a crowd; unlucky dates for the of that if elect- expressly that as Dick Taylor arrived here this flying board, which had been Assembly State, For full charge, Gen. Ortega intends to issue a wearer of round-toed shoes was seized particulars send for circular. on a visit to Jeff. Davis. upon will vote for the ratification the Mexican morning, He remain- caught up by the wind and dashed with rail- from his and ed, of the amend- Address C. A. Chapin, Agent, pronunciainento against govern- ed in the Fortress all separated friends, threatened ment. He cannot day, and went North this ment. The world and d&wtf37 n21j Froe street, room No. 9. LADIES’ WEAR! have the support of Mexi- road speed against and through the parlor win- with the pleasant prospect of being hanged, moves, the Democratic Five Per Cent. Discount I can evening. officials, dow of Mr. when the timely arrival of a rescue warded off party will eventually follow. James A. Harmon’s residence, nearly oppo- Morgan, of Ohio, has been appoint- Official Volf of immediate danger. Flour Barrels Wanted. Call and examine for yourselves. ed IVoBHjItauia. site, in the sash and the The by Secretary Browning Chief Clerk of the smashing scattering crowd soon afterwards set upon him Pension Bureau. He has Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 30. in all and his friends Pen iiud Ink A. been Chief Exam- A glass directions, doing no further damage again, with great difficulty got Poiiraiu. Barrels suitable for Sugar, for which cash D. REEVES, TAILOR, iner of the letter from the Secretary of the Common- On Taxes Bureau for four years. with the him into a house, which was at once attacked FLOURand the highest price will be paid by of 1866, wealth states the as the of- however, exception of startling the MONTGOMERY BLAIR AND JOHN L. SWIFT NO. 9ft FRF.E following complete and would have been carried storm hut for LYNCH, BARKER & CO., NTKEF.T, PORTLAND. ficial vote tor Governor: ladies within. shook to by Our fellow Geary, 307,274: Clym- Adjacent buildings the arrival of a squad of the citizens who enjoyed the pleasure july2tf 139 Commercial street. October 1,18M. dtf lHi»ccllaiic«B« er, 290,090. police, who, taking Dispatches. their foundations, but all new and sub- man- .among thorn, him in the of to Mr. Blair WILL EXPIRE ON being got away listening Montgomery and Oen. Peekskill, N. Oct. 30. midst of a shower of and HALL’S ELASTIC Y., stantially built, Boreas hut blew his breath in stones, by hard fight- John L. Swift during the late canvass in this Wanted ! The due here at 9 A. ran a Agents Albany train, M., Secret art of State.—The Bidileford ing, to station-house, There the victim of off the track two miles Sonth of this vain, even at that high altitude of our city. State, will recognize the of TO CANVASS place, Journal understands that the friends of Hon. circumstances, whose name is William Tally, exquisite fidelity Horse Shoe Cushion ! to the of The tall of Wednesday, Oct. 31st. owing washing away the track by the John J. of chimney Corey’s establishment, made the statement: the following sketch of these ora- For a New Historical Perry Oxford, will present his name following distinguished Engraving, entitled storm. Three cars were thrown from the track. at “I was born In [(Patented May 1st, 1866.) the next session of the for the between Plumb and streets, was Navan, Ireland, and came to fors. The author is an who land- No were Legislature, Exchange Englishman passengers seriously injured. Both of of State. this country six weeks ago; I am an Prevents HENRY P. LORD, Secretary Gen. Perry’s toppled over. employee ed in Boston on the when A Council of War in *61. Snow‘and ice from adhering to the Shoe tracks were obstructed several hours. in of A. T. in Tenth street and Broad- evening Montgom- or hoof of the Eositionirge experience public life, including the Stewart, horse; prevents lameness, in tender or The side and rear walls of the Athenfeum I went to the ery Blair was advertised to at the Tre- mills is a subject ol historical it sore-tooted Boston, Oct. 30. clerkship of the and two in the way ; Fenian meeting with four speak great importance, horses: keeps gravel anil sand from get- Treasurer and Collector. House, years JL the of a A southeast Executive on Plumb which was in of for the of mont and being representation very important and ting beneath the shoe; prevents the horse from inter- heavy storm with high wind is Council well fit him for the place; street, process being fellow-employees, purpose hearing Temple, improved the opportunity scene which Oct 19—dtd and we deeply interesting transpired at the fering, and in fact is invaluable in all respects. Every prevailing here. the fact that this office has been filled al- rebuilt, came down with a crash. Stephens speak; were standing speaking to see and hear the ex-Postmaster General. President’s house at the of the on beginning late war. horse should have them. Send for circulars, or call The steamer for New re- most men from the eastern the hillside, when I heard one that I Ashland, York, exclusively by and A of the walls of stores say We from his to There is a and see and of Portland. portion two on Lime had copy letter the London scarcely family in our country that* samples judge for yourselves, at lumci- City mains i n the roads. The steamer Montreal, for middle sections of the State for the last twenty round-toes; this person asked me if I had wUl not, earlier or desire a this pal office of Elastic Horse Shoe Cushion. Treasurer's street, erected J. B. ever been in I Times: later, copy qf great Office, August 28. nfcu. Portland, which started out list night has re- will be another potent reason urged in being by Carroll, Esq,, Cork; replied that I had been picture. DOIVIJ.I ibsu. il by the City Mr Municipal puipOB- turned. The steamer Eastern for Sears,is favor. were blown down. employed there a short he then ® N ■ —«o City, Bath, time; passed a lean Intelligent, active males or females, will find tins I State, County, or Town rights for JL1 C8, in sums of #500 ami 1,000. onteiTuml and I Imagine long, man, a cross between .v is at anchor in Gloucester harbor. The steam- Gen. has been a on, heard more of him for fif- one of the most sjle. •, » n. Perry uncom- A nothihg rapidly selling Engravings yet y sept8—dam twenty years time, arc for sale al tliisofVuc. long bold, portion of the rear wall of Col. President Lincoln and Mr. of the publish- er from arrived hero at defender Clbpp’s teen when he came back Chippendale, ed. Exclusive in all cases. HENRY P. LORI) Lewiston, Portland, promising of Republican minutes, and said I and Territory given principles, stores on Federal and a small Haymarket, you have Mr. Blair. As for For full send for circular. • 1 ciltf '1 12.30. No marine disasters as and deserves success at the hands of his street, poftion was not. I deny said about particulars Notice. Sep rcasurfcr. yet. politi- having anything his I shall not say much about it To Address, J. B. BURR & mCitv cal friends.—Lewiston Journal. of one of the partition walls in his Lime street the Queen of speech CO., undersigned notice that a Charleston, S. C., Oct. 30. England having ropes enough, tell tne it was a little He used oclPd&wlm* 94 Conn. hereby give portion etc., or about truth, dreary. Asylum st., Hartford, THEof the cobwork at the southern end of The steamer San Francisco, from block were blown down. anything hanging Stephens; the two lines of V&ugtmn's Greytown, man argument, perfectly distinct and will be removed on the for New Trial for Setting Fire to a then endeavored to seize me and Bridge Monday 10th instant, O. M. & D. W. X A S Nicaragua, York, with 7T0 Vessel.—The The old walls of the Plummer More store carry to some extent inconsistent with each for the of in H, passengers, & me towards the Mr. other, Logging Teams Wanted. purpose filling and making solid the put in here to-day for coal. She will trial of William of rope; Stephens rescued and instead of end of said proceed Capt. Grant, Thomaston, on Fore a of the old wall me when I was keeping them apart he jumpod southerly bridge, and all persons In trav- In tlic Basement of tlie Old on her to-morrow. street, portion the about a dozen yards from it over voyage with ojl from the first to the second and back in will be received for cutting and haul- elling the samo will do so at their own risk until charged setting fire to the ship Owen foot of You know the remainder. again Young house, Cross street, a chimney on a which mnst PROPOSALSthe timber from one to ten situ- further notice. Harrisburg, Oct. 30. way have confused those of his ing (1) (10) lots, Pa., Mechanic, of Rockland, which vessel he com- ated in J. M. The Governor has a warrant the store of Messrs. Fletcher & Commer- audienoc who were not T Robinson, Bethel Building, signed fot the Co., The Baltimore Police ('oiontiattioaer*. already persuaded. Geo. F. on was commenced in the Unit- was not much Henley,' execution, Dec. 4th, of Peter Bota, fot the manded, yesterday cial street, and of the old walls of sev- impressed with Mr. Blair’s ar- BLOOMFIELD, VERMONT, H. S. HEAD OF lONG portions An to the Boston Adver- .T.tOKLON, WHARF, murder of his wife. ed States Circuit Court, before Annapolis dispatch gument. The speech was rcceivod with ap- the winter. Distance to haul trorn Selectmen Boston, Judges eral on Cross and Silver streets ensuing oue-tourth of Cape Elizabeth. There was a buildings Fore, tiser sums evidence thero was little been for the sale of 1 lie latal case of cholera here to-day. Clifford and Lowell. The up Monday’s against the proval, although enthusiasm to two miles. Cape Elizabeth, April 13. apr. 14—tf Having appointed Agents vessel was insured were down. toppled Police Commission as except when the name of Andrew Johnson We are also to fill orders for frames or for follows: prepared 898,000, including freight, and on was which called forth a spruce dimension timber. to McOUEOOR FURNACES $22,000 The stagings which had been erected bo the mentioned, such tu- Apply ADautngc from the I,air Mtorna. The governor continued bis mult Tyler & Batter and Cheese! cargo, which consisted of ice. She sailed on investigation of cheering that the orator repeated bis Perkins, Co., many buildings going up, suffered seriously, relative to the Baltimore commissioners North Stratford, N. H. for Portland and vicinity, would eull the attention of Providence, R. I.. Oct. 30. the 5th of for police point at every convenient opportunity. There last, Hong Kong, and was many of them to-day. About twenty witnesses were examin- or Perkins, Jackson & Co., 250 Tubs Choice those in want oi FUBNAOFb, tor warming A heavy southwest gale which had prevailed being completely stripped.— were two or throe dissentients near one of the Street ot Family Suiter, destroyed by fire on the 3d of ed, but nothing oi was elic- High Wharf, formerly Sawyers, foot High here for twelve hours, increased to a furious April. About four o'clock the gale was at its special importance doors of tne Temple, but their opposition was n ited. The evidence was of Street. septfi d&wtt between 12 height, the same and not an 75 Boxes PUBLIC BUILDINGS, gale and 1 o’clock, to-day. The and fears were general slight, did get beyond admonition Vermont Cheese! expressed that many character as that submitted on and —— FltOM buildings Sat- __! ... j tide was covering the EUROPE. Friday to ’’dry up” when the speech was about two- unprecedentedly high, would he But the wind The has closed its branch Received and for wharves with watef and cellars. Six or prostrated. subsided urday. prosecution thirds over. LOST AND sale by and First Class filling of the unless FOFND. Stores, Dwellings, vessels broke adrift in the harbor and NEWS BY THE CABLE. and no further was done. case, rebutting testimony is in- I have not referred to the license which Mr. eight damage troduced. The DONNELL & were more or leas Two points they have made, or are Blair allowed himself when SMITH, CO., to a careful examination ot this Furnace. No ono damaged. buildings In the store of A. B. corner Con- speaking of his * Butler, of to are as follows: That were and three unfinished London, Sunday. Oct. 28.—The advices from attempting make, One of them was described as a LOST! oc3fldlw 93 and 95 should foil of seeing Ibis Furnace beftire deciding on unroofed, buildings and Elm opponents. Commercial Street. are gress Streets, the front and side win- most of the judges neglected to use boxes for 4lieir beating apparatus. There are sixes adapted lo blown down. In Lonsdale the roof was torn Japan conflicting. The latest report is most cold-blooded villain, a suborner of false GOLD Watch Key,Coin and Trinket attached to • that all the followed all classes of buildings ; wc will warrant it to be the off the Lonsdale storehouse. In that the Tycoon’s has suffered a dows were dashed in. rejected ballots; judges a man who hurried an innocent wo- A fo have been lost on Commer- Company’s army heavy witnesses, opposed best ever in litis are the opinion of the oi the State cial st. The finder will be furnace sold Market. We pre- Newport the tide swept ovor Long and defeat at the hands of the insurgents, and the The amount of the done attorney-general man to death; others as tools of suitably rewarded by leav- Pear wharf, pecuniary damage and refused to reoeive votes oi men not supple slavery ing it at 107 Fore st. oc27dtw* Trees, wired to the Old Colony Railroad Depot was blown Tycoon in consequence has abdicated. regis- while slavery lasted, and debased slaves of the by the storm to the buildings is very trifling. tered in 1860; that half a dozen of the two hun- down. The embankment of the Bristol Rail- It is said the British government is about to party in power now that is abolished.