Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 43, Number 2 (2018) 45 PROFILES, PATHWAYS AND DREAMS: FROM NAÏVETÉ TO THE HIST AWARD Jeffrey I. Seeman, Department of Chemistry, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, USA, 23173,
[email protected] Editor’s Note the Bulletin for the History of Chemistry publishes that presentation. Seeman, a strong supporter of the Bulletin, Jeffrey I. Seeman of the University of Richmond preferred to be in the audience rather than lecture at the is the 2017 recipient of the HIST Award for Outstand- symposium. Nonetheless, he happily provided an award ing Lifetime Achievement in the History of Chemistry, manuscript for the Bulletin. He consulted several col- awarded annually by the American Chemical Society leagues on an appropriate topic for his award paper, and (ACS) Division of the History of Chemistry (HIST). This the following article is the result. In what follows, readers international award has been granted since 1956 under will get to know several of the 20th century’s prominent sequential sponsorships by the Dexter Chemical Com- organic chemists as well as Seeman. pany, the Sidney M. Edelstein Family and the Chemical Heritage Foundation, and HIST. Among the highlights —Carmen Giunta, Editor of Seeman’s work in history of chemistry are numerous articles on the history of 20th-century organic chemistry, Introduction service on the executive committee of HIST including a term as chair, founding and administering HIST’s Cita- Work like you don’t need the money. Love like tion for Chemical Breakthrough Award program, the pro- you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.