
'rcrfiß fomntoinsT FOR VOTE COMMUNIST FOR 1. Unemployment and Insurance at the ex- Social 4. Equal rights for the Negroes and self-determin- the employers. pense of and ation for the Black Belt. 2. Against Hoover’s wage-cutting policy. 5. Against capitalist terror; against all forms of J*. Emergency relief for poor farmers without the suppression of the political rights of workers. >• by ex- Dailu restrictions the and banks; emption of poor farmers from taxes, and no Central Party U.S.A. 6. Against imperialist war; for the defense of forced collection of rents or debts. the Chinese people and of the . (Section of the Communist International) Eatered as aecond-elaaa matter at the I’uat Office Vol. IX, No. 158 ¦t New York, N. Y„ nndrr the act of Mareh t, IWP NEW YORK, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1932 CITY EDITION Price 3 Cents DOAK AGENTS Testimony Not Wanted VETS CHEER Used Guns Against Chilean Masses in Santiago OPEN CALL TO “CRUSH SOVIET UNION” PUSH STEEL GEORGE PACE illlllllISSUED BY JAPANESE WAR MONGERS

MILL RAIDS .? * a v> ’ AT CAPITOL THROUGH MANCHURIAN STATE Foulkrod, Lackawanna, N. Y. Is Waters Man, Venomous Attack on Soviet Union Revives All Japanese War Pro- Scene of Latest Exposed As Ex-Burns vocation Slanders Against Workers’ Russia Attack Agency Detective PICK WAR INDUSTRIES VETS BALK AT DRILL Charges U. S. S. R. With Inspiring Heroic Resistance of Manchurian Masses to Bloody Japanese Invasion Dies Protest in Fifty Veteran Delegation to Wisconsin Towns Question Green Fought With Jobless, An open call o “crush the Will Remain in Field, Soviet Union” was made yes- WASHINGTON, 1). C., July Framed As ‘lnsane’; I.L.D. Lawyer States, LACKAWANA. N. Y., July 3.—Ter- (P. P. Pictures) terday by the Japanese war officials rorized by U. S. immigration Gow, maid 3.—George Pace, leader of the Student Now Freed Defying Attackers of Betty at the Lindbergh mongers. The call urges the for weeks in the mills and homes - home, who was to have testified at Workers Ex sen icemen’s the Bethlehem Steel Company, a MADISON, Wis., July 3.—Vigor- imperialist powers and the TAMPA. Fla., July 3. —Defying the trial of John Curtis, Norfolk League, spoke from the Capi- group of steel workers threw out a ous protests from workers, stu- Nanking Chi- (he armed mob and police which shipbuilder charged with "obstruct- butchers of the j half dozen plain clothes federal tol steps to 6,000 veterans and dents and members of the faculty brutally slugged him when he came ing justice” in the search for the nese masses to “join issue to agents from a pool hall on Ridge when he flayed (F. P. Pictures) of the University of Wisconsin has to the postoffice for his mail, Ber- Lindbergh baby. Fear that third- was cheered Road, Doak's agents attempted forced the release of Elmer I.uch- crush the Hideous Soviet am- j nard Ades, International Labor when degree methods of the state police the “High Command” and Troops of fascist-militarist dictator Carlos G. Davila shown with to arrest and hold them "for investi- terland, former student, from the bitipn.” It was issued through j Defense attorney defending the which drove Violet Sharpe, the rank and file control guns. .Picture taken shortly before overthrow of Colonel Grove, who was gation on illegal entry.” Scores of called for state insane hospital to which he the puppet govern- j framed-up Tampa prisoners, today Morrow maid, to suicide might charged with not proceeding harshly enough against Chilean revolutionary steel workers have been arrested in and militant action to win the bad been sent because of his lead- ment up by Japanese bayonets declared that no amount of terror creep into the trial, was the de- workers and Communist Party. set this manner in the past month. Offi- bonus. ership in a demonstration by the over mangled would force him from the field. ciding factor in not asking Betty in the cials of the Bethlehem Company have Pace his way to the front, Unemployed Council. bodies of tens thousands of mur- The 14 Tampa prisoners, two of Gow to testify. Curtis was con- forced of been co-operating with the immigra- following speeches Affidavits frem a number of dered Manchurian and peas- them girls are serving prison victed Friday and now faces a by Waters and workers tion officials not only here, but also Foulkrod hailing Roosevelt. Pace professors stated that Luchter- ants. terms