
A FOREST MYSTERY SOLVED boys, there's a dead deer," exclaimedcovered, and apparently very fresh, probably "LOOK,Floyd Cossitt, a graduate of the Idahomade the night before or in early morning. School of Forestry in 1924 and now technicalSome of the boys recalled then having seen assistant to the inthese tracks on the way in but paid little at- northern , as he was escorting the Juniorstention to them.That evening at the bunk- over an old abandoned logging road. house every effort was made to assemble the The "boys"fif teen forestry students of theinformation and develop the solution.That junior class from the Idaho School of Forestryforest tragedy was enacted in many ways but on their annual two weeks' field trip to theno one was entirely satisfied with the solution. Northern Rocky Mountain Forest Experiment Cossirr GIVES EX?LANATION Station at Priest River in northern Idaho The next day, Mr. Cossitt again escorted the stopped short and there before them lay agroup, this time on a timber marking project, dead doe.Deep gashes here and there overand promised an explanation of the death of the body were evident as if a slashing, sharpthe dead deer as soon as convenient during knife had been used to mutilate the animalthe day's routine.He stated, at the proper unto death.Blood was trickling from thetime, this explanation was obtained from an wounds and from the nostrils.Wide openold-time trapper of his acquaintance and is as eyes of the dead animal seemed to show anfollows: expression of intense pain and no little amount A mother cougar was teaching her offspring of sympathy for the deer was evident on thea cougar kittento kill deer and between face of every mother's son present.The dead the two the dead doe was the result.This ac- animal was viewed in silent bewilderment forcounts for the way the ground was trampled several minutes, each man turning over theand dug up. The deer had made a desperate same question in his mind"What could havestruggle against her two natural foes. After killed it?" the cougars had killed the doe, the kitten was Finally one of the boys placed his hand onleft at the kill and the mother cougar went the animal and exclaimed, "Why, it's still veryabout her way. warm. This deer met death not so very Tong Before the kitten had more than started to ago."Several of the Juniors then began to devour the dead deer, a male cougar, commonly examine the ground around and were ready toreferred to by woodsmen as a "torn cougar," turn detective but there was no time just then.appeared on the scene, and it seems to be the Our escort, however, promised to return thishabit of male cougars to kill cougar kittens way after our day's inspection of forest re-whenever possible.This doubtless was what search projects had been completed, but before happened here and seems to account for the our return to this place each man had suggest-lone eye and portion of jaw which were found ed and advanced any number of possible solu-near the dead deer.The male cougar had tions for this forest tragedy. taken the life of the kitten which was left at the kill by its mother. DsR FIGHTS FOR LIFE Shortly thereafter and probably a very short Once back to the dead deer the boys care-time before the Juniors came along this old fully examined the area around and were notabandoned logging road, the mother cougar long in discovering tracks of the deer's worstreturned, probably called back by the screams forest enemythe cougar.It was undoubtedlyof her offspring.Finding the male cougar sharp cat-like claws which rent the animal'shad killed the kitten she took the body of the skin like so much cloth.The ground wasdead kitten with her, and left the scene as the trampled and torn up here and there.Small boys approached. brush and vegetation were crushed and beaten to the ground showing a terrific struggle had ensued. Smaller-sized cougar tracks were also noted and right near the body of the deer were found portions of an animal's jaw containing soft tender teethmilk teeth.But of what animal? Further detective work uncovered an ani- mal's eye. Againof what animal? The doe's head was intact.There was practically no mutilation above thethroat. Besides,the eye was different from that contained in the head of the deer.This eye looked like that of Mr. Bird: "On your woy there, two's corn- a cat.And the milk teeth found could alsopuny' three's a crowd." have belonged to a member of the cat family. Allpossible clues were carefully preservedA great big owl satj1an oak, for evening study in the bunkhouse. The more he saw, the less he spoke, On the way to the truck, which was parkedThe less he spoke, the more he heard, at the highway more cougar tracks were dis- Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? 33 Xl SIGMA P1 G. LLOYD HAYES, '34 Ranger, Epsilon Chapter Chapter of Xi Sigma Pi has, this NEW AWARD ESTABLISHED EPSILONyear, enjoyed one of its most prosperous This year the society has instituted a new years since its installation in 1920.As surelyaward.Any graduating senior having aver- as this organization is the leading honoraryage grade of not less than 4.5 for his first two forestry fraternity in the United States, Epsi-years and 5.0 for his junior and first semester ion Chapter has assumed a place of major im-senior year iseligible.The candidates are portance among the honorary societies on ourgiven a weighted grade on the basis of schol- campus. arship 50 per cent, professional interest 15 XiSigma Pi was first organized as a localper cent, personality 15 per cent, practical ex- society in 1908 at the University of Washing-perience and recommendations regarding the

ACTIVE CRAI'TER OF Xx SIGMA P1, 1932-1933. Reading from left to right, back rowDean F. G. Miller, Dr. Edwin C. Jahn, John J. McNair, Stanley C. Clarke, Royale K. Pierson, Dr. E. E. Hubert, Liter E. Spence, and A. M. Sowder. Front RowG. Lloyd Hayes, Kenneth Daniels, Paul Talich, George M. Fisher, Ralph H. Ahl- skog, Charles A. WeUner, Corland James, and Dr. W. D. Miller. ton.Since that time it has growTi to be asame 10 per cent, and leadership 10 per cent. national organization and has eight chaptersThe award consists of membership to the So- located at leading forest schools throughoutciety of American Foresters and a year's sub- the country. scription to the Journal of Forestry. Member- The objects of the fraternity are to secureship to the Society of American Foresters is and maintain a high standard of scholarshipattainable only through nomination by a Sec- in forest education, to work for the upbuildingtion of the Society and election later by the of the profession of forestry, and to promoteSociety, hence Epsilon Chapter shall recom- fraternal relations among earnest workers en-mend the award winner to the Northern Rocky gaged in forest activities.To encourage schol-Mountain Section.This section has kindly of- arship among Idaho forestry students, Epsilon fered to co-operate and nominate for member- Chapter has maintained in the Administrationship the successful candidate.The winner Building since 1922 a bronze plaque of artisticthis year is George M. Fisher, Forester of Ep- design.Each year the name of the student ofsilon Chapter. each class who attained the highest scholastic average is engraved on this plaque. This has A third award sponsored jointly by Xi proved to be a forceful stimulus to scholarship.Sigma Pi and the Associated Foresters is a Those who attained this honor last year were: silver loving cup which goes each year to the Senior, Joseph F. Pechanec; Junior, Charlesclass winning the annual track and field meet A. Wellner; Sophomore, G. Lloyd Hayes; anJat the foresters' barbecue.It was won last Freshman, Floyd 0. Tumelson. year by the Juniors. 34 THE IDAHO FORESTER 35

This year an average of two meetings aand the Arboretum.At present, plans are month have been held, one a banquet, and theunder way for a large stone monument which other a business meeting.Speakers at theis to bear a plate having engraved upon it banquets have come from the School of For-the names of those members making the plan- estry, the Botany Department, the Geologytation. Department, the Department of Entomology, The second annual dance was held April 15 and the Agronomy Department. While theseat the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house. departments are all quite closely associatedThis dance is our only important social event with forestry, topics have been chosen to coverso elaborate arrangements for an enjoyable a wide variety of subjects in an effort to getevening of dancing and cards were not spared. away from purely forestry discussions and getThe patrons and patronesses were Professor a broader perspective of these related sciences.and Mrs. F. W. Gail, Professor and Mrs. G. L. Luke, Mr. Otto Turinsky and Mr. and Mrs. CHAPTER SELECTS NEW MEMBERS F. A. Patty. New members initiated this year include Dr. The officers of Epsilon Chapter for this sea- W. D. Miller, John J. McNair, T. Stewart Bu-son are: Forester, George M. Fisher; Asso- chanan, and Paul H. Talich.In keeping withciate Forester, Charles A. Weilner; Secretary the custom begun last year, each neophyte isand Fiscal Agent, Ralph Ahlskog; and Ranger, required to prepare a plaque of genuine Idaho Lloyd Hayes. white pine (lOxl2xl inches in size) and burn on it the Greek letters of the fraternity. Each member of the local chapter signs his name to this plaque and the candidate is required to Believe It Or Not carry it with him for three days prior to his re- Idaho alums will recall that it is a long way initiation.In addition, the candidate is fom the window ledge of the large School of quested to wear field clothes on the day beforeForestry lecture room on the third floor of initiation and carry with him some substantialMorrill Hall to the ground outside-35 feet to and conspicuous tool of his profession. be exactbut an English setter which fol- GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL PLANTING lowed George Fisher to school one day last Another project completed this season wasFebruary made it in just one jump.The dog the sowing of grass seed on the George Wash- made a little dent in the eight inches of snow ingtonBicentennialColoradoBlueSpruceand was inclined to set only for a short time. planting area which the chapter undertook lastIn fifteen minutes he was running around as season.The plantation is conspicuously lo-always.After all the School of Forestry does cated between the west end of the athletic fieldhave a lightning express elevator.

FAITk IN YOURSELF STANLEY Foss BARTLETT in Personal Efficiency When you're blue and discouraged and soreat the world, Despairing its lust and its greed, It isn't a hand-out from somebody else But faith in yourself that you need. When the man that you think is nobetter than you Is prosperous without a creed, It isn't a graft nor a pull nor alift But faith in yourself that youneed. When you're tempted to think thatitisn't worthwhile To struggle for right till you bleed, You will find this the answer toall of your prayers, It's faith in yourself that you need. DO YOU REMEMBER? MUSINGS OF THE ALUMS

