Chicago Section The Chemical Bulletin http://chicagoacs.org SEPTEMBER • 2009 CHICAGO SECTION AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Jointly with the Chemistry Department of Loyola University and the Chicago Chemists' Club Education Night Public Affairs Award Presentation Friday, September 25, 2009 Loyola University should be received in the Section Office PUBLIC AFFAIRS 6525 North Sheridan Road via phone (847-391-9091), email (chi- Chemistry Department/Flanner Hall [email protected]) or website AWARD LECTURE 8:15 P.M. Chicago, IL (http://chicagoacs.org) by noon on (773) 274-3000 Wednesday, September 23. PLEASE HONOR YOUR RESERVATIONS. The DIRECTIONS TO THE MEETING Section must pay for all dinner orders. Flanner Hall is located at 1068 West No-shows will be billed. Sheridan Road on the Lake Shore cam- pus of Loyola University, near the inter- AWARDS PRESENTATION 8:00 P.M. section of West Sheridan Road and Winners of the High School Scholarship Winthrop. (See page 2 for directions Examination and parking). REGISTRATION 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. Flanner Hall lobby NOTICE to ILLINOIS SOCIAL HOUR 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. TEACHERS Flanner Hall lobby The Chicago Section ACS is an ISBE provider for professional POSTER SESSION 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. development units for Illinois teach- Loyola chemistry student research ers. Teachers who register for this Flanner Hall lobby month's meeting will have the oppor- tunity to earn up to 4 CPDU's. JOB CLUB 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. DINNER 6:30 P.M. Simpson Living Center Dr. Mary L. Good An excellent dinner will be in the near- PLEASE VOTE in the Section's elec- Dean of Donaghey College of Engi- by Simpson Living Center and is served trion when you recieve your ballot in neering & Information Technology, cafeteria style. The cafeteria provides a the mail University of Arkansas at Little Rock large variety of items on an all-you-can- eat basis. A portion of the cafeteria will Title: “Science and Innovation in the be reserved for ACS attendees. Dinner Global Economy——Why It Matters admission tickets are obtained at the and Who Needs to be Concerned” ACS registration table in Flanner Hall for a flat charge of $12.00 per person. The mission of the Chicago Section Abstract: In the global economy, the No discounted dinners for students, of the ACS is to encourage the retirees or unemployed. advancement of chemical sciences and their practitioners. Dinner reservations are required and (continued on page 2) 9/09 2 (continued from page1) distinguished career. She has also Road and bear to the left. Parking is race is on for technological advantage. received more than twenty honorary available at the parking deck next to The United States is used to leading doctoral degrees. She was honored by Flanner Hall for $6.00. Enter the these activities with the past competi- appointment to the National Academy garage at the entrance marked “Facul- tion with Western Europe and Japan. of Engineering. ty, Students, Guests, Visitors.” When These competitors still exist but they In 2001, Dr. Good led a group of sci- leaving the garage, first purchase an are now joined by formidable new play- entists, entrepreneurs and educators in exit parking ticket at the pay station ers from China and India. This competi- founding ASTRA, “The Alliance for Sci- machine located near the garage stairs tion has now caused an ever-increasing ence & Technology Research in Ameri- and elevators. deficit in US trade in advanced techni- ca;” an organization which is dedicated cal goods and a steep decline in the to promoting a better understanding of ACS PETROLEUM the physical and mathematical sciences US trade balance in advanced technol- RESEARCH FUND GRANT ogy trade with China. and engineering, especially to the con- These are not indications of a robust gress and executive branches of our PROGRAMS government. future for the United States. This situa- The Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) tion should be a “wake up call” to all of is an endowed fund, managed by the us from our education leaders to our Directions to Loyola: ACS that supports fundamental research government leaders and folks in the directly related to petroleum or alternate private sector. energy at nonprofit institutions (generally The questions to be asked are: how By public transportation: colleges and universities) in the United do we incentivise innovation; how do Take the CTA Red Line train to the Loy- States and other countries. Research we develop a work force focused on ola stop. areas supported include chemistry, the innovation and technological advance- earth sciences, chemical and petroleum ment; and, how do we get US leader- From Downtown Chicago: engineering, and related fields such as ship to realize where we are and begin Take the Outer Drive north to its