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PDF Linkchapter Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Abietites, 21. 22, 231, 236 Araun tributaries, 264 south coast, 304, 310 linkii, 231 Amuro-Zejan Basin, 11, 264 west coast basins, 304, 318 Absaroka fault, 95 Anadyr River, 266 Azolla, 31 Absaroka thrust, 88 Anadyrian basin, 266 acrotelm, 3 anastomosing fluvial system, 231, back-barrier island, 220 Adavale basin fill, 304 232, 233, 242 back barrier/outer lagoon zones, 220 Adaville Formation, 69, 98 Anderson coal, 58, 63 backswamps, 343 channels, 88 Anderson mire, 63 Baculites mclearni, 140 coal seams, 82 andesite, 288 Baffin Island, 11 depositional history, 88 angiosperms, 10, 18, 19, 24, 28, 31, Baiera, 23, 26 lithofacies, 75 47, 180, 392 Baikalia, eastern, 288 regional paleogeography, 88 Ango-Paris Basin, 227 Bakony Mountains, 245 rock types, 70 ankerite, 64, 65 Bakonyjako area, 251 sedimentation model, 90 Anomia Balmer North Mine, 134, 138 stratigraphy, 70 gryphorynchus, 70 Balmer peat swamp, 135 Addis Ababa, Shewa province, 373 propatorius, 70 Balmer seam, 118, 135 Adelaide Island, 389 anoxia, 3 Banks Island, 1 I Adelie Land margin, 390 Antarctic Peninsula, 31, 388, 389, Baojiatun Formation, Xuetiandi, 298 Afikpo area, 378 392 Barclay Seam, 338 Africa, 20 Antarctica, 385, 393 Barents Sea Shelf, 209 West, 369, 373, 376 climatic model, 392 barite, 63 agglomerates, 287, 330 coal deposits (Cretaceous), 388 Barremian, 11, 209 aggradation, 215, 216, 223 coal potential (Cretaceous), 385 Barriada Member, 195 Ahaggar Mountains, 375 East, 385, 388, 393 barrier beach, 242 Ajka area, 245,248,249, 261 West, 385, 387, 393 barrier island, 75, 82 Ajka Coal Basin, 11, 245, 250, 251 apatite, 60 basalt, 315, 373 Ajka Coal Formation, 245, 247, 257 Aptian, 11, 209 craton-edge, 369 thickness, 248, 254 Aquilapollenites, 28, 266 development, 228, 355 Alam El Bueib, Egypt, 373 Araliaephyllum, 31 Early Cretaceous, 263 Alamein, Egypt, 373 Araliopsoides, 26 epeiropenic, 369 Alaska, 11, 31, ¡77, 186, 391 Araucaria, 23 fault-bounded, 326 North slope, 11, 12, 28, 31, 177, Araucariodendron, 22 fills, 304 186, 393 Araucarites, 20 foreland, 7, 8, 40, 95, 140, 147, northern, 9 arboreal flora, 2 166, 167, 179, 304 Alberta, Canada, 101, 118, 148 Arctic Canada, 31, 392 interior, 204 Alberta Basin, 12, 114 Arctic coals, 184 intermontane, 340, 390 Alberta Foothills, 11 Arctopteris, 26 intra-arc, 389 Alberta Plains, 11 Argentina, 11,12 intracratonic, 194 Albian, 11, 180, 193, 202,204 Arguniella, 295 Late Cretaceous, 265 Alchanskian basin, 266 Arino-Estercuel Sub-basin, 197, 202, offshore, 204 Aldan Uplands, 263 204 pericratonic, 369 Alexander Island, 388, 391, 392 Arkagalian Basin, 11, 266 sedimentary, 247, 322, 326, 390 Algeria, 11, 369, 372, 373, 376, arkose, 287 strike-slip, 7, 8 381 Arkovskian Formation, 266 subsidence, 355 Aliaga-Utrillas Sub-basin, 197, 199, Arucariaceae, 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 30 west coast, 304 202, 204 ash content, 44, 51, 60, 70, 106, 114, Bass Basin, 11, 12, 305, 321, 322 Alisporites 1 18. 