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GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF.CANADA COMMISSION G.EOLOGIQUE DU CANADA CURRENT RESEARCH PARTB N , RECHERCHES EN COURS PARTI E B - Canada Notice to Librarians and Indexers The Geological Survey's thrice-yearly Current Research series contains many reports comparable in scope and subject matter to those appearing in scientific journals and other serials. All contributions to the Scientific and Technical Report section of Current Research i.iclude an abstract and bibliographic citation. It is hoped that these wMl assist you in cataloguing and indexing these reports and that this will result in a still wider dissemination of the results of the Geological Survey's research activities. Avis aux bibliothe'caires et preparateurs dfiniex La se~rie Recherches en cours de la Commission geologique parait trois fois par annee; elle contient plusieurs rapports dont la portee et la nature sont comparable a ceux qui paraissent dans les revues scientifiques et autres periodiques. Tous les articles publics dans la section des rapports scientifiques et techniques de la publication Recherches en cours sont accotnpagnes d'un resume et d'une bibliographie, ce qui vous permettra, nous Vesperons, de cataloguer et d'indexer ces rapports, d'oii une meilleure diffusion des resultats de recherche de la Commission ge~ologique. Technical editing and compilation Production editing and layout Typed and checked by Redaction et compilation techniques Preparation et mise en page Dactylographie et •vilification R.G. Blac'odar Leona R. Mahoney Debby Busby P.J. Griffin Lorna A. Firth Judy COtg H. Dumych Michael J. Kiel Janet Gilliland E.R.W. Neale Shirley Kostiew L. Machan Janet Legere Madeleine Marier Sharon Parnham GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PAPER 81-1B COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE ETUDE 81-1B CURRENT RESEARCH PART B RECHERCHES EN COURS PARTIE B 1981 e Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1981 Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Hull, Quebec, Canada K1A 0S9 and from Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada K1A 0E8 A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Cat. No. MW-S1-1BE Canada: $8.00 ISBN 0-660-10893-3 Other countries: S9.60 Price subject to change without notice Geological Survey of Canada - Commission ge~ologique du Canada W.W. HUTCHISON Director General Directeur general J.G. FYLES Chief Geologist Geologue en chef E. HALL Scientific Executive Officer Agent exe'cutif scientifique M.J. KEEN Director, Atlantic Geoseience Centre, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Directeur du Centre ge~oscientifique de VAtlantique, Dartmouth (Nouvelle-Ecosse) J.A. MAXWELL Director, Central Laboratories and Technical Services Division Directeur de la Division des laboratoires centraux et des services techniques R.G. BLACKADAR Director, Geological Information Division Directeur de la Division de Vinformation geotogique W.W. NASSICHUK Director, Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Calgary, Alberta Directeur de VInstitut de ge~ologie se~dimentaire et pe'troliere, Calgary (Alberta; J.C. McGLYNN Director, Precambrian Geology Division Directeur/par int. de la Division de la ge"ologie du Pricambrien A.G. DARNLEY Director, Resource Geophysics and Geochemistry Division Directeur de la Division de la geophysique et de la geochimie applique'es J.S. SCOTT Director, Terrain Sciences Division Dtrccteur de !a Division de la science des terrains G.B. LEECH Director, Economic Geology Division Directeur de la Division de la giologie economique R.B. CAMPBELL Director, Cordilleran Geology Division, Vancouver, British Columbia Directeur de la Division de la gSologie de la Cordillere, Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique) Separates A limited number of separates of the papers that appear in this volume are available by direct request to the individual authors. The addresses of the Geological Survey of Canada offices follow: 601 Booth Street, OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0E8 Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, 3303-33rd Street N.W., CALGARY, Alberta T2L 2A7 Cordilleran Geology Division 100 West Pender Street, VANCOUVER, B.C. V6B 1R8 Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, DARTMOUTH, N.S. B2Y 4A2 When no location accompanies an author's r ame in the title of a paper, the Ottawa address should be used. Tire's d part On pent obtenir un nombre limite" de "tires a part" des articles qui paraissent dans cette publication en s'adressant directement a chaque auteur. Les adresses ties diffe"rents bureaux de la Commission geologique du Canada sont les suivantes: 601, rue Booth OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0E8 Institut de giologie sedimentaire et petroliere 3303-33rd, St. N.W., CALGARY, Alberta T2L 2A7 Division de la giologie de la Cordillere 100 West Pender Street VANCOUVER, Colombie-Britannique V6B 1R8 Centre gioscientifique de I'Atlantique Institut oceanographique de Bedford B.P. 1006 DARTMOUTH, Nouvelle-Ecosse B2Y 4A2 Lorsque Vadres&e de Vauteur ne figure pas sous le titre d'un document, on doit alors utitiser i'adresse d'Ottawa. