Springs in These United St Ates A.K.A
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' ""> . ' - I , I ,! ' , I, l' '/'\ '; J ) ' < ) .. , ,~ . ', ) ,- - ' ~ .,., • . ,· 1 "..r , - ', { \ ( ' ! ' ' ' ~\, \ . ~' : \ - \ ' ' ' ,, ~ ,: - ;. ' -< ' ~ ' ~ ' • - ...., ! : '1 \ ' \ ' > I l Edition of THERMAL SPRINGS IN THESE UNITED ST ATES A.K.A. The Good Book NORAH D. STEAR."I\TS, H.AH.OLD T. STEARNS ANl) GERALD WARING Illustrations by Florence Irving Eric Irving, Editor · The Doodly-Squat Press P.O. Box 40124, Albuquerque 1 N.M. 87196' Copyright 1979 by ERIC ("Cr<ibmeat'') IRVING Printed in U.S.A. First Printing Preface to this Edition . ii Arizona .......................... 1 Arkansas ............... ........... 1 California . 2 Colorado ......................... 9 G'.!orgia.. 11 /G'aho ........................... 12 Massachusetts . .................... 20 Montana ......................... 20 Nevada .......................... 22 New Mexico ...................... 27 Oregon .......................... 30 Pennsylvania . 34 South Dakota . 34 Texas ........................... 34 Utah ............................ 35 Virginia . 38 Washington . 39 West Virginia . 40 Wyoming ........................ 41 ···-.... PREFACE Here at The Hot Springs Gazette, we receive more inquiries about this, The Good Book, than any other topic. Our readers report that the previous reprint of the directory, Great Hot Springs of the West, has gone out of print, along with its prede cessor, which was advertised in the Whole Earth Catalogue. Looks like someone has to do it, so may we present The Hot Springs Gazette edition of The Good Book. Ta-da. You may notice that it's cleaner and leaner than previous editions. Our aim was to make it backpack-size, yet to keep the typesetting as large as possible. We have therefore omitted the bibliographical references (which are useless _for our purposes here) and the individual geological notes (for which we apolo gize). Its improvements over earlier editions include more con venient map placement, inclusion of hot springs in the Eastern and Southern states (Alaska and Hawaii directories are avail able upon request), and a gaggle of little creatures, mostly frogs. Since this book was originally published over 40 years ago, you may find some of the material dated. Olympic Hot Springs (Washington #3), for instance, is called a resort in the remarks, but has since returned to its natural state. Unhappily, the reverse is usually the case. Be warned. Also, you'll notice that the directions to some of the springs say, "in sec. 17, T .4S., R. 27 W." for example. These coordinates correspond to the charts published by the U.S. Geological Survey, or Topo maps for short. These are readily and reasonably purchased in map specialty shops and the better backpacking stores. Excluding The Hot Springs Gazette, divining rods and this book, you can't find a better tool for hunting hot springs. After you've found your hot spring, we urge you to dispatch its location and vital statistics to The Hot Springs Gazette and thus acquire a coveted lifetime subscription. We also welcome your dr in~s, photos, news clippings or any other hot spring related matter. We'll print your report or keep it in our classified file, whichever you please. P.O. Box 40124, Albuquerque, N.M. 87196. It's high time this information was updated and it can't be done without you, the bather. This is your big chance to participate in civilization, so don't muff it. Happy hunting! ii CALIFORNIA• NEVADA• ARIZONA• NEW MEXICO Approxl~ Temper· mate dis,l Map NaDM ature charge LocatloD ('9 'J'.) (irallom cJlotSprings DO. a minute) T,~,E and Mo.