131, 138, 173, 186, 205, offshore, 315 bilateralis, 190 245, 269, 308, 334, 337, 343 bauxite, 247 granáis, 190 Asia, 22 Bayanhua coal mine, 297 Allosasurus, 212 eastern 296 bay/inner lagoon margin, 220 alluvium, 310 See also specific Asian countries bays, 220 Almond Formation, 240 Athrotaxites, 22, 23 beach ridges, 161 Alpine fault, 327 Athrotaxopsis, 26, 180 Bear River Formation, 291 Alsophilites, 22 Auristoma, 297 Bearpaw Formation, 140 alteration, 18 fuxinensis, 294, 300 Bearpaw Sea, 140, 148 Altmark Basin, 228 Australia, 8, 11, 31 Bearpaw shale, 140, 144, 149 Alto Taufe, 237 coal, 58, 303, 318 Bearpaw shoreline, 149 Amba Aradam Sandstone, 374 craton margin, 304 Bearpaw transgression, 376 Amnícola gilloides, 290 east coast, 304, 306 Belemnitella Americana, 60 Amnicolidae, 290, 291, 294 interior basins, 304, 305 Bellamya, 296 Ampullanidae, 290 South, 63 clavilithiformis, 290 397 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/957920/spe267-bm.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 398 Index clavililhiformis conradiformis, 291, Buckeburg model, 236, 242 Chad Province, 376 298 Byrd Subglacial Basin, 390 Chandler Formation, 179, 180 Belly River Formation, 140, 142, 148 Byron Creek deposit, 167, 168, 173 channels Bengal basin, 30 anastomosed, 146 Benhar-main Member, 337 Cadomin area, 102, 103, 105 braided-stream, 212 Benin, 369, 377 Cadomin Formation, 103 coal-filled. 162 bennettites, 20, 21 Cadomin mapsheet, 101 distributary, 75, 88, 91, 98 Bentley Subglacial Trough, 390 Cadomin Syncline, 105, 106, 114 fluvial, 211, 334 Benue Trough. 8, 12, 369, 370, 373, Cadomin-Luscar area, 106, 111 load, 231 375, 376, 377, 382 coalfield, 101, 103, 109, 115 meandering, 336 Beringian coalfield, 266 Calanda Sub-basin, 199, 202, 204 sandstones, 120, 124 Berriasian, 11 calcite, 173 scouring, 40, 340 Betulaceae, 30, 31 caliche stacking, 360 Bighorn Basin, 11,12 deposits, 140 tidal, 88, 162 Billefjorden fault zone, 211 paleosols, 142, 148 Chaun-Chukotskian Basin, 11, 265 Binggou coal mine, 297 Cameroon, 375 Cheirolepidiaceae, 19, 20, 21, 28 Binggou Formation, 296 Campanian, 10, 12, 139, 147, 180 Chengzihe Formation, 296 biotite, 270, 273 upper, 140 chevron folds, 105 bioturbation. 235, 310 Campbell Plateau, 344 Chicla Formation, 373, 374 Birisia, 26, 180 Campeloma, 296 Chignik, Alaska, 12 Bisti field, 41, 43, 45, 49 tani, 294 China, 11, 20, 29, 296 Bivalvia, 290 Canada, 11, 101, 139, 166 northeast, 269, 287 Black Hills, 11 Arctic, 31, 392 northern, 288, 295 Black Mesa Basin, 11 southern Rocky Mountains, 117 See also specific provinces Blackburn mine, 168 See also specific provinces Chubat, 12 Blackstone River, 144 Canadian Cordillera, 165 Chukotian massif, 263 Blackstone River section, 140, 141, geochemical trends, 168 Cicatricosisporites, 182 144 southern, 118 Cinnamomum, 30 Blackwater Seam, 63 western, 166, 168, 173 Cladophebis, 22, 26 Blauneria, 297 Canterbury clarain, 159 elliptiformis, 291, 294, 300 coal field, 327, 334 Clarence-Moreton Basin, 11, 204, 305 Bock clay pit, 231 coal measures, 327 Classopollis, 19, 20. 25, 266 Bogota area, 12 Canyon Diablo Troilite, 60 clastics, 42, 91, 147, 179, 185,264, Bohemian massif, 228 Cape Carr, 390 265, 266 Bornholm, 227 Cape Farewell-1 well, 329 succession, 269 Botany Bay Group, 389 Cape Otway-King Island High. 314 clasts, 231, 270 Bourem, Mali, 380 carbon, 60, 107, 308 fusinite, 75 Bowen-Gunnedan basin fill, 304 isotopes, 57, 67 clay, 60, 173, 179, 201, 203, 231, Bowenia, 183 carbonates, 247, 248, 259, 374, 378 234. 247, 254, 255, 339, 359, Bowser Basin. 