Innovation and Evolution at the Edge: Origins and Fates of Gastropods with a Labral Tooth

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Innovation and Evolution at the Edge: Origins and Fates of Gastropods with a Labral Tooth Biological Journal of the Linneun Society (2001), 72: 461-508. With 3 figures @ doi:10.1006/bijl.2001.0524, available online at http;// on IDE bL* Innovation and evolution at the edge: origins and fates of gastropods with a labral tooth GEERAT J. VEMEIJ Department of Geology, University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA Received 22 August 2000; accepted for publication 8 January 2001 I combined data from the taxonomy, phylogeny, functional morphology, biogeography, and fossil record of gastropods to probe the origins, distribution, and fates of predatory gastropod clades characterized by the presence of a labral tooth, a downwardly projecting tooth or spine formed at the edge of the outer lip of the shell. A labral tooth occurs in at least 608 species, of which 251 are Recent. Studies of the type and position of the labral tooth, along with other characters, indicate that the labral tooth has evolved independently at least 58 times, beginning in the Campanian epoch of the late Cretaceous. The labral tooth plays a more or less active part in predation on relatively large prey animals that are protected by a hard skeleton. In the Recent fauna, tooth-bearing species are overwhelmingly warm-temperate to tropical in distribution (240 of 251 species; %Yo). Within Muricidae (excluding Coralliophilinae), however, there is no discernible latitudinal gradient in the number of tooth-bearing species relative to total regional diversity. First appearances of clades with a labral tooth are overwhelmingly concentrated in the late Oligocene to Pleistocene interval, with the largest number appearing during the early Miocene (12 clades). The temporal pattern differs significantly from that expected on the basis of the number of faunas available per time interval, and is therefore not an artifact of sampling or fossil preservation. The most consistent factor associated with, and permitting the repeated evolution of, the labral tooth is high planktonic primary productivity. Two factors may account for the link between primary productivity and the evolution of labral teeth: (1) the general economic opportunity afforded by ready availability of an access to nutrients, and (2) the greater abundance and sizes range of available suspension-feeding prey animals. Incumbency-the presence of already well-adapted species-ften controls evolutionary opportunity. The complementary distributions of major tooth-bearing clades in many parts of the world point to the role of well-adapted incumbents in limiting the adaptive exploration by other clades that could in principle evolve a labral tooth. The elimination of incumbents by extinction, however, does not provide opportunities for other clades to fill the adaptive void. 0 2001 The Linnean Society of London ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: labral tooth - innovation - productivity - Neogene - Gastropoda. INTRODUCTION hindsight have proved to be long-lasting and con- sequential. For example, so-called key innovations are Innovation-the origin of new characters-’ is a re- recognized because they made possible the es- current theme in evolution and in human economic tablishment of new economic entities with dis- history. Despite its great retrospective importance, we proportionately large effects on other entities (Vermeij, still know little about the circumstances surrounding 1999a) or because they led to prodigious diversification innovation. When, how, and under what circumstances in the clades in which they arose (Schaeffer & Hecht, new characters arise? Which factors determine do 1965; Heard & Hauser, 1995; Hunter & Jernvall, 1995; whether an innovation is a short-lived inconsequential Galis & Drucker, 1996). Some innovations are so rare trial balloon or an event with long-range repercussions that a systematic study is impractical; there are simply for diversity and economic structure? too few instances among which comparisons can be In order to answer these and other questions, we made, with the result that a hypothetical link between must approach the subject of innovation systematically innovation and its effect must remain a ‘just-so’ rather than anecdotally. Most previous studies of in- an scenario that is difficult to evaluate without additional novation have concentrated on those novelties that in evidence (Lauder, 1981). Maynard Smith & Szathmhry (1999), for example, argue that such far-reaching in- E-mail: [email protected] novations as the origin of the eukaryotic cell and the 461 0024-4066/01/040461+48 $35.00/0 0 2001 The Linnean Society of London Downloaded from by guest on 06 August 2018 462 G. J. VERMEIJ origin of language were unique events in the history the timing and location of developmental events, and of life. the establishment of partnerships or symbioses among The study of innovations and their effects therefore organisms from different phylogenetic backgrounds. requires the identification of characters that arose Innovations arising from intrinsic breakthroughs in many times independently. For organisms, this re- genetic and developmental architecture often enable quires skeletal characters preserved in fossils in clades organisms to compartmentalize functions, carry out that are well understood phylogenetically and that multiple functions simultaneously, and free up struc- have a geographically and stratigraphically abundant tures and resources for possible new roles (see e.g. fossil record. This approach of analysing the origins, Vermeij, 1973; Kirschner & Gerhart, 1998). Well- distribution, and fates of minor innovations is the one known examples include the functional separation be- I take in this paper. tween the jaw dentition and the pharyngeal grinding The minor innovation I have chosen to analyse is apparatus in cichlid and related