Matls Licensing Package for Amend 9 to License 34-25957-01 For
- k y$$f,$$$? u c A 2 1 1 eg 4 W 808 License number MATERIALS LICENSE j SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 30 3073 I ( < Amendment No. 09 f>( l-i ' i M |4 (i Victoreen, Inc. (Delaware) j 6000 Cochran Road I q Solon, OH 44139-3395 In accordance with letter dated May 17, 1993,, license Number 34-25957-01 is amended as | Fj je follows: , ; [ [ t - - 4 y, ; . - i1" Conditions ll.C and 24. are amended *to read: k k(t , i < ~ ss j 11. C. The Radiation Saf(t) Officer for this license is B'arbara M. Kapsar. y C ~',f , , i |$ 24. Except as provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall 4 conduct its program 5in accordance with the statementsr representations, and d procedures contain$d in the ddcu'ments, including ag 'ni;enclosuges,, listed below. The d U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulatio'ns4 hall govern unless the statements, f representations,1and procedure's in'the' licensee q more restrictive than the regulations.'eJ. uj)ts:[ application'"and{ correspondence are A .. .x's e. N 4 A. Applications idated Jiarch 6,T.1985,1 Novemberf l6,1987, Augdit 3,1988 (with ,4 attachments),' August 331,1990;4Eeb'ruar' L6','1991'.(with attschments) and y ~ ,2; f October 8, 1991s (with" attachments)'; [inds , ,. .. D . ' h !q B. Letters dated 'J nuary 28,11983, Dec' W r -embe 16 ?)984, Mar'c5 6, 1985, May 31, 1985,. 4 March 12, 1986,-June 8, 1987, Decemberc9,*1987, January 13, 1988, March 11, k ~1988, March 28,1988, April 11, '1988,' -July 7,' 1988? August 3,1988, jj September 8,1988, Tune 9,1989, March 26,1996G{ebruary 25, 1991, May 17, g ! 1993 and June 15, 1993.
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