WHEN it took two cups of coffee for a six-WHEN Prof. Watson was teaching a group of weeks' quizz; four for a final, and six to fill lumber jacks how to trim limbs from trees? up "Hank" Hoffman? I do"Give 'em the ax." WHEN "Prof" Behre took us on a field tripWHEN Prof. Dahm arrived on time at an to the adjacent logging camps, and I(H. eight o'clock math, class? Neither do I. Baumann) couldn't hike? WHEN Leonard "Andy" Anderson held the WHEN Gustafson ran a race with the "I" "gunny" on the Junior Field Trip of 1931? Club at a football game and both won andWHEN the Foresters hiked to top of Moscow lost? Mt. on a field trip and laid out over night? WHEN Tom Jackson broke out of the guard Rain started falling during the night and it house at Hayden Lake encampment and was a wet and dejected party that hiked made his escape in a row boat, and the back through the mud to Moscow. thrilling capture by the officer of the guard?WHEN Dr. C. A. Schenck made his original WHEN "Big Bad Bill" Calendar used to tell Moscow appearance in his Teutonic costume us how the wobblies did things and some- of military cape and small fedora with body would always end it by saying "Yes, feather very rampant therein? 'Big Bad Bill' is 'Sweet William' now"? WHEN the mensuration class('26) return- WHEN The "Wobblies" of '27called their ing from Potlatch unloaded a truck of par- meetings by hanging out red lanterns? tially undressed foresters? "Ike" Burroughs WHEN Dr. Haasis said "You can pour in will. more cold creosote anytime now, boys"? WHEN Dean Miller entered the log chopping WHEN Percy Rowe headed a self-appointed contest at the Barbecue in 1925? committee to investigate the actions of cer- WHEN Moscow Mt., our dear old lab., was tain members of the class who were alleged- hours away for any lad?Foresters then ly seeking to become faculty favorites? The were real he men, needing no trucks to investigation was held in the bunk-house of coddle them. the Priest River Experiment Station and theWHEN the forestry class started for Potlatch, third degree was freely employed. away back in the winter of 1913-14 on the WHEN the fellows on the Junior Field Trip, electric train and had to shovel the train '31, took rocks to bed with them? out of snowdrifts near Viola?Also an- WHEN the "Coffee Club" was thriving? other field trip to Moscow Mt. when the WHEN one forestry professor gave a talk class was marooned in an old cabin all night about being careful about smoking in the and removed the ants from the sugar by the woods, then put his lighted pipe in his flotation process? When the Foresters took pocket and burned his clothes? camp cooking in the Domestic Science Dept.? WHEN Franklin Kiepinger explained in de- When the tallest tree in the arboretum was tail the duties of his summer job to "Wes" less than five feet in height? Shull, entomology prof? WHEN Dodd, Gill and Eastman sang "Minnie the Mermaid" over the bunk-house phone at WHEN Jack Rodner almost froze his feet in Priest River Experiment Station and the front of a sorority house? telephone girl in Priest River caught it? WHEN Jemison and LeBarron spent a men-WHEN the "Ags" missed around 500 dough- suration period discussing which way a tree nuts just before their annual dance the fall leans on a side hill? of '22? Boy, if we had had a little more WHEN Fred Kennedy found himself tied to time we'd had the cider also.Some feed. a tree during a surveying lab and it was And a fraternity got blamed. Ha! Ha! about 20 degrees below? WHEN the '30 guard school on the St. Joe WHEN and who quoted the following to the turned out to be a "singing in the rain" Forest Mensuration class of '29, "That Rus- party? sian student thought he was measuring goldWHEN Fred Kennedy '29, got lost from the bricks"? main field party, climbed to the Ohio Match summit, and had to ride back down on the WHEN a professor asked Frank Klepinger, "Duce"? How about it, Fred? "What do you expect to learn in this course '%% HEN Arlie Decker left for the east to take in silviculture?" and "KIep's" answer was advanced work? We gave him a real send- "That's just what I want to know, Doe"? off. All who attended will never forgetnot WHEN a self-appointed Vigilance Committee even Arlie. Ask him. On this occasion a introduced Farmer to a cold plunge in the special unveiling of the statue on the cam- creek at Headquarters on the field trip of pus was had. 1929? (Continued on page 52) 36 IDAHO'S RECORD TREES FLOYD L. OTTER, '29 Instructor in Forestry, School of Forestry %ATHERE is the largest tree in Idaho and to ably this same species holds the age record V what species does it belong? How do Ida- for Idaho although some junipers of southern ho white pines, cedars, and other trees com- Idaho may be older. A well guarded estimate pare in size and age with trees of this speciesof the ages of the large cedars of the Roosevelt found elsewhere? No one knows with certain-Grove in the Kaniksu National Forest, near ty the answers to these questions. My purposePriest River, Idaho, gives their ages as be- in writing this article is to put before in-tween 2000 and 3000 years.The "Story of terested readers the facts relative to the above Redwood" by Cantrell in the December, 1929 questions which have so far come to my at-Timberman states that the oldest redwood tention.That this informationiscertainlylogged to date was 3140 years old. The "Jar- fragmentary and possibly inaccurate is recog- dine Juniper" just south of the Idaho- nized. It is put before you here to serve as anstate line is estimated to be about 3000 years outline upon which we can build a more com- old, but there is very little upon which to base plete and accurate picture of Idaho trees.Isuch an estimate. The record-breaking British am indebted to the United States Forest Ser- Columbia previously mentioned is vice, Regions One, Four, and Six for most ofbelieved to have been 2000 years old. the information recorded here. The records which are on hand to date are WORLD'S RECORD TREES condensed into the following table.Part I of H. D. Tiemann of the U. S. Forest Productsthe accompanying tablegivesthelargest Laboratories has written several articles onknown measurements (or, in some cases, well- "big" trees of the world. For purposes ofgrounded estimates) of the largest and oldest comparison with sizes to be given for Idahotrees found within the boundaries of Idaho. trees it is enough to mention that the largest Part II gives similar information for species recorded diameter of a tree in America northnative to Idaho, but in which specimens of of Mexico appears to be that of a Californiathese species outside the state are reported redwood cut in 1853 which measured 25 feet inwhich are larger or older than any reported diameter inside the bark at six feet aboveto date within Idaho. Any information which ground. Many trees in several other parts ofwill correct, corroborate or bring up to date the world have exceeded thisin diameter.these data, will be appreciated by the School Douglas fir trees appear to be the tallest in theof Forestry of the University of Idaho. world. One cut in 1900 measured 380 feet by According to these records it would appear steel tape. Another is reported from Britishthat Idaho holds world records for diameter Columbia to have been 417 feet high.The on seven species of trees, viz., western white tallest standing tree is reported to be the red-pine, whitebark pine, lodgepole pine, ponde- wood, 364 feet.The redwood and Kauri ofrosa pine, western hemlock, lowland white fir, New Zealand both claim supremacy in vol-and western red cedar.Of the seven species ume, (361 and 376 thousand feet board mea- above it seems very likely that larger ponde- sure respectively). Needless to say, all reportsrosa pines have been found in other states of sizes and ages of "big" trees must be care-than the one reported from River.The fully examined before accepting them. Theresame may be true of the other six species. We are errors in measurements and in humanawait with eagerness communications from memories. Very few reports of heights, vol- some of the "native sons" of our well-adver- umes, and ages of living trees are to be reliedtised neighbor state to the south. On the other hand we need more and better upon to any degree whatsoever. information about the trees growing right IDAHO "BIG" TREES now in Idaho. Idaho ought to be able to beat The largest tree so far recorded in IdahoMontana's record Englemann spruce. The was still standing July 31, 1931.It is in thelargest western hackberry may be growing Washington Creek drainagenot far fromalong the . How about some Headquarters, Idaho in Clearwater County.measurements on mountain hemlocks, alpine This giant is a western red cedar, Thujafirs, and Lyall's larches by you lookouts and plicata reported by Elers Koch and .1. A. Fitz-rangers? There are some enormous fire-killed water of the U. S. Forest Service to be 39.4mountain hemlocks near Cook Mountain on the feet in circumference or about 12.5 feet inClearwater National Forest.No record of diameter at breast height.Butt swell wassizes of our common western larch seem to be only normal. No larger western red cedar has available. come to my attention. This may be a world's Northern Idaho ought to be able to beat record for the species. that lodgepole pine record from the Weiser This tree takes the blue ribbon for diameter.and 'twere a pity if the yellow pine country The height, volume, and age were not andtributary to Boise cannot beat northern Idaho probably could not be measured. Very prob-on sizes of ponderosa pine. There follows a 37 38 THE IDAHO FORESTER

THE LARGEST RECORDED MEASUREMENTS OF IDAHO TREES PART 1, TREES IN IDAHO Common Standing, Cat. Age in Species Name Location Reported By or Dead Diameter Years Height PiOUS Western Marble Creek Standiford 5 merch. monticola white pineRutledge Tbr. 7o. (E. Koch) Cut 92" Stump 480 logs Western Little N. Fork nionticola white pine Clearwater River C. K. MeHarg, Jr. Standing 84" D.B.H. - - Picas Western Kaniksu monticola white pine NatI. Forest Howard Drake Cut-1922 - 15 logs Pin us Whitebark Prof. Bonser, albicanlis pine I St. Joe River Spokane Standing 23" Base - Pious Lodgepole Weiser contorta pine Nati. Forest U.S.F.S.R-4 - 40.7" D.B.H. - Pious PonderosaWolf Lodge Bay, ponderosa pine near C. d'AleneC. K. McHarg, Jr.Standing '29 73" D.B.H. 10* logs Pin us Ponderosa Elk River. Potlatch ponderosa pine I Idaho Lumber Co. Cut-1922 78" Stump - - Finns Ponderosa Payette ponderosa pine Nati. Forest U.S.F.S. R-4 31" 15.B.H. -.-- 208' Tsug Western Upper Priest R.R. H. Weidman, heteroph yOu hemlock Kaniksu N. F. &. Kempif, et alStanding '28 64" D.B.H. Cache N. F. (Not Pseudotsuqa Dou7las stated whether in U.S.F.S. R-4 59.0" D.B.H. foxifoliui fir Idaho or Utah) .4bies Lowland N. Rocky Mt. grandis white fir Forest Exp. Sta. G. Kempif Standing '28 53" D.B.H. Thuja Western Washington Cr.. E. Koch and - plicata red cedar Clearwater Co. Fitzwater Standing '31 150" D.B.H. Thuja Western Roosevelt Grove. C. U. Clark, H. 2000 to plicata red cedar Kaniksu N. F.Flint, & GerrardStanding '19 144" D.B.H. 3000 Juniperus Rocky Mt. Fifield Basin scopulorum red cedar Idaho Falls W. G. Steward Cut-1928 57.2" Base 1625 Tax us Clearwater Weekly Bul., D-1 brevifotia Western yew NatI. Forest U.S.F.S. 5-22-22 Standing '16 22" Base - 32' Betul.s Carpentier Cr. fan tinirlis Red birch F Payette N. F. Floyd L. Otter Standing '31 13" D.B.H. -

PART 2, RECORD TREES OF IDAHO SPECIES Reported found in other States

Pin us Greys River, flexitis Limberpine Wyo. U.S.F.S.R-4 70.5"D.B.H. Pin us flexilis Limber pine Utah Beacraft, U.A.C. Standing 87" D.B.I-1. 4Q* Fire,, Enlelmann Gordon Cr.. Flat- rn'jelinauni spruce head N. F., Mont. 1-1. Thai Standing '2974" at 5 feet 200* R. E. MeArdle in Ps,'udotsugu Dousias fir Near Mineral. U.S.D.A. Tech. Cut 184.8" D.B.1-l. 1020* 225* t',xifoll'i Wn. Diii. No. 201 Pseudo(s,tya Timberman. taxifolin Douglas fir Toledo, Ore. Oct., 1926 Cut 340' t'sudotsi,ga Mt. Vernon. K. E. McArdle -- tr,xif ala, Douglas fir Wash. Tech. Bul. No. 201 CutlOiS 1400 Juniperus Rocky Mt. Cache N. F.. scopulorum red cedar Ltah IJ.S.F.S. R-4 Standing '32 95" Base 2700" 42* Hamma Hamma Tuxu Western yewWatershed. Olyni- R. 0. Maclay, 48" Base brerifolia pie N. F.. Wash. L'.S.F.S. - 37" D.B.H." 1.*tirnare THE IDAHO FORESTER 39 list of the species of trees not mentioned here-location should be noted so that anyone can tofore which are known to be native to Idahocheck the measurements. The report should be and for which we have no size or age measure- made to the School of Forestry, University of ments whatsoever: Idaho, Moscow. The nearest National Forest White fir, Abies concolor. officer will also be glad to receive any report Utah juniper, Juniperus utahensis. of large trees.If measurements of large Rocky Mt. red cedar, Juniperus scopulorum.trees which have been cut are sent in, the lo- Western juniper, Juniperus occidentalis. cation of the stump should be given and any Dwarf juniper, Juniperus communis. corroborating evidence such as the names of Aspen, Popnlus tremuloides. the logging companies and the scaler or other Northern black cottonwood, Populus tricho-person actually measuring the tree should be ca rpa. given. Newspaper clippings are of value. Balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera. OTHER RECORDS Narrow leaf poplar, Populus angustifolia. Paper birch, Betula papyrifera varieties. Some other interesting tree records have ap- White alder, Alnus rhombifolia. peared. The Pend d'Oreille National Forest Mountain alder, Alnus tenuifolia. has a section of white pine 14 inches D. B. H., Thornapple or hawthorne, crataegus sp. with only 21 annual rings.There are only 11 rings in the last 5 inches of growth and during Boxelder, Acer negundo. the last decade of its life it increased in di- Dwarf maple, Acer glabrum. ameter 9 inches, almost an inch a year. Curl-leaf mountain mahogany, Cercocarpus First place for height goes to the western ledifolius. Western chokecherry, Prunus virginiana Va- white pine reported by Howard Drake shown vie ties. in the table, Part I.He states this tree yield- Bitter cherry, Prunus emarginata. ed 15 sixteen-foot logs or 240 feet of mer- Cascara, Rhamnus purshiana. chantable length.The additional length of Western mountain ash, Sorbus americanatop and stump was not stated.What site sitchensis. index would this tree indicate, you students of Chapman?Further, Mr. Drake states that Western serviceberry, A melanchier. the quarter section of timber from which the Blueberry elder, Sambucus coerulea. tree came cut eleven million feet of white PROPER TREE MEASUREMENTS ESSENTIAL pine besides five million "mixed" species, or Tree diameters should always be measuredenough timber for 1,000 average houses.At at breast height(4feet above ground). Athat, though, it would take three acres to pro- string or cord which does not stretch can beduce as much wood as has been taken from carried in the pocket and used in the absence one giant redwood. of a diameter tape.The cord can be cut or And finally, Mister Smokechaser, with your marked at the circumference length, measuredlittle Pulsaki tool, how would you like to find at any later time and converted into diameterthat your fire was in the top of a 67-inch in inches to tenths.Care must be taken tod. b. h. fire-killed Idaho white pine reported avoid or record abnormal butt swell and grossfrom the and your irregularities in bole circumference. The exactjob was merely to fell the tree.

SCHOOL HAS DISTINGUISHED VISITORS Mr. Howard Drake, Logging Engineer ofd'Alene, Idaho, chose "Aspects of the Idaho the Coeur d'Alene National Forest, gave aForest Law" in his lecture to the forestry series of two lectures to Idaho School of For- students on December 20, 1932. estry students, Thursday, February 23. "Tim- ber Appraisals on the National Forests" was Mr. E. A. Sherman, Associate Forester, U. the subject of his lecture to the logging andS. Forest Service, Washington, D. C., with lumbering students. Later in the day he dis-Mr. Meyer H. Wolff, Assistant Regional For- cussed fire protection to the class covering thisester in Charge, Office of Lands, U. S. Forest subject. Service, Missoula, , were callers at the School in early fall.Mr. Wolff returned Mr. H. L.Redlingshafer, regionalfiscallate in March to be present at the Associated agent for the U. S. Forest Service, Alaska,Foresters' Annual Banquet and on March 30, was a School of Forestry visitor on Thursday,this year, delivered an interesting lecture to November 17,1932. Hisson, Thomas,isthe students on the subject "The New Public registered as a freshman in the School ofDomain" which he has defined elsewhere in Forestry.The elder Mr. Redlingshafer was this issue of THE IDAHO FORESTER.Mr. Sher- greatly pleased with the Idaho forest school. man is author of the article entitled "Planning Mr. Charles K. McHarg, Jr., Regional For-a Forest for the University of Idaho," also estInspector, with headquartersat Coeurcontained in this issue of THE IDAHO FORESrEK. A GENERAL COMPARISON OF AERIAL AND GROUND SURVEYS TI-IROUGH FOREST AREAS J. A. CHAMBERLIN Engineer, Idaho Department of Public Works THE surveythrough theforestforthe The public or business interest which sup- crossing of the Bitter Root Mountains byports the particular undertaking is continually the Lewis and Clark Highway between Lewis-sustained by rapidity of decision.Interest is ton, Idaho and Missoula, Montana was under-not allowed to subside through long prepara- taken by aerial methods in the interest oftory periods during which adverse conditions speed, economy, and improved survey methods.may arise and administrations change. The project was undertaken jointly by the During the preliminary period of considera- United States Bureau of Public Roads and thetion, the economic foundation of an undertak- Idaho Department of Public Works. ing is laid, as the primary findings form the A discussionofthe general conclusionsbasis for acceptance or rejection.It is during reached in comparison with those usually se-this period that the information at hand is cured by the customary ground methods is ofusually most meager and assurances are slow interest, as many new and essential advan-in developing. By the use of aerial methods, tages have become apparent.These advan-this situation is reversed.All physical and tages are individual toaerial methods, sotopographical information is secured with the constituteaerialmethodassets,andaregreatest of dispatch at a time when its pos- enumerated rather than compared, as theresession is most essential.Facts are immedi- are no ground method equivalentstosetately at hand. The maximum information is against them. available at the psychological time and not GROUND LIMITATIONS months or perhaps years later when condi- Ground survey methods have remained prac-tions, opinions and persons have changed. tically constant as to time, cost, and scope for PERSONAL EQUATION a long period. The speed of construction ac- Preliminary examinations and reports are celerates annually. Nature's obstacles and hu-usually made by one individual whose findings man endurance have remained constant. Man's are sometimes checked by the independent re- chief limitation has been his natural meansports of another individual and on these find- of locomotion and his limited horizontal vision. ings the program is outlined. The reports and Aerialmethodsprovideanother dimension maps submitted are unavoidably colored by the and will lift him above these limitations. competency and reactions of the individual The necessity for greater dispatch in con- maps and the scope of the examination reflect structive decision to supplement the increasinghis opinion as to the sufficiency of the infor- speed in transportation and communication ismation. This individual attitude or "personal well recognized.The planning and prepara-equation," has a greater effect and influence tionforconstructiveundertakingsusually during the preliminary stages than at any consumes more time than the construction it- other time. The report of the individual is self. considered by a superior omcer who has little If constructive decision and design are not means of measuring its merit and sufficiency. accelerated in proportion to that of the other The present interrelation of business and elements, the cycle of speed and time savingdepartmental subdivisions is making more and will not be complete. The slower functions willmore essential the necessity for joint decisions nullify, to a large extent, the general advance.when determining upon a course of action. The The net saving in time will be reduced and de- situation must be considered from varied as- velopment be retarded in a general economicpects by various executives. The information sense. must be wide in scope as well as finely de- TIME FACTOR tailed to meet the requirements. Aerial photo- The time factor carries an economic and graphs, mosaics and maps, when submitted to political value that is not readily determinatea management allow the subject to be con- in dollars and cents when monetary first costs sidered by all concerned. are considered and compared. It is, however, GROUP DECISION a dominant factor when measured in terms of The executive heads may then reach their final value received. The holding of projectsown individual conclusions without being sub- in suspense during long periods of investiga-ject to the "personal equation" of any individ- tion and ground survey is a liability on publicual and without the possibility of misunder- projects and a financial loss to operating com- standing any supplementary verbal or written panies. Rapidity of decision allows the streaminformation.The final outline for action 15 of development to flow continuously and re-then developed and becomes a joint or group moves obstructions that delay not only the pri- decision in which all interested parties have mary project, but related ones as well. participated in proportion to their jurisdiction. 40 THE IDAHO FORESTER 41

