American Lutheran Church of Sun City


There have been so many challenges since we have been facing the coronavirus. Even though we will not have an opportunity to worship together through May 11, American Lutheran Church will continue to serve God and our community in this time of crisis.

Your generous gifts allow us to spread God’s message to our congregation and others in need.

There are several ways you can make your contribution:

1. You can place your donation in the secure, clearly marked mailbox just outside the office door. 2. You can also bring your offering to the church parking lot where a representative of the Finance Committee will receive it between 10:00-10:30 on Sunday morning until church reopens. 3. You can mail your offering to the address below: American Lutheran Church, 17200 N. Del Webb Blvd., Sun City, AZ 85373 4. You can give online. Here are four simple steps: 1. Go to our website at 2. Click on Giving. 3. Click on Giving Online. 4. You will then be on a Secure Website where you may easily complete your contribution information.

Please remember our commitments to serve God and Community by praying and worshipping daily, studying God’s Word and serving one another.

Blessings to all – Terri Polk, ALC Council President

MISSION STATEMENT To proclaim the love of Jesus Christ, invite others to participate in our faith community, and be a blessing to all in word and deed.


Message from Pastor Judith Rainforth ...... 3-4 Message from Pastor Gary Garvey ...... 5 Wellness Minute ...... 6 President of the Congregational Council ...... 7-8 2020 Budget Vs. Actual Spending ...... 8 Finance Committee ...... 9 Audit Committee ...... 9-10 Trust Committee ...... 10 Worship and Music ...... 10-11 Committees ...... 11-12 Women’s Ministries ...... 12 Stephen Ministry ...... 12-13 Featured Article: “Stories of our Stained-Glass Windows Part 5” ...... 14 Neighborhood Groups Message ...... 14 Message from the Communications and Media Specialist ...... 15 Fellowship of Friends Announcement ...... 16 Hurting?... Somebody Need Care? Let the Church Know! ...... 16 Devotions ...... 16 Important Information Regarding Giving ...... 16 Gifts and Memorials ...... 17 Directory Changes ...... 18-19 Staff Directory and Emails ...... 20

*No calendar is included, because all services and events are cancelled for the month of April due to the coronavirus. 2


Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have such talented parishioners at American Lutheran Church, and I am overjoyed when they share their creativity. Recently, Dean L. Strycher has been sharing his poetry with me. The following one struck me as quite thought-provoking during this critical time when coronavirus has devastated our world.


Do you remember the time You smiled and felt safe In the arms that cared And wanted you forever

The times you were never in doubt Looking forward to the new light Another day of opportunity Growth and survival

Was it to be today Old wounds would disappear Fall to the ground And fade away

Time to heal

Please take time to reflect on the meaning you may find in this beautiful poetry. I am encouraging all to find the positive in their life each day as they awaken to a new day-to find the power of prayer and the rhythm of prayer in this Lenten journey and beyond. I have also been challenging people to keep a prayer journal as they write their daily prayers and keep track of how they think their prayers are being answered or not and how, perhaps, they are being answered differently than they thought they would be answered.

I am praying that this time of having to go online for worship, having to cancel events, not being able to meet in groups of certain sizes, and changing the pace of such a vital church will help us to appreciate all we have been blessed with and not take one person 3 or faith-filled opportunity for granted. I am praying we will be even more generous with our monetary support as we continue to support staff, pay our mortgage, and be responsible for the financial upkeep of a church that has blessed, not only those inside the walls, but those outside the walls for close to 50 years. We do not just want to survive during this difficult time, but we want to continue to thrive. We are carefully screening those who desire to enter our church facility and we encourage you each to stay in your homes as much as possible and find the peace and serenity that comes with opportunities to explore a quieter pace and reach out via phone calls, cards and electronics. Take more time to pray and meditate on the life God has given through his son, Jesus Christ.

Julian of Norwich is quoted as saying:

“All will be well, and all manner of things will be well.” Please believe this and live with faith-filled hearts and souls.

On March 14, the of our Synod made a necessary decision for protection of all and asked us to discontinue our worship services and gatherings immediately. It was very difficult to know that the services we were all prepared to participate in were not to be. Folded bulletins, flowers, music, scripture, sermon and all that goes with the weekend services were to be put to rest, but we did record the sermon for YouTube and our website, as we read the Gospel and proclaimed the good news. Please follow our YouTube channel and/or website,, to watch our Wednesday Evening Lenten Service and our weekend services.