labroid fishes (Liem the labral tooth, a downwardly projecting tooth or 1973; Galis & Drucker, 1996); the evolution of part- spine formed at the edge of the outer lip of the shell nerships such as the eukaryotic cell, algal-fungal as- of many predatory gastropods. For several years, I have sociations, mycorrhizae and land plants, and sociality been studying the taxonomy, phylogeny, functional (Margulis, 1981; Buss, 1987; Maynard Smith & Szath- morphology, and distribution of labral-tooth-bearing mary, 1999); the evolution of internal fertilization gastropods and their relatives. My purpose here is to (West-Eberhard, 1983; Vermeij, 199613); and the pro- present a synthesis of this work, with the ultimate duction of extra cusps on mammalian teeth (Hunter goal of understanding the conditions that favour the & Jernvall, 1995; Jernvall, 2000). origin and spread of evolutionary novelties. In explanations based on external triggers, en- After identifying the clades in which a labral tooth vironmental changes provide opportunities for in- has evolved and discussing the structure and possible novation. Such changes fall into several categories. In functions of the labral tooth, I shall outline the phylo- established ecosystems, well-adapted incumbent spe- genetic, geographical, ecological, and stratigraphic dis- cies offer potential resistance both to would-be in- tribution of the feature; and I shall ask where, when, vaders, which in general are less well adapted to and in what kinds of environments the labral tooth prevailing conditions, and to the evolution of pheno- has arisen. Drawing on evidence concerning other in- types that are already represented among incumbents. novations, I shall then assess the generality of the Opportunities for innovation should therefore increase patterns and results obtained in this study. when incumbents are overexploited or dsappear. Under this scenario, it follows that episodes of in- BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESES novation should be concentrated after large extinction events. THE CONDITIONS FOR INNOVATION A second view, not necessarily in conflict with the Evolutionary innovations in morphology are like tech- first, is that increases in the availability of raw nical inventions by humans. They usually improve the materials and biologically useful energy provide op- effectiveness of some function or open up previously portunities for innovation. For example, episodes of unavailable economic possibilities, and are therefore large-scale submarine volcanism, which release vast both predictors and products of economic growth quantities of nutrients, greenhouse gases, and heat, (Mokyr, 1990). Whether an innovation in fact con- are associated with the evolution of energy-intensive tributes to long-term success depends on the mag- phenotypes and with diversification (Vermeij, 1995, nitude of the benefits of the innovation to individuals 2001~).Innovation is especially likely when the per- and the more inclusive groups to which those in- capita energy budget expands, so that new functions dividuals belong, as well as on the responsiveness of can be added and old ones can be enhanced without the ecosystems in which the innovation arises and of undue compromise. Expansion under a regime of in- the economic entities with which the bearers of the tense selection due to enemies and allies therefore innovation interact. The question of origin is therefore favours the evolution of phenotypes that confer com- separate from the question of fate. petitive, defensive, and reproductive benefits. Explanations for the time of appearance of evolu- Mass extinctions often eliminate competitively and tionary innovations emphasize
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    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES ISTo. 146 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT Pit IN TING OFFICE 189C UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHAKLES D. WALCOTT, DI11ECTOK BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX NORTH AMEEICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETEOLOGT, AND MINERALOGY THE YEA.R 1895 FEED BOUGHTON WEEKS WASHINGTON Cr O V E U N M K N T P K 1 N T I N G OFFICE 1890 CONTENTS. Page. Letter of trail smittal...... ....................... .......................... 7 Introduction.............'................................................... 9 List of publications examined............................................... 11 Classified key to tlio index .......................................... ........ 15 Bibliography ............................................................... 21 Index....................................................................... 89 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEEIOE, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DIVISION OF GEOLOGY, Washington, D. 0., June 23, 1896. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a Bibliography and Index of North American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology, and Mineralogy for the year 1895, and to request that it be published as a bulletin of the Survey. Very respectfully, F. B. WEEKS. Hon. CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director United States Geological Survey. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETROLOGY, AND MINER­ ALOGY FOR THE YEAR 1895. By FRED BOUGHTON WEEKS. INTRODUCTION. The present work comprises a record of publications on North Ameri­ can geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1895. It is planned on the same lines as the previous bulletins (Nos. 130 and 135), excepting that abstracts appearing in regular periodicals have been omitted in this volume. Bibliography. The bibliography consists of full titles of separate papers, classified by authors, an abbreviated reference to the publica­ tion in which the paper is printed, and a brief summary of the con­ tents, each paper being numbered for index reference.
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