The form of the information lends flexibilitytail depend only upon the height from which to it and its completeness instills confidencethe picture was taken and the extent of it is by removing uncertainties. Group decision andlater enlargement. The map scale will vary the elimination of the "personal equation" willsimilarly. tend to strengthen judgment and are a natural outcome of aerial examination and surveys. GENERAL COMPARISON A comparison of relative values between DIVERSITY OF USE ground and aerial examination, particularly The diversity of use of aerial photographson preliminary work, is not readily present- and mosaics, particularly when made underable with brevity inasmuch as theaerial government or public auspices, enhances theirmethod introduces new elements of great val- economic value and conversely reduces theue that are not obtainable by ground methods. ultimate cost, as the information is applicable A dollar for dollar comparison is not equit- to many purposes.Aerial photographs andable as the advantage of the aerial method in mosaics embody the possibility of being de-providing a quicker and broader understand- veloped into topographic maps.In additioning of the entire situation is infinitely greater they depict a replica of every ground featurethan the ground method. Similar results might and can be used for all purposes, includingbe obtained by either method by the same in- forestry, agriculture, reclamation, and statedividual provided he covered the country on andgovernmenthighwaysprojects.This the ground with a thoroughness equal to the adaptabilityenhancesverymateriallytheplane in the air, took enough time, and made value of the resulting information by eliminat- a decision that his superiors would approve if ing duplication of effort. Ground survey mapsthey had seen everything that he had seen. would indicate and emphasize only the fea-This is a rather heavily qualified statement tures or subjects directly applying to the par- and the result of that procedure would be to ticular purpose under consideration. again become subservient to the personal equa- NONTECHNICAL tion and delete all of the fundamental advan- In many cases itis essential that certaintages and assurances previously enumerated. technical aspects of projects be discussed with The sole advantage would be that the man and made clear to nontechnical persons, forhad been upon the ground and would be in a purpose of financing and appropriations.To better position to classify the material.Upon many of these persons maps, profiles, and dia- returning from a reconnaissance, he would grams are not readily comprehensible. A pic-bring no corroborative evidence to support his ture or a mosaic with the project indicated up- opinion.Upon the return of the plane, a on it brings ready comprehension and when series of photographs of each route considered supplemented with oblique pictures,affords would be available for detailed study and con- understanding and eliminates long complicatedsideration and would constitute a permanent explanations. A common ground of under-record available at any time for any purpose standing is thus provided and any tendency to-affecting the area covered.For an explora- ward an individual uncertainty is removed,tory flight as compared to a ground trip, the to the end that negotiations can proceed withflight would cost the least. more assurance and confidence in both the For a photographic flight as compared to a project and the representative. ground trip on trails, the cost would be about The preceding general statements introducethe same, as the ground trip would require a few engineering aspects of aerial surveysmuch more travel to gain the same understand- and some of the resulting advantages. Theing and assurance.In certain very difficult scale of the pictures and the extent of the de-areas, the ground reconnaissance would cost

A Forest Survey Party Makes Use of Pack Horses to Carry Men and Equipment into Inaccessible Regions Where There Are No Roads and Often Few Trails. 42 THE IDAHO FORESTER more than a photographic flight, but with theclearly, as well as fluffs of dust stirred by a qualification in each case, that ground tripsplodding pack train, with which, perchance, donotaffordtheadvantagespreviouslythere traveled some engineer on ground re- enumerated. connaissance.The position of the pack train It appears, then, that up to the point ofindicated to a certain degree the nature of actual maps and surveys, aerial methods offerthe ground near the river by its occupancy or a great advantage not only in time, but inits avoidance. returns from the cost, and further, that there TREES MARK Hrnu WATER is a credit balance to carry over and apply on In many cases a line of isolated trees stood the cost of ground control and mapping. at highwater line along the rivers and so AERiAL RECONNAISSANCE showed that the area between them and the The effectiveness of the reconnaissance andwater was a bar, and not tenable. photographic flights on the Lewis and Clark Steep sections of the main streams were in- project over that of ground reconnaissancedicated by narrow channels and white water, was evidenced in many ways.On the firstand slack sections by wide channels and black flight the Bitter Root Mountains were crossedwater.The scars of snow slides and cloud over the Route and recrossedbursts led down the slopes to fantails of debris over the North Fork Route. The Ridge Routeon the river bank and bars in the stream. lying between the above mentioned routes was The entire panorama lay spread beneath in observed at the same time. The flying timeall its detail and close or distant observation was three hours, over difficult mountain coun-was accomplished by a word to the pilot. try, and the distance flown, about three hun- Mountains led away on both sides and wide dred miles. The main streams were in deepdeflections in the courses of river and streams narrow recesses and the high ground waswere seen in their true relations and in some sharp and ragged in form.The flight wascases invited cut-off s by the use of more ascent made at an elevation of from 1,000 to 5,000and descent. The top of the divide was viewed feet above the ground.The highest elevationfor many miles and the passes lay spread out reached was 10,000 feet and in only one casefor observation. There is slight likelihood of did the plane descend within a few hundredmissing a hidden pass from the air.Out from feet of the ground. the divide ran slopes and ridges of varied It was naturally supposed that the generalground which told much of their texture by course and relation of the routes as well astheir form. Basins were viewed from all sides the drainage systems would show clearly, butand peaks are circled with celerity. A remark a surprising amount of detail proved to beto the pilot, and distant ground is quickly ascertainable at the same time.The planeclose by and then swept away as questions are was held to one side of the objective ratheranswered visually.An effortless investiga- than immediately above it in order to permittion conducted by a seemingly detached intel- of the ground view in perspective. lect that requires no endurance for its trans- STREAMS Snow PLAINLY portation. rn the burned areas, ground details showed ROUTES EASILY COMPARED FROM AIR with a great clearness and the nature of the The examination of routes lying reasonably material was evident. On fully timbered sec- close to main streams is comparatively simple tions where the trees rose tier on tier fromas the actual position of the line is determinate narrow bottoms, and the river seemed to fillwithin narrow limits. The position of a sup- the channel, the details were not so readilyported line that may loop about isnot SO ascertained.In this case, judgment could bereadily decided upon from the air as a wide rendered only from the general steepness ofarea may be occupied and the elevation line the side slopes, the bald rocky spots andcan not be determined.In such cases, the ex- masses of rock that had rolled into the river.amination becomes more general.The con- Thegeneralconfiguration,however,was figuration and formation of the country over readily observed.The heavily timbered sec-which a descent is proposed, is open to con- tions were not extensive in the canyons andsideration as a whole.Desirable ground for offered little interruption. development or support is much more readily The various routes flowed by with suchlocated from the air, although ground work rapidity that the outstanding differences werewould be required to prove its utility and co- presentedwithemphasis andcomparisons Incidence with the desired grade line. were readily made. Secondary streams could, In any case, the general character of sup- in many cases, be seen from their sources toporting ground on any route or routesis their mouths.The side of the main riversreadily open to comparison.Aerial recon- having the least tributary streams was easilynaissance eliminates that ever present fear selected.The requirements for bridges wereon ground work of overlooking something by evident.The varied characters of groundnot knowing what lies just beyond one more along the river bank were easily segregated. hill.From the air, the entire area and many Slopes and cliffs and the main trails showedmiles on each side are examined ina few ef- THE IDAHO FORESTER 43 fortless minutes and conclusions are reachedpose at this time is to arrive at comparative that are qualified by few mental reservations! costs and so know the relative value of alter- Theflights,bothreconnaissance,photo-nate routes.With these figures are placed graphic and reflights for the Lewis and Clarkthe physical values of rise and fall, curvature Highway, were completed in twelve hours ofand distance, together with climatic, political, flying time and about 1,000 miles were flown.maintenance, and economic values, the most A ground party would occupy that period insuitable route becomes evident. traveling ten miles along the trail and mak- To the engineer making a ground recon- ing camp.The films were sent to Washing-naissance in heavy country, the matter of dis- ton, D. C. by airmail for development andtance is usually approximated, but on the air printing.In ten days from the date of taking,pictures that difficulty does not appear, as they the pictures were received and the stereoscopiccan be measured on the photograph and the study began. mosaic. From the air, the alternate routes are con- In making these approximate reconnaissance sidered close together and no term of time orestimates, the ground method has the advan- effort lies between the observations to dull thetage in a more detailed classification of the impression derived, as is the case when travel-material. It contains, however, the more seri- ing laboriously along faint trails upon theous possibility of overlooking the opportuni- ground. When observed information is sup-ties of more favorable ground that is plainly evident from the air. Estimates of this type ported and supplemented by continuous photo-are visual approximations based on previous graphs, the aerial method far outstrips ground little reconnaissance in every respect.In addition,knowledge ofsimilar conditions and the resulting record is of much greater value,variation in judgment should occur. due to its increased scope and versatility of GROUND CoNTRoL use.It is, in fact, visual proof of the condi- The completion of the reconnaissance flights tions, while that of ground reconnaissance isand the photography concludes one complete simply verbal and subject to the "personalsection of aerial work. The choice of routes has equation." been made and the remainder of the work re- PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE quired is the making of a topographic map of After the photographs of the various routesthe accepted route and the actual staking of have been studied under a stereoscope and athe located line upon the ground and final esti- tentative route has been indicated upon themating of cost. mosaics, the pictures are again studied and a From thispoint, then, two coursesare preliminary cost estimate is made. open. The topographic map can be made from This preliminary or reconnaissance estimatethe photographs after a ground control has is made just as it would be by a man uponbeen placed, or it can be made from measure- showments taken on the ground after a staked theground.The groundconditions preliminary line has been established.The clearly under the stereoscope. Some distortiondesired end is to obtain topography and tie it occurs in the steepness of the slopes due tointo a base line.This is required in order variation in the overlap of the pictures, butthat the center line when projected upon the the same condition obtains on all the routes sotopography may be transferred to the ground the result balances sufficiently for comparisonin the same relation to the base or preliminary purposes. line that it occupies upon the map. Ground Stream crossings are more readily determi-control consists of elevations on certain dis- nate upon the pictures than upon the ground.tinguishable points at random on the picture Advantageous breaks in the slopes above theand also the length and bearings of the courses rivers are located at once and not passed bybetween the points. This information may be as when traveling below. The choice of groundsecured by stadia or otherwise as the condi- along the main stream is readily made as thetions warrant. pictures show half a mile on each side. Cliffs A preliminary line would be a precise staked and slopes are easily distinguishable, particu-line close to the position that the highway larly in open country, and large boulders inwas expected to occupy and form the base the rivers are discernible. from which the topography would be taken and BEST ROUTE READILY ASCERTAINED from which the projected center line would be When the line leaves the rivers and supportslocated upon the ground. along the slope, the procedure does not con- tinue with as much confidence as along the GROUND CONTROL IMPORTANT river as there is no gauge of elevation except In mountain country such as that under by estimating the height of the trees and step- consideration the preparations for doing either ping off the ascent or descent accordingly.would be similar.The size of the party for The character of the country shows, however,ground control was less on the Lochsa than and the gross ascent is usually known, so thewould have been the case for a preliminary distance across each type of ground isde- line and the time taken for the fifty miles of terminate and the cost is estimated. The par-canyon was less.Survey points upon the 44 THE IDAHO FORESTER ground control were not established perman- vary in proportion to the scale of the map. ently and there is no prospect of utilizing theThe scale of the map should vary in propor- topography in detail when the final locationtion to the roughness of the country.The is made. price of the map can equal the price of a The question at once arises as to how ex- ground preliminary and topography on one tensive the ground control should be.The line plus a reasonable amount for the increased results obtained on the Lochsa would seem toscope of the information. indicate that they should either be more than The aerial map, however, has an outstand- was used or less.If the ground control hading advantage in utility over the ground map been placed in the form of a preliminary andby reason of its greater scope and detail. In have had the pointswell established, theaddition, increased width in the topography projected line could have been located withoutto include both sides and the slopes above a the necessity of additional preliminary orriver does not increase the cost proportionally topographic work. for the reason that no additional flying is re- Ifless work had been placed upon thequired and little more ground control.On ground control by using existing maps and ele-ground surveys, additional preliminary and vations and building up a map that would ad-base lines would be required for expansion Of mittedly contain some variations in course andthe area and for alternate propositions.The elevation, the map in that case would haveground map usually covers a limited strip. had about the same preliminary value and theThe sufficiency of this strip is determined by field control would have cost nothing. the individual upon the ground and there is As the matter stands now, there is no readylittle opportunity to study alternatives and to manner by which to place the paper projectionguard against oversights. on the ground as a located line. When the line The flexibility and completeness of aerial is located, a preliminary line and a workingsurvey information, its diversity of use and strip of topography, as well as a new projec-the ready expansion oftopographicarea, tion of the line, will be required.The presentmakes it a more positive and complete source work and map, therefore, is limited to pre-ofunderstandingthantheusualground liminary and general purposes. methods.The enhanced value of the results Two PHASES OF WORK and the safeguards in judgment that it affords makes it a better dollar for dollar investment This situationis no reflection upon the aerial surveys but the recitation of a resultand justifies a greater gross expenditure than due to occupying an intermediate position.ground work because it is very evident that This develops the fact that aerial mapping andthe ultimate net economic cost will be less. topography divides itself into two classes. One class for preliminary estimate purposes and one for final detail work. These two classes Appreckiion vary in value in proportion to the scale of the map, and the accuracy, class and permanency The editorial staff of The IDAHO FORESTER of the ground control. The cost varies in ais grateful to the contributors for their part similar ratio and their desirability in propor- in the publication of this issue.The staff also tion to their cost as compared to that of theacknowledges the co-operation of several agen- usual ground survey costs when supplementedcies in supplying certain cuts.The University by aerial photographs. of Idaho Publicity Department supplied the cut appearing on page41. The Caxton SCALE OF MAP VARIES WITH COUNTRY Printers, Ltd., Caldwell, Idaho, publishers of The Lochsa River aerial map was made onthis year's edition, furnished the cutson pages a scale of 500 feet to the inch and the contour1, 2, and 6, and supplied the art work for the interval was ten feet. For a country as diffi- hand lettered heading of The IDAHO FORESTER cult as that through which the river passes,appearing on page 3. that scale is too small to permit the projecting of a close final line. A final ground map to a scale of one hundred feet to the inch will be required over the strip that will be occupied Time Flies by the highway.This aerial map then falls within the preliminary class and as such, the A "green" fire fighter was aroused from his slumbers at 3:00 a. m. to begin the day'srou- necessity for refinements in the quality of thetine. ground control were not vitally essential, and Getting ready for breakfast he was could have been heavily curtailed without af-heard to say, "It sure doesn't take long to fecting the net value of the projection andspend a night in this country." estimate made upon the map. The quality of the ground control should During his youth he was a knotty problem, NOTE:Mr. G. H. MeKelvey is Commissioner of Public wOrks and Mr. J. H. Stemmer is Director of Hirhwaysbut his father was a lumberman, therefore he for Idaho. was a chip off the old block. AN ADDRESS TO THE ASSOCIATED FORESTERS GEORGE M. FISHER, '33 Delivered at the Bonfire Meeting at Price Green, October, 1932