— In the harbor the tide was dred and forty of slavery Money Found, Repair and Furnish road was washed so badly that tho running of ask of Parliament an increase of one million very high, and judges, and, perhaps twenty At another time he warned his hearers (how Tines! the seven hundred special were not owner can have the same at No. Grape trains will have to be for two or three pounds sterling in the amount voted for the ar- vessels danced about of them policemen these are) by calling 13 stopped gaily. Many men imprudent public speakers against repair pieces for all sixes nl the and a of good moral and that radi- THEMarket Square, by proving ownership and pay- McGregor Furquccs. days. We hear of no loss of life. my, large additional amount to that ap- broke from their character, itinerant orators, seekers of office, who traverse now in use here. We keep o hand a com- moorings, and ran into the cals have a better chance than ing for this advertisement. The Best Varieties constantly in former years for the conservatives other States than their own, the Furnished plete assortment of propriated navy. for abusing neigh- W. PAINE. j docks, doing some slight damage by poking being appointed on the police force. It is bors have left at home. Amenities like oct24dtf__A. at short notice. From to see they Califsrua anil Japaa. difficult how official misconduct ftiaoa ova nniraruql find mil at tint ha hvt havuh. Parlor and Office —The New York Herald has published a full their bowsprits into the stores on the wharves. call be Lost. oe25d3w G. R. 400 Cooking, Stoves, San made ont of this, as it is notori- Dos: DAVIS, Fare Street. Francisco, Oct. 30. account of the We have especially fight between John Morrissey heard of no damage to the ous that the for OTRAYED from the subscribers on the night of 8oap«touo Niovom, Ship’* Caboo*e* &c. An Arizona letter dated the 12th of October, shipping elections the past two years O the 17th A |i of the Democratic as have been more a (one inst., black Newfoundland Pul*. State of Maine. says a scouting party from Fort McDowell kill- candidates for Con- yet. Steamer New England, from St John, orderly than ever before. lier and yet more dreary. liberal reward will be to any one that will re- all of which we arc to at the The commissioners will paid prepared su| p’y ed and wounded fifteen male Indians and gress in New York) and Yankee at N. arrived in the and re- begin presenting When he sat after turn him to LEACH, PARKER & CO., cap- Sullivan, B., early morning, their down, speaking nearly tured two and seven children. evidence to-morrow, and to occu- two there were loud Oct 24 dint No. 5 Block. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, squaws Boston Four in it mained here. The New Brunswick did not expect hours, calls ot “Swift, Deering Lowest Market Prices! advices Corners, 1853, heading “Ring the best part of two Commissioner Oct. 1*6. Japanez via Shanghai Sept. 8th, con- days. Swift,” and a man of 39 or 40, middle height, Augusta, 26, Great Debate between John Mor- leave on for St. indes will be firm previous report* of a considerable success Reasoning. Monday John. present and probably will go American beard and moustache, and double Lost! An adjourned session of the Executive < ouneii will TIN, SHEET IRON ami COrrElt Ware nmaufac- on the stand. The ^ which Chosin had obtained over Tycoon, who rissey and Yankee Sullivan. Knock Down Ar- Steamer Lewiston left this port for Boston governor expresses the pur- eye-glasses on his nose, rose to the calL He is between Tukey’s Bridge and 8am- be held at the Council in lined to order. to examine Chamber, Auguste, pn made a descent upon Chosin’s but pose him closely. The ease will a he was one of the at the SOMEWHEREuel Bell's shoe store, a bundle containing a Cas- sep7dL'm O. ill. A D. U NASH. territory, guments. Qualifications for a Congressman." at her usual hour on Monday night, and arriv- general; delegates Wednesday, the seventh of November next. was in a defile and probably be finished on simere Shawl, a light colored and collar, will* day caught routed with heavy Wednesday evening, Philadelphia Convention, and he promised to cape —It is said that the King of Prussia is so ed at Boston at noon on-Tuesday. The Mon- but it is not known whether the will initials on collar, L. M. P.; the finder will be suitably Attest: EPHRAIM FLINT, 1\ M. loss. Chosin retrieved the losses suffered be- governor tell ns something about it. In his enthusiasm rewarded SAMUEL> with the letters from his left Boston for this on give his decision then or on by leaving the same at 353 Congress st. oo.TOdtd Secretary of State. ginning of the struggle, and had crossed into pleased army, written treal port Monday night, Thursday evening. he unfortunately forgot to do so. He bad oct l.i d&wtt There seems to be no donbt that he will order fftnumrl Bell. Wholesale and Retail D’Kokura, gaining a signal over the the of the but back on account of the storm. to before he was in ex- victory by Captain Hozier, correspondent put the scarcely begun speak HANSON forces of uncle of the removal of the commissioners. It is believ- celsis. was a trifle to It HO PH E R S, Hoshin, Tycoon. London that he Steamer from for The Pogrom Defiance Times, proposes to confer up* Katahdin, Bangor Boston, ed that there will no in Baltimore The steamer Del Norte, from Crescent City, be trouble his speech. In the high-pitched, shrieking Warehouse ! on the an into this and unless the MEDICINE CHJESTS. SIGN, WINDOW-SHADE, Bedding brings (7,600 in treasure. journalist honorary deooration. put port remained here. j governor forces a strict issue. voice which finds favor among Methodist N.rlo. Block, Portland, Me. — A foreign correspondent writes: “There Steamers Dirigo, from New York, and Lady preabhers, he poured forth the tallest of talk, And Ornamontal Pnintcrs, Gen. Grant and the Presidency.—The from end to end of the A=®’“t>prlng Bed. of every description. Mattresses Reargaaizatioa of the National Express are several young American estab- Lang, from Bangor, arrived here eve- moving as he spoke Chests, Lockers and sculptors Monday now Ship Closets taken the No. 17 Union are Temade and renovated. New York of the Boetou Jour- now bockwards, sidewards, Having (Shop street, thoroughly lished in Florence who are fltemselves correspondent long platform, fir Two doors above Pieble House. Conspaay. doing ning. and his col- AND prepared to do all work entrusted to them in a supe- oc27tf nal tells the of now straightforwards, addressing FURNISHED REPAIRED Va., Oct. 30. and their credit art. Steamer of following pretty good ctory Gen. or his rior manner. The shop will be found open through Richmond, country by their efforts in City Richmond, from Machias, is leagues to his right left, or behind under all the business hours ot flic All orders PRANK HILLERN The National was reor- Grant: no chance day. prompt- Express Company Among these are Mr. Meade and Mr. at back there the organ, but by the crowd sitting in the most manner are Connelly. Rockland, having put Monday thorough by ly attended to oc30dlm» ganized to-day. The new directors General A of this city, an intimate in front. I have the feeling of Frederick Wil- Prejtared Harness Oil Blacking ! R. of W. H. Pe- The former lias already been much read of, and night gentleman person- Joseph Anderson, Richmond, al friend ofGeu. Grant’s, called on him in liam toward a man who does not look you in School at Gorham, Me. Is Con. for rot,of J. Carter of the latter is destined to win a fame to We to hear of disasters all the not Family Ready Use, Baltimore, Marbury, George- equal expect along Washington long since. His was the fhce. STEPHEN town, Col. M. G. of R. purpose GALE, rPins s 'ltool tor has been established With directions tor For sale at Harmon, Staunton, Va., that of any of our countrymen in this coast. No vessels could weather the storm to get the influence of Gen. Grant with the The general alternately shrieked and boys recently using. the Manufac- P. H. depart- yes- roared, ■ Kev. A. Peek a missiona- turer’s Zimmerman, of Atlanta, \V. Webb, of President in relation to an as he backed about—how he to es- by Geo. ins, formerly price, by ment of art. on this coast. office in the city. managed Corner Lime and Middle Streets. ry ol tho A. H. New J. of Wm. Sev- terday <\ F. M. The situation is very pleas- York, Foley, Baltimore, Gen. Grant told him that his name cape off the platform and how he ant ami AAMKM BAILEY & of —When Wilson to sentence frankly backing kept ai-oessible, and tin* number ol pupils is lim- CO., ers, Baltimore, and Lewis Norvell, of Lynch- Judge begun would be of no as he did his on his nose -seven enablea service to him, but an injury. eye-glasses during An experience ol' over thirty yearn * winter Mission will I'oiuuidioe tin the r»th oc26d!lw* lti2 Middlo Portland. Mr. Perot will be President in of Ol*7,* street, burg. place Col. Lynch to death his voice trembled and he New Block—Messrs. Marrett, Poor & Co. He said ho had solicited few favors of the the whole of it are if one con- him to satisfaction. Deci-mber. and will continue 19 weeks. ! very mysteries—and give entire Applica- Gen. Joseph Johnston. A further requisition and to sidered the alone the exhibition was carlv- Was affected; but when he recounted the have purchased the President, them no favorable response general £3^’Orders will receive prompt attention, m.iul? Ktr particulars address OEOKUE F. of 10 per cent, on the stockholders will be made quite Wildredge^estate, adjoin- TAUIOT, was returned. He said that one day Mr. John- amusing. The faculty which he had originally octll eodtf and doings of the Fenians in Canada, he got very ing the Canal National Bank. The lot is 33 ArwJ,"H®]^orKe,ereDW8 payment enforced. son spoke with him in rotation te it. He said was probably small, and thero are so many 'VJi-emlSw"16 and excited. feet on Middle Street and 166 feet The of Attorney and Councilor at Law, angry deep. to G.en. Grant: “You say that you are not a asses in the world that the addition another ! i’o it From Nc» OrlMWi was Now our But it HOARD planing saTeT —One wagon of a powder train, containing price paid for it $25,000 It is the inten- candidate for the Presidency. promise ought not to affect composure. CBlce No. 8 Olttpp’a Block, Oct. 30. “that you will not let was to see the in which the audi- Nnw Orleans, five thousand of blew near' tion of Messrs. Poor & Co. to erect a me,” said the President, pitiful way pounds powder, up Marrett, enthusiasm was JOHN W. HANSON Opposite OU City llai), The Board of Levee Commissioners have is- your name he used in connection with that of- ence enjoyed it Their un- An Excellent sued Green U on the 12th ult. A hub spacious and handsome carpet warehouse on out their Family Horse! proposals to build 1,200,000 feet of the River, tab, fice and I will grunt you any favor in my pow- bounded. They roared applause at rebuilt on the old site, No. 26 York street, PORTLAND, M ^TN E. levee. this Gen. sentence. This Kind and gentle in every was the largest piece of wood found after the the lot. er to bestow.” To Grant replied:- the end of every detestable HASand has this day started one of reepcct. Woodbury’s Gen. who has for some I am not a candidate. was evidently to them the Patent Planers. It surfoo.s boards and CEO. K. jy"U—d&wfim_‘ Ortega, been here and three of the five of oxen ‘•Mr. Johnson, But sup- balderdash highest beautifully, DAVIS, left explosion, yoke insist It was what will tongue and groove straight or days, this evening per steamer St. for A Special meeting of the ex- Hose the people upon me one flight of humanity. they would taper. oc25ddw 200 HHEPLEY & STROUT Mary attached were torn into small and Compa- pose making oct!8d2w Fore street. Brazos St. He himself bits, only what can I do? And Mrs. Grant has have done thenselves had they the power, and Jago. refuses to regard ny, will be held at No. 6, Hancock besides, a9 included in Gen. Sheridan’s denunciation one foot, a joint of a finger, and a piece of the street, been recently looking at the White House, and yet there was no trace of envy in their intense MRS. in his letter on Thursday evening, as business of she can run that It is hard to conceive how COLBY’S M. C. M. A. COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Mexican affaiis to Gen. Sedg- skull of the driver remained. importance thinks establishment quite as admiration. any wick. is to come before the as it is run now. men could fail to detect the hollowness and —The Tribune’s meeting. A punctual at- well And you know, Mr. OFFICE, Gen. Washington dispatch says that of such a and it BONNET STATED MEETING of the MAINE CHARI- Sheridan leaves to-morning for Texas. tendance is requested at 8 o'clock. President, these women will do pretty sham windbag, was a warning BOOMS, In Poet Office 2d Entrance on Ex- that just after President Johnson became Pres- much as And would to see to what he can descend. The effect was TABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION will I* Building, story; -- ■ ■' they please. Mrs. Grant will t 4 near A • Per order. be foun at No. Cotton, Free street on THURSDAY EVEN- change street. to such so that could I have held in Mechanics’ Hall, O. f. ident, and it was that Gen. Butler decidedly object my giving any prom- sickening decently got where she offers the balance or her stock, at SHKPLEY. A. A. STROUT. Canadian thought very ING, Nov 1st, at 7} o’clock. jy9tl Attaint. ise.” The President looked as if he did not out I should have bolted, but, as the low prices. Those bills, will confr r a favor would be to command at The Co. of depraved owing by oc30dtd STEPHEN MARSH. Sec’y. 30. assigned Richmond, auction sale E. M. Patten & in or taste of the audience it was to and same. Hamilton, C. W., Oct. by understand whether this was jest was, impossible calling settling the seplleodtt Particular Notice. a member of of- exactly A grand dinuer was given to the English Va., the Virginia Legislature silver plated ware and cutlery will be contin- in earnest outrage the feelings of the honest fellows by ! tor sale on the corner of Confederation fered a an for the of their Show Wanted delegates last Speeches resolution the Governor of ued on near showing open contempt god Cases. Counters, Desks, Barley y‘^y^®TlEV- were forfeited has now prepared to supply Hospitals, Physicians, and millkb, POBTLAN els whose lives justly been with the Carpetings Curtains! W. W. THOMAS. trade and the great public generally, BuUjA JAMES O’liOXNELL AND Jr.^ called upon to pay the penalty of his crime. ard and invaluable remedy, ^DD XTI* TOWN f i'JC. A s good an aaaortment of *■ UENNETT, October 1866 Many years have passed since any execution at Attorney and Cwnsellcr at Wednesday Morning, 31, Medium and Low COUNSELLOR Law, Drives from his oM stand by tbe lste fire, treason took in fiSSfewiae, Priced LAW, _ [CHADwKai House,] for place England even. The Office in Chadwick’s House. Counsellors at of France Law, Congress street. course has been mild. It 249 Congress St., next above Stone Church. Mono. c. The November Election*. similarly it allay- irritation, rewlestrneSH and "pawns, Bl«k, octe-diy^® WM. w eak and SSltiw; a C. BECKETT is only effete governments like those Induces regular action oi the bowels and secre- sep7-dtf Two Doors above elections will wui CARPETINGS! the Preble Popular belield next Tuesday of and five organs. Honae 9. L. Haa established himself at Spain or such as As was ever exhibited in is now 1 Austria, like Russia for Nervous Diseases ever sold so Boston, opened ME. CARLETON, iu twelve States. Tlie result of these elections No preparation being jfo_POHTI.AND, ’tf retain a tinge of barbarism in their institutions, readily, or met with such universal approval. For at the OUT OF THE FIRE ! of the l»ss of Peculiar Female 2tt7 ConcrcKs St., Morton Block, •will definitely settle the complexion which still hold to In Sleeplessness, Energy, GERRISHJb the rule of vengeance. Weaknesses and Irregularities, and all the fearful NEW CARPET and of the country’ HALLS, B. F. SMITH A SON’S PEAR80W, JUST ABOVE THE next Congress tlio policy putting these men to death Canada will com- mental and bodily symptoms that follow in the train Dealers in ATTORNEY AT I .AW. of nervous diseases, Dodd’s Nervine is the best reme- 116 TREMONT lor the rest of Mr. Johnson's presidential mit an act which will inter- STREET, PREBLE the whole world dy known to science. Sold all druggists. Price $1. IflOErtE, by with a New WATCHES, 27 Market term. Tlie ninety-one Congressional districts pret as the evidence of weakness and of Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Which, together large Stock ot Photograph Rooms, Square. Occupying tbe store jointly with Messrs. Si and augllsnlyd&w u Wholesale Agents, Boston. — AT— 8ept 24-dtt Pray nre distributed by States politically, as i fear. Window Shades and Silver and Plated Ware, „ Sluitb, where be is in tbe receipt of tbe se- Upholstery Goods, Jewelry, follows: But reasons why unusual I NO. 16 MARKET Silver Bad Steel there are other Will be sold at very SQUARE. Gold, Spectacle*. Tool*. V. c. HANSON A unbecom- Special Notice. aujfiO a dtt File*,Ac. CO., Republican Democratic Total in this case will bo especially £01F LATEST 1,! verity rilHE undersigned having been exclusive PRICES ! .