ISSN 1834-4259 NO. 162 JULY, 2017 Triphoridae in northern New South Wales – diversity and new records. Lynton D. Stephens Email:
[email protected] The coastline of northern New South Wales possesses a -tional sources of information on south-eastern Austral- high diversity of molluscs and was an apt venue for the ian species include Wilson (1993), Stephens & Vafiadis MALSOC conference in Nov-Dec 2015. The faunal (2015) and Stephens (2015). composition of the area is largely a mix of three groups: 1). temperate Australian species at or near their northern Between 2008 and 2015 I was fortunate to spend sev- end of range; 2). incursive tropical species, and 3). east- eral months on the northern NSW coast and was able ern seaboard endemics. North of Coffs Harbour the to collect and analyse some fairly extensive samples of fauna is quite different from that seen even around Syd- shellgrit. Upon the publication of Beechey (2015), I ney, with, as one might expect, a much higher diversity realised that several identified species had not been and proportion of tropical species present. previously recorded from NSW, and/or not illustrated by Beechey. A few short notes on these and other spe- Emblematic of this is the family Triphoridae, a group of cies are provided below, including 8 new records for generally sinistral gastropods which feed on sponges. NSW. The presence of unrecognised Triphoridae in Temperate Australian species were reviewed by Marshall the north of the state is no surprise; nevertheless, this (1983), who imaged most using SEM. A very useful information may be of benefit to anyone sampling or guide was published more recently by Beechey (2015), surveying in the area.