AUGSBURG COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Minneapolis 4, Minnesota EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR Founded 1869 Vol. XIII, No. 3 Catalog Number April, 1951 THE AUGSBURG BULLETIN 21 5 . Published bi-monthly and one additional issue in April by Augsburg College and Theological Seminary at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Entered as secondtlass matter March 21, 1947 at the post office ot Minneapolis, Minnesota, under the ad of August 24, 1912. FIRST SEMESTER dozsnniM &;iloqssnniM Friday ....................... I Freshma Tats Sept-ber 14, 17, 18 Friday, Monday, Tuesday. ..........Regisnation September 14-18 Friday to Tuesday. ......-...... .Freshman Days September 19, 8:00 A.M. Wednesday ...................... Cl- btgin Saturday ................ .Late Registration Fee October 26-28 Friday w m&y. ............... .Homecoming , - November 17 %&PB -1.............. .Middle of Semester November 22, 23 nnrgday Friday-. ..... .Thanksgiving Recess December 2 I, 4: 20 P.M. Friday-. .<. ;. ............ .Christmas Recess begins ., - January 8, 8:00 A.M. Tuesday. .... .Glasses #beginafter Christmas Recess January 28 .to February I Monday to Friday. ............. : . .Examinations February r Friday .................... .First Semester ends J~ry28 to February I ............Registration for Second Semester February 8 Frklay .................. Late Registration Fee February 22 Friday; holiday. ......... .Washington's Birth&y April 2 Wednesday. ................ .Middle of aer April 9, 4:20 P.M. Wednesday. ............... .Easter Recess begins April 15, 8:oo A.M. Tuesday.. .................. Easter Recess ends 1, =Y; , . ligA- * - qv~$ WQ~' une -... .- .- - Mq 27 'to. 3 .......- - .: -............ .,..... Cobge *'Y~O M1T3dJUPQgB-U82aUA..l.Wmt;onh~ June 1 S day ... no ~~31103~~udrpuA yd liqlffn "I surr; .ljrrbitibbb. .inb. ~t&cv~%3de b%fl&q @&A41sttomrrol>bnomt zo &7--3~"h.?. .~<i1.0.q?9??~~~~gp~&~~ .rlQr .PC frupuA to tx sd? wbnu ,otoaunnlM .-iloqasnniM to 9250 tzoq 9d1 lo IPQI .I? BOARD OF TRUSTEES REV.
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