‘*45 FASHIONS, Massachusetts 10 first an occasion appointed sep28 NO. 13 FREE STREET. d3m CONGRESS STREET, New Vork 21 10 ing and unwise. In the place A Agerit lor the State of Maine for the sale and HOLD15N & 31 Foreign Goods bv every Steamer. FEABODY, lully New Jersey 2 3 ot all the world application of H. W. JOHNS’ IMPROVED HOOF- Goods Manufacturers and .lubbers in “up,,lle,l hi“«eir with all the is too fresh in the recollection Domestic daily (torn and Women’s Misses’ luAw*»i““ st.vlie Delaware ING. would call attention to the fact that this rooting Manufacturers W. F. TODD, and 1 I which now show an al- New York Auctions. Children’s 3 when the very courts has been in use in the United Canadas and and Counsellors at in Maryland 2 K States, Window Shade* and Draperies made to order Attorneys Law, Dealer A VI) Michigan »; to convict the West indies for ten and abundant BOOTS most blood-thirsty eagerness nearly years, prool Lace Curtains, in great variety, at LOW PRICES. SHOES, Pantaloon Illinois II Si can be given oi its over all other kinds oi Office, 2291-2 815 CongrssaSI. Stairs. ('oat, and Vest 3 ** the most callous indiffer- superority Congress Street, Watches, Clocks, Up sug.T-dOm Goods, Alikuiouri Fenians, exhibited in its Jewelry, Spectacles, 7 routing adaptability to all kinds of tools, CROSBY he CHILDS, & LANE, EVE GLASSES, &c., Which ia ready to make uj. at short uotice. Wiseonsiu 5 7 ence to the enormity of a similar offence which whether steep or hat. Its durability which ex- Near the Court House. J. B. HUDSON, JR., Minnesota ceeds that of common tin, i.s No. 1IO Tremont A. B. Nr. 45 Free PRrtlHiad. 2 2 did not touch themselves. The execution of cheapness costing only Mirrri, Boston, HOLDEN. Sep5tftl H. c. PEABODY. Si., He would Kansas f about half UK its not more particularly call the attention ot his cus- 1 much, lightness, weighing tomer* seplSdSin Nearly opposite Park St. n and the public to hi* stock of Nevada the Fenian prisoners following so soon after than one pound to the square fuot, its lieauty, pre- Church. CALVIN Repairing done and warranted. Bep3dtt Cloths for an unbroken surface of that be EDWARDS <1 CO., ARTIST, In tlie their conduct in relation to the St. Albans senting stoue. may present Congress therefore we have made desired color. It is also lire HAT BE any proof against FODWD AT H.M. BREWER, 27 Market Square, Fall and Winter murderers, would affix an indelible stain cinders or ami is insured all insur- Oeercoats, sixty-nine members from these elected up. burning coals, by (Successors to J. Smith St States, ance at same as or other tire NO. 313 CONI JU Fats NTKEET. Co.) PORTLAND, ME. on the Canadian and warrant tho con- Companies rates tin, EASTMAN »og21d6u_ "onrtdiw of Tricorn Caster and Moscow by Republican and twenty-two courts, proof roofs. Any Injury resulting irom accident, can BROTHERS Muuuin)Hirer mf I.catkrr Belling. Beavers, majorities clusion July 31 dtl n JOHN *c.,andsomeof htogood* for Business that justice with them means simply lie easily repaired by any intelligent workman. Also for sale KINSMAN, Cidnjhillaa™ elected by Democratic In consid- Dfes* Coate are very elegant, majorities. All kinds of roots repaired and metal roofs painted lie has also a line vengeance for usuries have themselves ANDERSON AND Belt DEALER assortment of UooJs for Ladles' ering tlie probabilities respecting tlie coming they with Preservative paint. Ary CO.’S Leather, Backs & Sides, Lace Leather IN suffered, with utter disregard of whatever they 'lids looting, car and steamboat decking. Roofing Goods, RIVETS we leave out of the account SKIRT AND and BCBS, Barones, Tulsans and Capea. election, may Cement and Preservative Paint for sale. Agents Have Kemovkd tjieie place of HOOF DORSET STORE, may have allowed to be inflicted others. business to n upon wanted in every town in the state. For terms and septSdti 311 Congrew Mirrel. GAS Minnesota, Kansas la removed to 328 Congress St., oppoaito Mechanics’ FIXTURES, in Ills line are Massachusetts, Michigan, are to Vitol m respectfully In. There also many circumstances connect- prices apply n —AT— nted to give him "°“!*a and Nevada. will bo sure to send now WM. II. General JylOdtt octl9dCw These ed with WALKER, Agent, 332 CONGRESS Mall._ W. JP. FREEMAN A call,_ the prisoners themselves which should 241 Commercial st. toot of st. Portland. STREET, CO., 25 Union Street. as solid Maple G. heretofore, Republican delegations. lead to mildness and caution in disposing of sepltsudll gT lioWNES, aupiO U' LEVY d MATHIAS, New Of tlie remaining seven, York is by far them. The full the Nearly Opposite Mechanics’ Upholsterers report of legal proceed- A VIluable Medicine.—Dr. Poland’s White Hall, MERCHANT TAILOR, C. H. STUART & CO* the most on uccount of in is a suc- and Manufacturers ol uncertain, peculiar is in the Toronto The Pine Compound, advertised our columns, HAS TO CUSTOM ings published papers. Portland, 31—dtt n BEHOVED TAILORS, cessful at tempt to combine and apply the medicinal July complications not easily understood or allow- crime charged these men is, that be- Plasterers AMD DEALERS IS against virtues ot the White Pine Bark. It has been thorough- No. 233 1-2 Congress Street, FURNITUBE, LOUNGES, BED-STEADS Masons, Builders, ed for. In the Second for or citizens of a State at tested in this and and the district, example, ing subjects foreign ly by people city vicinity, Spring-Beds, Mattresses, Pew Cushions, -AND- KlCADV-illADK CLOTHING, nas testimonials to Its value from persons CORNER OP CHESTNNT the National Unionists and peace with Her levied war, or proprietor Nn. 1 K Regular Democra- Majesty, they well knows to our citizens. We reocommeud its trial August 30, 1866. n dtl Clapp’s Black- foal Chestnut Street, CONTRACTORS. Jnst returned from New York and Boston cy are running separate and engaged in acts of hostility against Her Majes- in all those cases of disease to which it is adapted. It HAt “tuck of Herman, French tickets, there is Partland. Addreeg Pont auu ■Tolu s u"0 S’efAf* Is for sale by all our Druggists.—lndepcndant. REMOVAIi. Office Box 1,988, or at the office rear o Kngllsh Broadefoths, ms-skins, Casaimeree, Tri- a chance that the ty. To this crime the laws attach the same W. P. Freeman, D. W. Deane. C. L. opinby. Republican candidate, Mr. C. H. Stuart’s residence, lh-V wUl make up In the most augiott n cot";Isshiouable eltA'tc;,,whlt,h and substantial Van Brunt, come in penalty as that against high treason,—the pen- A. E. W E B B style manner and at the may ahead, though the The Great New England Remedy! NO. NO fl.ARK STREET, lowest possible cash prices. of death. Now what are the facts? Take Democratic alty be found at A. N. NOYES & Uur stock of Keatif-Made regular majority has always been Dr. J. W. POLAND’S Patented Hay 39, 18M. may SON, Portland. Malar. Clothing Is larce well the case for cash, which of the Rev. John McMahan, the Cath- This is an article 8—tt ■elected, bought e?abie*ns to sell about 5,000. In tlie Fourth there are tor washing without rubbing, ex- Manufacturers and Aug than district, in 346 CONGRESS, NEAR OAK dealers in cheaper nnyotber similar establishment in the olic priest sentenced on Friday. The indict- WHITE PINE COMPOUND cept very dirty places, which will require a very STREET, six candidates in tlie and where he will be to sae his old as well as new city. field, including Horace Is now ottered to the afflicted the coun- slight rub, unlike other preperatlons offered for a pleased WM. W. ment him with to do throughout customers. n WHIPPLE, kkfHood Coat, Pants and Vest makers wanted. charged levying war, &c., like purpose, will not bot the aug 4dt A Ben Wood and Sunset Cox. In the try, alter having been proved by the test ot eleven clothes, but will Stoves, Ranges Furnaces, Greeley, which it would seem that be must have been leave them much whiter than t ONtJHPNS NTRKET, years, in the New England States, where its merits ordinary methods, with- I iTtli Mr. John out the usual wear and tear. Can be tound in their Wholesale one door district, Morrissey and Gen. armed and have committed some act of vio- have become as well known as the tree from which, in R E M O V A~L ! Druggist, West of Now City Hall. it derives its virtues. ” by and softens sepbl d3m Nelson Taylor will divide the Democratic suf- part, the»gT?a8e dirt 8p!J" ,U NEW lence or hostility. Yet there is not the slight- by soaking, so that rinsing in ordinary cases, BU1LDINO ON LINE NT., 21 MARKET SQUARE, In the Sixth entirely remove It. frages. (Raymond’s) there are est evidence to show that he was at any time The White Pine Compound, Dr. W. R. Johnson, PORTLAND, HE. I. P. FARRIXGTOX, Tnis powder is prepared in accordance with chemi- (Opposite the Market.) two candidates on each augitl side. In tlie Eighth, armed or that he was guilty of any act of vio- CURES cal science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured Where they will be pleased to see all their former are Sore by Letters Patent. It has been in there not three masculine lence. It was him that he was Throat, Colds, Coaghs, Diplherin, customers and receive orders as usual. CLOTHING only candidates proved against use for more than a year, and has DENTIST, augl7dtf n W. H. CLIFFORD, Rrouchilis, ^pitting of Rftood, aad Pul- proved itself an uni- ■Ins Removed his but Mrs. seen in conversation with the Fenian versal fhvorite wherever 1 has OMce (• 13 1-2 Free Si AND Elizabeth Cady Stanton has entered leaders, monary Affections, generally. It is a been used. Among the advantages claimed are the H. P. the lists and that he dressed the wounds of those who were Remarkable Remedy for Kidney Com- following; Second Housetrom H. H. Hay’s Apothecary DEANE, tlie Times “it is with- It saves all the of used COUNSELLOR AT Goods says barely plaints, Diabetes, Difficulty of Voiding expense soap on cotton and maylO Store. d&wtl Counsellor and LAW, Furnishing / in the both Fenians and Canadians, that he and linen goods. —AND— range ot i>ossibili(y (hat her success inured, IJrine, Rleeding from the Kidneys Attorney, It saves most of the labor o! and Nn. 3. 2Q Market Square. shrived a dying Fenian, and that at one time Rladder, Gravel and other complaints. rubbing, wear and N. J. GILMAN, Clapp’s Black, Congress Hi. may prove one ol the and Por Piles and it will be found tear. SOLICITOR OF FAT Oct4--d3m n knotty difficult of Scurvy, ENTS, he ordered certain knapsacks clothing valuable. Also for cleaning windows it is With For the present part of the Store Particular attention to questions to be solved tlie next very unsurpassed occupies given writing Wills, by Congress.” thrown down to be one quarter the time and labor it Im- Contracts, Deeds and Legal Instruments. NO. 8 CLAPP'S BLOCK, J. T. LEWIS <£ CO. which had been picked up Give it a trial if you would learn the value of a usually required NO. « FREE STREET A\ e have said to parts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much to BLOCK, July 31, DOB. dtf enough show that it is im- and ‘‘because the GOOD AND TRIED MEDICINE. superior .ugt'dtfCongre,. Street. Manufacturers of carried along, boys might any other mode. No water required except to moist- with Messrs. J. M. Dyer & Co., and is prepared to re- possible to predict tlie result with accura- on the sume his usual and any want them.” For this he is to suffer death.— It is Pleasant Safe and Sure. i»wder. business, offers a choice assort- IF. H. WOOF J* It will he noticed Directions with each package. ment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, a ODD Alin & SON, cy. however that the div- His was that he had no hostile Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicines generally. UASKEL, defence object And can be a trial. on the most reasonable CLOTHING, readily appreciated by single Spectacles, Cutlery, &c., have removed to ision between the Sold at wholesale Pile cost of a terms. n Counsellors and at National Unionists who in to Canada; that on his way to by washing for family of five or six persons, augidtf Attorneys Law, going being will not exceed BROKERS, still adhere to W. P. Phillips & Co., thkee cents. Ns. 19 Free Street. No. 1 Galt Commercial their organization and the Montreal on he was The Block, Street orig- private business, stopped manufacturers of this powder are aware that O. M. & JD. w. No. 178-Fare Street. n J. W. Perkins & Co., NASH PORTLAND, ME. Jyto inal is irreconcilable. The Na- the and carried off with them to many useless compounds have been introduced to the have resumed business at the head ot Jy7 tt Copperheads by Fenians, IV. Long Wharf, C. W. And W. Whipple, public which have rotted the cloth, or foiled in Goddard, njySOdtt T. H. Haslell. Mrrtbaat has se- to and to remov- under J. W. Munger’s Insurance Office, and will be fBMT, Taller, tional Union is drawn almost attend the wounded, afford the min- the • cured strength wholly PORTLAND, MTS. ing dirt, but knowing the intrinsic excellence ot pleased to see (heir former customers and receive their MeCOBB A KINGSBURY. PB. Reehahito Hall, No. 332} Congre * St istrations of the church to such as fall. this article it as as STROUT & where he will be to nee old friends and from the Democratic party. Raymond is now might sop29-deowCmsN they confidently proclaim being adapt- orders usual. GAGE, happy lormer ed to meet a demand which has and n customers. He has a line stork ol seasonable When we consider the immense long existed, July 10,1866. dtf Counsellors at Law. goods acting with tlie Republicans. Mr. Beecher’s importance Warren’s Balsam. which has heretofore remained unsupplied. and which will be manmactured to order and In the la which those of the Roman Catholic faith at- Cough Ac LIBBEV, Insurance Attorneys Counsellors, OFFICE test influence is to tlie same MANUFACTURED by Agents, OVER H. H. HAY’S dtf given party. It is The best Remedy ever compounded for Colds, DOWwill be found at No 117 Commercial, corner ot styles._jul‘21 tach to the offices of the in their last Office 113 Federal jyJ Junction of Free & Middle Streets. therefore to infer that priest Coughs, Catarrh and Comsumptiou, and all Exchange St. Home Office of New York; National Street, proper the few Repub- diseases of the Throat and IIOWE & STEVENS, Cloth Cleansed l such a docs not seem Lungs. Office of Boston, Narragansctt Office ol Providence; ME. tng licans who were hours, story by any sale all Manufactured PORTLAND, RYDER A drawn away by the specious |y§r~For by Druggists. by 26© Boston. Putnam Office of Hartford; Standard Office of New Strout REINHARDT, means But the Broadway, Sewell C. IIanno W. Gage.