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORTS RAPPORTS SCIENTIFIQUES ET TECHNIQUES D.F. STOTT: Bickford and Gorman Creek, two new formations of the 3urassic- Cretaceous Minnes Group, AJberta and British Columbia 1 G.R. DUNNING: The Annieopsquotch ophiolite belt, southwest Newfoundland 1] F.C. THOMAS and F.M. GRADSTEIN: Tertiary subsurface correlations using pyritized diatoms, offshore Eastern Canada 17 3. RIMSAITE: Isotope, scanning electron microscope, and energy dispersive spectrometer studies of heterogeneous zircons in radioactive granites from the Grenville Structural Province, Quebec and Ontario 25 I.R. JONAS5ON and W.D. GOODFELLOW: Modified spot test for Pb and Zn sulphides in ore samples 37 E.H. OWENS, R.B. TAYLOR, M. MILES, and D.L. FORBES: Coastal geology mapping: An example from the Sverdrup Lowland, District of Franklin 39 K. ATTOH: Pre-and post-Dore sequences in the Wawa volcanic belt, Ontario 49 GUSTAVS VILKS and YING WANG: Surface texture of quartz grains and sedimentary processes on the southeastern Labrador Shelf 55 T.P. POULTON: Stratigraphic distribution and taxonomic notes on bivalves of the Bathonian and Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Upper Yakoun Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia 63 H.H. BOSTOCK: A granitic diapir of batholitic dimensions at the west margin of the Churchill Province 73 R.M. EASTON: Geology of Grant Lake and Four Corners Lake map areas, Wopmay Orogen, District of Mackenzie 83 A.L. LITTLE3OHN: Alteration products of accessory allanite in radioactive granites from the Canadian Shield 95 R.H. FILLON, I.A. HARDY, F.J.E. WAGNER, J.T. ANDREWS, and H.W. 3OSENHANS: Labrador Shelf: Shell and total organic matter - 1I(C date discrepancies 105 A.N. LECHEMINANT, T.R. IANNELLI, B. ZAITLIN, and A.R. MILLER: Geology of Tebesjuak Lake map area, District of Keewatin: A progress report 113 3.R. MACKAY: Dating the Horton River breakthrough, District of Mackenzie 129 R.3. MOTT and E.A. CHRISTIANSEN: Palynological study of slough sediments from central Saskatchewan 133 R.D. LORRAIN, R.A. SOUCHEZ, and 3.L. TISON: Characteristics of basal ice from two outlet glaciers in the Canadian Arctic - Implications for glacier erosion 137 N.C. OLLERENSHAW: Parcel 82, Dominion Coal Block, southeastern British Columbia .... 1*5 P. McLAREN, W.B. BARRIE, and J.M. SEMPELS: The coastal morphology and sedimentology of Cape Hatt: Implications for the Baffin Island Oil Spill Project (BIOS) 153 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL NOTES NOTES SCIENTIFIQUES ET TECHNIQUES T.3. LEWIS and G.J. WOODSWORTH: Heat generation in the northern Hogem Batholith and nearby plutons of McConnell Creek map area, British Columbia 163 R.M. GAGNE: Bedrock topography of the Tilbury area, Ontario 165 W.M. SCHWERDTNER, C.K. MAWER and A.F. HUBBS: Geology of the Gravenhurst region, Grenville Structural Province, Ontario: Preliminary mapping results 167 S.G. EVANS and D.M. CRUDEN: Landslides in the Kamloops Group in south-central British Columbia: A progress report 170 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORTS RAPPORTS SCIENTIFIQUES ET TECHNIQUES BICKFORD AND GORMAN CREEK, TWO NEW FORMATIONS OF THE JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS MINNES GROUP, ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA Project 780039 D.F. Stott Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Calgary Stott, D.F., Bickford and Gorman Creek, two new formations of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Mimes Group, Alberta and British Columbia; in Current Research, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-1B, p. 1-9, 1981. Abstract A thick succession of marine to continental clastic rocks of latest Jurassic (Tithonian) to early Cretaceous (Berriasian to Valanginian) age, are included in the Minnes Group. In Carbon Creek basin, the group can be subdivided into four formations, which are, in ascending order, Monteith, Beattie Peaks, Monach, and Bickford (new). In the Kakwa region, only two formations are recognized, Monteith and the overlying Gorman Creek (new). Both the Bickford and Gorman Creek formations are truncated in an easterly to northeasterly direction by the pre-Bullhead unconformity and probably are not represented in the Plains. The Bickford Formation, about 350 m thick in the type region, comprises carbonaceous mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone with thin coal seams. It is of mid- to late Valanginian age. The Gorman Creek Formation, about 1100 m thick in the type region, also contains carbonaceous sediments with coal seams. It is equivalent of the Beattie Peaks, Monach, and Bickford formations and is of early to late Valanginian age. 126' 40" * , NORTHWEST TERRITORIES_ J HARD1 '~'/*l'~~\ Kl. 1 T r" ' Introduction PLATEAU/ As part of regional studies of Cretaceous rocks in the northern Foothills of Alberta and British Columbia (Fig. 1.1), the writer, over a period of many years, has accumulated much data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous succession lying between the Jurassic Fernie Formation and the Lower Cretaceous Cadomin Formation. In the meantime, coaJ exploration in northeastern British Columbia has proceeded rapidly and created a need for the definition of stratigraphic units currently in use.