Teaching-Guides; United Womens

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Teaching-Guides; United Womens DOCUMENT RESUME / ED.227 011, SO 014 467 AUTHOR Bagnall, Carlene; And Others ' - TITLE New Woman, New World: The AmericanExperience. INSTITUTION Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Womens Studies Program. SPONS AGENCY National Endowment for the Humanitieg (NFAH), Washington, D.C. ,PUB DATE 77 0. GRANT" EH2-5643-76-772 NOTE 128p. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use -/Guides (For Teachers) (052) p EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS American Indians; Androgyny; Artists; Assertiveness; Blacks; *Family (Sociological Unit); *Females; Feminism; *Health; Higher Education; Immigrants; Interdisciplinary Approach; *Labor Fotce; *Social .tf . Changer *Socialization; Teaching-Guides; United States History; Units of Study; Womens Athletics; Womens Studies ABSTRACT 'A college-level women's studies course on the experience of American women is presented in threeunits onsthe emerging American woman, woman and others, and ,thetranscendent self. Unit 1 focuses on biological and psychologicalexplanations of being female; the socialization process; Black,Native American, and immigra41 women; schooling and its function as IE.-gender-1'01e modifier; and the effect of conflicting forces inone's life. Unit 2 discusses the patriarchal family; the familyin American history; matriarchies, communes, and extended families; women alone andfemale friendshipsrwomen and work in America; and caring forwomen's ,bodies, gouls, and minds. Topics in the finalunit include the status of women, women asLagents of social change,and women AS artists. AthleXics, centering, assertiveness training,and,consciousness raising are also discussed. Materials fromliterature and the social sciences form the focus for each unit,wilich contains an introduction, study questions, and an annotatedlist of required and suggested reading. The appendix includesguidelines for oral history intervi'ews and research paiers. A general bibliographyincludes a guide to audiovisual materials. (KC) . "&" ***************************************.*****************-**************** * * Reproductions supplied byEDR/ Sare the best that can be made * from the qriginal document. * *********************************************************************** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) ; This document #1.23treeh reprcducett as VIC±Cir ICI.* ramrod from tho pcmoir or oroanizdtion oronatinp it. N , X' Minor changes havo hemmado to improvo reproduction cjbolity. _ . Points of viow or opiniona mated in this decii. TO 'THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES mord do not ntccccartly rumen! of ficial NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." position or policy. a NEW WOMAN, NEW WORLD: THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE .74. BY CARLENE aliGNALL MARTHA BROWN 4 DARYL HAFTER MARILYN Huss . if DORIS CORBET NANCY KUSHIGIAN lat 1. EDITED BY MARYI. EDWARDS .) WOMEN'S STUDIES CURRICULUM SERIES WOMEN"S STUDIES CURRICULUWDEVELORMENT PROJECT funded by Tbe National Endowment for the Humanities v Women's Studies Program 2 Ithaversity 'Of Michigan S. 1 .1 AllRi$tsReserved Women's Stip:lies Program The University of Michigan 1977 C. 4 I. Prelace . The Women's Studies'Curriculum Series consi'sts of four interdisciplinary courses: Women and Identity', Women's Art .and Culture, A Cros's Cultural Study of Women, and New Woman, NeW World: The American Experience. Addressed to t chers.of 111 Women's Studies in American Colleges, community co leges, and' -universities, the.courses provide both a concept al framework ,(and the'resource materials necessary for the stu y of women in each subj,ect area. Introductory remarks define the goals of each course ind the-main ideas of individual units; lecture outlines (or lecture topics) describe in skeletal form the specific points to be covered in class ;. annotated biblio- graphic materials (including films, slides, records, etc.) suggest resources for students and teachers; quotations for discussion pose central issues which may be discussed in class or shaped topics or exam questions. Each course deliberately provides mire material thanwouldordi- Aarily be covered in one, semester so that teachers may select and adapt the materials to wit the eeds of their students. We envision many uses for the Series. First, the courses/were,specifica.11ydesigned to fill the currilcalar gap between the now widely taught inttoductory courses in . ( Women's Studies (commonly, a broadlr interdisciplinary treat- \ Wf ment of issues affecting the, live)s of womep) and-the,more iii iI PS marrow specialized research seminar. Each course considers its subjeCt from the perspectiVe of at least two disciplines, and ideally should be tedm taught. The Series also