\GH Count1 Dools Not used. Abo spelled Pab• Pakoon Sprlnc•••••••••••• 100 •• ---- ·-·-·--·-· gun. · 1 Tributary or Grand Wub, 18 miles north or Colorado River. 2 Colorado River, Ii miles south of Boul· (•>---····---···--··-·--··· Bot----· ---------· Not used. ~tfesouthwest der Dam, sec. 23, T. 30 N., R. 23 E. I 700 S.Yeral sprlnp; not used. @! 2a Grand Canyon of Colorado River, near Lava SprlJll.'I.------------· •------- • ·-·- Lava Falls Rapids. 196 pages • 500 Listings • 29 Maps • 280 Photos 25 miles southwest of IriD&m&D, NO. 33, ('>-------------·-·- ·-----· Warm-- ·-·.:-----· Not Ulld. 2b T.18N.,R.litW. Yuapal Couwt1 The complete illustrated Directory of primitive . d 72------· liO.---··· I aprinp; local UM. 3 10 miles northeast or Camp Ver e, sec. ·····-·--··-·-----------·-· · i. 32 T 15 N R Cl E. 711 · Several springs: resort. and commercial places where you can go and 2 1 1 M~f~eJr«:::~!ii1~s!~ttoii>imiiC ~:t~ I~\ i;·,~::::::::: i~b22:: .::::: :r::n1:;r1:S~~~t t1!W! legally put your body in the hot water. aec. a, T. 7. N., R 1 w. -~ ln&. Apa~ CoulltJ -:- ~f!1"':\r?u>, ~ -,.wor _______ Not used; tufa depolita. Compiled by the AQUA THERMAL ASSOC/A TION h /"~N/ 1'-----·- 2 Cl Cl miles south of SL lo DL--········-··· · ~ .· OUa eoun1, For free information and 8-page preview brochure, 7 23 miles west of Wblterlver, IIO. 13, T. Soda SprlDI---···----·--·- 15------· ··-·····- Local UIL send name and address to: Cl N., R. 19 E., Fort Apache Indian local 8 30 R:ies rvatlon west of Whlterlver, about sec. Salt Banka. •. ·--·--·-··•-· W·--·--- ···----~-. Larpuae.. croup ol aorlDIS; 33, T. Cl N., R. 17 E., Fort """"he ATA PREVIEW Box 841 Van Nuys, CA 91408 .. Indian Reservation. , (or get immediate shipment by enclosing $10.00) Maricopa Count, o 15 miles n~rtheast or Palomu, sec. 19, Agua Caliente Sprinp. • •· 119-lO& ••• •• · • ••• • •• SeTPral springs; ruort. T.58.,R.lOW. Graham Car.mt, 8 10 3 miles north or Aravaipa, sec. 35, T. Ii ···········-·-·····-···-···· 90•· · ···· ·• ···-·· 1 sprln1; bathing. 11 off;; RRi~e~· 3 miles north of Fort ······------·-·····-··----·· ···-·--··· ·····-···· Do. Til~omas.thwest of Pima, southeut of Indian Hot Sprlnss.---··· 8l-118••• 300···-·· I springs and 1 well, 600 12 8 m ea nor feet deep; resort. 11 B:!~~ TJ::;,:· 25 miles east of Fort ·············-----·····--··· Warm .•• ·••••••••• 1 spring; not used. Hotcakes! Thomas, T. • S., R. Zl E. HOTS~GS Oru11lte Count, Issue # 1. The one and only I H Near Eagle Creek, 10 miles west of ---········-···-············ Bot••• -- Small... Do. original. Lovely Illustrations. GAZETTE ¥orencl, T. • S., R 28 E. Clifton Hot Springs ••• ---· 127-160 .. ·-------·· t apriD&S; resort. u Clifton.----------------·····-··----.