Mr. President and Associated Foresters of theupbuilding of the profession of forestry. 3. To University of Idaho: promote fraternalrelations among earnest DOUBT everyone here, with the possibleworkers engaged in forest activities. exception of the freshmen, knows what an SCHOLARSHIP ESSENTIAL honorary fraternity or society is.Existence You will see from this that recognition of of such an organization inour School ofmembership by the group would be based on Forestry is evident, but some of you knowscholarship, activity in forestry work, and very little more than that.I have recollec-true professional interest.The eligibility re- tions of reading in the catalog about such anquirements are high and stand among the top honor society when I was a freshman in thein relation to other existing societies.But University.But it was not until my sopho-they are high for a purpose.It is necessary more year that I fully realized what the or-to maintain forest school standards and pro- ganization meant, what the functions of thefessional forestry on par with the best of group were, and how admission was possible.other professions.Also an honor difficult to Xi Sigma Pi, National Forestry Honor Fra-attain and worth working hard for is much ternity, stands for an honor society in everymore valued and appreciated after such an sense of the word. It is a distinct honor to ourhonor is obtained.Three-fourths of all the institution and is based upon the very highestgrades a student makes during hiscollege of standards which are recognized in our For-course must be B or better or in other words estry School.It is an honor to the professionabove 80 per cent.Second semester junior of forestry because its representation is select-standing is necessary except in a few cases ed with much care in regard to the active for-where a limited number of students of excep- estry profession and is composed almost 100tional ability may be pledged during their per cent of men now engaged and holding highfirst semester of the junior year. A failure positions in this chosen field.It is an honorin any forestry subject completely rejects the to the individual when he is recognized andstudent from membership.Faculty members chosen for membership. I think I am right inand graduate students with the necessary high stating that no one ever received membershipscholastic records coming from institutions in Xi Sigma Pi who did not earnestly work forthat do not have a chapter of Xi Sigma Pi are it and did not feel that after he had receivedeligible for membership. this honor that it was indeed another victory Now this leads up to one thought I wish won. to get across tothe new students tonight. Start right now working toward a member- MEMBERSHIP IMPORTANT ship in the fraternity. It may not seem urgent The organization has grown up with theat this time but it is most important. When field of forestry.Established in 1908 at ouryou get to be sophomores and juniors and re- neighboringinstitution,theUniversityofalize that you would like to be a member of Washington,ithas now a membership ofXi Sigma Pi, and what it may mean to you, almost 1000 and has eight chapters represent-it might be too late. An eligiblity requirement ed in the country's finest forestry schools. Thisof 75 per cent B and better is hard to make membership figure means considerable as thereand itis mighty important that you start are not very many thousands of men at theworking for this in your first year of school. present engaged in forest activities. A furtherLet me give exact figures to explain what I comparison is possible when it is known theremean. are roughly 2500 members of the Society of American Foresters, the largest group of pro- HIGH GRADES FIRST YEAR IMPORTANT fessional foresters in our country. The average student in the forestry school The local chapter at Idaho has been in exist-carries 18 credit hours each semester or 36 a ence 12 years, the charter having been grantedyear.If the student completes 20 hours of in 1920.It has steadily grown in importancework B and better the first year, which is in our school, having one of the strongest above the average, this gives him 55per cent alumnae chapters in the fraternity, as well asabove C.But even then the following year one of the best represented in the profession.this student must make all but two hours of At the end of last year the active residentthis 36 earned his second year, B and better, membership of Idaho Epsilon Chapter was 19.to be eligible for Xi Sigma Pi with a 75 per This fall the group is represented by 16 actives.cent. How many do this? The thing to do is The objects of the fraternity are: 1. To se-work for good grades and get interested in cure and maintain a high standard of scholar-scholarship your first year in school.It is ship in forest education.2.To work for the (Continued on page2i 45 46 THE IDAHO FORESTER

the welfare of many a livestock producer is The Benefits and Services Rendered Byheavily dependent. Furthermore, by the sys- the National Forests of the State tem of preferences that is established under Forest Service policies the smaller stockmen of Idaho have equal opportunity with the larger and (Continued from page 10) more powerful, for finding range for their stock. Constancy and stability in the number of stock permitted, based upon the output ca- ber is to provide the material for consumerspacity of the land, is a further benefit to the throughout the nation, nevertheless the bene-stockmen so they can plan ahead with rea- fits to the local state and its people are sosonable confidence on their livestock produc- great and of such vast service to them that,tion operations. were the federal government not carrying the For the convenience and economy of opera- task, the state itself or its counties would betion of the range users the government is con- virtually forced to undertake the effort, to fartinually improving the range facilities through larger extent than now, to protect the pros-such activities as driveway construction, water perity of a large portion of its people. developments, rodent and poison plant eradi- MANY DEPEND ON WATERSHEDS cation, and drift fence construction, things The other basic purpose of the nationalthat no individual could undertake but which forests is watershed protection; the stabiliza-redound very greatly to those who obtain an- tion of waterfiow and the prevention of ero-nually in the neighborhood of 3500 permits to sion. How vital is water in Idaho for irriga- use the range. tion is well known and attested to by the fact It is commonly agreed among stockmen and that of over forty thousand farms in the stateland use students that some control of the open about 60 per cent (comprising 55 per cent ofrange is essential. Experience has shown that the improved acreage) are irrigated.Over not otherwise can the public range be pro- $90,000,000,000 has been spent in irrigation tected from the first-come-first-served scramble works. Idaho's streams are capable of generat-for its resources with consequent overgrazing ing 2,000,000 horse power, although it shouldand rapid deterioration of great injury finally be borne in mind that not all this horsepowerto all users. Many of these range lands are of will be developed in the state for a great manysuch character that itis very questionable years. whether they would have gone into private Virtually all streams of importance for irri-ownership and remained there, interest on in- gation or for power have their source amongvestment and tax charges being considered. the high forested slopes within the nationalThey would then have remained public domain forests. Despite the fact that no abuse of therange subject to all the abuse that the remain- mountain watersheds could wholly destroy thising public domain range meets in most of the resource, the loss of the timber or other plantwestern states. cover might result in depreciating a large part GRAZING FEESLow of a value.Height and duration of floods would be accentuated and the much needed It is to be noted also that the fees charged water during the irrigation period would beby the government for range per head are low much reduced.Erosion from barren hillsidescompared to the fees very generally charged would resultinsilting up reservoirs andon private lands of similar range character, canals, making their maintenance more ex- and much below the usual cost per head that a pensive. The government's efforts in the na-stock producer would have to bear in the tional forests in preventing forest fires, over-event he owned his own land; oftentimes the grazing, and the thoughtless cutting of timbercost per head of government range is less than safeguard these watersheds against the ef-the cost per head of the taxes alone on pri- fects of such mistreatment.The farms andvately owned lands. One cannot help but note the water power developments have indeed athat in spite of appeals for grazing fee re- considerable interest in the national forestsductions from livestock men in many quarters and are rendered an enormous service throughwho are using national forest ranges, the fact the federal government's safeguarding of theirthat they are getting the range at less cost benefits. than they would probably through any other ownership, coupled with the marked advan- GRAZING RESOURCES VITAL tages of the government methods of range use Intermingled with the forest-producing landcontrol, has resulted in national forest graz- and integrally a part of them, particularly ining users so well satisfied that they have in the national forests in the southern part of themany an instance urged the extension of na- state, are lands carrying forage values of con-tional forest range control to. other public do- siderable utility.These forage resources aremain range lands. handled under the same general policies of How important an element are the national constructive and conservative use that are ap-forest ranges in the livestock-producing busi- plicable to the timber. Thus is insured a per- ness of the state is evident by the fact that manent production of range feed upon whichover 60 per cent of the 2,275,000 sheep and THE IDAHO FORESTER 47

close to eighteen per cent of the 635,000 cattleit is to be confidently expected that this use in the state find range in the national forests.will greatly increase with return to normal The livestock-producing operations behind theconditions in the country and as machine stock grazed on the national forest ranges, ondevelopment constantly enables mankind to which they vitally depend, have an estimatedenjoy greater and greater leisure.The For- value of very close to $20,000,000. est Service recognizes recreation as one of the major uses of the national forests and gives it FOREST SsavIcE DEVELOPS RECREATIONAL iJSES a prominent place in its land use, protection, The recreational resources of the nationaland development plans. forests are of considerable benefit to the citi- Very clearlyits national forests are of zens of the state because they lie practically atmanifold benefit to the people of the State of the back door in most places and at very shortIdaho, far in excess of any sacrifices that may distances elsewhere in the state.The Forestbe consideredchiefly in the form of taxes Service policy is to encourage the use of thethat may have been collectible on a small part forests for recreation and to develop rec-of the lands had they remained open for pri- reational resources and to make them morevate acquisition.It is to be borne in mind, readily usable. Camping and picnicking, hunt-however, that the major reason for the forests ing and fishing (except for necessary stateas a national enterprise is to insure their licenses), are free of charge. These are thebenefits for the people of the nation, which principal recreational uses made of the for-could not be attained by any other means than ests by the local people. The seven-year aver-federal ownership and control.The govern- age, from 1925 to 1931 inclusive, for this formment in the national forests as with other of of recreational use came to slightly over 135,-its activities, undertakes its burden with the 000 people. How rapidly this is growing isaim of benefit and service to the people of the evidenced by the fact that the figures for 1932nation, as well as locally, and not for any alone come to slightly over 190,000.Otherprofit or other direct financial gain. Funda- forms of recreation are also encouraged; formentally that is why the national forests in nominal fees tracts for exclusive use for re-Idaho are of such great benefit to its people. sorts or for summer homes can be obtained under a minimum of restrictions designed to protect public interest and other recreational uses. George Woshingfon Memorial Just how many of these visitors hunt or fish is a number not available but it is known Dedication to be large. They are attracted by the over The members of Epsilon chapter of Xi Sig- 80,000 head of big game, and the fine fishingma Pi met in the Arboretum the noon of Cam- streams virtually everywhere in the nationalpus Day, May 10, 1933 for a luncheon and forest areas. The Forest Service liberally andformal dedication of the George Washington 'whole-heartedly co-operates with thestate Bicentennial Memorial. game authorities in fostering the fish and After a lunch of coffee, beans, sandwiches, game and enforcing the game laws.In theand pie, served at "Price Green" by Paul formulation of the very essential game man-Talich, chairman of events, the stage, consist- agement plans, insuring foresight in theseing of two chairs and a table, was set for a matters, the Forest Service has considered itsclever playletentitled, "The Moonshiners." responsibility virtually co-ordinate with thatJohn McNair and Dr. W. D. Miller composed of the state agencies, since it is a Forest landthe cast. use that is concerned.It is only with such The group then adjourned to the memorial plans that the present and future well-beingplanting of 19 Colorado Blue Spruce nearby, of the game and fish resources can be soundlyestablished May 3, 1932.Dean F. G. Miller assured. officially dedicated the memorial, addressing GUESTS OF STATE BRING REVENUE the members as they gathered around the large granite rock upon which a bronzed plate What portion of the recreation users comehad been mounted commemorating the plant- from outside the stateitispossible onlying.G. M. F. roughly to estimate. Assuming that 10 per cent would be a conservative figure, the actual recreation occupants of the national forest land, other than Idahoans, come to about 20,- Grin and "She" Grin 000 in terms of approximate person days. A great contribution this is to the pleasure, in-Do you remember that November spiration, refreshment and health of the state's When two budding woodsmen guests. It is also a source of inflow of outside With axes in hand money; it has been conservatively estimatedWent for some firewood at Watson's commaid that every day's recreation use represents a And then came back local expenditure of $5.00.Thus results an With a tamarack? estimated income of $100,000 annually. And An Alum. 48 THE IDAHO FORESTER