varying from one to ten three-year prison term. His arrest in the Sparrows Point (Md.) plant was roundly applauded when he 1,000 IN SALT LAKE land was a brilliant student. War Move Admitted. years on framed-up charges grow- and conviction is the only “achieve- and others. Workers are called in to for overthrow His arrest for “blocking traffic” The sinister of ing out of their fight to build the ment” of the an in- called the of the Wat- significance the call j company and are being police following followed an attack by him upon of Tobacco Workers Industrial Union. the office ternational “hunt” for the Lind- ers clique, to formulate a definite as revealing Japrti on the brink arrested, held incommunicado for program demonstra- HEAR FOSTER ON THE the county relief officials. Two translating criminal provo- Some are in the Raiford prison bergh baby in which police and of country-wide her war J days and placed under heavy bail. tions with the aid of the unemployed doctors, who were brought in to cationA against the Soviet Union into; and others in notorious southern | gangdom united. road Many intimidated workers paid as and hold real democratic elections. TO END frame Luchterland reported him j active armed intervention against camps. much as $25 "for investigation” to Foulkrod Was Burns Man. FIQHT HUNGER "insone”, but after protects be- j I workers’ Russia is admitted in a Ades missed death at the hands these government racketeers. It was disclosed yesterday that gan to flood the local politicians, Manchurian dispatch to the New of lynchers some time ago when In War Industry. BRITISH SHAM Harold Foulkrod, Waters’ right hand Jobless Crowds Cheer As Communist Candi- two psychiatrists at the hospital York Times, which states: he. together with Helen Mays, NEW found the prisoner not insane, and came to defend Orphan Jones It is significant that these attacks man, is a former office manager of "Extreme tensity between the Jap- date Shows How Russian Workers .Superior Court Judge S. B. Shein, (Euel Lee), facing electrocution on the Workers are made especially the Burns Detective Agency in Phila- anese and Russians in Manchuria is by Victory who had ordered his commitment, report. Its on a framed-up murder charge. at this time of war preparations in ! “ARMS CUT PLAN” delphia. He was received cooly Gained indicated in this view of As a of the veterans yesterday when he was compelled to sign a release. events may be taken as that o/ the result the I. L. D. fight, such vital war industries as steel, stay evecution until next fail called on them to support Roovsevelt, Japanese, since the new state is dom- a of etc. Local Speakers A.F.L. Expulsion Plan has been won in this case. Wall St. Uses “Fourth” nothwithstanding the fact that the Score inated by more than 700 Japanese Inasmuch as only about 200 of 7,000 From its national office the I. L. ; Democratic convention almost unani- and “Citizens Party” Led by A.F.L. officials.” Bethlehem workers are employed in to Whip Up War Fever Fake AMTER ISSUES D. has vigorously denounmed the defeated the bonus j mously plank. , Revive War Lies . the mills since last month with the attack on Ades in Tampa. Meanwhile protests against SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, July 3.—William Z. Foster, Communist candi- city welfare depaitment completely While utilizing the Fourth of July the In their call for joint armed inter- hat-in-hand policy of the Waters date for President, told of the Soviet Union, the land where the workers' discontinuing any relief, the workers celebrations to whip up patriotic fer- CHALLENGE TO vention against the Soviet Union, the and demands rank rule has abolished unemployment, to over 1,000 mostly unemployed Salt now cannot afford to pay th° fed- vor and war hysteria, the U. S. Hun- clique for genuine Japanese militarists revive with in- and control were raised Lake workers who came to the Communist election rally in the Playhouse eral agents. Protests were raised by ger Government continues its pretense file vigor- creased venom all the slanderous, stu- 100,009 IN BERLIN the ranks of the S> Friday. workers at several mass meetings and of seeking a one-third reduction in ously throughout . pid, lying war-provocations against Expeditionary Forces. Foster S. P. NOMINEE in the Polish Catholic and Presby- the huge imperialist armaments thru Bonus Lead- showed