Northeast Advanced Fungi Checklist

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Northeast Advanced Fungi Checklist NORTHEAST ……roseopurpureus (See ____holopus (green base) ____rubrobrunneus (bitter) ____fragilis (vermicularis) ____multisquamosa ____gibba BUTRYBOLETUS) ____insigne (flesh turns black) ____variobrunneus (mild, pores ____fumosa ____muscaria v. guessowii ____odora (green) ADVANCED ____rubroflammeus (red pores) ____rubropunctum (Boletus) brwn) ____ornatipes ____muscaria v. flavivolvata ____rivulosa (dealbata) ____rufomaculatus (like bicolor) ____violatinctus FUNGI CHECKLIST ____rugosiceps ____zollingeri ____onusta (grey warts) ____robusta ____sensibilis XANTHOCONIUM (Boletus) Compiled by Dianna Smith ____scabrum CLAVULINA ……pantherina (See velatipes) ____subconnexa ____separans* ____snellii (red above, green base) ____affine ____cinerea ____peckiana ____truncicola Date____________________ ____speciosus ____purpureum LOCATION______________ ____subgranulosum ____coralloides (cristata) ____persicina (peach) CLITOCYBULA (on wood) ____subfraternus ____variicolor (mottled drk brn cap, ……separans (See BOLETUS) ……cristata (See coralloides) ____phalloides ____abundans ____subluridellus (red cap blues) drk scbrs) XEROCOMELLUS (Boletus) ____rugosa (white, irreg) ____polypyramis ____familia BIRD’S NESTS & ____subcaerulescens* (drk brwn ____versipelle (atrostipitatum)birch ____chrysenteron (pink cracks) CLAVULINOPSIS ____praecox 32 (no ring) ____occulata cap, pores blue, then brown) (dull orng cap, drk scbrs, wht flesh black) Fiber Fans ____truncatus ____aurantiocinnabarinus ____ravenelii (cottony warts cap) CLITOPILUS (pink spores) ____subtomentosus ____vulpinum (aurantiacum) (flesh XEROCOMUS (Boletus) CRUCIBULUM Birds’ Nest ____corniculata (org, brnch at top) ____rhopalopus (wht w/ brown ____prunulus turns pink then black, bl-grn base to black) ____subvelutipes ____hortonii (bumpy, wrinkled) warts, chlorine, frag ring) ____laeve (orange-yellow) NEOBOLETUS (Boletus) ____fusiformis COLLYBIA …….tenax (See XEROCOMUS) ____illudens ____rubescens complex CYATHUS Birds’ Nest ____luridiformis (discolor) ____helvola ____cirrhata (no sclerotia) ____variipes* (buff, tan stipe) ____morrisii (red dots stem) ____rubescens var. alba ____steccoreus (blk peridioles) ____pseudosulphureus (yllw, ____laeticolor (yellow-orange) ____cookei (round yllw sclerotia) ____vermiculosoides ____tenax ____russuloides (ring) ____striatus (striate interior) blues) LENTARIA ____tuberosa (red-brown elliptical) ____vermiculosus (darker) PHYLLOPORUS (Gilled Bolete) ____sinicoflava BOTHIA ____bysseda ____zonata (Crinipellis zonata) ____boletinoides CANTHARELLOID ____micheneri ____spreta (streaked) CONNOPUS (Gymnopus) BOLETE-LIKE sponge-pored ____castanellus (apex reticulate) ____leucomycelinus ____subcokeri (PN) CANTHARELLUS RAMARIA ____acervatus (red/brn on conifer) AUREOBOLETUS (Boletus) BUCKWALDOBOLETUS ____rhodoxanthus ____sp. ____sublilacea CRINIPELLIS (See COLLYBIA) ____aureissimus ____lignicola ____appalachiensis PORPHRELLUS ____aurea (yllw, blunt crown-tips) ____submaculata ____zonata ____auriporus BUTYRIBOLETUS (Boletus) ____cibarius ____porphyreus ____botrytis (pink tips) ____subsolitaria CUPHOPHYLLUS ____brunneus (speciosus