end. polymers and materials science. For a to devise policy to address the issues? Follow Sheridan Road north until it list of grant programs and eligibility, turns west at 6500 N. Follow directions please visit: http://portal.acs.org/portal/ below to parking. Biography: Dr. Good received her Ph.D. acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_ in inorganic chemistry from the Universi- pagelabel=pp_superarticle&node_ From the West: ty of Arkansas in 1955 and then went on id=1251&use_sec=false&sec_url_ From O’Hare take I-294 North to the to have a very distinguished education var=region1&__uuid=87b1c49f-c18c- Touhy Avenue East exit (this is the very and research career at the University of 48fb-8c8d-4e135c172622 first exit after toll plaza). Proceed east New Orleans, becoming Boyd Professor on Touhy to Talcott, the first stoplight. of Chemistry. She left UNO to join Allied IN THIS ISSUE Signal as VP and Director of Research Turn right onto Talcott and go to Devon in 1980. She became Sr.-VP for Tech- (first stoplight after passing high 1 - Dinner Meeting nology in 1988. She remained with school). Turn left on Devon and contin- 3 - ChemShorts for Kids: Crystal AlliedSignal until she retired in 1993 and ue on to Caldwell. Turn right on Rings and Ferns became undersecretary for technology Caldwell (this road becomes Petersen) in the Dept of Commerce of the Clinton 3 - 2009 Basolo Medal Award to Western. Administration. 4 - 2009 Scholarship Exam Dr. Good is presently, the founding Winners Turn north on Western to Devon. Turn Dean and Donaghey University Profes- east on Devon and continue east to 5 - September Historical Events sor at the University of Arkansas at Lit- Kenmore Avenue. Turn left on Kenmore in Chemistry tle Rock College of Engineering & Infor- to the Loyola Campus. 6 - Local Students Qualify for mation Technology. Over the years, she has held many high level positions in USNCO Study Camp See parking information. academia, industry, and government. 7 - Dr. Good, Public Affairs She has served as board chair and Awardee From North and Edens Expressway president of the American Chemical (I-94): 7 - ACS Diversity Statement Society, president of the American 7 - Ad Rate Schedule Association for the Advancement of Sci- Take I-94 (Edens Expressway) to the 8 - Job Club ence, Board Member of the National Peterson Avenue East Exit. Take Peter- Science Foundation, 1980-91; Board 8 - Green Chemistry son east to Western Avenue. chair, 1988-91. 8 - Industry Members’ Website She has received many awards from 8 - WCC Article Authors Needed Turn left on Western (north) to Devon the American Chemical Society, for her and go east. Continue to Kenmore Ave- 8 - Young Women in Science accomplishments including the ACS nue. Turn left on Kenmore to the Loyola Booklet Priestley Medal, the Parsons Award, the Campus. 9 - PA Award History & Past Barnes Award for Leadership, and the Garvin – Olin Medal. In addition, she Recipients See parking information below. has received the NSF’s highest honor, 10 - The Un-Comfort Zone with the Vannevar Bush Award, the AAAS Robert Wilson SEE ALSO DETAILED MAPS ON OUR Philip Abelson Award for outstanding WEBSITE 10 - Unemployed? achievements and public service, and 10 - Ad Index the Heinz Award for technical achieve- PARKING: Enter the campus at the 11 - NCW 2009 ments to name just a few of the many intersection of Kenmore and Sheridan recognitions she has received in a very 11 - Business Skills eLearning 11 - Calendar 9/09 3 add more water and repeat the project over and over. All you do for clean-up is September, 2009 Vol. 96, No. 7. rinse out the pan. Published by the Chicago Section of There are many variables to this exper- The American Chemical Society, Editorial Staff: Cherlyn Bradley, Edi- The Elementary Education Commit- iment that you can examine, such as: tor; Fran Kravitz, Associate Editor; tee of the Chicago Section ACS pres- Fadwa Al-Taher and Richard Trep- ents this column. They hope that it will * t ype of salt - iodized, uniodized, tow, Proofreaders; Frank Jarzem- reach young children and help increase sea salt, etc. bowski, Publications Business Man- their science literacy. Please cut it out * concentration of salt - results are ager. Address: 1400 Renaissance and pass it on to your children, grand- greatly affected by how much/little Dr., Park Ridge, Illinois 60068; children, or elementary school teachers. salt you add 847/391-9091. Subscription rates: It is hoped that teachers will incorporate * rate of evaporation - affects how $15 per year. Frequency: monthly- some of the projects in this column into crystals form September through June. their lesson plans. * rate of cooling - also affects crystal growth Crystal Rings and Ferns 2009 BaSolo MEdal Notes: The best results are obtained Award TO PETER Stang This is a quick and easy crystal grow- when using a very small amount of salt.
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