these workers how. the Soviet Union. Workers’ Russia is ers of the Workers’ Ex-Servicemen’s by organizing, they can fight the terian churches against the terror. the sham Hoover "arms cut” pro- FOSTER, FORD ON I directly accused of inspiring the he-, IN ANTI-FASCIST. League of wage-cuts, by organizing, Lackawana workers have also sent posals. and rank and file veterans wave Communist Candidate roic resistance of the Manchurian were given a big ovation at a mass they can compel the granting of The masses to the brutal Japanese inva- proposals which aim to night Tuesday THREE) meeting of veterans Saturday some relief to the masses of unem- in Utica sion of country’. The USSR is DEMONSTRATION (CONTINUED ON PAGE strengthen at ILLINOIS BALLOT their at Pennsylvania Ave. and Eighth ployed. charged and incit- the expense of its rivals have been NEW YORK.—A challenge to the with “fomenting St. Foster took up the six main planks ing” this resistance which is a nat- rejected outright by the Japanese. of of gubernatorial candidate of the So- in This was the second a series 50,000 Names to of the Communist Party platform, ural outcome of the Japanese adven- Hitlerites Murder The British Government has come Need cialist Party in New York to meet mass meetings organized by the the fight for unemployment insur- the on SCHDY JOBLESS forward with a counter proposal for him on a speaker's platform and de- ture and brutal attacks the Assaults Upon Workers’ Ex-Servicemen’s League Put Others On ance, the fight against Hoover an informal meeting of delegates of Lhe Utica tomorrow has Manchurian people. Admitting the since the Waters gang strong-armed wage-cutting policy, the fight -for bate with him in Workers five naval powers. This conference been issued Amter, Commu- existence of a powerful anti-Japanese its way back to power. The first CHICAGO. 111., July 3.—The Com- relief to the farmers, by RALLYTUESDAY give the Japanese delegates emergency poor and anti-Manchukuo (puppet state) would a meeting was on Pennsylvania munist Party is on the ballot in the nist candidate. (By Inprecorr Cable) 's held the fight for equal rights for Ne- movement, the Japanese accuse the chance to officially state op- state The state conven- A telegram containing the chal- July than Ave. Friday night and was attended of Illinois. groes, the fight against capitalist Soviet Union with "conspiring to dis- BERLIN. 3.—More 103,- position to the Hoover proposals. The lenge was to the Lustgarten Frame Demands by over 800 worker veterans. tion he’d on June 26, which nom- terror and fight against imperial- sent turb North Manchuria 000 workers crowded the Will British would then "regretfully” move the meeting the peace in The mass meetings Friday and inated the electors for president and Nominating Convention now today in a giant anti-fascist demon- to rule out further talk on the ques- ist war. by making use of all anti-Japanese to City Council Saturday nights were addressed by vice-president, served the purpose of in Utica. stration and listened to speakers tion naval reductions on Who Is for Workers. or anti-Manchukuo organizations.” of the George Pace, Gardner, Eman- putting national candidates on the campaign tour of from 12 platforms. SCHENECTADY, N. Y„ 3. Joseph The crowd was especially enthusias- Amter’s speaking The Soviet Union is even charged July grounds that the powers were not ballot. to on Despite the express prohibition by of the Un- uel Levin, S. J. Stember, Reeds and tic as Foster compared the gains un- the State will bring him Utica with "fomenting” the Shanghai war The Schenectady Council united on the question. In this they of their leadership in the Tuesday, the d ay following the three- upon people by leaders organizations, hun- employed recently organized by the would be supported the Japanese (CONTINUED ON PAGE THREE) A letter received from the Secre- der Communist forced the Chinese by day Socialist Party convention. dreds of social-democratic workers, unemployed neighborhood committees and the French, possibly by the tary of State, Wm. J. Stratton, states: Soviet Union with the increasing the Japanese naval attack on Shang- and In his challenge Amter, on the including uniformed Reichsbanner- will hold an open-air mass meeting at Italians. Sir Simon, "The names of candidates for presi- misery in America under capitalist hai and the later