var. ____cinnabarinus ____innixus PULVEROBOLETUS ____vaginata complex (Camarophyllus, Hygrophorus) brunneus) ____lateritius ____flavigelatinosa (org, rnd tips) ____roxanae ____velatipes (lrg, yll cntr brn) ____borealis (under conifers) ____peckii ____ravenelii ____minor ____formosa (orange, yll tips, toxic) ____russellii (red reticulation, lemon) RETIBOLETUS (Boletus) ____virginiana (small) ____praetensis ____roseopurpureus CRATERELLUS ____fumigata (fennica)prpl, yllw AUSTROBOLETUS ____griseus tips ____volvata complex ____virgineus (white) CALOBOLETUS (Boletus) ____cinereus ____gracilis var. gracilis ____ornatipes ____stricta ____whetstoneae (no veil, redns) CYPTOTRAMA (on dead wood) ____calopus ____fallax ____gracilis var. pulcherripes RAMARIOPSIS AMPULLOCLITOCYBE ____asprata (tiny, brt yllw, scruffy) ____inedulis RUBROBOLETUS (Boletus) ____foetidus BAORANGIA (BOLETUS) ____rhodosanguineus ____kunzei (white) (CLITOCYBE) CYSTODERMA (ground, conifers) ____roseipes ____ignicolor (conifers, sw brwn) ____clavipes ____bicolor STROBILOMYCES SEBACINA (TREMELLODENDRON) ____amianthinum (c., wrinkled cap) CHALCIPORUS ____lutescens (all yellow) ARRHENIA (waxy cap) BOLETELLUS ____confusus ____incrustans ____cinnabarina (c.) ____piperatoides ____tubaeformis (brown-gray cap) ____epichysium (brn funnel on …… betula (See Hemioporus) ____strobilaceus (floccosus) ____schweinitzii ____granulosum (c.) ____piperatus GOMPHUS conifer) ____chrysenteroides (brn-blk SUILLUS ____sparassoidea DESARMILLARIA (ARMILLARIA) ____rubinellus ____clavatus (violet chanterelle) ARMILLARIA wood) ____sp. THELEPHORA ____tabescens (no veil) ____projectellus (less netting than ____pseudorubinellus TURBINELLUS (GOMPHUS) ____gallica (alone or gregarious, ____acidus (white cap) ____terrestris ENTOLOMA russellii) CYANOBOLETUS ____floccosus cobwebby veil, on soil, rhizomorphs, hairy) ____americanus (red marks) ____vialis ____mellea (honey color, clustered, ____sp. BOLETINELLUS (Gyrodon) ____pulverulentus ____kaufmanii ____brevipes TREMELLODENDRON (Jelly) thick ring, pointed base) ____abortivum ____merulioides EXSUDOPORUS (Boletus) SPARASSIS (Cauliflower) ____cavipes (drk brwn; hllw stem) . .schweinitzii (See SEBACINA) ____solidipes (ostoyae) (conifers, ____bicolor (caramel cap, wt gls, stm) BOLETUS ____frostii ____americana (conifers) brwn, caespitose, brwn ring) ____granulatus (or lactifluus) ____conicum ____sp. GYROPORUS ____crispa ____sinapina (yllw cob-web veil and (rd-brn; under Larch) ____asprellum ____atkinsonii* (yll-brn wnkl, brn net) ____castaneus ____grevillei remnants on cap & stipe) ____spathulata GILLED FUNGI: ____caesiocinctum (bn, innie,) ____aurreissimus var. aurissimus ____cyanescens …….intermedius (See S. acidus) PALE spores ……tabescens (See DESARMILLARIA) ____grayanum (grey) ____auripes ____cyanescens v. violatinctus ____luteus (rd-brn; lilac veil) AMANITA ASTEROPHORA (on R. ____lividum (pl gry, yll gills) …….bicolor (See BAORANGIA) ____neoalbides (wht mrgn, no dots) CLUBS & EARTH ____purpurinus ____sp. dissimulans, nigricans) …….pictus (See S. spraguei) ____luteus ____chippewaensis*(rd-yl-brn) HARRYA (Lecc., Tylopilus) TONGUES ____abrupta (Lepidella) ____lycoperdoides ____placidus (white; dots; sly pink) ____murrayi ____clavipes* ____chromapes CLAVARIADELPHUS ____aestivalis ____parasitica ____spraguei (pictus) ____quadratum …….discolor (See SUTORIUS) HEMILECCINUM (Lecc., Boletus) ____americanus (myc.oak, pine) ____alboceata CALLISTOSPORIUM ____fagilcoa ____subalutaceus ____rhodopolium (pl tn, wt gls, stm) ____subglabripes ____pistillaris (myc.with beech) ____atkinsoniana (reddish warts) ____luteo-olivaceum ____subaureus (org-yl & rd-brwn ____salmoneum (syn. quadratum) ____flammens HEMIOPORUS (Boletellus) ____truncatus ____banningiana (yellow caesar) hairs; cuts stain pink) ____luteus ____serrulatum (blu-blk gill edge) ____gertrudiae (yllw apex) ____betula MUCRONELLA (Icicle fungus) ____bisporigera SUTORIUS (Tylopilus, Boletus) CANTHARELLUA (Ground) ____sinuatum ____glabellus HORTIBOLETUS (Boletus) ____bresadolae (white, conifer) ____eximius ____brunnescens (cleft foot) ____umbonata (grey) ____strictius ____huronensis (hemlock) ____campestris ____calva (whitish-yellow) ____canescens ____luridiformis (discolor) CHEIMONOPHYLLUM ____subsinuatum ____longicurvipes ____rubellus (fraternus) ____flava (yellow, conifer) ____ceceliae group TYLOPILUS ____candissimum (white sp) ____umbonatum (umbo) ____miniato-olivaceus HYGROPHOROPSIS (Re: ____pendula (white bcmg yllw, ____cinereopannosa (Wt-gry) ____sp. CHLOROPHYLLUM (LEPIOTA) ____unicolor (yll-ornge, umbilct) ____miniato-pallescens (drk red Boletes) hrdwd) strobil) ____cokeri (Lepidella) ____molybdites (green spores) pores) ____aurantiaca ____alboater (black) MULTICLAVULA ____vernum ____crenulata ____rachodes ____nobilis* (pitted cap, wt stipe) IMLERIA (Boletus, Xerocomus) ____atratus (Hemlock assoc.) ____mucida (on wet wood) FLAMMULINA (on hardwood) ____daucipes (Lepidella) CHROMOSERA ____nobilissimus* ____badia ____atronicotianus (brn, glabrous) _____velutipes ____elongata (yllw cap, wht stp) ____cyanophylla (lavender gills, c.) ____pallidus (pl blue stain) LANMAOA (Boletus) ____badiceps (maroon-brown, mild) GERRONEMA (on dead wood) CLUSTERED ____farinosa (Powder cap) CLITOCELLA (Rhodocybe) ____pallidoroseus ____pseudosensibilis ____ballouii (orange cap) ____strombodes ____flavoconia ____popinalis (mundula) ……peckii (See BUTRYBOLETUS) LECCINELLUM (Leccinum) ____felleus (Brown reticulation) CORALS GLIOPHORUS (HYGROCYBE) ____flavorubens CLITOCYBE ……pseudosensibilis (See ____ferrugineus (red-brown, mild) ____irrigatus (blk-brn, lng stm) ____albellum (whitish) CAULIFLOWERS ____frostiana LANMAOA) ____griseocarneus ____sp. ____laetus (yl-ong, wt, yl) ____griseum (rugose, pitted brn cap) FIBER FANS ____fulva ……pseudosulphureus (See LECCINUM ____intermedius ____americana ____psittacinus NEOBOLETUS) ARTOMYCES (CLAVICORONA) ____jacksonii ____sp. ____plumbeoviolaceus (bitter) ____candicans GLOIOXANTHOMYCES ____reticulatus* (drk brwn) ____pyxidatus ____lavendula (citrina) …….clavipes (See (HYGROCYBE) ……aurantiacum (See vulpinum) ____porphyrosporus (drk brwn) ……roseipes (See CALOBOLETUS) CLAVARIA ____longipes (Lepidella) AMPULLOCLITOCTBE) ____nitidus (H. nitida) ____vitellina ____longipes (moss, sprc or larch) ____deceptivus (Inrolled margin) MYCENA PSEUDOCLITOCYBE ____pusilla (tiny red) AGROCYBE (on dead wood) GYMNOPUS (COLLYBIA) ____ohiensis
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