380 Communists Die in Two Viet Fights
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PAGOS TWENTY THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1967 iHanriri^Bter £t» ttitts ^ ra lli Partly cloudy, warm and - Mr. and Mrs. WUUun AdUny Democrats Meet or Ken Gibson, chah<- humid tonight, low In 60s; and tlMlr dailiditer, PiisoUla, i t man of the Young Demnorats. Naw England's LoO<||ing sunny, warm and humid to About Town 105 M cK ee S t n c e n t ly visited The party Ai edso seeking morrow, high In 80s. B t o Ouvl RmOtU, duigtiter MTb. Adamy’s parents, MT. si^ Monday to Plan oampaign oontributtons, which should tM sent to BycfacMd In Two-Yaar Prpfasslenal lUanehe$i^r^A CUy of VUlage Charm ''' o t 3ffr. UMl IbB- A.H. R u k WI, Mrs. James W. McAdam, for Election Work as BkUivte Rd. «|nd * Junior merly of.106 McKee St., at their the nanne o f Mie Oommittee for School of home at Ormond Beach, Fla. Oonran. (Olaesllled Advertlsiag on Page PRICE SEVEN CENTS « t Nonnflc B(n|)ttal%8olinol o( The Demncrailtc Town CDm- 5DL>^iXXXVI, NO. 247 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 21. 1967 Shinikia', iwuB one of four stu- They were accompanied hy '• 'fi___ J. dent nunm who reocfvod an Mrs. Adamy’s brother-in-law ihttibM wdU m eet M onday fit 8 amnand for academic excellence and slater, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-^ pm . in the MuaWlpal Butfdbic ACCOUNTING seph Bruiw, of West Hartford,' Police Arrests daringr Iwr fcdunan y«ar gtvMi hearing ,,room to diaouM Mnal Septamlier 1867 edmlasloB. b y Mm OanneoUout State Baud and tbeir children. They also plans ICr next Wednesday’s spe visited Mr. and Mrs. William HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING of Bbiwnlnen for mining. Henry F. Glods, 87, of 8 New- McKee, formerly of Manches cial ejection, reports Ted Cum 66 Forest S t, Hartford—Td. 247«1116 men S t was chaiged at • pm. IM. S gt. Slvereibt ML HewMA ter, at Daytona Beach, Fla. mings, oommlMtee obalnusB. AppUcatioDs now being accepted for 380 Communists Die yaaberdsy with fenach of peace ' and family of Washington, D.C., Votera in AasemUy Dtstrict as a result cf^a domestlo dls- eire vaoeMncffig at '“lyiinlde” The second registration for 18 w ill ohiaoBe Thom as Oonran, turtnnoe at Mb home, poOce re swimming lessons sponsor oottago, Ootanbla EjbIobi. H e is the Demcicratic candidate, or ported. ed by the Town Recreation De Mm son of Mr. and Mrs, John Donald Genoveet, Republican, to IFolIpe said they aneated him partment will be held tomorrow Hemdtt of IBoyntnn Beach Ela., flU Mm vsjoancy for State Rep on a oomptaint of his wife. OMbe Hogow, Batters, Ver- fonneriy of iManchcBter. He Is resentative from the dlatclct Gtade Is free on |300 bond In Two Viet Fights Globe Hollow, Saulters, Ver- a oomCNitor management mi- created by the reomt death of pen din g eppeoxanoe in iMian- ACADEMIC planck and Waddell. Lessons pcrvlsor In the 'Air IForoe Sys- Vkioent Genoveet, who had been cheSter caiwuit 18 Aug. 14. will start Monday. tema Oommand and has been in elected to the post lost flgtll. Beink» Caswell of RFD 4, READING IMPROVEMENT CENTER. iNC. Mie Air IFVHloe for 02 yeans. He In preparatkai for the elec Coventry was charged at 9:20 Stanley E . G rzyb o f 20 B erke was recently cited at Outstand tion, Cummings said, party lead pm .' yesterday with faUure to ley St., has been named to the FINAL REOISTXtATlONS ABB NOW BBINO AOOBPTBD in g INOO fo r Mm quarter at Air ers and workers In all seven tUoy a traffic oontrol signal. dean’s list for the spring se Force System Oommand Head- diatrfets have cooperated in get Police said she drove through FOB THB SECOND BHMMEB SESSION ^ Buyers *' U.S. CarrieT mester at Dickinson College, quartens, A ndrew s AF1B, Md. ting out a mailing to aU Demo a rad hgfat at Main Paik Sta Carlisle, Pa. JULY 81 TO AUGUST 84 crats end unaftUlated vetens In She is scheehiled to appear In World War I Barracks and Pilots Bag the lath DistaidL Manchester Circuit Court 12' 4r Olassea held 4 days weehtar, Bloiiday Uumigh Ihorsday S PCT. IS FLOOD PLAIN Outlook Auxiliary will have a picnic The letters contain absentee A u g. 7. A Hours 8:16-8t45 AJML or lOtOO-UtSO AM. ocOMdiag to Sunday at 2 p.m., rain or shine, WASHINGTON—In the dnltcd bainots, a memorandum urging ptaoement Three MIGs at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. States—excepting Hawaii and partioipatlon ta the election, ■ k Fro-testing prom m ’ fw diagnosis and i^hoement WUber UtUe, 195 Spencer St Alaska—there are about 200,000 'and a ca rd hating Mte b a ck Had No Vowels arFrograms for Eteewentaiy, Jr. EOgh and O g h School Brighter