Range Management: on Indian Lands administration on Indian lands,it has not been practicable to undertake intensive recon- (Continued from page 12) naissance nor is it thought the results to be obtained from such studies would be com- Obviously, an Indian cannot engage in themensurate with the cost. The principal objec- stock business on 160 acres or ordinarily eventives for the next five years at least should be on two or four times that amount. Further-(1) the grouping of allotments and arrange- more, only a comparatively few Indians havement of grazing units on tribal lands so as to indicated an active desire to utilize their in-secure the best utilization of range values; dividual holdings. The result is that the In- 2) the convincing of permittees and Indians dian Service must block up ranges composedthat it will be to their own advantage to adopt of scores or hundreds of allotments and thenthe bedding out system with sheep, to keep the secure an agreement among the owners of suchstocking of their ranges conservative and to separate parcels as to the conditions on whichdevelop water and other range improvements; they are willing to allow a permittee to use (3) to bring to the Indians a realization of the their lands. As many of the allottees have diedneed for conservative management as a means and their interests are now held by numerousof assuring future income from their lands; heirs the details of administration are veryand (4) to educate the Indians in methods of complex and difficult. improving their flocks and herds with a view Fortunately, on the reservations in Wash-to the ultimate utilization of the greater part ington, Oregon, Wyoming, Arizona, and Newof the grazing resources on Indian lands by Mexico large areas of grazing land are yetIndian-owned stock. held in a tribal status and a unified control All of these objectives are so obviously de- and conservation management is practicable.sirable that it may seem that they would be Such management seems unquestionably theeasily accomplished.Such is not the case. logical one both from the standpoint of the In-The grouping of allotments is often opposed dians and of the public at large. Considerableby individual Indians from selfish motives and thought has been given by the Forestry Branchboth Indian and white owners of stock often of the Indian Service to the devising of adesire an assignment of range areas not con- plan that will insure a unification of owner-sistent with sound management. There are ship and control over allotted areas that arestill permittees and Indians who keep their adapted only for range use, but as yet nosheep too long at the water or at other con- satisfactory solution of the problem has been venient locations.The task of selling "con- found.It is extremely difficult to consolidateservative range management" and "improve- ownership after a natural grazing area hasment of stock" to a people who are peculiarly been subdivided into hundreds of separate legalindifferent to the motives and ambitions for tracts and separate patents issued toindi- economic advancement that actuate the Cauca- viduals. sian race is one requiring great tact and pa- With the limited funds available for range tience.

Idaho White Pine Saw Logs Leaving the Clearwater Region. The Clearwater Region of Northern Idaho has the Largest Body of Western White Pine Extant. A Stand of Second Growth Timber is Shown in the Backgroond. JUNIORS REPEAT BARBECUE WIN Junior Class of the School of Forestry"Horseshoe" contest, butit was enough to THEseems to have a monopoly on the Barbecuetake first place for the Juniors.Frank Cline, contests for they again won the tenth annualFrosh entry, had a backfire so was disabled affair with a handsome margin. The Juniorsfor further contests during the afternoon. emerged with a total of 40 points as against In the one man bucking contest, Tumelson the Sophomore total of 24 and the Frosh of 19.for the Sophs pushed and pulled the saw for a The Seniors also competed. Keen rivalry washandsome win inspite of Sach's persistent evident for each class was constantly primingcoaching and encouragement to his classmate, and tuning up its gladiators to fighting pitchthe Frosh entry, Lownik, who placed second. and the same spirit which marked the successThe two-man bucking contest was won by the of the first barbecue held May 24, 1924, at theWright-March team fortheJuniors with mill site on the School Forest, was much inMarch making a valiant effort to ride the saw evidence at this year's meet. without a saddle.The "T-bone" Hultman- The Barbecue Committee headed by MauriceTumelson combination placed a close second March, spent Campus Day morning, May 11,for the Sophomores. 1933, making arrangements for the meet to LAST EVENT A CLIMAX be held in the afternoon at Luvaas Grove, The final event was a free-for-all in which five miles northeast of Moscow, and had every- it was every man for himself and the devil thing in readiness for the "gang" which begantake the hindmost. When each forester had arriving at 1:30 p. m.Baseball served tohis plate fullto over-flowing with luscious loosen up stiff muscles and put the contestantsfood, he was seen to go into a huddle or a in a fighting mood for the field meet whichcuddle with himself and later to emerge with was called just in time to prevent a casualtythat satisfied smile prevalent only when all so far as the umpire was concerned. wrinkles are ironed out.By this time Nature Cranston, senior entry and sprint ace ofwas drawing her curtains and nightfall saw barbecues of former days, raced neck and neckthe finale of the Tenth Annual Barbecue. down the straightaway with March, champion of more recent barbecues and running for the Juniors, only to lose when March stuck out Place of Chemical Research his tongue to win the race.Davis came in (Continued from page 16 third for the Sophs while Stevens, Frosh rep- resentative, came in last. building boards. During the past decade this The three-legged race ended in a three-pointindustry has developed rapidly and has as- landing and a win for the Sophomores with thesumed a position of importance in the building trade.The annual consumption of wall and Davis and Ziminski team taking a pretty spill insulating boards in the United States is now right at the finish. The first win for the Froshabout 900,000,000 square feet.Practically all came in the sack race when Nelson crossed theof this is produced domestically and, in addi- tape a split hair ahead of Wright for thetion, the United States exports about 200,000,- Juniors, followed by Heger for the Sophs. 000 square feet annually.Since fiber boards RELAY PUTS SOPHOMORES IN LEAD are largely manufactured from wood they have The judges had difficulty in selecting the taken a definite place in the economy of forest winners of the relay race for the four teams utilization. were very evenly matched.The Sophomore The uses for fiber boards are continually team, though, had the edge and this eventexpanding. A recent paper on the subject lists gave them a one point lead over the Juniors.121 uses for hard pressed and insulation board However, when the scrambled eggs were un-alone. Besides these two types of fiber boards scrambled after the egg-tossing contest, thethere are the wall boards which are widely Juniors were back in the lead with a win byused as a finishing cover for partitions, ceil- Ledford.The usual caustic statements aboutings, and interior walls.Fiber boards are the winner using hard-boiled eggs were tossedmanufactured in order to improve upon cer- about prolifically as were the eggs, but whentain properties of wood and to add other spe- the "crash" came, such remarks were forgot-cific properties for insulation, plaster holding, ten. Carlson for the Sophs took second placeand acoustics. in this event with Larsson for the Seniors Many, if not most fiber boards made of third. wood, utilize sawmill waste.In the Pacific Northwest an insulating board is made from LEDFORD TAKES ANOTHER Fiasr Douglas fir sawmill waste, and several other Parker, another Junior, took the tree climb-examples of waste utilization for fiber board ing contest, reaching and returning from themanufacture may be cited. 24.3foot mark in the remarkable time of eleven secondsfiat.Newcomb took second MECHANICAL PROCESSES REQUIRE CHEMICAL place for the Seniors.Ledford's weeks of CONTROL practice were not sufficient to displace New- Some fiber boards are manufactured entire- comer's mark made several years ago in thely by mechanical processes by which the fibers 49 50 THE IDAHO FORESTER are rubbed or torn from one another.Themanufacturedsmokelesspowders,various masonite process depends upon the explosivelacquers, plastics, films, toys, safety glass, and force of steam to separate the fibers.Chips a variety of other products.During the war are placed in a chamber and steam under highwood cellulose was used for smokeless pow- pressure is introduced.This is suddenly re- ders.These proved effective even after 10 leased and the internal pressure in the chipsyears' storage, and there is no reason why causes them to explode producing masses ofthe use of wood cellulose cannot be continued. fiber bundles and individual fibers.The pro-Research on the refining of pulp to obtain uni- duction of boards by these mechanical proc-form quality and to control viscosity may en- esses require the strictest technical controlable the use of wood cellulose in the lacquer and also much research in the chemistry ofand plastic industries. lignin and fibers. Braconnot in 1819 converted wood cellulose Many fiber boards are made from wood byinto a simple sugar which was not only edible chemical digestion or by a combined chemicalbut fermentable to alcohol as well.The com- pulping and mechanical shedding process. Themercial production of sugar and alcohol from same principle of pulping applies here as inwood has received much attention since Bra- the production of paper pulp. However, theconnot's time, and partial success has been processes used are usually milder and only a obtained.In Germany hydrolyzed wood is portion of the lignin or cementing material isused as a stock food. Four commercial plants removed from the wood, allowing the fibers tofor the production of alcohol formerly operated be readily separated by mild mechanical action.in this country.Continued research on im- Intensive research is being carried out onproved production and the increased use of fiber board manufacture.This research coversalcohol may put the process on an economical not only production of the pulp and methods basis not only for the production of alcohol of control during manufacture, but also thebut for a variety of sugars which may be of water, fire, decay and termite proofing of the industrial value. boards. Many other chemical products from wood The most spectacular of the modern chemi-may be mentioned. The utilization of wood cal forest industries has been the developmentwaste for gas generators offers many interest- of rayon and related products.This industry did not, however, develop overnight but hading industrial possibilities. Various wood ex- its beginning in the fundamental cellulose re-tractives are used as raw material for tannin, search of the nineteenth century. Chardonnet'sdyes and medicinals. The western larch of the investigations dating from 1878 laid the foun- Inland Empire contains a potential raw ma- dations for the Chardonnet process which be-terial in the form of galactan.Patents have gan commercial production in 1900. The pro-been taken out on the preparation of mucic duction of rayon by the viscose process beganand oxalic acids from larch galactan.These at about the same time as a result of theacids have wide industrial application. chemical discoveries of Cross and Bevan, two From this brief discussion itis seen that English chemists.At present 85 per cent ofwood is a chemical raw material and that the the world's rayon is made by the viscose proc-chemical utilization of wood is an important ess.Purified wood pulp is the principal rawpart of forest utilization.It is obvious that material used. for the improvement of these chemical prod- Both the wood pulp which is used to makeucts from wood and for the extended use- rayon and thefinalproduct arecellulose. fulness of our forests through the develop- They are chemically the same.By chemicalment of other valuable articles, chemical re- means the wood celluloseismodified andsearch is an important part of any forest brought into a thick viscous solution.Thisutilization program.Because our knowledge solutionisthen forced through miniatureof the chemistry of wood is still so imperfect round openings into an acid bath which trans-there is justification for optimism with regard forms the fine stream of modified cellulose into future developments in the chemical utiliza- solution to a continuous solid cellulose fiber.tion of wood. CELLOPHANE FROM CraTULOSE Rayon is not the only product of the viscose process.If the viscosesolutionisforced PIGGLY WIGGLY through a slit instead of through fine holes,a The fire fighting crew just off thin transparent sheet is obtained, knownas a 20-hour cellophane.By mechanical variations othershift was taken to a restaurant to eat. The products such as sausage casings, braid, rib-waitress inquired of the firstone who hap- bon, artificial straw and horsehair may hepened to be as big and tough as they make produced.Fruit is sometimes given a pro-them, "What will you have, sir?" tective cellulose coat by a dipping process. "Beef." The Chardonnet and the acetate processes "And how do you want it?" for rayon both use cotton cellulose for their Impatiently he replied, "Just drive ina raw material. From cotton cellulose are alsosteer and I'll bite off what I want." THE IDAHO FORESTER 51