With God’s help, we carry on with conference calls and online messages, and are creating live-streaming plans. May God fill us afresh with the Holy Spirit as we continue to glorify him. May we stay healthy while working together to build the Kingdom of God by being his hands and feet as we grow spiritually, so that Jesus can be introduced and followed.

To God be the Glory!

With love and hope,

Pastor Judith



Blessed by American Lutheran Church of Sun City!

You may have heard the Garvey’s are retiring for the third time. I’ve always failed at retirement. Every time I retire, it seems there is a church waiting. Not this time. I love our ALC church staff, and the joy of knowing y’all. I already miss preaching and performing liturgy, so passionate to share the Gospel. I would love to have done more. For the last five years, Di and I have enjoyed American Lutheran Church in worship and fellowship activities. Dianne has been richly blessed, growing spiritually in God’s word with the women at Friday Morning Bible Study, at Casa Garvey Book Club, and by being a Stephen Minister. I’ve enjoyed working closely with Pr. Gary Ulrich, Diane “Sarge” Lewis, Lori Kellar, and now Toni Molck in Care Ministries. All while praying you through hospitals, assisted living or nursing homes, your homes and more also.

As the years progress, we have become aware of the need to spend more time with children and grandchildren. Additionally, a missionary at heart, we want to re-engage some short- term, local United States and international missions. We’ll engage in some personal travels too. I started at the 43 years ago, having had a very ambitious life before. Since then I’ve been blessed with many amazing ministry adventures. All inclusive of 27 years of leadership in Federal Ecumenical Ministries worldwide, including Iraqi Coalitions. As Senior Pastor, I have led and loved ministries in six worship centers in the lake country. As a Visitation Pastor at ALC, we stayed here the longest. Yes, we are blessed to have had this journey with you. We are truly feeling the sadness of leaving and change. Please know we’re not going anywhere other than during summers. We’ll be back in the fall and looking forward to seeing you.

Blessings always,

Pr. Gary & Dianne Garvey


WELLNESS MINUTE: Overcoming a stressful event

The death of a spouse or loved one, financial difficulties and, currently, the fear of the coronavirus are a few of many possible life events that can cause high stress levels. You may be able to better navigate stress in your life by doing the following:

•Counseling (bereavement, financial, medical, etc) can help Identify stressors tackle the root cause of stress. If causes are less clear, and seek help therapy can still help you manage your reaction to stress.

•Schedule a window of time to consider issues causing stress and make plans to resolve or chip away at them. Gain Set limits on worry perspective by asking yourself if the cause of the stress will matter in five years.

•Have a go-to set of stress-reducing tools, such as deep Take breaks for breathing, meditation, or a warm bath. Other steps may include putting aside the to-do list, TURNING off the yourself NEWS, going for walks and positive self-talk and journaling.

Take care of health •Add resiliency with a healthy diet, good sleep, and regular exercise. Avoid turning to tobacco products, alcohol or other fundamentals drugs for relief.

•Ask or hire someone to help with yardwork or meals. Cut down on •Make a list of things to do and prioritize. minor stressors •Plan and pace yourself through the list.

Spend time with •Authentic connections make you stronger and provide many positive people ways to relieve stress.

Lori Kellar, ALC Wellness Ministry [email protected] 6


We have certainly been presented with challenges we did not foresee at the beginning of the 2020 year. First, we had Pastor Lowell’s health concerns. We continue to pray for both Pastor Lowell and his continued recovery and for his wife, Debbie, best friend and primary caregiver. His recovery has been slow and steady, and we don’t want to rush him to return. We want him to fully recover, especially now with the ravages of the coronavirus. His health concerns and absence from our ALC community have impacted all of us. Thank goodness we have a wonderful pastoral team: Pastor Judith Rainforth, Pastor Gary Ulrich, and Pastor Gary Garvey, who have stepped up in Pastor Lowell’s absence and continue to guide our congregation.

Second, we are now facing the coronavirus and the continuing and changing impact this has on our society. This global pandemic has impacted our schools, businesses, stock market, and our own ALC church. How can we respond to these challenges and the fears it brings? Well, we can begin by following the synod and state and national recommendations/mandates. How can we continue to be responsive to our congregation and their needs while still practicing within the recommendations/mandates? How can we deliver our messages, sermons, and visitations while still following these guidelines? How can we deliver the messages to people who do not have computers? How can we continue our mission of the church?