^ improbable. judge charged B. F. BRADBURY, York, and other reliable offices, aie of all kinds cleansed and nonsense ol the convention For sale Grocers and Dealers represented by Jy7tf d repaired i’liiiadelpUia have the that his with octl5d&wRN6m Druggist, Danqor. by everywhere. this agency. norm, rich, CLOTHINGptomptly and In good jury being the Fenians at sep28-d3m style, by returned to tli-ir allegiance, and that the Na- John Dow. jy25dtl F. W. Libbey. STAN WOOD & all, lor even such a purpose, was virtually aid- Aromatic DODGE, Chan. II. Itfahaaey, .Vs. 33 Musi lb Wren. tional Union diversion will in our fa- Colgate’s Vegetable Soap. CBEKIVo¥«H Ac Fresco and Ornamental Painters operate and since it them en- CO., Furs, Commission Orders may he left at the store of MARK ing abetting them, gave A superior Toilet Irom relined Hats, Caps and Robes, 1C4 Middle St„ over T. Merchants, BROTH vor. Soup, prepared BYBOiv7 corner or Middle and to believe that in a Co. And Dealers in EitS, Federal sta. aeptdd.'im couragement dying such Vegetable Oils in combination with Glyceraue, Bailey * jull7tt Gilding, Graining, Glazing, Ac. From New .Jersey we liave cheering news. cause receive the OOOUIAN. TBlK k they might consolations of and especially designed for the use of Ladle* and VV iO., Wholesale OAK RTKKBT, Jack insists on r V Dry Goods, No. 4 Galt Block, Commercial St. Groceries, Flour, Notice. in tlie the and that since he did not • is Rogers running Fourth church, use his lor the iVurser? Its perftime exquisite, and its Jul 17—dtl ocfc22-dlm* (Between Congress and Free.) WHE undersigned having purchased the Bakery, district, and will defeat his there. influence against their expedition he was washing properties unrivalled. For sale by all Drug- PRODUCE AND SHIP party FOR AJOTJCE. H. J. LIBBY~& Manufacturers STORES, A &c., of Mr. U. Kent, will continue the gists. felO’UtisNd l y A1 CO., No. 3 Chase's Head DAVIS, MESEBVE, HASKELL A 00.. There is a iow among flic Democrats in the guilty of aiding it, with much more to the and Commission Merchants. Room Block, Long Wharf Portland, Me. Counting and o1 BAKING over First National No. 23 Free Importer, {Jobber, BUSINESS Fifth district which is same a of in A Mure Pile Care. Silver Bank, street, second also, likely to turn to effect, involving theory complicity Instantaneously Plating AT ARTICLES OP story. iyll tf CHASE, CRAIS A STURTEVANT, Goods and THE OLD STAND, our advantage. We had two districts criminal actions which if generally carried DR. GILBERT’S PILE INSTRUMENT positively Dry Woolens, before, cures the worst cases of Sent mail on re- ItramN, Copper, dermnn ill*: It KILL. Dealer in NO. 107 COR. VINE out piles. by Nilver, Arc., GENERAL Arcade 18 Free Street. FORE, NTREKT, wli ifh would bear rather on • makes up the handsome total of four out severely by-standers. of Circulars lee. Sold Agents the where worn JANBROHEWatches, Jewelry, Masonic Regalia, and Mili- ceipt $4. by druggists. Restoring plating ofl; and tor Clean- F. Where we shall be haapy to see our old customers, It is of course wanted Address J. B. tary Goods, No 13 Free street, Portland. DAVIS, ol live, in the impossible to tell into what ex- everywhere. ROMA1NE, ing and Polishing Commission and as many new ones as may favor us with their pat- Delaware, present member, Manager, No. 575 Ncw-York. oc26doinsN Same store with Geyer and Calei. iy!2dtf Merchants, cesses of the Canadians be driven Broadway, £" PORTLAND, MS ronage. PEARSON & SMITH. John Nicholson. has been severity may Silver & Silver Plated Ware. Wldgery'a Whart. h^keIl.’ October dtf leuominateU. His Merchant’s National Bank is located at foot K. CHAPMAN. OOVntSdtf 1,1866. the which the follies of the ever man rpilE Mr. by panic Fenians The most wonderful medicine known to BTliis most useftil invention of the is a A of over Duran’s _ Portland, majority iu 1S(H was :,(U. The age prepara- Exchange street, Clothing Storo. ociiedtt Unionists have is Metcalf’s great Rheumatic Remedy. Tell tion of pure silver, and contains J 12—dtl The subscriber having disposed of his to have produced among them. From every part no-mercury, acid, uly J. G. Bakery carried the State three times since and your afflicted friends to try it. sept or other substance injurious to metals or the hands. IjOVMJOY, Messrs. Pearson & Smith, would cheerfitUy recom- leoo, of the the is M1LLS, burned the Pro- provinces telegraph bearing mes- It is a complete electro-plating batteiy in a bottle. although up, JAMES BAILEY A Wholesale Dealer in mend them to his former patrons, being assured that, then: is a hare that Mr. Messrs. L. J. Hill & are now CO., possibility Nicholson the Government Jladaiue Cornel Nkirl For sale by Druggists aud Stores. EAGLEprietors, Co., pre- from their well known reputation, they will continue sages begging to show no Fapn Supporter Variety to furnish Importers and dealers In he in pared Coffees, Spices, Cream Tartar, &e, the business acceptably. may replaced the next But if is a article of a and one which HOWJ3 A 8TEVENM, at their new Congress by mercy. taking counsel only of their necessary lady’s dress, place of business, No. 100 Green St. Lime, Oement and And he will take this opportunity to gratefully ac- is Ladies in a delicate state An Order FOREIGN AND Plaster, John 8. McKim. very generally adopted. MANUFACTURERS,.BOSTON, Mass. Slate may be found at Messrs. Low, DOMESTIC knowledge the many favors bestowed upon him by fears and their resentment they to the of health will derive cemfort it. It Plummer & 33 Commercial proceed by adopting may sept28-d3m Co%No 83 Commercial St, and at Mr C. Street, his patrons for many years. In Illinois the is next in be had everywhere. M. Rice’s 185 campaign in- execution of the death penalty they will most Paper Warehouse, No. Fore Street. Hardwa re ME. Juneltl REUBEN KENT to All orders promptly attended to. Saddlery _PORTLAND, dtf tensity that which has closed see to SHORT & October 1,1866. just in assuredly cause deeply regret it It is ZORIJSG, Goods at the lowest prices. —and— Indiana. DR. Bit KNELL'S SYRUP, ju!16tl FREEMAN & KIMBALL, The Republicans have renom- very possible that these men merit that death, THE GREAT Bookseller and Carriage I HAVE FOUND Booksellers & PACKARD, Stafconer, may be Trimmings. Successors to STEVENS, FREEMAN & CO., inated of their members. under the laws their lives are forfeited.— Stationers, H • found at No. 337 fbrner of Oak The to and at eight present The justly CHOLERA REMEDY, 31 Corner Ccaater Congress St., Nw. 169 middle place buy Whips Cigars, cheap whole- Free, Su-cpIm, St. Street,Pwrtlaad, me. Wool-paller* Mid Dealers in sale and retail. new nominations The State of had an julietl n in districts now liepublican Virginia unquestionable Also, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus. Sum- auglB—tl Have on hand a full supply ot WEBSTER can be found at the are Norman li. iu the right in law to hang John Brown; but if she mer Complaint,Pain or Cramp in Stomach or Bowels, 4f CO., store Wool and Wool Judd, First, Gen. G. B. • oi C. K. Skins, LEE & Sick or Sour stomocb, Painter’s Colic. &c., and is Law, School, Miscellaneous and KS. Babb, Clapp’s Block, No. 9, where we MERRILL BROS. STEBBINS, Kaum in the and her Governor could have known all the offer a assortment A CUSHING, Also Manufacturers ot Thirteenth, and Gen. John A. warranted to cure or no pay. Is purely vegetable, Blank Books. good of Clothing and Furnishing 360 Congress Street, results without a ot opiate or narcotic. aro- Goods at low prices. jul 16 Late PEBLEB, KIDS, Ac. at has which were to spring from that act of particle Highly Merrill &. Small, Wholesale Dealers in LININGS, lm tb* pJ*o«. Logan large. Lgypt been pretty thor- matic, very pleasant to the taste, raikl, but sure in its GROVE fear and STATIONERY OF CSM1TH & REED. Counsellors at Law, Morton STREET,.PORTLAND. ML THEY WARRANT redeemed. vengeance, certainly his gallows warms and the system, acts like ALL KINDS, oughly The ground now effects, strengthens Block, Congress St. Same entrance as C. S. Ar- SAMUEL OEO. L. KIMBALL, occupied a affording almost immediate and a FREEMAN, all goods as Don’t the would never have been built. The Canadian charm, relief, Cash, Post Office and Let" my offices. iyl2dtf FANCY GOODS, represented. forget place. Sign by the Democracy stretches right across the taste ot the article will satisfy the most incredulous Envelope Oases, tlf We pay Cash for every thing we buy. JelSt. ot the Indian Queen. n septl8d3m authorities will do well to heed the lesson.— of tbeso tacts. Sold all dealers in medicine.— ter READ^to commence C. M. & H. T. State in a belt by Presses, Pen Backs, &c. again. seventy or eighty miles and it.- ED- PLUMMER and Hosiery, Gloves, Small Wares, &c., wide, The temperate remonstrance addressed to them send lor circular try Prepared only by ALL White Blacksmiths, having re- ROSS & FERNY, $ioo. $100 WARD SUTTON, Providence R. I, GKO. C. We lnve rccieved li-oin built on the old site, No. 12 Union St, would be running just below .Springfield. In this re- Mr. Seward just New York a full supply oi pleas- No. IS Free by through Sir Frederick Brace GOODWIN <& CO., of Boston General Agents. H. ed to answer all orders for Iron Railings, Doors, Street, “Arcade.” WAR CLAIM OFFICE. tlie Democrats hold three Window gion districts, the contains some suggestions which should not H. HAY, of Portland. jnne2eod&w0m8N PAPER HANGINGS, Shutters, Gratings, &e. ang21dti PLASTERERH, Particular attention to Gas and Steam Ninth, Tenth and Now and Choice paid fitting. PLAIN AND Patterwon & CluKlItouruo. F.lcvent'u, now represented be wholly without effect. The influence of IVIUMcat Perle ami Hygciuic Wine.—These patterns Styles. ORNAMENTAL we are / ®bler, be found HOWARD A Iflwrcon 2 doom above Preble House. hy Messrs. Rosa, Thornton and Marshall. the Home is to desirable and valuable wines have, glad to say, 4- Boots, Shoes, &c., may CLEAVES, Klerk, Government, also, likely oper- lor the on India near 8TU000 AND MASTIO made their appearance in our and liaving exam- DRAWING PAPER OF ARE SIZES. present Street, corner o W0EKEK8, new under the law Job Ross city, Street. Bounties, approved and Marshall have been renominated. ate as a eheck their rashness. It is cer- ined them we can Fore jul 14dtf upon ourselves, speak understandingiy & Counsellors at Oak Street, and Frm THE28th, 1866, Increase of Pensions, Arrears of Pay of their excellence. Give us a call. Attorneys Law, between, Congress Sts., Prize and all other claims the Thornton has retired iu lavor of Albeit G. tainly to be hoped that through one or anoth- KANTEKN E\EKEHN 4 0 are lmw Money, against Gov The Muscat Perle is a very rich autl delicious Short A' lioring, located at No. Jl PORTLAND, ME. eminent, collected at short notice. Burr. All er of these causes THEpermanently Free street, and PORTLAND, UUNE. these three districts the they may be to a for and sur- «1 Corner Center SI ire The blanks hare been and claim through brought wine, especially adapted ladies, certainly Free, prepared to do Express Business over all the Rail- Coloring, and necessary received, table wine in the Whitening WhKe-WtuMng pmnipt- ants should tile their claims are calmer judgment, that better counsels may passes any country. lyjotf road and Steamboat routes in the State, and West Office No. 17 Free y attended to. Orders from out ol town solvitcd. pnmptly. Republicans holding school district meet- As a Communion wine it stands and Street, unrivalled, by P. S. & P., Eastern and Boston A Maine Roads May 22—dti Frank G. Patterson, late Lieut. 5th. Me. Vote and there prevail, and the many bitter and an- churches would do well to examine it tor Sacramental Near Middle Street. Paul late 1st Me. ings every night, is hardly a town dangerous to Boston, connecting there with Expresses to all Caaubourne, MaJ. Cav. purjtoses. Purity, delicacy of flavor and mildness, Fall Joseph n Nathan Oct 16-dtf n over imosities which would be awakened by undue and Winter Bonnets parts ol the country. Howard, jy9tf Cleaves. of live hundred inhabitants iu which one are all eoml in Muscat Perle. J CHAS. J. SCHUMACHER, Vit< 1 For the convenience ot our customers on Commer- harshness in this matter be allowed The Hyg ; Wine has been submitted to a num- Millinery Goods. MILINFMY'andFANCY or two mass have not been may s{iU cial and Fore streets, an order book lot treight Calls GOOUs meetings held. ber of our most eminent and M. to slumber. Physicians they strongly will be kept at office oi' Canadian Express Co., No. PEARSON, FRESCO PAINTER. The Ninth district will be recommend it as a tonic of rare virtue. — very likely to go MRS. Fore street. J. N. WINSLOW. At to be found The of these wines can be relied and their CUSHMAN, present at Lis residence Republican, and enthusiastic Denunciation. purity on, I jy24 tf Gold and Silver Plater people talk of excellence and deliciousness will be appreciated by all Denial Bloch, Congress Hired, D. Jfl. c7dum 244 > one or bolh who test them. shonld be kept all Drug- K. M. KANO, and CUMBERLAND, carrying the others. The weak To the Editor op the Press: They by Having just returned from New York with a Attorneys Counsellor, —AND— • No. 16 Free near HEAD gists. REED, CUTLER & CO., BOSTON, Agents JA Street, Middle. juli3 OF MECHANIC STREET. has removed to Republican districts are the Fourth At a recent iuterview with a who for New n Fashionable Assortment JySOtf (Har- gentleman England. scp3-eodlysN MORSE, No. 5 si Manufacturer of Silver —OF— Deering reel, second house Ware, ding's) and Twelfth It to use his own “had bceu involved in from new Horse cars run within a (Bakers). has been phrase, DR. High. few Street, first door Street Free rods of the house. Temple) from Congress HENRY BAILEY & CO., 29 Street, impossible to find to the sale of his whole he ask- Jionnets & jy23 MS. renegades enough (ill the liquor during life,” THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Millinery Goods, PORTLAND, Respectfully invite her customers and the in HOUSE—NOTICE—Persons left May 19—dly n Federal offices, and the President’s friends ed whether I thought denunciation of individ- public having AUCTIONEERS IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE general, to make her an early call and make their se- DYEorders at 101 Exchange street, can now find Where 1 >tock at are with few uals served to promote the cause of lections. them at 324 Meehan cs’ -AMO exceptions. Copperheads pure temper- OF Congress street, opposite OUT OF THE ! PROTOXIDE IRON, Ki^Her customers in the eastern Hall, where we shall continue our business in FLAMES or to win those in the traffic of residing part of all its Real ami simple. There is no other State ance, engaged A New in which the are to various branches and at lower Estate & perhaps Discovery Medicine, city, invited call at her branch store, No. 12 rates. Brokers, Millinery Fancy Goods liquor? Whatever might have been my an- India street, where be found a assortment Ladies’ Dresses dyed for $1,00. All other ar- in which men who have surrendered their SI HIKES A1 THE ROOT OF may good O. S. B~E A L E 1T6 MORE STREET. and DISEASE, of Millinery and Goods, for Cash. ticles dyed at equally low rates, , having bought them at Auction in New swer then, let us look at the matter a little Fancy Cheap July si, 1S0B.titf will York, political principles to secure office are so se- By supplying the blood with its vital principal, or Portland, Oct. 13,1866.