Extension Forestry in Idaho was popping in the mill; the odor of dry scorched wood was in the air; dry slivers were (Continued from page 21) flying in all directions from the head saws; the bands were running hot and the men could Signs have been erected to attract the atten-barely keep the boards cleared ahead of the tion of the farm traffic to the projects. Nomachines as the stock moved out over the quick returns were expected from these plots,green chainsdry as camp hardtack.The but the beneficial results of these managedsteam had dried the trees on the stumps and projects should be evident within a decade,Joe Mufraw was cutting dry logs! and it is hoped that they will serve as an ob- Paul strode over to the mill to see for him- ject lesson to farm woodland owners in theself. He was so tickled to find this true that respective communities. When suitableco- he slapped Joe on the back with gusto and dis- operators can be located, more of this worklocated his collar bone.Chuckling over his will be done. latest invention, he brought over an armful of OTHER PROJECTS dry planks for Sourdough Sam to use as There has been a slight interest shown,kindling wood in the cook shanty. among farmers of Idaho, for the preservative Paul used the big tent to finish the winter's treatment to prolong the life of fence posts.cut and when warm weather returned he set it This is not only true of Idaho farmers, but isup over his drying yard near the mill.Thus true in many other states. The cost of coal tarhe was able to season his lumber both summer creosoted posts is the least expensive in theand winter, and to this day lumbermen have long run, but the initial expense is muchused Paul's idea in kiln drying their product. greater. As long as the farmer can procure posts from thinnings on the National Forests, we cannot expect him to consider creosoting his posts. Associated Foresters FOUR-H CLUBS (Continued from page 27) One cannot teach old dogs new tricks, but through the 4-H Club projects we expect tobanquet are announced elsewhere in The IDAHO keep our young people interested in the value FORESTER. of forested areas to our state. Four-H forestry Officers for the year are: President, Law- clubs have been increasing in enrollment quiterence Newcomb; Vice President, John Cook; steadily, and this phase of the extension proj- Secretary-Treasurer,CharlesWellner;and ect calls for subject matter for the four years'Ranger, John Parker. training.Outlines have been prepared on tree appreciation, tree planting, woodlot im- provement and tree nursery practice. To ad- vance in extension work, much publicity ma- terial is necessary; through repetition the idea FORESTERS' BALL PROVES is finally put across. Approval has been given UNIQUE to issue an extension circular on farm forestry for Idaho farmers, and publication will prob- AUBREY ARTHURS, '34 ably occur this year. Forest Service officers annual foresters' ball, one of the out- have been very willing to co-operate with thisTHEstanding all-college dances of the year, department in both county agent and non-was held November 19 in the Women's Gym- county agent counties. nasium. As has become the custom for this affair, the dance hall was so decorated as to impress one as dancing under a closed forest Paul Bunyan's Big Top canopy.Cider was served during the evening (Continued from page 24) at a log cabin which was built among the trees in one corner of the hall. A very realis- tic representation of a forestfire, secured On the second day of the cutting Paul wasthrough playing colored lights on an enlarged "stepping on 'em" trying to get the big canvasglass painting, added to the decorations. set up over the next quarter section when Joe Mufraw, the millboss, came tearing through PaulBunyan'swidelyknownblueox, the drifts leaving a trail of windfalls in his"Babe," featured in announcing the various path. dance numbers. "Babe," carrying a placard Usually excitable, he was now wildly danc-announcing the dance, was made to cross one ing around and waving his arms. "By Gar,end of the floor at scheduled intervals. With Paul, you cut dead timbair, eh? Why for she'sanother year's training it is hoped the ox will not green? Sacre tete de cochon! Deseplankbroadcast the information direct.The custo- she's come out dry!" As Joe explained, hellmary large crowd was present at the dance. 52 THE IDAHO FORESTER

An Address to The Associated Foresters Do You Remember? (Continued from page 45) (Continued from page 36) increasingly harder to do this every year andWHEN "Shorty" Bennett dropped the stadia the low grades the first year are not unlike rod on "Humpy" Ellis's head? the old ball and chainpretty hard to dragWHEN Prof. Watson herded a range man- along and after the second year may be even agement class into a leading cafe in Lewis- impossible to unshackle.It pays to get a ton where we ordered coffee only to augment good start, men. It makes the sledding in the the lunches we had with us and which were following years much easier.If you get this consumed therein? idea of working on scholarly attainments early in the game, the professional activities, con- WHEN Bill Lansdon got his corduroys torn to tacts, and interests that go to make up what shreds when returning from a field trip to is recognized as the attributes of a real for- Moscow Mountain? ester, will later take care of themselves. WHEN the mensuration class staged a mock Xi Sigma Pi would like to recognize each one funeral march through the streets of Mos- of you, but the attainment of the goal is up to cow? you. Do not hesitate to go to any of the mem- bers and especially the instructors to askWHEN Dr. Haasis got in Fred Newcomer's questions which may come up in your mind path during a contest at the barbecue in about what I have discussed tonight. We as 1930? a group want to be interested in each indi-WHEN the boys accused Dean Miller of not vidual student and give him all help possible practicing forestry and he said, "Well, there in his educational problems. are two kinds of bald heads. One kinds bald on the outside, the other" and then he sat down? In the shade of your murmuring pine trees WHEN Spence went fishing on the Clearwater Is healing and peace and rest, RivernearLewistonandclaimedhe The long dim trails on the mountain side, "caught" an 8-pound salmon but was observ- Call men of the East and West. ed by the lumbering class coming out of a Lewiston meat market?

The 1932 Junior Fie'd Trip FRIDAY, JUNE 3. (Continued from page 31) Spent the morning cruising timber up Big Creek. Found out that we were not as good cruisers as we thought we were.About two MONDAY, MAY 30. p. m. we started for Moscow. At Spokane the Today may have been Memorial Day forparty divided and "so-longs" and "farewells" some people, but just another work day forwere given.Cook, Brown, Opie and Sowder the juniors.Did some preliminary thinningnursed the temperamental truck back to Mos- work.In the afternoon we visited some es- cow. By "nursing" is meant that part of the tablished thinning plots and calculated thedistance covered was by the main strength of thinning to be done on our own thinning plots. pushing.Thus endeth the junior field trip of 1932. TUuSDAY, MAY 31. Went up Big Creek to where George "Wood- 'em-up" Yarneau showed us logging opera- tions.Superintendent E. C. Olson sure gave us some meals, five kinds of dessert included. Paul Larsson, after much persuasion(by force) was taken from the table. INSURANCE

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1. AND Worked on our thinning plots.Most people get pay for working, but we paid to work. SAVINGS THURSDAY, JUNE 2. It rained this morning so we got a half a day to catch up on reports. Benson and James I A. R. MATTHEWS spent the morning by "putt-polishing." In the afternoon we put the finishing touches on the Moscow, Idaho thinning plots and destructively criticized the plots of the others. In writing advertiser,, please mention The Idaho Forester DIRECTORY AND NEWS OF ALUMNI AND FORMER STUDENTS WILLIAM D. MILLEn Instructor in Forestry and Associate Editor Idaho Forester ANDERSON, BERNARD A., M.S. (For.) '28, 618 B0LLES, WARREN H., '26, M.F., Yale '29, 514 RealtyBuilding,Spokane,Wash. No Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon.Bolles is change is reported in Andy's address. He working on the Federal Forest Resource is Junior Forester with the Office of Blister Survey. He states, "I am beginning to feel Rust Control. at home in the Douglas fir region and feel that I want to stay here.I have become AXTELL, DONALD H., Ex-'29, 211 Fourteenth immune to the rain and have found a peace Ave., Lewiston, Idaho. Don is stock clerk of mind and contentment within the last of the Clearwater unit, Potlatch Forests, year which I never expected to be possible Inc. He writes, "My work consists mainly in keeping a perpetual inventory of all on the coast. No, I am not in love." dressed and rough lumber manufactured atBROWN, DR. FRANK A., '22 (dentist), 217 South this plant." Los Robles, Pasadena, California. BUCKINGHAM, ARTHUR,'30,Challis,Idaho, BAIRD, JOHN C.,Ex-'28, Ranger, Treasure Forest Ranger, Challis National Forest. District, U. S. F. S., Pagosa Springs, Colo-BURROUGHS, I. C., '27, M.F. Yale '28, do Texas rado. Forest Service, Lufkin, Texas. Burroughs BALCH, A. PRENTICE, '29, Box 374, Ashton, is Assistant Chief of the Division of For- Idaho.Baich is Junior Forester on the est Protection. Targhee National Forest.Mr. and Mrs.BURTON, LESLIE, '30, Halsey, Nebraska, Dis- Balch spent several days in Moscow, March trictRanger, Washakie N.F.,Dubois, 16-18, 1933. They were en route to Cali- Wyoming. Burton spent three months this fornia for a vacation. spring on the . BARTLmT, STANLEY Foss, Ranger Course, '21- '22, 129 Oak Street, Lewiston, Maine, As- BUSH, BEN E., '03, Moscow, Idaho. sistant Associated Press Editor, Lewiston CHAMBERLAIN, Fas B., 59 Albert St., Mel- (Maine) Sun Journal. A story and some rose, Massachusetts. verses from Bartlett's able pen appear else-CHAMBERLIN, GALE B., Ex-'22, Coeur d'Alene, where in this issue. Idaho. Chamberlin is in the wholesale lum- BAUMANN, HERMAN, '24, Woods Superintend- ber business. ent, Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, COCHRAN, ALLEN R., '28, M.F. Yale '30, Buena California. Vista, Virginia. "Al" is District Ranger Bn&Ls, WILFRED F., '27, Forest Ranger, Elk on the Natural Bridge National Forest. He Mountain District, , is married and is the father of one girl. with headquarters at Lauzon, South Da-CocnRslL, ALBERT N., Ranger Course, '22, As- kota. Mr. Beals visited the school Septem- sistant Forest Supervisor, Pend d'Oreille ber 7, 1932, and acknowledged many cam- National Forest, Sandpoint, Idaho. pus changes. Mr. and Mrs. Beals have two CONNAUGHTON, CHAs, '28, U. S. Forest Ser- children, both girls. vice, Washington, D. C. Connaughton is on BEDWELL, J. L., '20, M.S. Oregon State College, detail from the Intermountain Forest and '24;Ph.D., Yale, '32.JessisAssociate Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah. Pathologist with the Division of Forest COONROD, MELVIN, '32, 1311 East State Street, Pathology, U. S. D. A., Washington, D. C. Boise, Idaho. Coonrod expects to be driving The subject of his doctorate dissertation a "cat" on the this was "Factors Affecting Asiatic Chestnuts summer. in the United States." C0SSITr, FLOYD M., '24, Technical Assistant, U. BENNETT, CAREY H., '29, Bureau of the Bio- S. Forest Service, Newport, Washington. logical Survey, Washington, D. C. CUMMINGS, LEWIS A., '25, M.F. Yale '29, Dis- BICKFORD, ALLEN, M.S. (For.) '31, Room 600 trict Ranger, Rio Grande National Forest, Stern Bldg., 348 Baronne St., New Orleans, South Fork, Colorado. Louisiana. CUNNINGHAM, R. N., '17, Forest Economist, BIELER, PAUL, Ranger Course '21-'22. Bieler is Lake States Forest Experiment Station, in Ogden, Utah, where he is active in the University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota. L. D. S. Church and Boy Scout organiza- DANIELS, A. S., '23, 306 W. 23rd Avenue, Hous- tions. ton, Texas. Daniels is chemist and Assist- BIKER, J. BERNAI, '28, Box 669, Trail, British ant Superintendent for the Southern Pacific Columbia. Wood Preserving Works. He writes, "Work


consists of supplying all the treated forest FENN, LLOYD A., '17, LL.B., U. of Montana '26, products used by the Atlantic System of Superintendent of Schools, owner of the the Southern Pacific Railroad, also a con- Kooskia Mountaineer and attorney at law, siderable amount of cross ties for the Pa- Kooskia, Idaho. cific System of the same railroad.In ad- dition we do quite a bit of investigative FERGUSON, RAY S., Ranger Course, '22, Selway work on new preservatives which are sub- National Forest, Kooskia, Idaho. Ferguson mitted to us. We have an experimental is Ranger of the Middle Fork District. He treating plant that is kept in almost con- writes, "One of the biggest jobs on my dis- tinual operation on the various phases of trict this year is the completion of the visi- wood preservation. Toxicity tests are made bility studies and the start of our improve- on all of our creosote purchases, and a cer- ment plan. An interesting study being car- tain amount of experimental work is also ried on this year is type mapping by air- done on this subject.This company main- plane.Jas. Yule from Missoula, had a tains eight test tie sections, the inspection strip of pictures made along my boundary and care of which are part of the duties on an unmapped area. We took the pic- of this laboratory.Recently I donated to tures and outlined every change visible. the Houston Public Library the last seven Then from sample plots on the ground we issues of the Idaho Forester.The library made a physical inventory and tied it to expressed considerable satisfaction on re- the picture. The balance of the types were ceiving this publication." determined by comparison, using the sam- ple plots as a starting point. We will not DAUGHERTY, CuAs., Ex-'22, Forest Ranger, have a chance to test the results until May. GreenhornDistrict,SawtoothNational It is quite interesting and I believe it will Forest, Hailey, Idaho. 'pan' out." DAVIS, ROBERT, '28, 2668 Grant Avenue, Ogden, FICKE, HERMAN, '31, U. S. F. S., St. Manes, Utah. Davis is with the U. S. Forest Ser- Idaho. Herman has been in Moscow from vice. time to time. DECKER, ARUE D., '13, M.F. Yale '17, 2224 FIELD, WALIKE D., '26, is assistant land agent Rockwood, Spokane, Washington.Arlie is for Potlatch Forests, Inc., Lewiston, Idaho. in the cedar pole business for the Weyer- haeuser interests. FIFIELD, CHAS. E.,'32,is taking advanced work in the University the current year DE LA CRUx, EuGENI0, '26, M.F. Yale '27, 1214 and hopes to return to his job with the Miguelin St., Sampaboc, Manila, P. I., As- Office of Blister Rust Control the coming sistant Chief of the Division of Forest summer. Lands and Regulations, Philippine ForestFISHER, DON C., M.A. '25, Yorktown, Virginia. Service.Eugenio is the proud father of Fisher is Assistant Chief Ranger, Colonial three children, one girl and two boys. The National Monument, National Park Ser- youngest, a boy, was born February 8, 1933. vice. He writes: "National Park work is in DoiE, IVAN S.,'26, Potlatch Forests, Inc., many ways similar to forestry although the Headquarters, Idaho.The forestrystu- chief object differs. In forestry it is pre- dents gratefully acknowledge "Ike's" cour- serve the forest. In park work-help peo- tesy to them on the Headquarters trip in ple enjoy the park. Very similar to public October. relations work in forestry." DRISSEN, JOHN P., '21, Browning, Montana. FOLSOM, FRANK B.,Ex-'22,Senior Forest Ranger, Deschutes National Forest, Bend, EAsTMAN, VIRGIL H., '31, U. S. F. S., Orofino, Oregon. Idaho. Fox, CHARLES E., '28, Principal Leland (Ida- EDDY, LESLIE, Ex-'24, Beaver Creek Ranger ho) School. Station, Coolin, Idaho. FRITCHMAN, HOLT,'31,isat his home in ELLIS, F. GORDON, '28, Lakeview, Oregon. Naches, Washington, awaiting employment. FAEixER, LowEu J., '30; M.S. (For.) '31, 403 GARIN, GEORGE ILLICHEVSKy, '29, M.S. (For.) FederalBldg.,SaltLakeCity,Utah. '30, U. S. F. S., Dixon, Montana. Farmer is Junior Entomologist, Bureau ofGARNER, L. H., Ranger Course '23,Hailey, Entomology, U. S. D. A., and proud father Idaho. of a son born December 17, 1932. GATLEY, HOWARD A., Ranger Course '23,Scout FamELL, J. W., '22, Challis, Idaho. He is for- Executive, Kenosha, Wisconsin. est supervisor of the Challis National For- GENAUX, CHARLES M., M.S. (For.) '29, Depart- est. ment of Forestry, University of Idaho, FAvRE, C. E., '14, M.S. (For.) '15, Kemmerer, Southern Branch, Pocatello, Idaho. Genaux Wyoming. Favre is forest supervisor of the was fieldassistant at the Priest River Wyoming National Forest. Forest Experiment Station lastsummer. - THE IDAHO FORESTER 55