“To proclaim the love of Jesus Christ, invite others to participate in our faith community, and to be a blessing to all in word and deed”

It is important and imperative that staff and leadership reframe these challenges as opportunities. We are putting all sermons on our website, both Sunday and Lenten services. We are exploring the possibility of live-streaming our services. We are sending email blasts to the congregation, and for those who do not have computers, we are using our postal service to get information out. 7

Pastors are continuing to visit, as possible. We are contacting visitors by phone to tell them about our church, its activities, and outreach, inviting them to join us as members with a membership orientation after this crisis passes. We are exploring the possibility of a “Contact Through Cards” ministry. There many things we can do differently to continue to respond to our congregational needs. If you have ideas, please let me know by calling or texting me at (317) 258-7590.

We can all take precautions. We can all take a deep breath. Let’s take time to individually reflect on what Lent means to us and to reach out to others: family, friends and our ALC community. Call or write a note to others. Let’s use those muscles in our face and smile. Please remember that your church continues on. We need your support, both prayerfully and financially. Let us continue to pray and feel the arms of God wrapping around us and the Holy Spirit touching our hearts.

Prayerfully, Terri Polk

2020 Budget Vs. Actual Spending

Month: February YTD 2020

Budget Actual Better/ Budget Actual Better/ (Worse) (Worse) Regular $ 106,958 $118,694 $11,736 $216,474 $229,995 $13,521 Giving Income Operational $ 106,675 $110,955 $(4,280) $230,951 $249,986 $(19,035) Expense

Notes: Income includes regular offerings and excludes debt reduction, gift, memorial, and in/out revenue. Expense budget includes the principal portion of the mortgage payment and excludes gift and memorial expenses which were not budgeted.



We like to keep you informed on a regular basis about our finances. This is the first of quarterly or more frequent updates of our current financial situation this year. As you can see, our regular giving this year to date (YTD) is better than budgeted. However, our expenses are more (higher) than budgeted. The significant overages are in personnel and operations expenses. We are looking into the details and expect that the expenses will fall back in line. We are concerned that giving could be a problem because of the current health crisis and curtailment of scheduled worship services. We ask you to continue your regular giving if at all possible. Please see page 1 of the Outreach for the various ways you can give. Your donation will be credited to your regular giving account.

Sincerely, Bob Bouldin, Finance Committee Chairman


The internal audit committee, comprised of Judy O’Brien, Tom Anderson, and Mike House, has completed two unannounced observations of the cash and check counting procedures, and procedures related to the reporting and depositing of offering contributions. The internal audit committee is satisfied that procedures are being followed.

The internal audit committee suggests several recommendations to the Finance Committee/Treasurer:

1) For there to be a more distinct segregation of responsibility (i.e. that the Financial Coordinator not be involved in the counting, completing of deposit ticket(s) or actual running to the bank to make cash and check offerings deposit; 2) That the Finance Committee give a summary report, on a quarterly basis, to be included in the Outreach Newsletter. 3) That the Finance Committee begin to identify 3 to 5 firms, with estimated cost, to conduct an external audit in 2021 for Fiscal Year 2020 and that this estimated cost be included in the Finance Committee’s recommended budget for 2021.


The internal audit committee will wait for an invitation to meet with the Finance Committee and/or further direction from the Finance Committee before proceeding further.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Anderson Judy O’Brien Mike House TRUST COMMITTEE

To provide transparency to the congregation as to the workings of the Trust Committee, a summary of some of the discussions from the March meeting are outlined below:  The Trust Committee voted and agreed that a separate account would be set up for the Gifts and Memorials funds, thereby separating the funds from the ALC general fund. All checks drawn from the account will require two signatures: the current treasurer of the Trust Committee and the current chairperson of the Gifts and Memorials committee. This provides better accountability and traceability of dispersed monies.  Alison Roberts, from the Lutheran Seminary, is scheduled to address the trust committee at the April meeting.  Don Garverick scheduled a representative from Lutheran Social Services to speak at our May meeting.  Bea Hodson, a long-time member of ALC, passed away recently. Donations to the ALC trust fund were included in her will.


Why do we worship together?

In an article written by David Mathis of, he states that worshiping Jesus together may be the single most important thing we do to rekindle our spiritual fire and keep it burning. Group worship brings together God’s word, prayer, and fellowship- for the greatest means of God’s ongoing grace in the Christian life.


