Nomenclatorial Rectifications and Comments on Some European Neogene Nassariid and Buccinid Gastropoda

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Nomenclatorial Rectifications and Comments on Some European Neogene Nassariid and Buccinid Gastropoda Arch. Molluskenkunde | 140 | (1) | 29–35 | | Frankfurt am Main, 30.06.2011 Nomenclatorial rectifications and comments on some European Neogene nassariid and buccinid Gastropoda (Prosobranchia: Nassariidae; Buccinidae) 1 2 MATHIAS HARZHAUSER & WALTER CERNOHORSKY Abstract Several primary homonyms have been discovered for Miocene buccinoid gastropods of Europe. Herein we try to clarify these cases by proposing available replacement names. For three taxa new replacement names are introduced: Nassarius fritzsteiningeri nov. nom., (pro Nassa dispar BOETT- GER 1902), N. signatodentis nov. nom. (pro Buccinum signatum “PARTSCH” HÖRNES 1852) and N. taurinospeciosus nov. nom. (pro Nassa speciosa BELLARDI 1882). Key words: Gastropoda, Nassariidae, Buccinidae, Paratethys Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Mio- cene, homonyms, taxonomy eschweizerbartxxx sng- Kurzfassung Etliche primäre Homonyme fanden sich für miozäne buccinoide Gastropoden Europas. Wir versuchen diese Fälle zu klären und verfügbare Ersatznamen vorzuschlagen. Für drei Taxa werden neue Ersatznamen eingeführt: Nassarius fritzsteiningeri nov. nom., (pro Nassa dispar BOETTGER 1902), N. signatodentis nov. nom. (pro Buccinum signatum „PARTSCH“ HÖRNES 1852) und N. tauri- nospeciosus nov. nom. (pro Nassa speciosa BELLARDI 1882). Schlüsselwörter: Gastropoda, Nassariidae, Buccinidae, Paratethys, Mittelmeer, Miozän, Ho- monyme, Taxonomie Introduction Bearing in mind the slow interchange of communica- to another more appropriate one (e.g. from Buccinum tion, distribution of journals and the absence of a register to Nassa and from Nassa to Nassarius) was an added of zoological taxa during the 19th century, duplication of cause of the duplication of scientific names. A major fac- scientific names for the Animal Kingdom was often una- tor contributing to molluscan homonymy is the separate voidable. The re-assignment of species from one genus monographic treatment of living and extinct species of Authors’ addresses: 1 MATHIAS HARZHAUSER, Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; E-mail: mathias.harzhauser@nhm- 2 WALTER CERNOHORSKY, Auckland Institute & Museum, Private Bag 92018, Auckland, New Zealand; E-mail: [email protected]. © E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 2011, ISSN 1869–0963 DOI 10.1127/arch.moll/1869-0963/140/029-035 30 HARZHAUSER, M. & CERNOHORSKY, W.: Rectifications and comments on some Neogene Gastropoda a genus. In generic groups containing numerous species cussed for extant taxa by CERNOHORSKY (1984). Simi- like the Turridae, Buccinidae and Nassariidae, only time larly, HARZHAUSER & KOWALKE (2004) and LANDAU et al. and space and the expertise of the author allow the treat- (2009) provided a survey on many Miocene and Pliocene ment of either living or extinct species. In large species- Nassariidae taxa and tried to solve the synonymy for groups, a monographic treatment of a certain geographi- the fossil taxa. Nevertheless, several homonyms with cal region is also quite common. A malacologist dealing extant species were overlooked for the Miocene taxa. with living species should take into consideration the ex- Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to correct ho- istence of names previously proposed for fossil species. monymous species-group names within the Nassaridae Many homonyms and complex synonyms within the and Bucinidae with a focus on Miocene taxa from the gastropod family Nassariidae have been solved and dis- Paratethys and the Mediterranean seas. 1. New names for primary homonyms Buccinoidea RAFINESQUE 1815 Nassarius signatus, – HARZHAUSER & KOWALKE 2004: 13, pl. 1, fig. 9 (cum syn) Nassariidae IREDALE 1916 Nassariinae IREDALE 1916 R e m a r k s : Buccinum signatum HÖRNES 1852 is a primary homonym of Buccinum signatum DUNKER 1847. Nassarius DUMÉRIL 1806 Both are treated as Nassarius in the modern literature (CERNOHORSKY 1984, HARZHAUSER & KOWALKE 2004). No Type species: Buccinum arcularia LINNAEUS 1758 replacement name exists for the species from the Langhi- – Recent, Indo-Pacific an (= Badenian) of the Paratethys Sea so far. The charac- teristic sculpture and aperture, described by HARZHAUSER Nassarius fritzsteiningeri nom. nov. & KOWALKE (2004), allow a clear separation from coeval nassariids of the Mediterranean area described by BEL- Nassa (Niotha) dispar BOETTGER 1902: 20 (non Nassa dispar eschweizerbartxxx sng- LARDI AccO ADAMS 1852) (1882) and S (1904). When describing the Nassarius dispar, – HARZHAUSER & KOWALKE 2004: 24 (cum new species, HÖRNES (1852) used the manuscript name syn) Buccinum signatum of Paul PARTSCH, who referred to the prominent denticles of the aperture by the species name R e m a r k