
2020 Year of the Upper Room 6th Session: July 20th - Aug 28th 2020 40 Days of Flourish and Fruitfulness - Acts 12:24 My 5 to pray for and share with: ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Islamic Tribe of Baloch Baloch Rind Mus- Brahui Muslims of Barwala (Muslim tra- Brahui Jhalawan Mus- Dhobi (Muslim tradi- Pakistan and Indian 20 of Pakistan 21 lims of Pakistan 22 23 ditions) of Pakistan 24 lims of Pakistan 25 tions) of Pakistan 26 God, please raise up a genera- Father, make your disciples Father, we pray that your disci- Father, help us to love those Lord, help us in every way Father, remind your disciples Thank you, Father, that you tion of disciples who are ready will live their lives as imitators ples will love you with all their who persecute us. Help us to possible to shine as beacons they are the salt of the earth. have made us the light of the for you and your kingdom to of Jesus in everything they do. heart, all their soul, all their do good to those who say all of light in a dark world so that Help us to live our lives in full world. Help us to shine brightly come in glory. Help us to be reflections of you. mind and all their strength. kinds of things against us. others may see and be set free. commitment to you. in the darkness of this age. Revelation 19:7-9 1 Corinthians 11:1 John 14:15 Matthew 5:44-45 Matthew 5:16 Matthew 5:13 Matthew 5:14-16 Dhund Muslims of Pa- Gujar (Muslim tradi- Gujjar (Muslim tradi- Hajam Muslims of Pakistan Shaikh Qureshi Mus- Jatt (Muslim tradi- Jhinwar (Muslim tra- kistan and 27 tions) of Pakistan 28 tions) of Pakistan 29 30 lims of Pakistan 31 tions) of Pakistan 1 ditions) of Pakistan 2 Father, we ask you to help new Father, we ask you to help your We pray that your disciples Father, we ask you to put a fight Jesus, thank you for clothing us Father, you said that if any man Father, we ask you to teach believers learn to hear your disciples to grow in the grace will overcome evil and the evil in the hearts of your disciples. in your armor. Teach us to live lacks wisdom they can ask for your disciples how to watch voice. Teach them how to listen that Jesus has provided for one. Teach them how to stand Help each one of them to know everyday in the salvation that it. So we ask you to give your over their hearts. Keep them and obey you. them, which is sufficient for us. against every temptation. that they are in a war. you have provided. disciples wisdom. pure and cleansed. John 10:27-28 2 Peter 3:18 Romans 12:21 1 Timothy 6:12 Ephesians 6:11 Proverbs 4:5 Proverbs 4:23 Kamboh (Muslim tra- Kashmiri (Muslim tra- (Muslim tradi- Muslims of Pa- Kumhar (Muslim tra- Lohar (Muslim tradi- Machhi (Muslim tra- ditions) of Pakistan 3 ditions) of Pakistan 4 tions) of Pakistan 5 kistan and India 6 ditions) of Pakistan 7 tions) of Pakistan 8 ditions) of Pakistan 9 Father, help your disciples to Father, your kingdom is righ- Jesus, we ask you to empower Jesus, we ask for a clear revela- Jesus, empower your disciples Father, as Jesus asked you to Father, your name is above ev- trust you in everything. From teousness, peace and joy. We your disciples to run this race tion of your power and nature to go out into their community keep his disciples from the evil ery name. We ask you to keep the big decisions to the smallest ask you to fill your disciples of life expecting to win the so that your disciples can use and heal, cleanse, cast out dev- one, so we ask you to protect your disciples in the power of things they face. with each of these. prize. the keys to your Kingdom. ils and raise the dead. the disciples of this generation. your name. Guard them. Proverbs 3:5 Romans 14:17 1 Corinthians 9:24 Matthew 16:19 Matthew 10:7-8 John 17:15 John 17:11 Mewati (Muslim tra- (Muslim tradi- (Muslim tradi- Moghal Muslims Mussali Muslims Pashtun Maliar Mus- Pashtun Muslims ditions) of Pakistan 10 tions) of Pakistan 11 tions) of Pakistan 12 of Pakistan 13 of Pakistan 14 lims of Pakistan 15 of Pakistan 16 Father, we ask you to help your Jesus, teach your disciples to Your Love covers a multitude of Father, we ask you to help your Father, we ask you to help your Father, We ask you to give your Father, give your disciples disciples not to love the things love one another. Keep your sins, Father. Teach your disci- disciples to wait for you in disciples to continue to perse- disciples an understanding everything they need as they of this world. Fill their hearts disciples from divisions that ples how to stay fervent in love every situation they face. Teach vere through every trial they of what it means to be your continue walking with you with an affection for you. will destroy relationships. for each other and you. them how to follow your lead. face. friend. through these trials. 1 John 2:15 John 15:12 1 Peter 4:8 Isaiah 40:31 James 1:12 John 15:14 James 1:2-4 Muslims of Pakistan Muslims of Pakistan Sindhi Mohanao Mus- Sindhi Sama Mus- Tanaoli Muslims (Muslim tra- Teli (Muslim tradi- 17 18 lims of Pakistan 19 lims of Pakistan 20 of Pakistan 21 ditions) of Pakistan 22 tions) of Pakistan 23 Father, you have chosen each of Father, build your disciples in Lord, give your disciples a Jesus, we ask you to help your Father, you said “be Holy as I Father, we ask you to trans- Lord, show your disciples the your disciples. You have called Faith. Fill them with gratitude passion for obedience over disciples to continue choosing am Holy”. We ask you to teach form the lives of your disciples beauty of the place you dwell them by name. You have set and joy as they continue to knowledge and action over you everyday in the face of the your disciples what it means to through your Word, your Spirit and fill them with a longing your seal on them. overcome in their journey. discussion. many trials that they will face. be Holy. and your Power. and desire to be with you. 1 Peter 2:9 Colossians 2:6-7 James 1:22 James 1:12 Romans 12:1 Romans 12:2 Philippians 2:3 Bhatti (Muslim Rajput Chauhan (Muslim Rajput Jadon Hin- Rajput Kumaoni Hin- Rajput Rathor (Muslim) traditions) of Pakistan 24 traditions) of Pakistan 25 dus of India 26 dus of India 27 of Pakistan and India 28 GO2020 Year of the Upper Room Father, we ask you to teach Father, teach your disciples to Lord, thank you for the sacri- Father, fill your disciples with Father, we pray that your disci- http://www.go2020.world/prayer your disciples to think of others live in courageous obedience to fices and persecution that your your love, joy and the truth of ples will be filled with faith to more than themselves and to you. Keep them narrow in their disciples endure for the sake of your word so they will continue believe that you reward those Pray with others in the Virtual Global Upper Room. search for ways to serve others. focus on you. your Name. despite the hatred of the world. who seek you. Details: [email protected] Psalms 84:1-2 Joshua 1:7 Luke 14:33 John 17:14 Hebrews 11:6