Martin Luther found corporate worship powerful: “at home, in my own house, there is no warmth or vigor in me, but in the church, when the multitude is gathered together, a fire is kindled in my heart, and it breaks its way through.”

When our new “normal” is established, let’s each live out our mission by inviting others to proclaim, invite and be a blessing. Find comfort in faith over fear with hymns that lead us to faith beyond fear: “Amazing Grace,” “It Is Well with My Soul,” and “A Mighty Fortress,” to name a few.


American Lutheran Church has several volunteers who sit on committees and assist with the management and operations of our congregation. A partial list is included this month and we will complete the list next month. Reach out and thank them for their service or feel free to ask about a concern you have, and above all please pray for them.

Thank you, Rita Van Stelle – ALC Council Secretary

2020 ALC Council and Committee Members

President: Terri Polk Vice President: Sharon Grambow Secretary: Rita Van Stelle Treasurer: Deb Hjortland Council Members: Ron Prekker, Bob Bouldin, Wally Brambilla, Bryan Cooper-Keeble, Pete Oppedahl, Phil Miller, Ray Brodland, Chris Weldon, Don Garverick, Robert Wecker and Jan Powell


Benevolence: Ron Prekker, Bob Rogalski, Judie VanDevere-Stage, Lollie Stevens, Marge Lane, Marilyn Hempen, Marty Livingston, Ann Skidmore

Finance: Bob Bouldin, Wally Brambilla, Deb Hjortland, Harold Moe, Julie Ochs

Neighborhood Groups: Bryan Cooper-Keeble

Parish Education & Evangelism: Pete Oppedahl

Personnel: Sharon Grambow, Chuck Alliss, Dave Hjortland, Maryanne Winters 11

Property and Grounds: Phil Miller, Ray Brodland

Publicity: Chris Weldon

Safety Committee: Bob Bouldin, Wally Brambilla, Dan Garverick, Dennis Kellar, Van Judd

Stephen Ministry: Bryan Cooper-Keeble

Trusts: Don Garverick, Wally Brambilla, Dean Strycker, Bill Imig, Myron Missling, Bob Sosa, Perc Peckham, Mike House, Connie Kurth

Wednesday Night Alive: Deb Hjortland, Maryanne Winters, Connie Brodland, Van Judd, Vicki Merlak, Alan Olson, Gil Thoele, Janet MacDonald, Ginny Walker, Carol Torgenson, Lori and Dennis Kellar (dinners)

Women’s Ministries: Jan Powell, Marty Livingston, Marge Lane, Pam Prueter, Caroline Woodruff, Janice New, Jill Solberg, Debbie Nielson, Lori Kellar


As with other events at ALC, all of our Women’s Ministry events in April are cancelled. Please stay healthy and safe during this time.

The Women’s Ministry Board wishes to express our deep appreciation to everyone for their generous and continued support of our projects. You make it possible for us to do our work at ALC, as well as in the local community and beyond. A special ‘thank you’ to Nola Mellstrom who sent us her friend Judy from . Judy drove 30+ boxes for us to Lutheran Global Health in Fridley, Minnesota. Thank you, Judy!

We look forward to working together on our projects when the coronavirus is over.


All on-campus Stephen Ministry activities at American Lutheran Church are suspended for the near future. We look forward to the time when we can again gather safely and continue our programming. All Stephen Ministers are encouraged to continue contacting their care receivers even though we cannot make physical visits. Care receivers are invited to reach out to their Stephen Ministers as well.


It appears as though our entire congregation is involved in Stephen Ministry now, caring for one another at this unprecedented time. So many are isolating themselves as we are asked by our National and State governments. To do that, loneliness becomes a serious problem. I invite all members of ALC to reach out to a fellow member whom you haven’t seen for a while, perhaps one you don’t even really know. Just say “How are you? I miss seeing you and all of our church family”. Reach out to a neighbor in the same way. Welcome to “Stephen Ministry.” Caring is what we’re all about.

In Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians he admonishes the church (and us) to “rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks in all circumstances.” I cannot think of a better time in history to follow St Paul’s words.

Be blessed by being a blessing!