—d3w jul H. BURKE. sell corrcsiKmdingly low. now. lile element—IRON. 176m_ SIGN social PAINTER, ATWELL & verely punished hy contempt as in This is tho secret of the wonderful success of fhis Civil Engineer and Land Has resumed CO., Denunciation, hard names, severe personal Purveyor. business at IL M. Illinois. in curing Poor & Office removal & C. Dunn. remedy Marrett, 82, in the First now vers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, auglS—tf Me. 331 district, repre- cation also the full exposure of whatever crime 311 CONGRESS EEBNALB Ac HOW, Merchant Tailors, _n Portland, Order Box at the Merchants* No. | Diseases oj the and Bladder, Fe- STREET, Exchange, +2 Long* sented Kidneys • have taken Union entrance on Free Whart. by Halbert K. Paine. The feud be- necessitates for is it male and all diseases JE. Hall, sit., personal denunciation; Complaints, ADJOINING MECHANICS’ HAM. where they are with a stock of Goods for II. M. Advertisements in a ready good PAYSON, received for allpapeTs iu Maine, Cougroati tween the Democrats and the Johnson men to the individual from the originating Men’s wear, which will manufacture in and possible separate Are now to oiler their friends they gar- throughout the country. Orders left at the Mer- Bad State of the Blood, prepared and the pub- ments to order. chants’ is as active in Wisconsin as or the crime? lic a and well asorted stock Exchange, or sent through the Post Office, re- elsewhere and wrong doing large of class is STOCK BROKER. St, Or accompanied by Debility or a low state the Of**-First Coat-make wanted. ceive prompt attention. augCO tf paralyzes the party. Jn Mr. Paine's district But as this would doubtless be conceded, I Can be found at the Store of P. & O. B. 174 system. RICH Ac HON * 138 Nash, Exchange street. Fore n P»rtluB«, • street. CHARLES they have made a spasmodic effort but with am not unwilling to admit that there is often AM EMINENT DIVINE OF POSTON, SAYS: CARPETINGS! S®»Coffins and Caskets: also, Me talic Burial jyStf FOBES, the PERUVIAN SYRUP for Dealers in Matne. no likelihood of success. exhibited a denunciatory spirit which is not been using Casket*._jy26 semmihe past; it me new buoyancy v* ELLIOT A McCALLAR, less or criminal than the act gives vigor, TYARIUS H. INGRAHAM, Counsellor at Law, 113 Paints, Oil, There remain and injurious against muscle.1* Paper Hangings ** Vranishes, Window only Maryland Missouri. mttfti, elasticity of Federal street, up stairs. iyll which denunciation is hurled. in the ^thousands have been the use sf this renu No. 11 Market Glass, die., dee. Iu both these States Rebels are Indeed, changed by Square, by law lorbid- weak, suffering creatures, to strong CURTAIN J. WALKER & CO. be found at of and in the of an educated dy,from sickly, GOODS, &e., v/rjUARLES may Dealers in No. 3 ( ontom House Whart, L. B. FQIJ den sight heaven, light and men and and invalid, No. 150 Commercial store occu- • to vote. In both States the healthy women; street, formerly _ President’s happy Purchasers of the above are Continues the business as there may be as great in cannot reasonably hesitate to give it atrial. goods respectfully invi- pied by N. O. Cram, where tliey will resume busi- Painting usual. triends are conscience, turpitude ted to examine our slock which is trying to evade the law. In A of 32 pages, containing certificates o( ness, and be pleased to see their or re- Shoes & Rubbers _augCdtf Mary- the often as pamphlet customers, Boots, H OSJ EJt r AXIi GLOV ES, spirit betrayed against rumselling cures and recommendations from some the most ceive their orders. land we shall elect tour out of five members of Clean and JulylOtf in the act There is no more eminent physicians, clergymen and others, beside* New, Desirable. Warranted Goods from the best of American and New Store ! New ofselling. certainly ^ SPRING may be found at the store of Goods I of Congress, if the Baltimore Police Commis- much other valuable and interesting matter, will be jySOdtf A ™ French stock. HOOP SKIRTS AND excuse for one than for the other. Both are Fletcher Co., corner ol Union and Commer- CORSETS, sent free to any one sending us their name and resi- trouble to show goods. Custom work and sioners are allowed to enforce the law. If cial streets. tl CHARLES H. personally damaging. The one eats into the dence. ! iyll Repairing at market rates. n auglS—tf MARK, are removed and the gjr* See that each bottle has ‘‘Peruvian Hayward’s Rubbers VTA THAN Merchant they Rebel vote is counts soul like a canker; the other shrivels, furnish- Syrup** GOULD, Tailor, has removed & Ladies’& Children’s Underflannels, blown in the glass* to No. 16 Market over Swectslr’s DRUGGIST we shall elect two. In WE OFFER TO THE TRADE Square, Apothe a. APOTHECARY, WHOIJSSALE AND RETAIL. ed, only Missouri, if an apt illustration of the Wanneu which cary store. wilbum & TT AS new ing For sale by all Druggists and by jylo—tl co., opened his store, 31 SI. Lawrence street, # MarlV-Utl flic vote is J. J. and has a lull stock ol only legal taken, we shall elect five the once sent into the souls of the FOWLE & 18 Treinont A full assortment of the above celebrated lints Medicines, Perfumeries, Almighty SETH W. SON, St, Boston, fheei, uml Clothing. 112 Trent out Street, Boston, Combs and Benj. Fogg be Fancy Goods, all new and cheap. of the Republican candidates with ease, and Israelites. As generally practised personal de- j. P. Dinsmoke, 36 Dey St, New York. BOOTH, may found ready to wait on Physician RUBBER BOOTS AND customers at No. 4 Moulton strtet, foot * Exchange. Importers and Dealers in prescription-,carefully prepared. with effort shall the nunciation is indefensible. It not only fails to SHOES, septl7 GAS proper certainly cany ju!20’ WELCH and AMERICAN remove the evil it adds to the At Also other two Republican districts, aud possibly help objurgated; Agency prices. AKH. 200 M. imported and domestic Cigars D. VLAMJUS <0 CO. the evil another form. In this respect the reform- ('ll®J for sale by C. C. MITCHELL & SON, Sixth, now represented by Van Horn. Shoes ROOFING can lie found Consumers. er needs to be and he be S C R 0 F U LA* lioots, . M. U F. York, Missouri, New Since Carr’s Pile Remedy brings immediate re- PRODUCE, PINGREE, oc!7eodU n win—to over to the side him in IIIHE PORTLAND LUMBER Kansas, Nevada aud gain right who, lief, and speedily cures both recent and inveterate DRYING' COM- Jersey, Maryland, will PANY” have secured the control of the in cases. The only successful medicine tor NO. 14 LIME X Pateut Pattern and Model Maker, your judgment, is the wrong. uniformly STREET. lumber Millikan & EXPRESS elect United States Senators. Kansas will Piles. Dealers want no other where it has been intro- Right lor seasoning by the Bulkley Patent Deering. Co.. NOTICE. I.et friend at once dissolve all connection f'nsh process. elect two. There is no reasonable doubt ol my duced. Scud for circulars and certificates. Ask the Highent Price, Paid far Country Machinist and Mill-wright, nearest to the ThiB process tor seasoning lumber has been in use Wholesale with if it still while we en- Druggist get medicine for you. Produce. the rumselting, exists, for several in the where it Dry Goods, * complexion of the Legislature iu any Druggist who desire a most efficacious, popular and years West, originated, and Shop at \ P. KIMBALL'S Carriage Factory No. 2 Portland & New York deavor to cultivate a better Then is there, and elsewhere regarded as State spirit. may selling medicine for Piles may to the indispensable. 31 COMMERCIAL except Maryland. Gov. Swann may rapidly apply Lumber Dealers and all workers in wood are re- STREET, No. 16 Pbbble St., Portland, Me. we meet on common a rich Proprietors. Sold by the Proprietors, and S. An- will receive ground, personal by Consignments Prompt Attention. invited to inspect the and the lum- succeed in a rebel to send derson A Sou, Bath; li. II. Hay, Portland; B. F. siiecttully Dryer, Mnisr. iy*0rder9 Irom Founder*, Manufacturers, Print- EXPRESS getting Legislature, will and ber seasoned by it, and their is _F»nl..d, blessing surely follow, peradventure Bradbury, Bangor; Horace Barbour, I ,c wist on, and We take in the patronage respectihlly ers, Hatters, and WILL FORWARD him to Senate pleasure informing trade that we solicited. Painters, Surgeons, Shoe-Makers, Washington. Whether the will the world will be the other Druggists have resumed business ut Store No. 12 executod. better for our having liv- Liine street, It is Claimed, that this promptly aepl«d*w3m Good*, Parrels and Wm. Carr A Co. where we should he to by process, lumber is TODDS Money receive him, under the is an- cd in *1- pleased receive customers to seasoned: —TO— circumstances, Temperance. n in more thoroughly checked less: susceptible & sepl98N2tawtf Proprietors. any goorls our line. We offer goods at the and SAWYER FOSTER’S other question. of a finer finish; less liable to imbibe moisture, or Hair and from Rooms NEW YORK AND ALI. POINTS BEYOND. swell decay contact with it, than by any oth- Dressing Tub State — LOWEST MARKET Bonnet and Hat Secretaryship. Somebody PRICED, er process. Neatly fitted up on Blearherq, end AND- Bills, Nolen and Drafts collected, ell E\pre» The Condemned I'eniims. who to know MISCELLANEOUS. That the shrinkage Is ENTIRELY taken out with- professes all about writes to and Khali endeavor to make it business attended to with care and promptness it, constantly the interest out the of the In Col. of customers to of impairing strength wood, from two LIME Bonnet & Block Offices—Portland. 2s* < ■onitresa street. It is difficult to believe that the the Star, tha^ Smith has aban- purchase us. to fonr days, to the STREET, Manufactory, Canadian “virtually” according thickness and kinil of A few doors above the lor the lumber. Post OMce where he will be No. .1 Pwrllnnd he doned the contest The JOHN T. nappy to see old Ntml, Psnlssd, Maine. Authorities can really guilty of co enor- Secretaryship. «THAT BIG STOCKING.” SMALL & CO. NO LENGTU OF customers and new. He now has That TIME in the AIR, or DRY Ain Star distrusts its Oct. every facility tor his business in the most All kinds of Straw and Felt Goods mous a blunder as would be involved in evidently informant, remark- Portland, 25,18«S. oct-TOdlm KILN, will season lumber, so that it cannot be conducting ty pressed, put- shrunk satisfactory manner. n or this process. sep20d3m bleached dyed In the latest styles. Orders prompt- Fenian who that it has “no for as- by ting to death the prisoners have ing editorially authority” That at leaBt halt the ly executed. Goode forwarded by express will receive REMOVAL \ cost of seasoning lumber by Sentence of their courts. Ev- serting that Col. Smith’s name has been with- this is saved in the TRASK us‘,• plated article will very the ol warranted to the buyer. Plank. Shingle* ami Scanflingof all sizes cargo just fresh for Blacksmith use. Ow October school and sent into the This is one otthe medical profession, lie landed, opined, Monday, 29, 1866, country. lecUfe*rb This slock will consist in part as follows: Anderson A Wescott, on hand. worst ANTEEING A CURE IN ALL BOARDS,constantly movements. Removed from ordinary diver- CASES, whether Double and material sawed In order. tbr Use! -FOR- standing or recently controcted, entirely ; single plated Tureens,Curnerl>i»hes Hash For ilie of on Building Lehigh Lump, Foundry sions of the ever reiuovimMY* Dish Covers in Coffee purpose carrying the ISAAC l)iLK. changing scenes of the city, the of disease from the system, and making Dishes, setts, Services, Full Tea dregs a 1 Coffee and hWe on hand a full assortment of powers oi the feet and PERMANENT (JURE. fctotts, Urns. Salvers, Cake Fruit Baskets Black nu«l White 'Jj Lilian Wliait. keep constantly body too much enfeebled to give zest Smithing Business, augHtf__Na. Choice Coal, hose wishing to pur- Jdquor and Tickle Stand-*, Castors of every Family 't LADIES’ OTER-CO ATS ! to healthful and rural I He would call the attention of the :tlllictcd to the style’ chase us a call before exercise, thoughts are turned Pearl, and Plated Desert Setts in AT THE tiri'eat large lots will do well to give tact of his long-standing and well-earnod reputation V^nt Ivory Ala-’ lmtucumoniN inwards t ake and Bread upon themselves. assurance of his skill and i Fish, Knives in Mo- purchasing. HAVE resume the furnishing sunicient suc- Head Union FOB PARTIES W'SHING TO BUILD. just completed n»y arrangements to inanuihcture of Ladies’Over Garments for th« If the Dcs- of Wharf, patient be a the of the men- cess. dugs, Cups, Flagons; Tea, rnun nulMcriburs ultur lur sale a I Fall and Winter, and have selected the largest and choicest stock of goods ever offered in com- female, approach large .muiitltv ni HARD AND SOFT WOOD Portland, ses is of every style: Oyster, Tea, And are now ready to supply the public with any- dculrul.le I ,ts in I color and fabric known to the and looked for with anxiety, as the first .ZwJ?\^l,oon9 i ImlWirg l,e Weal ffi ol 1 prising every style, trade, having secured the services of symptoms Superior Ivory Handled in their line at the shortest notice. on \ "e the at short notice. in Camion 10 ihr Public. TableVuUtlv1 u!'?e» *furkaJ thing possible cdy lying augl.an, Pn.e, Delivered at any part of city which Nature is to show her 1 balance handles with carvers to of description Neal, Oarltnn, Thomas, saviug power in dif- match An A Inn, Ship Smithing, every West, Emery, must ot JoWnng> Cushman, Lewis, Bramliail, Monu- fusing the circulation, and the ci.eek Every intelligent and thinking person know Steel urtk,° 1,1 the 1*,afe 411,1 promptly attended to, and all kinds Dantortli. tud McAllister & Co., visiting with arrangement****0v,ryg t c'L‘r anu rai'|'t- Orange Salem Streets. Uandall, that remedies handed out lor use should have wanted in a weU ftirnished such as the manufacture of Shutters, Gratings, MADAME the bloom oi health. Alas ! general house. we a fro*“ one to LANKTON, inciease of appetite has their iu to business ten years, No. 60 COMMERCIAL ST., edicacy established by well tested experience * Sign Hangings, liy strict atention uI deslreu “’l?"tue “ed,'t oy purelosers. Froln parties wlui grown by what it fod on, and the energies of the the ilands of a regularly educated whose known so woil hope to merit a shore of public patronage. oc25Jtl n Head of Maine Wharf. To take of the and I think I can sys- physician, «! 