GDMA Plea Agreement
1 LAURA E. DUFFY ...--------------~------: United States Attorney 2 MARK W. PLETCHER (CO BN 34615) ROBERT S. HUIE (CA BN 237374) --l 3 Assistant U.S. Attorneys 10 r:J 880 Front Street, Room 6293 4 San Diego, California 92101-8893 Telephone: (619) 546-9714 5 6 WILLIAM J. STELLMACH Acting Chief, Fraud Section 7 CATHERINE VOTAW (DC BN 1012563) Director, Procurement Fraud 8 BRIAN YOUNG (OH BN 0078395) Trial Attorneys 9 Fraud Section, Criminal Division U.S. Department of Justice 10 1.400 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 11 Telephone: (202) 353-0449 12 Attorneys for United States of America 13 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Case No. 17 v. PLEA AGREEMENT 18 GLENN DEFENSE MARINE ASIA PTE. LTD. ( "GDMA") 19 Defendant. 20 21 IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 22 through its counsel, Laura E. Duffy, United States Attorney, Mark W. 23 Pletcher and Robert S. Huie, Assistant United States Attorneys, 24 William J. Stellmach, Acting Chief, Fraud Section, Catherine Votaw, 25 Director, Procurement Fraud, and Brian Young, Trial Attorney, Fraud 26 Section, Criminal Division (collectively referred to as "the United 27 States"), and defendant GDMA, by and through LEONARD GLENN FRANCIS, 28 Plea Agreement Def. Initials 1 the Owner, President, and Chief Executive Officer of GDMA, with the 2 advice and consent of Ethan M. Posner, Esq., and Sara J. O'Connell, 3 Esq., counsel for the defendant, as follows: 4 I 5 THE PLEA 6 A.
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