For ALC Stephen Ministry, Glen Schulz

I invite anyone who would like more information about Stephen Ministry or who would simply like to talk to someone for a bit, to contact me either by phone or by email. Phone: 623-875-1011 Email: [email protected]



Our last two windows, the “Music Windows”, are located in the educational wing. These windows were originally in the choir room, which is now the chapel. I am not sure when they were relocated. These two windows stress the importance of music to our worship experience at ALC. You can look at these windows and see how the music theme is emphasized through the music staff, clef, and music notes. One window features a mandolin and stringed psaltery (like a dulcimer), the other a flute and horn.

Well, this concludes our wonderful story about the stained-glass windows. Please look for more of this story in the 2020-2021 Wednesday Night Alive (WNA) programs. Taken from the booklet “The Gifts of God as Portrayed in the Stained-Glass Windows of American Lutheran Church”.

Peace and Good Health to you all, Terri Polk


This is a sad time in our year with the new pandemic COVID-19 causing such havoc in our daily lives. Arizona Governor Ducey has issued a directive which limits the meeting of groups in public places until further notice. With this in mind, at a special meeting of ALC Church Council Thursday March 12th, a motion was unanimously approved to direct all ALC neighborhood groups to stop meeting immediately. As a result, I asked Toni Molck to send a notification to all Group Leaders of this requirement. As Chairman of this most important group at ALC, I would ask each and every member of a group to please stay in very close touch with your fellow members. Maybe your group leader can prepare several weekly call lists of 6 to 8 members each and assign willing members to make contact and report any concerns to your group leader. Those named as having ‘health problems in need’ should then be given to Lori Kellar, our nurse, for follow up. This COVID-19 could prove to be a silent killer for some, if not all, of our 80 year-plus members and those in a normal health risk situation. Be diligent, be wise, be tolerant. Blessings, Bryan Cooper-Keeble 623-376-6666 [email protected] 14


Hello everyone,

I hope you and your families are doing well during this time of social distancing. Since returning to ALC after my maternity leave, I have focused on making strides in our media presence. I have created a new Facebook page under “American Lutheran Church of Sun City, AZ”. Please like and follow it for ongoing updates, sermons, and an opportunity to engage with your fellow church members. I have accessed our YouTube account and made some updates. To know immediately when a new sermon has been uploaded, subscribe to our channel, American Lutheran Church of Sun City, and turn on notifications by clicking on the bell icon.

I am looking at ways to update our webpage and researching opportunities for new features. It has come to my attention that some people have been getting an older version of the webpage when they search for it on Google. To avoid this issue, please be sure to type in the website, This should bring you to the most up-to-date version.

Although we have stopped advertising during this time of coronavirus and cancellations of our church services and events, I will be working with ALC’s publicity chair, Chris Weldon, on our advertising ventures once services begin again. I want to do my part to accomplish the church mission of proclaiming the love of Jesus Christ, inviting others to participate in our faith community, and being a blessing in word and deed. If you have any suggestions for ALC’s communications and media, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at the church office, (623) 974-2512. I would love to hear from you.

Warm Regards, Oddesy Hernandez

Communications and Media Specialist



An UPDATE to those who bought tickets to “, the Musical” through Fellowship of Friends:

Arizona Broadway Theater has postponed indefinitely the production of “Chicago, the Musical.” They have announced that this show will be rescheduled into their calendar as the first show when they are able to reopen the theater. At this point in time, ABT is not issuing refunds. However, our group tickets will be exchanged for the reopening of “Chicago.” If the dates for rescheduling do not work well for American Lutheran members, then we will do our very best to be refunded or exchanged for another show later in the season.

Like you, we regret this turn of events. Please feel free to contact us at 623-224-1750 or 309-335-3141.

John and Vicki Tate

HURTING…SOMEBODY NEEDING CARE? LET THE CHURCH KNOW! The Bible says; ‘O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.’ This is true in hospitals, assisted living, nursing homes, hospice, and in-home care. Place a call and let the church know who needs pastoral care. Please call ALC Care Ministries at (623) 974-2512, especially during this time of the coronavirus.

Thank You! Blessings always, Pr. Gary


Daily devotions will be available in the church courtyard for anyone who would like them. If you are a shut-in and would like them mailed, please contact the church office at (623) 974-2512.


 Love Offerings will be processed when the church is reopened.  Please check your online giving. Some have ceased, because the expiration date has passed.



