GROUP 6 B Complete and Reticulate stipe, cap 6.20 often rapid color change brownish red, yellowing Flame Bolete to blue. with age, stipe of the flammans same color, pore surface eddish.

Yellow to olive Pore surface dark Flesh turns Reticulate stipe, cap yellow cap, often red and quickly completely and 6.21 yellow to olive yellow tinged with red, orange, turning quickly blue when Bolet luridus tinged with reddish, sometimes brick greenish blue cut. Boletus luridus yellow stipe, pore red. when bruised. Suilellus surface orange. luridus 6 B-1 Reticulate stipe. Reticulate stipe, yellow Purple pink cap, Yello stipe on Pore surface Thick flesh rapidly to olive-yellow pore then red-green, almost the entire yellow to yellow changing color 6.22 greyish towards length, olivaceous. towards blue Oldrose Bolete surface, purple-pink cap the margin at sometimes red at when cut. Boletus roseo- tinged with reddish maturity. the base. purpureus color.

6.23 Stipe reticulate (or not), Red-stemmed Bitter Bolete pore surface yellow, Caloboletus roseipes brown to olive gray cap. Boletus Roseipes GROUP 6 B : IDENTIFICATION KEY

Pore surface brown-red, 6.24 paler at the margin, stipe Brown Pored Bolete pale upwards and reddish Boletus vermiculosus downwards.

6.25 Pore surface brown Boletus vermiculosoides throughout, stipe Suillus vermiculosoides GROUP 6 B-2 Non brownish. reticulate stipe, brown to reddish brown pore 6.26 surface. Stipe entirely red at Red-mouth Bolete, maturity. Boletus subvelutipes

Cap blood red to dark 6.27 GROUP 6 B-3 Non reddish brown; yellow Boletus subluridellus Boletus subluridellus reticulate stipe, stipe, reddening from pore surface the base. yellow. GROUP 6 B : IDENTIFICATION KEY

Pink-red cap; stipe pale 6.28 yellow reddening in Curry Bolete places; instant bluing Boletus sensibilis when bruised or cut.

Reddish orange or Yellow-orange Pore surface Yellow flesh All parts of this bolete rust-colored cap. stipe reddish in yellow, yellow quickly blue when 6.29 instantly turn dark blue places. olivaceous with cut. Boletus sensibilior when bruised or cut. age. Boletus sensibilior

GROUP 6 B-3 Cap brown, Yellow stipe, Pore surface Yellow flesh, All parts of this bolete Non reticulate reddish to brown towards yellow, yellow bluish when cut. 6.30 instantly turn dark blue stipe, pore blackish brown. the base. olivaceous with Inkstain Bolete when bruised or cut. age. Boletus pulverolentus surface yellow.

Pink red at first Fully yellow stipe Pore surface White to pale Cap blood red to dark then pale pink or with a shade of yellow, yellow yellow flesh, 6.31 reddish brown; yellow reddish orange reddish or olivaceous with reddish under the Boletus miniato-olivaceus See also 6.23 Red- stipe, reddening from cap, pinkish tan at brownish. age. pileipellis, bluing Boletus miniato-olivaceus stemmed Bitter Bolete the base. the end. sometimes slowly with or without a when cut. reticulate stipe.

All parts of the fruitbodies 6.32 are yellow. Scarletina Bolete Boletus pseudo- sulfureus GROUP 6 B : IDENTIFICATION KEY

GROUP 6 B Complete and Reticulate stipe, cap Cap red brownish, yellowing or fading with age, with an even margin. Stipe usually concolored to the cap, sometimes yellowish to the apex, finely 6.20 brownish red, yellowing often rapid color change reticulate at least in the upper part. Cap, tubes, stipe and flesh quickly bluish Flame Bolete with age, stipe of the to blue. when bruised or cut. Boletus flammans same color, pore surface Pore surface dark red at the beginning and then quickly orange. eddish. Pale yellow flesh in the cap, sometimes with reddish hues in the stipe. Yellow to olive yellow cap becoming olive with age, margin with a strip of sterile Reticulate stipe, cap tissue. Stipe entirely yellow or tinted with cinabre or blood red towards the apex 6.21 yellow to olive yellow and yellow downward, or even yellow at the apex and reddish downward, Bolet luridus tinged with reddish, reticulate at the apex or all along tfe stipe. Cap, tubes, stipe and flesh becoming Boletus luridus yellow stipe, pore greenish blue when bruised or cut. Pore surface dark red at the beginning and Suilellus surface orange. then quickly orange. Thick, yellowish to reddish flesh in the cap with a red line luridus above tubes, shiny yellow in the stems or streaked reddish at the base. 6 B-1 Reticulate stipe. Reticulate stipe, yellow Purple pink cap, then darker reddish, becoming greyish at maturity, with an to olive-yellow pore appendiculate margin. Pore surface lemon yellow, turning olive yellow and then 6.22 surface, purple-pink cap greenish at maturity. Oldrose Bolete Yellow stipe on almost the entire length, sometimes red at the base. Boletus roseo- tinged with reddish White flesh quickly bluish when cut. Purpureus color.

