
The Rev. Dr. Fred W. Meuser, theologian, pastor, and first president of Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, OH), died Saturday June 16, 2018 in Orlando, FL.

Dr. Meuser was born in Payne, OH as the third surviving child of The Rev. Henry and Alvina Meuser. One of 8 siblings, he attended school in Pigeon, MI, Pemberville, OH, and graduated from Alpena Central High School, Alpena, MI.

After high school, he attended , earning a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude in 1945 and a Bachelor of Divinity degree cum laude in 1948. He was ordained on June 13, 1948 by his father and served as Assistant Pastor at First Lutheran Church, Galveston, TX.

In the fall of 1948, he began his graduate studies at Yale Divinity School, studying under Roland Bainton, Robert Calhoun, and Kenneth Scott Latourette, among others. He graduated in the spring of 1949 with the Master of Sacred Theology degree cum laude, after his thesis “Luther’s Teaching on Baptism” was accepted.

Called to North Miami, FL, as part of the American Lutheran Church Board of American Missions “Florida Project,” he started Christ Lutheran Church, serving as founding pastor from July 1949 to July 1951.

Encouraged by his seminary, he returned to Yale in 1951 for his doctoral studies, with Sydney Ahlstrom as his advisor. Meuser received his M.A. in 1953 and his Ph.D. in 1956 on The Formation of the American Lutheran Church. During this time at Yale, he also led the Ministry to Lutheran Students, providing pastoral care to many young men with whom he stayed in contact until his death. In 1961 – 62, he completed post- doctoral studies at Heidelberg University, .

From 1953 until his retirement in 1989, Dr. Meuser devoted his career to educating, mentoring, and encouraging developing pastors. He joined the Capital Seminary as Professor of Church History in 1953, in 1956 becoming the first faculty member there to have an earned doctorate.

He remained Professor of Church History as the seminary became Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, with an expanded role as Dean of Post-graduate studies from 1966-1969.

From 1969 - 1971, Dr. Meuser accepted a two-year call to serve as the Executive Secretary, Division of Theological Studies at the Lutheran Council in the USA. The division conducted the basic study on the ordination of women for the ALC, LCA, and LCMS. Meuser considered the work to reflect the power of the Holy Spirit leading both women and men to see ordination of women as biblically warranted and theologically responsible.

As he completed his work for LCUSA, he looked forward to his return to teaching at ELTS. His time available for teaching, however, was limited after he was elected to the office of President of ELTS in 1971. From 1971 to his retirement in 1989, he led the school, including efforts from 1974 to 1978 that culminated in the consolidation with Hamma School of Theology to form Trinity Lutheran Seminary. The consolidation of the schools was viewed by many as a forerunner of the ELCA merger a decade later.

Other accomplishments at Trinity included significant faculty and curricular expansion; development of an administrative structure, 800% increase in the endowment, a leadership role in the ALC Seminary Appeal (1978 – 82) that raised $35,000,000, and the planning and implementation of the Trinity campus expansion and renovation that was completed without incurring debt.

At the same time he was fulfilling his educational ministry, Dr. Meuser was active in churchwide, international, and ecumenical activities, reflecting his passion for the whole Christian family. Responsibilities included: Delegate (ALC) to World Council of Churches Assembly, Uppsala, Sweden, 1968 Delegate to Lutheran World Federation Assembly, Evian, France, 1970 Chairman, Lutheran World Federation Commission on Studies 1972 – 1974 Vice president of The ALC 1974 – 1980 Chaplain for ALC Biennial National Convention, Washington, DC, 1976 Member, Executive Committee, Association of Theological Schools, 1980s Member, Commission for A New Lutheran Church 1982 – 88 Chairman, Task Force on Theology of the Commission for New Lutheran Church, 1982 – 1984 Member, International Lutheran and Orthodox Churches Dialogue, 1983 – 1992 Member, ELCA Task Force on Ministry 1988 – 1994 Assistant to the Pastor, St Paul’s Lutheran Church Westerville, OH (1995 – 1997). Retreats, Special Programs, or Seminars for Military Chaplains and/or Families: Kaiserslautern, Germany 1961 Berchtesgaden, Germany 1962 Kindley Air Base, Bermuda 1964 Tokyo, Japan (Chaplains of the Far East Command) 1967 Pensacola Naval Air Station 1972 Naval Air Station, Orlando, FL 1975 Supply and guest preaching at congregations throughout the church, at synod assemblies, and at the 1997 churchwide assembly (1953 – 2018)

While he always saw himself primarily as a pastor, preacher, and teacher, he also authored numerous works. In addition to articles and book reviews in Lutheran Quarterly, Lutheran Partners, Lutheran Standard, Trinity Seminary Review, Greater Works, Lutherische Kirchenzeitung, and others, the following books of are of note: The Formation of the American Lutheran Church – Wartburg Press, 1958 A Great Church Finds Itself (editor) – Quitman, GA, 1966 Interpreting Luther’s Legacy: Essays in Honor of Edward C Fendt, (co-editor), Augsburg Publishing House, 1969 “The Changing Roman Catholic View of Luther,” in Interpreting Luther’s Legacy – Augsburg Publishing House, 1969 The Lutherans in North America (with others), Fortress Press, 1975 Church in Fellowship (with others) – Augsburg Publishing House, 1977 What Did Luther Understand by Religion? (translator, with Walter R Wietzke, of Karl Holl’s Gesammelte Aufsaetze zur Kirchengeschichte), Fortress Press, 1977 The Reconstruction of Morality (translator with Walter R Wietzke of Karl Holl’s Der Neubau der Sittlichkeit) Fortress Press, 1979 Luther the Preacher, Augsburg Publishing House, 1983 “Luther as Preacher of the Word of God” in Cambridge Companion to Martin Luther, Cambridge University Press, 2003

In gratitude for and recognition of his teaching, preaching, and leadership, Dr. Meuser received the following honors. Texas Lutheran College, Distinguished Churchman Award, 1972 Capital University, Alumni Achievement Award, 1977 Texas Lutheran College, Doctor of Divinity, 1980 C C Hein Memorial Lectureship 1983. Lectures in observance of the 400th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s Birth. Delivered at Gettysburg, Pacific, Philadelphia, Trinity, and Wartburg Theological Seminaries, 1983 – 84 Augustana Lutheran College (Rock Island, IL), Doctor of Humane Letters, 1985 Capital University, Doctor of Divinity, 1989 Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Joseph Sittler Award For Theological Leadership, 1990 Fred W Meuser Chair of Church History at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, designated by Trinity Lutheran Seminary Board, 1994

Dr Meuser was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, and two sisters. He is survived by his spouse of nearly 67 years, a daughter and her husband, a son, a granddaughter, two sisters, one brother, numerous nieces and nephews, and the large circle of friends that he loved like family.