SAIGON (AP)— South Those attending are reminded square miles of flood plains, or ground of the Democratic can The earliest written alpha Vietnamese and South Ko to bring articles for a kitchen about 6 per cent of the total didate. bets did not contain vowejis. ■ k Alr-Oondlttoiied dasoiooiiM . * OertlfM Tenohers WASHINGTON (AP)—A ser social. land area. * Central Location AAmple Faridng rean troops reported kill 2 Addiitionel vdlunteen are When the Greeks borrowed the ies of federal and congrresslonal ing 380 Communist sol needed to man telephones, and Phoenician letter symbols, they 68 EAST OBNTBB ST. Lafonnatton actions Improve the outlook for those wishing bo help are asked used the characters they did MANGHESTEB, CONN. 648-9947 Hehneted police, armed with shotguns, pass blaz nor looting was reported.NPolice marched shoulder diers in two savage battles U.8. consumers. If all bear to call Oumminga, Chester By- not need for consonant sounds Andrews BoUding (Next to Oavey's Bestanrant) er ing grocery store in north Minneapolis as they be- to shoulder down a three-bl^k area to dear the today while, over North cholski, OonnHv’s campaign to represent the vowels, thus gin to dear crowd of unruly Negroes in a second way for firemen and halt lootihg. (AP Photofax) fruit, buyers may not necessari Vietnam, American carrier BEAN FESTIVAL -- night of violence. Fire bombs were thrown and mi ly save money but they’ll be pilots blasted three MIGs assiured a fsiirer shake in the from the sky and probably marketplace. J U L Y ^ d . WhUe . federal agencies moved dawned a fourth. SATURDAY, The aerial action was the first Thursday to Implement or Im IJConn^ Beauty significant dogfight over the Sttrving 3 to 8 P.M. pose rules governing sale of :2nd Night of Negro Violence North in six weeks. food and transistor radios, Bean Hole Beans , BTORBS (AP) — Tke I ^ • 1 g Brings You The Very Finest Univerttty of Connecticut. congressional subcommittees South Vietnamese headquar ters said an elite' airborne bat Served w ith ch oice o f Hani o r H ot D ok and has a more than average worked toward Improving the connection with beautiful auto insuremee shopper’s lot, talion killed 240 enemy soldiers JKeeps Minneapolis oh Edge In northernmost Quang Tri Cole Slaw— Salt Poric— ^Relish— ^Ketchup r i n c j i u r s t Things To Eat girls thia Biunmer. lotting credit buyers know what credit costs and looking out for Province along the coastal plain despite a strict police siurveil- Mlse Connecticut, Diane Home Abide Brown Bread Plus LOW PRICES .lOmOAGO (AP)—Rock many days rumors of Impend air travelers. In a fight with what was evi Open Thurs. and Fri. HU 9 — at 8 A.M. Fri. and Sot. lance and the presence of Na Byio, 21, of Norwalk, will be throwing, at least two ing trouble have been cir These were the developments: dently a Ckimmunist battalion of tional Guardsmen. a sen ior a t UOoim in Sei>- Coffee, Milk and Ice Cream culating. In certain measure it —The F ederal Trade Oon\- about 600 men. The Communists diootings and a dozen At the black power meeting in tem ber. MR. AND MRS. PETER ALLAN KLOCK was organized around the ru mlsslon proposed a rule that were reported to have aban Come in and see what’s happening at Pinehurst... Prove to yourself that dmaU fires were reported Newark, N.J., H. Rapp Brown, MASS Connecticut Agricul Four Serving Lines—^No Waiting mors themselves.” would force sellers of transistor doned 89 weapons. you get the finest in ‘'Good Things To Eat” at Pinehunst plus low prices, $8 violence flared up in In Durham , N .C., som e 300 national chairman of the Stu ture, Diane Buscagna, 18, of Henry St. and Felix S. Klock radios to list In their advertising About 100 miles to the south in Rain or Shino Miss Susan Lynn Hallock of RAR too. No coupons to fool with . or be fooled by. MinneapoIiB, Minn., Thurs Negroes staged a relatively dent Nonviolent Coordinating Coventry, iplans to enter of Glastonbury. and labeling a true count of the coastal Binh Dinh Province, Riverhead, N.Y. and Peter Al peaceful march to City HaU to Committee, said President Lyn UConn >ps a freshman this Two largo oxhibitlon hedb ovollablo The Rev. John Howard of day night and early today. number of transistors. ' troopers of South Korea’s White GHIOKEN Got Milk In got. |iig for 80c.. .Sooltasf lea Cream„99e Va-gd... underline their demands for bet don B. Johnson was ready to fa ll. lan Klock of Manchester were First Presbyterian Church, A police Inspector said tme The FTC said the practice of Horse Division overran jungle iwoond outbreak.in two nights ter housing and other social re hdp “racist authorities” stop What’s mote.