11 Cardinal River Coal, 103 389 Brachidontes sp., 70 Cardinal River Mine, 101 blebs, 366, 367 Brachyphyullum, 19, 20, 23 Cardinal River property, 105 claystone, 146, 201, 233, 305, 307, braidplain, 211, 242 Cardium, 70 310, 312, 315, 316 environment, 209, 213 Carolinefjellet Formation, 212 Cleary Coal Member, 40 Brandenburg Basin, 228 Carpentaria Basin, 204 climate, /, 9, 139, 140, 148, 182, 212, Brazeau Formation, 140, 144 Caryocorbula, sp., 70 228, 242, 261, 266, 296, 318, Brazil, 20 Cascade region, 166 327, 372, 376, 378, 391 breccias, 237, 248, 255, 288, 327 Cassiope, 237 greenhouse, 212 British Columbia, I 1, 115, 1 18 Castellote Sub-basin, 199, 202, 204 Cloverly Formation, 294, 296 Broad Fourteens basin, 228 Casterton Beds, 312 Coahuila area, 12 Broken River Formation. 334 Casterton Formation, 312 coal Brooks Range, 8, 179 Castle Hill fault, 336 accumulation, 7, 162, 203, 266, Brunner Coal Measures, 330, 348 Castle River, 140 283 Brunner coals, 362 cutbank, 142 allochthonous, 179 Btu value, 45, 54, 70 Castle River Section, 142 anthracitic, 231 Bulinus, 297 Catalan Coastal Range, 194, 197 Arctic, 184 (Physopsis) banlashanensis, 291, catolelm, 3 autochthonous, 179 298 Cedripites, 26 basins, 263 (Physopsis) ovaformis, 291, 298 cementation, sideritic, 233 bituminous, 89, 92, 103, 109, 115, Buller coalfield samples, 366 Cenomanian, 10, 11, 180 166, 167, 179, 209, 229, 317, Bullmoose deposit, 168, 172 Central Netherlands basin, 228 328, 330, 332, 347 Bungil Formation, 305 Central Range's synclinorium, 257 brown, 63, 245, 264 Buor-Kemussian Formation, 264 Central Trough, 390 coastal plain, 101 Bureja River, 264 Cephalotaxopsis, 26 depositional controls, 362 Burejan Basin, 11, 23, 263, 264 Cephalotaxus, 22 deposits, 1, 11, 40, 193, 245, 303, Burejan massif, 263, 264 Chaco slope, 38 369 Burrum coal measure, 306, 321 Chad Basin, 369, 370, 374, 375, 376, development, 140, 318 Burrum syncline, 306, 307 377, 380, 382 dikes, 161, 162 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/957920/spe267-bm.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 Index 399 coal (continued) Coniopteris, 22, 23 Czekanowskiales, 22, 26, 31 distribution, /, 9, 139, 318, 327, continental crust, 265, 387 Dadomin-Luscar coalfield, 101 347 controls Dadoxylon, 372 economics, 2, 3 allogenic, 2, 4 aegyptiacum, 372 evolution environments, 777 autogenic, 2, 4 Dakota Formation, 26 formation, 232, 242 climatic, 1, 9 Dalazi Formation, Xhixinxiang, 296, freshwater, 62, 63 coal development, 318 300 geochemistry, 168, 172 coal distribution, 139, 318 Dalinghe Formation, 288 global distribution, 4, 9 depositional, 227, 325, 330, 333, Danish-Polish Basin, 227 lignite, 166, 334, 335 338, 343, 362 Debeya, 30 lithotypes, 78/ environmental, 37 debris flow, 270 measures, 325 paleoenvironmental, 347 submarine, 87 metallurgical, 103 seam distribution, 355 Deep Basin, 103 nature, 327 sedimentologic, 101 deformation, 114, 138, 152, 179, 211 North Africa, 369 tectonic, 4, 101, 114, 347, 359 Deister model, 236, 242 occurrences, 142 Cooper basin fill, 304 Deister-Hils Embayment, 242 offshore, 328 coquinas, 236, 238, 247, 250, 254 deltaic complex, wave-dominated, 70, onshore, 328 corals, 247 75, 82 paleogeographic distribution, 4 Corbula sp., 58 deltas, 75 potential, 380, 385 Corwin Delta, 179 bayhead, 88 properties, 329, 332, 337, 343, 347 Couper interval, 340, 344 braidplain environment, 209 quality, /, 37, 42, 54, 70, 101, 106, Crassostrea sp., 70 flood-tidal, 88 165 Credneria, 28 Deltoidospora, 26, 235 reserves, 98, 178, 245, 347 Cretaceous, 1, 4, 9, 11, 17, 180, 303, Denglouku Formation, 294, 300 resources, 94, 162, 166, 303, 335, 325, 369, 385 Densoisporites sp., 182, 190 .
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