Brown cap, brown-green to olive grey and sometimes cracked at maturity, with an appendiculate margin. Pore surface pale yellow, becoming olive-yellow then 6.23 Stipe reticulate (or not), brown at maturity, bluish when bruised. Red-stemmed Bitter Bolete pore surface yellow, Yellow stipe at the apex sometimes almost the length, slightly bluish when Caloboletus roseipes brown to olive gray cap. bruised. White or yellowish flesh, bluish when cut. Boletus roseipes GROUP 6 B : IDENTIFICATION KEY Cap greyish brown at the beginning to orange brown or reddish brown at maturity. Pore surface red-brown that quickly bluish when bruised, often 6.24 Pore surface brown-red, yellowish at the margin; small, circular pores. Brown Pored Bolete paler at the margin, stipe Unreticulate stipe, pale yellow towards the apex, orange or reddish downward Boletus vermiculosus pale upwards and Yellow flesh quickly bluish when cut, sometimes reddish shades in the stipe. reddish downwards.

Dull color fructbodies. Yellowish cap at the beginning becoming brown with age. Unreticulate stipe, yellow up and covered with a brown powder layer down. Pore 6.25 Pore surface brown surface dark brown at the beginning, fading as they age, turning blackish blue Boletus vermiculosoides throughout, stipe GROUP 6 B-2 Non when bruised. Blue flesh in the cap and at the top of the stipe when cut, often Suillus vermiculosoides brownish. yellow to brownish downward. reticulate stipe, brown to reddish brown pore Cap colour ranging from brown yellow to reddish brown. Finely velvety stipe at the lower end, orange-reddish in color, becoming entirely red at maturity. 6.26 surface. Stipe entirely red at Pore surface red to brown-red, bluish when bruised. Red-mouth Bolete maturity. Yellow flesh rapidly changing color to blue when cut. Boletus subvelutipes

Yellow cap at the beginning, blood red or dark reddish brown afterwards. Cap blood red to dark Pale yellowish stipe at first blushing afterwards. 6.27 GROUP 6 B-3 Non reddish brown; yellow Pore surface orange-red to wine-red, bluish when bruised. Boletus subluridellus stipr, reddening from the Yellow flesh quickly changing to blue when cut. Boletus subluridellus reticulate stipe, base. pore surface yellow. GROUP 6 B : IDENTIFICATION KEY

Pink-red cap, sometimes yellow with a little pink with age, with an evenmargin. Pink-red cap; stipe pale Pale yellow stipe reddish in places, sometimes finely reticulated but only near 6.28 yellow reddening in tubes. Pore surface yellow at the beginning, olivaceous at maturity, quickly bluish Curry Bolete places; instant bluing when bruised. When cut, the lesh changes rapidly towards the blue in the cap Boletus sensibilis when bruised or cut. and more yellowish in the stipe.

Rust to brownish orange cap, with an even margin. All parts of this bolete Stipe yellowish at the apex, reddish downward, sometimes yellowish at length. 6.29 instantly turn dark blue Pore surface yellow to olivaceous, bluish when bruised Boletus sensibilior Yellow flesh totally changing color to blue when cut. Boletus sensibilior GROUP 6 B-3 when bruised or cut. Non reticulate stipe, pore Dark brown to brownish black cap, often developing red hues with age. Yellow surface yellow. All parts of this bolete stipe at apex, dark yellow to reddish yellow downward, reddish at the base. Pore 6.30 instantly turn dark blue surface yellow at the beginning, darker or yellow-brown at maturity. Inkstain Bolete when bruised or cut. Yellow flesh changing rapidly towards blue when cut. Boletus pulverolentus

Pink or red cap in young age, becoming pinkish brown with olivaceous hues at Cap blood red to dark maturity. Fully yellow stipe, marked with reddish or brownish hues mainly 6.31 reddish brown; yellow downward. Pore surface yellow at the beginning, then olivaceous with reddish Boletus miniato-olivaceus stipe, reddening from hues at maturity. White to pale yellow flesh, reddish under the pileipellis, slowly Boletus miniato-olivaceus the base. bluish when cut.

