Southern Africa . Vol.ll ~ ~~d]Y@lli~ April 1996 ,....... i' ., I .... ·r ~• A- I 0 -1 price$ 4.50 ~(QJl!dl101ffi®~lli ~if~fl©@], April1996 REPORT Vol. 11 No.3 Contents Editorial: Whose Globalization? . 1 COSATU: Old Alliances, New Strategies .... 3 COSATU and Corporatism: A Response to Eddie Webster . 6 "Globali zing" from Below: Southern Africa The Trade Union Connection . 9 REPORT Trade Unions and Politics: is produced 4 times a year by a volunteer collective of TCLSAC, What Next in Namibia 13 the Toronto Committee for Links between Southern Africa & Canada The World, Society and the Individual 17 603-1/2 Parliament St. Toronto, M4X 1P9 Democratizing Heritage: Tel. (416) 967-5562 The South African Challenge 22 Email
[email protected] Submissions, suggestions and help in production are welcome and invited. Zambia and the Media - a letter 25 ISSN 0820-5582 SAR is a member of the Canadian Failure in the Townships? Magazine Publishers Association. The Development Bottleneck 26 All rights reversed. "In Search of Hope": Subscriptions Zimbabwe's Farmworkers 31 Annual TCLSAC membership and Southern Africa Report subscription rates are as follows: SUBSCRIPTION: SAR Collective Individual (1 year) . ... $18 .00 Institution . $40. 00 Margie Adam, Carolyn Bassett, Christine Beckermann, Lois Browne, Marlea Clarke, MEMBERSHIP: (includes subscription) David Cooke, Kourosh Farrokhzad, David Galbraith, David Hartman, Regular . $35.00 David Pattie, John S. Saul, Marit Stiles, Lauren Swenarchuk, Unemployed Joe Vise, Mary Vise Student $18 .00 Senior Sustainer over $100.00 Overseas add $10.00 Cover de~ign by Art W ork Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreemen t No.