--· ' Maps. Directions. Lurid prose. Pima CountJ Features 15 Hot Springs. And UI Quitobaquito, close to Mexican bound· Aguajito Sprln1•••• ----··· Warm ••• ···---·-·· V\~:~ water supply; lrriga- More! Entirely written by ary. Santa Cnu Count1 your humble editor. $2 post 17 I miles east of Amado, sec. 13, T. 20 8., Acua Caliente Spring ••••. 90 ..••• -.• 50•••. --- B!;~i~e~ since earliest paid. B.13E. CocAilc Coun.11 Hookers Bot Springs...... 130...... .0.----·· 2 main springs; bathing. 11 10 miles northea.,t of Cascabel, sec. Cl, T. 13 S., R. 21 E. T ·············-· •••••••••..• Cl1----·-· 225----·· 1 spring; local use. The Big California Issue. 25' 111 \ Cl miles aouth'llrest or Paradise, sec. 7, · Hot Springs. Seven letters 18 s.• R. 3l~E:.:.·------L----.-.---...- ............J...--_.:..,..--1-------- from knowledgeable readers. Arkansas Irving Expostulates. Interview. Book Review. Two New RandolpA Count11 IRice's Sprin,r .• ·-·-···-···· 82 •••.•.• ···-··-··· Resort. Artists. Guest Editorial. The Mud Cree k-------······················ _ The Entire Good Book for Cali MontgomtrJ Count, M ••••••• ·······-·· 1 apring; not used. fornia. And More! $2 postpaid. 2 Little Missouri River, sec. 17, T. t 8., ·············-··-··-···-···· 96-100 ••• ·-·-···· •• Several springs; noi used. Hot Springs B~· : ~~do River at Caddo Gap, ·······-·--·······---·-- ERIC IRVING 3 aec.111,T.4S.,R.24W. Pike Countr P.O. Box 40124 '11 ••••••• -,···-···· 1 spring; not used . Gazette ., Redland Mountain, sec. 12, T. I S., ···-····. ---···· Albuquerque, N.M. 87196 R.26W. 1 Arkansas .. -Coatloued Approd· Temper· mate dis- Location Name ature charge Remarks (• F .) (11:allons a minute) Garland Countr I Hot Sprlnp_ _______ ··--·--·········---- Hot Springs _______________ 102-147 •• 165.·--·· 48 thermal sprin(l:S In aroa ol 20acres; resort; Hot Springs National Par!.:; sanitariums Army and Navy Oeneral r;;; I Hosoital. 8 5}4 miles northeast or H~t Springs .• -••• Big Chalybeate Spring ..•• , 79 •••••. 185 ••• -·- Local use .. ~ The Good Book for Califomia Sidirov. Count, H mlles l!Outheast of Happy Camp, ·--···-····--··-·---·-······ IIO •• ----- 2---·---- 1 spring; bathing. sec. 29, T. 15 N., R. 8 E. · 2 20 miles northeast or Ager·--·-·--···--· Klamath Hot Springs.·--· 100-152 •• 25 •••••• - 7 :8irln11:s; resort. Formerly :Mount Shut.a. 11 miles northeast of --·---·-·--····--·---····· 150---·-- 6........ 2 :i,r?~/~~~~np. Sisson. Modoc Count, 35 miles northwest of Alturas ...•.••.... Pothole Spring.•.•••• -.... 70·-···-· 10·-··--- Not u~e•I. Near Rattlesnake Creek, 9 miles west ···················-······-· 80•• ·-·-· 10 .•• ---- I sµrlnic; uot use,!. of Alturas. Hot Creek, 9 mile.! west or Alturas, sec. Essex Springs·--···-···-·· 8(Hl2._.. 700_ •• _._ 5 springs; bathing, lrriicatlon. 10, T. 42 N., R. 11 E. 7 Warm Spring Valley, 15 miles west or ·-·-···-·--······-····--···· BL---·-· 276---·-- 1 spring; domestic, irrigation. Alturas. I , miles northeast or Canby, sec. ·29, Kelly's Hot Sprln&·····-·· :.K ..... _ 325...... Domestic, lrri&atlon. T. 42 N., R. 10 E. 0 Near Canyon Creelt, 15 miles southwest ·-·······-·--···-········-·· 80 ....... 100 ••• -.. 1 sprln&; domestic, Irrigation. or Alturas. 10 1~ miles southeast or Alturas .••...•.••. ·-··························