GERRARD, PAUL H., '23. Assistant Forest Su pervisor, Clearwater National Forest, Oro- fino, Idaho. Gerrard was in charge of Bus- er Rust Control operations on the Clear- Mickey Insurance water during the past season. GILLHAM, NORMAN F., '26, 309 W. Elm, Flag- Agency staff, Arizona, with the U. S. Biological Survey. INSURANCE SPECIALISTS GODDEN, FL0YI W., '27, Assistant Forest Su- pervisor, , McCall, Idaho. Floyd paid the school a visit March 501 S. Main St. Telephone 6716 13, 1932, and was accompanied by his wife Insure In Sure Insurance and two children. GREGORY, CHAs. A., Ex-'28, do U. S. F. S., Halsey, Nebraska. "Spike" was married to Germaine Gimble, a graduate of the Uni- versity of Idaho, in July, 1932, in Colorado. GUDMUNSEN, ORIN S., Ex-'26, 5614 Wellington Ictc1Moscow Avenue, Chicago. Gudmunsen's record since leaving Idaho is as follows: B.A., St. Olaf Dining Room, Coffee Shop, and College '27; C.T., Luther Theological Sem- Fountain inary'31; now pastor of the Parkside Lutheran Church, Chicago. GUERNSEY, WILLIAM G., '29, 618 Realty Bldg., Banquet Rooms and Private Din- Spokane, Washington, office of Blister Rust ing Room Control. GUsTAFS0N, CARL, '26, M.S. (For.) U. of Cal- ifornia '29, , North- New Attractive Booths fork, California. HAMMOND, GEORGE M., '20, Vice President and Assistant General Manager Bowman Lum- ber Co., 1622 San Fernando Road, Glen- dale, California. Hodgins' Drug Store HAND, RALPH L., Ranger Course '22, Ranger Roundtop District, St. Joe National Forest, MOSCOW, IDAHO St. Manes, Idaho. HARLAN, PAUL M., '25, 1329 Clay St., San University Textbooks Francisco, California.Harlan is Produc- tion Manager for M. E. Harlan, Advertis- Kodak Finishing ing. Paul writes: "My only contact with Photographic Supplies forestry since graduation has been with a redwood shingle manufacturer who went Drawing Materials broke six months after I began handling his K. & E. and Dietzen Instruments advertising.I still think I'm good. How- ever, agriculture, that step-sister of for- estry, must be a hound for punishment, as I am still acting as advertising counsel for six or seven agricultural advertisers. Odd- ml_ gl__._._...... 1 ly enough or not, one of them sells ferti- me campusuciai lizer.Seriously, I should like to try my Center hand at merchandising and advertising some product of good old pinus or acer.I believe I could show the public some in- teresting querdus that would make the cash register sing." Blue Bucket InnI HARRIS, THOMAS H., M.S.(For.)'30,618 Realty Bldg., Spokane, Washington. Harris is Junior Forester in the Division of Blis- ter Rust Control, U. S. D. A.He writes: Moscow, Idaho "At present I am stationed at Berkeley, California, at the Blister Rust Control Of- In writing advertisers, please mention Th2 Idah' Forester fice on the University of California campus 56 THE IDAHO FORESTER

where several of us are engaged in prepar-HOFFMAN, H. C., '28, 46 Holly Rue Apts., Og- ing a sugar pine inventory of the State den, Utah. Hoffman is technical assistant of California. This survey is to make pos- on the . sible a policy for the control of BlisterHUME, JOHN F., '31, Route 2, Meridian, Idaho. Rust in the sugar pine stands of the state. Jack is assistant working boss on about 501) Type maps showing the location of sugar acres in the Idaho and is applying pine are being prepared for each forest." formula V to 96 acres of bearing apple HATCH, ALnEN B., '28, M.F. Yale '29, Harvard trees. Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts. JACKSON, Torts, '19, resident manager, lumber operation, Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Hilt, HEPnEa, W. STANLEY, '31, M.S. (For.)'32, Boswell, B. C., Canada. Hepher was co- California. author with Dr. E. C. Jahn of an article on JEMISON, GEORGE M.,'31, Junior Forester, "Action of Ammonium Sulphite on Abies NorthernRocky MountainForest and grandis" published in the Paper Trade Range Experiment Station, Missoula, Mon- Journal, November, 1932.He plans to tana.George's "Climatological Summary work for a Ph.D. degree in the field of for the Priest River Forest Experiment wood products. Station" was publishedlastyear.He writes: "At present I am in the Washing- HILL, EDWARD B., '31, gives his address as that ton office on a 'training' detail, studying of U. S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. He statistical methods.I am working on a has been busy with timber surveys, land fire-weather analysis and am enrolled in exchanges and insect control work the past two courses in advanced statistics in the year and till December 27, 1932 was in Department of Agriculture night school. company with Tyler Gill, '31. Mr. Hill re- Have a sore neck from sight-seeing. This ports he and Mrs. Hill have a daughter, is too great a change from Moscow." Helen Louise, born February 12, 1932. JOHNSON, R. B.,'32, Hailey, Idaho, Senior HILLMAN, WILuAM P., Ex-'13, Assistant Su- Forest Ranger, Sawtooth National Forest, pervisor,St.JoeNationalForest,St. Hailey, Idaho."Bob" visited the school Manes, Idaho. during the past winter. HOCXADAY, JAMES M., '31, Moscow, Idaho. JOHNSTON, Royi, '27, assistant time keeper, Potlatch Forests, Inc., Lewiston, Idaho.

I-love An Out:fit That Will Last The Summer Out at no extra cost

Davids' are official agents for Filson ClothingDuluth Packs I "Forest Ranger" Sleeping Bags- Bone-Dry - and Bergmann's ShoesThe adopted Forester's Hat"Perfect Fitting" Breeches, etc. DAVI DS' Exclusive But Not Expensive MOSCOW IDAHO

Say: "I saw the advertisement in The Idaho Forester." THE IDAHO FORESTER 57

Accuracy Durability Permanence of Adjustment

These are the characteristics which have enabled Gurley to continue to serve Foresters, Engineers, Surveyors, and Explorers during the past 88 years. The ability to stay in service under extreme conditions is responsible for the selection of Gurley Instruments for many expeditionsfrom the frigid Arctic and Antarctic to the torrid, steaming Amazon jungle, on the windy dust-bitten steppes of Mongolia, along the shores of tropical seas, scaling the Andes, and covered with the slime of mines. Modern in design and materials, experienced in workmanship, made throughout in one Factory, and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction to the usersufficient reasons for the selection of Gurley instruments at all times.

W. & L. E.GURLEY Civil and Hydraulic Engineering InstrumentMakers Established 1845 TROY, N. Y., U. S. A.

In writinz advertisers, please mention The IdahoForester 58 THE IDAHO FORESTER

JOHNSTON, H. W., Ex-'17, St. Michael, Alaska. Johnston is manager of the F. P. Williams Trading Co. and U. S. Commissioner. FIRST TRUST&SAVINGS BANK KEENE, EDWARD L., '29, Targhee National For- I est, St. Anthony, Idaho. Moscow, Idaho KEMP, R. L., Ex-'27, Spirit Lake, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp are parents of a boy born Invites your business on a February 16, 1933. The newcomer, accord- basis of mutual helpfulness ing to Dick's report, was ushered out of the hospital in a red stag shirt and wear- ing a pair of calked shoes. Largest Bank in Latah County KENNEDY, FRED H, '29, writes: "I was trans- I ferred from the in Region Four to the Northern Rocky Moun- tain Forest and Range Experiment Sta- tion, Miles City, Montana, in this region WatchesDiamonds--Jewelry on August 1 of last year.I have been as- signed to the branch of Range Research. The project that I am working on is the management of short grass ranges in east- Henry J. Botten, ern Montana." YOUR JEWELER KLEPINGER, FRANKLIN, '30, 1137 Thirty-sixth Place, Los Angeles, California. Quality Watch Repairing KREUGER, OTTO C. F., '29, 111 East 5th, San Bernardino, California.Otto is a county forester in the California Extension Ser- 108 E. Third Street vice. MOSCOW - :- IDAHO KRUMMES, WILLIAM T., '30, acting supervisor Crescent Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, U. S. Biological Survey, Mumper, Nebraska. LANCER, CHARLEY J., '30, Fort Duchesne, Utah. School Supplies Phone 2149 Langer is Junior Forester with the Indian "If It's New We Are First To Service, and has charge of all forest and Have It" range management work on the Uintah and Ouray Indian reservation.He likes the Sherley's Book Indian Forest Service very much. LANSDON, WILLIAM H., '27, 1502 N. 6th Street, & Music Siore Boise, Idaho. RADIO AND KODAK LEBARRON, RUSSELL K., '31, Lake States For- est Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minne- ROSS R. SHERFEY, Prop. sota. MOSCOW, - :- IDAHO LEFLER, LOWELL, Ranger Course,'24,3597 Sandborn Ave., Lynwood, California. Lef- ler is mechanic for the Arco Brake Co., Los Angeles, California. He was married in December, 1930 and has one daughter. LEIIRBAS, MARX M., '27, 348 Baronne St., New LANE Orleans, Louisiana."Polly" isassistant forest economist, Southern Forest Experi- I Thrift Stores ment Station, assigned to the Forest Sur- vey. "Better Groceries For Less" LINDSAY, CLIVE J., '31, Moscow, Idaho. Clive ts taking special work this school year. LINDSTROM, C. E., Ex-'26, district representa- 3rd and Washington tive, Weyerhaeuser Forest Products, Box 65, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Moscow, - :- Idaho LOMMASSON, THOMAS, Ex-'17, Range Manage- ment Division, U. S. F. S., Missoula, Mon- Say: "I saw the advertisement in The Idaho Forester;' tana. THE IDAHO FORESTER 59


Logging and lumber manufacturing methods are constantly changing, perhaps never with greater rapidity than today. The Timberman, an International Lumber Journal, dealing with all aspects of the conver- sion of timber from the woods to the finished products, will be of material aid in keeping the student in touch with last-minute technical de- velopments and prove a permanent source of help after leaving the campus.

