1 8/2021 2 The Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary is a member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) [15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: 434.525.9539; e-mail:
[email protected]] having been awarded Ac- credited Status as a Category III institution by the TRACS Accredi- tation Commission on October 30, 2018; this status is effective for a period of up to five years. TRACS is recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDOE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). The Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary is also a member of the Association for Biblical Higher Education in Canada and the United States (ABHE) [5850 T G Lee Blvd, Suite 130, Orlando, FL 32822; Telephone: (407207-0808; email:
[email protected]] 3 Welcome ___________________________________________ 6 Academic Calendar ___________________________________ 7 Communicating with FLBC ____________________________ 8 History of the Free Lutheran Bible College ________________ 9 Mission Statement/Institutional Objectives ________________ 9 FLBC Program Outcomes ___________________________ 9-10 Means of Support ___________________________________ 10 Philosophy of Education ___________________________ 10-11 Biblical Foundations Statement _____________________ 12-15 Campus and Student Life __________________________ 16-21 FLBC Office/Athletics/Bookstore/Chapel Attendance _____ 16 Christian Service _______________________________