See also 6.23 Red- All parts of the fruitbodies are yellow and everything quickly bluishs when stemmed Bitter Bolete bruised or cut. 6.32 All parts of the with or without a The lower end of the stipe is reddish or brownish. Scarletina Bolete fruitbodies are yellow. reticulate stipe. Very rare, it is found in the company of softwood or deciduous trees. pseudo- sulfureus GROUP 6 B : SPECIES NAMES

English name: Flame Bolete GROUP 6 B Complete and Reticulate stipe, cap French name: Bolet flamboyant 6.20 brownish red, yellowing often rapid color change Latin names: Boletus flammans, Boletus rubroflammeus Flame Bolete with age, stipe of the to blue. Boletus flammans same color, pore surface eddish.

English name: Reticulate stipe, cap French names: Bolet blafard, Bolet luride, Bolet crème 6.21 yellow to olive yellow Latin names Boletus luridus, Suilellus luridus, Boletus lubeolarius, Bolet luridus tinged with reddish, luridum, leccinum rubeolarium, Boletus nigrescens, Boletus cinnamomeus, Boletus luridus yellow stipe, pore Tubiporus lividorubricosus et 28 autres. Suilellus surface orange. luridus 6 B-1 Reticulate stipe. English name: Oldrose Bolete Reticulate stipe, yellow French names: Bolet rose pourpré, Bolet rouge pourpre, Bolet vieux rose 6.22 to olive-yellow pore Latin names: Boletus roseopurpureus, Butyriboletus roseopurpureus, Boletus Oldrose Bolete surface, purple-pink cap rhodopurpureus, Boletus splendidus, Boletus purpureus, Imperator Boletus roseo- tinged with reddish rhodopurpureus… purpureus color.

English names: Red-stemmed Bitter Bolete, Ros Foot Bolete Stipe reticulate (or not), French name: Bolet à pied rose 6.23 Latin names: Caloboletus roseipes, Boletus roseipes Red-stemmed Bitter pore surface yellow, Bolete brown to olive gray cap. Caloboletus roseipes Boletus roseipes GROUP 6 B : SPECIES NAMES

English name: Brown Pored Bolete Pore surface brown-red, French name: bolet vermiculé 6.24 paler at the margin, stipe Latin names: Boletus vermiculosus, Suillus vermiculosus Brown Pored Bolete pale upwards and Boletus vermiculosus reddish downwards.

English name: French name: Bolet faux-vermiculé 6.25 Pore surface brown Latin names: Boletus vermiculosoides, Suillus vermiculosoides Boletus vermiculosoides throughout, stipe Boletus vermiculosoides GROUP 6 B-2 Non brownish. Suillus vermiculosoides reticulate stipe, brown to reddish brown pore English names: Red-mouth Bolete, Red Mouth Bolete surface. French names: Bolet à pied rouge, Bolet à pied velu 6.26 Stipe entirely red at Latin names: Boletus subvelutipes, Boletus rufocinnamomeus, Suillus Red-mouth Bolete, maturity. subvelutipes, Suilellus subvelutipes. Neoboletus subvelutipes… Boletus subvelutipes

English name: GROUP 6 B-3 Non Cap blood red to dark French name: Bolet un peu rougeoyant, Bolet brun rougeâtre 6.27 Latin name: Boletus subluridellus Boletus subluridellus reticulate stipe, reddish brown; yellow stipr, reddening from the Boletus subluridellus pore surface base. yellow. GROUP 6 B : SPECIES NAMES English name: Curry Bolete Pink-red cap; stipe pale French name: Bolet sensible 6.28 yellow reddening in Latin name: Boletus sensibilis Curry Bolete places; instant bluing Boletus sensibilis when bruised or cut.

English name: French name: Bolet hypersensible 6.29 All parts of this bolete Latin name: Boletus sensibilior Boletus sensibilior instantly turn dark blue Boletus sensibilior GROUP 6 B-3 when bruised or cut. Non reticulate stipe, pore English names: Inkstain Bolete, Blackening Bolete surface yellow. All parts of this bolete French name: Bolet pulvérulent 6.30 instantly turn dark blue Latin names Boletus pulverulentus, Cyanoboletus pulverolentus, Boletus Inkstain Bolete when bruised or cut. mutabilis, Uloporus mugeotii, Xerocomus pulverolentus, Ceriomyces Boletus pulverulentus cyaneitinctus, Suillus mutabilis… English name: Cap blood red to dark French names: Bolet olivâtre, Bolet rouge olivâtre 6.31 reddish brown; yellow Latin names: Boletus miniato-olivaceus, Ceriomyces miniato-olivaceus Boletus miniato-olivaceus stipe, reddening from Boletus miniato-olivaceus the base.

English name: Scarletina Bolete French name: Bolet jonquille 6.32 All parts of the fruitbodies Latin names: Neoboletus pseudosulphureus, Neoboletus junquilleus, Sutorius Scarletina Bolete are yellow. pseudosulfureus, Boletus pseudosulfureus, Sutorius junquilleus… Neoboletus pseudo- sulphureus