1 h,,tti^nb les of lv» NO HU PAYMENTS charge cutting department, assure the Ladles of Portland I can tem are studies tit him must ^^^islnuent,wiU ^mmand Anderson A W'escoll. REQUIRED. fitting prostrated, and the whole is preparatory for all the dudes he the attention of o«r U\ |^|'l111 lneil,|a<‘at the office o' give them as good a as can m any other economy de- citizens A^Sf\ Bead Union Whart. Apply the subuchbeis, where lull style garments they procure city. lultil; yet the is flooded with nostrums on 1 on exhibition Portland, Oct 1,1*«6. orMf particulars ranged. The beautiful aud wonderful country poor .Mon*lay at 2 P M ami Ti. 15* LIh? uiay be obtained. period in and cure-alls, to be the in the and Reduction in Coal! Lank ton has had Cloak purporting best world, gentlemen will J B. BROWN & 93^*Madame charge of Chandler’s large on Winter Bos- which body and mind so winch are not ‘he atL~*,e? tl.at p ,1 SONS. Establishment, street, undergo acinating a only useless, but always injurious, time and make their goods tor the last three change k4 Notice. Portland, May 3, 18C5. The will sell their McNeal ton, or tour years, and is cunijietent to cut and fit any Lady’s Over Garments, of anv ihe untortunate selections Copartnership ,iia jrt undersigned Lehigh from child to is looked for in should be particular in account of wreather. T*<«tj*onement on Coal from this date until further notice at style, in I lie most desirable manner. woman, vain ; the pa- ms selecting physician, as it is a lamentable incontroverti- !-- dtd 'D Et Tl K fl£ A N rent’s heart bleeds in and yet ----oct2a r iiHfi have this termed a A ®S jiNtii KVUlNti! lO Ion of iOOO lb* anxioty, fancies the grave undersigned day copait- XA M earns. BON NELL per delivered. Politic patients arc made mis- E. M. PATTEN & in business under the name of ANDERSON, if CO., have bnt for ts tim. prihL^’Jui!1 CO., A..„.««_ X uersbip made Also now a of waiting by maltreatment arrangements with Mr. STEAD, an Architect unloading cargo Locust Mouutaiu EL EASE GIVE ME trom “"ftttutfMis OlUre Plumb ueur PIKA ITI & of offer A CALL ! inexperienced physicians in general for E,r. *tr,,, IT ADATOM, established reputation, and will in future carry on Coal which they lor practice; Architecture with their by the best For the transaction ol a general Commission Busi- LusUiess as Eugineers. Par- Iff per ton of 9000 lb* And phers, that ?J!I“Cr,!divthe “•f-k.land srfihilogra- ties to delivered, Judge*for Yourself. study management of these come ness, and have take the Store and Counting Booms Intending build are invited io call at their plaints sliould 30G Helm cngrus3 the whole time of threw who Fast Yacht by Messrs. E. E. UP 11 AM & SOS, office. No, Congress strict, and oxamine eleva- PERKINS, JACKSON A CO. bold's Extract would bo Sailing lately occupied tions and Buchu, competent and successlul in their treat- Hay bead ot Bicliardsoirs Wharf. Liberal advances plans ol churches, banks, stores, blocks ol oct2-dlf n St. of P. B. 9 ment High Wharf, foot High Street. FROST, and cure. The inexperienced general AT made, and solicited. buildings, if c. j 12 practi- AUCTION, consignments tioner, having neither opportunit) nortimetomak- E. E. UPHAM, himsell with their WEDNESDAY next,Oct 31, at 12 at Forge Coal. For acquainted pathology, eommoulv II., Port- oclidlfCHAS, H. ADAMS. arising )rr.m Excesses, or Ear one ONland Pier, will be *»hl the staunch and ttutt sail- Lumber ! Lumber ! from sehr. John 332 1-2 CONGRESS system of treatment, in most cases mak- T^OW lamling Cvooker, 3C3 tons STREET, Up Stairs. an ing Yacht known as the built in New 200 M seasoned boards la f>prgitosng Indiscriminate use of that antiquated and dan- RAY, York, in shipping and plank. Jirnue UUMBKULAN0 COAL, fr in the Midland oct24dlm Tssdiserction. tbo best with locust 100 •• *• mines. It is fresh gerous weapon, the Mercury. manner, frame, planked with Notice. plaining mined, of extra sLienglh. and just Southern and of Copartnership 130 *• line Outs flic article lor oak, Deck, Masts, Spars yellow pine, heavy work. Attended with the :— with il following symptoms bright finish. Length over all G6 feet, with 10 UK) Hemlock Also the usual variety of Anthracites, viz Hare Confidence. undersigned have this day lonued a co- 150 Extra Shaved Indisposition to Loseol *Yet beam; copper fhstened oat and in; six Berths in Shing’es, Leiiioii—llarloigh, Lehigh Nav. (Jo’s. Hazel!on and Exertion, Power, Loss ol All who have commit ted an the alter and under the anil firm of 200 extra Sawed excess of any kind fl»ur in tho forward Cabin, with cook THEpartuerslip style l*Ine Sugar Loaf. of Casco Street Church. Memory, Difficulty ol whether it l*e the •• i( •• Vestry General vice of or water 400 ** Breathing, Weakness. solitary youth, the r«»om, closet, water tanks, with Cedar Wniti; Ask—Locust Johns’ and Broad rebuke sttni^ sale refrigerator <• •• Mountain, Horror of i»g of confidence in maturer and in Morgan, Dyer & (Jo., (»00 No. 1 »• MounLiiu. Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread- misplaced years lockers, fhet tit tings and ftirnishings, such •• all bails and And have ol Messrs. LOUD & CRAW- 200 Spruco Bed Asu—New &c, OCTOBER fulhorror ol Death, Night Sweets, Cold SEEK FOB AN ANTIDOTE JMttljwiiWB, Ac., complete, rigging purchased England 18, 1866. Feet, Wake- IN SEASON. ready lor any cruise. FORD their Stock and lease of store 300 Extra Spruce JAMES IJ. Dimness of Laths, BAUER. ftilness, Vision, Languor, Universal Laa- that the 50 Pine and Spruce Clapboards dressed and scpHdti -r---•-♦♦♦•-—-;- The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous lt“®wP Ray can outsail any lK>at ** •• rough, Richardson’s Wliail. ol the Pickets. Bitude, Muscular System, Often enormous Prostration that follow Maine- Fnr rroof Of the same call on No. 143 Commercial Street, lu may Impure Coition, the Auctioneers.A An assortment ol Appetite with are tho Barometer to the whole system. oc24dtd For the ol transacting a gcueral wholesale Spruce dimension ou band, and « Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, purpose sawed to order. Coal Coal. Do not wait tor the consummation that is sure to fol- u. Jl. business in | oal, One Flushing ot the Body, Dryness of the Skin. Pallod PATTKN A Doors and Blinds on liaiid Price and Mo Variation! low; do not wait tor lor CO., A.cli..*rr., and made to ordor. Conn ensure Unsightly Ulcers, PLUMB IF, I. Hour and Sashes and Eruptions oa the Pain in the Disabled for Loss of STREET. Goods, Groceries, glazed and unginzed. Fur Sole by RECEIVED and for sale the £tce, Limbs, Beanty by undersigned Heaviness ol the and RUFUS JUSTat their Wharf, Back, Eyelids, Frequently Black Complexion. Provisions, „„ DEERING, Head Holwou N\ spots before the Administrator’s Sale. barf, Commercial Street, flying eyes with temporary Suffusion How Many Thou»nn«lN Can TcfUify to Thin SS’-Cousignmentsol' Cooperage, l.wmber, Country Portland loth Cor. Franklin Wlihrf & Commercial St.. DRY Gr O O VOTIUE Is lierebv given that I shall Aug. lttiG. D S and loss of Want ol by Unhappy offer at public Produce, A '., solicited, and shall receive pereoual anglt—3ni; Sight, Attention, Great Experience! ori Mobility, illl, ,0V SOIJDAY, Novcmlier nth at 1*4 and prompt attention. A. P. MOlttSAN. 275 Tons Hazelton with o on the Lelilgh, Restlessness, Horror of Society. Nothing is Young men troubled with emissions in L-ioi'k, premises, un ler license from the J. VV. H. Faulkner, and Geo. R. 01ark«- MARKED sleep,—a ol the Judge DYER, Floyd BROKEN AND EGG SIZE. DOWN! more desirable to such complaint generally tho result of a bad habit hi Probale, billowing described real which J. E. 11ANNAFORD. Patients than Solitude, and ol estste, and a John Ayers, Isle ol more for youth,—treated scientifically perfect cure wlir- Portland, county of Cuniber- Po -t and, Sept 10,1866. sep26dtt 300 TONS nothing they dread fear ot no ranted or no land anil State ot LOCUST MOUNTAIN themselves, charge made. Maine, deceased, to wit., a certain ARCHITECTS, lose of no lot ol land an ret Manner, earncstuess, no Hardly a day passes but we are consulted one or 1 bun.ling situated in t Nluriio K nil«liug, Tie in oil I EGG AND Speculation, by thereon, said Steed, STOVE SIZE. more men with Portland on Center Notice. but a hurried Transition from one question to anoth- young the above disease, some of Btroet, lieing one hall'of the lot BOSTON. whom are as weak and emaciated as ami building numbered J« In Copartnership MASS,, er. though they had said street. Tbc land aoo E. T. the to be told May lie found a |»ortioii ol the time at JOS. WEK- TONS LOBERY, JECIcLen & consumption, and by their friends are supposed to measure, gt teet on Center by W in depth, undersigned have this day tbrmed a Co., These if allowed to have it. All such cases more or less, flic COTl' A In order to symptoms to the and to be copart- SON’S Store, Head of Union Wharf, Coii- Free and VERY and all redace their Stock previous to removil to their NEW STORE NO. vrrh it go on,—which tlfls yield luropcr only building sold i. a two storied THEnership under the name of O’Brion, Pjercl & burning PURE, kinds ** correct course of inercial Street, Portland, where tl*e best ol now offer to the trade their entire assortment Medicine removes—soon follow treatment, and iu a short time arc- woo<)en dwelling, tluiahed tliroughnur, aud in good Co., for the of a wholesale flour and Boston invariably Tjiss rg and purpose doing and Portland reierem cs mav bo seen. All and made to ryoice in perfect health. repair, situated on one of the most central streets Grain as successors of L. & K. A. favdrs White lied Ash Coal. I’osot r, Fatuity, and In one ol Business, O’Brion, from those Epileptic Fits, which 0,1 » ol No. desiring Designs, frans, SpeeiUcations jie. uddoh spring pure water 152 Commercial street, and hope by strict atten- Those Coals are ot FOR THIRTY the Patient which l,‘y'lias never relating to Architecture, left as above will receive the very best quality, and wav- DAYS ! may expire. fluted; plenty of room in the rear tion to business and lair dealings to merit and re- anted Middle-Aged Men. tor a or prompt attention. (ogive satisfaction. During the Superintendence of Dr. dwelling, for tho erection of a building lor ceive a fair share of e. sepir.dtf 500 At a redaction from tholr 1.0 Wilson, at the mechanical j also, cords 01 best of HARD and great former W PRICE.. Bargains be in and There are purposes. Terms cash. Sale Ewia quality may expected Rich Low many men of the age of who a*e muit be O’Brion, SOFT which we will Priced Blooniinirdale Asylum, this sad result occurred in thirty WJL H. WOOD* sell at the very troubled with too evacuations from tlie AYEUij,Administrator. Edwin A. O’Brion, WM. H. lowest and it to two frequent blad- PartiesL -11 to lock at WALKER, pride deliver any part ot the citv al patients: reason hod fitr a time left and der, often a wishing this will call on sep 4d3m n Marshall Pierce. them, accompanied by slight smarting or burp- the property short notice. both di Auctioneers, Plumb street. 241 d ol epilepsy. They were of both sexes and ing sensation, and weakening the system In a man- octfludtd COMMERCIAL lyGive us a call and us. STREET, try ner the patient cannot account for. On examining Foot of about twenty years ol age. Map’e Street. the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be REAL Who can that the e ESTATE General Agent lor the State for s- R0UWDS * SOIL DRESS aay exceases are not frequently found, and sometimes small particles of semen or al- GOODS. followed those direlul diseases bumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk- Parker & Co. by Insanity and Con- In Leach, n TV JOHNS’ ish hue, again to a dark and turbid Flannels, Shawls and sumption? The records of the Insane and changing appear- Scarhorout/h, Under-Clothing, Cloakings, White Goods! Asylums, ance. There are many men who ? sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. by writing, in a plain manner, n descrip- Salt tal Iron IN O UR tion of their Marsh and work &c. Full descriptions, c HO USEKEEPING With woeftil diseases, and the appropriate remedies Upland, rcular, prices, DEPARTMENT measures, wan Dispair will be forwarded to call and A-c. furnished by mail or on application at the Low sullen immediately. then examine their office, sounds his grief beguiled.'’ All remaining uitsol'l, recently liclonging to tho es- where samples and testimonials can I e seen. correspondence strictly confidential, and will tate ot tho lato Hon. Horatio »epl2dtf Whilst we regret the existence 01 the above diseases be returned, if desired. Southgate. Address: Bf'Sale on the premise—Terms liberal. and svmptoms, we are prepared to offer an invalua- DR. J. B. HUGHES, ™cots all GOODS colors, ble of for .. No. 14 Preble EZRA AND GEO. Cassimerea, gift the removal ol _ PRICES GILfflAN & chemistry, the conse- Street, CARTER, JR., CO., Next door to the Preble Patent quences— House, Portland, Mo. SET11 SUAMMON. Bronze Metal Sheathing! l Send a Stamp Ibr Circular. Ortflfl-dtd betore making their selections. Wc have one of the MAN0FACT0KKD BY THE Head Union SEWING MACHINES. HELM BOLD’S Electic Medical best stocks of Wharf, Infirmary, Full Assortment at all times ot the Celebrated GROVER TO New Red Co. taken the stand tormerlv occupied bv tbe & BAKER, Manufactnring and Fami- THE LADIES. i ford Copper aC'11Be5’ aTI< Mai:hmc i 'h at Manufacturers’ Prices. C. IF. HAVECONSUMERS’ MUTUAL cOkL CO and are ltngs, Every Machine Warranted to DK. HUGHES invites all who HOLMES, Auctioneer, the Mtistactlon' give Highly Concentrated Fluid particularly Latlies, manufacture of Yellow Metal Sheathing* it now prepared to furnish the iliii'ercnt varieties ol need a medical adviser, to call at his Su. 14 has been the rooms, Fall and Winter Goods IN universal practice hitherto, as it still E. T. Preble Street, which they will find arranged for their :»«!» CO.'iMRESS STREET. Dry is w ith other manufacturers, to immerse the shoets, ELDEST & CO., EXTRACT OF BICIIU. especial accommodation. after all is in au add bath. The H.’s rolling done, effret COAL AND ONE PRICE, VESTRY CASCO Dr, Electic Renovating Medicines are unrival- aud this WOOD! STREET CHURCH. led QAI.ES ofany kind of in the or Ever opened In this city, and wc fuel confident that sought, obtained, by process, is to give the in efficacy and superior virtue in regulating all property City vi- metal the line color to which it THEBE Female cimly, prouiplly attended to on tbo most liver- our prices will be found to compare with yellow owes its dis- Bruners Balmoral Much Under IS XO TOXIC LIKE IT.