provides , resources for teachers wishing to add material on women to coursee in the.traditioftal currioulum. For example, a - teacher of 'Chinese History Might adopt materials from the "Women in China" unit of A_ Cross Cultural Study of Women; teachers of cOurses,ranging Orj:Art History to Home Economics., will find Women's. Art 'and Culture a valuable\resource;. the -extensive bibliograp hy in New Woman, New World: The American ) . -1 , ... ,Experience should,b uSefuf to all. Morebver,/the iour I t courses-in the Se ies/P/ complement and clarify each other, and. 1 1 may be used fn combination. For example, several of the courses briefly consider the subject of matriarchy;. the teacher wishing(to develop a full unit on this topic might comAare these treatpents, and then consult A Cross Cultural 0 Study of Women.for a lengthier analySis. _Both Women and Identity and New Wothan, NeW World:.The American Experience rconsider'women's4 role in social change, while Women's Art v, and Culture includes a secti:on on art as social-protest; II thus a full unit on womeh and social change would include materials from several courses. Finally, the Series offei's a solid curricula!' base for a collegelor university'snewly founded Women's Studiesqlrogr'pm, as. well as the means to enrich and update the cdiiicularoiferings of well-established programs. 1 0 0. The cou'rses in the Series try to teacd.students to think criiically about the'complex historical,' political, social, .psychoIogicai;.and aesthetic questi9ns)raised by the mew' scholarship On. women. We believe that scholarship,perhapa espebially that whióh derivea from humanistic study,lihmines and 'ats best can transform the lives of people. Since Women's Studies scholars.and teacheiS knowthit scholakly eVidence need not be divorced from the truth of personal . experience, wileqever Possible, we suggest ways forstudents - ,to connect their study with their lives. Perhaps most im- , *portant, we recognize that goodteachers tealch good courses; t, we rely, on kour energy and talent tobring these courses to life. Acknowledgments 54 The impetus for what became the WomegisStudies CurriMum- Development,Project Came from Professor Lolise Tillyin her , firstyear as Director of The Unipersity0)dichigan WoMen's 3tudies.Program.' Funded' by g;ant number)*2-5643-76-772 from the National Endowment for the Humanities,the project brOught together a group of Women's Studies scholarsand teachers-from in Southern , colleges, community coll.eges; and univprSities Michigan Aar a 'weekly Research on\Women Sleminat.,The Semlinar examined the new 'scholarship onwomen'in ',4he various disciplines inorddrto determine how it couId,best,beintegrated ihto°. the Women's Studies classroom. Task fofces of seminar members, representing Eastern Michigan, University., 'Central Michigan University, Western Michigan University, Schoolcraft College, and The University of Michigan then cooperatively designed - 11 ehe courses. I would like to thank the members of the Research'on Women. Seminar, particularly those from distant colleges an \ universities who made the weekly trek to Ann Allbor through 4 the historic Snows of the Winter of 1977. I am espeqially grateful to the.core gro6 of ta:sk force mepbers for creating / coherent courses out of compldx and vari6d\materials. Thanks also go to the Office of the Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and thd, Arts, The University of*Michigan, for provid',, ing initial funding and Office space for the project; to Martt Martell, of the University of Michigan Women's1Studies Program, for assisting in preparation of these materials; to Anita Clos, for her faithful assistance throughout the omen'S Studies CurricUlum Development Project; and to the National Endowment for the Humanities, whose views are not necess'arily represented by the findings and conclusions presented here. Mary I. Edwirds Women's Studies Program The University of Michigan vi fp' 1 New Women, New World: The American Experience _Table of Coxitents 1 - . Page Preface to the Women's Studies Curriculum Series Adknowledgment's Introduction to the Course Unit I: The EmergingAMeTican Woman 6 , . ,6 *Introduction ,. A. Growing Up Female in the New' World- 7 Required Readings - 9 , , Recommended Reading . Quedtione for Discussion 1 . Learning to be Femdle: Biological and Psychological "Explanations" 11 Required Readings.'t 12 Recommeided Reading 13 , Questions for Discussion 13 . C. Learning to be Female: The Socialization' Process 13 . 14 Required Readings t : 16 _ , Recommended Redding -, , Audio-visual Materials 18 Queitions for Ditcussion 19 D. Learning to'be Female Within a Sub-Culture: Black, Native AMerican, and Immigrant Women-. 19 Required Reading (Black Wonleft) 20 Recommended Reading (Black Women) 20\ 9 Audio-visual M5terials 22 4 Required
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