Gifts given to American Lutheran Church in memory of:

Delward Jenson Dorothy Hedges, Char Riebe, Mary Schoeneberg, Marcy and Lowell Ergen, Gordon and Betty Falkofske, Martha Stewart and Richard Novarre, Carrie and Tammy Falkofske, Anita Falkofske Eaton, Janet Arndt, Terry and Wendy Scott, Marv and Jody Weber

Don Bucher Gerald Hayes

Helen Quello Sheila Worley

Jean Kallenbach Barbara and Patrick Lehto

Jennie Ramstad Her Ladies Dinner Group

Judy Hayes Gerald Hayes

LaVonne Klandrud Char Riebe, Audrey Wedul, Violet and Don Anderson, Ann R. Jones, Harold Peterson, Glen Schulz, Joan Jordahl, Linda Shirck

Linda Balk Sheila Harmell

Milan Susina Laura Thorp

Otto Wedul Helen Olson

Phyllis Seim Kay and Arvid Peterson, Janet and Van Judd, Sheila Harmell, Gerald Hayes

Gifts were given by an anonymous donor; Chris Weldon; for the needy by Cheryl McClelland; and in thankfulness for prayers and visitations for Kellie Carey by Connie Carey.



We express our deepest sympathy to those who have lost loved ones.

REMOVED FROM ROLLS BY DEATH Jean E. Kallenbach (2/9/2020) Linda M. Balk (2/21/20) Jennie M. Ramstad (2/12/20) LaVonne J. Klandrud (2/23/20) Delward L. Jenson (2/16/20) Beatrice C. Hodson (3/5/20) Marrie C. Coffman (2/16/20) Curtis W. Bummer (3/8/20)

CENTENARIANS Mary Graybiel (105) Norma Carlsson (105) Birthday - 3/11/1915 Dorothy Noren (102) Florence Johnson (100)

PHONE NUMBER UPDATES Correction: Vicki Merlak’s number was incorrectly placed in March’s Outreach. The correct number is still 623-466-9995.

LOCAL ADDRESS CHANGES Connie Anderson Thomas & Catherine Haas 101 W Palmeras Dr., Apt. 235 19637 N Welk Dr Sun City, AZ 85373 Sun City, AZ 85373

Carol Hand Beverly Huston 10800 N 115th Ave, Apt. 40 35 W Brown Rd, Apt 278 Youngtown, AZ 85363 Mesa, AZ 85201

Marie Johnson Judith Krueger 10101W Palmeras Dr., Apt. 312 9729 W Pinecrest Dr Sun City, AZ 85373 Sun City, AZ 85351

Jennie Markow Carolyn Riggle 10414 W Gulf Hills Dr 16477 W. Bell Rd., Apt. A 229 Sun City, AZ 85351 Surprise, AZ 85374


Roger & Connie Schwieso Philip & Jill Solberg 982 Oak Rd 9607 W Calico Dr Harlan, IA 51537 Sun City, AZ 85351

MOVED OUT OF AREA PERMANENTLY Eugene & Andrea Bond Ben & Marion Janowski 104 Roth Rd 7500 York Ave S, Apt 538 Drums, PA 18222 Edina, MN 55435-5648

Dorothy Purling Johnson Dean & Lorraine Kendall 1300 S Harrison St, Apt 607 1387 4th Ave NW Amarillo, TX 79101 Milaca, MN 56353

Barbara Saboe Roger & Connie Schwieso st 16820 SE 41 Circle 982 Oak Rd Vancouver, WA 98683 Harlan, IA 51537

Edith Villalovos Sandra Walker 2235 River Plaza Dr., Apt. 156 7272 S Barrens Rd., Apt 103 Sacramento, CA 95833 Hollins, VA 24019


American Lutheran Church of Sun City 17200 N. Del Webb Blvd Sun City, AZ 85373


PASTORAL STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Rev. Lowell D. Nelson Senior Pastor Julie Ochs Finance Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Gary R. Ulrich Pastor of Care Ministry Toni Molck Operations Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Judith Rainforth Pastor Oddesy Hernandez [email protected] Communications/Media Rev. Gary R. Garvey Visitation Pastor [email protected] [email protected] Lori Kellar Wellness Ministry [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY Dave Tigges Property / Grounds Linda Shirck Interim Organist [email protected] [email protected] Rolfe Blaess Sound Janet MacDonald Choir Director [email protected] George Zoske Director of Christo Bells [email protected] Phone: 623.974.2512 Fax: 623.974.2515 20