« Irregularities. Their action is specific and rp favorably tinctive name. OP Skirls, Very Price. al> c those of any other establishment. THE BEST o™*Ji°SeU certain of producing relief in a short time. oelkdlf But this QUALITY, terms._ We have in stock a beautiful of effect is, of necessity’, attended by results LADIES will find it invaluablo in all cases of ol>- line It is an anchor of to the injurious to the metal. The hal’d and Delivered iu of tbe hope surgeon and pa- sfructions after all other remedies have been in highly polish- any part citr* which we will sell tient anil this is tried Neiv Plastic Slate ed formed on the sheets successive ; the testimony of all who vain. It is / surface, by heat- at tbe LOWES'f CASH PRICES. We are now dis- purely vegetable, containing nothing in Roofing ing and and the action have used or prescribed it. the cooling ot ihe rolls, is re- charging from vessels Red Ash, Egg and Stove, free least injurious to the health, and may be taken and a surface loll in Its with Warranted Water-Tight and Durable. Dress Goods moved, stead—bright, indeed, burning and pure: White Ash. Egg and Stove Also KIMBALL & perfect safety at all times. but rough, and B3P* Sold by all the Druggists Sent to pimpled unequally corroded, and con .Lehigh, of thedifterent sizes, for iurnacc and stave. CO., any part of tho country, with full directions, softer than the surface FOK FIAT sidcrably removed. Our Coals are kept under cover, and by addressing DK. OH NTEEP KOOFM. No one can screened de- Principal Depot. Uclmbold’s Drag and HUGHES, of such as doubt that any given sheet ot sheath- livered in the bent No. 14 every variety, possible manner. We intend to Chemical Preble Street, Portland. CHEAP, light, flexible, fire proof and water proof ing metal must be better with a smooth sur- no WarehouKc. hard, spare effor on our part to please those who may A rootling. Pronnuneeil by Solon Robinson and face than with a softer and surface. the rougher patronize us with their orders. Upholsterers, Decorators ! banner's Club of New York, one of the greatest BEAUTIFUL COLORED This in the art of 594 N. B.—Ladies may consult one of their WILKS, improvement sheathing ships has June II— dtf BROADWAY, dcsiiin^ inventions of the age. PLAIN AND been -ecured Letters ol own sex. A of in constant FIGU’D BLACK by Patent the United States lady experience attend- We are satisfied that Hub nrtiele will SILKS, to the New Bedford recommend KICK SILK AND WOOL Copper Company. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. ance..(anl.lWBd&w. itself, and when known, will bo in universal favor. POPLINS, The composition of this metal is the same apr5-eodti FINE ALL exactly I New York. The subscribers arc now ready to apply the Plaatic WOOL as that ol the yellow or Muntz the sole differ- WOOD WOOD! POPLINS, metal, WOOD! Manufacturers of Slato to roofs in Cumberland and York Connties, of PLAID ASTKIPED ence being in the surface finish. It is believed that The this at the WOOL POPLINS, Furniture, Catairh State, low of seven dollars suuare Eye, Ear, prlee per this is very and will add to The subscribersbas just received a lot of MEDICAL BLACK important months the good ELECTRICITY Orders sent to E. or E. S. ALPACCA, wear ot the metal. HARMON, Saco, FOSS AND DEALERS IN ALL AND Scarboro', will lie attended to. COLORED The Bronze Metal is sold at the A O V i KINDS OF promptly ALPACCA, same price as Yel- SCOTIA WOOD ! August 4, MSB. n d&wtf THIBET! in nil low Metal. DR. W. h7 shnilcs, Ac*, Ac* and intend to keep on DEWING, and a constantly hand tbe various THROAT. Samples moie particular description at the kinds and t. offer office of quality their customers at the low- LOWELL est cash price. Upholstery Mattresses MIedical Electrician . H drummonp. Aprd IPX Commercial St. 30—d2m Dr. D. has been a practical Electrician for twenty Exchange Street, Messrs. & _Oct as soon as completed. Emery Drummond have formed a gen- one years, and is also a regular graduated physiciu eral and will also attend to is Eclectic all copartnership, promptly Electricity perfectly adapted to chronic diseaseHin Physician! qualities, very cheap. all business entrusted to them as Saint Louis the of Attorney sand Coun- Flour!! IT r\ I O N B A. form nervous or slot headache; neurahou n LOWELL A sellors at law. n L L ! From 618 New has SENTER, aug7-—dfcf the head, neck, or extremities; consumption “wliVi Broadway, York, returned to In the acute or where °fthe n,08, stages the lungs are not fully Portland, and can be consulted at her office, No. 11 and Domestics, and acute or Watches, Jewelry Silver Hosiery Gloves ! C"?e[™LNbrLre,tFam,lyF,0',r Involved; chronic rheumatism, serolUla. hit Clapp’s block. Wholesale LOOK IN AND SEE THE diseases, white Bwellings. spinal diseases, curvature Ware, T. Harrison NEW STOCK! of Millinery! & Co.. -0F- the spine, contracted muscles, distorted limits Certificates of Cure*. 30 PEARL STREET. paralysis, St. Vitas* Dance, stam- pdsyor dcafriess, This is to I been aiig3dSin john Plants. Eaglt, mering or hesitancy ol speech, dyspepsia, indiges- certify that have cured of Catarrh FLANNELS ! jeTIpalmrr, constipation and liver in the worst form, by Mrs. Manchester, i have l>een removed to Store No. 31 Free Elegant Goods tiin, complaint, piles—wo cure Street, up Brilliant case that can be to New York and Boston, have paid out large sums of stairs, where lie is to otter XXX, THAT every presented; asthma, bronchi- Has prepared strictures *f the money, and was never but in most all eas- A tis, chest, and all forms of female beneliUed, complete assortment. And a full stock of A CHOICE STOCK Dictator, complaints. es made worse. 1 saw Mrs. M. in June. She told me case was a VARNISHES, my bad one, the tubes in the tliroai and OF J. E. FEBIf ALD & SOI¥ Bv Electricity upper parts of the lungs had become very much af- Tropical, The the Bilot r a Rheumatic, gouty, the lame and the laxv fected, all of which I knew was the ease. I com- Beavers, Cloths, Broad- ?S t w Q 1 with and move with oodm, Amaronto, leap joy, the agility and elastic- menced taking her medioine in June, and can truly AND MILLINERY! •asaasKSE'ssa'i-iKsss1 ity of youth; the heated brain is cooled; the frost- say that I am now a well man. I am a trader, and In WHITE bitten limbs the unconth the habit of a LEAD, cloths, Tricots, Tweeds, Whitmore, Good restored, deformities re- talking great deal, and her curing me AT SATISFACTORY PRICES ! Material and moved; faintness converted to weakness to will be the means of hundreds of dollars in FOE BAI.E BA’ Stylish Garments, vigor, m> pock- strength; the blind made to see, the deal to hear as now 1 can talk me. JOHN E. PALMER. At Fair Prices. Wc also have the usual line Stuck ol and ets, without hurting i>o and the palsied form to move the consult and will be Doeslcins and Cassiinercs Portland, Sept 10. dtf npright; blemishes ol her, you perfectly satisfied. Churchill, Browns & Man son GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING youth are obliterated; the accidents of mature llte S. 11. Stephens, Belfast, lie. zirvo, augTdtf GOODS, prevented; the calamities ol old age obviated and an BBANO HARD’S An.l would be to show them ^—————I pleased to the public. active circulation maintained, 1 both Plain and Fancy, and ail at the Banoor, May 15, lfetti. on Steam Boilers! J. E. FEBNALD & lilUI GS Mrs. Manohestbk—Dear Madam —When vou Improvement „ SON, were in Merchant Tailors and Who have cold lianas and leet; weak lam- ltaugor last summer, 1 called to see you with AND (jrentleuiciPs Puniishcrs stomachs, a and weak nervous child of mine that had been sick for lour 1 COLORS, some boilers 700 degs. of heat Is thrown away, furniture backs; and sick headache; dull- years. sep21-dfiw Union Hall, SB ness had taken her to a number of and none LOWEST CUSH PRICES I ONmaking a loss of 1-3 the fuel. The quest ion is __' Free Street. and swimming in the head, with indigestion and physicians, of the could tell what ailed her or oven her You olten asked how can this be saved. Mr Blanchard constipation bowels; pain in the side and back; symptoms. All and examined her and told me varieties, Imported Manufactured by has invented a boiler that takes perfect control ol all —AT— leucorrheea, (or whites); lolling of the womb with in- case, exactly her Symp- ternal toms from the commencement of her which We would also call attention to our tine se- the heat and makes it do duty in the engine. This is cancers; tumors, polypus, and all that Ions sickness, special No More were also me very in its after the is in Vexatious train of diseases will lind in a sur- menus very peculiar; told that there was lection of simple construction; engine Notes ! Electricity alive in motion tuc smoke pipe is closed and the waste of cure. For painful menstruation, too -...fuse something her, and also said there was a num- tight, ber of and told mo that she heat carried through heaters, heating the steam to -T—I —-- menstruation, and allot those long line ot troubles them, drank them from a BANKER & with rain-water cistern. You said that CARPENTER, any temperature desired; the remainder carried REDUCED young ladles, Electricity is a certain specitlo, you would not PRICES and In a short warrant a cure, but would and do the best through the water heater, using up all the waste will, time, restore the sufferer to the try you CLOAKS A PURELY CASH vigor of health. «>uld for her. She commenced medicine heat but 200degs.; the heat being reduced so low COHPAIYY ! taking your ■ in August last, and from that time until there can be no of setting fires TEETH I December, —A/NT>— danger by sparks i TEETH 1 TEETH 1 the child has _ passed ofl' large quantities of what we thrown from engines, which will add much value to Dr. 1). still oontinucs to Extract Teeth Elec- by call Tvdpoles. from rain-water, and I and am this the 1-3 the fuel. Tltierf v without pain. Persons think, invention, besides saving having decayed certain that the child must have died had it not been For particulars inquire of teeth or wiab to have removed for reset- CLOAKING MA TE RIALS stvmpe they for you. And I advise to see Mrs. Man- WM. THE he would a invitation everybody WILLARD, FOR THE WASHINGTON ting give polite to call. chester, for I know that she has the of know- Corner of Commercial Wharf and Commercial St. NEXT UFEINSURANCE CO. Electro Magnetic power Head1/ for Business ! Superior Machines tor sale ing the condition of a person diseased better than Fob 21—dly OF tor use, with instructions. any Of which we are able to Airnish FEW FORK. family thorough peysician that 1 have ever heard of. child is now every description, at Dr. D. can accommodate a lew My WILLIAM BROW' II patients with board perfectly Please havo this and N, end treatment at his house. healthy. published, STEAM The let the world know that there is one who at 01 Federal Is Only Stock which Office hours from 8 o’clock A. practises street, now perma- Company Divides all its M. to 12 M.; from 1 what they profess to. FIRMERIYlocated at his Profits to 6 P. and 7 to 9 in the nently SIXTY DAYS M., evening. Very truly ami gratefully WHOLESALE OR Among Policy-Holders l Consultation free. yours, New Store No. RETAIL, REFINED SOAPS ? novltl Gkqkok E. Martin, 64 Federal Street, L. Martin. A few doors below Lime street. He Is some of the best Cloak makers in Offers More _Mary now prepared to Having engaged to attend to the wants of the we Advantages Insurers than his numerous enftomers and city, are prepared to manufacture The undersigned will sell Irom tliair any ORECOR HENKEL'S the public generallv in the way of and re- LEATHE & GORE, iii ii mi ifi n imuji cleaning i other Co. in the United States. RATENT REVOLVIMQ pairing Clothing or all Linds, and will be attended LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS’ CHEROKEE CURE. to with his usual Also solicit the attention of the trade and FIRE AND RilBUl.AH PROOF promptness. second-hand Clothing for sale at lair prices. oc30d3w WOULDconsumer* to their Standard Brand* of EX* MS I V E STOCK Til* C.KRAT 4 Outside Garments Permanent DOUBLE STEAM REFINED SOARS, Oapital #125,000 CYLINDER INDIAN MEDICINE, INDIA RUBBER GOODS. With Assets a —-viz:— Heavy and Cures all been burnod ont ot at short notice and in all the newest Rapidly Increasing Business. leases caused by ray Rubber Store, styles. EXTRA. S AFE ! self-abuse, viz.-cr HAVING117 Middle St., 1 would solicit tbe trade FAMILY, Dividends Once Credited are Of the citizens ot Portland and vicinity, lUnlU I NO. I. Never 10 Forfeited! advantage of this Fire and Proof Lons of re-open) my headquarters, 85 Milk Street, Boston, OLEINE. Burglar where are Furuifure RATES FOR THESafe consists in its peculiar construction. The Memory, Uni vernal Lati- kept every variety of goods made irorn NO. 5 DEERING CHEMICAL $10,000 EFDOWMEFT India Rubber BLOCK, OLIVE, IFSURAFCB. most Berious objection to Safes heretofore in has tude, Pains in the Back, Dim- comprising in part Rubber and Leath- CRANE’S use, er PATENT, 41. been their to destruction ness of Vision, Premature Machine Belting, Steam Packing, Gaskets, Rings, CONGRESS STREET, SODA, AND AMERICAN Age Payable a* 35, if Liri«(,« al Death U liability by tailing from tTose CASTILE, previous. heights, and the impossibility of rendering the doors I Old Age, Weak Serves, Diffi- tor conducting and hydrant purposes, Rubber oct23 dtf All of SUPERIOR in to cult Pale Clothing of every Combs, Balls, QUALITIES, packages suita- WITH PARTICIPATION IN Impervious heat; particularly in large safes, where Breathing, Counte- description, Toys, ble f ir the trade and use. PROFITS. Undcraheeting for beds in eases ot sickness. Rubber taiuily the door is double; and. In tact, the whole front of a nance, Insanity, Consump- and Shoes, Importing direct our chemicals, and using only Hip square safe is door. These and other tion, and all diseases that ful- Boots Tubing, Spittoons, Syringes, GREATLY WASHINGTON,.«r4:i,AO oblections ap- Elastic best materials, and as our good* are manufactured REDUCED RATES to the mode of low as a sequence or youthful indiscretions. Gloves and Mittens, Rings and Bands, Piano Grand Excess over plicable present making safes, are ob- under ■ he personal supervision oi our senior Washington Bales, each year, CO this The Cherokee Coro will restore health and Covers, Horse Covers with and without hood, Opening! partner, 842 80 ** viated by patent, it in a vljor, Wagon Millinery ■®TNA. •* by constructing cylin- who has bad in the 199 20 sti>p the emissions, and effect a euro Covers, Air Beds, Pillows, Cushions, and Lite Pre- thirty years practical experience MANHATTAN. 888 00 ;; •; drical shape, with convex tops and bottoms, thus se- permanent we therefore assure the with after all other medicines have failed. servers, Mechanics’ Rubber oi business, public con- MUTUAL BENEFIT,. 8f6 40 :: curing the greatest possible strength; and, mak- Thirty-two Aprons, Jewelry, deuce that we CAN aud will furnish the -FOR- :: by paste pamphlet sent in a sealed free to beautiful patters, and all kinds of Kubb r Goods' that Mrs. A. A. 886 40 wtTo ing the interior to revolve upon pivots, a envelope, any Bent, KNICKERBOCKER,. « 142 «o bringing address. may be desired, all of which 1 will sell at manufac- CHARTER OAK,.. ,•. 