s : Nassa dispar BOETTGER 1902 is a pri- signatum. To adopt this thought we introduce the name mary homonym of Nassa dispar A. ADAMS 1852, which “signatodentis” as replacement name for the preoccupied are both treated as Nassarius (CERNOHORSKY 1984, HAR- “signatum”. ZHAUSER & KOWALKE 2004). Although this rare species Ty p e m a t e r i a l : The type specimens are stored in has affinities with the polymorph Nassarius schoenni the collections of Natural History Museum in Vienna (HOERNES & AUINGER 1882) the separation on species (see HARZHAUSER & KOWALKE 2004 for details). level seems to be justified. The thin shell, the weak pa- rietal callus, the broad and expanding callus close to the Nassarius taurinospeciosus nom. nov. siphonal canal and the rather broad and stepped spire distinguish the species from representatives of Nassarius Nassa speciosa BELLARDI 1882: 43, pl. 2, figs. 22 a–b (non schoenni. It may represent an Early Langhian offshoot of Nassa speciosa A. ADAMS 1852) this Miocene shallow water species. We propose Nassa- Nassa speciosa, – FERRERO MORTARA et al. 1981: 228, pl. 21, rius fritzsteiningeri as replacement name for Nassa dis- figs. 6 a–b par BOETTGER 1902 in honor of the great earth-scientist Fritz Steininger. R e m a r k s : Nassa speciosa BELLARDI 1882 is a pri- Type material: The type specimen is housed in mary homonym of Nassa speciosa A. ADAMS 1852, the collection of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt which are both treated as Nassarius (CERNOHORSKY 1984, (see ZILCH 1934 for details). HARZHAUSER & KOWALKE 2004). Herein we propose tau- rinospeciosus as new name as combination of “taurino”, referring to the Colli Torinesi, and “speciosus”, to adopt Nassarius signatodentis nom. nov. the original name of BELLARDI (1882). The species was Buccinum signatum “PARTSCH” HÖRNES 1852: 142, pl. 12, figs. described from the Burdigalian of the Colli Torinesi in 7a–b (non Buccinum signatum DUNKER 1847) Italy. It is characterised by a rather barrel shaped last Author's proofs only: not for public release HARZHAUSER, M. & CERNOHORSKY, W.: Rectifications and comments on some Neogene Gastropoda 31 whorl and a stepped, rapidly contracting spire of weakly in N. taurinospeciosus and always spirally elongated in convex whorls. The conspicuous sculpture consists of N. poelsensis. Moreover, the inner lip of N. poelsensis is slightly oblique axial rows of blunt knobs. This species is more callous and the outer lip is thickened. reminiscent of Nassarius poelsensis (HILBER 1879) from Another reminiscent species is Nassarius crossei the Langhian of the Paratethys Sea (HARZHAUSER & KOW- (MAYER 1862) from the Burdigalian of Saucats in France ALKE 2004) and might represent its ancestor. Differences (described in detail by PEYROT 1925) which differs in its between both species are 1. the point of maximum con- more spherical last whorl and the densely spaced and vexity and maximum diameter of the last whorl, which is flatter nodes. at the transition between flank and base in N. poelsensis Type material: The type specimen is stored in but in the adsutural third of the whorl in N. taurinospe- the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali in Torino, Italy ciosus, 2. the knobby nodes which are subquadrangular (see FERRERO MORTARA et al. 1981 for details). 2. Problematic species Nassarius obesus (BELLARDI 1882) species inquirenda perficially similar species such as Nassarius subovatus (BELLARDI 1882). A morphologically very similar species Nassa obesa BELLARDI 1882: 94, pl. 6, figs. 8a–b (non Nassa OERNES UINGER obesa NEVILL & NEVILL, 1875) is Nassarius hochstetteri (H & A 1882) from the Langhian of the Paratethys Sea. It develops R e m a r k s : Nassa obesa BELLARDI 1882 is a primary a similar stout, drop-shaped ovoid outline and a very homonym of Nassa obesa NEVILL & NEVILL 1875. Nassa similar sculpture of blunt ribs which tips protrude into obesa BELLARDI 1882 was described from the Luigi Di the interspaces of the ribs of the precursor whorl. Ap- Rovasenda collection as very rare shell from the Middle ertural features with distinct denticles in the outer lip Miocene locality Albugnano in the Colli Torinesi in Ita- and a small parietal denticle are also comparable in both ly. The specimen, along with parts of that collection, was species. Differences, however, are the strong denticle destroyed during the Second World War (pers. comm. of the outer lip close to the posterior canal of the Italian Daniele ORMEZZANO, Museo Regionale di. Scienze Natu- specimen, its much larger size, attaining more than the eschweizerbartxxx sng- rali, Torino; July 2010) and no additional material is double height of N. hochstetteri and the low protoconch known so far to the authors. of the latter species. Nassarius bearnensis (PEYROT 1925) BELLARDI (1882) gives a detailed description of this from the Middle Miocene of France is reminiscent
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