landing of a huge John British basis of the national platform of the men. attended the demonstration, Crescent Park Tuesday at 7 pjn. Foreign Minister, is already reported Mobilization Meeting dent and vice-president will be placed leadership. Party and its tactics, which fraternizing with the Communist Speakers will be Sadie Van Veen, in an attempt to line up the Italians upon the ballot in this state.” Socialist (CONTINUED ON PAGE THREE) of Shoe Strikers Be A. F. L. Expulsion Policy. are described by the Communist can- workers midst scenes of tremendous Jack Rand and others. —“the Italian says vainly and the to This is a victory of the workers and Speaking with Foster was M. P. didate as "vote-catching,” charges a enthusiasm. This meeting will present the de- British imply successfully.” poor farmers in the stats of Illinois. Held Tomorrow A.M. Bales (known as a labor cartoonist complete betrayal of the working Terror Rages. mands of the Unemployed Council The Communist Party is preparing Secret Sessions Against USSR NEW YORK.—A special mobiliza- under the name of "Hay” Bales), and class and the cause of the revolution- USE CHILE FUNDS The Soviet funeral song was sung through an elected delegation for In the the British, a tour for the state candidates, par- of meantime tion of shoe strikers of the I. Miller former president the Barbers’ ary movement. in honor of the nine work- is mur- free gas and electricity, for more and French ticularly Leonidis McDonald, Negro American and delegates are and Andrew Geller shops will take 1 Union and former president of the The of telegram fol- dered by fascists and police during sufficient relief and one quart of worker and candidate for Governor, text Amter’s continuing their secret conferences—- place tomorrow morning, the Shoe Utah State of Labor. the past few days. Police at the milk for every child per day under conferences through the mining and farming lows: TO SAVE COSACH which, behind the cam- and Leather Workers’ Industrial Bales exposed the A. F. of L. officials Lustgarten demonstration made a the age of 13 and at least one pint communities, and is also sending a "State Nominating Convention. ouflage of seeking a solution on “arms Union announced yesterday. and their tactic of expulsion of every number of arrests, but no serious in- for every child over age. Ex- cuts,” in aimed against group of the Blue Blouses in ad- Socialist Party, that are reality the The meetings will be held sepa- one who fights for rank and file Davila Comes to Help cidents were reported. pectant mothers and nursing mothers Union vance, who will put on little theat- Utica, N. Y. Soviet which has been exluded rately, the Geller strikers meeting at control or to improve the conditions The Hitlerites are waging a system- shall receive extra food and milk. rical sketches in connection with the “As gubernatorial candidate Com- of U. S. from these conferences although its 46 Ten Eyck St. and Miller strik- of the workers. Bales has recently Bankers atic terror throughout Ger- the election campaign. munist ticket charge Socialist Party revolver The Unemployed Council demands delegates are members of the "dis- ers at a new address to be announced joined the Communist Party, and for many, making raids upon with being third capitalist party and Tire Chilean fascist-militarist dic- revolution- that the city pays rent for the un- armament” conference. Maxim Lit- later. Intensive preparations for putting this, M. Thompson, president of the ary organizations. Two workers were of enemy of working class and hereby (atorship continued its efforts yester- employed and where the unemployed vinoff, head the Soviet delegation, The fight against the injunction the state candidates on the ballot A. F. of L. State Federation of Labor i shot Saturday in Schoeneberg and challenge Socialist candidate for same day to rescue the bankrupt $300,000,- owns his own home that he should has sharply attacked these secret con- just issued is to be one of the main through the collection of 50,000 signa- and leader of the fake "Salt Lake late Friday evening fascists in office to debate campaign issues and 000 American-controlled Cosach ni- an get from the city regular relief and ferences and the hypocrisy of imper- tasks of the strikers, and an effort is tures and bringing the election cam- Citizens Party,” united with George auto halted