880 40 ;; ;; 4* smooth, impenetrable surihee of iron entirely across Best Goods at the Lowest Prices! 142 80 Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 8old turers lowest prices. Will have her opening HOME. 850 00 the outer gening, with no inlet or scam. $5. and erected NEW 115 40 by ail drnagistB; or will be sent to Please forward your order s lor the Having recently enlarged BROOKLYN,. 841 40 Between this inner compartment and the outer by express sny present to all the modem portion of the on of the II. A. WORKS, containg improvement*, we CASH, NEW ENGLAND 97 80 is an air world, receipt price, by HALL, and Nov. 1 & MUTUAL,. 810 20 44 *4 cylinder, chamber, oxtending Thursday Friday, 2, are enabled to furnish a of loF the completely solo proprietor, jul 13eodtf 86 Milk Boston. supply Soap* 8ECUR1TV. 810 20 75 60 around, leaving no connection between the two Street, to the Ret*i (tualiiicM, adapted demand, for Ex- .10HN .i 75 60 strnctnres bat the Dr. W. E. Anil would HANCOCK.*... 810 20 ! 44 pivots upon which the interior 37 N. Y. invite the and MEEWIS, Walker 8t., port Domestic Con*umptiouar PROVIDENCE LIFE AND TRUST 44 75 CO revolves. These advantages are like the CO.. 810 20 44 44 cylinder manifold; Rattle-Snake, always gives T. & Co. UNION 808 75 60 but we call attention to a leature of the in- °* ** approach. A dull Ladies of Portland George Burroughs MUTUAL,. 00 H 44 singular Consumption,{ hacking cough, £5 30 it that the inner sale is pain in the clicst. ditlicuUv of are the in- LEATHE GERMANIA. 777 30 *• <» ventiou; is, moveable, and breathing, .E GORE’S it aa 70 0Ctl2dtf ™ when the outer door is the sunace of dications that there is more or less irritation of tho And NORTH AMERICAN,. 772 50 •• opened, the lat- vicinity to call and examine her -—--—---:-- i •• Cherokee NATIONAL, VT„. 705 80 ;; si ter presents an appearance that indicatee that the Remedy, lungs. It tliis bo neglected, and go on until piiHtules STEAM REFINED SOAPS 1 N. Y. LIFE. 757 1ft „ Si so whole salb is a solid mass. The signal importance of Cures all Urinary Com- are formed, followed by tubercles, which sometimes BY > STILL •* 13 50 for eat off the SONNETS AND HATS! SOLD ALL THK THEY COME! GLOBE 750 30 .. tills fact is evident; when the inner saib Is unlock- plaints, viz: Ortesel, Inflam- blood vessels, Death will be the result. ed and made to its door is motion the Bladder and Allen’s Lung Balsam w ill heal all the irritated \VI*ole*ale Grocer* Throughout the Slate. MUTUAL LIFE,. 751 80 « turn, immoUatoly exposed k of parts, 25 FREE STREET. MASS. MUTUAL. 751 80 :: •; «$ to view, when the compartments for hooks, ilrawers M Kidney*, Retention of allay the inliamatiou. removing the phlegm and mat- *2.? holos are ter. and Oct 30—dtf HOYT WIDOWS ANB ORPHANS’. 751 80 ; and pigeon exposed. The frame which con- I Urine, Strictures of the Thus stopping the cough prevent latal con- CO., .< 8 20 them iB also sale T. W. PERKINS & UNITED 751 80 ,, tains moveable, and revolves piv- Dropsical Stee/l- sumption.—For by CO., Leatli e & Gore, Have opened with a New Slock of STATES,. upon \Urethra, BERKSHIRE. 751 00 .. i; «» ots ; so that, when pushed around, another sc- Tingi, Brick Dust Deposits, and W. F. PHILLIPS * CO., Portland. Also, bv the 397 Commercial St, 47 & 49 Brack Street, ;; 7 in brings rips of divisions Ibr drawors and boles and all diseases that reqniro Dealers iu Family Medicine generally. Oct a lm The above comparisons were made t> meet the specific books, pigeon PORT1..4.ND, MAINE. Furniture, application of a cent Wan »,.„i o„ .-.„o to the hand; thus it is double the of a diuretic, and when used 1q Crockery, an Insurance of *10,010 as above staled, b it who would not capacity square Worsted March 2T—dtl Insure until he had learnedteiilLa'42, the rates J'110 safes. Not does this re- with the Goods! companies. Thor are a lair arison or the rates at of other only system present greater conjunction At ton l ion ! comp any otherJe, sistance to Arc, but, for the reason that the sheets of Agcnla an l Solicitors wanted in all parts ot the to * LARTIABKE CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Glass State, whom literal inducements will be offered. iron cannot part from the filling, and of there being CHEROKEE INJECTION, TJREBLE can ho found at their Wares of X new stand. No. 9 Sumner Street, whore with a A. B. no contact the inner with the outer surface, (ex- docs not fail to core Gleet and all Mu- they «!• XI• Together ffjuij slock ot ADAMS, General for arc to do all of Joiner at the FO«Ci, For Sale or to Let. Agent Maine, cept at the pivots, where the filling is made purpose- cous Discharges in Male or recent prepared kjjids work, Female, curing shortest notice. Those who are in want of °“CC 183 ly thicker,)buttho bulging front of the interior sur- cases in from one to three and is buildings, announce to his customers and I T embrace. HOUSE FURBISHING 11. N. Street, Portland. days, especially or Lumber will do well to the pub- good water power, convenient inachin- GOODS! SMALL, M. D„ Me Heal Examiner. without orlflco when is recommended in those give us a call. Dent torget a for octDeodtl face, turned, equally proof cases of Fluor Mbus or tlic WOULDlic that he lias just received a large and splen- oiy, shop Where would _^ _. place, No, 9 Sumner Street. ami harncB* black-smithing, painting, trimming they lie pleased to wail upon all against burglars. Whites in Females. Tho two medicines used in did variety of lnaking; plenty of''seasoned lumber. A in their line, scpS-dvm* PREBLE & LABRABEE tor wanting goods itcincmhcr the number The contour of this safe is more symmetrical and conjunction will not foil to removo this man with some disagreeable j^Fg!:!!!UwC “*5®nt«rP*'i8i,ig capi- 323 W. T. & CO. durable than the old style, is susceptible of higher or- complaint, and in those casee where other medicines The location is within Coagrm Mlrrrl, KJLBORN Brick Machines ! W^orsted ni mn !Lakf ?,B0,1 namentation, and is, from the very naturo of the case, have been used without success. ShawLs, l ,,r 7 of wa,er comnioni- Tldrd door above Casco. Having opened tl»c new store The C. A. 'oi„r, wilv,Ni'eCl\an‘V undersigned manufacture easier of transportation, as it can be rolled about like Bottles, GAYLORD, Son -are all Mocked for Price, Remedy, One Bottle, $2, Three §5. tags, Ladies and Misses Hoods, the huiJncuu1 Im"' a’"'P" scp23dtf HOYT .V CO. Wo. 33 a barrel or a hoop. * U AGENT FOR tI! sul)H*Til)cr or Free Htreet, Blake’s Injection, $2, 8.8. Browne, Patent Brick u Nubias, Scar ft, WelSS, Are now prepared lo offer their friends and the Machines, The Cherokee M Cure" " Remedy and Clitic’* Patent ( oinbinrd Wrcnghl and oct2-dlt <® Injec- „ R. M. public a •« the best Brick Machine in use LIST Ol* PRICES. tion" are to be found in all well regulated drug Chilled Iran Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, lottos Merino Unilervests: WEBB. mew Music mrd^lV,°'hem New and 1st, their simplicity of construe- 24 stores, and are recommended by and Velvet Kildions and Kid Gloves of the Business Estahlishld in -AND— liSirgc, well Auortri PUnck of No. 1.—Outside diameter inches, heighth 30 physicians host quality, in 1831. 8ure ,n Ihelr and not the world, for their intrinsic worth all the desirable shades. liahlA operation, ln»iuui druggists all over SAFES, FACETS, the amount of work and dealers however A of (lone hv£u!h>ttt<*v?,,ai,J merit. Some unprincipled large variety Store. CARPETINGS, “d 1<,W their easterners, by selling and HENDRICKSON, DOLL & Variety flnally’ ““ in try to deceive cheap COMBINATION LOCKS, RICHARDS, worthless order to make No. 355 SfrerJ, CURTAIN GOODS, compounds,—in money- And Iron Firr-Proof HOOP* Manufacturers of Congress tt>e of these. Be not deceived. If the Wrongbi Safe, SKIRTS!; Stnteeifr^y Bay inches, f 4fio. in place drug- may be found a good assortment of Mu- IN ATS, in Uieir «>rt®n8ive will not buy them for yon, write to us, and we NO. fl CONGRESS SQUARE, constantly on hand. 'INHERE Anda all Brtek Yn^5.^pt^LoILB0*w,,1> (^“Prices subject to chafkgein the market. gists Looking Glasses, Picture VV sical Instruments, Shoet Music, Picture tioods usually found in a .5.haniowhere 850 M are mianlhcturod in a day will send them to you by express, securely packed oct3cod3m BOSTON. Those ns with a call will also find a Frames, Looking Music and freo from observation. We treat all to favoring large Frames, Pictures, Glasses, Clocks, hours tumin^ ont 12 M In about eight diseases variety of MOULD1XOS, Stools, Umbrellas, Canes. Feather Dusters, Basket?, OARPET STORE. A. E. Stevens & which the human system is subject, and will be Children’s Ladies' To whioli Wo Co., Agents, to receive foil and And Ronton Crystal Carriages, Travelling Bags. wercsporlfullv invite vour attention, alaomatidlacluro pleased explicit statements from Fancy and Trimminy Goods, Looking Glam Platen. augi.'-'idtl 146 COMMERCIAL STREET, those who have foiled to receive relief heretofore. Woodman, True & Co.. Dealers in Piano Fortes and Melodeons Blake’s Ladies or con- NO. 4 Patent Steam Pumps, aept4e. gentlemen can address ns in perfect WALTS BLOCK, Buttons, Laces, Veils, Handkerchiefs, and all kinds For Sale and to Rent. With other articles too We Oil many »a» used to teed the bofltr in the bite fidence, desire to send our thirty-two page soli: of goods kept In a first class Fancy Goods Paintings, Engravings. &c. numerous to Portland, ft?.? 10lja'.h,lcl> the aoents kou usually particularize. Laundry. Exhibition, and received a Medal. The pamphlet free to every lady and gentleman in store. Anil of Fortes and Melodeona tuned and re- land Importers i-ifPiauo received the Office of Forest Committee of say at that he ar- Address all letters for pamphlets, medicinea, F. ^Onjgr* ^ the City Examination it, Oil. and CANDIES' No. 3 Doeringf Block. Frrurb & German Glam paired. SAMUEL COBB, Dye Houstf, No. 0I6 Congress Street. rangement ot the valvee Is that the steam is or advice, to the sole proprietor, SINGER’S Looking Plates No. 355 such, and Picture Glass. aug 9—3me3 hew Windham. account of the health of 30, Dried pro.... ffi York, and Mi poor the with of the INLAND ROBT^TO^ do. 14 In Lisbon, Oct. 22, William H. Williams s the Mount Cutler MAINE CENTRAL R. R. Western Ught.... 35 @ 30 ONproprietor, House, at Hiram willi the of the few arti- Ashes. Mid. Harriet Whitney. Bridge, with Furniture and is now The markets, exception weight 37 @ 40 Daniel ol Fixtures, offered WINTER Pearl lb.none In Fsrsonsfield, Oct. 21, Wentworth, ibrsale. The House is In ^or Sale. ARRANGEMENT. Mt. cles mentioned in our remain unchanged p ”eavy. 38 41 of thorough repair, having Desert, review, 10 11 @ and Salome K. Moulton, Limlngton. lieen this Machias, Pot. @ Porter, painted throughout season, and is second to — — week. There has been a busi- Slaughter .. 50 (a) 54 Oct. lfl, F. E. McFadden and AMD from last legitimate Beans. In Non idgewock, no House in the on the main VERY;at lei Portland Am. Cali.... 160 1 ho both oi Fairfield. country—located route dally (Grand but no Marrow bu. 2 50 3 @ Hattie Atwood, Afau de Magnolia.—The from Portland to for_ w®i^^5P|tTrunk Depot) ness transacted, stocking up, or speculative p ffi 00 Alauson prettiest thing the North Conway and White Moun- plied Sundays excepted,(or Au- Lime. In Waldoboro, Oct. II, A. Orft and Ellen ‘sweetest anil the For burn and Lewiston at 7.00 A. and Intermediate Landings. The easiness market en- Pea.3 00 @3 28 thing,” most of it for the least tains. further particulars enquire of J. W. RRglldtf H. M. M., lor Bancor and purchases. of the money Rockl’d,cask 1 45 @ 1 55 M. Hoffrc Sc C. PAYSON. all intermediate at Blue Pod.2 50 ffi 2 75 money. It overcomes the odor of perspiration soft- MANSFIELD, No. 174 Middle street, or to stations, l.lo'p. M. R owners of to their stocks, Lumber. In Iliddeford, Oct. 22, Albert R. and Portland, trains from Auburn and Xmng, A ables mercliandise to hold on Box Dyer Augusta ens and adds to the skin; is a WM. G. on the Lewiston are duo at 8.30 A. TWO TRIPS WEEK. Shooks. Clear 11. Moserve, both of delicacy delightful per- SPRING, proprietor, premises. to ask such a remunerative Pine, Dayton. fume headache and ocBSdlwftwJw M., and from Bangor and all intermediate and prices as will afford Fine. ISO @ 90 INos. 1 & 2....65 00 00 ; allays InDamation, and is a nec- stations* @60 — in at 2 P. M.,to connect trains for Boston. Bread. 00 essary the sick room, In the -1 profit. No. 3.40 00 @42 companion nursery trains THE new, substantial and swilt Pilot and npon the toilet sideboard. It can VALUABLE PBOPEBTI FOB ff* Freight leave daily at 8 A. M. the week. Its low- P100 lbl2 00 @15 00 No. 4.20 00 @25 00 lie obtained SALE. going steamer *79 tons Gold lias been rather steady for DIED. at one dollar bottle. -EDWIN dot ex 100 IblO 00 00 @24 00 everywhere per r...... NOYES, Supt. have lieen the ruling 50@12 hippiug-21 _ Dec 15.1868. “CITY OF est point was 1452, hut 146J@147 Ship.8 50 @ 10 (HI Spruce.14 00 @19 00 Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Ail Eight Acre (tardea—A Fine C.nntry __(fc22« RICHMOND.m it at clos- Druggists. RmMcace. prices. On Monday, the 29th, opened 145}, Crackcrspbrl 0 75 @ liunension Spruce 20@25 lii Mobile. Capt. J. B. Wood, of South Thomaston. CHARLES PEEKING, Mahtkk, DO 55 Hemlock.... 15 00 @18 00 43 2 The above is in Lois for Sale. at Tuesday it opened at 116}, closing at Crackerspioo @ aged years month*—master of schr Julia E. place Westbrook, near Mor- Will make two ing 146}. Butter. rill's GRAND TRUNK trips per woek to Machias, leaving Clapboards, Carnage. Comer, only three miles from Portland, •■It 14 eeau per I'm ! RAILWAY. Franklin 116. Ex..20 00 00 Hjiij 'iwl <»1 Wharf TUESDAY and 42 45 Spruce @27 In is one of the best ibr a L'anudu. every FRIDAY Familyptb. ffi Searsport* Sept. 15, Capt. Johu Pu| places gentleman’s located Lot* on EVEN] 10 demand dealers South 32 Pine Ex_ none. Fowler,9 aged^ or tUe Eastern NOS,at o'clock, and touching at Rockland APPLES—The by has some- Store. 28 @ 74 years. residence, ibr a good. gardener, to he found in this Promenade, here. We in Lots to suit purchasers. Ilesboro,Castiue, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Mount in- what reduced the receipts quote them at Caudles. Shingles, vicinity. It has a new one-aud-a-hait story Gothic FINELY SUMMER the latter 17 Cedar Ext..4 50 @ 4 75 Also fine Lots on Congress between and Stale ARRANGEMENT. sert, Millbridge, Jonesf.ort, and Ineiice to Machine, $2 50rt>4 50 4* bbl, very choice. Good Bald- Mould p lb... 10 m House, good Bam ami other buildings. The cellar is High had at 44 CedarNo.l..3 00 @ 3 25 streets, aud on Deering street, hi Lots to suit *ml after SUPT. port. wins can be $3 50(o>4 DO. Dried apples are Sperm. 40 ffi cemented, and contains a large brick cistern. The purchas- mmai,111,1 M>