Get The Timberman Habit Early

The Tmberman An International Lumber Journal Founded by Geo. M. Cornwall 329 Oak Street, PORTLAND, OREGON

In writing advertisers, please mention The Idaho Forester 60 THE IDAHO FORESTER

MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT P., '25, M.F. Yale '26, suer. He intends to return to school and Ph.D. Yale '32, 118 Grand Avenue, New work for a higher degree as soon as pos- Haven, Connecticut. Bob's dissertation on sible. "The Comparative Anatomy of the WoodMUNSON, 0. C., '21, 1367 Shasta Ave., San of the Magnoliales" is to be published in an Jose, California. Munson is supervisor of early issue of Tropical Woods. He is work- maintenance and installation work for the ing part time with the Yale Landscape de- Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. partment and also doing some independentMYRICK, E. H., Ex-'17, Orofino, Idaho.Mr. research. Myrick is Forest Supervisor, Clearwater MAKARA, FRANK H., M.S. (For.) '32, Depart- National Forest. He was transferred from ment of Cellulose Chemistry, McGill Uni- the same position on the St. Joe National versity, Montreal, Canada. Forest February 1, 1932. MALHOTRA, DEs RAJ, '25, Assistant Conserva- tor of Forests to the State of Kashmire at Jammu, Kashmire State, India. MALMSTEN, H. E., '17, 231 Giannini Hall, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, California. Malmsten is assistant professor in the Cali- Carter's Drug Store fornia School of Forestry. His specialties are forest protection and range manage- Chas. Carter, Prop. ment. MARTIN, PAUL J., '18, 705 N. Fiftieth Street, Seattle, Washington. Drugs and Drug Sundries MILLER, DOUGLAS R., M.S.(For.)'32, 231 Stationery and Fountain Pens I Giannini Hall, Berkeley, California. Miller is Junior Forester with the Division of Canterbury Chocolates Blister Rust Control and is working with Moscow - :- Idaho T. H. Harris on a sugar pine inventory of the State of California. MILLER, WILLIAM BYRON, '22, M.S. (For.) Cal- ifornia'25,Fort Bayard, New Mexico. Miller is Associate Range Examiner, U. S. Biological Survey, and has been on fur- lough since March, 1931, recovering from SIQrner"s IDJ10t0 illness. MITCHELL, WILLIAM W., '28, 1105 Madison St., Wilmington, Delaware. Moony, VIRGIL,'17, Ranger, Lakes District, Studio Coeurd'AleneNationalForest,Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Oldest Established Studio in MORGANROTH, EARL S., '32, do George Wil- Moscow liams, Gary Station, Route 1, Boise, Idaho. Morganroth will be lookout-platting agent 521 S. MAIN MOSCOW on the next sum-

COLD CAN'T GET IN.WARMTH CAN'T ESCAPE WOODS 1 ARCTIC DOWN SLEEPING ROBES SLEEP warm, cozy. comfortable, in tent, cabin or open. Woods Ever! lye dow-n from Northern water fowl insulates you.Down interliningis kept from shifting by Harsvood patent equalizers.Windbreaker cover and pure wool flannel Descs-ipt ive lining.Head flap makes tape-drawn hood.Drafiproof,Moistureproof. Folder Lets body moisture pass out freely.ventilated as you wish.Easy to air.Kolt, compactly.Over 25 years the choice of Explorers. Forestry Free men. Woodsmen. Aviators. Hunters. Campers.Two sizes, two weights, $62.50 to 46.50.Others for less,with down or wool batt interlining. Write From your dealer, or direct, transportatioo free. TODAY! WOODS MFG. CO., LTD., 3324 Lake St., Ogdensburg,N. Y. In CanadaOttawa, Ont. Say: "1 saw the athertisement in The Idaho Forester." THE IDAHO FORESTER 61

NERO, E. T., '23, Moscow, Idaho. Nero is agentPATRIE, C. R., '21, Forest Supervisor, Colville for the Northern Life Insurance Co. of Indian Reservation, Nespelem, Washington. Seattle, Washington. PECHANEC, JOE, '32, Moscow, Idaho. Joe re- NEWCOMER, FRED R., '31, Banner, Wyoming. turned to school in February and is taking Newcomer is working on a ranch and wait- special graduate work. ing for a Forest Service appointment. His senior thesis,entitled, "Moisture-Absorb-PHELPS, EUGENE, '27, 235 N. Long Avenue, ing and Retaining Capacities of Various Chicago, Illinois. Tree Packing Materials," was published inPIKE, G. W., '27, M.F. Yale '28, Deadwood, the Journal of Forestry for April, 1933. South Dakota. Galen is on the supervisor's staff of the Black Hills National Forest, OLSEN, C. C., '26, Superintendent of Construc- and reports that the depression is stimu- tion,,Eugene, lating land exchange activity. Oregon.Olsen published an article en-PLUNGUIAN, MARK, M.S. (For.)'31, Depart- titled "Peaks Dominate Cascade Forest" ment of Cellulose Chemistry, McGill Uni- in the Eugene Morning News, November 4, versity, Montreal, Canada. 1932. POTTER, ARTHUR, Ex-'26, Assistant Forest Su- OLSON, OscAR A., JR., '27, Marshall, Missouri. Boise, Olson is manager of the Page Milk Com- pervisor,BoiseNationalForest, pany's large establishment at Marshall. Idaho. PUGH, L. R., '26, Pugh is sales manager for the OTTER, FLOYD, '29, Instructor in School of For- LumberCompany, estry, University of Idaho, Moscow. Floyd RussellandPugh has been on leave of absence for the past Springston, Idaho. year working for his master's degree at theRENSHAW, E. W., '25, Senior Ranger, St. Joe School of Forestry and Conservation, Ann National Forest, Avery, Idaho. Arbor, Michigan. RETTIG, E. C., '19, 203 15th Ave., Lewiston, PAGE, MILFORD M.,'29, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Idaho.Mr. Rettig is Land Agent and For- Page is in the photography business. ester for Potlatch Forests, Inc. PARSONS, RUSSELL M., '23, Resident Engineer, RODNER, JACK W., Ex-'24, Emida, Idaho. Idaho Bureau of Highways, Coeur d'Alene, RoWE, PERCY B., '28, M.F. Yale '30, 332 Gian- Idaho. nini Hall, Berkeley, California.

Sager Chemical Process AXES AND BULL DOG LOGGING TOOLS Recognized All Over the United States as the Best Money and Skill Can Produce HIGHEST HONORS AWARDED

bb DULL oO LOGGING TOOLS I!! WARREN AXE & TOOL CO. WARREN, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. Daily capacity 10,000 Axes and Logging Tools

In writing advertisers, please mention The Idaho Forester 62 THE IDAHO FORESTER

RuTLvncE, H. H., Regional Forester, U. S. For- est Service, Ogden, Utah. SAJOR, VALENTXN, '26, M.F., Yale '27, 1213 Constancia,Manila,PhilippineIslands. Sajor is forester with the Bureau of For- BLOOR estry, Philippine Government, serving as Assistant Chief, Division of Licenses. SALING, WALLAcE M.,'28, M.S.(For.)'29, Motor Co. junior range examiner, Boise National For- est, Boise, Idaho. "Smoky" worked on bug control on the Wasatch National Forest . last fall, and was on detail during the win- ter in the Ogden regional office and at the Intermountain Forest and Range Experi- ment Station. Mr. and Mrs. Saling visited Complete the University April 5, 1933. "Smoky" was delighted to renew acquaintances. ONE STOP SUPER SARGEANT, HowARD J., '30, 428 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. Sargeant is Junior SERVICE STATION Forester with the Biological Survey, Land Acquisition Division. He is assigned to ex- amination-appraisal work in the central states. On a western trip he was able to visit his Alma Mater September 22, 1932. SCHoFIELD, W. R., '16, 2728 Ohio St., Sacra- mento, California. Schofield is Forest En- Opposite Post Office gineer and Tax Economist with the Tax MOSCOW IDAHO Research Bureau of the State of California. SCHUMAKER, FRANK,'31,Blackfoot, Idaho. Schurnaker was on the protection force of the Kaniksu National Forest last summer, and with the U. S. Reclamation Service from September to November. SCRISNEB, C. H., Ranger on the St. Joe Na- GREETINGS tional Forest, St. Manes, Idaho. SHANER, F. W., Ranger Course, '23, Ranger, To Idaho's Foresters and Alumni , Kooskia, Idaho. SHANK, PAUL J., '31, Assistant Ranger, Idaho National Forest, Warren, Idaho.Shank's FROM work includes timber sales, construction, projects for unemployment relief and fire protection. He was recently married. SHARMA, P. D., M.S.,(For.)'22, Technical Adviser to the forestry department in the GREGORY State of Gwalior, India. SHARI', ANDREW G., M.S. (For.) '29, Kapuska- sing, Ontario.Sharp has been promoted and from wood technician to suiphite engineer by the Spruce Falls Power and Paper Co. He writes: "After having spent the last HUFF two years working as contact man between the woods department and the mill Iam now specializing on technical problems in Insurance and Bonds the sulphite mill. The work is interesting and as this mill produces several grades of sulphite for shipment along with theirre- S quirements for newsprint a high degree of technical controlisrequired and main- tained." Moscow, Idaho SNOW, E. A., '25, , -J Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado. Say: "I saw the advertisement in The Idaho Forester." THE IDAHO FORESTER 63

SOWDER, ARTHUR M., '25, M.S. (For.) '27, As- TAYLOR, JOHN, Ex-'32, Extension Forester for sistant Professor of Forestry, School of North Dakota, Bottineau, North Dakota. Forestry, University of Idaho, Moscow. He has published a check list of North SPACE, JACKSON W., '27, Senior Forest Ranger, Dakota Woody Plants. He plans to con- U. S. Forest Service, Pecos, New Mexico. tinue his forestry studies at Idaho next fall. SPACE, RALPH S.,'25, Assistant Supervisor,THORNTON, JAMES A., Ex-'12, Coeur d'Alene, Blackfeet National Forest, Kalispell, Mon- Idaho. tana. T00LE, AruIE W., '27, Klamath Agency, Ore- SPENCE, LITER E., '28, M.S. (For.) University gon. Toole is Forest Assistant, U. S. In- of California '30.Liter is with the Idaho dian Forest Service, Klamath Indian Res- School of Forestry, teaching Range Man- ervation, Oregon, in charge of timber sales agement and Wood Technology. and roads. STANLEY, WILFRED B., '30. Don Axtell reportsWARD, RAY, Executive Assistant, Colville Na- that "Bill" is scaler for a Weyerhaeuser tional Forest, Republic, Washington. logging unit near Kelso, Washington. WALRATH, FAIRLY J., '27, Orofino, Idaho. STAPLES, H. W., '20, Assistant Cashier, FirstWENDLE, Rxx, Ex-'30, Equipment Clerk, Bur- National Bank, Moscow, Idaho. eau of Highways, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. STILLINGER, C. R., Special '19, Associate Path- Wendle's work consists of purchasing sup- ologist, 406 Federal Bldg., Spokane, Wash- plies and keeping equipment records for ington. highway machinery in thefive northern STONEMAN, J.VT., '23, Colbert, Washington. counties. "Stony" is manager of the Greenleaf sum-WHEATON, RoixEIIs G., '24, M. F. Yale '25, mer and winter sports resort. Manufacturer'sAgent,631WhiteSt., STOUFFER, DAVID J.,M.S.(For.)'32,273 Springfield, Massachusetts. Durand Street, East Lansing, Michigan.WHITE, HAROLD Z., '26, 1113 10th St., Lewiston, Stouffer is taking advanced work at Michi- Idaho.White isSuperintendent of Dry gan State College. Kilns, Potlatch Forests, Inc. He announces STOWASSER, CLARENCE, '30, 525 West Summit the birth of a daughter on March 29, 1933. Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. WILLIAMS, GUY V., '27, Mountain States Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., Boise, Idaho.

Forestry Clothes of Forestry Cloth Outdoor clothing that fits well, looks well and gives long wear. For the forester or out- door lover nothing can be more comfortableOrder Coat or Shirt 1 and convenient than an outfit of Forestry Cloth. Designed especially for the purpose.Ampleinch larger than white pockets well distributed to make the load carrycollar size. Breeches give easy. waist measure. Cruising Coats $12 Laced Breeches 12 Shirts to Match 7 In Khaki as low as $3 the garment. Illustrated ca- C. C. FILSON Co. talog FREE on request. Second at Madison Seattle, Washington

In writing advertisers, please mention The Idaho Forester INDEX TO ADVERTISERS

The members of the Editorial Staff of THE IDAHO FORESTER wish to take this opportunity to express their appreciation for the hearty support given them by the advertisers.We have endeavored to publish a booklet of such high standard as to merit future support from these advertisers. We wish to encourage our readers to patronize our advertisers.In writing to ad- vertisers, please mention THE IDAHO FORESTER. For convenience the advertisers are listed alphabetically:

Name PageName Page

Bloor Motor Company 62 Hotel Moscow 55 Blue Bucket Inn 55 Lane Thrift Stores 58 Botten Jewelry Store 58 Matthews, A. R., Insurance and Savings. 52 Carter's Drug Store 60 Mickey Insurance Agency 55 Davids' Inc., Department Store 56 Neeley's Taxi 64 Filson Company, Outdoor Clothes 63 Schroeter's Empire Bakery 64 First Trust & Savings Bank 58 Sherfey's Book & Music Store 58 Gregory and Huff, Insurance Agents 62 Sterner's Photo Studio 60 Gurley, W. & L. E. 57 The Timberman 59 Hagan and Cushing, Meats and Groceries64 Warren Axe and Tool Company 61 Hodgins' Drug Company 55 Woods Manufacturing Company 60

WOODWARD, DOREN E.,'30, Federal Bldg., Winona, Minnesota. Woodward is Junior Forester with the Division of Land Acqui- To sition, Bureau of Biological Survey, de- tailed to the Upper Mississippi Refuge. SCHROETER'S YATES, DoNALD, '13, 3207 Franklin Avenue, Seattle, Washington. Yates is with the FOR YOUR PICNIC LUNCH Exter Investment Co., Skinner Bldg., Se- attle, Washington. ROLLS, DONUTS, CAKES, YOUNGBLOOD, FRANK, Ranger Course '23, Ran- BREAD, and PASTRIES ger, Weiser National Forest, Council, Ida- ho. Youngblood was transferred from the Third Street Minidoka in June, 1932. Moscow - :- Idaho

Hagan & Cushing Co. YOU CAN DEPEND ON Everijthing to Eat Our Meats are all U. S. Inspected Neely's Taxi We have served you for 37 yearsI We appreciate your patronage THE YEAR ROUND PHONE 4111 Hagan & Cushing Co. Opposite Hotel Moscow Market and Grocery Complete Garage Service Moscow Idaho Phone 2237

Say: 'i saw the advertisement in The idaho Forester." 64 The 1933 Idaho Forester is available to alumni and. resident students of the School of Forestry free of charge In order that we may have a record. of our distribution d keep our mailing lists up to date will you ulease fill out and return as soon as possible the accompanying questionnaire?Please note the splendid Etxpport our advertisers have given us this year You are encouraged. to patronize them and when doing so will you kindly mention The Idaho Forester?

The Idaho Forester School of Forestry ?o scow, Idaho

This will acknowledge receipt of T 1933 Ifl2O POESTE.

So of the articles I enjoyed tzost are:

one for irnnroving the booklet

Tame Addre

(Sur,i,1ezent to The Idaho Vorester, Vol. 15, 1933 Azuiva1 !dition)