before a workers’ in platforms both parties. Debate to be trates monopoly. The hall sufficient funds to met the interest ialist powers. In a statement issued being made to draw all New York paign to the workers in the factories, A. Yager, president of the Salt Lake Hochstrasse, North Berlin, a Utica, Tuesday, July sth. proposed to surrender Chile’s 50 per firing due on mortgages to prevent fore- a few days ago Litvinoff declared campaign against particularly the stockyards and West- held volley workers into a this cent interest in the monopoly under of shots at workers, who closure. that the Soviet Union could not share attempt to break the ern Electric, now in swing. (CONTINUED ON PAGE THREE) “I. AMTER.” strike. is full the pretext that it would establish dropped to the ground, thus saving A delegation of ten will be elected responsibility for the failure of the small “independent” nitrate plants themselves from injury or possible who will proceed to the Common "disarmament” conference to take any to afford work for the thousands of death. Immediately afterward", the Council meeting to present the de- steps whatever towards reducing the workers thrown out of employment fascists met a group of men, mands of the Schenectady unem- burden of war armaments imposed on HIT by MOVIE DOPE INDUSTRY HARD by the collapse of the nitrates them to be Communists, but who ployed. A letter has been sent to the backs of the toiling masses by indus- BY^RISIS try. Previous reports said that the were actualll Hitlerites, and fired a clerk of the Common Council the imperialist war mongers. the pay further volley, killing one and wound- notifying them of the delegation. government would substantial . Propaganda ing a number of others. Report U S* May Take Over Valuable Agency for Imperialist sums to Cosach for the privilege of Taxicab Drivers Go On establishing the “independent Daily Raids. Many similar raids occurred in Mexico Minister Asks Behold what was once upon a time as the last barrier in the way of cre- the masses—and does. We know that THAT USE WILL BE RELEGATED plants. Strike in Buenos Aires OF INSIGNIFI- Morgado Resigns other sections. In Gottschedstrasse, known America’s "depression-proof ating the most popular propaganda our capitalist government is prepar- TO A POSITION Workers to Accept as The announcement of this plan was Berlin, two women werkers were shot BUENOS AIRES, July 3.—Taxicab medium in history, can now reacli ing to take over the industry and CANCE IN COMPARISON WITH industry!” Attendance at moviehouses accompanied by the resigna- in the thighs. Raids also were made Cuts to Save Bosses service in the city was paralyzed to- even the most backward sections of wield It in the interest of American THE TREMENDOUS PRODUCTION sudden drops to six million daily from ten PICTURES FOR ED- tion of Aurelio Nunez Morgado, Su- in Steglitz and Mariendorf, where a. day as a result of a general strike imperialism. It did so in the last OF MOTION While the strike of the Mexican million in 1928. Aylcsworth, president AND PEDAGOGICAL pervisor of Nitrates and Mines, who number of workers were wounded. declared by the Argentine Regional war. Listen to Cark Louis Gregory, UCATIONAL Pullman employees was apparently of the giant RCA trust that recently (Our emphasis).” stated his reason for resigning that In Hamburg last night fascists Laborers Federation under Commu- bourgeois movie expert, spill the sec- PURPOSES. as the labor union swallowed RKO (that swallowed he had been over- ambushed a graup of Communists re- betrayed yesterday by nist leadership. ret beans: "The committee on public of mo- "defeated by the leaders, of the workers on Pathe!) predicts the bankruptcy of "The tremendous production of turning from a Party meeting and the strike The strike was information, in conjunction with the whelming interests the Nitrate called to protest the industry within tion pictures for educational purposes” one seriously the Southern Pacific lines against a against whole three government, sent out thousands upon Company of Chile." killed and wounded two recent arrests of large num- months. It is becoming increasingly lias already begun! Hollywood Is be- others. new wage cut continues effective. thousands of feet of picture New York bankers are reported to bers of the Federation's members difficult to make the masses believe motion ing put at the service of the war The terms of the settlement of the film, showing the activities of the have arranged for an extension for charged with "subversive activities.” that Chevalier’s smile or Clara Bow's preparations against the Soviet Union. Pullman strike have not been made Port activities government and of the army and one year of acceptance credits of and bakeries are af- legs are of any vital importance' In A war industry indeed! Every im- Expect Hoover to Sijyn public. navy. All of the allied war char- Cosach, following their success in ob- fected by the strike. Drivers not their lives. Mass unemployment and portant studio lists so-called "Russian Abelardo Rodriguez ( Mexican Min- ities attribute their to raise taining the withdrawal o f the claims “Relief” affiliated with the Federation were wage cuts mean less movies for Amer- ab'lit.v stories” in its schedule. Have you Fake Measure ister of Industry, attacked the rail- prevented from tremendous sums for philanthropic of Chile, through the Wall Street tool. scabbing. ican workers. Also mass desertion seen a sample of these “educational'' way strikers and the Mexico City purposes mainly to the agency of mo- Carlos G. Davila, head of the Chilean WASHINGTON, July 3.—A firm from of dreams” that Russian stories? "Forgotten Com- strikers as "unpatriotic,” but was these "palaces THOUSANDS fascist-militarist dictatorship. conviction that President Hoover car JAPAN PEASANTS DROWNED tion pictures. OF MEN mandments" Is but one of them. It forced to admit the widespread and offer bedroom and gangland stories Admit Starvation would sign the $2,100,000.00 fake re- Many Japanese peasants have been WERE ENGAGED IN MAKING Is an open piece of war provocation increasing misery of the Mexican in the midst of starvation and misery. The financial pages of the Saturday lief bill was expressed today by ad- drowned and the crops and homes PROPAGANDA FILMS OF ALL against the first Workers . While defending the wage York Times reported unem- vocates of the workers. of others ruined following torrential Will the ruling class permit the KINDS. THE WAR LOAN COM- “The World and the Flesh” is an- New that measure. cut policy of the foreign capitalists ployment in Chile "continues to The bill, among other things, rains at the end of the rainy season Hollywood poison factories to close MITTEE, AIDED BY THE MOTION other. cause would industry, concern." the Finance who control Mexican he with widespread floods throughout down? Will it allow as valuable a PICTURE INDUSTRY, MADE considerable The report authorize Reconstruction attacked the strikers on the weapon collapse? We wdll soon hear more about a to hand out $300,000,000 lying Western and Southern Japan. as the film to Never. THOUSANDS OF FEET OF FILM declares "the wholesale and retail Corporation grounds that they were "creating” The movies, like the press and the TO STIMULATE LOAN DRIVES. bill which has been pending in Con- turnover for June in larger cities for a so-called public works program unemployment. The core of his argu- CLASH OVER GREENLAND radio, have a value for the boss-class (Our emphasis). So remarkable have gress for about three years. This reached new low levels.” The report at its discretion. ment was that the workers should GODTHAAB, Greenland, July 3. entirely apart from their value as been the results achieved in the train- bill proposes to turn the movie in- which dealt with financial reports for Assuming the bill is passed, it will 4 accept starvation wages in order to The Hague Court of Arbitration is commodities. They are an unexcelled ing of men by the use of motion pic- dustry into a "public utility.” June from eleven Latln-Amerlcan provide “relief” chiefly to grafting prevent "closing of mines expected Philippines, Japan contractors, 15,000,000 the down soon to decide whether Den- medium for Influencing the workers’ 'willhays tures for amusement and entertain- So America's great Hollywood Is countries, the and with the un- due to the unprofltability of opera- mark or Norway has over minds. The sound film especially, ment purposes. IN A COMPARA- safe, you see. admitted that conditions employed workers being a practically tions.'' Greenland. having eliminated the printed title Dictates Boss Policies in Films TIVELY SHORT TIME TO COME w-a. B. abroad were "little liprrqmtt"'' non-existent factor in the legislation.